• Published 11th Nov 2015
  • 3,287 Views, 261 Comments

Long Live the Queen - QueenChrysalisForever

The current Queen Chrysalis has been wounded beyond the healing a good feeding provides. So she invites Discord over, to perform a spell he has been helping with for centuries. Will the new Queen be able to handle the pressure? Or will she fail?

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Changeling Castle- Apatelodes

“She’s still not answering,” I growled, slamming my casting emerald onto the table. Ever since Videre and I had come back in after Hope left, I’d been trying to get hold of my Queen repeatedly. The remaining members of the council and we had met once more to discuss the situation with our Queen in Canterlot and the Diamond Dog threat.

“Perhaps her majesty is already talking to the princesses?” Chioides whispered, lowering his one ear slightly. “After all, the quicker they talk; the faster she can return, right?”

“Maybe,” I sighed, folding my hooves on the council table and letting my head fall into them. “She might have left me in command while she was gone, but dealing with Radiant Hope and her army is not a decision I can make on my own.”

“Well, we are here to help,” Videre said, adjusting the helmet on his head and patting my shoulder. “We want everyling protected just as much as you.”

Crambus rubbed the blue stripe along his muzzle. "What would you have us do against these Umbrum? Even worse, what are we going to do about those diamond dogs?"

“Do you think they might have returned to their ancestral home in the gem mines?” Asbolis asked. He was one of my hatchmates who distinguished himself by keeping his frilled mane cut very short. “It would explain them being this close, what with the mines being less than a half day’s flight to the west.”

I nodded, “it’s possible. Hope would need somewhere nearby to keep them, so why not there? Closer they are, the better the Diamond Dogs can keep us in the hive.”

"And the better they can get all of us once they attack," Chioides replied, visibly shuddering.

"We also can't afford to have anyling getting picked off outside either," I grunted, patting the armored changeling beside me on his shoulder. “Which is why I have brought Videre with me today.”

Videre nodded. “While I guard for intruders, I can watch for those trying to leave as well.”

“Not everyling comes and goes by the front door though,” Asbolis pointed out, tapping a hoof against the table. “Many fly through their windows.”

“Why not just fly away?” Crambus asked. “Those dumb dogs can’t fly.”

“No, but the Umbrum can,” Videre said. “Plus, the Diamond Dogs have catapults. I spotted them just in the woods.”

“Now, we can’t stop the others from flying away, but the more we can protect the better.” I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. Letting out a long sigh, I continued. "After Radiant Hope's show of force today, I don't think anyling will need any extra convincing to stay inside."

“We should still make an escape plan,” Crambus said, pulling a map of the castle out from a saddlebag draped across his back. He rolled it out onto the table in front of us.

I looked down on it, humming thoughtfully, moving a hoof back and forth along the thick lines. “Yes, we need to be prepared.” I tapped a hoof twice against the hatchery. “We have the exit hidden in the hatchery, leading to the back of the castle. That one would be best for getting the hatchlings and young ones out.”

“And the one here,” Videre said, pointing to the far side of the first floor. “It is hidden by bushes. It would do well for getting many out. Whatever we do, it will have to be done fast.”

“From the reports we received,” I said, looking up. “Hoofville was almost completely in flames in about ten minutes. Now most of their buildings were made of wood, not stone like ours.”

“But that doesn’t mean we should be any less careful,” Crambus huffed. “For as much as we have learned of these Umbrum, there is still much more we don’t know.” He stretched his wings before fluttering them nervously.

“Perhaps for now we should focus on the enemy we do know?” Chioides whispered, rubbing his forehooves together. “Staying away from those fangs and claws…” he shuddered.

“That is a good idea, Chioides,” I nodded. “With those mutts now added to Hope’s forces, we have to worry about their speed and sense of smell. At any time, every able-bodied adult should be paired with another, our highest priority of course being the injured and our young.”

“They do love the younger, tender flesh,” Videre nodded.

“Alright then, let’s figure out a schedule to do so,” I said, stomping a hoof on the table. “They are our future, and we must never forget that.”

Chioides raised a hoof.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Um, can we take a break for lunch first?” he mumbled. “I-I’m sure I’m not the only hungry one?”

The others nodded, murmuring the same.

I sighed, but nodded. After all, I was hungry too. Though if I’d be able to eat, that was another thing altogether. “Very well, we will take a brief break for lunch and then meet back here.”

I sat back in my chair once more as everyling rose and headed toward the door. Rubbing my hooves against my temples, I let out a groan. “How did Chrysalis handle this all the time? Making the big decisions, being in charge, it was all so much!”

“Don’t worry Apatelodes,” Videre said, patting my shoulder. “You are doing a great job! I’m sure Her Majesty would be proud of all you are doing.” He tilted his head sideways and grinned at me with his wings spread out behind him.

"At least someling thinks so," I muttered.

“Stay strong soldier!” he barked, stomping the ground with a hoof, though keeping his goofy grin. “Come on; let’s go eat. I’m sure a nice, juicy meal of love will perk you right up!”

“It has been a few days since I had any,” I sighed. Luckily I could easily survive those days, being well fed, but not everyling could.

“Well see, there you go!” he laughed, wrapping a hoof around me. “I heard two of our ponies recently started a relationship with each other. One of them is on the feeder menu tonight.” He grinned, winking at me as we started toward the door. “I know how much you love that ‘new love’ taste.”

He knew me so well. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised though, with how often we usually chatted. It has been some time though, so I was glad to finally have a chance once more.

“Well, we better get there fast so noling else gets them!” I laughed. Together we hurried our steps to the dining hall. It was good to have Videre by my side again, making my day better. It was just like the old days.

We talked long into the evening after lunch, stopping only to grab a quick dinner. I waved goodbye reluctantly as we all went our separate ways.

