• Published 31st Oct 2015
  • 565 Views, 0 Comments

MLP: Friends From the BIG House - JusSonic

To get help from a new element user, the Mane Six must release him from prison!

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Chapter 01: A Tough Request to fill

MLP: Friends From the BIG House

Chapter 01: A Tough Request to fill

The scene opens up towards Canterlot Castle, where Celestia & Luna are finishing some conversation of another busy visitor of another area that has told them of much disaster that has gone on. Apparently other evil villains and foes showed up in another area where the sun princess had to dispatch some forces, just to clean up the mess and keep the area safe. This has been going on much lately where the Three Lords have either done some sneaky acts under their noses or just some complicated matters. Once the business was settled, did Celestia sigh to feel relief.

“Sister, this is the fifth incident this week, thou can’t even ponder what our enemies are plotting.” Luna spoke off in seeing that there is much happening recently, so many incidences and so many enemies appearing, they can’t keep track.

“I know Luna. So far, the Apocalypse Ponies and the Dark Mystics have made some movement and have stir up trouble, some of which we all just managed to survive from.” Celestia stated in knowing that they have ended up with matters against the mentioned foes.

“At least it’s not all bad, only those two groups are moving. Grimmore seems to have stay put while they fought.” Luna spoke in trying to lighten the subject a little, but that was far from it.

“That’s even MORE reason to worry. Grimmore is more dangerous that when he goes on a move, he’s almost impossible to predict or understand or even survive his onslaught.” Celestia spoke with caution and concern with worries of the worse of the Three Lords. “He may not even lift a finger, he’ll allow others to do the deed.” She explained how the Dark Elf is, he’s powerful enough that while he could end things quickly, he lets others do the work for him.

“Truly a Demon God couldn’t describe him better. He’s like the calm before the storm.” Luna stated how much the Overlord King is the worse of the worse.

“Worse Luna, he’s a being to represent Ragnarok & Armageddon while the other two could be like our Doomsday.” Celestia stated with her own worries how that compared to the Superior & Dark Curse, they are only small to mid-level catastrophe to Grimmore’s unlimited god-like power. “Every day, more new faces are seen, and it’s more of the villains that are showing up, stronger, and they could finish off our friends & love ones if we’re not careful.” She was worried, their enemies keep sending out stronger players while their side is not up to speed.

“What more can we do dear sister? Twilight and her friends are just holding off against two to three opposing forces, but they’ll need more help. Stronger help, but who can help us slow down so many villain sightings?” Luna shrug off to say that while those that are the represented Elements of Harmony are doing their best, they need stronger friends and allies to combat against such powerful forces.

That was the deep thought as both Royal Sisters had to think. There have been times when their allies the Mystics have come to help them out in tight jams, but they can’t be there for them all the time as they must also protect their Mystic Realm from any trouble to. What they need are more Equestrian fighters, warriors, heroes, anyone, etc., to join them and help to fight off the forces of evil. There are few very good Equestrians that have Elements and some that are stronger without them or even not being Alicorns. But what they truly need is something to really shake things up so that at least the Apocalypse Ponies & Dark Mystics aren’t so cocky to attack so much. It was during that thought that Celestia had a brainstorm, there may be one certain element that may help them out and that could aid them.

“There may be one pony we haven’t tried to focus on, and maybe by my decision and yours, it may cause a slight shift in our enemies focus on us.” Celestia spoke with a stern and firm tone of what she was expressing.

“And who would you have in mind?” Luna raised an eyebrow in hearing this as it got her attention.

“A pony that is hard to handle and even harder to beat and we have him.” Celestia issued from knowing a certain character that could prove effective if they mend to have him aid them. “Luna, can I ask you to agree with whatever decision I make here, it may upset things, but please, I need the support.” She turn to her sister with a pleading expression, wanting Luna’s help that she can’t do this alone as they’ll need all their power as princesses to pull this off.

“Of course, but tell me…” Luna nods in willing to help, but there was a catch. “Who is it you’re speaking about?” She wants to know who it is that they are going to request help from.

Celestia sighs before trotting near a balcony where Luna joined her; time to give an answer it seems. “The one I speak of is a complicated pony….he holds a great power while not evil by nature, but he is…a troublesome child.” Celestia sighs to say this with her honest opinion that who she spoke about is not truly an enemy, just a pony with problems it seems. “By our seal of approval, we shall request Twilight’s group to help release this creature from a place very much like Tartarus.” She explained her plan as firm as she could that they will ask Twilight & her group to aid them in this step.

