• Published 3rd Jun 2012
  • 507 Views, 5 Comments

Another world in the darkness - Thunder Facade

3 friends discover an ancient mith and decide to found out what is it all about.

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*11:30* “What time is it, Alex?” asked my friend Daniel, “only half hour man, why the rush?” I asked waiting no response from him “it’s getting really cold in here” he was embracing himself while shivering, honestly, I’ve never seen him act like this, he was cold and precise and from afar he seemed like a numb living soul, still, he could be the only funny guy in a cold room if he’s on the mood.

Mean while, Anthony hadn’t said a word since we arrived to Greece, which in the other hand, he was acting just the opposite of Daniel, and that just wasn’t normal, not for me and not for him, one of my most crazy friends was now a silent rock just waiting to explode, of course he had his moments of numbness but most of the time he was pure randomness, one minute he was quiet and the other he was screaming and making the oddest sounds I’ve ever heard, he then get violent and start to laugh at anything that came out of your mouth, he was kind of bipolar but nothing I couldn’t handle.

*11:37*it was getting colder and darker in the Olympus, the storm was getting closer and every second that passed my heart pulsate faster and faster, fear ran through my veins and I sigh constantly, Daniel was trembling either from fear or the death cold, and Anthony with his arms crossed and looking fearless at the “portal” or at least that’s what we thought it was.

*11:45* As the time closed in for the huge rock with a hole on it to “open” we could only wait and hope that the danger of the storm did not harm us. *11:50* The storm started to burst in thunders from the black clouds, none of us said something but
we all knew that we might die in here, still the thought of another world and a “portal” in front of us kept us in place.

*11:52* I started to look at my watch more frequently, I was getting desperate and the sound of thunders falling all around us felt like a stick in my brain, “too much pressure, too much waiting, too much to care about” I thought, so I finally decided to close my eyes and think about my past, my parents always fighting, my sister with her poker face and her bully jokes that always made me laugh, my mom frustrated and alone always blaming me for any little mistake I made, my dad with he’s
cheerful smile and his patience, faces I didn’t even remember to meet, too much to remember…too much to care about…

*11:58* “Just two minutes to go” finally Anthony spoke a word with the numbest of voices and a very concerned but sleepy face looking at the portal. Daniel turned his head to look at the portal as soon as he did so he started to walk closer to it, I was just inches away from it, Anthony’s words made me get out from all the flashbacks in my mind and put all my attention to the portal as well. What was going to happen? It was going to be worth the risk? I kept asking myself and I even thought about quitting and go home, but that thought only lasted a few seconds.

*12:00* It was time, the only reason we came to this hell hole, we were finally going to get some answers , most of my thinking at that moment were only negative assumptions about the portal. A bright blue thunder hit the top of the portal; we all jumped in fear and amazement but soon came back closer to the portal, it was 12:05 and nothing happened or at least that’s what Anthony and I thought, but Daniel stared worriedly at the it, getting closer every second, like if waiting for something to come out of it. “Leave it Daniel, we’re losing time here” I shouted at him but he didn’t seem to care a bit. Anthony was almost half way out of the Olympus, I began to follow him with a very disappointed look on my face and looking at every step I take.

*12:10* “WHAT THE FUCK?!” I heard the sudden shout from Daniel and began to run towards him, when I finally made it to there I the hole of the rock getting darker and darker filling the complete hole of it. “ANTHONY! ANTHONY COME HERE DUDE!” I turned my head but still there was no sight of him, I knew that the portal may close very early and that if I went to search for him I might lose my chance to enter the portal, we stared at it for several seconds and then Daniel with a cold voice said “come on, let’s go find him before we lose our opportunity”. We ran to the location I last saw him go, we arrived in about 15 seconds, but still no sight of him, not a sound just the sound of the storm in its last minutes “ANTHONY!!! ANTHONY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” we called him for a few seconds and nothing came out in response.

*12:25* “ANTHONY WE NEED YOU TO GO WITH US” I said my last word before me and Daniel ran to the portal, there we saw someone standing in front of the portal, we started to run faster and faster “who the hell is that guy?” I thought, when we made it we could finally see that it was indeed Anthony the one staring at the black hole in the rock, I couldn’t breathe, the air was escaping somehow out of the Olympus, I began to cough and falling hardly on the ground, I looked to my right an there was Daniel shocking as well “what a way to lose my life, no more air for me to breathe in here, I guess I’ll finally find out if god exist” just making a last attempt to laugh in my coughing.

*12:30*”Well here goes nothing, I feel glad I met ya’ guys” I could barely hear the sentence that Anthony spoke, I was feeling weaker, I wanted to sleep forever and forget all the pressure in this chaos world. I felt a hand grabbing my shirt and dragging me closer to whoever that was and then I entered the portal, my senses we’re hardly awaken and felt the biggest weigh push deeper in my chest, like a damn building falling in front of me, I felt no pain but my whole body felt like expanding to the right and to the left, I had my eyes closed so I couldn’t see anything when I entered the portal…”This feels…AMAZING!” those we’re the last words I heard from Anthony before crashing into the tall and wide grass of a forest… it was nighttime…
I would really appreciate some feedback, you liked it, you didn’t? this is my very first fafic, so I wanna know how I did, thanks, also those likes will make me continue with the fic.“Pathetic men kill each other” -Alex