• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 506 Views, 5 Comments

Another world in the darkness - Thunder Facade

3 friends discover an ancient mith and decide to found out what is it all about.

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first contact

*166:15*It was becoming boring to walk now, all that fear kept me awake for more than I had expected.

“This damn forest just won’t end Daniel” said Anthony, he was awake and still on his guard position. Daniel, with his usual poker face, moaned slightly in frustration. I began to hear some snoring, though I didn’t know if it was close to us or some distance away.

“Are you sleepin’ again Anthony?” I asked him with a sarcastic grin.

“Wa?, no I’m not, why?” I didn’t cared at the time but suddenly, a rush of nerves and fear ran through my veins again, I seriously doubt that Daniel was the one snoring, since he was fully active and in his sleep he never snore a bit.

“Daniel, a- are y-you sleeping?” I whispered, still thinking that it was almost impossible for him to snore. The fear was slowly turning into adrenalin, I turned my head to look at Daniel, his eyes widening as we walked closer and closer to the snoring.

“Umm, g-guys?, what’s that? It isn’t you Alex, r-right?” Anthony’s voice now trembling from the fear of the snoring and of who or whatever was doing it, I didn’t even pay attention to Anthony’s words when Daniel whispered. “Stop”, Anthony didn’t catch it so I grabbed his shirt and told him to stay down.

We looked closely between the trees for anything that could tell us who or what was it that was making all the snoring noise, a squirrel ran in front of us, it disappeared in a few seconds, I thought that that was enough to tell myself that this was earth and not another world, that thought made me calm down a bit, suddenly the squirrel came back, this time it stopped in front of Anthony, he didn’t move a finger, and his face was now with a look of fear, the squirrel then tried to climb Anthony’s shirt, he stood up and with a big smack he throw it on the grass, it started making some very acute noises while running to the
forest again.

When it left, there was no more snoring, my fear increased, I could feel my heart in my throat, a big roar could be heard a half mile away, we all started to panic, it began to walk, trembles in the floor and constant roars.

“What the hell do we do now?!” I whispered to Daniel, he seemed fearless of the situation, still, his breathing increased.

“When I say now, we make a run for it, ok?!” we was indeed breathing faster and Anthony was a living rock, we looked at Daniel and nodded, it was just some meters away from us, my breathing increasing with every second that I loosed in the forest. (RUMBLE) We quickly looked to the left and gasped at what we saw.

“NOW!, RUN!” Daniel screamed, we all started to run as fast as we could to avoid getting crushed by the giant bear chasing us, I literally felt my inside bouncing, I’ve never run that fast in my life, I turned my head only to see the bear was getting closer every second, Daniel was just inches away from me running as well, but Anthony, he was shocked at the sight of the bear so he was the one that was left behind us, and the bear was almost licking him.

“Hurry the hell up Anthony!” I shouted at him, he quickly got my words and speeded up his feet, we seem to be losing the bear when the worst happened, Anthony started screaming in pain, I turned my head and saw that the bear had enclosed its claws in Anthony’s right hip; I started to panic at the blood splashes.

“Daniel we have to do something!” I shouted him before stopping; he quickly turned to look and stopped as well, Anthony grabbed his m1416 in a desperate action to remove the claws from him, the bear pulled them off, in response of the sudden pain, Anthony dropped his knife and blacked out, at the sight I thought he was dead, adrenaline and anger filled my brain and wouldn’t let the bear have “fun” with his corpse.

I grabbed my m1416 and sprinted towards the bear, the bear raised his left arm in order to give the final strike to Anthony, it dropped its claws and at that moment I raised my knife just below his incoming arm. The bear gave an extreme loud roar at the sudden pain, he then saw me and grabbed my feet, which caused me to fall hardly on my back, after giving an angered big roar he then proceeded to raise its right arm to enclose its claws in my chest, as soon as he dropped the claws on me I closed my eyes for the inevitable, I heard another extremely loud roar, surprised I opened my eyes to see that Daniel did the same I did with the knife Anthony dropped, he quickly stepped away and now the bear had both of its arms with two deeply embedded knives.