“Celly, do you ACTUALLY mean….him?” Luna gasp in suddenly catching onto her sister’s idea; it sounds as crazy as it’s getting from the only place that is like Tartarus besides the former End of Equestria would be…

“I do indeed…” Celestia slowly nods her head with a serious face before finishing. “The stallion we need…is in Grimdark.” She declared the whereabouts of this new source to help them; in a place that is a prison.

Then outside of Canterlot, unexpected lighting storms are seen flashing about, as if some unexpected storm was slowly moving in. The situation looks very serious indeed for what may just about begin here while everything goes dark now….


Meanwhile in the Rainbow Kingdom’s castle, Twilight, the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, Spike & Phobos were minding their own business. As usually, after having dealt with whatever problems, be it fighting evil or ruling a kingdom, it’s back to the usual meeting discussions of what to do to help the Rainbow Kingdom out.

“Brother, we need something to get our minds off stressful stuff. Something to just laze back and not worry ourselves.” Phobos sighed in pondering if there was even anything like that to help them out.

“You’re telling me, I feel like after so much work to just lie down on a comfy couch and not get up with some gems to eat.” Spike sighed in feeling like he wants to goof-off and relax for a change.

“Oh-oh! I have the perfect solution to that in which we can give out to ponies all over!” Pinkie Pie waved her hoof from her spot in having a good idea.

“Oh, that sounds nice Pinkie, but um….what is it?” Fluttershy slowly spoke in being interested at the moment.

“This!” Pinkie Pie came near a spot by a curtain and tug on a rope line. “Tadaaaaaahhh!” She pulled back the curtain to introduce some bunk-bed structure, but it was more likely couches. “Introducing the Double-Decker Couch! So every pony can hang, watch TV, eat snacks and be best buddies in who they sit with! That’ll cheer everyone up to forget their worries!” The pink pony explained this before making a perky smile in awaiting her friends’ reaction to her random idea.

Now there was a few blank and stump faces in what the pink pony had even just SHOWN them here. Many couldn’t even tell if Pinkie was being serious or just plain silly or both.

“Okay, Pinkie, I know you’re random, but that is literally the randomlessly idea I’ve ever heard.” Rainbow Dash spoke off in having a dry look over hearing such an idea.

“Now let me handle this Dashie.” Rarity spoke in wanting to handle telling their pink friend this. “The idea is just…the worse.” She stated off that the idea was simply unheard of.

“Aaaaah, how come?” Pinkie Pie pouts in hearing the gang doesn’t like her idea, why?

“Pinkie, dat idea is….well it’s….how can I honestly say this without sounding too mean?” Applejack rub her back head in pondering how to let her pink pal down gently. “It’s just hard seeing' ponies go fer dat.” She basically went with that kinda answer, it’s not much, but it’ll have to do.

“Okay….maybe we should change the subject.” Ben spoke in seeing this was getting them nowhere fast, especially with a very random couch idea.

“Right, hugh, it’s not like something exciting is gonna appear before us. We’ve had some tiring days with too many villain activities.” Twilight sighs to agree, right now there’s nothing else that’s gonna show up out of the blue after having such hard filled days fighting evil.

“Burp/Poofruvhmm…” Suddenly, Spike burps out flames in which came a scroll that landed on the table of where the gang was.

“Look, it’s a note from Grandma Celestia! What’s it say?” Nyx spoke in recognizing that they just got a message.

“Let me open it.” Twilight spoke to use her horn to levitate the scroll to open it and there was a second document paper next to it for another reason of use. “Dear Twilight, I need you and your friends for an important mission task that is vital to truly help us stop the uprising of powerful foes I know you’ve come across.” She read what was written on the message about Celestia trying to help them out from their hard struggles.

“Boy have we ever, so, what’s it say?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to agree while wondering what it is they got.

“Celestia says that there is a pony with an element we’ll need to retrieve and have him join the cause.” Twilight explained this out that pretty much surprised the gang, Celestia was telling them to find an Element Wielder that can help them.

“So where is he station?” Spike rub the back of his head, not sure the guy would be if they are asked to go fetch him.

“Oh my…..she says we need to release him from…” Twilight spoke to swallow hard that they need to help get the pony in question out, but from where; she’s about to say. “Grimdark.” She silently spoke the name of the place that seem to bring forth a shocking effect here.

“Grimdark!” The others responded off in finding this truly a shocker to them. Grimdark is a prison that’s their own jail house while Tartarus has powerful enemies sealed away, but they need to get someone out of there. What’s going on here?