There was much to be done still, but at least we had a good idea of how to protect those in the hive. We all had our jobs to do. If being by my queen’s side all these years had taught me anything. Things should go according to plan- usually.

I had received word at dinner from Attacus that Phengaris wanted to see me soon as I could. Coincidentally, I had already planned on checking on the Princess. I bid the guard captain a adieu and made my way to the hatchery.

I passed by Crambus, already leading a patrol to the upper floors.They would take the first shift of fortifying the castle. It had been too long since we applied a new layer of our slime along the walls. As it dried, it became harder than the usual mortar, saving the old castle from crumbling down around us. After all, even stone buildings erode. In the morning, Chioides would take Crambus’s place. I just hoped we would have time to at least fix up the places that needed it most.

I nodded to the guards Attacus and Astraptes as I reached the hatchery doors. “Everything looking good down here?”

“Yes,sir!” Attacus nodded, saluting. “The only lings we have allowed by were parents of the hatchlings.” He scratched at the scar along his cheek, before standing back at attention.

“Good, carry on,” I said and trotted into the hatchery.

Soft snores could be heard around me as the hatchlings slept. Of the twenty-three currently in there, only five remained in their eggs now. Princess Citheronia had one fellow female born in this batch, a tiny thing with a pale blue sock-like marking on her right forehoof. Her parents had been in yesterday for her birth, and named her Zelleria. Pachlio was the only one we had lost so far, and if I had anything to do about it he would be the last.

“You made it,” Phengaris whispered, trotting over to me. She flicks her wavy white mane back and gave me an appreciative grin.

“Yes, what was it you were needing?” I asked. “Is everything okay?”

“Of course, of course,” she laughed hesitantly. “It just… seems our princess is a little different from her hatchmates.” She led me over to Citheronia’s incubator. She lay curled up in her dark grey blanket. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she slept. At first, I didn’t notice anything different from the norm, but with a closer look, my eyes widened.

“So it hasn’t been a trick of the light,” I whispered. The majority of her head and muzzle molted, her first, soft baby chitin leaving only a few scrapings on her ears and horn. Underneath the usual black was a darker midnight blue.

“Isn’t Her Highness beautiful?,” Phengaris smiled down at the hatchling. “You don’t think she is sick do you? I- I mean−” she blushed green, rubbing a hoof against her cheek. “It’s common to have a little bit of blue here or there, sometimes much more like Spot…”

“But this much,” I agreed, “this much is much rarer.” I turned to look at Phengaris, whose ears were twitching back and forth as she swirled her left forehoof in a circle on the floor. “Don’t worry Phen,” I grinned. “She is eating well, growing nicely, and lively correct?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “Probably has the best appetite besides maybe our little handsome over there,” she crooned, heading back to the oldest male of the bunch. His parents had still not returned, and I was starting to think never would, poor colt. As he had grown older, his frilled mane had fallen forward and into his eyes.

“Did you give him a name yet?”

Phengaris nodded, “unless his parents come forward with a different one, I’ve decided to call him Thyris.” The thusly dubbed Thyris yawned, smacking his lips and looking up at us with a soft chirp. “Shhh, it’s okay,” Phengaris cooed, rubbing a hoof through his mane. “Go back to sleep little one.” The young colt snuggled into his blanket and closed his eyes obediently.

“I should probably get going,” I whispered. “Don’t want to wake the rest of them.”

Phengaris nodded. “Sleep well then Apatelodes. Any news I should hear before you go?”

I sighed, “Follow me for a moment, Attacus and Astraptes should hear this too anyway.” She nodded, following me out into the hallway.

“Everything okay?” Astraptes asked, hiding a yawn behind his hoof.

“Could be better,” I said. “Be prepared for anything. Those Umbrum still circle us, and Hope has a pack of Diamond Dogs on her side now too.”

“What?” Phengaris gasped, eyes going wide.

“Don’t worry. We got it covered,” I smiled reassuringly. “If anything happens, I’ll send changelings and ponies here first to help you all evacuate the hatchery.” I looked to the three of them, each giving a firm nod. “They are our future, and must be protected at all costs.”

“The ponies?” Astraptes asked.

“Yes,” I nodded. “They might not be our own, but as our food are important to take care of. Without them we are lost. Their foals even more so.”

“You know I’ll take care of them too,” Phengaris said. “Just because they were born pony, doesn’t mean they are any less an important part of the hive.”

“As will we,” Attacus stomped a hoof firmly on the ground.

“Good,” I nodded. I tiphooved back into the hatchery, over to the princess once more, smiling down at her. The tip of her little tongue was sticking out between her lips, which were puckered up in a smile. “Sleep well princess,” I whispered. “We’ll keep you safe.”

Citheronia stirred in her sleep, letting out a little chirp, scrunched up her nose and let out a loud whimper

The door to the hatchery opened and Phengaris rushed inside, picking up the little hatchling and rocking her back and forth. “There, there,” she whispered, nuzzling against her. “You’re safe. You are okay.” She grinned up at me, tilting her head toward the door.

“Stay safe,” I whispered, and made my way out.

Royal Visitor Quarters- Queen Chrysalis

A piercing cry from outside my window woke me from my nap. I yawned, rolling over and placing my hooves on the carpet. The cry came again, almost reminding me of a high pitched parrot. “What in the world?” I mumbled, walking over to my balcony and looking out.

I had to hold back a gasp at what I saw. Sitting perched on the far end of the balcony, with what looked like a lilac colored dove clasped in one talon, was a beautiful peregrine falcon! Before her, letting out screeching noises of their own, were two other falcons, just a little smaller than the first. Both of them had a line of downy white feathers running down their heads like a Mohawk.