It stood on a bipod position while roaring, I told Daniel to pull the other two butcher knives from the backpack, he ran immediately to do so, the bear started to calm down its roars, and quickly looked at us with the most angered face I have ever seen in my life, just seeing it made me close my eyes from fear, the bear put his feet in the grass again, it started to walk towards us, my heart pulling out of my chest again, it then started to run and it opened its mouth, more fear filled me at the sight of the big sharp teeth.

It was just some 50 yards away from us running faster every second, I saw a knife bursting in front of the bear and it hit its left shoulder, it fell but shortly got on its feet again, and now it started to sprint for us once more, a second knife bursting in front of it for another time, this time it hit his right shoulder, still, he only gave a loud roar but didn’t slowed his speed, just when it was in front of me I gave it a big hard kick on the nose while in my crawling position, and that was enough for it, that was the final blow, he fell in front of my feet. I thought he was dead but it had only blacked out, I knew that because I could hear his breathing, which only angered me more.

Anthony my most cheerful friend had died and for what, he wanted to discover another planet, he gave up everything he got to enter this place, which I still thought was earth, that was enough for me, I could not handle myself any longer. I stood up and began searching for the m1416 in his left front leg, I pulled it off and grabbed it with anger, I mounted its back, grabbed my knife with both hands and raise it slowly just above its head, it was time to finish him, to end its suffering and mine as well.

“STOOOOOOOP!” was that a female voice coming out of the woods? Daniel stepped away from the direction the shout was heard, I started searching for any sign of life that could have shout that, I heard galloping coming in fast, once again fear raise in my soul and my adrenaline started building up, in the darkness I could see a yellow pony with pink mane running towards me, I didn’t cared since I knew ponies couldn’t talk, as I search the area for another sign of life my mind quickly dragged itself to a blank room, and as the pony came closer and closer, I started filling myself with questions “there truly is no more sign of life…how could a pony talk? Why is this one slimmer? How could its eyes be that big? And how could it have a tinier nose?” my head was hurting; I just couldn’t explain the shape of that pony.

“STAY AWAY FROM THE BEAR YOU MONSTER!” did that pony just…spoke? I quickly stepped away from the bear, my mind could not process what just happened, what it was seeing, and Daniel was just as confused as I was, the yellow pony began to pull the other knives with her teeth, at that time I saw that she had something drawn on her flank, it was three butterflies, I also notice she had wings wrapped in her belly, that calmed down my confusion, and I supposed she was a Pegasus, but soon more questions began to appear on my mind “the myth didn’t told us about any talking abilities nor care for the wounded” I just stared at what I saw, a Pegasus pony comforting a deadly big bear.

Daniel walked where the body of Anthony slept, he burst into crying at the sight of him lying in the grass in that dead man position, I turned my head and walked towards him, I was speechless, I wanted to cry as well but my adrenaline faded out and I instantly felt all the past pain, I fell on my knees with a groan of pain.

“Are you alright Alex?” said Daniel between sobs.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good, go check Anthony will ya’?” he then started walking slowly to the body of Anthony, he fell on his knees and began to cry again, requesting pardons at a speechless body, he moved closer to Anthony’s chest, he cried a bit when he shouted at me. “ALEX, COME HERE MAN, HE’S STILL ALIVE!” between all my pain and agony, I slowly pulled myself back on my feet and started walking happily to where Daniel was, I fell on my knees once more right next to Anthony, I could clearly hear his breathing now, I began crying of the happiness when I heard his breathing, me and Daniel burst into laughter, it felt weird but we continued to do so.

“Fluttershy? Where are you?” another female voice came from the woods, I could hear more galloping, assuming it was another talking Pegasus; I didn’t care at all to look.

“A unicorn?” Daniel whispered in surprise, as soon as I heard the word unicorn, I quickly turned back to see that a purple unicorn with a darker purple mane was staring at us, she had a confused look on her face, and so did I.

“YOU!” the yellow Pegasus turned to look at me with an angered look on her, I gasped in fear and said:

“Y-yes?” I was expecting the worst from the Pegasus.
“JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOUNG MONSTER?!” she stepped closer to me and her eyes seem to become bigger and…hypnotizing?

“YOU THINK YOU CAN GO AROUND KILLING OTHER ANIMALS?!” As she stepped closer and closer to me, my mind started to bring me flashbacks of the past, I wanted to tell her that the bear attacked us first, but those eyes; they were attacking my brain with flashbacks going faster as she got closer. The memories finally stopped and only one remained, the weird part was…that it didn’t belong to me. I was a soldier in the Nazi army; we were trenched and contained by enemy machine guns, my friend Krauss was crying on my left, some of the soldiers kicked him and told him strong words, he was just afraid to die, I told him something I did not understood, I felt trembling coming in, in my flashback someone shouted “OH SCHEISE, PANZEEEEER!” I knew what that meant for all the time I spent playing Battlefield on German, it felt so vivid; Krauss raised his head to look, he screamed a few seconds before a tank round ripped half his upper body. All the blood, I could see his heart beating and his bony throat, it was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen, I raised my hands and saw that they were all covered in blood, stupidly, I raised my head as well to see what was going on, I saw the black hole in the tank long barrel pointing at me, the tank fired.

The flashback faded before the tank round hit me, and quickly another flashback came in. This one was in another land and I was watering some flowers, some girls in the distance caught my attention, they seemed so pretty and peaceful, I said something to myself and I couldn’t recognize the language I was talking in, “Japanese?” I thought, In that very moment I heard the sound of a plane, but nothing like the planes that I had heard before, it was louder and stronger noises, I raised my head and saw that the plane dropped something, it seemed little from where I was standing, as it got closer to the ground I heard some screaming. It touched the ground, the floor trembled and a very bright light appeared, I tried to block it with one hand, as soon as I did I saw my bones, like if my eyes had x-ray, then fire started to come from where the object landed, the girls screamed and began to burn alive, I was luckily far enough to not be reached by the flames, instead I started to feel dizzy and my head hurt like hell, my hands now turning into a dark green, my chest expanding waiting to explode, it felt so vivid that I started to scream and shout:

“PLEASE MAKE IT STOP, ILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT PLEASE JUST STOP!” as soon as the yellow pony heard my words she closed her eyes and returned them to their normal size, the flashback faded away, I could hear the unicorn blaming the yellow Pegasus.

“Flutteshy are you crazy?! Why did you use the stare on him?”
“Oh sorry twilight, I-I didn’t wanted to do that, please forgive me creature” she was now crying silently, but I was still very shocked to answer her.

“Oh who have I become to do such pain to other creatures” she was now crying more loudly.

“Its, its o-ok” I began to feel sorry for the Pegasus, even if just a minute ago she was torturing me with those memories.

“Um, t-thanks” the Pegasus said between sobs.

“Who are you anyway” said twilight.

“And for that matter, what are you?” I was preparing a big resumed explanation when Daniel spoke.

“If you help us save our friend, we’ll tell you anything you want to know” his voice sounded a little angry.

“And what about that bear back there, how do we know you’re not dangerous?” said twilight with a worried tone and look.

“We’ll help you save the bear if you help us save our friend, I can assure you we’re not dangerous, promise” I did my best to beg them to help our friend, I even got on my knees and begged at the unicorn, for all I know, unicorns were mythical and powerful creatures.

“Ok, but you have to follow us from a distance, and maybe later we can talk, I need to tell princess Celestia about this and make some research on your ability to speak our language” I found that ironic as a teddy bat, still I kept my mouth close, I didn’t want Anthony to lose more blood.

“Alright then” said Daniel in an angry voice, he then went to take all the knives loose in the grass, and I slowly grabbed Anthony and put him on my back, Daniel came with the backpack with his usual poker face.

“Ok, follow us please” the purple unicorn then started to walk to the west, just where we were heading, the bear started to move without even being awake, he was floating, and covered by a purple aura, I saw that the unicorn’s horn was glowing too, in the same color, I had my questions but that told me that if unicorns are able to do that, they could save Antony’s life too.

“Where do you think they’re taking us Daniel?” I asked him with a worried face.

“I honestly…don’t care Alex, as long as they can save Anthony, I don’t really care” he whispered with the angriest of voices.
Help me with the grammar errors please! Give a like and comment, thanks for reading.
“Take all your childhood away, somewhere far and close it very deep inside your heart”-Alex