“As in the second worse prison next to Tartarus, Grimdark?” Rarity asked forth in trying to get the pointer straight here.

“De fella we’re recruiting is there? Why? An’ a better question is, how come?” Applejack asked off why they need someone from a jail prison to join them.

“There isn’t any of that, but there is a release scroll form with the Royal Sisters seals on them.” Twilight stated in not having the details, but the document she held was what Celestia & Luna sign to release the pony they need to get.

“Oh my, could that allow any pony to be pardon from such a place?” Fluttershy spoke in surprise; that is very much surprising to hear this while curious.

“Usually Grimdark holds certain criminals for long years or go through rehabilitation. But if my mom and aunt give an official royal seal of approval, then it can be legal. Unlike Tartarus, where whoever goes there, they hardly come back.” Ben explained the basic different principles of how Grimdark & Tartarus work, only one of them where those sent to be imprison can be lucky enough to get out.

“Wow, this DOES sound serious! But, who is it we’re going for?” Pinkie Pie asked off in pondering who they are springing from the BIG House?

“Why not ask two Royal Guards here that once work in the area?” Rainbow Dash spoke off in recalling that they can get the answer straight from not one, but TWO horses’ mouths who know about Grimdark.

Later, Fred Stoneward & Barney Rubblestone appeared before Twilight’s group after being summoned.

“You called for us, your highnesses and council members.” Fred spoke humbly in being in front of royalty and councilmen friends.

“If we can help out, just say the word and we’ll try to handle it.” Barney spoke off to issue their claim in what they can do.

“Yes, you two work in Grimdark before getting assign as my guards, right?” Twilight asked this as the two Royal Guards nod their heads ‘yes’ in response. “Then can you tell us of a certain prisoner?” She wants to see if these two have info regarding a pony they are asked to release.

“Well it depends, there were a lot of guys there.” Fred spoke in recalling how many prisoners were sentence to Grimdark.

“Yeah, some were mean, others were just creepy. So who is?” Barney nods to issue this matter of how the prisoners from Grimdark acted, but who is the subject.

“I’m asked to go and find a stallion, do you know him by the name of….Zebura?” Twilight spoke off in addressing the name of a prisoner if the former prison guard ponies knew of the pony she spoke.

That suddenly caused an unpleasant reaction from Fred & Barney’s eyes, face, the whole expression; the looks of fear, worry, concerns, it was all written there. The mentioned of the name of those that are not familiar to Grimdark or their prisoners even know about Zebura.

“Did-did…did you just say Zebura? Ye-Ye-Your highness, ma’am?” Fred was gibbering his words a bit in almost sounding very nervous about now.

“Uh oh Fred, this might be a serious question than we thought!” Barney spoke in looking very worried and concern right about now it seems.

“Princess, you should be careful around the one you’re asking about, we heard somethings.” Fred spoke in giving a fair amount of warning to Twilight & her friends over the subject concerning this Zebura character.

“Right, from a guard whose best friend, who knew a guy, and whose second cousin, who’s twice removed griffin aunt, knew who Zebura was.” Barney stated off in mentioning how there was certain folks that know the guy that they heard about.

“Cough….but of course….WE ONLY HEARD RUMORS! WE AREN’T SAYING THIS TO INSULT THE GUY! RIGHT, BARN!” Fred clears his throat to jab Barney & give a wink signal before looking around the place while shouting this message out.

“Oh, um yeah. YEAH! WE DON’T THINK MUCH OF WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID AS IT’S NOT A CONCERN FOR US!” Barney suddenly got the message before looking around and was shouting out loudly to say this stuff out too.

“WHY ARE WE SHOUTING; ARE WE PLAYING A GAME?” Pinkie Pie yelled out in not understanding why they are shouting, she thinks it’s a game.

“Seriously, why are you both doing that?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in why the guards are even doing such a bizarre behavior.

“Can’t be too careful. The walls have ears & hear things, yah know.” Barney spoke in stating that someone could be hearing in on what they may be saying.

“Yeah, they say if you talk badly behind a guy’s back, they’ll know.” Fred nods with a nervous face that if they don’t make this honest clear fact, they could get hurt about talking behind a fella’s back.

“Rainbow, you didn’t set up cameras that are hacked and we’re being monitored, did you?” Twilight raised an eyebrow towards her friend who once used spy cams that made others see some private matters, did the Pegasus have something to make these guys be worried?