“A mother and her brood, such a rare sight,” Chrys sighed. “Though we did have a pair that used to make their scrape on a rocky slope near the castle.”

“I just wish I had a camera,” I whispered. “Wait, I think I have something better.” I stepped quietly away from the window, turning back into the room. My eyes roved around, looking for a scroll or piece of spare parchment. “There’s got to be some in here somewhere,” I groaned, opening the drawer below where I had found the combs before.

“What are you looking for?” Chrys asked. “I doubt Celestia would leave a camera lying about in a random guest room.”

“Forget the camera,” I said, shaking my head. “Aha!” I beamed, pulling out a few sheets of parchment and a stick of charcoal. “Not too fond of charcoal, but I won't get my fingers dirty with magic at least.,” I chuckled.

“Ah, so you plan to draw her and her chicks,” Chrys said. “Were you an artist before…?”

“A little bit, never professionally or anything,” I said, shaking my head as I crept back up to the balcony window. “But I still have fun doing it. Now no more questions please; we need to make her feel at ease.”

Chrys chuckled. “Very well, do what you will. I’m sure we have plenty of time before Celestia calls for us.”

I crouched down near the window, which I was glad was already open, as that would make getting close enough to draw the falcons easier. While I had gotten my writing utensils, the mother had already given one of her young the dove, and it was tearing into its breast, feathers floating down and blowing away in a light breeze.

The mother falcon turned her head at me, spreading out her wings and screeching at me. “Shh it’s okay momma,” I crooned. “I’m not going to hurt your babies.” I began to hum a soft melody, something from back home though I could no longer remember the words. The mother falcon ruffled out her feathers, shook them out, and then brought her wings into her bosom again, watching her young ones carefully.

I grinned and inched closer and levitating the parchment and charcoal out in front of me. The dove was mostly eaten now, and the two young falcons nestled against each other. I didn’t know where their scrape was, but at least they were sticking around. Continuing to hum, I lifted the charcoal up and began to draw. The mother continued to look at me, her chest rising and falling, tongue clicking in her beak as she opened it, talons digging into the stone below her.

“Yes, good girl,” I whispered, and then went back to humming.

This was exciting! Seeing such beautiful creature’s right before me, close enough I could see the wind ruffling through their wing feathers and rippling over their bellies. I looked down at my drawing, seeing the magnificence of the three birds come to life on the parchment.

Then, as if by some cue, they spread their wings and flew off with a flurry of wingbeats, soaring into the sky. The youngest one faltered,the greyish-blue plumage on its wings lifting in the air as they gained back their momentum and glided on the thermals of air currents given off by the castle roof.

“That was amazing,” Shiny sighed.

I jumped into the air, dropping my drawing and the charcoal, and hovered in the air, wings buzzing behind me. Shiny stood behind me, my bedroom door opened wide behind him.

“Wh-wha?” I said, licking my lips as he took a step back, blushing.

“Sorry! I-I didn’t mean to startle you,” he mumbled. “I knocked, and when you didn’t answer I opened the door to check to see if you were okay.”

“Silly stallion,” Chrys sighed.

I landed back upon the floor, gathering up my drawing and the charcoal. “It’s okay Shiny. I was so preoccupied I didn’t hear you.”

“I figured as much,” he grinned. “May I see the drawing?”

“See it?” I said, looking down at the picture.

Shiny nodded, “If you’re willing. I know Velvet often would hide his music from me until completed,” he grinned. “He didn’t want anypony to see it until it was perfect.”

“Well, if you really want to,” I huffed and levitated it over to him. “What do you think?”

“I like it,” he said, taking the parchment into his own magic. “Sure it’s not… perfect,” he said, blushing again. “Yet you do have talent.”

“Well, at least he is polite with his criticism,” Chrys snorted.

“Thanks,” I grinned, taking the drawing back and placing it on the bed.

“Where is that song you were humming from? It’s beautiful.”

Colt, I wonder what he would think of the truth? I chuckled, closing my eyes and shaking my head. Well, could tell him half of what I remembered of it. “My mother used to sing it to me when I was young, though I’ve long forgotten the words.”

“Hmmm,” he said, rubbing his chin.

“Is everything okay?”

“Oh! Of course!” he nodded. “Princess Celestia just wanted me to tell you to meet her at dusk for the rest of your meetings.”

“So we still have nothing to do for a few hours still,” Chrys groaned. “Why can’t she just cancel that accursed court of hers? We are talking a possible war, and she disputes with her little ponies about how many sprinkles are too many on a doughnut!” she spat.

“Back in the same room I imagine?” I asked, to which he nodded. “Then I better make sure Morpheus and Danaus are ready to go when it is time.”

I sighed, pausing for a moment to look out the window. My thoughts wandered to a princess in another castle.

“Do you think Princess Celestia will want them executed?” Shiny asked, looking up at me.

“It’s what our changeling laws would require, for Morpheus at least,” I said, leading the way out of my room. “Brutal, but when you tend to hide in the shadows, it is what keeps the others safe.” Sure I might not agree with it, but could see the logic in it. “As for Celestia, I don’t know. Sometimes she is too soft when it comes to all the villains she deals with.”

“Like you?” he asked softly.

“Well he’s got us there,” Chrys chuckled. “No idea how she was able to just forgive us like that, but I’m glad she did. We can’t beat Radiant Hope alone, no matter how much I hate to admit it.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I am striving to do better though. Does it show?”

Shiny chuckled, nodding. “Of course,” he wrapped his hooves around me in a tight hug. “I think that is why Celestia has been able to forgive you; she understands and wants to help.”

“Perhaps he is correct,” Chrys sighed.

“I hope you are right Shiny,” I said, briefly returning his hug before he stepped to my side again.

"We beseech Your Majesty!" I heard Morpheus moan as the door to the bedroom they had entered slammed open.

“Save us from those fiends!” He and Danaus ran out of the room- in dresses.

“Oh colt!” Chrys cackled as the two drones ran and hid behind me. “Well, you can never say Discord doesn’t have a sense of humor.”

Velvet and Discord stepped out of the room, back to back with a hoof and claw to their foreheads as they guffawed. I pulled Morpheus and Danaus back in front of me and couldn’t resist a laugh of my own. The two clowns had dressed Morpheus in a bright pink frilly dress, his mane was curled and dyed a light red, and they added a peach colored blush to each cheek and matching eyeliner. To top it all, he had on bright red lipstick. Danaus was in similar attire, except he was in a bright yellow dress, mane curled and dyed a dark brown, with a rosey hued blush and eyeliner, along with dark red lipstick.

“Why the hay did you guys dress them as Colt Disney princesses?” Shiny asked, head cocked to the side.

“T-they wanted to embarrass us,” Danaus sniffed, ducking back behind me. “We are not dolls!” He yelled, glaring at the two cackling like a pair of hyenas.

“I think you two look cute,” I said, chuckling when their ears lowered and cheeks burned green.

“Can we borrow some more of your changelings, Chryssy?” Discord chortled. “I want to create the whole set!”

“Maybe later,Discord,” I said, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. Colt, I really shouldn’t be laughing. Not with what they had done. Did I want their possible last impression of me to be that I didn’t care? I mean sure Chrys and I would have them squashed like bugs if back at the hive, but they were miserable and scared enough already, let alone embarrassed. Ugh,I had to stop this. “The four of us need to get ready to meet with the princesses.”

“Two of them are behind you,” Velvet snorted, which just sent him and Discord back into their fits of laughter.

“I think I created a monster, letting my brother meet Discord,” Shiny chuckled.

“I just wonder which of them had the idea to dress them up,” Chrys sighed happily. “Colt, I needed a laugh like that. It’s the one thing Discord is good at. Though his timing? Not always so good.”

“At least he is having fun,” I said, winking at Shiny. I trotted over to the two and pulled on Discord’s left ear with my magic. “Come on you silly lord of chaos; fix them up so we can get ready.”

“Aw, we still have a few hours Chryssy,” Discord snorted. “Can’t Velvet and I just have a little more fun doing what I am good at?” he winked.

“No!” Morpheus and Danaus shouted, wings buzzing behind them.

“Don’t you think you’ve tortured them enough?” I asked, raising one eyebrow. He was making me feel guilty. No matter if they deserved whatever they got, this morbid humor of his was uncalled for.

“After what they might have done to my dear friend Fluttershy in different circumstances?” he huffed, folding his arms. “Dressing them up is the least I could do to them.”

“That is true,” I nodded. “But the timing is not appropriate.” The two ‘princesses’ groaned behind me. “Anyway, we should discuss what we are going to do at the meeting tonight. You are coming, right?”

“Of course I am,” he grinned, flying over my shoulders. “You need all the support you can get.”

“I’ll come too,” Shiny said.

“Us too!” Nemoria trilled. Walking out of their bedroom, Acronicta and Twinkleshine trotted behind her.

“I thought you wanted to go with Twinkleshine to see the stars?” Shiny said.

“We do,” Acronicta smiled, looking back at the unicorn mare. “But if our Queen needs us−”

“Go ahead,” I chuckled. “You’d get bored anyway. These meetings will likely last long into the night.” I turned to look at Shiny. “Perhaps you and Velvet could join them?”

“But I want to be there to support you,” he frowned. “Perhaps I could even help.”

“I know you do,Shiny,” I sighed. “Right now though, I think the princesses want to keep it to just those that need to be there.” He took a deep breath, sighed, and lowered his head.

“Come on Shiny, it will be fun!” Velvet beamed, hugging Shiny to him.

“Yes, please come,” Nemoria whined, giving the stallion big puppy dog eyes.

Shiny chuckled, smiling down at her. “You know I can’t resist those eyes,” he grinned. Nemoria jumped up, wrapping her forehooves around his neck and hugging him.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she gushed, wings buzzing behind her.

“Those two sure are crazy for Shiny,” Chrys chuckled. “Almost makes me jealous.”

Yes indeed, it was nice seeing him get along with them so well. Though it would be good for him to learn to resist 'the eyes', it was best that he joined them instead of going to court.

“Good, then let’s prepare,” I said. It was going to be a long night.

After convincing Discord to restore the two to their normal selves, we departed towards the court. Shiny and Velvet had already left with the girls for their star-viewing party. The two drones walked between us. Their ears and wings twitched nervously as we approach the court. I resumed my Soaring Song disguise while the two of them resumed their red and green pegasus forms. Though it was all for Celestia’s orders, I couldn’t help but see the wisdom in it. If I was to run into a doppelganger in the castle, it would be chaos.

Flash Sentry stood guard at the door, giving us all a weak grin as we drew near. “Greetings,” he nodded to the four of us. “The princesses all await thee.” He opened the door and watched as we trotted inside.

Morpheus paused in his hoofsteps at the entrance of the room, and he jumped when Flash suddenly closed the door behind us. The room was silent around us. I looked up to see all four princesses watching us. Twilight, in particular, was giving us a stare that could freeze a glass of water all the way across the room.

Cadence cleared her throat, shaking her head at Twilight. Twilight turned to her and frowned, but nodded. Least we had Cadence on our side. Hopefully she could curb Twilight’s anger at us.

“Good evening, princesses,” I said, bowing my head to each of them in turn. “I hope your days went well.”