“Oh come on, yah, the idea cross my mind like the theme park, but would I let someone see it and then come to harm us if we spoke badly?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to clarify that she was not the one that would be behind the issue.

“Maybe we should forget this nonsense and focus on de task instead.” Applejack stated to not bother about one issue and focus on their task subject.

“Right, maybe we can get answers at Grimdark about this Zebura character.” Fluttershy nods in thinking they best learn what they can about Zebura at Grimdark.

Fred & Barney seem a little uncertain of that to which even Pinkie Pie noticed that it seem the name of Zebura got them even when the guys never met the pony face to face.

“Hey, is mentioning his name the same as saying he who’s name must not be spoken, like a name like….Voldemort?” Pinkie Pie asked off this sudden random question while speaking a completely random name by a Fourth Wall Breaking action stage.

Then without warning, flashes of lightning & thunder and howling wolf noises are seen outside. This pretty much caught everyone by surprise after the pink one said a name that was not to be spoken.

“Aaaaahhhh!” Then a scream was heard, and that the others saw it came from…Phobos hugging Spike while scared. “What? That stuff scared me, a bit….maybe a little.” Phobos spoke off his defense over the issue while getting out of the hug.

“Oh Phobos.” Nyx rolled her eyes in seeing how silly her friend was.

“Tell me about it.” Spike shrug off his shoulders in feeling like that was weird.

“Hugh, it must be related to the time we were in the Muppet world that saying Grimmore was causing catastrophes.” Pinkie Pie rubbed her head in thinking what happened when she said a name did all this.

“Alright, let’s just get ready.” Ben spoke in feeling they better get ready to depart here.

Soon the Mane Six group were getting themselves ready to head off…to prison; not that they are sentence there, but to get someone out. Boy, you can tell this will seem a little weird for them.


Meanwhile within a familiarly darken place that is a jail security facility, many lights were on in keeping track of any suspicious movement. This was Grimdark, in the past, it had a breakout of the Brotherhood members, but since then, has beef up security to be in a state that keeps anyone that is a powerful Alicorn or a Mystic or Dark Mystic from breaking in OR out. But we zoom in deeper to a darken cell with a massive room space, and some pony creature that was seen lying down with…GIANT CHAINS ATTACH TO HIS HOOVES! Whoever he was, seems like he was left to die as he appeared to have scar marks.

“Heeeh…so I’ll have company soon.” But then to anyone’s unbelievable minds, the creature moved his eyes open, as if not dead and even more so UNBOTHERED of his currency. “Looks like things are about to get interesting here.” The mysterious figure responded in sounding very sure of things while not being bothered, glad, or annoyed, he just knows what’s going on outside the walls of Grimdark.

As the scene darkens, many questions riddle the minds if this character could indeed be…The One, Twilight’s group shall meet. That’s gonna be saved for later, but it certainly looks like…he’s no average pony joe. This guy….seems seriously intense even when shackled.


Outside the Rainbow Kingdom Castle, the Mane Six & Ben were all packed and ready to go. Near the palace’s doors were Fred & Barney along with Nyx, Spike & Phobos. Many were now just awaiting the word of what’s gonna be going on apparently.

“Okay, we’re all pack an ready Twilight.” Applejack spoke out to her pal in having everything they’ll need for a trip.

“Yeah, we’ve gone to some weird places before.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in making a comment about where they are going now.

“But going to a prison jail, I must say….it’s the very LAST place I wanna end up in!” Rarity spoke in finding that compared to their usual visits, jail was the furtherest thing from their minds.

“Don’t worry Rarity, think of it as busting a friend out of the joint!” Pinkie Pie spoke off to say before suddenly taking a moment to reflect her words. “No wait, we’re doing it legally, not illegally, right?” She wanted to make sure of what they are doing is legal after all.

“Right Pinkie, don’t worry. We’ll be fine if we do this right.” Ben nods in stating they’ll be okay, this is just a go and retrieval type mission.

“Well, guess it’s time we get going.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling it’s time they start going now.

“We’re all ready to go now mommy.” Nyx smiled off in readying herself to go to Grimdark.

“Sorry honey, but I want you to stay here.” Twilight spoke in objecting the idea of Nyx tagging along.

“Awww, why can’t I go?” Nyx pouts in hearing that she isn’t going.

“It’s a prison Nyx, it’s no place for colts or fillies to go where there are dangerous criminals.” Twilight spoke in explaining that a prison like Grimdark is no place for children, after all; who would bring a kid to jail. It’s completely insensible.