“Really? Bowing to them? Ugh,” Chrys snorted in disgust. “Just because we our on their terrain doesn’t mean you need to treat them as higher than us. After all, WE are the one with the title of Queen, not they.”

I rolled my eyes before heading to my seat from the night before. As I resumed my natural form- much more comfortable, thank Celestia she didn’t want me to hide in here too- I dragged the accused to the floor next to me.

“Indeed it did, thank you, Chrysalis,” Cadence beamed.

“Court was… worse than usual,” Celestia sighed. “It was nice getting to meet your little fillies at lunch though. They are such sweethearts.”

“For now,” Twilight barked, rubbing a hoof to her temples.

“I plan on keeping them that way long as I can Twilight,” I sighed. “They are good fillies, who may see the atrocities of war far sooner than I would like.”

“Whom is it thou have brought with thee tonight?” Luna asked, looking down at the two shivering pegasi.

“These are two of my own,” I said, giving them a stern glare. They reverted to their drone forms. Their ears laid down flat against their heads as they stared wide-eyed at Celestia.

I glanced over at Discord who had taken the seat next to Twilight, (though he more floated above it than actually sat in it, but whatever.) Taking in a deep breath, I turned back to Celestia. “Morpheus and Danaus here confessed to me this morning that it was their patrols that went against my orders and killed your little ponies.”

Celestia nodde. She looked down at the two as they shivered next to me. “I see,” she said. “What do you two have to say for yourselves?”

“I-I didn’t m-mean to kill anypony, Mrs. Princess Celestia Queen Ma’am,” Danaus gulped. “I just wanted to help the hive.”

Morpheus licked his lips, glancing back and forth between each princess before he finally settled his gaze on Celestia. “Whatever you do to us Princess, please let it be quick.”

“Did you let those that died die quickly?” Twilight glared at him, stomping a hoof on the table. “Why should we offer you such if you didn’t to them?”

“Calm yourself, Twilight,” Celestia said firmly. Twilight fumed, snorting, but nodded and settled back in her chair. “Sister? Cadence?”

“The younger seems sincere,” Luna said. “Through his circumstances, it seems he had his fellow changelings at heart? We sense no ill will.”

“I can’t imagine how hungry they all must have been,” Cadence said softly. “That is still no excuse for killing somepony, but it makes it a harder decision.”

Celestia nodded, turning back to me. “What is the changeling punishment for what they have done?”

I grimaced, looking away. Even if I was a part of it now, didn’t mean I had to like it any better than the ponies. How could I look her in the eyes when telling such a brutal thing? “For Morpheus, he would receive death as it was his plan to go against my orders. As for Danaus, for agreeing to the plan, he would lose his wings.”

Cadence gasped, Luna’s eyebrows shot up and mouth dropped open, and Twilight simply scrunched up her face in thought. Celestia merely looked down at the two hiding behind me. “It is harsh compared to our ways, but then it has been some time since we were last at war.” She let out a deep sigh.

“We need every changeling we can get to keep the hive strong,” Chrys sighed. “If they threaten our way of life though, there is little we can do.”

“I know you believe in reforming as many as possible Celestia,” I said, to which she nodded. “Yet, what would you do if one of your ponies disobeyed you in such a manner?”

“We would do what is best of course!” Twilight yelled. “Princess Celestia does everything in her power to give us the best lives possible. Why would we want to ruin that?”

“Right, what is best,” Chrys snorted. “Some brainwashing reformation? Either way, there must be a reason her dungeons are virtually empty.”

“Not all ponies would agree with thee, dear Twilight,” Luna said, shaking her head. “Even in the short time since our return, we have seen many go against our sister’s values.”

“That is true,” Celestia nodded. “Though I strive to keep our land peaceful, there will always be ponies that strive to cause strife and chaos.”

“Some of my favorite things,” Discord chuckled, winking as Twilight scowled at him. “Though I am trying to be good for dear Fluttershy.” His wings twitched behind him as he stared back at our two drones. “Something these two don’t seem to understand.”

“So shall we come to a compromise on what to do with them?” I asked. “I know you would rather spare their lives, princess,” I said.

“Yes, I would,” she admitted. “Yet after the deaths they caused, I wouldn’t feel safe letting them go free among my little ponies.”

“That is… understandable auntie,” Cadence nodded. “My Shiny lost some good friends that day, nearly all of Shielded Light’s team, including his commander, were killed. They were not the only ones either.”

“The pegasus who helped us in the Ponyville hospital, Helping Heart I think her name was, said about the same,” I said. “Only one of the ponies she took care of ended up living.”

“Five of the ponies in our night guard also perished,” Luna sighed. “Though we would call it a miracle more ponies didn’t lose their lives.”

“No miracle,” Twilight shook her head. “It was the strength of our fellow ponies and the love of my brother and Cadence. Nothing else would have stopped these pests.” She pointed a hoof down at the two beside me. Her wings spread out wide and I could see her taking in deep breaths. What bee got into her tail?

“Perhaps the dear ‘Princess’ didn’t sleep well last night,” Chrys snickered. “Knowing WE were in the castle. Would explain the bookpony’s ire.”

Morpheus and Danaus’s ears lowered further and further with each word, until their heads were hidden underneath my chair. I almost felt guilty, letting them take all the blame. After all, shouldn’t a leader stand up for her subjects? Yet here I was just sitting here listening to all these words against them.

“Survival is what matters,” Chrys snorted. “Our changelings need a strong Queen. Be strong for them.”

“I-I will admit I am much to blame,” I sighed.

“That is not what I meant!” Chrys growled. “How can you be of help if they lock us up?”

“Finally something I can agree with,” Twilight exclaimed, throwing a hoof up into the air. “They learned such devious schemes from somewhere.”

“True, our training classes do cover just how far one can take a feeding before it is too much,” Chrys said. “Each changeling, before they are let out to gather food for the hive, must know the signs. It is part of the reason we keep ponies at the castle, besides feeding of course,” she huffed.

“It takes a good leader to admit that,” Celestia said softly, putting a hoof upon my own. “Many would let their subjects take all the blame.”

“Though the leader may not be at fault in action, with how they have trained their subjects can put much of the blame on them,” Luna said, adding her hoof over her sisters.

“You really have changed,” Cadence grinned.

“Though the subject of punishment for these two be of great worth,” Luna said. “I feel it be a better use of our time to talk of Radiant Hope.”

“But- what about Shiny’s friends, the ponies that died?” Twilight grumbled.

“That is why they will not be released Twilight,” Cadence said softly, wrapping Twilight in a hug. “Everything will be taken care of, I promise.”

Twilight looked up at the pink princess, and put a hoof to her own chest, then took deep breaths in and out, finally ending with one last deep sigh.

“Feeling better?” Cadence asked, cupping Twilight’s cheek.

“Yes, sorry.” Twilight turned to look at me. Her nose twitched, but Cadence brought a hoof around her again and rubbed it up and down her back.

“I know you can never forgive me for what I have done and let happen,” I said. “Believe me though when I say, with an alliance between us I’ll try to do what I can to make up for it.”

“You can’t bring them back from the dead,” she sneered.

“No, and neither can Discord,” I said.

“Sad, but true,” Discord nodded. “I can do practically anything else though.” He snapped his fingers, producing a glass of chocolate milk, and held it out to Twilight. “Thirsty?”

Twilight sighed, but took the cup. “Thanks Discord.” After taking a quick sip, she turned to look at me once more. “Remember, one wrong move-”

“May we continue with the night event’s now?” Luna asked. “I fear what our ponies might be dreaming of, if they’ve heard of the Hoofville fire.”

“I couldn’t agree more sister,” Celestia nodded. She removed her hoof from mine. “What would you say,if for now, we place them in our dungeons with your other changelings?”

“Neither of the others have killed,” I said. “Can’t they at least go free?”

“We went and talked with this Leptostales like you agreed to auntie,” Cadence said. “He seems like a sweet changeling.”

“Oh he is!” Discord chuckled, needling his talon and paw together. “I’ve known him for a long time.”

“How is that possible when you’ve been encased in stone for a thousand years?” Twilight huffed.

Discord lifted his paw to ruffle her mane. “I’ll tell you when you’re older, little princess.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t relent on this just yet,” Celestia said, shaking her head. “I did get word the mare he fed from has improved, but until she wakes I cannot let him free. Please understand.”

“We will see him free yet,” Chrys huffed. “Yet, to appease her, there is little we can do for now.”

I nodded. “I hope she returns to full health soon then. He would really love to be there for her first molting ceremony.”

“First molting ceremony?” Twilight asked, a small smile forming on her face. “What does that entail? Do you collect all the pieces that fall from the hatchling? How many times does a hatchling molt? Do you still molt at your age?”

She levitated a scroll out in front of her, quill held up to catch every word.

“Once a bookpony always a bookpony,” Chrys chuckled.

Celestia let out a light chuckle of her own. “I think those are questions better left for another day Twilight.”

Twilight sighed, putting the scroll and quill away. “Of course, Princess.”

Celestia turned her gaze to Cadence. “Has Shining Armor contacted you yet?”

Cadence nodded. “He arrived safe in the Crystal Empire, and the amulet is just where I hid it. Each spell put upon it is still there and strong. If this Radiant Hope does have an amulet, then it is different from the one found by Trixie Lulamoon.”

“That is both good and disturbing,” Luna sighed. She turned to look at me. “Thou are sure there are only two? Knowing Sombra we wouldn’t be surprised if he had more.”

“I’ve told you all I know of them,” I said, shaking my head. “From what my council has discovered, there are only the two.”

“Let us hope it stays that way,” Celestia said, shaking her head. “Will Shining continue to guard the amulet?”

Cadence nodded. “Not only does he guard it, but he has a dozen of our best guards on the job as well. Nopony is getting at it.”

“With that out of the way, perhaps we should see if we can find more information of the amulets?” Chrys said.

“You wouldn’t happen to have any books or scrolls about the alicorn amulet, would you?” I asked.

Celestia patted her cheek with a hoof. “Perhaps, I know there was one I sent to Twilight long ago.”

Twilight nodded. “My friends used it when Trixie showed up with the first one,” she said. “It didn’t say anything about another though.” Her eyes lit up and she clapped her hooves together, grinning widely. “This means it’s time to do research!”

“I’ll leave that to you then Twilight,” Celestia said, closing her eyes and smiling.

“Shall I send a letter to my friends to come help?”

Celestia nodded. “Of course, they are always welcome here.”

“Great, now we’ll have to deal with the whole gang,” Chrys groaned. “Though it might be fun to ‘tease’ that Rarity about going evil for a day,” she chuckled.

As we stepped through into our rooms hours later, I looked up at the clock in the main room. “Three a.m.?” I groaned. “No wonder I’m exhausted.”

“Come on, you know you had fun,” Discord chuckled, nudging me playfully in the side. “It was especially fun when I dumped that pudding cake all over Celestia!”

“I think she would have enjoyed your ‘midnight snack’ more if you had put it on a plate,” I sighed. How could be so hyper this late at night? I might have been a night owl as a human, but doing these late night meetings were exhausting!

“Now where would the fun have been in that?” he pouted. “At least, Morpheus and Danaus got one last good meal before Flashy tossed them in the dungeons.”

“Flashy? Is that the best you could come up with?” I huffed, walking toward my door. I still felt bad about tossing them in the dungeons, but it was better than killing them. “Just go to bed, Discord,” I grumbled, opening my door.