“Right, like comparing it to the time we went to the End of Equestria was like a vacation spot.” Spike shrug off to say over the last place they travel to was dangerous.

“And that goes for baby Dragons too.” Twilight sternly pointed out that both Spike & Phobos are staying behind as well.

“Awww, we can’t come too? Why?” Phobos moans to groan in hearing that they aren’t coming along.

“Have you guys forgotten that Grimdark is a prison?” Ben pointed out something about where they are going is no forest, mountain range, town, city or kingdom, it’s a place that’s dangerous. “There could be loads of anti-haters of the original Nightmare Moon, even those connected to Lorcan to Tadaka.” The guy was right, some officers, even jail mates, might hold grudges of others from the past, etc.

“We’re doing this to keep you safe, okay?” Twilight kneels down to pat the little ones to understand why they are doing this.

“Oooooh-kay.” Nyx, Spike & Phobos reluctantly agreed to this, they didn’t wanna, but they have to.

“Fred, Barney, can you watch over them while we’re away?” Twilight looked to her guards in asking for a favor.

“Oh sure thing your highness.” Barney replied off in finding the job that not hard to do.

“Yeah, we’ll watch them like hawks.” Fred smiled off to say they’ll make sure they watch the little tikes.

“Remember, if any pony ask where we are, tell them we’re out and we’ll be back soon. This is a private mission, so we can’t let every pony know.” Twilight informed her Royal Guards since if word got out, it might cause a panic and it’s supposed to be kept secret to only those that were in the Council of Friendship.

With a few more farewells, Twilight used her horn to prepare a long-distance teleportation spell that quickly zip them off by lightning speed. The Mane Six & Ben were now off towards Grimdark, hopefully they’ll be fine on their arrival.

“Whelp, what do you little fellas wanna do? Have some eats? Watch a little T.V?” Fred asked off in the kids wanna have something to do while they stay put.

“Ugh Fred, I think they prefer a game.” Barney spoke in showing a bizarre puzzled look on his face.

“Why’s that Barn?” Fred asked off lost in why his pal thinks that.

“Cause they seem gone and are playing Hide-N-Go-Seek.” Barney spoke true, as both he and Fred see that Nyx & the baby Dragons are long gone after saying farewell to Twilight’s group.

“Uh oh! Quick Barn, we gotta find them before Princess Twilight & Prince Ben come back!” Fred yelps in seeing this isn’t good, if they botch this, what will their employers think of them, they gotta find the kids fast.

“Right, so much for being like hawks, we might as well be turkeys instead.” Barney nods in thinking instead of being watchful hawks, they’re gullible turkeys.

While Fred & Barney were searching the palace grounds, they never saw that flying up in the air was Nyx in her Battle Form Mode while Spike & Phobos rode on her back.

“I hope mother & father and my aunts won’t be mad if we do this.” Adult Nyx spoke in feeling that she’ll be in trouble for doing this.

“You kidding me, we ace through Shadow Ghoul’s Maze Of Illusion in thinking we go to jail, so we shouldn’t be afraid.” Phobos reminded the girl of the time they beat an illusion of their criminal past when they went to the End of Equestria.

“Well as long as no pony sees us, we should be fine. Think you can keep us out of sight Nyx?” Spike stated in thinking that as long as they aren’t seen, they aren’t gonna be in trouble.

“No doubt about it, next stop…Grimdark!” Adult Nyx nods in agreement as they get ready to head off to their destination…the BIG House!

Soon Adult Nyx made herself and surprising the baby Dragons into star dust before whooshing off like dust in the wind. Looks like a few players are already off to Grimdark with an important mission, question will be….how will they handle the experience of going through the horrors of punishment given to criminals? That is a case left to be seen another day, as the scene fads out with lots of puzzling mysterious knocking at our doors.

Author's Note:

Pinkie’s idea is similar from The Lego Movie about couch idea.

Some things from Road to The End are briefly recalled in the story.

Well there we go, a nice start where everything suddenly goes into a new spin twist. In the next chapter, Twilight's group will have arrive at Grimdark, where they'll meet the Warden who gives a private tour to the group of how they do things (especially after Trix Lulamoon's action that freed the Brotherhood, but that's for later). Then before long, they'll soon come across meeting Zebura who is held in a one prison class alone, and boy will they see what he can do when he's about to be...EXECUTED!...AGAIN! Just what is happening & just what kinda pony is he made of, those are reminded to be seen....in the next chapter. So hope this has earn some interest, and sit back to relax, cause it's gonna get a little more exciting next chapter around. Chow for now!