"You are not my real mom!" Discord made a melodramatic huff and teleported away. The adjacent rooms were silent, nopony was even snoring tonight.

“I guess the girls must have really worn them all out at the astronomy tower,” Chrys said. I walked into our room, closing the door behind us. Picking up my charcoal drawing from earlier, I placed it onto the top of the dresser where my casting emerald sat glowing faintly.

“Wait,” I looked back at the emerald. Had it been glowing earlier?

“Someling must have been trying to contact us,” Chrys groaned. “Why didn’t I think to have us check it earlier?”

“Well we have been kinda busy,” I said picking it up and walking over to the bed. “So, how do these work again? Can someling leave a message, or does it just glow to show we missed a ‘call’?”

“Both, actually,” she said. “Tap it twice on the flat end and say ‘messages’. If they left a message, we will know.” I nodded, doing so and watching as the glow brightened.

“Chryssy, it is me, Apatelodes,” his voice, a little scratchy said. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you all day,. Please call soon as you get this-no matter how late.” With that, the glow faded again to the intensity it had been before.

“I wonder if he has news on the amulet?” I said, perking up a little. If we could get more info before Twilight, I’d love to see the look on her face. I held the emerald to my lips, whispered ‘Apatelodes’ and waited. It was hardly a minute later when I heard his voice.

“Thank the mother changeling you called,” he sighed. “Where the hay have you been? Er, i-is everything okay, my Queen?”

I chuckled, nodding. “Yes, we just forgot about the emerald. Sorry to worry you.”

“All is forgiven my Queen,” he gritted his teeth. “Do you have any news for us? The others in the council have well… been waiting for your council,” he chuckled.

“Well, the princesses seem willing to help with Radiant Hope and the Umbrum,” I said, sitting down upon the bed. “Though Twilight is understandably reluctant.” I glared into the emerald. “Morpheus and Danaus told me what really happened at the wedding.”

I could hear Apatelodes let out a groan at my words. “They told me not long ago as well, my Queen. I take it they have been punished?”

I rolled my eyes, snorting. “What punishment Celestia would let us give them for now. They, along with Aglais and Leptostales are locked in the dungeons.”

Apatelodes gasped. “They captured Aglais? No wonder he never made it home,” he sighed. “It is good to hear Leptostales is still alive though.”

“Yes, it is all well and good,” Chrys snorted. “I’m sure he has news for us that is more important.”

“Yes, for now,” I said. “What news do you have for us? Did you find out more about the amulet?”

“Much more,” Apatelodes said. “Did Morpheus tell you anything?”

“Somehow he forgot that important news,” I snorted.

Apatelodes chuckled. “You are sounding more like ‘yourself’ every day.”

“Gee, thanks,” I growled softly. “Hope did tell us there were two amulets.”

“Yes, she is correct,” he said. “Hers is far more powerful than the other though.”

“What?” I yelped. If it was more powerful, what all could it do? The one Trixie had had in show wasn’t able to change genders or clone anypony, like Twilight had faked doing with her friends, could Hope’s?

“Yes, my queen,” he whispered. “It gives her all the more reason to have burned the village of Hoofville.” He took a deep breath and let it out. “With every death she is around, the amulet grows stronger with that creature’s magical energy.”

I was sure my eyes were as round as dinner plates at his words. How long had she had this amulet? How many deaths had she seen? No one creature could have infinite power, right? Did we even stand a chance against her with all of Celestia’s power on our side?

“Chryssy?” Apatelodes said. I shook my head, breathing in deep breathes.

“Anything else?” I asked.

“Well, there is more on the amulet, but nothing really that will be of help to stop it,” he sighed. “We do have another problem though.”

“Like we don’t have enough of those,” Chrys groaned.

“What is it?”

“Diamond dogs,” he said. “Hope seems to have added a pack of them to her army. They along with her Umbrum have been terrorizing everyling in the castle.”

“Colt, can anything else go wrong?” I groan, shaking my head. “How are you handling all the terror they are causing?”

“I’ve ordered everyling to stay inside,” he said. “Videre is guarding the doors to keep as many in as possible. Outdoor classes have been canceled, and we are reinforcing the old mortar with our slime.”

“Good, we don’t need any of our young venturing out just to be nabbed by a diamond dog,” Chrys growled.

“Keep up the good work,” I nodded. “I knew I could count on you Apatelodes,” I said softly. “We are both proud of you.”

“Thanks, my Queen,” he said, letting out a yawn. “One last thing, in case we must evacuate, our emergency exits have been prepared.”

“Excellent,” I grinned, closing my eyes and yawning. “I’ll talk to the princess's first thing in the morning and request that they send reinforcements to help guard the hive.”

“You really think they’ll do that?” he asked.

“We can only hope,” I said. “Perhaps, it is a good thing I came to rescue Leptostales,” I sighed. “This is going to be a hard battle.”

“Maybe so, but we will prevail,” he shouted. I heard him stomp a hoof in emphasis. “Life might be forever changing, but, as long as we change with it, the hive will survive.”

“That’s the attitude to have,” I said firmly. “Keep the hive safe Apatelodes. Once we take down Radiant Hope, things can go back to normal.”

“I will do so, my Queen, take care.”

“You too Apatelodes,” I said and ended the call.

“So it seems your little guard learned the truth.”

I whipped around, turning to face my balcony window. Radiant Hope stood there, cloak around her, hood down around her neck. “Yes, yes he did.”

“Then I suppose that just gives you all the more reason to join me?” she grinned, taking a step inside. “Or do you still refuse to decide whose side you will be on?”

I grinned at her, putting the emerald down. “Oh, well…” hadn’t she heard my last words? She seemed to have heard the rest.

“So indecisive,” she sighed, shaking her head. “It sounded like you had decided to side with the ponies,” she sneered. “After they still refuse to let your poor little friend free?”

“Well, yes he is still in the dungeons but−”

“But what? He is safer that way?” she frowned. “Or is it that with him in the dungeons you have no one to stop you from falling in love with a pony?”

“I can’t love,” I said, shaking my head.

“Is that so?” she crooned, walking further into the room and glancing down at my drawing from earlier. “Hmph, cute,” she chuckled.

“What do you want,Hope?”

“Only a definite answer,of course,” she sighed, rubbing the amulet with one hoof. “There are less than twenty-four hours to go now- as you know.”

“We are aware of that!” Chrys growled.

“Exactly,” I said, glaring at her. “Are you not going to let me have the full three days?”

She chuckled, closing her eyes and shaking her head at me. “Oh no, you can have them,” she smirked. “I am a pony of my word after all. If you really feel like you need them.”

“Yes, yes I do,” I nodded. “If you dare lay a hoof on my changelings−”

Hope gasped, putting a hoof to her chest. “Now why would I do a thing like that?”

“Because you are a villain,” Chrys growled.

“You know why,” I snarled, baring my fangs. “Call off your Umbrum and Diamond Dogs.”

“Or what?” she grinned, eyes glowing red.

“Or we’ll tear you apart limb by limb and feed you to your own dumb dogs!” Chrys growled. I just grinned sheepishly down at her.

“Just think of how much stronger you could be on my side,” Hope whispered, putting a hoof around me.

I shifted my wings underneath her hoof, turning to look at her. “What are you doing?”

“Hugging you.” Her horn and eyes glowed red. “Now hug me back or I’ll be forced to kill you now!”

“Uh…” I blinked down at her for a moment, confused. “Okay.” I lifted a hoof and hugged her back.

Before I could remove my hoof, I could swear I felt something from her, perhaps her heart beat a little faster? A… taste of something on the air. Before I could put a name to it she spoke.

“Thank you. Now, I’m trying to show you all that could be gained with me,” she smirked. She held the hug for a moment longer, then pulled away. “Your changelings, my Umbrum and Diamond Dogs, and me of course- we all want revenge, don’t we?”

“I’m not sure we have the same level of revenge in mind,” I snapped.

“That can be fixed,” she crooned. “Neither the Umbrum nor those dogs are smart enough to stand by my side as equals.” She circled around me, completing a full circle before coming to a stop at my head. “You, however, have what it takes. Join me, and I can give you all you’ll ever need.

“Your little changelings trapped down in the dungeons? Released,” she waved a hoof as if the idea was nothing. “That little pony that is crazy for you? Under your power and able to be fed upon whenever you want. As for the princesses that treat you like a second rate villain?” Her eyebrows rose as she brought her muzzle nearly level with my own (if only she had been taller) and grinned. “They won’t be a problem anymore. Without their precious elements, Celestia’s protégé and her friends are useless against us.” She pulled away, strolling back toward the window. “Just think about it a little more. If you decide to join me, be on your balcony at dusk tomorrow.”

“And if not?” I asked.

“Like I said before, I can make that decision a costly one. So, do choose wisely now!” The amulet around her neck glowed a bright red, enveloping her horn as well. “Sleep well, Chrysalis,” she whispered. “Oh, and do perhaps ask Celestia to send troops to aid you. The more the merrier after all” she yelled, then with a flash of red light was gone.

I shivered slightly, collapsing onto the bed and staring at the place she had stood. Things had just got a lot more serious. My changelings needed me. Not in a few weeks, nor days, but soon as possible. I didn’t want to join Hope, not with what we knew of the Umbrum. She could promise us all the food she wanted but that wouldn’t change the fact it would be of poor quality. With the Umbrum filling the ponies full of fear, there would be little room for love. We might survive, but not how I would want.

“She might promise us power,” Chrys said. “Yet she would always have an iron hoof over us. One wrong move and-”

“-and she would use her power to destroy us,” I finished. “You’ve seen more battle than I,” I said. “What would you have us do?”

“The only thing we can do,” she growled. “Follow Hope’s advice and convince Celestia to send help against her.”

“Shiny feels Celestia has forgiven us,” I whispered, looking toward my closed door. “I just hope she has done so enough to listen.”

A flash of color flew past my window, too fast for me to see it in the dark. “What was that?”

“Probably just a bat,” Chrys yawned. “Or many one of those parasprites? Either way, we need sleep. It will likely take a sharp mind to convince that stubborn Sunbutt.”

“Sunbutt?” I giggled. “Here I thought you gave better nicknames than Discord. Flashy, Sunbutt, you two are hilarious.”

“Just go to sleep,” Chrys growled. “We can think up a better nickname for her later.”

“If there is a later,” I sighed. Snuggling down against my pillow, I wondered what terrible things Hope had in mind as I fell into slumber.

End of Day Two

Author's Note:

And so we reach the end of day two.:pinkiecrazy: Are you guys getting excited? Or nervous? Perhaps nervocited? :pinkiehappy: I sure am. Getting so close to the end, feel the excitement! *cackles*
On another note, you may have noticed in the long description I added something new. I finally got an editor! :raritystarry: Give all your love to Knowledge! *cough* well not all of it, after all I need some of that tasty stuff as well. *chuckles* He has helped make this new chapter the best it can be. We'll get to older chapters eventually I imagine, but for now will concentrate on the new ones. (After all, we don't want to keep you waiting to find out what happens, do we? :rainbowdetermined2:)
As usual, comment, critique, and give predictions if you like. I love to hear what my fans think might happen. :pinkiecrazy: