MLP: Friends From the BIG House

by JusSonic

First published

To get help from a new element user, the Mane Six must release him from prison!

Twilight and her group are given a mission unlike any they have ever performed, Celestia request they recruit an element user to help them stop their uprising foes. The only thing is, while it be nice to have a new ally in the fight against evil, the acquit ant is in….the second known prison in Eqeustria next to Tartarus; GRIMDARK. The pony’s name is Zebura, a pony who is said to be a problem child, the biggest & dangerous threat that make every other criminal in Grimdark quiver in fear of him. While the Mane Six find their object very hard, correction, exclusively difficult, they aren’t going to give up and find a way to breach Zebura’s attitude and have him become their friend. And in a dire pitch, Zebura has the power of ‘sound’ that makes him more powerful & destructive, and he hates folks that are ‘cocky’, so even the Dark Mystics would fear a guy that could almost obliterate them if they are not careful. What will happen, that’s the big question indeed…?

Chapter 01: A Tough Request to fill

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MLP: Friends From the BIG House

Chapter 01: A Tough Request to fill

The scene opens up towards Canterlot Castle, where Celestia & Luna are finishing some conversation of another busy visitor of another area that has told them of much disaster that has gone on. Apparently other evil villains and foes showed up in another area where the sun princess had to dispatch some forces, just to clean up the mess and keep the area safe. This has been going on much lately where the Three Lords have either done some sneaky acts under their noses or just some complicated matters. Once the business was settled, did Celestia sigh to feel relief.

“Sister, this is the fifth incident this week, thou can’t even ponder what our enemies are plotting.” Luna spoke off in seeing that there is much happening recently, so many incidences and so many enemies appearing, they can’t keep track.

“I know Luna. So far, the Apocalypse Ponies and the Dark Mystics have made some movement and have stir up trouble, some of which we all just managed to survive from.” Celestia stated in knowing that they have ended up with matters against the mentioned foes.

“At least it’s not all bad, only those two groups are moving. Grimmore seems to have stay put while they fought.” Luna spoke in trying to lighten the subject a little, but that was far from it.

“That’s even MORE reason to worry. Grimmore is more dangerous that when he goes on a move, he’s almost impossible to predict or understand or even survive his onslaught.” Celestia spoke with caution and concern with worries of the worse of the Three Lords. “He may not even lift a finger, he’ll allow others to do the deed.” She explained how the Dark Elf is, he’s powerful enough that while he could end things quickly, he lets others do the work for him.

“Truly a Demon God couldn’t describe him better. He’s like the calm before the storm.” Luna stated how much the Overlord King is the worse of the worse.

“Worse Luna, he’s a being to represent Ragnarok & Armageddon while the other two could be like our Doomsday.” Celestia stated with her own worries how that compared to the Superior & Dark Curse, they are only small to mid-level catastrophe to Grimmore’s unlimited god-like power. “Every day, more new faces are seen, and it’s more of the villains that are showing up, stronger, and they could finish off our friends & love ones if we’re not careful.” She was worried, their enemies keep sending out stronger players while their side is not up to speed.

“What more can we do dear sister? Twilight and her friends are just holding off against two to three opposing forces, but they’ll need more help. Stronger help, but who can help us slow down so many villain sightings?” Luna shrug off to say that while those that are the represented Elements of Harmony are doing their best, they need stronger friends and allies to combat against such powerful forces.

That was the deep thought as both Royal Sisters had to think. There have been times when their allies the Mystics have come to help them out in tight jams, but they can’t be there for them all the time as they must also protect their Mystic Realm from any trouble to. What they need are more Equestrian fighters, warriors, heroes, anyone, etc., to join them and help to fight off the forces of evil. There are few very good Equestrians that have Elements and some that are stronger without them or even not being Alicorns. But what they truly need is something to really shake things up so that at least the Apocalypse Ponies & Dark Mystics aren’t so cocky to attack so much. It was during that thought that Celestia had a brainstorm, there may be one certain element that may help them out and that could aid them.

“There may be one pony we haven’t tried to focus on, and maybe by my decision and yours, it may cause a slight shift in our enemies focus on us.” Celestia spoke with a stern and firm tone of what she was expressing.

“And who would you have in mind?” Luna raised an eyebrow in hearing this as it got her attention.

“A pony that is hard to handle and even harder to beat and we have him.” Celestia issued from knowing a certain character that could prove effective if they mend to have him aid them. “Luna, can I ask you to agree with whatever decision I make here, it may upset things, but please, I need the support.” She turn to her sister with a pleading expression, wanting Luna’s help that she can’t do this alone as they’ll need all their power as princesses to pull this off.

“Of course, but tell me…” Luna nods in willing to help, but there was a catch. “Who is it you’re speaking about?” She wants to know who it is that they are going to request help from.

Celestia sighs before trotting near a balcony where Luna joined her; time to give an answer it seems. “The one I speak of is a complicated pony….he holds a great power while not evil by nature, but he is…a troublesome child.” Celestia sighs to say this with her honest opinion that who she spoke about is not truly an enemy, just a pony with problems it seems. “By our seal of approval, we shall request Twilight’s group to help release this creature from a place very much like Tartarus.” She explained her plan as firm as she could that they will ask Twilight & her group to aid them in this step.

“Celly, do you ACTUALLY mean….him?” Luna gasp in suddenly catching onto her sister’s idea; it sounds as crazy as it’s getting from the only place that is like Tartarus besides the former End of Equestria would be…

“I do indeed…” Celestia slowly nods her head with a serious face before finishing. “The stallion we need…is in Grimdark.” She declared the whereabouts of this new source to help them; in a place that is a prison.

Then outside of Canterlot, unexpected lighting storms are seen flashing about, as if some unexpected storm was slowly moving in. The situation looks very serious indeed for what may just about begin here while everything goes dark now….


Meanwhile in the Rainbow Kingdom’s castle, Twilight, the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, Spike & Phobos were minding their own business. As usually, after having dealt with whatever problems, be it fighting evil or ruling a kingdom, it’s back to the usual meeting discussions of what to do to help the Rainbow Kingdom out.

“Brother, we need something to get our minds off stressful stuff. Something to just laze back and not worry ourselves.” Phobos sighed in pondering if there was even anything like that to help them out.

“You’re telling me, I feel like after so much work to just lie down on a comfy couch and not get up with some gems to eat.” Spike sighed in feeling like he wants to goof-off and relax for a change.

“Oh-oh! I have the perfect solution to that in which we can give out to ponies all over!” Pinkie Pie waved her hoof from her spot in having a good idea.

“Oh, that sounds nice Pinkie, but um….what is it?” Fluttershy slowly spoke in being interested at the moment.

“This!” Pinkie Pie came near a spot by a curtain and tug on a rope line. “Tadaaaaaahhh!” She pulled back the curtain to introduce some bunk-bed structure, but it was more likely couches. “Introducing the Double-Decker Couch! So every pony can hang, watch TV, eat snacks and be best buddies in who they sit with! That’ll cheer everyone up to forget their worries!” The pink pony explained this before making a perky smile in awaiting her friends’ reaction to her random idea.

Now there was a few blank and stump faces in what the pink pony had even just SHOWN them here. Many couldn’t even tell if Pinkie was being serious or just plain silly or both.

“Okay, Pinkie, I know you’re random, but that is literally the randomlessly idea I’ve ever heard.” Rainbow Dash spoke off in having a dry look over hearing such an idea.

“Now let me handle this Dashie.” Rarity spoke in wanting to handle telling their pink friend this. “The idea is just…the worse.” She stated off that the idea was simply unheard of.

“Aaaaah, how come?” Pinkie Pie pouts in hearing the gang doesn’t like her idea, why?

“Pinkie, dat idea is….well it’s….how can I honestly say this without sounding too mean?” Applejack rub her back head in pondering how to let her pink pal down gently. “It’s just hard seeing' ponies go fer dat.” She basically went with that kinda answer, it’s not much, but it’ll have to do.

“Okay….maybe we should change the subject.” Ben spoke in seeing this was getting them nowhere fast, especially with a very random couch idea.

“Right, hugh, it’s not like something exciting is gonna appear before us. We’ve had some tiring days with too many villain activities.” Twilight sighs to agree, right now there’s nothing else that’s gonna show up out of the blue after having such hard filled days fighting evil.

“Burp/Poofruvhmm…” Suddenly, Spike burps out flames in which came a scroll that landed on the table of where the gang was.

“Look, it’s a note from Grandma Celestia! What’s it say?” Nyx spoke in recognizing that they just got a message.

“Let me open it.” Twilight spoke to use her horn to levitate the scroll to open it and there was a second document paper next to it for another reason of use. “Dear Twilight, I need you and your friends for an important mission task that is vital to truly help us stop the uprising of powerful foes I know you’ve come across.” She read what was written on the message about Celestia trying to help them out from their hard struggles.

“Boy have we ever, so, what’s it say?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to agree while wondering what it is they got.

“Celestia says that there is a pony with an element we’ll need to retrieve and have him join the cause.” Twilight explained this out that pretty much surprised the gang, Celestia was telling them to find an Element Wielder that can help them.

“So where is he station?” Spike rub the back of his head, not sure the guy would be if they are asked to go fetch him.

“Oh my…..she says we need to release him from…” Twilight spoke to swallow hard that they need to help get the pony in question out, but from where; she’s about to say. “Grimdark.” She silently spoke the name of the place that seem to bring forth a shocking effect here.

“Grimdark!” The others responded off in finding this truly a shocker to them. Grimdark is a prison that’s their own jail house while Tartarus has powerful enemies sealed away, but they need to get someone out of there. What’s going on here?

“As in the second worse prison next to Tartarus, Grimdark?” Rarity asked forth in trying to get the pointer straight here.

“De fella we’re recruiting is there? Why? An’ a better question is, how come?” Applejack asked off why they need someone from a jail prison to join them.

“There isn’t any of that, but there is a release scroll form with the Royal Sisters seals on them.” Twilight stated in not having the details, but the document she held was what Celestia & Luna sign to release the pony they need to get.

“Oh my, could that allow any pony to be pardon from such a place?” Fluttershy spoke in surprise; that is very much surprising to hear this while curious.

“Usually Grimdark holds certain criminals for long years or go through rehabilitation. But if my mom and aunt give an official royal seal of approval, then it can be legal. Unlike Tartarus, where whoever goes there, they hardly come back.” Ben explained the basic different principles of how Grimdark & Tartarus work, only one of them where those sent to be imprison can be lucky enough to get out.

“Wow, this DOES sound serious! But, who is it we’re going for?” Pinkie Pie asked off in pondering who they are springing from the BIG House?

“Why not ask two Royal Guards here that once work in the area?” Rainbow Dash spoke off in recalling that they can get the answer straight from not one, but TWO horses’ mouths who know about Grimdark.

Later, Fred Stoneward & Barney Rubblestone appeared before Twilight’s group after being summoned.

“You called for us, your highnesses and council members.” Fred spoke humbly in being in front of royalty and councilmen friends.

“If we can help out, just say the word and we’ll try to handle it.” Barney spoke off to issue their claim in what they can do.

“Yes, you two work in Grimdark before getting assign as my guards, right?” Twilight asked this as the two Royal Guards nod their heads ‘yes’ in response. “Then can you tell us of a certain prisoner?” She wants to see if these two have info regarding a pony they are asked to release.

“Well it depends, there were a lot of guys there.” Fred spoke in recalling how many prisoners were sentence to Grimdark.

“Yeah, some were mean, others were just creepy. So who is?” Barney nods to issue this matter of how the prisoners from Grimdark acted, but who is the subject.

“I’m asked to go and find a stallion, do you know him by the name of….Zebura?” Twilight spoke off in addressing the name of a prisoner if the former prison guard ponies knew of the pony she spoke.

That suddenly caused an unpleasant reaction from Fred & Barney’s eyes, face, the whole expression; the looks of fear, worry, concerns, it was all written there. The mentioned of the name of those that are not familiar to Grimdark or their prisoners even know about Zebura.

“Did-did…did you just say Zebura? Ye-Ye-Your highness, ma’am?” Fred was gibbering his words a bit in almost sounding very nervous about now.

“Uh oh Fred, this might be a serious question than we thought!” Barney spoke in looking very worried and concern right about now it seems.

“Princess, you should be careful around the one you’re asking about, we heard somethings.” Fred spoke in giving a fair amount of warning to Twilight & her friends over the subject concerning this Zebura character.

“Right, from a guard whose best friend, who knew a guy, and whose second cousin, who’s twice removed griffin aunt, knew who Zebura was.” Barney stated off in mentioning how there was certain folks that know the guy that they heard about.

“Cough….but of course….WE ONLY HEARD RUMORS! WE AREN’T SAYING THIS TO INSULT THE GUY! RIGHT, BARN!” Fred clears his throat to jab Barney & give a wink signal before looking around the place while shouting this message out.

“Oh, um yeah. YEAH! WE DON’T THINK MUCH OF WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID AS IT’S NOT A CONCERN FOR US!” Barney suddenly got the message before looking around and was shouting out loudly to say this stuff out too.

“WHY ARE WE SHOUTING; ARE WE PLAYING A GAME?” Pinkie Pie yelled out in not understanding why they are shouting, she thinks it’s a game.

“Seriously, why are you both doing that?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in why the guards are even doing such a bizarre behavior.

“Can’t be too careful. The walls have ears & hear things, yah know.” Barney spoke in stating that someone could be hearing in on what they may be saying.

“Yeah, they say if you talk badly behind a guy’s back, they’ll know.” Fred nods with a nervous face that if they don’t make this honest clear fact, they could get hurt about talking behind a fella’s back.

“Rainbow, you didn’t set up cameras that are hacked and we’re being monitored, did you?” Twilight raised an eyebrow towards her friend who once used spy cams that made others see some private matters, did the Pegasus have something to make these guys be worried?

“Oh come on, yah, the idea cross my mind like the theme park, but would I let someone see it and then come to harm us if we spoke badly?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to clarify that she was not the one that would be behind the issue.

“Maybe we should forget this nonsense and focus on de task instead.” Applejack stated to not bother about one issue and focus on their task subject.

“Right, maybe we can get answers at Grimdark about this Zebura character.” Fluttershy nods in thinking they best learn what they can about Zebura at Grimdark.

Fred & Barney seem a little uncertain of that to which even Pinkie Pie noticed that it seem the name of Zebura got them even when the guys never met the pony face to face.

“Hey, is mentioning his name the same as saying he who’s name must not be spoken, like a name like….Voldemort?” Pinkie Pie asked off this sudden random question while speaking a completely random name by a Fourth Wall Breaking action stage.

Then without warning, flashes of lightning & thunder and howling wolf noises are seen outside. This pretty much caught everyone by surprise after the pink one said a name that was not to be spoken.

“Aaaaahhhh!” Then a scream was heard, and that the others saw it came from…Phobos hugging Spike while scared. “What? That stuff scared me, a bit….maybe a little.” Phobos spoke off his defense over the issue while getting out of the hug.

“Oh Phobos.” Nyx rolled her eyes in seeing how silly her friend was.

“Tell me about it.” Spike shrug off his shoulders in feeling like that was weird.

“Hugh, it must be related to the time we were in the Muppet world that saying Grimmore was causing catastrophes.” Pinkie Pie rubbed her head in thinking what happened when she said a name did all this.

“Alright, let’s just get ready.” Ben spoke in feeling they better get ready to depart here.

Soon the Mane Six group were getting themselves ready to head off…to prison; not that they are sentence there, but to get someone out. Boy, you can tell this will seem a little weird for them.


Meanwhile within a familiarly darken place that is a jail security facility, many lights were on in keeping track of any suspicious movement. This was Grimdark, in the past, it had a breakout of the Brotherhood members, but since then, has beef up security to be in a state that keeps anyone that is a powerful Alicorn or a Mystic or Dark Mystic from breaking in OR out. But we zoom in deeper to a darken cell with a massive room space, and some pony creature that was seen lying down with…GIANT CHAINS ATTACH TO HIS HOOVES! Whoever he was, seems like he was left to die as he appeared to have scar marks.

“Heeeh…so I’ll have company soon.” But then to anyone’s unbelievable minds, the creature moved his eyes open, as if not dead and even more so UNBOTHERED of his currency. “Looks like things are about to get interesting here.” The mysterious figure responded in sounding very sure of things while not being bothered, glad, or annoyed, he just knows what’s going on outside the walls of Grimdark.

As the scene darkens, many questions riddle the minds if this character could indeed be…The One, Twilight’s group shall meet. That’s gonna be saved for later, but it certainly looks like…he’s no average pony joe. This guy….seems seriously intense even when shackled.


Outside the Rainbow Kingdom Castle, the Mane Six & Ben were all packed and ready to go. Near the palace’s doors were Fred & Barney along with Nyx, Spike & Phobos. Many were now just awaiting the word of what’s gonna be going on apparently.

“Okay, we’re all pack an ready Twilight.” Applejack spoke out to her pal in having everything they’ll need for a trip.

“Yeah, we’ve gone to some weird places before.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in making a comment about where they are going now.

“But going to a prison jail, I must say….it’s the very LAST place I wanna end up in!” Rarity spoke in finding that compared to their usual visits, jail was the furtherest thing from their minds.

“Don’t worry Rarity, think of it as busting a friend out of the joint!” Pinkie Pie spoke off to say before suddenly taking a moment to reflect her words. “No wait, we’re doing it legally, not illegally, right?” She wanted to make sure of what they are doing is legal after all.

“Right Pinkie, don’t worry. We’ll be fine if we do this right.” Ben nods in stating they’ll be okay, this is just a go and retrieval type mission.

“Well, guess it’s time we get going.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling it’s time they start going now.

“We’re all ready to go now mommy.” Nyx smiled off in readying herself to go to Grimdark.

“Sorry honey, but I want you to stay here.” Twilight spoke in objecting the idea of Nyx tagging along.

“Awww, why can’t I go?” Nyx pouts in hearing that she isn’t going.

“It’s a prison Nyx, it’s no place for colts or fillies to go where there are dangerous criminals.” Twilight spoke in explaining that a prison like Grimdark is no place for children, after all; who would bring a kid to jail. It’s completely insensible.

“Right, like comparing it to the time we went to the End of Equestria was like a vacation spot.” Spike shrug off to say over the last place they travel to was dangerous.

“And that goes for baby Dragons too.” Twilight sternly pointed out that both Spike & Phobos are staying behind as well.

“Awww, we can’t come too? Why?” Phobos moans to groan in hearing that they aren’t coming along.

“Have you guys forgotten that Grimdark is a prison?” Ben pointed out something about where they are going is no forest, mountain range, town, city or kingdom, it’s a place that’s dangerous. “There could be loads of anti-haters of the original Nightmare Moon, even those connected to Lorcan to Tadaka.” The guy was right, some officers, even jail mates, might hold grudges of others from the past, etc.

“We’re doing this to keep you safe, okay?” Twilight kneels down to pat the little ones to understand why they are doing this.

“Oooooh-kay.” Nyx, Spike & Phobos reluctantly agreed to this, they didn’t wanna, but they have to.

“Fred, Barney, can you watch over them while we’re away?” Twilight looked to her guards in asking for a favor.

“Oh sure thing your highness.” Barney replied off in finding the job that not hard to do.

“Yeah, we’ll watch them like hawks.” Fred smiled off to say they’ll make sure they watch the little tikes.

“Remember, if any pony ask where we are, tell them we’re out and we’ll be back soon. This is a private mission, so we can’t let every pony know.” Twilight informed her Royal Guards since if word got out, it might cause a panic and it’s supposed to be kept secret to only those that were in the Council of Friendship.

With a few more farewells, Twilight used her horn to prepare a long-distance teleportation spell that quickly zip them off by lightning speed. The Mane Six & Ben were now off towards Grimdark, hopefully they’ll be fine on their arrival.

“Whelp, what do you little fellas wanna do? Have some eats? Watch a little T.V?” Fred asked off in the kids wanna have something to do while they stay put.

“Ugh Fred, I think they prefer a game.” Barney spoke in showing a bizarre puzzled look on his face.

“Why’s that Barn?” Fred asked off lost in why his pal thinks that.

“Cause they seem gone and are playing Hide-N-Go-Seek.” Barney spoke true, as both he and Fred see that Nyx & the baby Dragons are long gone after saying farewell to Twilight’s group.

“Uh oh! Quick Barn, we gotta find them before Princess Twilight & Prince Ben come back!” Fred yelps in seeing this isn’t good, if they botch this, what will their employers think of them, they gotta find the kids fast.

“Right, so much for being like hawks, we might as well be turkeys instead.” Barney nods in thinking instead of being watchful hawks, they’re gullible turkeys.

While Fred & Barney were searching the palace grounds, they never saw that flying up in the air was Nyx in her Battle Form Mode while Spike & Phobos rode on her back.

“I hope mother & father and my aunts won’t be mad if we do this.” Adult Nyx spoke in feeling that she’ll be in trouble for doing this.

“You kidding me, we ace through Shadow Ghoul’s Maze Of Illusion in thinking we go to jail, so we shouldn’t be afraid.” Phobos reminded the girl of the time they beat an illusion of their criminal past when they went to the End of Equestria.

“Well as long as no pony sees us, we should be fine. Think you can keep us out of sight Nyx?” Spike stated in thinking that as long as they aren’t seen, they aren’t gonna be in trouble.

“No doubt about it, next stop…Grimdark!” Adult Nyx nods in agreement as they get ready to head off to their destination…the BIG House!

Soon Adult Nyx made herself and surprising the baby Dragons into star dust before whooshing off like dust in the wind. Looks like a few players are already off to Grimdark with an important mission, question will be….how will they handle the experience of going through the horrors of punishment given to criminals? That is a case left to be seen another day, as the scene fads out with lots of puzzling mysterious knocking at our doors.

Chapter 02: Visit to Grimdark, the BIG HOUSE!

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Chapter 02: Visit to Grimdark, the BIG HOUSE!

The scene shows Pinkamena’s place where she was reading another book, Autumn Gem was helping to organize some purchase items with Havis helping her out. While Omega was bringing over a tray of orange juice that the other guys decided to drink up from feeling thirsty. That’s when suddenly a feeling reach one of them.

“Woah! I’m sensing something major going on! It feels like the gang are heading towards Grimdark!” Pinkamena spoke off in sensing something major was going down now.

Then Goldie, Jack Zen & Sombra spit out their drinks to nearly cough from swallowing wrong from what they heard that shock them.

“Grimdark, why would they go there?” Jack Zen asked off shock in hearing this, why would the Mane Six visit such a place.

“Does not compute, they have done no wrong! Only good!” Omega shook his head in knowing the area is a jail for criminals, not heroes.

“Sombra, what are they talking about?” Autumn Gem asked off in not following much of this.

“You see my love, during the time we been away and out of touch, they made a prison that could be on an almost rival pair to Tartarus in holding terrible criminals.” Sombra explained the topic of what they are discussing of the area in question; the place known as Grimdark.

“Could there be a reason behind this action?” Havis asked in pondering the question with a deep thought.

“Only way to find out is to go there and see for ourselves!” Pinkamena responded that the best way is to go and see things for themselves. “Omega, Jack Zen, you’ll be with me and Goldie as he teleports us. The rest of you stay to keep Ponyville safe if trouble starts while we’re aware. Flutterbat is resting, so inform her when she wakes around the nighttime, kay.” She was issuing out these orders in what was gonna go on now.

“Understood.” Those that were staying behind & those that were going responded in agreement here.

It wasn’t long before those apart of Goldie’s team were soon teleported out of the secret dungeon and off towards where Twilight’s group was.


The opening shows a familiar outside prison facility as the entire area was in a dark and gloom kinda atmosphere even if the clouds weren’t dark, it’s like a cloudy day but without sunlight. Soon appearing by Twilight’s teleportation across distance appeared from her and her group. But they yelped in seeing the structure of the prison known as Grimdark.

“Whelp, here we are.” Applejack spoke off in seeing where they are now at, here of where they outta be.

“Goodness, is this REALLY Grimdark?” Rarity gasped off in never seeing this place in her life; looks horrible and spooky.

“Trust me, I’ve seen pictures of it from books and while it’s not as famous as Tartarus, it’s close to being the next best prison for criminals around here.” Ben explained how this prison is supposed to be just as good at keeping dangerous criminals from harming innocent creatures.

Then without warning, another magically flash appeared next to the gang that caught them by surprise, even more so when it was Goldie's Group.

“Golden Heart? What are you guys doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked off in seeing this group was here of all places.

“Pinkamena got a feeling you come here, we didn’t know why though.” Jack Zen explained what their reason of being here was.

“We need to understand what actions are taking place.” Omega stated for the cause of what was going on.

“Oh that’s simple, we’re here to get some pony out of jail.” Pinkie Pie smiled off to simply put this answer to rest.

“O….kay. Wasn’t expecting that to be the reason.” Goldie responded off in thinking that answer was more than what they were going for apparently.

“Well, maybe you can come along to keep us company…um, you know…if you wanna go in such a scary place.” Fluttershy spoke in making this helpful suggestion for those that came could come along with them.

Soon Twilight came up to the double seal doors to knock on it. “Halt! Who goes there?” Then an eye-slider opens up where someone was peeking out and demanding to know who was out there.

“Princess Twilight, Prince Ben & Golden Heart, we’re here with a release document for a prisoner. We need to see the warden.” Twilight spoke in announcing those present along with a document scroll she got that needs to be seen.

“Okay, hold on now.” The guard behind the door said and then after a few short minutes. “You’re clear.” He issued that the group is clear to enter now.

Then the doors open up to allow those entry into the prison. But as the group was going in, one member felt something…

“Hugh? Either this place is making me paranoid or there’s someone following us!” Pinkamena spoke in having the strangest feeling; they are not alone here.

Once Pinkamena gone in, Adult Nyx was seen sneaking up with Spike & Phobos on her back. They had to stay absolutely quiet with no noises as they were tailing everyone else here. After getting a bit more inside Grimdark, did the gang and those unseen enter an office belonging to the warden of Grimdark Prison. It was an Alicorn stallion with a tan light bronze fur color, black and dark gray mix color short fix mane & short pointy tail, and dark gray/brown eyes. He appears very muscular, his wings seem more military structure and have dark bronze color padding on the top wing edges, he has white freckles and a dark mustache, also a white scar mark on his right side almost covering the whole face and his right eye is gray which means he’s blind in that side. He’s seen wearing dark turquoise body suit and vest along with dark gray boots, a gold badge labeled ‘Grimdark Warden’ on it (almost looking like some warden). And on his flank is a dark violet/red circle that is split across like a bolt, signifying it’s his Cutie Mark and about his talent in the field.

“Greetings, I am…. Warden Mongul. To what assistance can I do for three royals of two kingdoms?” Warden Mongul spoke off to speak to the group while asking of how he can help them.

“This, sir.” Twilight handed the document of the release form for Zebura to the chief warden of Grimdark.

Soon the warden looks over the paper, reading everything carefully and his expression showed no changes in what was written here. After gathering the facts, he looks to the group with this much to say.

“Hmm, I’ve been awaiting your arrival, I’ve been given a heads up by Celestia & Luna over the manner. And with their actual seals, this is no forgery, so it’s been made to release Zebura after all.” Warden Mongul issued the fact that he wanted to have the legit proof of the case and not be a hoax and this has just gone and proved it to him, so he’ll comply to the matter.

“WAIT! ZEBURA! That’s who you’re here for?” Golden Heart yelled out in shock in hearing this info right.

“Ye know de character?” Applejack asked off in seeing Golden Heart may have known about Zebura.

“Just that I’ve heard him say that he’s a super problem child.” Jack Zen issued the fact that Zebura is a very hard case to handle.

“Yep, never saw him before, but then again, I usually heard the stories to listen to some at least.” Pinkamena shrug off to say this much about things she knows about, but she never came to meet Zebura, only heard rumors.

“I do wonder if this prison is secure enough to hold some pony of such caliber,” Omega questioned this out which brought in some attention here.

“Well without further ado, I’ll guide you through the levels of Grimdark’s Prison Holds.” Warden Mongul bows in issuing what he’ll do to make sure those here will know that they shall see how things are done here.

“Hugh?” The others responded in not following what they heard as the warden begins to lead them out.

“While authority & certain prisons are established around Equestria that house criminals whom have broken the laws laid down by the Royal Sisters.” Warden Mongul explained the matter with a straight blank face about the function of authorities keeping tracks of crooked activities. “And while Tartarus holds ancient & powerful villain type creatures that could destroy our ways of life, Grimdark is for incarcerating those whom have been convicted of committing the particularly heinous world conquest & domination.” He spoke with much matter over the subject of where they must contain the crooks that are deem so dangerous that while they can’t be sentence to Tartarus, they are thrown here in Grimdark. “Our number of prisoners can house roughly to just over 100 million. It is undoubtedly the second largest prison in Equestria besides Tartarus, but we have more authority than Tartarus has.” He stated the facts of how many prisoners this place can hold, course Tartarus can hold a heck of a lot more.

“Wow, I don’t think any of us knew about that!” Pinkie Pie spoke off surprise in what they are hearing here right now.

“There is more. We have made sure at the end of the perilous road where you all zip across by teleportation, hundreds of vicious criminals from all over Equestria are transported here daily for sentence or rehabilitation.” Warden Mongul explained the matter of how they get plenty of prisoners to their place on a daily notice. “You were lucky you didn’t run into our Execution Beasts that roam the road to keep guard. They are as powerful as Cerberus that even a large invasion of the Everfree Forest’s creatures couldn’t get by without tackling them.” He issued the fair warning of what would have happened if the group meant up with such creatures.

“Gulp….you mean we were this close to running into such dangerous creatures?” Rarity swallowed hard in not liking the sounds of this, not one bit.

“Continuing, we also have giant kilometer long drawbridges placed in a total of 12 locations surrounding us.” Warden Mongul issued how they have a large number of bridges. “Unless you are a princess or a prince of royalty to bypass it to come directly here, an anti-magic barrier would stop anyone we haven’t alerted their arrival. And have to give strict check of credentials like Import Career IDs will the crossing be allowed.” He stated that only those of the top brass of officials can even get in, but others would need checkpoints and IDs check.

“So ye let like a duke or duchess or maybe a mayor or tribe chief git in?” Applejack raised an eyebrow in pondering the question.

“Mostly so.” Warden Mongul issued to solemnly say this out here. “Depending on the season here, even the mighty Convoy Beasts we’ve armed are attacked by the Wild Demon of the Forest.” Warden Mongul explained the next part of which seem to spook the others a bit.

“Wait. Um, what was that last part again?” Fluttershy yelps in hearing that, for that message didn’t sound good.

“The one about a Wild Demon of the Forest thing, I’m guessing.” Rainbow Dash shrug off in what they heard sounded pretty bad.

“If you’re lucky, you may get a glimpse of it.” Warden Mongul issued off to say as he was preparing to open a large metal door before them. “No….or perhaps I should say if you’re unlucky.” He stated the correct term that seeing the Wild Demon of the Forest might be unlucky for a poor soul.

“That doesn’t make much of us feel secure to know this.” Ben slowly responded in feeling weirded out by that claim.

“But what about the event involving the Brotherhood’s escape by another Alicorn named Trix Lulamoon?” Twilight asked off in recalling a moment Grimdark had its official prison break.

“Rest assured that was not me being directly involved in the matter.” Warden Mongul stated the matter to settle it for any misunderstanding. “After much struggling, we managed to rebuild and I was elected the new chief warden by Celestia & Luna’s wish, I became an Alicorn from being a unicorn. Now I’ll live to improve this prison so none can escape it unless they finished sentences or are reformed.” He explained how he has become the warden by nominated choice and is seeing to it, such matters of the Brotherhood’s escape never happens in the future.

Soon the group enter through a double door that leads them into an elevator. As it travels down, they have open windows to seeing two giant size Wild Convey Beast type creatures of a dinosaur and a crab monster that are seen wearing armor. There is even a two headed serpent creature with large fangs that look ready to bite the gang’s where they stand. But their appearance was enough that give some of the girly members a real scream. Course even Adult Nyx held her mouth shut while Spike and Phobos shut the other’s mouth while not blowing their cover of being invisible.

“Do not worry, these are the ones that have been tamed. Typically, it’s here that prisoners lose their fighting spirit and accept their fate.” Warden Mongul issued how that the beasts seen are those they have tame to be better under control.

“Man I’ll bet now. You must be really something that you and your staff can tamed all these beasts.” Golden Heart sighs with relief, to control such savage beasts must be no easy feat.

“I can calculate that such measurements are about 43 percent of anyone coming close to taming such creatures.” Omega issued what could even be close to matching such skills.

“Woah! Look at that, are those…numbers?” Jack Zen pointed out in seeing they are going down some floor elevator pads that are label Class 01 to Class 02 and so forth.

“After the Brotherhood broke out, I’ve had Grimdark rebuild by skilled carpenters to my specific specifications to improve things while keeping those of Class 1 through 10 arranged.” Warden Mongul explained how he’s help rebuild this prison structure anew. “The criminals of 1-4 are labeled as rugged bands of thieves that stole from royalty, mountain bandits controlling terrain, pirates that have attacked villages, some that are around near average fighters.” He stated those in that category of who are under such terms of class threats.

“Hey there pretty mare baby.” One prisoner from a cell was calling out to Twilight who made her yelp.

“Why don’t yah come over here?” Another prisoner spoke off towards the Mane Six.

“Oh, ain’t ye a nice type?” Fluttershy & Rarity yelps in worry when some other males were addressing them in such sick twisted ways.

“Hey there handsome, come here often?” A female voice spoke towards Ben that made him nearly freak out.

“Ugh, already I’m thinking these crooks are downright disguising!” Twilight cringed in seeing the acts certain crooks give for her looks, then her personality.

“You’re telling me. And we’re only halfway through this.” Ben rolled his eyes in feeling that this place has it’s own female crooks that make it hard for even the male guards.

“Man, these guys must be the scum that work under bigger and important villains or that the leaders were brainless oafs.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in seeing such actions even performed here.

“Are all your prisoners this….deluded? Or are some just as crazy as the next?” Rarity raised an eyebrow in pondering an interesting question here.

“Only those that haven’t been broken or broke too much to reclaim their sanity.” Warden Mongul issued the case in which some could think either one of those be bad to have.

The ponies are certain as criminals like Minotaur, griffins, more ponies, even Changelings are locked up in here. It's amazing that the Brotherhood wasn't locked in here instead of the level they were once obtained in!

“Oh boy, if mah grandfather was here, Granny Smith fear he never see de light again.” Applejack spoke worried if her own grandfather that rejoin her family ever got caught, he spend time here for who knows how long.

“I’m just glad my own case was cleared to never be sent here.” Pinkamena responded in being thankful for her own luck over the issue of her past, with thanks from Golden Heart’s aid.

“Wait look, isn’t that….what’s his face, Candle-Jack?” Pinkie Pie pointed out some unicorn stallion in a white & dark gray masked costume with white eyes & a ghost Cutie Mark as if knowing the crook.

“We’ve reach the class area for criminals of 5-7, where these are more intelligent schemers, magic hackers, forgery of cash, mechanical genius. Unlike those that fight & steal, these are those that try numerous ways to acquire power in the world.” Warden Mongul explained forth the meaning behind this area of where they keep the next crooks. “Candle Jack was one who used illegal magic of specter origin to steal private equipment & invaluable data and kidnapping important pony head figures while scaring off any that couldn’t catch a creature that was like a ghost. Fortunately, he was caught in the end and is considered a Class 7 Threat.” He explained the actions behind the crook that was now caught here.

“Oh dear, I didn’t even know we had such terrible villains here.” Fluttershy gasped from hearing such things, none of them knew this Candle-Jack, but he must be dangerous indeed.

“With a name like that, he could be a villain similar to Freakazoid!” Pinkie Pie spoke off a random Fourth Wall Breaking statement that earn her much confusion from her pals as usual.

The ponies glances at more criminals like a cave-pony like criminal, a snake-like mare villain, a huge Minotaur, a pony with a big head, and more! These guys must be nasty, there's even those too numerous to mention here!

“Now we enter the class areas for criminals 8-9, organized group members of different bands and talents working together to plan conquest, domination or destruction to Equestria.” Warden Mongul explained forth the next Class of criminals as they have traveled further down. “As far as any of them, they were serious threats before the downfall of their organization, but they are heavily watched on. While the Brotherhood consist of those near Class 3-4 to nearly 5, they were working with Lorcan in nearly succeeding to take over Equestria.” He explained the matter while also informing those of why those like the Brotherhood were station in Class 9 because they were connected with Lorcan who was terribly powerful at the time.

“Don’t we know it.” Golden Heart rolled his eyes in having known a lot considering the first time handling the Brotherhood.

“However, such things were put in Class 8, while Class 9 meant to contain strangely powerful entities that ran amok those like Grogar, Lavan, & Arabus during the Mag’ne’s time when there was once Ponyland before Equestria. But we fuse the two as now both an organization and powerful entities leading them can both be related.” Warden Mongul explained the case of where what was once Class 9 for harder crooks was shared with those of Class 8 even for the Brotherhood that are a band group or a near organization, etc.

The group saw more villains like spirits, Demons, wild beasts, and more being obtained here. Twilight is glad that threats like Grogar, Lavan, and Arabus has been dealt with long ago. She sure hates to run into those guys!

“Well this has been a fun history of learning how Grimdark now functions.” Jack Zen shrug off to say in having seen what they can at this time.

“And who knew there were so many criminals that really have caused harm to it, even without the Three Lords?” Pinkamena stated in never guessing they had so many crooks, scoundrels, etc. running loose.

“But I’m puzzled, if these are the worse criminals to handle that are sentence for long years of life or can be rehabilitated, then what is the purpose of Class 10?” Omega asked forth in being most curious of a topic.

Warden Mongul was silent in hearing this as he seem to choose not to answer it. While the others were puzzled, they are still unaware of their invisible guest tailing them.

“Man, now I see why we weren’t invited.” Spike spoke silently in seeing how this prison looked like.

“Right, we could be targeted by everyone here.” Phobos nods in knowing if they are seen, it won’t be pretty.

“Keep quiet you two or they’ll spot us.” Adult Nyx hushed her two friends from about to blow their cover.

“We’ve reach the bottom floor, everyone, follow me.” Warden Mongul issued from when the elevator reach the bottom, as they all started to move out to follow him along with those still invisible to them.


Soon the scene enters a darken hallway where we see Twilight & Goldie’s group following Warden Mongul towards their destination.

“While the crimes Zebura committed is heavy, he’s a skilled barbarian hunter who has picked fights against those that pose a challenge. Even those around the near rivalry of the Three Lords, he’s what some could call a truly accomplished fighter.” Warden Mongul explain the benefits of though Zebura has committed heavy crimes, his skills are far more impressive to not be ignored. “Well, most of them were unofficial though, since it was mostly vigilant behavior or sorts.” He pointed that out as another fact for the group to understand.

“Hugh!” Fluttershy felt something of blown fog near her as she and the others look up before…

“Waaaaaahhhhhh! WHAT IS THAT THING?” Rarity was heard screaming from what she and the others saw and even the hidden invisible members tried to be brave to not scream.

Before the group were other types of Execution Beast creatures; one being a giant dark, spiky fur and face resemble a boar with two long fangs & jutting out it’s fearsome mane while another was a giant bat that has a ghastly face with pitch black eyes, a pig-like noise and an always open mouth which gives it a ghost-like moaning expression. Truly their appearances were horrible enough to scare any Ponyville citizen out of their minds.

“What your seeing there are A & B Rank Execution Beasts, do not worry, as long as your with me, they won’t attack.” Warden Mongul spoke to insure that the group is safe from harm.

“Wait! You said execution?” Goldie yelped in hearing that word right there.

“I thought mom said this was a life sentencing or rehabilitation facility!” Ben stated in puzzlement, Grimdark doesn’t have an execution system…does it?

“It is those two things, but even so, this is the level class for those truly seen as threats.” Warden Mongul explained that while they keep life sentences and rehabilitation systems, they also perform executions for only the most thrustful terms of evil.

“Then we’re in…” Jack Zen slowly was about to ask, but was cut off.

“The execution grounds.” As Warden Mongul pointed that out, a giant blue crocodile with tusk and an armored shell pass by along with the crab & dinosaur type Convey Beasts. “Level Ten is for prisoners with the harshest sentences that are lead directly here, past the other class levels 1-9. For crimes of being too destructive and cannot be controlled and pose a danger to many others in the world. In other words, all of the prisoners here have death sentences.” He explained the terms of what level 10 here serves to many that are occupied in the area.

“Wait a second! Ah thought Class Level 9 had them strong entity whatever guys 'dat pose threats an' like de Brotherhood!” Applejack asked off puzzled in finding something off now.

“Indeed, but unlike them, they are not charged with to be executed. Besides any prisoners here, we also have dangerous wild beasts and isolated creatures that are being held here temporarily.” Warden Mongul explained the topic and for what reason is behind it. “Some little while ago there was a small weird creature thrown in here. That was quite ferocious, though it was probably still a child.” He stated how there was even a time they had to deal with a ferocious child type creature that proved to be exceptionally hard that it was sentence here.

“Wait! A Child?” Pinkamena yelped in hearing this right over a child case. “You mean there was something so dangerous that it’s not even a full grown adult yet?” She couldn’t believe that, was the world full of surprises or what.

“Correct, the creature is not of Equestria’s world, but from an outside realm. That is why it’s dangerous, and much researchers find that in an adult stage could pose an even higher threat to revel in rivalry to those of Mystic Warrior levels.” Warden Mongul explained a case of where a creature of that high danger capability isn’t even from Equestria, but a realm outside it, like either the Mystic or Dark Realms.

“Man, I’m glad that we didn’t bring Spike, Nyx or Phobos with us.” Ben spoke off to say this with some relief of who isn’t here to see and hear this.

“Hearing that they lock up children would surely frighten them.” Twilight nods in agreement, this was why the responsible parents of little ones had to take such measures.

Course those that don’t see it, Adult Nyx had Spike & Phobos with her and they were pretty surprise in learning just how terrifying Grimdark can be. Doesn’t matter if one’s an adult or a child, if the crimes committed are heavy indeed, they could be thrown away in here.

“One more thing, the one you seek, Zebura is on this floor too.” Warden Mongul issued off to say who else is currently here at this time.

“What!” The Mane Six yelped in hearing this, the pony they want is in the lowest part of the prison’s high level security, and worse, in the execution spot.

“Um, I have a question. Just what did he do, exactly?” Fluttershy meekly spoke off to ask the question of what Zebura did to be here.

“Hey yeah, we don’t even know what this pony did to be here!” Pinkie Pie replied in thinking that is strange, they are picking up someone but don’t know what he did to be sent to jail?

Warden Mongul was silent in hearing that as he gaze at the others with a straight calm, blank emotionless face before….giving an answer.

“He was too loose temper.” Warden Mongul pointed this off with a blank mention of the fact of what happened.

“Wait a minute. Wha do ye mean he was too loose temper? Ah've handle Tough’s loose temper an’ he never got sent ta prison fer it?” Applejack asked off in finding that statement a bit strange to her.

“AJ’s right. This guy we’re seeing got a death sentence for that. Seriously, why not anger management?” Rainbow Dash asked off in finding the harsh matter of things a bit much.

“It doesn’t matter. Now come this way.” Warden Mongul issued this off before turning to continue leading the others here to their destination.

“I must say, this problem child we keep hearing about….is he really just an upset fellow?” Rarity questioned this off in being puzzled.

“Even so, my processor can’t compute in why this pony got a death sentence.” Omega shook his head in not having the answers they need.

As the group moves on, a cage board made of iron rises upwards to allow one access.

“Is Zebura in a special solitary confinement cell? Seeing that, well…he’s been summoned to be release?” Golden Heart asked this off in wondering the question.

“No, he’s at one of the execution grounds.” Warden Mongul remotely issued this without a single emotion of what he said.

“Wait! He’s being executed?” Ben asked off surprise to hear this, the guy they wanna free is about to be killed?

“Yes. Ever since he came here, he has constantly been having his execution performed onto him.” Warden Mongul issued this while he was moving about in the hall to lead the gang.

“Seriously? Can a pony live after being killed?” Rarity asked this off in finding that kinda treatment a bit over excessive.

“Whose idea was 'dis here arrangement?” Applejack asked in finding that this kinda thing was over kill.

“Wait, what if that might have been his idea?” Pinkie Pie asked off this sudden random question.

“Yeah right Pinkie, nobody would think that random idea would be a right….” Rainbow was about to make a quote when…

“It seems the pink one is very sharp.” Warden Mongul stated this while many of the gang stared at Pinkie Pie in not believing it; that random idea was a right idea over the manner.

“Oh my, so then…he wants the punishment?” Fluttershy asked off shock, who ever heard of someone wanting to be tortured?

Adult Nyx and the baby Dragons discuss this in private of what they have heard.

“Is this guy for real? Wanting to be executed daily?” Spike asked in finding this a bit much to take in.

“Yeah, who wanna beat themselves up?” Phobos questioned the issue as something crazy.

“I’m more concern for how he’s lasted this long. Executions are no easy thing to avoid if you’re strip of magic & your body is chained up. He might be tough after all.” Adult Nyx spoke under her breath in feeling concern over such things, as if Zebura is not bothered by such matters.

“Over here, this is Zebura’s area.” Warden Mongul spoke that brought everyone’s attention towards a wall with three bronze structured open windows.

“Well, time to meet the pony we came here to see.” Twilight sighs in feeling they may as well get this over with.

“Just be careful okay, be on the lookout for any and I mean ‘ANY’ surprises.” Goldie forewarns the group that they may meet something that might be a little more than they can handle.

Soon everyone came near their own open window spot to peek into the area in question. During the moment, some background theme music called ‘Zebra’s Theme’ from Toriko OST is heard as everyone sees a large dark open wide-spread space. But in the middle of it was a pony figure that sat down with huge gigantic chains strapped around his hooves. An Earth stallion with grayish amber fur coat color, he has dark purple mane & tail that are slicked back a bit and messy in style, his eyes are too close in the dark corner to be seen without light in the room. He appears as an incredibly large and muscular stallion, some cut around his ears, appears to have scar marks all over his body, but seems perfectly healthy. On his flank appears a symbol with a black image of some creature calling out….with a sound, as his Cutie Mark and talent for his purpose. And one of the most esteem features shows he has a scary presence when those that look him in the eye (when seen) could quake with fear, and looking at his face (if stared at), some would coward from feeling a monster was in the form of a pony.

“Hello there, Zebura!” Pinkie Pie happily waved out her hooves while she yelled out to the guy below.

“Pinkie! Inner voice, please.” Rarity spoke to have her friend not try to do something that may offend this stallion.

“Yo pal! We came to get you. You’re being released today.” Rainbow Dash explained the issue of why they are even here.

“Um, that stallion is…Zebura.” Fluttershy shyly spoke in studying who Zebura was, so far, they see him as just an earth stallion.

“Hmm, from everything we heard, I thought he would be an Alicorn, but….isn’t he just an Earth pony?” Jack Zen questioned off in seeing Zebura for a first time, expected...more from the scary talk they heard.

“Trust me, from what I’ve heard, even Earth Ponies can be powerful like Hiko Seijuro with Alicorn features, which Zebura has.” Golden Heart explained how in this world, there are some stronger than unicorns & alicorns that are just Earth types.

“Hello, Zeb…” Twilight was about to speak out again, but…

“Wohohohoho… Pinkie Sense is going off for some reason! Felt like we get a loud noise!” Pinkie Pie was doing a weird shake down in suddenly sensing something that was to come.

“Mine too, it was the same thing!” Pinkamena acknowledged this that caught everyone’s attention.

“Attention, occupant appears to be in the kinds of recharging.” Omega alerted the gang in sensing something…it was coming from Zebura.

Suddenly without warning, one of the Execution Beasts started to react with movement by its roar which caught everyone’s attention.

“The A-Rank Execution Beast has started moving.” Warden Mongul responded off in surprise in seeing what was going on. “It’s going to pull the chain, listen, we need to get away!” He turn to the others in giving them warning of what’s about to happen.

“Huh? What?” Spike & Phobos yelped silently in not having the foggiest idea in what was going on.

“What’s happening here?” Adult Nyx questioned this under her breath while keeping herself & the baby Dragons invisible.

“In these execution grounds, Zebura has both front & back hooves attached to one Execution Beast each by a chain.” Warden Mongul explained the case with a concerning face as a diagram of a person is seen with four Execution Beast on the other side with chains on their backs to…pull the middle target.

“ROOUUARRRUGHHH!” Soon the scene shifts to where the four giant beasts begin to move out.

“If all four Execution Beasts pull at the same time, his body will not come out unscathed.” Warden Mongul issued the warning that if nothing is done, Zebura will suffer severe injuries.

“Then he’ll be killed?” Jack Zen asked off in what this could actually mean.

Within the area, Zebura was seen that his large chains moved before they reacted to tug him; this was almost it for him.

“Oh no! We have to save him!” Twilight insisted in what they need to do here, ASAP.

“Let’s get in there before…” Ben was about to issue before going in to help out, but…it wasn’t necessary.

But just as the chains were pulled into a straight, something happened outside the hole where they went in by who tug them. “GROOUUAARRRROUGHHHH!” But in truth, what happened was that the giant powerful Execution Beasts were pulled back each from being unable to pull something or like something stopped them.

The scene then focuses in where everyone was seeing something that left them with wide-eyes filled with shock & unbelievable reactions to just about sweat in worry and some even looked terrified. From the Mane Six, Ben, Warden Mongul, Goldie’s group (with the exception of Omega that doesn’t show reactions), and even the invisible party of Adult Nyx & baby dragons saw this. As the scene finally shows Zebura, who stood up and in a surprising shock scene, held his own from letting the giant chains or powerful giant beasts pull him; it’s as if he was the superior being to not go down so easily.

“It looks like my playtime with you guys…” Zebura spoke with a hoax echo voice in sounding super scary as he is seen flexing his large muscles in keeping his executioners from pulling him. “Ends today, too.” He issued how that his time of being executed as a form of ‘playtime’ was now over with. “So long.” He issued off with a crack smile from his sharp teeth that he exposed. “Huuuooooooouughh….” Then he opens his mouth as if inhaling a large breath of air.

“Yikes! Now we know what our senses told us! This is bad!” Pinkamena yelps in suddenly realizing what was going on here. “Everypony cover your ears!” She shouted off in wanting those here to shut their ears.

“Hugh?” The others responded confused, why do they need to do that?

“It’s our alert sense, so hurry up and cover your ears!” Pinkie Pie insisted that they cover their ears.

“Should we?” Jack Zen asked Golden Heart, but…

“Just do it! If it’s serious than we best listen!” Golden Heart ordered that they not question, but do.

Soon the theme was coming to an end of the first verse before it would pick up later, but the main focus was what was going on inside Zebura’s chamber of execution. “SOUND BAZOOKA!” Zebura is seen in announcing forth a name of something as he opened his eyes to show a dark golden bronze color while opening his mouth too. “POWFRUUVHHMMMFRUVHHMMM…..” Then without warning, a ’sonic-boom’ of red aura was unleashed that shook the whole room.

“Here it comes!” Applejack responded in what was coming.

“Yikes!” Fluttershy cringed down from the window view to shut her delicate ears.

The gang duck down with their hooves over their ears, even those invisible had to brace for what was to come.

“WUURROOOAARRRRRRROOUUGHHHH…../BAM-BAM-Boomvhhmmm….” Zebura’s was letting out an unbelievably loud scream as it was heard over the sonic-boom feature, it was blasting out in all directions in destroying the walls.

“Nrruaagh….” Warden Mongul grasp his ears from feeling the power of that scream.

“Uuuuaagh….” The Mane Six & Ben are seen struggling to prevent themselves from going deaf here. “Nrruughhh….” Goldie, Pinkamena & Jack Zen were clasping their ears shut and Omega tried to block the sounds, but he showed sparks that the force was almost breaking through it’s hard metal body. And even those invisible were shown having difficulty trying to stand up against such an attack that Adult Nyx’s magic was fading off in what she cast.

“What is this?” Spike yelled out to say, but his voice could barely be heard even if he wasn’t silent.

“HUURROOARRRUGHHH!” Then Zebura redirected that force to his chains, and… “Breakfrisshvmmm…” What happened next was that the technique shattered the enormous chains easily. “OOUURRRAAAOOUUAARRRRUGHHHHH!” Then Zebura lets out more of his scream that was being unleashed like a blast range. “HUURROOOUUAARRRUGHHHH….” Outside the area, the Execution Beasts were being hit by Zebura’s power as it caused them to pass out and fall on the ground.

Finally the sound shockwaves were slowly ending now while everything within the area was a complete mess. Everyone was alright, but they looked like their bodies were recovering from that power. And when they looked out, they found the baby Dragons and Nyx reverted into her filly form with them.

“Spike! Phobos! Nyx! What are you three doing here?” Twilight asked off in seeing the ones that were left back home are here, why?

“Hugh? Why aren’t we invisible no more?” Phobos asked off in not seeing they are invisible, what happened.

“That scream of his must have knock Nyx’s focus so much on the ears, it tired her out and lost focus to keep her form.” Spike stated from guessing that Zebura’s attack must have been so powerful, Nyx couldn’t focus on so much while shielding her ears.

“Um, sorry…we just didn’t wanna miss out on this was all; but I think we’ve seen how scary this is that you left us out of it.” Nyx apologized for sneaking with the gang to join up.

“Ugh, looks like your stuck with us until our splitting headaches are gone.” Ben sighed in feeling they can’t be mad while they are recovering from what happened to them.

“Speaking of headaches, what about that stallion that did this?” Rarity asked off about the one pony that caused that unnecessary action.

“Hey pal! Are you trying to destroy us too?” Rainbow Dash stood up near the window to yell down in anger about what the stallion that caused this mess did.

Soon the theme that was on quiet continued to be heard that brought in the mood.

“Nurhahahaaah….How was that, everyone?” Zebura laughed off in finding that somewhat amusing to perform. “Did my voice wake you all up?” He asked off this bizarre question out of nowhere here. “Looks like some of you got an idiotic peaceful look on your faces…” He made this little wise crack of a joke to those around that came for him.

“What in Sam Hill?” Applejack raised an eyebrow in what was the deal with the fella here.

“Oh, sounds like he wants a fight. But….first time someone said my face was something else besides creepy.” Pinkamena spoke off one thing while never gotten anything about her face other than it was just creepy.

“Really not the time for that, sis.” Goldie insisted that his sister not focus around such things.

“Well now….it looks like the world was pretty boring without me.” Zebura responded off mentioning how things seem boring without him to mix it up. “Humph!” He made a light chuckle on the matter that the only reason he’s getting out is because without him in Equestria, things haven’t been as interesting.

“That is not true! Wait, is it?” Pinkie Pie responded before being puzzled, has Equestria been boring without him?

“I don’t know.” Fluttershy shrug off to say in not knowing much herself.

“Damage to output is near 50 percent breached, beginning internal repairs. But I must say, Zebura has quite the power to be considered a strong ally.” Omega responded from checking himself, a bit banged up, but he’ll repair in due time; the main fact is how strong Zebura is to do all this, how was the bigger question concerning what element he possesses?

“Hugh, this….could take time to handle than facing the Apocalypse Ponies or the Dark Mystics.” Twilight sighs in feeling that she might be seeing a ‘bit’ of Zebura’s colors of being known as a problem child, if not a super problem child. But she was asked to discharge Zebura from Grimdark Prison by Celestia & Luna to help in the battles against the Three Lords, so…the Princess of the Friendship Kingdom will have to do her best. And knowing Twilight and her group, they’ll most certainly need it here. As the theme in the background ends, the scene goes dark with many questions to ponder what is going to happen very soon….indeed.

Chapter 03: Zebura's Scary Element Revealed!

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Chapter 03: Zebura’s Scary Element Revealed!

The scene soon opens up to where back at Grimdark, something unexpected was going on, as we find the Mane Six group in an opened room with a large table for a large crowd to dine on. Right now, there was a lot of food from Sweet Apple Acres’ veggies to Sugarcube Corner’s sweets, some food that’s given to those from the royal palace and a few prepared takeout meals. Applejack & Pinkie Pie were getting the meals ready while Rarity was setting up the decorations with Rainbow’s speed along with Fluttershy’s help. As Goldie’s group was helping around getting things set, the Sparkle Family were scolding the kids for this while the Warden sat at the edge of the table in observing what was happening.

“So you snuck out of the castle to follow us here?” Twilight asked in getting the story straight of what her daughter did.

“Sorry mommy, we just didn’t wanna miss out….I hope we’re not in trouble.” Nyx apologized in knowing what she did was not right here.

“Well we’re lucky that Warden Mongul says he’s straighten things so the staff don’t think about imprisoning you three from things that aren’t directly at you.” Ben stated about the facts that with some cooperation, they have managed to have the warden keep just any upset prisoners from going off against hating Nyx & the baby Dragons from having connections to Nightmare Moon and Tadaka and Lorcan.

“But when we get home, you’ll have a ton of chores to perform as punishment.” Twilight scolded the kids in giving them this tough but fair punishment.

“Okay…” Nyx & the baby Dragons lightly responded to giving in to that demand, since they did disobey.

“Hey, you think Fred & Barney learn we skip out?” Spike asked off a puzzling question at this moment.

“Nah, they be worrying about disappointing their new employer to not notice yet.” Phobos waved off his arms in thinking Fred & Barney haven’t given up searching for them yet.

“At least they’re not in trouble.” Ben reminded the Moon Dragon of being in trouble, for when they get back will explain to their guards that they did nothing wrong. “Hugh, anyway, we’ll save that for later since we are trying to throw this celebration for Zebura’s release.” He sighs in changing the subject and his attitude to looking at a more happier time it seems.

“I must say, I’ve never heard of a release party taking place inside a jail.” Warden Mongul responded in finding this to be very unusual to take place. “Normally I have staff make meals, but since you all used our gallery, I’ll have to ask that you pay.” He issued this off to the gang about paying for this stuff being done.

“Why not ask Zebura to do it himself?” Golden Heart stated about having Zebura pay for this, it’s the least he could do since he is being released.

“Maybe he’ll probably say ‘This all ya got? What kinda shabby release celebration is that?’ or a bunch of other complaints like that. Judging by his character as what we’ve seen.” Pinkamena pointed off in stating while the entire gather table was filled to the brim with large amongst of food, and from what it sounds like it might not be enough to please Zebura’s stomach.

“Man, that would be a good imitation, seen him once and you seem to have it down.” Jack Zen replied in thinking the pink pony lookalike got that stuff down easily.

“Woah now….How much can he eat?” Rainbow Dash yelped in surprise in hearing how much the guy they are freeing can eat a lot.

“I am puzzled if Zebura is a glutton.” Omega responded puzzled over the manner if Zebura eats a lot.

“Right, Ah’ve seen an all-ye-can-eat buffet, but a table 'dis size needs loads o' helpful mouths ta eat!” Applejack stated how this much food served here needs a lot of folks to even be done scarfing down this much.

“Say, where is Zebura, anyhow?” Rarity asked off in noticing there was still someone missing from this celebration.

“Oh I think I heard a guard nearby say he went to where the other prisoners are.” Pinkie Pie responded off in having the answer the gang needed to know.

“Oh, is he going to say goodbye to every pony here?” Fluttershy responded in hearing this to suddenly build up a smile in learning of this. “Aw…He looks so scary, but I guess he’s really a very loyal & good pony, isn’t he?” She spoke from having a feeling they may have jump to conclusions too fast involving Zebura’s behavior, he might have a nice side to him if he’s going to see those he’s known for so long before going their separate ways.

“I must say, hearing that is a surprise, I guess you can’t judge a book by its cover after all.” Rarity responded in agreeing to Fluttershy’s point of view until..

“That’s not quite it.” Jack Zen spoke off here which broke Fluttershy’s daydream moment to where she paid attention.

“Right, you see he’s saying goodbye alright, but in his own way.” Golden Heart issued to point out something that clearly Twilight’s group don’t have much facts involving Zebura. “To the prisoners who were sneakily complaining about him…” He added off that fact of what Zebura’s goal was at this moment.

“Hugh? Is that much different?” Spike asked off in not following what this topic was bringing them to.

“GWUUAAAHHH…./HEEELLLAAAAAPPHH….” Then from behind the walls, there were loud sounds of wailing and crying out voices, sounding like some individuals are in trouble while in a fight.

“Woah! What’s going on out there?” Rainbow Dash asked off in hearing the ruckus.

“Sounds like there’s fighting going on!” Applejack stated in what they are hearing.

“Um, wait a second….could it be that for Zebura…he’s…” Pinkie Pie slowly was thinking that this commotion, would Zebura be behind it?

“I’ve heard from Celestia, you see, that he’s got some incredible hearing that are dubbed Hell Ears.” Golden Heart explained out some portion while the sounds of some poor prisoners getting beaten up gets more voices that sound like they are either in pain or on the verge of death.

“And they say Zebura has the shortest temper and is the fastest to pick a fight.” Warden Mongel explained the other matter that concerns over how Zebura does things while the noises keep increasing from loud explosive forces and outrageous cries the likes none have ever heard so much. “Hey. Don’t just stand there, put a stop to it! If he keeps this up, then Grimdark will have zero prisoners.” He looked to some Prison Guards in giving them the order to handle this.

“Heeehhh!” The Prison Guards yelped with shock eyes in having a terrible feeling of them stopping Zebura is like an ant stopping a Dragon; it’s impossible.

“Wow! I’ve been around for a long time and even I don’t know any living creature that likes to fight more than that guy.” Pinkamena responded in sheer surprise in hearing to state how much Zebura loves to pick fights, she must never have met the guy if he could do so much. And all while more implosive, crashes and screaming prisoners are heard around, Zebura is literally tearing up the prison from inside out.

Course after having heard the explanation, and finally as the noises dropped, one would think the gang would be at ease, well….WE’RE WRONG! Instead, much of the Mane Six, Ben, Nyx, Spike & Phobos each seem to have different worried, frighten, cautious & sweat-drop faces of what they listen to of the conversation and the noises outside the room; it all sounds like Zebura is a super problem child for reasons matching up to being almost crazy enough to beat every last deceitful prisoner into submission or they perish. Truly, they wonder…just who is Zebura that they are asking him to become an ally? Course that was nothing when a large shadow started to show up over the mare group’s position.

“Um, did the lights above us go out?” Pinkie Pie asked in a hint of worry now from what happened.

“Ah don’t think 'dis here’s a simply bulb busted case. Ah think it’s…” Applejack was slowly speaking in what was not a light issue, but something else…

Soon the mares slowly turn before they got a surprise in seeing Zebura’s wide large grit teeth with a scary face that could give one a heart attack.

“Aaaaaahhhhh!” Rarity let off a scream in staring at something that really made her look like she saw the devil.

Then the background theme called ‘Zebra’s Theme’ from Toriko OST is heard during the moment. “Whaaahachachachaaaach….” Zebura let off a little chuckle that was kinda creepy for any that heard him laugh.

“Woah! Ze-Zebura?” Spike yelped when most of the little ones near the Mane Six trip backwards from being so close to the guy that overshadow them; he’s a pretty tall and big guy. Spike, Phobos and Nyx stared at him in almost looking petrified that he was here.

“That’s because there ain’t anything in this world more stimulating than a fight.” Zebura explained himself to those that talked about him as he had an answer to their discussion while he said his farewells to the prisoners. “Don’t get so flustered, kids.” He addressed the ones smaller than the Mane Six from seeing such actions. “Or I’ll deal you next.” He issued off this rude exclaim statement of what he’ll do to those here with that freaky scary face.

“Uh oh….” Nyx yelps in seeing who has arrived here all so suddenly.

“That sounds like a threat. And I don’t know if he’s joking!” Phobos stated in having a bad feeling about what the guy here said that don’t sound pleasant.

“Hey, hold on there, Zebura. Let them be, you’re acting like a delinquent.” Ben’s voice cuts in as he put his hoof to Zebura’s head to stop the guy from scaring the ones that don’t know him as Ben was trying to sound tough and serious. Heck, he even summoned the Golden Gauntlets to give him extra strength after seeing how strong Zebura was earlier, to be on the safer side.

“Heh? Whose head do you think you’re grabbing, buster?” Zebura responded to slowly stand up straight while looking like he couldn’t be bothered or care about who was trying to challenge him and without fear.

“Um, say Ben, maybe you should let go now. It looks like his mane has grown and might need some cut work.” Goldie tried to make sure they don’t end up picking a fight with a guy that LIKES to pick fights.

“Hey, hey. Don’t screw with me, you uptight jerk.” Zebura spoke off this in addressing Goldie which made the pony feel a bit upset.

“Listen, we’re not asking for trouble. We came all this way to get you under my mom’s order. So calm down a bit.” Ben insisted while Zebura turn to him, the prince was trying to keep the guy from resisting, but something was wrong…the guy was not even phase of bothered by the other stallion’s strength.

“I don’t wanna.” Zebura objected while he reached up to grasp Ben’s right hoof and in a shocking turn…was overpowering Ben’s hoof off his head; this guy’s strength was almost monstrous. “If you don’t like it, Celestia’s kid, then why don’t I let my stress out on you?” He spoke off in making this unusual challenge in which they can fight each other. “C’mon, lets duke it out. You & your rowdy batch, let’s see how tough they are with your power against mine?” He was starting to bring up his pulse veins in wanting to actually get ready to fight here.

“Grrr….if you’re wanting a fight just to test me, I’ll gladly show you what I’ve got! Golden Heart, Omega, back me up.” Ben responded in getting himself almost pretty much suckered into fighting the guy they want as an ally.

“Roger.” Goldie & Omega responded in seeing they may have to go a little rough housing. Typical boy thing.

“Woah-woah! Ben, hang on….that’s going a bit too far! Settle down.” Twilight was trying to calm her love over what Zebura was doing in trying to cause a fight to break out, but…

“I know how to end this….oh Zebura.” Pinkamena spoke in earning some attention before getting ready a…special surprise. “Your Time’s….Uuuuupppp!” That was it, she was staring her eyes out in unleashing the Brrrs effect.

“Waahhhh….Brrrr…..Brrrr….Brrrr….” Rainbow Dash yelps from seeing that move to catch it, unfortunately.

“Waahhhhh! Brrrr…Brrrr…” And in the upset of not dodging, Golden Heart & Ben Mare got hit by that technique too to have the ‘Brrrr’ feeling. Omega was a robot, so it didn’t affect him at all.

“Aw great, she used 'dat indoors!” Applejack sighed in seeing this little action had to take place.

“Well at least it stop the boys from fighting.” Rarity spoke off to say this on the good note of things.

“Yes, um….let’s all just calm down and have a nice meal while we get to know another and try to become close acquitances.” Fluttershy tried to speak reason to the recovering boys from getting the Brrrs effect.

“Aaahhh!” Zebura turn near the others and where Pinkamena was when that suggestion was said. As the pink pony was giving a full focus of the Brrrrs, only a few of the gang managed to avoid eye contact, but as Zebura gaze at the eyes, there was literally….NO REACTION!

“Hugh? Hey, why isn’t my Brrrrs working on you?” Pinkamena asked off puzzled and confused, this has never happened before.

“What doesn’t?” Zebura responded off with a blank expression in not having any idea what the pink pony lookalike was talking about.

“The mistress is referring to the Brrrrs.” Omega pointed out the case of what they are discussing here.

“Yeah! The Brrrrs!” Pinkamena proclaimed in stating her technique is supposed to make anyone that looks at her eyes feel all chilly and say ‘brrr’ from feeling a chill.

“What’s that? Can you eat them?” Zebura asked off puzzled in thinking the Brrrrs were a meal.

“Uuuuugh, I don’t think the Brrrrs are something you eat. I’m not sure if they’re edible at all.” Spike rubs the back of his head in being unsure about such a random topic.

“He must have never seen what the Brrrrs do or maybe he’s immune to them.” Nyx spoke off in having seen this that maybe Zebura is immune to whatever effects the Brrrs give ponies.

“You kidding? Even I get the Brrrrs when she gazes, how can he not get them?” Phobos protest in finding that is kinda unfair, how is Zebura immune to such things or does he not even have the understanding of ‘fear’ in mind.

“Cough….excuse me, Zebura.” Twilight coughs in trying to get attention here now.

“Hugh?” Zebura looked away from Pinkamena over to Twilight Sparkle’s direction.

“Let’s eat first before this goes to waste.” Twilight spoke in trying to bring this useless fighting to a halt with a change of pace.

“Huuugh…Okay, then I’ll fight yah later.” Zebura responded in thinking that be a good idea, have something to eat and refuel before fighting against these guys.

“No, we’re not fighting.” Jack Zen spoke off to state this was not a time to fight among each other, honestly, what is the deal with Zebura and picking fights; is he always this problematic?

Now the scene focuses around some lit torches before everyone was soon seated around the table. And soon they all slowly begin to dig in while almost forgetting about Zebura’s rough-housing action just moments ago. Guess food is the next best thing to help keep even this guy settle down. Also during the case, Warden Mongul was explaining some things to Zebura that involved some…conditions it seems.

“Now as spoken, you need to arrest 500 wanted criminals that are loose and hidden around Equestria that may or may not be in league with the Three Lords. Those are the conditions of your release.” Warden Mongul explains the basic matter of what Zebura must do here.

“Hey, this is my release party, right?!” Zebura spoke off near Goldie when he saw him eat something tasty nearby. “Don’t go eating all the food.” He issued this off after licking something off his hoof without a care.

“Do you understood,” The chief warden address Zebura if he heard him, but…the guy ignored Mongul. “Listen, these are the Royal Sister’s instructions that Princess Twilight, her prince and council friends have journeyed here to give you.” He force this info for Zebura to understand the matter of how serious it is.

“By the way, Ben Mare, was it.” Zebura spoke in addressing over to Ben while still not paying much attention to the warden.

“Hm, what is it?” Ben responded in unsure what the guy was gonna ask him after just having a tough struggle.

“What the hay is that magic you used anyhow? Something from your element?” Zebura asked off in pondering what that move Ben used, Golden Gauntlets that gave him some incredible strength, it may not have work on him, but he felt that it was strong enough to earn his attention.

“Hey, Zebura, are you paying attention?” Rainbow Dash asked off in seeing that the guy is missing some important things to remember from the warden upon his release.

“Well the Triforce Element lets me call in weapons & items from the Hero of Time Link. I’ve gotten the handle in mastering them while still unlocking others.” Ben explained the matter of his case, but…

“Hugh, sorry warden, 'dis here discussion o' negotiation ain’t working’ well.” Applejack shrug off to say while they chow down, Zebura is too focus on eating to care otherwise.

“My mom says you have a powerful element we can use to stop the uprising of powerful foes. And she said you could do it since you have a fearful reputation.” Ben issued off in speaking about Zebura’s ability that has earn him some recognition and to why the heroes request him.

“Heh, picking fights. I ain’t no little kid, ya know.” Zebura responded like he wasn’t interested…but the strange urge of his tapping hoof said he WAS interested.

“From the sly expression on his face and feeling eager to let loose shows you actually want a piece of that action going on.” Golden Heart muttered off in seeing that Zebura seems very interested in the subject.

“Excuse me, but shouldn’t Zebura be listening to his release request? They seem crucially important.” Rarity issued off that Zebura is too busy stuffing himself to hear the terms of his release.

“Repeating request: Zebura must catch 500 wanted criminals to help focus all our remaining resources in battling against the Three Lords.” Omega repeated the request terms real easily while Zebura and much of the others still were eating.

“Um, question….all the dishes that were cooked…” Phobos slowly begins to speak about the stuff they had out to eat.

“Yeah, what about them?” Spike asked off to say before taking another gander at the table.

“They disappeared in an instant.” Nyx pointed out in which the entire table’s set was filled with empty plates, bowls and bottles; this much of a group finished it all or was it by one pony?

“Money’s on Zebura, Omega.” Jack Zen spoke off in having a feeling, Zebura ate more than anyone else.

“Confirmed, while I did not dine, I recorded that Zebura ate more than anyone.” Omega nods in stating that the outdating expert was Zebura.

“And he looks like he isn’t having a tummy ache, talk about a tough digestive track!” Pinkamena rub her back head surprise, usually when one overeats they get sick, but Zebura looked completely fine.

“So this is Zebura.” Twilight spoke in her mind after she could at least study him from across where they sit. “We heard that it’s cause he had a loose temper that he ended up here in prison. But no matter what, neither my friends nor I understand how he got a death sentence just from having too much a loose temper.” Twilight was very much in her own world in speaking her mind, pondering the mystery that revolves around Zebura.

“Hey Twilight, you-hoo?” Pinkie Pie waved a hoof to her friend in seeing her go off in space of her own mind.

“She must be thinkin’ about somethin’ important again.” AJ stated what their smart pal was doing right now.

“Hey, princess.” Zebura spoke off suddenly that made the Mane Six refocus their attention.

“Yikes!” Pinkie Pie yelps from when they were so close to Zebura that he could still scare them from that face, it makes Pinkamena’s look normal for a change.

“Was that cooking really all made by you & your band of friends?” Zebura asked off this interesting topic that was on his mind. “Ehh?” He was awaiting an answer if what he asked if this was made by such ponies, true or not, was the question.

“Well, Ah, um…shucks, course it was.” Applejack slowly responded in still having that nervous feeling when near this pony.

“Yep, me and AJ come from two places that sell food of veggies & sweets, so it was an honor to make things to liven your spirit.” Pinkie Pie spoke off with a usual perky smile in stating how good they brought in their food.

“Um, I hope I’m not being nosy, but….was it to your liking?” Fluttershy spoke with her shy behavior in trying to help speak gently to Zebura, so he won’t be upset or offended.

“Ach!” Zebura responded in having heard the words, but there was something else he sense that earn his attention that only ‘he’ knows out of those here that spoke their words. “Oh, yeah…” He spoke in recalling something, something he once…heard, recently.

“Okay every pony, we best get ready here. Pinkie Pie & Applejack, I’ll need you to prepare some of the food we brought for Zebura’s release party.” Twilight’s voice is heard speaking out from within Zebura’s ears as he recalls what he has heard.


The scene opens to the past where the Mane Six & Goldie’s Group need to get the party setup for Zebura’s release from prison.

“Twilight, you do know you’re asking us to do that at the prison?” Rarity questioned her friend about having a release party IN Jail.

“I don’t have a problem throwing a party at prison.” Pinkie Pie smiled to shrug off in not having an issue of that plan.

“Pinkie, you probably are the only pony that WOULDN’T be bothered by such a thought!” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in seeing the pink pony is fine with that idea so long as one is throwing a party, Pinkie’s in.

“Well mom and aunt Luna said they know a bit about him, after all. Like he’s a friend to them or that they just care about him. So the best thing to do is do our best to accommodate the job.” Ben shrug off to say in seeing they need to warm up to Zebura and vice-versa to become great allies.

“So what sort of things does Zebura like, um, if no pony minds me asking?” Fluttershy shyly asked the question on what the guy may like to have.

“Don’t worry, from what I recall, he’ll eat anything.” Goldie pointed out in hearing Zebura likes just about anything that’s edible.

“Come on Golden Heart, can’t ye give us a straighter answer, so we can make 'dis dinner honest an' true dat he enjoys it ta his liking.” Applejack asked off in liking a bit more Intel, so that what they make won’t make Zebura feel like they didn’t get the best stuff out.

“Well you’re in luck, he likes to eat veggies fresh and have something sweet afterwards.” As Goldie was talking, the scene shifts to where Zebura of the past was hearing the stuff going on outside while he traveled the prison.

Then the scene shows AJ & Pinkie Pie wiping up some stuff in the kitchen gallery right now.

“Alright, might not be some fancy restaurant, but 'dis grub should taste like something he ain’t had here before.” AJ responded to say in knowing that prisoner food ain’t as tasty as the real stuff.

“I just hope he likes the stuff we’re preparing, it’s gonna be Pinkie-Kin!” Pinkie Pie’s voice sounded off while the scene shows that Zebura was already finished wiping the floor with the other prison inmates to beat them severely; ouch.


Now the scene returns to the present from after Zebura recalled those events from the past of what he ‘heard’ during the passing of time.

“You all said stuff like that.” Zebura narrow his eyes towards the group in addressing how he recalled such things being said. “You two!” He spoke off towards Applejack & Pinkie Pie which made them flinch a bit.

“Um, yes?” Applejack yelped from seeing that they were being called.

“Don’t get cocky.” Zebura responded to say this plain statement to the ponies.

“Oh, okay!” Pinkie Pie replied off without ever thinking a second thought

“There’s nothing I hate more than folks that’re cocky.” Zebura explained this under a serious threatening tone of his voice. “Just looking’ at ‘em makes me want to squash ‘em between my hooves until there ain’t a single darn one left.” As he was addressing this statement, AJ & Pinkie Pie’s confidence seem to drop severely with worry while the others felt a bit shaken in what they heard; sounds like Zebura isn’t too pleased in dealing with those that are cocky.

“Oh, o-okay. We-we understand perfectly, right?” Spike nervously responded in hearing that, as long as they aren’t cocky, they’ll be okay…he thinks.

“Ri-right, sorry if maybe we felt like getting cocky from sneaking here to see yah and got Twilight mad at us.” Phobos held the back of his head in apologizing from what they did

“So you did get cocky, you little scamp?!” Zebura responded off in glazing at Phobos in hearing that little confection.

“Waaaaahhhhh!” Phobos screamed out in terror when Zebura was so close to him, he looked ready to rip him to shreds until nothing ain’t left of him. “No wait, I didn’t! I didn’t get one bit cocky in thinking we make it out scout free! Please don’t rip me to limbs!” Phobos was trying to get his scaly behind out from almost gonna be shred to pieces from sounding cocky, that was an accident.

“Please wait sir, it’s my fault….I push these guys to doing this, so I’m responsible.” Nyx spoke up near her dragon friends to take the responsible blame.

“Ehh?” Zebura responded in hearing this right to stare at Nyx as she awaited while everyone seem nervous or wondering if they should stop Zebura about to go crazy….he didn’t. He seem to sense the black filly was telling the truth. “Heh, well if you’re saving his scaly hide from your mistake, then you best remember to not be so cocky.” He issued off this fair warning that even Nyx best keep an eye on what she does.

“Um…yes sir.” Nyx responded off stump surprise, was she….given a lay off; hugh, and here many thought she was gonna be toasted.

“Warden!” Suddenly, another voice was heard speaking out that earn everyone’s attention in some confusion.

“What is it, Vice-Chief Gendo?” Warden Mongul asked off puzzled in looking to a dark green unicorn stallion with silver dark mix short mane & tail, brown eyes and a Guard’s Badge Cutie Mark as he was before the warden and the crew.

“Sir, the Demon of the Forest has appeared.” Gendo reported the matter of what was currently happening at this time.

This news caused everyone to feel a bit surprise and a bit speechless in what they heard of what was already appearing around Grimdark Prison. Even Mongul showed his own expression for caution and concerns over the matter.

“I see. Then that’ll be trouble then.” Warden Mongul nods lightly with a strict face in knowing this info.

“The Demon of the Forest?” Twilight asked off confused in hearing that name be said here.

“What’s that?” Pinkamena asked off puzzled, but the name sounded…familiar.

“That’s the one you mentioned at the entrance, right?” Jack Zen recalled they heard about the Demon of the Forest earlier when they came here.

“What is it, exactly…if you don’t mind our snoopy noses?” Rarity kindly asked off in liking a little briefing on the subject.

“Yeah, cause so far, we’ve seen your Wild Beasts here that are tame, aren’t they good protection?” Rainbow Dash brought up a good point, but apparently, that isn’t the serious case.

“Allow me to explain. It’s a monstrous Demon turtle that appears once a year during Monster Season.” Warden Mongul waved off his right hoof to point out the issue of what the Demon of the Forest is; a turtle.

“A Turtle?” Fluttershy responded puzzled in hearing about some animal creature.

“Monster Season?” Omega repeated in hearing something he’s never heard of before.

“Wow, those sound weird when put together!” Pinkie Pie replied off in never hearing such words put together till now.

“Shhh!” The baby Dragons hush their friend, so that they can hear more of what’s going on.

“In this area, we have a first nearby of deadly seasons called ‘Death Season Forest’.” Warden Mongul explained the issue of what goes on around here in this particular prison facility. “It’s one of the few environments that is no less harsh than the ones in Tartarus. And that they are more terrible than those seen in the End of Equestria.” He stated that the harsh environments that happen here are just as terrible as it is in Tartarus. “The seasons are split into Melt, Mist, Freeze, and Beast.” He pointed this out to the gang that there are four seasons that happen around this prison different from others.

“Woah, sounds like the opposite versions of summer, fall, winter and spring.” Pinkamena responded in what they could almost think those four seasons would be, but far more dangerous perhaps.

“So, did any of those seasons happen when the Brotherhood got free?” Phobos questioned this out from thinking it’s worth asking.

“They escaped when we came near the last season as I spoken. But first, let me explain the details.” Warden Mongul issued about what happened then while preparing to move along.

“Oh course, go right ahead.” Spike stated in wanting the guy to tell them what those other four seasons are here.

The scene changes to what looks like magma flowing around Grimdark’s below area that makes it look like it’s trapped or a base above the magma pits.

“The season of lava and melting, Magma Season. In this season lava spurts from below.” Mongul’s voice explained the conditions of the first season as shown of its terrifying features.

The next scene shows everything is covered in a light violet mist, while it doesn’t look much around Grimdark, there is more than meets the eye here.

“The season of mist and fog, Mist Season. In this season, a mist of poison gas envelops everything.” Mongul’s voice explained the conditions of the second season as shown of its terrifying features.

The third scene shows a large blowing frost of blizzard winds that had everything turn white and icy, if one was outside Grimdark, they soon freeze into a Popsicle.

“And in the season of freezing, Freeze Season. Everything is frozen by blizzards.” Mongul’s voice explained the conditions of the third season as shown of its terrifying features.

Then the final scene shows what looks like a lot of flying and land base monstrous creatures roaming around Grimdark, their shadowy bodies and red eyes could show it’s almost a hell to be trapped in such a prison that if one escape, they run into devilish Demons.

“And the season we’re in now is the Monster Season. The season when ferocious Wild Beasts awaken.” Mongul’s voice explained the conditions of the fourth & final season as shown of its terrifying features.

Soon the focus returns to the inside part of Grimdark where the Mane Six, Goldie’s group, Nyx, Ben & the baby Dragons along with Zebura heard much of the info of what’s going on.

“The average level of the awakening Wild Beast is near that of Alicorn power readouts.” Mongul explained how strong the beasts that come out are at this time.

“My word?” Rarity gasped in hearing that which surprise them.

“Wa-Wait! An Alicorn power readout?!” Rainbow Dash yelped in hearing this right, the beasts are that tough.

“Is what he said true?” Jack Zen asked Golden Heart if this was no mistake.

“It is, I once thought of fighting such creatures in the past to train….I was lucky it was only a few bruises if Pinkamena didn’t bail me out for the escape.” Golden Heart nods with a serious face to explain the case that even he was involved.

“And the strongest among them is a turtle known as the Demon of the Forest. It’s generally known as the Magma Tortoise.” Warden Mongul proclaimed forth in what was like the boss of those beast.

“Um, if we were to fight them, or this turtle creature….what are the chances?” Phobos asked off in pondering their chances of winning.

“Calculating if Wild Beasts are far superior to even the creatures of the Everfree Forest and those of the End of Equestria during Demon Lords reign….calculation….14 percent chance of success.” Omega did calculation before determining the outcome would be near to impossible results.

“Only 14 percent?” Spike yelped in hearing that, that’s their best odd, then this battle really is against their luck.

“Twilight, what’s the plan here? It sounds like we’re really in a tight jam?” Ben asked his love if she has a plan of how to fend off against such beast.

“I’m not sure, if we could muster up our Rainbow Forms, they may help, but that’s only a guess.” Twilight responded in not having all the answers either here; they still haven't understood how to use their Rainbow Forms or how to active them.

“Excuse me, but would it not be wise to wait until the end of the season to release Zebura?” Vice-Chief Warden Gendo spoke his own opinion of what they must do under safety reasons.

“Hmmm….it’s true, it is dangerous.” Warden Mongul looked away to ponder this heavy decision to be made. “Even skilled train Mystic Warriors have their hooves full fighting that many strong Wild Beasts and then be exhausted in facing the Demon of the Forest.” He sighs to state the truth that even some Mystic Warrior type fighters have a struggle against such large numbers and odds.

Everyone was in silence in hearing what was going on as it all didn’t sound good. They have to hold off going anywhere until the season here ends, but who knows when that maybe. And fighting such powerful and deadly creatures sound even harder even with the Mane Six, Goldie’s group, even Ben, Nyx and the baby Dragons working together, the odds might not increase their chances; so what now…?

“That thing’s getting cocky.” Zebura leans back to issue this fact about the Magma Tortoise case without a single care, but sounding…annoyed & intrigue about such a creature.

This action caused much of those around the room to yelp or gasp in shock. Was Zebura actually not worried or scared over such a dangerous and powerful creature that give a lot of Alicorn ponies, even Mystic Warriors a run for their money?

“Eh-hach-hach-hachach-eh-eh-eh-eheeehhh….” Zebura was instead letting off a wicked cackle with a wide grin in almost sounding like…he was gonna take of this matter as if it’s an invite….to a FIGHT!


Meanwhile, outside Grimdark Prison, we soon see what looks like loads among loads of weird, strange, but powerful Wild Beasts roaming the area of the forest surrounding the big house. There were many giant size monsters from dinosaur beasts, giant gorillas, giant tigers, giant insects, giant crocodiles, giant mutant freaks of nature, you name it; it was like entering a mad zone. If anyone where to venture outside, it be the same as asking for a death wish right outside the door.

“Waaahhh! Why’re there so many of those Wild Beasts?!” Rarity yelped to panic out in seeing this from a high view of the prison, along with her were the rest of the gang and the warden.

“As I explained it, that’s this season of the Death Season Forest.” Warden Mongul explained this to the group of what they are witnessing, is the season where the monsters come out. “We cannot be reckless about venturing outside these walls.” He stated that their safety is to stay inside and not go out during this matter.

“Woah, you ain’t kidding, look at them all!” Phobos stated in what he saw looked like some pretty scary bunch of creatures.

“It’s like seeing the Everfree Forest invasion again where I fought them off, but these things look way more tougher,” Nyx stated from recalling something like this of what she did long ago, but this looks even more intense.

“There it is, the Magma Tortoise.” Warden Mongul pointed out in having already notice the main adversary foe was approaching.

“Oh really? Well, maybe me or Fluttershy can handle it since I have a pet turtle and she talks to animals.” Rainbow Dash was about to say that maybe they can calm a giant turtle from having a familiar sense of caring for one, but…

“These beasts cannot be talked in negotiation, their only actions…are driven by wild & violet instincts for destruction. Just see for yourself.” Warden Mongul issued forth in what they are seeing are those that are not natural, they only crave dominance and destruction.

The gang was puzzled before they peeked outside the window to find something to see.

“Grugrugruahhuuarraaghhh….” There was a strange hexy growly noise as something very big and very large was walking across the area. It is a gigantic turtle beast whose size even dwarfs the massive Grimdark Prison and many of the giant creatures of the forest, having a length of over 1700 meters and it has a titanic weight of 65,000,000 tons, this makes it not only one of the largest creatures but also the heaviest creature in existence noted in Equestria. It has a fearsome and Demonic appearance, with pale red eyes and a large fanged maw filled with rows of sharp teeth. It has two giant orange horns coming out if its head and it has many volcano-like formations on its shell. “ROOUURRAARRRROROUGHHH/Powwfruvhmmm….” This was the Magma Tortoise as it let off a loud roar while at the same time, its volcano-like shell spew’d out lava.

“Plufrvuhhmmm….” The droppings of burning lava and rising fire caused the other giant creatures to cease their actions to move away.

“Roouuarrrughhh!” The Magma Tortoise let off a roar animal sound in demanding to have others make way while it let off more magma.

Many of the other giant and scary Wild Beasts back off and shield themselves from the fiery temperature that was given off from what was burning by the powerful foe.

“ROOUUARRRUGHHHH!” The Magma Tortoise continued to let off its powerful roars in being the dominate creature out of everyone else around.

“That’s a Magma Tortoise?” Jack Zen asked off in being very surprise in what they are seeing out there.

“The warden wasn’t lying, it’s behavior suggest it’s stronger out of the others.” Omega spoke off in having observe the giant turtle and the power reading he pick up….is pretty outrageous.

“Oh man, that thing look like it can give any one of us a hard time! I wonder if even Tao could even handle that,” Spike spoke off worried in seeing such a creature, would any of them even handle such an enemy.

“Well he’s not here, and if Dragon Kick of those Ninja Pony Four guys were, this thing look like it give them a real workout.” Phobos shrug off to say about the manner of how tough that turtle is.

“I think if I were to picture us down there right now near that thing, we be…staring at its toe.” Pinkie Pie focus to say from her eyes gazing at stating a surprising fact of where they stand against the creature, to the toe and that isn’t even close.

“Wow, even from a distance, that IS pretty big.” Pinkamena quoted how if they went face to face with the Magma Tortoise, that would be pretty hard to swallow in combating a giant foe.

“And Zebura went out alone, will he be all right at such a dangerous time with all the other Wild Beast out there?” Ben asked off in feeling a bit concern in what was about to happen, Zebura was gonna go solo against all those creatures.

“Dangerous?” Golden Heart responded a bit puzzled in hearing the question of Zebura being endangered.

“Ben’s right, even if he’s stubborn to pick a fight, we can’t leave him alone to handle this.” Twilight nods in feeling like they can’t just let one pony handle an entire forest pack of giant and deadly animals that could be as strong as fighting Mystic & Dark Mystic Warriors.

“Come to think of it, I fail to mention something to you all in regards of what element Zebura possesses that you need.” Warden Mongul spoke off from being in thought of almost forgetting to tell the group something; as they look to him. “That and the crime Zebura committed that he was place here to begin with.” He spoke this off with a serious face about there was another subject to go over as well.

“Hugh? The crime he committed?” Fluttershy responded a bit stump in hearing this, over just coming to get Zebura out of Grimdark, an explanation of why he was place here besides ‘he had a loose temper’ wasn’t made clear enough.

“Heeeh.” Zebura was seen smirking with a wide grin outside as he was watching the Wild Beasts go crazy along with the Magma Tortoise. “I see now. This guy’s really gotten cocky.” He issued off in seeing what was happening without fear, concern or worries, he just address the turtle creature as getting so full of itself.

“ROOUUARRRUGHHH!” The Magma Torrtoise was seen from below Grimdark in where Zebura stood in looking down below; truly the turtle was much more ten times the size of the other giant beast, proving it was superior and boss to be called Demon of the Forest.

Then at the moment, some exciting background music that is into heavy beat-box mix with a dramatic unleashed event theme is heard that will spice up the drama playing out here.

“From one certain element, Zebura possesses a sense of hearing that can even perceive the sound of a coin falling dozens of kilometers away.” Warden Mongel explained forth the matter of what it is that Zebura has that gives him special skills unlike any other. “He also has the power to freely manipulate his voice and destroy everything around him with the vibrations. Hence the terrifying power to control sound; the Element of Sound.” We see the warden explaining the facts of what Zebura’s element can do: control sound!

“Wait! So back then, wha destroyed the execution grounds….” Applejack yelped in realizing something crucial here.

“Was the power of Zebura’s own voice? Seriously?” Rainbow stated off in almost disbelief in what they heard.

“Seriously, is it even more powerful than the Royal Voice?” Rarity asked forth in finding if that element of sound’s power outranks the Royal Voice tone.

“Yes.” Golden Heart nods in agreement to the discussion that is being talk about right now. “His power and destructive force is one of the unique and rare class of elements, it makes him stronger than most other strong fighters and warriors you’ve met.” He pointed out how strong Zebura’s element is that compared to others, they aren’t even a scratch of this guy’s surface of devastating power force.

“HUUAAAAUGH…WRRUUOOAAAGHHH….” Zebura was soon doing a strange performance in standing up, waved out his front hooves before bringing them up to him. “GRUUARRGH…Aaaeeeeeuuughhhh….” His voice was sounding almost hexy while some unseen shaking was occurring, like he was focusing on something. “Gruspvhmmm…/Truspvhmm…” Then without warning, his stomach shrunk in from whatever the guy was doing.

“From what I’ve heard in the past, the problem is the guy’s tendency to quickly get into fights.” Golden Heart explained the case while the gang are still watching what was happening now.

“HUURROOOUURRAAAOOUGHHHH….” Zebura is seen taking a lot of breath into himself as he’s seen leaning backwards while he continues to suck more and more air….

“Woah! Look at him, it’s like holding your breath, but way more unusual!” Pinkie responded in seeing this way out of notice action playing out.

“Grruoooaaghhh….” Soon Zebura was finished sucking in the air as he was slowly moving in a strange pattern to lift his front hooves. “Huumpmpvhhmm….” Then he pump his front hooves back in preparing something. “Pump…Pump…Pump….” From the gut was inflating up like it was a countdown or something.

“Uh-oh! We better cover our ears again, gang!” Pinkamena issued an order that they quickly cover their ears, much to anyone that didn’t follow but…it must have been an alerted Pinkie Sense.

“WOOOHHUUUUAAAAAAUUGHHHHHHH!” Zebura soon unleashed a loud battle wail that the entire atmosphere was shaking by a heavy force of sound.

“Waaaahhhh!” The gang yelps from covering their ears; that is pretty loud right there!

“GRRRRUUAARRRRAARRRURGHHHHH….” Zebura was letting off a really long lasting yell as he flex his muscles to the point that everything felt like that force was almost about to bring everything down.

“Prusfruvhmmm…/Wubwubwubhfruvhmmm….” Then without any warning, a strange oxygen air bubble flew out of Zebura's mouth as it unleashed sound waves that let out vibration pulses. “Frususfruvhmmm….” Even after its launch, it shook everything all around until it reach the skies and began to brighter up while almost causing everything of loose pebbles to be sent skywards.

“Waaaugh….is that?” Spike gasp out in staring at what seem so shocking, he can’t believe it.

“TRUSPRUSVHMMM…./BangBangBangBang-Pow-Pow-Pow-Pow….” The bubble sphere was unleashing strong vibration waves before it did something…it began to revert itself to start shrinking while making ‘bang’ noises of fireworks going off.

“Gurhaaahh-Waaaauuaaghhh…” Zebura was seen with white eyes to smirk ever still with an open mouth in watching his work.

“BangBangBangBang-Pow-Pow-Pow-Pow-Bam-Bam-Bam-Bamfruvhmmm…” As the bubble sphere was shrinking, we see a few things that look like the science form of atoms mixing around inside the bubble sphere.

“Wurhhaaah-Hah-Haaahhh…” Zebura was totally lost in this in laughing at his power in what was being prepared.

“When he’s got prey that he’s interested in or ticked off by, he’ll finish that species until it’s entirely extinct.” Warden Mongul explained with a serious face in what Zebura would do to anything he got his sights set on.

“E-E-Extinct?” Phobos looked with a blank stupefied face in not believing that, one pony with an element did all that.

“So far he’s driven 26 different species to extinction.” Warden Mongul explained the count of how many species the guy killed off. “That’s Zebura’s big crime. That’s why he’s been labeled as a first-class dangerous creature even among pony species.” He pointed out the cause of Zebura’s actions that brought this upon himself.

“Then….among the monsters outside right now….” Ben slowly was speaking in feeling some actual sweat begin to be seen; out of the frightful & dangerous monsters outside, only one among them was...

“The most dangerous one of all is none other….” Twilight slowly turn her face out the window towards…the pony fighting now. “Than Zebura.” She spoke out in almost being completely surprised to learn this; they never knew.

“No wonder you felt jumpy Goldie!” Pinkamena responded in seeing why her brother Golden Heart felt shock about Zebura being unleashed to the public.

Outside, Zebura stands in watching the work of the bubble sphere as the atoms continued to beat around it. “Bam-Pow-Bam-Pow-Bam-Powvhmm….” The different color energize atoms were banging and popping up like crazy, something big was going on in there. It was also around here that the background theme ended.

“The echo reverberates inside and amplifies.” Zebura explained the course of how his power over sound was working. “Now, strike! My lightning of sound!” He held out his front hooves in announcing that his attack that is to be, now strike.

“Thous-Thous-Thosu…Wruspvhmm…” Soon the banging of the bubble air sphere shrunk enough that it vanished to reveal some glowing yellow sphere, and the noise cease before… “BAamgruuufruvhmmm….” A great burst of the thing exploded to shot off different lightning bolts from it.

“THUNDER NOISE!” Zebura roared out loud the name of his attack that was completed of its charging.

“Bruusssfruvhmmmm….” No sooner and no quicker thAn anyone expected, a lot of raining thunder bolts came down awfully fast. “Kurbrizizizifrivhmm….” And let’s say that the unfortunate ones that got hit by that were none other than….the targets. “Waarrrughhh/ROOOUURRAARUGHHHH!” So many different creatures screams were heard as they were being given a shocking voltage of pain like none any have seen.

So many of the Wild Beast were being hit by that force, the entire area even felt a shake from what power at work here made all the impacts. “Gruuoowwaaaaughh….” Zebura was seen above Grimdark in grinning with a wide smile at his work as it was finishing off the beast. “Heh.” He made a sly chuckle in having done and made his point across.

And down below the forest, lots of black clouds are seen before we’re seeing many giant and fallen bodies all over the ground. That attack from Zebura was so powerful, it took out a large army in mere few seconds flat that they are completely totaled. All except for one that appeared out of the smoke cloud; the Magma Tortoise. “GRUUOORRAARRRORUGHHH!” The Magma Tortoise let off a mighty roar in having survived that attack in showing it’s stronger while the other Wild Beasts fell.

“He-heeehh….” Zebura made a crack chuckle smile in watching the boss Wild Beast show such power to not be taken down as of yet.

“Roouuaarrrorurrghhh….” Soon the Magma Tortoise begins to charge off towards Grimdark to attack the challenger that wanted to rise up and attack him; none can’t say they’ll getaway unharmed after that stunt.

“MUUHHAAAAAAH….” Then Zebura leans back and opens his mouth again to suck in some air here. “WRUUHHARRRUAAGHHH….” As he was doing this, a glowing charge of magical energy was appearing from within the mouth.

“ROOUUARRRUGHHH!” The Magma Tortoise cease charging to make another roar again, but….

“Uh-oh! My senses are going crazy!” Pinkie Pie yelps in feeling there was something else coming; something really big.

Zebura soon had a glowing pink sphere in his mouth, like he had a ball caught in there, but it was much more.

“DUUUUUCK!” Pinkie Pie & Pinkamena yelled out to push the others from the windows away; what’s coming here is really, REALLY gonna be big that some showed looks of fear and terror.

“VOICE MISSLE…..” Zebura unleashed a blast from his mouth that seem to echo the ‘le’ of missile a bit. That attack was heading straight towards the Magma Tortoise that was like a deer in the headlights.

“ROOUURRGH…./Powwfruvhmmm….” But all things went white with the Magma Tortoise letting off a tiny roar without realizing what would come next.

“Kurbamfrvuhmmmm…./Waaaaaaaaahhhhh….” A huge cloud of dust was blowing so much even into the prison where the gang shielded and duck low while they tried to cover their ears to not hear that loud sound of what was devastatingly powerful.

Zebura’s attack was still so effective that it was even shaking much of the area around Grimdark like a supersonic force of vibration waves, it was like the storm of the world’s end.

“Aaaaahhhh….” Many of the gang was heard screaming to hold on tight, it’s like even their own shelter place won’t last and the wind force was enough to almost push them off their feet and hooves.

“Trupoowwfruvhmmm….” Then from afar view of where Grimdark is located, a large light burst to show lots of dark rubble blown up into the air before it vanished. “Kurpowwfruuvhhmmmmfruvhmmm….” Then without warning, a large light dome imploded over the entire region brighter than the sun, as if making a nuclear explosion act be seen. The explosion’s light flew over and made everything shake so much it was unbelievable in so many words before everything was blurring out. Finally, the action was slowly fading, the brightness gone before large smoke clouds covered the entire area. Grimdark looked like it managed to handle that force well, but much other spots were moving around from such an attack.

“Man, I think he made a new record there!” Rainbow Dash rub her ears from what powerful force really knock them about.

“Ow, I hope my ears are alright after that last yell.” Fluttershy yelped from what ache her poor ears; that was twice in one day from Zebura’s loud voice.

“My systems appeared functional, but they were just repaired, and I think I still hear a ringing in my head.” Omega spoke from a few sparks, he survived from the noise frying his system, but he really does need a boost on sound-proofing himself.

“What happened outside?” Nyx asked off in pondering the bigger question in what happened outside their view.

“See for yourself.” Jack Zen stated from looking out and look pretty focus on what he saw, was a shocker.

“Whatever could you…” Rarity was almost about to say, but her words never came out.

“Eeeeeehhh!” Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike & Phobos yelped with a gasping mouth, in what they saw.

Everything was fried, all the Wild Beasts were completely defeated. All the previously beaten creatures were beaten even more severely to be down permanently to not cause trouble.

“Oh man….that guy…” Ben was in utter and total shocking surprise in what they have witnessed here first hand at Zebura’s power.

And the grand prize itself was the total defeat of the Magma Tortoise as it lie there, mouth hang out and slipping lava dripping from its shell. Zebura’s attack was indeed powerful enough to have finished it off where no other has done.

“By mah Granny’s Pies! Wha a destructive force he’s got.” Applejack responded in almost being so shock, she can’t believe what she’s seeing.

“He finished off those Wild Beasts in an instant.” Warden Mongul responded off in surprise that someone could wipe out all those strong creatures in one fatal blow. “And I think in most of that, he may not have gotten much serious and held back.” The warden issued from feeling Zebura held back, for anymore might have almost overdone it, perhaps...

“THAT WAS HIM HOLDING BACK!?” Phobos yelled out to almost pull his ears off in shocking disbelief; what they saw was absolutely crazy and that wasn’t even the full extinct of Zebura’s power.

“Man, I almost fear if he went full throttle!” Spike spoke a bit nervous if Zebura really goes all out, how much more damage could he do; maybe it’s best not to picture that right now.

“You see what I mean? That’s why Zebura’s element is so terrifyingly strong, it’s scary, especially when he laid waste to many of these dangerous beasts.” Golden Heart spoke in explaining to the group how Zebura had a power from an element that could do all that, sure the enemies don’t have that, but the guy that is the wielder is another story. “I feel that the power he holds is so great, he might even take on Ultimate Mystic Warriors & even Dark Mystic Warriors with ease, considering all the executions might have been training to make him stronger than he was long ago?” That has to be it, Zebura was surviving prison as a means to train and get stronger, and from what they saw, he might just be super strong to be seen as a scary threat.

“Talk about really growing well, who knew the saying ‘prison makes you get tougher’ was true.” Pinkamena replied off in having to think that such a guy got that strong after going to jail, who knew?

“Heh, it’s been a while since I tried to cut a bit loose there.” Zebura spoke off from where he sat down as the others watch him take it easy.

“Um, Zebura…” Twilight’s voice was heard calling out to the guy in trying to be gentle in her tone addressing the guy after absorbing...what they all witnessed in shocking fear.

“Hugh?” Zebura moved his left eye towards where the window was of the group and of the one who called out to him. “Twilight, was it? Once I get my belongings, you can inform me of your case. Heuugh.” At that last part, he made a sly smile appear on his face, as if stating the discussion to help out….he’ll lean an aid.

“Oh, hooooh, that’s good to hear. Maybe you can meet Celestia once more to discuss old times.” Twilight sighed in feeling like there was nothing wrong, Zebura wants to cooperate and maybe they can make this work.

Course most of the others that have bear witnessed to Zebura’s power from the Element of Sound, they feel like the guy was indeed a force to be reckoned with. Course the other manner was from his crime, and that could be hard to overlook. One things for certain, if they even mutter this out or if they begin to sound cocky, then they better be ready against a seriously fearsome storm. The scene grows dark here as the results of what will happen are almost upon us…and the rest of Equestria.

Chapter 04: The Shocking News: Zebura's Release!

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Chapter 04: The Shocking News: Zebura’s Release!

The scene opens to Zecora’s little hut home in the Everfree Forest as she was busy preparing some potion mixes and whatnots. Nothing was distracting her, everything is fine and dandy. She even has a bodyguard and helper, Kilik sticking around for any trouble signs that may happen in the Rainbow Kingdom, especially with suspicions of there being an enemy spy that has slip in undetected. But suddenly, some wind blown into the room, knock the zebra shaman’s potions in her cauldron to create a strange stew.

“Oh my word, this is strange, ill winds blow and fallen potion mix, signs of warning, this is.” Zecora spoke off with her mystical rhymes in stating with a cautious note expression; of what maybe happening.

“What could it possibly mean?” Kilik asked forth in not being sure what this may mean?

“It shows strange movements of many lives will be taken, by a force unheard of, but seems very loud.” Zecora spoke her rhyme words in pointing at her cauldron that makes strange symbols & signs as if telling them something.

“Could it be the Three Lords?” Kilik asked in pondering it’s a warning of the strongest villains.

“No, this sign is not for them, this sign be for a pony with an element he bears.” Zecora spoke her rhyme in stating a fact that this was from another source. “Neither evil or good, is he, but a loose cannon, that is what it seems.” She issued the matter of how the new source was from that which was just something in-between good and evil while more a hard case to keep track.

“But who is it?” Kilik asked in still not knowing who this warning was for.

“While he maybe one to aid in combat, his name will frighten those near and far. For the Sound Barbarian is he, the one called Zebura….is free.” Zecora explained by her rhyming words, that the clues of this sign told that Zebura was free.

Background lightning effects are seen outside the hut’s windows along with thunder booming noises. This surprised those in the shaman zebra’s home, for the name rings many bells indeed.

“So….the Element of Sound is out and this happened how…?” Kilik responded that they now know the case, but how did this even happen for Zebura’s release into Equestria.

“By legal means, and honor bound, Twilight Sparkle & friends have help aid in his release this day.” Zecora spoke her rhyming words of who it was that helped bring Zebura back into the light from where he was kept in the dark. “Perhaps our struggle my yet change, depending on how we approach this Zebura case, being displayed.” She spoke again with rhyming words as if saying that if they play their cards right, Zebura can help them for their cause.

The scene grows darker once this action played out, for once the zebra shaman learn of Zebura’s release, it would not be long before others with advance magic & tech learn the news. And once they do, there will be a big commotion without delay.


The scene enters Canterlot Castle where Celestia & Luna were in the throne room, apparently handling a few magic popping scrolls from other countries of their realm. All of them were emergency messages with request & peaceful negation matters of wanting help.

“It seems the plan is working overly well, dear sister.” Luna spoke surprise from clearing away the large pile of scrolls, the news has spread faster than expected. And they were trying to keep it a secret, but Zebura’s release is more than just a simple exception being made, after all.

“Yes, though we will have our hooves full with these state of emergency request.” Celestia spoke off in seeing this and knowing full well of how this all happened.

“Over nearly many countries are ceasing of their useless fighting struggle of war & territory claims and wish to negotiation with us.” Luna explained from reading a scroll that told her of such things. “Truly they have ignored our manner of peace talks since my days of being banished to the moon, and now one pony does it all.” She finds it surprising, the Royal Sisters have tried for nearly a 1000 years to bring total peace to certain countries in and around Equestria, even some places near the Land of Ma, they have not had success, but on Zebura’s release completely turn it around; wow.

“Poof!” Then without warning, Discord appeared out of smoke and scattered the scrolls while looking a bit edgy and skippy.

“Celestia, we have a HUUUUGE problem! Someone has managed to manipulate the network, stating a prisoner of Grimdark was release! And get this…it’s Zebura!” Discord inform the princesses here of hearing horrible news, Zebura’s release has caused quite an up stir.

“We know Discord, I was the one that had Luna and myself make the release arrangements.” Celestia nods with a calm voice in stating this issue.

“Oh it was you, well that makes sense, for a second I…” Discord sigh in thinking there was no worries….but that’s when he did a double take of what he heard, and… “Wait, what? YOU AGREE TO THIS?” He responded in a shock and loud surprise manner; what was Celestia thinking, is she crazy?

“Is thou acting a bit….overly so in thou’s reaction?” Luna raised an eyebrow in watching Discord make such actions over one fellow that was free from Grimdark.

“Thous shall say it, and thous shall mean it, me lady!” Discord spoke while dress in William Shakespear’s getup before making that vanish afterwards. “I seem to recall that Zebura is a character who has been known as a problem child. Even guys like Lorcan & me, who were cocky in our old evil ways, fear he’ll wanna rip us to shreds!” No mistake, he and even Lorcan know and heard about Zebura, and though they are strong in magic, that Sound Barbarian has more destructive capabilities that make the two former villains quiver a bit.

“Discord, calm yourself, I assure you, all will be fine.” Celestia spoke to calm Discord from over reacting a bit.

“And how is letting a character that is a threat to all be declared…’fine’, Celly?” Discord raised an eyebrow of suspicion in thinking the situation, as it shows, is nowhere near being fine at all.

“Because we believe Zebura maybe the key to calming large villain attacks while fanning out any allies of the Three Lords.” Luna spoke in what they are doing is trying to cut down the many attacks they’ve been getting from the Three Lords with a force to give them harder times.

“Well when you put it that way, those three are very cocky in being the big dogs trying to takeover….maybe Zebura could take out one or two of them.” Discord spoke in rethinking things, Zebura hates cocky people, and when it comes down to it, it may give the pony that uses sound a reason to fight against them.

“Discord, we’re not leaving everything to him. He’ll become an ally to help us, I have fate that if Twilight’s group can understand him, then the path of friendship can indeed help us all the more.” Celestia stated off that just having Zebura fight all their battles is not what she is wanting, she hopes that Twilight’s group can help in giving friendship to Zebura so that he’ll know who those that are his true friends are and want to help out.

“Riiiight, so is Zebura staying free or going back afterwards?” Discord slowly responded to say in a rhetorical reply while thinking once that’s over, the guy will be put in jail, but….

“He’ll finish a deed of capturing 500 criminals, and then he’ll be pardon and free.” Luna issued off that Zebura has a condition to fill, then afterwards, he’s free to do as he pleases.

“Oh…joy.” Discord slapped his forehead in just knowing when that day comes, Zebura will really be allowed to do as he pleases. And with that, the entire scenery goes dark with much puzzlement going on.


Elsewhere, other villains in question are busy with their own reasons and other subjects. Like the Brotherhood within Safe Haven for an example. They were currently working on whatever they are doing now. But then Trixie Lulamoon appeared by her magic corridor of darkness and was running up to those that were her comrades and friends without stopping and exhausting herself.

“Everyone! We have a problem!” Trixie appeared to the gang to stop and finally catch her breath.

“Yo, what’s your issue in looking so scared?” Gilda spoke off in looking to Trixie, the girl looks a little way worse for wear.

“You are sweating quite a lot, like you were scared of something.” Flim spoke off that from such actions suggest such a topic.

“Or more among the lines, something scared you to come back here.” Flam made another point of what may have occurred.

“Boris, we got a serious issue, I just heard Celestia has done something terrible!” Trixie spoke off in telling this straight to the leader of the Brotherhood.

“Good pony did something bad?” Fido asked off in hearing what was said.

“That not how good pony princess do.” Spot responded off a bit lost and confused here.

“This sounds fishy, very fishy indeed.” Rover scratched head in finding this a bit…odd, even to them.

“Yeah, Celestia can’t do anything bad.” Dumbledore nods in agreeing to such a term of what they are talking about.

“Right, she’s a good princess and hates being bad.” Bocolix nods in stating Celestia isn’t evil, it’s like something from a bad imagination.

“I’m not joking!” Trixie protest in saying she was not making any of this up.

“Trixie, could you please calm down and tell us what has you so spooked?” Boris spoke to approach the mare, pat her back to get her to calm her nerves and speak more calmly.

“Okay, here it is, brace yourselves. A prisoner from Grimdark has just been released today.” Trixie slowly spoke in catching herself before explaining what she heard; someone from Grimdark was released…by Celestia’s order.

“GRIMDARK!” The Enforcers & the other Brotherhood members responded off in shock. Many that have been imprisoned or seen the place by reality or illusion know how scary it is to be sent there & not many could live to tell the tale.

“The place where we escaped from?” Flim asked off if what they heard is THE place of horrors.

“By your performance, I may add.” Flam stated that if not for Trixie’s help, they have been sealed in Grimdark for a long time.

“So what’s the deal, so some inmate got out for being good,” Gilda rolled her eyes to cross her arms, like any of this is an issue for her to care.

“No, this one was from Level 10! And he is said to be very powerful and fearful and hates those of cocky beings.” Trixie pointed out in mentioning these facts that seem to cause a little event now.

“Who is it?” The Diamond Dog trio leaders asked in being puzzled, who was it that they are talking about that is so important?

“The Sound Barbarian….Zebura!” Trixie slowly mentioned the very name to those that need to hear the scary truth.

“Eeeeeeeekkkk!” The Enforcers squealed in terror to hug the other in fright; the name has even caused a few of the other Brotherhood members to yelp and show cautious faces as well.

“That….That can’t be right!” Boris yelped in dreadful fear of what he was hearing. “Even when being in Canterlot, I heard the worse Earth Pony that was so dangerous was locked away, my father said it was his own fault for being a loose temper beast.” He heard the stories revolving around Zebura and none of them are too pleasant.

“Gets worse, he’s going to be looking to capture 500 criminals as a part of the deal for his release.” Trixie spoke in worry of what else there was to be fearful about now.

“What if he comes looking for us?” Bocolix cringes in fearing that very thought.

“We’re wanted criminals too!” Dumbledore stated that the Brotherhood are WANTED from what they did with Lorcan long ago.

“What we do?” Spot asked off with worry.

“What to do?” Fido asked off with confusion.

“What can do?” Rover asked off with concerns.

“We’ll have to fortify this place even more. That….and keep a Warp Gate nearby ready in case we need a quick exit!” Boris declared out in what they’ll do while silently whispering this stuff, hopefully they can keep a low profile so they aren’t discovered. “Well don’t just stand about, we need to be prepared!” He shouts off in seeing everyone just standing around, they got work to do, and a HECK of a lot to be prepared for.

No sooner were the Brotherhood members rushing about in trying to get themselves ready for any Zebura attacks. This news has got them quite shaken a bit as the scene goes dark here.


The scene shows Tao’s Antics Shop within the Mystic Realm. The old guy was reading a book while Mighty Heart was dusting the shelves, Dragon Kick was putting out pottery; all seem fine. That was until Jade ran in, almost slip and knock a vase of which Dragon Kick yelp to save in time.

“Uncs! We got trouble! Celestia’s doom Equestria!” Jade spoke off these words with not catching her breath.

“Gwaaaah, Jade. That’s crazy! You’re crazy!” Dragon Kick spoke off in finding that a bit hard to swallow.

“But I just found out that she might’ve done something real bad!” Jade spoke in trying to explain her case here.

“Pifh, Celestia not do such thing. Though we had differences, she not one to endanger ponies.” Tao waved off the idea as something foolish to believe.

“I must agree, Celestia looks out for her subjects, the same that Twilight and her friends are doing.” Mighty Heart nods in agreement, Celestia isn’t that sorta pony.

“Tich, bet you say it differently if you heard who she let out of Grimdark.” Jade shrug off to say while pouting a bit on a topic here.

“Really Jade, is that what the fuss is about? I’m sure it’s just an ex-criminal who served out a sentence and Celestia agreed to it.” Dragon Kick spoke in seeing that maybe his niece got something confused, how bad could whoever Celestia release from Grimdark prison be.

“Even if it was the Sound Barbarian, Zebura?” Jade raised an eyebrow in stating the name of the pony individual.

“Yes, even he….haaaughh!” Tao was about to say until he caught his breath. “AIYAAAAAAAAH! ZEBURA?” He was heard yelling out loud in shock and terror, Celestia did what now?

“Oh dear, that does not bold well!” Mighty Heart spoke in worries and concern now.

“Jade? Are you absolutely….” Dragon Kick wanted to make sure this was no lie, but…

“Yeah! That’s what I’ve been saying! She sent Twilight and her group to get Zebura out to help them stop the loads of villain uprising attacks.” Jade nods in giving a straight face about what she said was true.

“Is the princess of sun out of her mind? Zebura is the last issue to be focusing on?” Tao spoke off to complain over this case, Zebura is a danger they wanna avoid.

“Easy Sensai, I’m certain that….um, things are not as bad as it seems.” Mighty Heart spoke in trying to calm Tao who was having a bit of a problem.

“Have you forgotten how much trouble that problem child did?” Tao raised an eyebrow in telling his disciple this which he was slow to respond. “Nooo….then we must make haste!” He was pretty much making a scene here.

“Uncle please, you’re overreacting. While yes, Zebura caused serious problems, but he’s not evil. Ow!” While Dragon Kick tried to calm his uncle, it only resulted in getting a whack on the forehead.

“Besides, maybe if he’s with Nyx and the gang, maybe he’ll change. Somewhat….” Jade spoke in trying to think of another view of the situation itself.

“Ohhhhh, this battle against good and evil is getting too dangerous for an old timer to keep up.” Tao sighs in feeling exhausted from this lashing out from how much commotion two sides fight can give a fella a headache.

“I better prepare some tea to calm your nerves.” Mighty Heart spoke in what he can do to calm Tao down a bit.

“Do so Mighty.” Tao replied off in thinking that would be best.

With that, Mighty Heart goes into the kitchen to prepare tea while Tao tries to wait and calm his nerves. Dragon Kick and Jade feel like the Equestrians and their battles are gonna be a bit more rowdy now that Zebura has join the battle. The scene goes dark here with many more questions pondering one’s minds.


The scene opens towards the secret headquarters of the Dark Mystics’ lair. Tech was busy trying to tinker with another invention of his, but then without warning, a nearby magic console crystal ball glowed red and made loud siren noises.

“Waaaahhhh! What-what-what?” Tech yelped from suddenly getting his bearings together from the commotion. “The alarm, what’s this about? That only goes off when there’s big danger….and by that, I mean for US!” He panicked a bit in knowing what the alarm would be for.

Tech begins to shut down that device that was making his inside lab go off before finding the root of the problem.

“Now what’s the issue, what’s with the alarm?” Tech asked off near a high-tech crystal ball to want some answers here.

The crystal showed words stating ‘DANGER AHEAD! CELESTIA FREED GREAT DISASTER’ on it.

“Great Disaster? From where?” Tech repeated this while wanting more an answer.

The crystal showed ‘GRIMDARK’ as the location.

“Grimdark, well what could be there that be so bad?” Tech questioned with more puzzlement, what was going on.

Now the crystal showed words saying ‘ZEBURA’S RELEASE.’ with a bright red flash on it.

“Oh, so that’s it, hugh…for a moment, I thought it was…” Tech was about to say in getting what the issue was. “Pop!” Then a pop noise happened that his eyeballs grew big in looking…shock. “WHAAAAAAT! Tell me you’re joking!” He screamed like a little filly in wanting this not to be true.

The crystal showed another message stating ‘I DON’T JOKE!’ as some rhetorically remark claim

Then Tech saw much of his Techbots were seemingly carrying suitcases and were leaving him. “Hey-hey, HEY! Where do you all think you’re going?” Tech demanded out in seeing this, why are his bots leaving without a heads up. Then the bots gave the guy some written paperwork for him to skim through. “Release Forms? Sick Forms? Vacation Forms? Wait, you’re all leaving?” Tech asked off a bit bizarre and puzzled, his bots were skipping out?

“Best to flee before the coming of Zebura, good bye!” One Techbot said before the other bots decided to hightail it out of the lab area.

“Gaaah, I knew giving robots sick & vacation time off was a lousy idea! Now I’ll have to start scratch again!” Tech groans to say in seeing this was great, last time he lets bots get any time off in the Dark Mystics group. “What am I saying and doing? I gotta warn the others!” He shouted in fear that this wasn’t the time for pointless issues, he has to alert the others.

Then Tech bust out of his door, ran while screaming like a scaredy cat before he tripped and rolled right into the hall where a few other Dark Mystics gathered by Dark Curse and a few minion troops.

“GUYS! GUYS! WE HAVE TO RELOCATE! CELESTIA HAS UNLEASHED A GREAT EVIL ON US!” Tech was shouting out in panic in telling everyone the shocking news of what has happened.

The room fell into silence as many were taking in this info before….they started to laugh. Many that weren’t laughing were the serious types while they watched Tech’s foolishness in action.

“Oh-oh, man….Tech, you are a slayer there!” DJ Red wiped off a tear from laughing so much.

“Great job on making a joke we can laugh too.” Shades smiled off in saying this to the guy.

“Yeah! Ye had us going there for a second.” Clumsy Rat nods in thinking that was all a joke prank.

“But-but-but…I’m serious, we’re in danger!” Tech was left flabbergasted, none of these guys are believing him.

“Hah! In danger? By an evil you’re saying Celestia released?” Black Tiger remotely waved off the subject as a ludicrous idea.

“It’s true, Celestia’s too goody-goody to unleash unspeakable evil.” Houndkiller nods in feeling that is nonsense, Celestia isn’t the type to do so.

“Who did she release, Grimmore?” Poisonserpent asked off in being a bit interested to know, the only great evil to release is the Overlord King after all.

“Um, no, but…” Tech sheepishly spoke that it wasn’t Grimmore that was released, but was cut again before continuing.

“Then out with it! What great evil could make us feel scared?” Blazing Insect asked off in being impatient by this mommy’s colt.

“Um, someone from Grimdark which she just sign for his release.” Tech slowly responded in stating who the person is and where he is from.

“Oh really? And what prisoner of such jail holding second to Tartarus keeping greater evil has been released for good behavior?” Devil Destroyer asked off to roll his eyes, this should be good for a few laughs.

“Um, does the name….Zebura ring a bell?” Tech responded off shyly in speaking the name that will trigger something here.

Then the noisy levels dropped to suddenly be replaced by cricket noises. And then....

“Waaahhhh….” Then the Dark Warrior Trio and a few other minion type Dark Mystics let off a scream of terror. Pretty soon, much of the room was filled with stuff breaking and many of those rushing or bumping into another.

“SILENCE!” Dark Curse shouted off in having all the scared fools cease their useless running around about action. “Am I to believe that you are fierce Dark Mystics, running around frighten by a mere Equestrian’s name?” He asked in finding this disgrace for those that are weak-minded to begin to feel scared over one single pony’s name.

“But Big D, you heard the news.” DJ Red spoke in feeling worried here.

“Yeah, it’s Zebura we’re talking about here.” Shades nods in stating the name they heard is the real deal.

“The guy’s a lethal force and a killer….to us all.” Clumsy Rat spoke that they got a real problem, it’s no joke.

“The last time Zebura was free, he caused much of our hidden operations of wiping out any resistance down to zero.” Black Tiger showed an upset face in recalling the time Zebura was free to do as he pleases, that it’s cause of that problem child that he eliminated some of their best plans to wiping out loads of enemy resistance.

“This is true. His power…the Element of Sound is a truly deadly force, one we’ve tried to take….and failed.” Shredkiller rub his chin in thought, Zebura’s power of an element is truly a force unlike much else seen.

“Well get this, according to my latest feedback, Zebura just wipe the floor with all the Wild Beast & the Magma Tortoise easily, the guy’s stronger that he barely even tried to fight! See?” Tech showed a high-tech iPad in which was showing a lot of what Zebura did when he left Grimdark; this left many of the others feeling concerns since taking on such strong beast & the powerful Magma Tortoise is hard for any Dark Mystic Warrior alone. But one Equestrian with a powerful element did all those obstacles clear without breaking a sweat, now THAT’s scary.

Dark Curse annoyed used his magic to impact Tech’s device which blew up into pieces.

“Awwww, I still had three more payments on that!” Tech moans in seeing his master destroyed his little device, not his fault in what he showed upset some folks here.

“Master…what can we do?” Shadow Dragon asked his master in what to do about Zebura.

“Celestia has played an unusual wild card. As such, he’ll be within the Rainbow Kingdom. Shadow Dragon, you must not be there while Zebura is within the area.” Dark Curse spoke in thinking ahead of the issue to try to figure out a new solution to things, such as keeping Shadow Dragon out of the spotlight.

“But why?” Shadow Dragon asked in why he must not be there while as Chase the Warrior.

“Zebura’s element has given him more than the destructive power of sound, it’s allowed his enhanced hearing to know anything that goes on. Therefore you and Tech will remain here where our walls are soundproof.” Dark Curse explained the case that the new element user has an ability to pick up anything he hears, even if these two whisper, Zebura will hear it.

“Phew, that’s a relief.” Tech sighs in relief, the further he is of Zebura, the better.

“Besides, even if it was you alone, Zebura can tell if someone is being honest or liar by the wave-length of one’s blood pulse in how we respond to any questions. No amount of magic or the best deceiving acts could cover you from having your cover blown.” Dark Curse explained more of the case, that Zebura’s element can truly expose Shadow Dragon and now is not the time to lose their chance of finding and destroying the Mystic Shield.

“Very well, I shall stay away…until he leaves.” Shadow Dragon bows with grace in understanding the order, he shall not venture out and remain here.

“But how will we deal with Zebura? We don’t know how strong he is now?” Myotis asked in pondering how they can handle Zebura, he may be stronger than last time he was free.

“That will be for later, now leave. And remember, stay in the fort.” Dark Curse issued this order while wanting some alone time.

The other Dark Mystics heard this to fan out while staying inside their fort. The case of Zebura being free has even shaken some of them up, looks like their easy conquest will not be as easy as they have been thinking.


Soon the scene opens up in Sugarcube Corner where things are just about the same busy life as ever. But there was a little something extra, one pony that entered the area to be chowing down meals while his appearance freaked a lot of other ponies out. It was Zebura and he is seen wearing a gray clothing for the body, a dark orange shirt up front, and wears dark bronze steel-toe shoe-wear on his hooves. But for now, the Cakes were busy trying to give their service to the guy that some have heard…is a release criminal from jail.

“Ohhhh, where’s my meal? I’m hungry here!” Zebura called out in having awaiting to eat more.

“Ah, yes sir!” Mr. Cake spoke off in looking a bit shaky from the sudden shout.

“We’re bringing it now.” Mrs. Cake responded to say in having given her husband the pastry dishes.

“Ehh?” Zebura looked to some eating customers that watch him. “Hey, what’re you looking at? I’ll beat the stuffing out of you, darnit!” He spoke off in looking very intimidating that could freak anyone that saw the face out.

The crowds seem to have deja vu sense of having dealt with such a pony before, but they thought best to listen and tried to avoid eye contact. As Zebura was chowing down, the Mane Six & Goldie’s group were just nearby in seeing the action play out. For some, this kinda reminds them of having Tough Apple’s first day in Ponyville, he was off to a bad start, but that was nothing to what was going on here.

“Well 'dis is a fine howdy do.” Applejack shook her head in seeing this matter play out now.

“We come back to Ponyville, the guy nearly scares half a crowd away and now this.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in recalling the moment they came back, Zebura pretty much surprise and scared away lots of crowds; oh boy.

“Well his appearance…eh, how shall I say this…provokes ponies to stand clear of him.” Rarity spoke in trying to find the most diligent thing to describe Zebura.

“Well just remember what he said, we best to not get cocky.” Pinkie Pie pointed out that as long as they ain’t cocky, Zebura won’t be mad at them.

“Oh my no, I’m never cocky…I’m too shy to be cocky…well, except that time I took Iron Will’s course class.” Fluttershy spoke in thinking she never do something like that, or what if she did long ago…would that count?

“Just don’t ever bring it up and I’m sure you’ll be fine Fluttershy.” Twilight smiled to tell her friend that she has nothing to fear.

“Hey, I gotta ask, is this whole thing of having Zebura around gonna be okay?” Phobos asked this question in having some questionable thought to it.

“And what do you mean by that? We already brought him from Grimdark.” Jack Zen raised an eyebrow in how else can it be okay after bringing a guy that spent some time in the slammer.

“I think some of us are worried, after all…he is a well-established criminal after all.” Pinkamena responded off in what everyone is thinking, Zebura does have that scary reputation.

“I can understand why many of you wouldn’t be able to trust him, believe me, I’ve been there.” Golden Heart nods in hearing what the group is thinking, it’s understandable.

“That might not exactly be the thing concerning trust, um…” Spike nervously spoke in having a hard time speaking, what if he’s…heard.

“You must also remember, Zebura has his Hell Ears. He’ll hear everything we say, including right now.” Omega pointed out the fact that no matter what they speak to another, Zebura will know.

“Well I guess keeping secrets from him isn’t what we can do when he’s around….or even far apart, I guess.” Ben shrug off in seeing that they best know what to do and say so to not get under Zebura’s furry skin.

“Still, crimes de guy committed really does sound extremely serious an' offense.” Applejack spoke in feeling serious about something that concerns her now.

“Makes one think why Celestia released him was right even with that much power he packs.” Rainbow Dash questioned if they should need the guy, sure he packs a wallop, but still….

“Well seeing he hasn’t shown anything to suggest he feels remorse about that, well…” Rarity was about to say something of the thought, but never came to it.

“Wait, we’re not saying it’s a good idea to not have him with us as an ally. Um, are we?” Fluttershy meekly questioned if what they are going on about is sounding too offensive.

“Wouldn’t that sound….cocky, of us talking about Zebura like that?” Nyx asked off this question out of the blue.

“Uh-oh!” The baby Dragons yelped in fearing that when they looked back to Zebura, he must have heard it all.

“Yikes! And if he’s heard us, it’s all over. There be no way he wouldn’t think we sounded cocky now!” Pinkie Pie yelps in having a bad feeling in what this could mean for them.

“Pinkie, calm down…that is not how this is sounding.” Twilight tries to calm any of her friends from going overboard on the subject. “Sure, we may have a feeling, but Celestia said we need his element.” She knew that they felt sketchy about the idea, but Celestia wants them to trust Zebura.

“Well spoken, Twilight.” Celestia’s voice spoke out to appear from outside the door of Sugercube Corner with Royal Guards posted outside.

“Princess Celestia/Mom/Grandma.” The gang, Ben and Nyx responded in seeing the last surprise they get to see today.

“However, it’s also not like Zebura’s existence has necessarily been nothing but a bad influence on Equestria.” Celestia spoke her words in trying to help the group see something a little pass the bad.

“Hugh?” The gang responded a bit lost in thought of what they heard. Wasn’t it Zebura that brought 26 different species to extinction?

“In fact, you might say….he’s an unseen savior.” Celestia address Zebura as something no one could have pictured.

“Zebura….a savior?” Phobos responded off puzzled and confused; as they talking about he same guy here.

“Or to more likely put it, he saved towns, well, effectively.” Celestia shrug off to mention this fact of what Zebura did by an effective way of doing things.

“Man, I’m confused. What do you mean?” Spike rubbed his back head in not getting something.

“It was to prepared for Zebura. When those of warring countries me and my sister have tried to reach negotiations heard of Zebura’s release, they ended their wars in order to form counter-measures against him.” Celestia explained something in which detail what Zebura has achieved from earning such a name that it cease penniless wars. “In short, in order to protect their countries from Zebura, they ended their silly conflict, even ones gone on in the Land of Ma.” She stated how Zebura is such a major concern, that he helped many countries that fought in wars make peace for a common goal.

“Really? Zebura did all that?” Nyx responded surprise in never guessing that kinda way of handling things.

“I’ve never heard of this stuff.” Goldie lifted his head in being surprise by such news.

“Really, you never heard of Zebura doing such things?” Jack Zen looked to Golden Heart in thinking the guy knew much, but never heard of this.

“If I check my file banks, perhaps I can locate the history of Zebura’s actions.” Omega spoke in thinking what he could do.

“Still, who guess that from his appearance and power, he truly is a decent pony,” Pinkamena rub her head in being totally out of this, it’s like nothing they ever heard of before.

“Let me tell you the story about how Zebura became who he is.” Celestia spoke gently in wanting to tell about Zebura and how he is today.

Soon the gang listen in for what Celestia has to say, as the tale of Zebura and how he became what he is and has such an element is noted. And why such a dangerous pony can instead, be a savior. Everything begins to fad out with knew things begin to blur in with new images seen in a flashback.


The scene opens up to something that happened in the past long ago. we see Zebura as a young colt within a village that was more stylishly setup like how barbarians and vikings did in the old eras.

“You see long ago, Zebura was an orphan, even then, he was basically a problem child, especially when he lived in the slums of a forgotten barbarian village.” Celestia’s voice narrated off in what the young Zebura did as he caused problems in the village while his living was…poorly developed from being an orphan. “Back then, there weren’t many barbarian warriors left in today’s modern age, some ended up dying to fight off the terrible beasts outside that wanted to devour the residences.” The narrative princess explained what had happened, scenes showing many barbarian ponies trying to battle some terrible beast….none ever seem to survive.

The scene skips to a point where Celestia, as an ever-living Alicorn, appeared to the barbarian village from those that were the elders; wanting to make negotiations.

“The barbarians had a treaty with me to help provide aid to protect them as they were growing weaker and weaker without much prospect.” Celestia’s narrative voice explained what happened, as she did her best within her power to help those in need. “Until one day, Zebura went to find food, but heard a strange sound that sounded….unusual and what’s more, only he could hear it while many of the others could not.” As the story went on, a young Zebura heard something, but as he looked around in stopping his scrubs for food, no one but him was hearing something unusual.

The scene opens to where the young barbarian colt searched for the source, and located a sewer lid before removing it to enter the area. The child continued while he listened until he found himself in a catacomb beneath the ground where many dead creatures and skeletons lay waste, scattered about. But before the colt, was an altar with a strange sphere with vibrating atoms moving around inside it; it looks dangerous.

“He followed it to the sewers and then to a hidden catacomb where near some laid waste of those of creatures that tried to get something, but were obliterated. Zebura saw what many around seem to be going for, an alter with a strange clear sphere orb with weird vibrating particles, which were really echo vertebrates inside something that was giving off a massive shock-wave of sounds blasting off-wards.” Celestia’s voice narrated the story, as the very sphere unleashed a burst of sound blast that shook the place while it never brought it down.

Now young Zebura stubble across what was the remains of a dead researcher with a dairy dialog as he picks it up and moves the pages to the end….where it’s faintly written by blood.

“The colt found a dairy of a dead searcher, and learn what it was that he was seeing, the Element of Sound, a powerful and destructive element of which many have tried to approach it, but all have failed, and now the owner of the dairy passes away with his message…in blood.” Celestia’s voice narrated to explain what was happening as the child read the dairy and learn of what he was in the presence of; an element that has the power of destructive sound.

Soon the young Zebura gazes back at the sphere as he drops the book before a strange expression on his face was seen; it was scary while he seem intrigue by this.

Zebura was puzzled, but he seem intrigue that such an element was here, but it made him think….it was cocky, stating that there was NONE that could control its power, and so…he aim to challenge it." Celestia’s narrative voice explained what was happening, as the young Zebura wanted to prove himself and show the sphere that felt cocky that nothing could reach it…that it meant a match.

After living through hell as an orphan and picking fights & taking beatings, Zebura managed to get pass the destructive sound blast waves that would tear anyone apart. Zebura spoke these words out as he seem to have been the closest anyone has ever gotten to it.

“Don’t get cocky with me!” Young Zebura spoke off with a seriously strict and serious face of not giving in here.

And then without another moment, he did a crazy move to press forward and grasp and bite the element without fear. The element suddenly unleashed a mighty force while Zebura wasn’t letting go, but the orb was fusing inside him as he was worthy to wield the power.

“RRROOOUUAARRRRROGHHHH/Powwwfruvhmmm….” Young Zebura unleashed a roaring battle cry that actually was destroying the entire room and anything around while he still was fine.

“When he finally saw the orb sphere was gone, he felt a sudden sense of power in his veins, he let off a battle cry as his roar sent a mighty shockwave that blasted everything in the room and crumbled to pieces.” Celestia’s voice spoke in narrating the events that took place in the past. “Then a mark shine over his flank, a symbol with a black image of some creature calling out….with a sound, as if stating what his talent was by his Cutie Mark from gaining the element that allows him to use sound as a weapon.” She spoke in narrating what happened to young Zebura back then as now he was a worthy wielder to the element and was given the power.

At the time, much of the beasts that terrorized the barbarian village started to go wild, but as the warriors were un-match for them,….they were saved by the young Zebura, who managed to blast a powerful sound blast at them….he kept it up until he reach…the final opponent. The boss of the beast was a giant purple-shelled scorpion arthropod with a body length of 15 meters and weight of 12 tons. It has gleaming red eyes, a gray lower jaw, two large pincers and a spiked growth growing from its head. Its most notable feature is its eight large tails which can extend to a great reach and its grotesque stingers can pierce almost anything with their sharpness and release several types of very deadly poison. Despite being called a scorpion, it is actually a crustacean rather than an arachnid.

“Seeing he had the power, Zebura went to challenge the beast that not even I could get rid of, and in a shocking feat, obliterate everyone of them, including the boss of those beasts.” As Celestia’s voice narrates what was occurring, the boss beast showed it’s tails as it let off liquid that was coated on it. “The known biological weapon called Eight-Tailed Scorpion. With the poison in it’s eight tails, it could kill any living creature, throwing the ecosystem into disarray. It was a designated isolated species, a class-2 dangerous creature some unknown evil at the time created.” As Celestia spoke of the horrors the beast could bring, the Eight-Tailed Scorpion soon leaps off to attack the one that dares face it.

Young Zebura took in a breath of air at this time as it glowed red before he stopped, then reach up with his front hooves to pull it like…magically energize strings he held out. “VOICE CUTTER!” Young Zebura roared out loud in swinging his front hooves while he let the technique go off flying. And in that instant, the Eight-Tailed Scorpion was split into pieces as the colt had finished it and left his fellow barbarians astounded by such a feat. “Lower life forms shouldn’t get cocky.” Young Zebura explained the case after having killed the deadly beast.

The crowds cheered as Zebura was seen smiling with pride and joy, he’s shown that he’s done what none dare to do, but it was from his own reasons.

“After that, Zebura went off to become a barbarian hunter, seeking work and picking fights.” Celestia’s voice narrates what was happening, as scenes show Zebura growing up little by little.

The scene opens to a more young adult appearance of Zebura as he’s been busy…picking fights. Almost all of his life, he’s fought off species that were truly a threat to anyone and he didn’t feel bothered by it.

“Almost over the years, Zebura had killed dangerous creatures & bringing 26 entire species to extinction, although all of these creatures were dangerous & ecosystem destroying beings that threatened the stability of life.” Celestia’s voice narrates more of what events had played out, but also spoke of something never brought up to date.

Many of the dangerous beasts were killed, but Zebura caused much destruction in the areas to kill such creatures. This earn much high alerts from many countries as much of them were connected to the biological weapons and feared of being linked to the matter. Zebura soon met against some opponent that was there to capture him, they began to duke out….but the stranger proved more resilient and by the end….Zebura is seen captured and lock away in Grimdark Prison.

“However, this along with his destructive behavior were not tolerated for too long as there was someone that was sent to bring him to justice from starting wars & such killings, and once captured, although he claimed to have lost on purpose, was given a death sentence & sent to Grimdark for his execution, where he was confined in the lowest level of the prison floors - Level 10, an area which no one had ever survived.” Celestia’s voice narrates what happened because Zebura was never careful, and when someone went to catch him, a powerful someone brought him to Grimdark Prison where he stayed. “On his own volition, he has been continuously executed every day since arriving, but nothing done ever did seem to kill him.” The moment shows what was happening to Zebura, those trying to execute him, but he survived it and continued to strive to get stronger.

Now the scene begins to fade out around now as Zebura’s past life was revealed in the light; much of it wasn’t pretty, but much of it wasn’t have bad. The question itself is…what to do about it presently?


The scene returns to Celestia finishing her tale about what became of Zebura to where he stands today. Many were still absorbing what they have learn, but there were many other things about Zebura some just…well, never really knew or heard about. Like that the guy could end wars and save villages that were being targeted by such issues, that even those ponies might not fear the scary Zebura; it’s truly unheard of.

“So now that you have heard the tale, I must ask you all this.” Celestia spoke in seeing that what she spoke has impacted the group and has this to ask.

“Wha…what is it mom?” Ben slowly spoke in wondering what they’ll be asked now.

“Though Zebura wiped out 26 species, they were all dangerous creatures that threw our ecosystem out of balance.” Celestia spoke in stating this matter of what they had to deal with, only one pony ever fought against such dangers.

“Dangerous…” Rainbow Dash slowly spoke after hearing this stuff here.

“Creatures….” Applejack spoke after learning of what kinda dangers there were.

“Yes, and the answer to it is…” Celestia nods in awaiting how those here can answer the bigger question.

“I always wondered how or why he did it, but…did he….really…?” Goldie was slowly speaking in pondering the very question, could Zebura have actually…

“So in shortly speaking, they kinda needed to be wiped out. Right?” Pinkamena spoke off in getting this straight away; that Zebura had to get rid of such dangerous creatures so they couldn’t bring greater harm to their ecosystem.

“Boy, who knew that he have to take the heavy heat burden if it meant saving so many lives.” Pinkie Pie spoke in feeling like that was a job that seem a little overkill, to kill off rare and deadly species to save them all…who have the guts to go through it.

“I guess just like Tough Apple, we misjudged him.” Fluttershy spoke in seeing this was like how Tough was misunderstood once, just like Zebura is.

“Klupfruvhmmm….” Then a sudden noise of a fallen pantry shelf fell that made everyone yelp to see what happened and worried if anyone was hurt. “Ehehehe…gaaahh….” The babies were seen from the accident, but their bodies were covered in some invisible coating that seem to…bounce off whatever threat to them away. The parents came to Pound Cake & Pumpkin Cake, pick them up in worry.

“Oh my word! There’s no scratch or nothing. How?” Mr. Cake spoke in checking the twins, they were fine, nothing was shown them being hurt.

“Oh, ye better learn to adapt to me. Cause then rug-rats of yours sure pick a fine place to get cocky.” Zebura spoke off in stating this issue fact while it sounded like…he ‘helped’ protected the infants from getting hurt just a moment.

“Um, ah….yes….thank you so much. Next meal is on the way.” Mrs. Cake smiled to thank the stallion for the kind favor before the family went to work.

The others saw that and seem to really begin to have been misled on Zebura being all bad; turns out he’s got some good points that are just never seen, but still hard to notice.

“Celestia, looks like you seem to know him better than we do.” Twilight spoke from thinking her old teacher must know about Zebura to know how he may react, and such.

“I visited Zebura before, saying that we’ll help let him out after some time to think over his attitude, since he did help out in an effective way.” Celestia explained forth this matter for any that were just curious.

“Well, maybe if we’re lucky….maybe he’ll not know about what we were saying earlier.” Phobos shrug off in thinking that if the subject isn’t brought up, they’re still good, right?

“Hey, you all.” Zebura’s voice cut the Mane Six & Goldie’s group from their busy moment to stare at who was near. “I heard you.” He spoke this off while still looking pretty scary to look at and with an attitude to fit it.

“Eeeehhh!” Phobos squealed in terror to see the scary pony was before them now.

“You feel uncomfy around with me, eh?!” Zebura responded off in knowing what these group of ponies thought about him.

“Ugh no, we…” Rainbow was going to say, but was pushed aside.

“What we mean to say is….” Rarity was trying to think up of something here, but….

“Guys, Ah’ll handle this, fer takin’ de heat.” Applejack stood up to speak on behalf of her friends…and about to take the fall. “We’re so sorry, we were wrong.” She spoke honest and true of the apology.

“Yeah, we didn’t really understand you. What with the actions & appearance, we didn’t see the ‘real’ you." Pinkie Pie nods in hoping that Zebura can understand why they were even feeling like they jump over too soon.

“Yes, and so…well we…we sorta got…um…” Fluttershy hesitated a bit in knowing that saying this next part…was gonna be extra hard.

“Eeeehhhh?” Zebura raised an eyebrow in awaiting what was gonna be said to him.

“Um, my aunties are saying sorry cause…we all said something cocky. And that wasn’t nice at all.” Nyx spoke bravely to Zebura about what she and everyone was doing…they felt cocky about this guy being dangerous to have around, and they admit their fault.

“Diddo on that, sorry pal. We’ll understand if you hate what we were doing.” Ben apologized in advance for everyone for what they did.

“Eeeehhhh?” Zebura’s eyes widen up in surprise, he heard something here that seems very, very shocking; someone admits to being cocky. But unknown to the others, Zebura’s ears were hearing a heartbeat sound coming from the entire lot. “Pulse, the sound of their breathing…So, they ain’t lyon’. That means…” He spoke his thoughts in what this could mean from determining the truth of the manner. “So you’re all saying you flat-out got cocky in front of me?” He asked this out a bit loud in getting straight to the point of what the guilty bunch are saying here while looking even scarier by the tone.

“Eeeehhh!” Spike yelps in worry that now they are in for it.

“It’s been so long since I’ve met such straight-shooters.” Zebura declared out in not having seen those that admit to the truth so openingly, it’s been forever it seems.

Then flashes of the past were seen of the Mane Six’s discussion back then while Zebura’s back was turn.

“Back then, neither of them lie. Even though they probably knew I could hear them.” Zebura’s mind spoke out from recalling something of these little ponies and of what they discuss about earlier.

Then a flash happens that return to the present once more.

“Heh? I guess that’s what I should expect from those chosen by the Elements of Harmony, along with their companions.” Zebura remotely stated off saying from seeing such pure fighters like this bunch. “You’ve got some guts, darnit.” He spoke off in telling this to the group that they got guts in admitting their faults without concerns of trying to weasel out of it.

“We’re sorry, it was our bad.” Jack Zen apologize for what they did in thinking it still isn’t enough.

“Listen up, you bunch.” Zebura spoke off to lean closer to the group which made them flinch while Celestia watch with curiosity…and a secret smile. “The cockiest thing someone in this world can do is to tell lies.” He issued this off as a big issue to pay notice for which everyone listen to. “Those busters that’ll badmouth somebody behind their back, but when they’re face to face with the person, they’ll kiss up to them. Those egotistical upstarts who think as long at that person doesn’t find out, everything’s okay. There’s nobody that ticks me off more than that sorta cocky piece of garbage!” Zebura explained the basic founding of where one’s who are cocky and a liar, if face with a dangerous threat or found out, will try to weasel their way out of it. “I wanna crush them between my hooves until there ain’t one of ‘em left.” He held his right front hoof in stating what he do to folks that even think that.

“Well, I…we…” Twilight started out to say something from that statement.

“Eeeehhh?” Zebura’s attention got directed at the group, what they have to say now.

“We swear we didn’t tell any…right you guys. And be honest.” Twilight responded that they were not lying and being straight up honest here.

The others all nod and responded with their own opinion; it was the honest truth.

“Gurhah-hah-hah-hah-haaahh….” Zebura then suddenly crack up to laugh at hearing this, it was seemingly funny to him. “That’s what I’m sayin’!” He issued off saying this off from hearing this off now. “When you saw my face, you got cocky, right?” Zebura stated this out to the gang in knowing what they thought of him the first time they meant him in prison. “It’s been forever since I’ve seen such an honest group.” He smiled in having never seen such honest bunch of ponies around. “Heh! You’re too freakin’ honest!” Now that part really made everyone feel strange, being too honest is bad…that’s something new. “Enough for me to wanna tell you to give a little and lie a little, you chumps.” He stated in thinking this group should try to adapt to lying then being so goody honest.

“Hugh? Why would we if lying makes one sound cocky?” Nyx asked off completely lost, Zebura is really hard to figure out.

“Well, I’ll overlook your vehement shamelessness, but I’ve got a condition.” Zebura spoke off saying while wanting to make a certain condition.

“Condition?” Omega repeated the question that earn their attention.

“Yah, I know that you need me against some real cocky guys trying to take over.” Zebura spoke off in having to know what the deal is, having listen to much things while in prison it seems. “Listen up. If you’re in a dire pinch, then you best not get over cocky by not inviting me or I’ll beat you up for it later. Got it!” He spoke with a serious threat to the gang that if they are in over their heads in a tough battle, then they best get him involve, cause if not….then when it’s over, he’ll beat the stuffing out of them.

“Cr-Crystal!” The baby Dragons frozen up like soldiers to salute since they still have some fear.

“Good, cause if I see any of their bunch, they’ll end up picking the wrong guy to fight with.” Zebura issued this clear message in what he do to anyone that he sees, so bad guys beware.

“Ugh, won’t you be the one picking a fight?” Rainbow Dash pointed out the issue that Zebura likes to pick fights.

“Eh…Teh-Tehahahahaaaah….” At that moment, Zebura let off a laughter in finding that statement a good one to him.

Pretty much, the others felt a little moment to shed off some hearty laughter in this moment; it was a good medicine to lift the mood. And while this played out, Celestia was observing how things were moving along.

“It looks like they may just be the friends Zebura needs to feel something worth fighting for. He’ll give them his strength and Twilight’s group…gave him something in return.” Celestia spoke these things in her mind, seeing that perhaps Zebura has started to change a bit if he has friends…it’s a slow start, might not change who he is; but no one’s perfect.

The scene grows dark here from what will be an interesting case; if even a pony like Zebura can open up to strangers and be good friends. Cause it looks like the friends will need the guy’s strength…when evil rear’s it’s cocky little face….watch out!

Chapter 05: The Wrath of a Sound Battle!

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Chapter 05: The Wrath of a Sound Battle!

The scene begins where at the Dark Mystics' hidden fort, Dark Curse was having a secret discussion with Guildenstern, the intelligent, cunning, sly, cruel & ruthless unicorn scientist in which the leader of the Dark Mystics seeks his intellect than that of the whinny Tech. They were just ending their chat over a serious issue that has taken place recently.

“So, the rumors are true…Zebura is released from Grimdark and roams freely in Equestria.” Guildenstern spoke off in having heard what the discussion is about, it’s quite a tale.

“You recall what he did to your experiments of the past, don’t you?” Dark Curse spoke in reminding this Dark Mystic of war happened in the past long ago because of Zebura.

“How could I forget? It’s because of Zebura, that my development of creating biological weapons that took nearly a 1000 years to create were all extinct.” Guildenstern complained in stating all the evil creatures he created, his biological weapons that took many years to create and eliminate competition by warring countries egos were all destroyed. “Right now, I’m in the means of doing anything to create the bio-army of Dark Ponies to surpass what I’ve failed in.” He stated this off in what he’s trying to do now to make what he failed be a success.

“Then you’ll have your chance, send in your worse to end Zebura before he can even start.” Dark Curse responded to say in what they’ll have to do here.

“My worse? Do you mean my entire collection of experimented and genetic wild beasts?” Guildenstern asked forth this with a hint of surprise, that’s a pretty tall order to demand.

“Yes, and send out ‘those’ that have the strength to nearly rival our Demon Generals.” Dark Curse nods before pointing out what they need to deploy, those that are as strong as their finest warriors.

“Heheheheh….to send in those creatures, we may end up leveling the Rainbow Kingdom. Shall I send in Gur & Zaragira, my little to more perfect Dark Ponies than of the ones we’re speaking of to keep watch?” Guildenstern chuckled evilly in liking the idea, but request he sends in those that can keep watch over things as they’ll progress.

“Perfect, we shall see how well they do in the field. But remember, we need to secure Ben Mare so he’ll be one of us.” Dark Curse responded to say while they have plans still to turn Ben to the dark side and gain his element.

“Of course, now I’ll begin the plan…” Guildenstern bows in hearing the order and shall obey.

Guildenstern soon vanished by his own dark magic, leaving Dark Curse alone with his thoughts.

“It is time to see how much the well-trained Nitro can do. They are unpredictable in nature and very powerful that exist in only the Dark Mystic Realm, but from perfect obedience training to tame those with less resistance, can become powerful pawns in our game.” Dark Curse responded in knowing how powerful the so-called ’Nitoros’ can be, but with only those that can be tame make the best use.

The scene grows dark as Dark Curse was seen glaring out into the dark hall of his throne room…the time to see how good the ponies can be when they face against a force so great, it may be harder than the battle Shredkiller gave them long ago.


We are soon opening near the site of Ponyville where the Mane Six & Goldie’s group are currently minding their own business. But during such matters, they seem to be missing someone that needs to be having a close eye on, and it was none other than…Zebura, the Sound Barbarian.

“Has any pony seen where Zebura went?” Twilight asked off in haven’t seen the stallion that they brought here.

“Nope. Haven’t seen him since earlier.” Applejack shook her head from not seeing Zebura since a bit earlier today.

“Yes, that’s where I last saw him.” Rarity slowly responded in agreement in thinking that was the correct term to address things.

“Think he’s playing a game of hide and seek?” Pinkie Pie spoke off in what could be happening that Zebura is playing a game.

“Yeeeeeah, I pretty much doubt he is into games.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in rhetorically saying that there was no way Zebura was doing that.

“Well, maybe he’s by a cafe and trying some new food.” Fluttershy spoke in having a suggestion of thought.

“Right, and scaring customers to get first in line.” Phobos rolled his eyes to think how Zebura would do his work.

“Be careful Phobos, you don’t wanna sound cocky now, do you?” Nyx made a little tease of a smile to remind her pal of Zebura’s great-A hearing.

“Eek!” Phobos squealed in fright, if he sounds cocky, Zebura will know.

“Boy, we really gotta not sound cocky or else, well…we all know what may happen.” Spike spoke in feeling they gotta be more careful in what they do or say.

“Hopefully, things will calm down in a bit.” Goldie spoke off in thinking things will get better…he hopes.

“Say, any of you guys think it’s strange? We’re not finding Zebura and I haven’t seen Chase around either.” Ben spoke off in pondering what to do around here, two stallions are missing, seems strange while one is somewhere in town and the other…just left town.

“He might have heard Zebura was in town and figure best to avoid him than get in a fight.” Jack Zen stated in what Chase could have done when hearing Zebura was in the neck of the woods.

“I can estimate that Zebura could pick a fight with Chase from him having any hidden cockiness if ever displayed.” Omega spoke off in calculating the math of what is irrelevant to happen if two forces ever met.

“Not to mention other things about what we’ve been told about him, if Zebura knew, well….maybe Chase left to avoid a confrontation.” Pinkamena stated about that maybe its best Chase isn’t nearby, the last thing is a fight from one warrior and barbarian having quarrels.

“My, we don’t want that to happen.” Fluttershy gasp out to say from picturing such a thing.

“I’ll say.” Pinkie Pie nods in agreeing to that term whole-heartily.

“For now, lets just keep an eye out for any signs of trouble. You never know where it may come from.” Twilight spoke her own concerns of thought over the manner.

“Question is, trouble from who?” Rainbow Dash pointed out that the so-called trouble might come at them from maybe Zebura’s attitude for picking fights.

“Best we keep browsing around, come on.” Applejack suggested what they do to pass the time at least.

“Oh dear, I hope this is alright.” Rarity stated in hoping nothing would go wrong at all.

As the Mane Six bunch was going, Goldie’s group was staying put with other things in mind, especially when they saw Sombra and Autumn Gem coming up nearby to say hello.

“Hey, how’s things going while we were out,” Goldie waved to their friends in seeing who was coming over after they left for Grimdark.

“Everything so far has been alright, no signs of any problems.” Sombra responded that while these four were away, everything seems quiet…for now.

“Then I guess you also heard the news of Zebura’s release.” Jack Zen shrug off to mention about what has gone around to earn attention.

“What if he comes seeking to fight Sombra from when he was once a former evil villain?” Autumn Gem asked worried about the matter of Zebura wishing to fight the stallion she loves who was only evil under a spell of sorts.

“Oh don’t worry, we can straighten that out. Besides, he has his Hell Ears, so he might already know you’re in town and about having an evil entity control you most of your life.” Pinkamena waved off easily in stating they have nothing to fear….since Zebura may already know anyhow.

“How are the others, Havis and Flutterbat?” Omega asked off how those that are here are doing while keeping a low profile.

“Havis is keeping watch over his sleeping comrades while Flutterbat is just relaxing back home, it’s still too sunny for her to be out after all.” Sombra explained that the Light Elf is watching his brethren and Flutterbat is keeping out of the sunlight.

“Well for now, let’s keep our eyes piled, I’m not sure….but our foes may not be keeping themselves lying down just cause we have Zebura on our side.” Pinkamena spoke in having a feeling, they’ll get trouble from an enemy attack sooner or later, it’s only a matter of time.

“We best split up and search the area, just to be safe.” Jack Zen spoke in what they can best do at this time.

“Alright, lets do that.” Golden Heart nods in agreeing to the plan here.

Soon Goldie’s group split off to cover more grounds, hopefully, it’ll be enough for if they do run into any signs of trouble. And by trouble, they mean an outside source that would love to stir some up about now. Truth is, they are not far fro that truth….


Outside the Rainbow Kingdom, a large gathering of strange beings were seen near the top of an out seen hill from afar. Mostly they were what appeared to be hidden creatures that lurk within the Everfree Forest to camouflage themselves from setting off any awareness alarms. And along with them, were many strange pony troops all wearing dark tan blue hooded cloaks to conceal their identities. And among them were two ring-leaders of the bunch, of in a turquoise color and the other in a black/white color.

“So this is the famous developing Rainbow Kingdom?” The guy under the hood with some three horns sticking out, as he spoke in sounding a bit cocky.

“Yes, it looks like there are a few fine specimens to be found.” The guy under the hood with a bird-type beak spoke in knowing what this place could be good for.

“Hey, hey, remember, we’re here to wipe them and one guy out while capturing that Triforce guy.” The other guy that had three horns responded off that they are here to take care of the area while capturing Ben Mare.

“Right. Now, listen up you Dark Ponies….you and the Wild Beasts shall rain down that place. Got it.” The other guy that had a beaky beak nods off while turning to address the strange pony creatures along with the Wild Beast in what their operation shall be.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHHH/Rooouurrrrghhhh!” Soon the roars of a large crowd group along with wild beast cries are heard as sounding ready here.

“Then let’s go knock their doors and say hello already, Gur.” The one guy responded in speaking the beaky character’s name.

“We’ll watch from afar Zaragira, we need to enter the shield they have before going wild.” The one called Gur replied back to the other guy while speaking his own name now.

Soon the large group begin to slowly watch as many of them begin preparing…their move.


Back in Ponyville, the Mane Six were still trying to figure out and find where Zebura was at this time….until….

“Uh-oh!” Pinkie yelps from looking away in…sensing something.

“Pinkie…what’s wrong?” Twilight raised an eyebrow in having a bad feeling about this.

“Wohohohoooohhoohoooohh….” Pinkie Pie was suddenly going through a shaking motion at this time.

“Is it her…Pinkie Sense?” Spike asked off in having a feeling that was the pink pony’s alert warning notice.

“But of what?” Phobos asked off in what was coming to look out for.

At that same time, Pinkamena felt something from nearby as well before it stopped.

“This feeling, it’s….” Pinkamena was slowly saying this before her eyes…widen.

“WERE UNDER ATTACK!” Both Pinkie Pie and Pinkamena shouted out this warning in having sense danger was coming at them; much to any of their friends’ confusion of what this meant.

“Bam-Bam-Boom-Boom, Kaboomfruvhmmm…” Suddenly without warning, a lot of explosive blast shots impacted the ground to cause a leveling and destruction. Everyone who saw that suddenly began to panic now.

“Waaahhhhh!” Some of the pony crowds began to scream and run away from the attacking danger.

“We’re under attack!” Miss Cheerliee shouted out in seeing what was happening here.

“Run for it!” Mayor Mare yelled out in what they need to do here, get away from this.

“Why does this happen?” Caramel cried out in why they keep having their town attacked so much.

“Aw great, another enemy attack!” Rainbow Dash moans in seeing some usual enemy is trying to attack them, figures.

“Ah, Ah look up an' see what we got instead, Dashie.” Applejack pointed this out to her friend that this was not ‘just’ some attack.

Soon looking up, did many of the heroes suddenly gasp at what they are seeing here; There was a large army of giant size beast type creatures raging about, insects, birds, dinosaurs, hybrids, you name it, they were all misshapen creatures that weren’t even mythical types. And there was a large cloud of them darkening over the Rainbow Kingdom and they appear to have a few unseen pony figures riding them in actually wanting to go to war….

“Goodness gracious! That looks like an entire invasion force armada!” Rarity gasped in seeing what this was, they are being under siege by a large armada of beast. “This might actually be the…WORSE….THING….EVER!” She dramatically issued this off in what was happening.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Look at them all!” Fluttershy was panicking a bit, that seem like a lot of enemies, and they came out of nowhere while they aren’t prepared.

“You all seeing this?” Jack Zen shouted out from when he and the rest of Goldie’s group join the Mane Six band.

“Targets appear to be Wild Beasts, but their genetic makeup and structures seem irregular by nature. Conclusion; for evil intentions.” Omega explained the state of the situation of what they are dealing with.

“No doubt the enemy’s hand.” Golden Heart rolled his eyes in having a feeling this was something only the villains could perform, a really serious sense of twisted actions.

“We better get suited up, looks like one of the Three Lords really wanted to go all out here.” Pinkamena issued in what they are seeing is a really bad matter that they need to quickly get to it.

“What do we do mommy?” Nyx asked off her mother in what they outta do first here.

“Ben, we need to rally our own forces and keep those….Wild Beast things away from destroying our home and hurting any innocent ponies.” Twilight issued this to her love in the first thing a ruler must do; defend and protect their subjects.

“Got it Twilight, let’s hope we can handle this.” Ben nods off in full on agreement while they best be ready for this invasion force.

Soon everyone was getting themselves all ready to do some battle here. Nyx transformed into her Battle Form Mode, Ben summoned his Master Sword, Pinkamena brought out her Blades Of Pinkie Pie, Omega was setting his arsenal of full onslaught mode, Goldie & Jack Zen got their swords out, and the Mane Six were bringing out some of their gears to prepare themselves for battle. This would be a tough little thing to get by, hopefully they can do it…


Now the Wild Beasts are seen coming from the air, a few of the new Rainbow Kingdom’s Royal Guards that have now been hired and set for Twilight’s kingdom are standing ready by both air and below ground; Pegasus & unicorns in their areas. Heck, even Fred & Barney were a part of the troops holding their magic spears, swords & shields and don on their battle armors, as they stand prepared for one heck of an invasion battle.

“Woah Fred, I think we got ourselves some troublesome foes!” Barney yelped in seeing they really got themselves one heaping mess to clean up.

“Don’t threat Barn, remember your training. We can take these guys.” Fred spoke off bravely that they are Royal Guards, as long as they got the right stuff, they’ll be fine.

“Right, but um….what sorta training calls for handling a large swarm of monsters?” Barney nods in understanding that, but what training calls against something of this magnitude?

“Barney, save the matter till after we’ve fan out a few of these guys.” Fred spoke off annoyed by the wise cracks his pal has to make at such a time.

“Okay, as long as we got these other new Royal Guards backing us up, think we’ll be okay?” Barney nods in understanding the manner as he sees the lot of the Rainbow Kingdom’s new guards helping them out.

“No sweat, we might have started being the only ones, but the princess & prince pulled something off. Now….CHAAAARGE!” Fred responded off to say this while focusing back at the enemy as he gave the first sound of the attack call.

“WAAAAARRRUGHHHHH!” The Rainbow Kingdom Royal Guards let off a battle cry while those that fly flew and those with magic had started firing magic beams. Soon there was many bright flashy colors of explosive flares going around in the sky, it’s like an all-out war started.


Many of the citizens were fleeing while a few landing of soaring Wild Beast attacked, miss targets but were destroying a few buildings. While the Rainbow Kingdom’s Royal Guards were battling it out, there were so many that they couldn’t stop a few creatures from slipping by to attack the town’s ponies; unless something is done, they’ll be monster food.

“BangBangBangBangBangvhmm….” Rainbow Dash was seen firing her Magical Nun-Chuck Blasters in repelling one beast away.

“Thous-Thous-Thous….” Rarity was seen firing her Eternal Gems in an assault manner to keep the beasts off their pony pals.

“WAAAARUUUAAARUGHHHH!” Fluttershy used her Sonic Screech attack that blasted away a few of the creatures.

“YEEEEHAAAAAAAHHH!” Applejack lasso’d some beast to swing them and plow them against more of their kind that brought them down.

“BAM! BAM!….Kurpowwfruvhmmmm….” Pinkie Pie was firing her Party Cannon that was helping to take out a few more beasts around that she saw.

“Twilight Star Shower!” Twilight & Adult Nyx performed a move by charging their horns before letting it fire above them. “Boom-Boom-Boom, BAM-BAM-Bamfruvhmmm….” Many of the falling stars exploded on contact against the Wild Beasts, bringing them down to earth.

“Sword Beam!” Ben had a fully charged sword as he took a swing. “Thruspvhmm…” Then he fired a crescent beam shape attack that sliced off one giant size triceratops mutant Wild Beasts, and boy was it close from when it almost charged at him.

“Ugh, guys…what are those?” Spike stops from blowing out his flames to see….more company coming.

“They look like ponies, but they all look…weird.” Phobos also stopped attacking with his flames in seeing the same weird arrivals.

Soon the attention fell upon some mysterious hooded cloak figures in the same getup. But then they removed it to reveal what they look like, and many of them look…alike. They were all stallions & mares, Earth, Unicorns, Pegasus, Alicorns, even Earth Ponies with sharp horns & bat-like wings, they all had the same color fur and uniforms on. They appear like light-gray fur from their mouths, long straight form tails and short or long manes of straightness, but their costumes hid their eyes as blank white eyes as the outfits were darken tan blue with black line works, black metal hooves, they had belts with weaponry, and their Cutie Marks had strange symbols of ‘DP-0’ through ‘DP-99’ and still going onward and such. The gang saw this bunch as they showed strange magically electric weapons; blades of swords, claws, spears, maces, axes, blasters, cannons, rifles, you name it, and they look skilled to….KILL!

“Oh no….those can’t be….Dark Ponies!” Golden Heart gasped off in shock and surprise in what those might be; they were those that are called Dark Ponies.

“You know them?” Ben asked off in not knowing what Dark Ponies are, what are they?

“Not personally, but I’ve heard rumors of their structure and fighting skills.” Goldie spoke in explaining what he knows mostly about such creatures by what was told as gossip and words from dark places. “They’re not born naturally, they are created. They are a bio-army product whose sole purpose is to fight. They are meant to be living weapons, and last I heard….they were an experiment that the Mystics say Guildenstern was secretly developing for the Dark Mystics.” He explained that those Dark Ponies are nothing but made bio-army weapons to fight without feelings, concerns of wellbeing, acting like they have no soul and just fight like emotionless dolls.

“So this attack is another of their ploys?” Jack Zen made a stern face in seeing this was the Dark Mystics performing their own action.

“BangBangBangBangBangfruvhmmm…” Omega was seen firing his arsenal in taking down a few Wild Beasts before looking to the gang. “Primary conditions meant. We must eradicate all Dark Ponies from the premises.” He spoke in what they now must be doing here.

“I feel like these guys are up to something, we best be careful. A full scale invasion this earlier seems….way much.” Pinkamena spoke in having a feeling, that the Dark Mystics are trying to do something, why else try to attack them with such an onslaught; what was their objective?

“Worry about their thoughts later, cause here comes more surprises.” Ben warns the others in seeing they’ll have more to deal than just this gathering of Dark Ponies…more seem to be coming along the way.

The gang had to work fast, cause a lot more Dark Ponies were starting to ran down and began their attacks. Everyone was about to face this bio-army of evil and had to fight with everything they had to prevent anymore destruction happening in Ponyville. But they sure can use a little extra help support about now.


In Canterlot, Celestia was told the news and she along with Luna accompanied by Discord prepare to set off.

“Are the troops ready, Captain Kenny?” Celestia asked forth to Kenny in preparing their troops to stop an unexpected enemy invasion.

“Yes ma’am, we’re raring to go on your….” Kenny was about to respond, but something cut him off.

“Oh no! Better hold that off!” Discord cuts between this in pointing at something coming at them.

Suddenly, a few Wild Beasts seem to show up near the outside borders of Canterlot, preventing any and all from leaving.

“There are some of those things coming to attack Canterlot?” Luna asked off in what this was, another enemy strike.

“Sister, we’ll have to defend Canterlot! But I fear this is just a deversion to keep us away?” Celestia spoke with a serious gaze in what was happening here.

“Well, may as well get busy here.” Discord spoke to shrug off the shoulders, he’ll have his work cut out now.

“All Royal Guards, attack the enemy!” Captain Kenny gave the order for everyone to attack their targets.

Soon the Royal Sisters entire Royal Guards and Celestia, Luna & Discord join in fighting against the large number of Wild Beast. And they’ll also be fighting a few extra Dark Ponies, but they can just about handle things okay here, it’s the Rainbow Kingdom that seems to be in greater peril.


Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, things were still continuing as both sides were fighting one being dominate to the other’s survival. Twilight & Goldie’s group were doing well in fending of the Dark Ponies, the enemy may have the purpose to fight, but it seems their most lacking environment seems to be skills and experience. If the heroes can hold up against the overrunning numbers, they may just survive this. Then from afar, the heroes saw something strange from a distance….floating ponies in red sphere balls.

“What in tarnations is dat?” Applejack asked off in seeing something unusually strange going on.

“Nonflying ponies…flying?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in seeing that was strange.

“Doesn’t look like anyone’s magic in use, but they all seem the same.” Rarity spoke in seeing no one was using different magic aura glows on the other, it was all perform by a single pony.

“Who’s doing that?” Spike asked off in not knowing who could do that much.

“It must be Zebura.” Twilight spoke off in having a feeling of who was helping them out.

Afar…the gang saw what looked like Zebura who was sitting in his spot, looked like he wasn’t finished with his meal. But at the same time, it looked like he was focusing…was he…helping to save the ponies from being caught up in this battle.

“Wow, he’s helping by evacuating the citizens!” Pinkie Pie smiled off in seeing the good that Zebura was doing.

“You see, he’s not as bad as some may think.” Fluttershy spoke off in feeling glad to see that Zebura was trying to help, at least…before he joins in to fight it might seem.

“Hate to break up this touching event, but we’re still busy with these Dark Ponies, remember?” Jack Zen shouted off in what many of them are still doing to repel these bio-army away.

“Gem Rupture!” Suddenly, gems were erupting from beneath the ground that collided and impacted the Dark Ponies.

“Hiyah!” Then appearing was Autumn Gem as she was seen giving a high-heel kick off against about half a dozen foes.

“Need a hoof of a hand?” Sombra appeared to those in need since he was in the area.

“Phew, those self-defense courses are paying off.” Autumn Gem sighed with some relief to have some good self-defense training to protect herself.

“Sombra, Autumn Gem, perfect timing….we need everyone to fan out these Dark Ponies.” Goldie replied off in being glad more allies could join them.

Things were starting to look a tad more better with more allies as it looks like the gang could handle this much of an enemy threat. But that was only until something else appeared…

“Crusvhmmm….” Then without warning, something grasped Omega’s armor and was putting the squeeze on it to which bent marks are seen. “Alert! Defense System is being breached! Also….ouch!” Omega was warning off that something was harming him, even to make a silly response to the pain of damage done to him. “Frusvhmmm…./Powwfruvhmm….” Then in almost an instant, he was thrown extremely far across to bring down a nearby building.

“Omega!” Pinkamena shouted off in seeing what happened, who could do that?

Suddenly, something was seen coming from the smoke clouds as it seem to have glowing red eyes and look like…the strangest of hybrid creatures. It made a strange hissing sound and its footsteps sounded forceful heavy while appearing to not be as heavy. As the smoke began to clear away with an eerie hiss noise, the heroes soon see something….outrageous. It looked like some humanoid creature that has three animal mixtures in its structure; lizard, bird, and horse. The most notable feature was its long horse-like face, eyes that don’t have pupils, the mouth seems shaped like almost like a beak to contain rows of sharp, pointed teeth, even under the tongue. The body structure is humanoid in appearance and covered in fur, seem to have wings on its back, and they have no hooves to walk on two feet to look like talons and five finger claws. This creature was mostly dark tan emerald & black fur and mane & lizard tail color & yellow eyes.

“Sweet Granny Smith! Wha is dat monstrosity?” Applejack asked off in never seeing something so horrible before.

“Oh dear! It looks really scary!” Fluttershy gasped in fear, those things look really bad.

“Hiisssuurrghh….” The creature let off a lizard hiss, it definitely did NOT look friendly.

“It doesn’t look like a Dark Pony, but….how dreadful it seems!” Rarity stated in not liking the looks of such a creature.

“And it’s about to get worse, look!” Rainbow Dash pointed out in noticing something to really not make their day.

Suddenly appearing from above were two more of the creatures, one that is red and white-silver color that had a chain around its body like a vest and the other was yellow with brown mane fur that wore a plain vest. Those two landed near the other one as they stood almost to be likely 30 to 40 or 50 feet tall, and the earlier one seem slim while the other two were bulky.

Then also appearing near the creatures were two cloaked figures that finally removed their disguises to reveal who they are. One looked like a pony, but was an inhuman entity with a Demonic appearance and seem kinda mutated. He had a muscular & somewhat pony-noid physique & face & had three spikes or horns jutting out of his head along with a long tail. His cutie mark seem like a three finger claw as if stating what he is. The other one was like a pony, but had more a beast-like appearance, with a swollen bulb-like head, tiny round eyes, and a beak, making his pony head almost appear similar to a sea turtle. He wears a dark colored hat, cloak and what seems to be a pumpkin-shaped garment. He also has long, webbed feet mix on his hooves to be like a frog. His cutie mark was like that of a snapping turtle about to get its prey.

“Well, well, the infamous Mane Six bunch? Right, Gur?” The other guy said to the one that looks like a turtle.

“Remember Zaragira, we are here for more than a friendly chat.” Gur responded off saying while he address the one that has three horns.

“Wow! What are you guys?” Pinkie Pie asked off in not knowing what these guys are.

“We are more advanced Dark Ponies, are strength is on par to being Ultimate Dark Mystic Warriors, but you should worry more about the Nitoro.” Zaragira spoke off in making a statement that there is more to them than what they appear as, along with the creatures before them.

“Hugh?” The others responded in not knowing that name at all.

“It can’t be….I’ve heard the stories, but I thought they were a species that couldn’t be controlled from the Dark Mystic Realm!” Golden Heart protest in what he was seeing here.

“What is it Golden Heart?” Jack Zen asked off in what it was that they are now facing here.

“Nitoro are creatures that possess incredible physical abilities and high intelligence. They say that even Ultimate Mystic Warriors had difficulties fighting them.” Golden Heart explained about the Nitoro, and that they are far difficult opponents for anyone to face.

“Yes, you are correct. And these three have been properly tamed, their species’ strength can be on par with even the Demon Generals.” Gur explained in how powerful these Nitoro can be, and the results are clear.

“Like that Shredkiller guy?” Spike yelps off in recalling the last one of those Demon Generals they had fought before.

“Great. As if fighting one of those guys wasn’t hard enough, now we got THREE of them.” Phobos rolled his eyes to remark in seeing they are stuck with difficult opponents.

“And now while we’re busy with you, we shall also take possession of Ben Mare.” Gur spoke in wanting to capture Ben for the Triforce Element.

“Over my dead body, you will!” Ben protest out loud to wield his sword; he's not going anywhere with these guys.

“Heheheheh, maybe not yours, but we’ll beat you to a pulp! Now, go wild to your hearts content, Nitoro!” Zaragira laughed off in stating with a cocky attitude in what they’ll do while ordering the Nitoro to attack.

“GRUUOOAARRRUGHHHH!” Then the three Nitoro let off a monstrous roar that shook the area a bit as they are soon preparing to go wild and unleash their destructive might.

The heroes get themselves ready, this may look like it may be a lot together than they gave credit for.


So far, the battle is taking its toll, and many of those that are fighting are just holding out by a thread. The enemy is too strong to handle alone, the Equestrian’s need more power to end this or everyone’s a goner.

“SOUND ARMOR!” Zebura’s voice is heard from a distance as he spoke this off this technique of his.

Then many more innocent pony bystanders were lifted up into the air by glowing red spheres of vibrating sound work.

“Just a little more.” Zebura spoke off to say from where he was currently station at in sitting down as he seem to be concentrating. “You just wait, slimy lizards.” He spoke off in speaking this off towards those he was itching to face off against…once he’s done with this, he’ll join the party.


The battle against Gur, Zaragira and the Nitoro were now on, and the results of what was going down, some of it….was not pleasant to be seen.

“StarBlade!” Twilight managed to at least summon as much of her special chosen weapon as she could and took a swing at the first Nitoro.

“Clurpfrusvhmm…” But that dark green Nitoro simply swipe that attack away while knocking Twilight’s weapon from her.

“Ugh!” Twilight gasped in sheer shock, that was so fast and she thought she held on tight, but….this thing isn’t human and she’s wide open. “Kulpowvhhmmm…/Guuaagh!" Then Twilight let off a cry when the creature swiped at her when her guard was down. “Powwfruvhmmm….” And even more painful to bear witness was the Nitoro slamming Twilight straight into the ground, creating a crater in her size while it looked like it knock her out. The StarBlade vanished from view when its wielder was out cold.

“Twilight!” The others responded in shock, their friend was knock out already; not good! These Nitoro are dangerous.

“Greeeiissshhh….” Another Nitoro let off a hiss noise as it was seen from the clouds before…leaping off to attack Pinkamena. “Claspfrovhmm….” Luckily for the girl, she used her Blades of Pinkie Pie to to stop the creature….with them in its mouth.

“Grrrrriiihhh… about forceful pressure!” Pinkamena was struggling to stop the Nitoro, her blades are tough that they won’t break, but she was being vastly pushed backwards by such physical power. “Waaaugh…./Kurpowwfruvhmmm…” She yelps from the force that sent her crashing into something while the enemy stop where it stood.

As Pinkamena was getting her bearings, she saw the creature was leaping upwards to attack her; she had to act fast.

“HERE’S SPICE IN YOUR EYES!” Pinkamena shouted as she quickly thrown in some spice into the Nitoro’s eyes before it could grasp or attack her.

“Griiisssisisvhmm….” The Nitoro let off a painful cry in being temporally blinded.

“Now’s my chance, Twin Sword!” Jack Zen spoke as he magically made another sword appear in his other hoof. “Fast Cutter!” Then he dashes up to the blind Nitoro and begins to deliver quick sword strikes against the beast. “This should harm it enough to….what?” But then he yelps as when it looked at his blades, they were chipped, just how tough were the Nitoro’s hide?

“Grriessssvhmm…” The angry Nitoro had it’s sight back to see who done that as it thrown a strike.

“Breakfrishvmmm….” Jack Zen managed to bring up a Square Wall, but that only stopped as much as it could before it shattered and he was slashed across by the creature’s bear claws.

“Jack!” Goldie cried out in seeing the terror of what has happened to his friend. “Darn, how is it that the Dark Mystics subdue these ferocious things? This has Guildenstern all over it.” He could tell who was to blame for this, and it was hard to handle it.

“Powwfruvhmmm….” Another crashing sound is heard as we see much of the Mane Five are having problems fighting against Zaragira as he’s thrown them all across the field.

“Tch, you’re the best the Elements of Harmony could pick, you’re nothing without that Rainbow Power, aren’t yeh?” Zaragira spoke off in seeing this bunch was hardly even making them sweat.

“Hey, Zaragira, don’t play too long, we still have to capture Ben and bring back these ponies for Guildenstern to experiment on.” Gur spoke in telling him what they need to be doing at this time.

“Haaahhh!” Spike & Phobos were seeing about to deliver a double Dragon Punch move against the guy’s back, but….

“Frusvhmmm…Piunfruvhmmm…” But Gur throw a fast punch work in grasping the two and smacking them down into the ground.

“Guuaaghhh….” The baby Dragons let off a groan; that will be felt in the morning.

“Gravity Moon Drive!” Adult Nyx was nearby and performed her technique that made the two Dark Ponies elite feel heavy and it also was spread enough to affect the Nitoro.

“Ho, so that’s the Nightmare Moon that switch sides.” Zaragira spoke off in seeing who they have here.

“My name….is Nyx! And you’re done hurting my friends & family!” Adult Nyx protest the issue of not allowing these guys to get away with this.

“But it seems while this can temporally hold us, it can’t stop…them…” Gur pointed out a fact that the mare forgot, there were some forces she couldn’t keep down with her current power.

“Hugh?” Adult Nyx turned around in sensing something was behind her; the yellow Nitoro. “”Kurpowwfruvhmmm….” But it was too late, the yellow Nitoro smacked its claw down on the poor pony.

As the dust was clearing, Nyx was down and reverted to her filly form; the heroes are losing here. And Sombra & Autumn Gem were having their hooves full trying to keep more of the other Dark Ponies at bay.

“This isn’t looking good.” Autumn Gem spoke in seeing their side that had this handled are now struggling.

“Tell me about it, I wish Havis would be here, if not…I rather not go into details.” Sombra issued in wishing another ally was here, if nothing is done, they’ll be up to their wits end.


From afar, a loud rumbling noise was heard that made a few Ponyville civilians look up from where they were brought out from. There was a rumbling red sphere orb as it bash around the ground before vanishing from sight. Then coming out of it were many other citizens that were lost and confused in what was happening; one moment they were in Ponyville when it was under-sieged, next thing they know is being here.

“How’d we get out of our homes?” Mr. Cake asked off in being lost of what happened.

“I think that guy who was with the Mane Six did this.” Mrs. Cake spoke in what she recalled.

“Yeah, no doubt about it.” Derpy spoke off to say this. “I think I heard his voice the moment we were launched away from our homes.”

The scene then shows Zebura as he was saying words during someone who last saw the guy getting them out.

“You guys are in the way!” The figure of Zebura spoke off to issue while the voice was more likely Derpy imitating the guy in what he said.

“He said that?” The CMC responded in hearing it, so Zebura got them out of the way so that he could possibly…fight?


The scene returns to the battle going as it looks like everyone has about fallen in from exhaustion and from their wounds. While Gur & Zaragira were tough, they weren’t nothing compared to the Nitoro. Much of Goldie’s & the Mane Six forces were a bit down or that they were having a hard time still standing.

“Haaaahhh!” Rainbiow Dash had set up her bombardment mode as she was trying to fire off a few extra Unicorn Cannon shots that were literally tearing up the place while they impacted the red Nitoro.

“Grieeevhmmm….” The red Nitoro looked down at the damage done to it as it just wiped it off like a collected dirt on itself.

“Hugh? No way!” Rainbow Dash yelped out in seeing this, her strongest move barely made the thing flinch. “Waaaughh….” Then she yelped when a wind pressure from the creature’s swung arm knocked her backwards back to her friends.

It wasn’t long before the other two Nitoro had grasp Sombra & Autumn Gem and tossed them aside as they smacked against the rubble decay.

“Man. What power. Even with all of us here, we’re not a match for these guys.” Ben groans to say in seeing what devastating force these Nitoro have. “Man….I really wish we had a way to access that Rainbow Power.” If they had more of the stuff that could help them out, it be swell about now.

“Rreissvhmmm…” The Nitoro were roaring in having best’d all the fighters.

“Hey, hey, remember not to kill them.” Zaragira spoke off in reminding the creature of what it needs to be doing.

“Yes, we’ll take them and Ben with us.” Gur nods in agreement in what they are actually planning on doing.

“Nrrrr…..looks like I’ll have to put everything I got to stop these guys on my own.” Ben groans to bite his teeth together, he held his weapon, they’ve had a hard fight here, but even he’s almost out of energy.

“Grrr….you’re not out of this yet Ben.” Goldie struggled to move himself closer to Ben’s spot.

“We’re all hurt, but….we won’t be taken.” Twilight struggled along with anyone else to not give in, even with so much injuries.

“GRIIUOOAAGH….Grrrieeivvhmmm….” The Nitoro were cheering as they were soon stomping towards their targets.

“Last chance, look around. Your own royal guards aren’t keeping up and soon you’ll be overrun.” Zaragira pointed out how soon the Royal Guards will be defeated as many other Wild Beasts are taking them down.

“This is the end, you lose!” Gur pointed out the final calling of the manner, as many of the last Royal Guards are grounded and some can barely hold up their weapons to defend.

“Brother, Ah don’t think we have de strength ta evade anymore.” Applejack spoke off to say from feeling all her strength is plain gone.

“Is this…the end?” Fluttershy asked off in feeling like…this was it.

“I imagined our end to be…a bit more dramatic.” Rarity spoke off to say this from her own thinking manner.

“Guess the parties about over.” Pinkie Pie spoke off softly in seeing this was it for them.

Soon what was the struggling to keep standing heroes against such terrible odds, they could almost imagine this to be…the end.

Or was it….?

“Grupowfruvhm…WRupsvhmmm…” Then without warning, the color atmosphere above the ponies view, as it was orange and a highlight blue color was appearing around the Nitoro & the Dark Pony elites. “Drossuvhm-wruoopsvhmm…” The strangest of what was happening was causing the Nitoro to back away, there was even a large cloud of dust shaking the ground, as if something was…trying to get at them. “Wrusvhmmm…/Gurpowfruvhmmm….” The unusual force was focusing on the three Nitoro to kneel down while an explosive force of the cloud happened as they look up at something.

“WOOUURRAARRRROURRRRAAAGHHH….” Right there, a strangely ‘evil’ eerie sound was being made as something that looked like a Grim Reaper within this unusual subspace atmosphere, holding it’s scythe in…approaching to kill off things. As its appearance was almost like an unseen aura flow above the heroes, what was happening, was that it was causing a whole lot, and we mean….EVERYTHING like the Wild Beasts, even the Dark Pony bio-army to suddenly cease action to drop from the skies.

“Death Sound!” Zebura’s voice was heard from a distance as if the Grim Reaper figure was almost speaking with his voice in creating the technique.

“Bam-Bam-Bam, Boom-Boom-Boom, Pow-Pow-Powfruvhmmm….” All around everyone that either isn’t a target or was holding out, all other Wild Beasts & Dark Ponies were crashing onto the grounds, looking almost lifeless and without reacting to pain while much of the dust clouds were happening around.

“What the….what’s going on? All our army is dropping like flies?” Zaragira asked off shock in seeing this was happening, all but them and the Nitoro were dying off.

“Impossible! How could this have happened, what is this move?” Gur questioned the action as if it was unexplained, how could their entire invasion force fall.

Then coming onto the scene, pass the gang was none other than…Zebura. His body was admitting a large surge of red magic energy that somehow was effecting everything in the area in a large scale radius that was unheard of. And during the moment, ‘Zebra’s Theme’ from Toriko OST was heard in the background to single this surprise countermeasure.

“Looks like we’ve got some cocky foes around.” Zebura responded off in flexing his right shoulder here.

“Z-Zebura!?” Twilight spoke off stump surprise, Zebura was finally acting out now?

Now Zebura positioned his hooves into the ground from where he stood. The stallion was now facing off against three of the deadliest and fearsome Nitoro that were being employed by the Dark Mystics, their power or his…who can prevail?

“If you wanna die that bad, I’ll bring ya to extinction.” Zebura responded off with a fearful face in what he’ll do to these bunch; wipe them off the face of Equestria. “Come get me.” He spoke off in challenging the creatures to fight him and he’ll surely bring it.

The song entered a pause state while many were seeing this, Zebura has turn the impossible into their favor.

“What the heck was that?” Phobos gasped off in seeing something that look so unbelievable, it’s almost impossible to believe it.

“What he do to those guys?” Spike asked off in not knowing what Zebura did that wipe out a whole armada of enemies.

“He used sound as a part of his element, sure…but from what I can see and sense, they’re all…” Ben spoke in figuring Zebura used his Element of Sound, but from what they see, all of the Wild Beasts & Dark Ponies were all…

“Lifeless. All Wild Beasts & Dark Ponies are now currently dead.” Omega finished to say this as he still function to scan the enemy numbers, all but five targets are still active; the rest are dead.

“I can’t believe it, he must have figured out how to do it. He’s emulate the footsteps of the Grim Reaper.” Golden Heart spoke in near shock in seeing Zebura has performed something that could relate to having the power of the Grim Reaper.

“Emulate the Grim Reaper’s footsteps?” Autumn Gem asked off a bit shaky, that doesn’t sound to pleasant and it sounds scary to imagine.

“I’ve heard about it, but I thought it was a big rumor. That those who have heard the death cries of those they killed, can figure out how to perform it.” Sombra explained the case of what the subject is they speak of, and it’s a truly fearsome thing indeed.

“The resulting sound is undoubtedly fatal to any who hear it. Only those that are not strong enough or have been weaken to the point of dying, once they hear that…it’s over. I heard Zebura was learning to truly develop it, but seeing he could perform this on a larger scale, it’s….shocking.” Golden Heart explained how what they saw works, if you hear the footsteps of the Grim Reaper, you’re as good as dead, and Zebura has performed it on a wide-spread and is perfectly fine.

“Guess he had lots of training to perfect it and now that just saved our lives.” Pinkamena explained off in what they could tell here, who thought that having a Grim Reaper-like ability could save them when they are in a pinch.

Now the action focuses on where Zebura was against the three Nitoros, like the truest of battles was about to shake off here. Now the ‘Zebra Theme’ from Toriko OST restarts here again in what will play out. And his red aura began to blur up around his body as if he’s preparing himself to seriously go all out.

“I’ve removed all the civilian members.” Zebura issued off in what he’s done in evacuating the civilians. “So now if I get serious, the only ones around to get hit by my attacks will be…Well, this is okay.” He explained himself that he wanted everyone gone, so that he’ll be free to attack and cause plenty of destructive attacks without any innocent lives at risk, so long as he eradicates his prey of targets. “Heeeh.” Then without warning, his eyes glowed entirely bright red with a slight chuckle in feeling ready to go out here and now. “Alright, shall we get goin’?” Zebura responded off to those still around that wanna fight him here, he’s wanting this battle to start right away.

While the three Nitoro stood by, Gur & Zaragira were nearby them in seeing and hearing Zebura speak all confident about wanting to fight with no holds bar.

“You cheeky Equestrian; you’re the biggest nuisance here!” Zaragira pointed to Zebura in stating he’s acting all cheeky and not being the least bit afraid of what he’s doing.

“This is the end for you, Zebura!” Gur responded off to say this while Zebura secretly…let off a chuckle.

Soon both Gur & Zaragira were charging at Zebura with intents to combat the guy.

“Hah-hah-hah…” Zebura let off a chuckle to smile in seeing who was coming as he’ll handle this easily. “VOICE PRESS!” He leans his head back in preparing another of his techniques. “POWWFRUUVHHMMM…..” He opens his mouth very wide and it generated a powerful short range sound attack that was red towards the target.

“GWUAERGHH…Arrrughhhh!” Zaragira tried to block the attack that impacted him, but it blasted him away while the devastating attack was annihilating him.

“Pump-Pump-Pump, Pump-Pumpvhmm…” Then around Zebura’s right front hoof arm, it was pulsing up, bulking up into a bigger form like it was undergoing for a move. “BEAT PUNCH!” Zebura announced forth another of his attacks, as he soon took a swing with his right hoof. “KABLAMFRUVHMMMM….” Then that single punch generated sound waves which echo repeatedly within the victim’s body, causing massive internal damages to whoever got hit.

“Guuaaaaaughhhh….GUUAAAAAAUGHHH!” Gur was instantly hit by that move against his left cheek side as it was suddenly bashing against his defense like no other, tearing his body apart.

“You pieces of scrap should shut up and go ta sleep!” Zebura responded off in telling this to those he just clobbered now.

“Vrusssfruvhmmm…” And in that sudden and shocking instant, both Zaragira & Gur’s bodies had evaporated into nothing by particle vapor. They were disassembling and vanishing to be nothing but dust in the wind. With those two now gone, it was now down to just Zebura against the three Nitoros who to the stallion, are far more stronger and should be dealt with afterwards.

“Let’s play, little lizards!” Zebura smiled off in gazing at the Nitoro foes, wanting to fight against some real tough guys he wants a piece of as it was now gonna get interesting.

The background theme went into a finished moment before we focus on the others. The Mane Six and their group were staring in a wide-eye shock once again at seeing the performance done by Zebura; that’s twice of what they saw.

“Holy Celestia! Did you all see that? Tell I wasn’t the only one?” Rainbow Dash asked off in sheer shock of what she saw, just blew her mind away.

“My word! We barely managed to handle those ruffians!” Rarity gasped in shock of seeing what was the fate of Zaragira and Gur.

“An’ he gone an’ beat them flat wit' just two direct hits!” Applejack stated in how Zebura sent them packing in less than 5 to 2 seconds.

“Wow! Who knew he could do all that and call guys that weren’t Dark Mystics, but could be near Ultimate Warrior level, pieces of scrap like they were nothing?” Pinkie Pie spoke off in stating a random subject of how Zebura address such guys as if they were nothing to him.

“Well…um, I guess he thought they weren’t strong enough to stop him.” Fluttershy meekly spoke in what she thought of the subject.

“Believe me Fluttershy, an Equestrian that could pull that off, has gotta have monstrous strength, and Zebura…may just be the living example.” Twilight stated in feeling that Zebura seems to be as dangerous as they have seen from before, and this was just more proof of it.

Soon the scene focuses on the Nitoro as one of them was hissing near Zebura. After seeing the stallion’s devastating power and handling against those that commanded them, the Nitoros may have a threatening foe before them. During the matter, ‘Zebra’s Theme’ from Toriko OST played onwards again when things are about to heat up now.

“I heard of one ‘a yer before a while back, including a child back at Grimdark that was a real problem case. Wanted to face him, but they kept him from my reach.” Zebura explained the matter case, even about a child prisoner that was…one of these Nitoro creatures. “This time I’m taking all the fun for myself with no one getting in my way.” Zebura responded in what he was gonna do here, he wants this action all to himself.

Then at that sudden moment, the yellow Nitoro acted out first to attack Zebura without delay.

“Gruuaaarrrughh!” Zebura let off a roar while he and the yellow Nitoro grasp against one’s hooves and hands in a grip-lock. “Eeeehhheeeehhh….” Zebura is shown proving himself to be on muscle per with these dangerous creatures. “That’s some good arm strength. Gruuuooouuaghhh!” As he was complimenting this guy’s arm strength, he was slowly starting to move the yellow Nitoro’s arms away to be far apart.

“Gruussisseesshh…..” The yellow Nitoro yelped out its cry as Zebura had started to pull them downwards and was trying to actually break its arms and hands.

“ROOUUAARRRUGHHH!” Zebura let off a battle cry, as he was really getting into this.

“Griissssusushhh….” The yellow Nitoro gaze at Zebura in annoyance as it opened its mouth to attack…

“GRUUAAGH…./KICKFRUVHHMMM…” Then in an instant, Zebura raved up its right knee that jab against the guy’s mouth, sent it upwards. “Hruuaaaarrughhh….” Then Zebura began to suck in some air into his mouth for a planned attack. “MACHINE GUN VOICE!” Zebura roared out the name of another attack of his now. “Powwfrvuhmmm…/BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-BAM-Bamfruvhmm….” Soon he opened his mouth as he shoots out a lot of small voice ‘bullets’ using staccato shout that were red as they were impacting the creature. “Gruhahahaha-haaahhh….” Zebura was heard laughing in enjoying that he had a gridlock on the Nitoro as it was taking the pain.

“Powwfruvhmmm-Powvfruvhmm…Powfruvhmmm…” Course from so many of those attacks caused much explosive smoke screen around the yellow Nitoro’s area before suddenly…Zebura let it go.

“GRUUAHHUURAAAUAGHHH….” Then Zebura started to open his mouth again to suck in more air. “Pumpfruvhmm…” Then his chest bulk up from the built up pressure he was containing. “VOICE BURST!” Zebura roared out this attack with a wide grin mouth of his as something else was coming. “POWWFRUUVVHMMSSUUVHMMM….” And came it did, a powerful technique similar to Voice Missile, but with a much border speed from its red flare as it was blasting straight across the yellow Nitoro that was left undefended.

“WrussFruvhmmm….” During the moment, that attack Zebura let off was causing some SERIOUS blast wind results that was sending everything flying around the leveled town. “Kurpowwfruvhmmm…” It wasn’t long before a giant bright white light blinded all our views and then slowly began to fade off. As the Mane Six & Goldie’s group got their sights back, after having to withstand such a powerful force that almost blew them away; they saw the yellow Nitoro as it was sizzling while twitching as if just almost unconscious from that attack. But the real major focus was seeing Zebura create a magic red charge around his right front hoof, preparing another attack.

“Purfrusvhmmm…” Soon the ground beneath was cracking up like a storm, just before…. “Kruboomfruvhmmm…” The scene focus on the yellow Nitoro’s gut area as it felt a strange unseen punch land right there.

“ERRRARRRUGHHH!” Zebura was seen from what he did as he was the cause, he swung a low hoof fist that caused the cracks and unleashed what was a glowing red blast that impacted the Nitoro. “Sound Knuckle!” Zebura responded off in addressing that attack he landed on the target. “Speed of Sound Movement!” Then he announced another move he was gonna perform here now.

“Vrususufruvhmm…” Then he vanished completely, as fast as the sound was made while catching everyone by surprise….until he reappeared behind the filching yellow Nitoro with two hooves put together over his head.

“KURCLUFRUVHHMMM…../GRRRUUARRRUGHHH!” Then Zebura soon landed a double front hoof basher fright on the yellow Nitoro’s head noggin that made it flinch even more.

Soon the scene shows the yellow Nitoro was bashed into the ground as its life was soon shown to be….over. Zebura stood over the defeated Nitoro while the other two that weren’t apart of the fight saw what happened.

“Are you all seeing this?” Ben asked off if he was seeing that scene play out.

“He dispatched that Nitoro so easily…” Golden Heart responded in shock, a creature that could rival against the Dark Mystic’s Demon Generals…was single-handedly taken out of action.

“Even I’m surpass someone could do that.” Pinkamena replied off in seeing that action, it was the most shocking thing to be seen.

“Hugh! Look out!” Jack Zen yelped in seeing something else about to go down now.

“Krrisisieeesshhh….” Now the red & dark green Nitoro’s roared off to now attack Zebura when his back was expose and left unguarded…or was it?

“HURRAARRRUGHH….” Zebura soon took in another breath at this moment. “GRUAARRUGHHH!” Then he lifted up his front hooves into the air, as if preparing something else. “SOUND BAZOOKA!” Zebura roared out that next attack that was coming up against the attackers. “BOOMFRUVHMMMSSSIIVHMMM….” Soon a grand shockwave of sound blast was unleashed in all directions as it hit the two attackers.

“Kriieessisisivhhmmm….” The two Nitoro were heard screeching in pain from suffering under such a powerful blast.

But pretty much that wasn’t the only case, that attack of Zebura’s a bit more overkill as it was shredding the entire area around Ponyville with scattered debris. Everyone was holding onto their very ground and shielding with magic or shields, cause this attack was truly a big one. A bright red light was admitted off from around the Rainbow Kingdom as everything was shaking like a never ending madness while a bright light began to blind out of field of vision. And just as the music theme came near its end, the bright light began to fade a bit as there was but ONE victory, and guess who that was…

“That was a quick clean-up.” Yep, Zebura was seen from that powerful attack he used as he seem completely fine, un-exhausted and looking ready to go another round maybe; and THAT’S scary to see.

Everyone that had managed to slowly get up was looking around, while Zebura appears to have eliminate all signs of the enemy attackers, the place was really in a ruined shape.

“Aw man, I think the term…save the day is a little late here.” Jack Zen spoke off in seeing what has played out here.

“Well, at least it’s over.” Pinkamena shrug off to say that on the brighter side, the battle’s over, the entire army that were a part of the Dark Mystics are all gone along with their deadliest of creatures.

“Let’s just hope we’ll get this place patch up a bit either before or after Celestia checks up after what we just got.” Golden Heart responded in knowing that once Celestia sees this, well, this may just be another issue of another evil attacking them; same old, same old.


Soon it wasn’t long before Celestia, Luna & Discord finally managed to make it to Ponyville. They managed to make it here after a strange event that lessen the large scale numbers of an invading army, most likely from what Zebura performed earlier. And let’s say that their first notice was the incredible destruction that was around, but at least there was no dead bodies of any innocent civilians.

“My, we seem to have been fashionably late to the party.” Discord spoke off in appearing as a fashionist in speaking of the term of being late. “And judging from such a large scale, this has Zebura written all over, even without his name being branded here.” He change back to his original self in having to guess, much of this destruction could have been Zebura since, well, he has that kinda power anyhow.

“It appears the battle is already over dear sister.” Luna stated that the battle against what was attacking both sides is over.

“But where are Twilight, Ben and the others?” Celestia asked forth in seeing that they haven’t located their friends and family yet.

To answer the question, they all saw the gang was sitting down, trying to rest and bandage their wounds.

“Twilight, Ben, everyone, thank goodness you’re okay.” Celestia asked forth if those she cares for are okay.

“Yeah, we’re real lucky.” Spike nods off to say that they are okay.

“What happened here?” Luna asked off in wondering what happened around, but still had another guess to play.

“Zebura happened here.” Phobos pointed out without a second thought of the question.

“You should have seen it, the guy saved all our lives.” Ben pointed out how thanks to Zebura, they were almost this close to losing.

“And…kinda…made a mess, but at least no pony got hurt.” Nyx slowly responded in respectfully stating how Zebura managed to do things.

“And just where is…Zebura?” Discord raised an eyebrow in thinking that the main hero…and demolition pony should be around.

The gang pointed to the distance where Zebura had managed to vaporize all the remaining bodies of the Wild Beast, Dark Pony biological weapons, and any parts of the Nitoro’s to nothing.

“Heh, them guys think this could be enough to kick me down, they’re getting too cocky for their own good!” Zebura remotely stated in sounding like he’ll go straight towards whoever tried this plan and give that villain a piece of his mind.

“He’s his usual self.” The Mane Six spoke off in union of how Zebura is just being himself.

“Still, that was close calling if he didn’t show up.” Twilight replied off to say this with the best of her wellbeing of how this played out. “Now I’ll have a hard time rebuilding what was leveled. Both from our attackers…and our savior.” She stated that it’ll take time to rebuild what was broken down, this place is really going through the roof with repair bills.

“Oh leave that to me, in the meantime, try to get well…you look like you were near death’s doorstep.” Discord spoke in being perfect to help fix the damage and while he’s at it, the gang should try to get better, they look almost ready to meet death and depart the world.

“Trust us, we almost were!” Goldie’s group responded in a union reply to that answer.

While there was some slight confusion, the Mane Six & Goldie’s group suddenly burst into laughter. Course those that weren’t around to see what happened didn’t follow of the joke. But as Discord was doing his magic, one thing’s certain, Zebura’s mark will certainly not be forgotten, not after ALL THAT has played out. As everything goes black in signaling the end of what has played out…

Chapter 06: The Sound Off!

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Chapter 06: The Sound Off!

We open up to where Ponyville, now rebuild perfectly well like it was never attacked at all (thanks to Discord) now stands. Many of the civilians came back to their homes, seeing everything was in place, and yes, the Mane Six checked to make sure Discord didn’t leave any whacky surprises, like an awkward bathroom/kitchen sink mix up. Once things checked out, did much of the recovered heroes from their battle against an army of Dark Ponies & Wild Beasts settle down inside the Rainbow Kingdom palace by the Council of Friendship.

“Boy, am I beached.” Rainbow Dash lay down in her chair to feel exhausted.

“Ye can say dat again.” Applejack sighed in her own seat from feeling tired out.

“Me too, and I haven’t gone to the beach yet.” Pinkie Pie replied off in the same manner, but a bit more random.

“My aching hooves, I may need to visit the Spa again soon.” Rarity held her hooves to see they’ll need tender care at the spa for a pony like her.

“Well, at least things are back to normal now, right?” Fluttershy spoke with a little smile on her face.

“Right after Discord help magically fix everything for us.” Spike stated how they had help fixing up their town, again; it really goes through that a lot.

“Gotta say, when he does crazy things, he does crazy things like instant home & town repair.” Phobos spoke off in how Discord can really make a career in fixing up houses good as new.

“And he was a former enemy now turned friend, just like anyone else we’ve met.” Nyx spoke with a smile in stating how a former enemy of the past is a friend, and they’ve come across a few of those type of characters.

“Nyx is right, other than the damage, we do owe much thanks to Zebura, he saved us all even though he wanted to fight, he thought of the citizens first.” Twilight replied off to say in that they should give thanks to one pony that really has helped out; Zebura for keeping the innocent safe.

“I guess when we got down to it, we were able to see another side to him. At least in a way that shows he’s no villain, just a….ah…” Ben shrug off to say that they have seen more to Zebura then meets the eye, just as his mother Celestia said.

“An Anti-Hero, since those guys tend to do things differently than full on Heroes.” Pinkamena pointed out in what they could almost picture Zebura of being since his personality is kinda different from a hero of nobility and always of a good personality, etc.

“Speaking of the Anti-Hero, where is Zebura anyway?” Jack Zen asked off in not seeing the stallion they are discussing at the hour.

“Well wherever he’s doing, I’m surprise in one thing.” Golden Heart spoke off to say something over the matter here. “That after he said ‘Don’t be gettin’ cocky’ when we thanked his help, he seem to be hiding his embarrassment in actually liking you guys after that release party by in Grimdark to even now.” He explained some evidence that shows that maybe deep down, Zebura has come to like Twilight’s group after his release from Grimdark.

“Liking us?” The Mane Six, Ben, Nyx and the Baby Dragons responded in surprise shock, they certainly weren’t expecting that.

“My sensors did detect a faint trail of hesitation in his voice when he spoke with an attitude at us.” Omega spoke off in mentioning something here.

“Hugh? Really?” Autumn Gem raised an eyebrow in finding this news to be….truly surprising.

“I wonder if he heard that, what he do from how he usually acts,” Sombra pondered the thought if Zebura can hear what they are talking about involving him, would he respond to the issue or not?

Then suddenly, there was some fast running action going on that made everyone turn to see who was rushing up to them, it was….Zebura!

“Keep your darn mouth shut!” Zebura was seen looking upset at having heard what was said about ‘hiding his embarrassment’ and took a swing of his punch near Goldie.

“Woooah!” Goldie yelped to duck away in time; that was almost TOO close! “Hey! What’re you doing?!” Golden Heart shouted off in being annoyed, was that actually meant to hurt him?

“Shut up! I’ll beat the living daylights outta you!” Zebura shouted off in what he do to the guy for saying he’s gone soft; not in this lifetime.

“Hey, could you both please cease this?” Jack Zen tried to break up this issue where it looks like a fight was gonna happen among the good guys.

“Oh boy, somethings never change. But…you learn to live with it.” Pinkamena sighs in seeing this, but shrug it off as this was a part of life.

“Eh, ah that’s right. Hey, you all!” Zebura spoke in remembering something to stop his little matter of about to fight Goldie to look at the rest. “Remember what I’ve said!” He spoke in wanting something to be made clear here once again of what he said to this bunch.

“You mean that if we’re in a dire pinch?” Pinkie Pie stated off in what happens if they are in trouble.

“That, and save our flanks from cocky guys.” Rainbow Dash spoke off with a sly attitude in what happens if they need help against certain foes.

“Dat, an' beat them ta death if ye catch them.” Applejack rolled her eyes to say this in what Zebura does to such crowds.

“Which makes me feel sorry for any of them, almost that is.” Rarity slightly stated how she’ll feel sorry for the evil foes that will meet a tragic end by Zebura.

“Well it’s both a relief, and terrifying feeling of emotion to be sure, but more around the first part.” Fluttershy meekly spoke with her best smile over the conversation here.

“Just be safe Zebura, you’ll probably be wanting to pick a fight against even the Three Lords.” Ben spoke in wanting the guy to be careful, if he’s not, the next reckless thing to do is take on one of the Three Lords of Equestria.

“Heh, if I have to, I’ll pick a fight with them…cause when I find them and know they’re being cocky that all’s alright, they’ll be dead wrong.” Zebura remotely spoke in a dry attitude in what he’ll do if he comes across such cocky villains.

“Well, just be sure NOT to head towards Tartarus where Grimmore is kept imprisoned, he may just be the very last opponent you wanna face.” Twilight spoke her own fair share of a warning for the guy to not go after probably the strongest villain of them all out of the Three Lords.

“Tch, don’t matter who I face. Those cocky Apocalypse Ponies, or them cocky Dark Mystics, and even those cocky guys of the Grimmore Army, I’ll beat them all and wipe them out of existence.” Zebura huffed off in stating with his scary smile in what he’ll do if he ever crosses such paths against such large scale of organized foes. “Till then, you’ll have one ally to count on, just don’t go getting to cocky; got it!” He spoke that the group here has him as an ally, but they better not get cocky because of it.

“Yes sir.” The gang responded to that in understanding the message.

“Then, farewell.” Zebura responded with a slight friendly response mix with his own attitude of a personality.

Now everyone watches as Zebura walks out the door in preparing to leave. The gang felt some smiling assurance that maybe their lives with Zebura around ain’t gonna be as bad as they thought. Sure he’s got issues in being a problem child, but the Sound Barbarian may just be the extra powerful ally they couldn’t have wished to better have on their side than Zebura. Even Celestia, Luna & Discord watch the action from afar…

“My, that was certainly something.” Discord spoke from seeing something that doesn’t happen often.

“Indeed. It look like there is hope for Zebura after all.” Luna smiled from seeing that Zebura does indeed have the heart for the job, he just enjoys being his arrogant & being bad self is all.

“Having friends can even help make one who is angry, channel it into power to defend those they care for.” Celestia spoke in explaining what Zebura has and what he can be in such cases. “Hopefully Tao and his family can also see that after they came to us.” She stated from when they got a little visit of their Mystic allies in concerning about Zebura’s release that was up for debate.

“Seeing their surprised faces was kinda priceless.” Discord made a sly smile in recalling how shock those guys were to hear about Zebura was back in the game.

“We already explained to them of what we’ve done to insure Zebura won’t cause trouble like he did in the past.” Luna spoke formally over the matter at hand being under control.

“Given time, I’m sure of it. For now, our battles for freedom against the Three Lords has only begun.” Celestia nods that in time, Zebura will be a fine ally and that their battle against the Three Lords will soon help them in their survival.

With that, things begin to zoom away from where the Rainbow Kingdom’s castle is as we see Zebura going off with a sack to carrying some things while he goes to hunt down 500 criminals. To him, it’s like a measly chore that won’t be much a problem for him and he may enjoy it a bit. As for now, Zebura was seen going over the hill, and the scene goes dark as we see a new hero of sorts, head off to do his own thing until he’s needed.


At this time, the scene opens to Where Nothing Gathers, we find the gathered members of the Apocalypse Ponies. They are all watching, studying, observing the large scale invasion of Ponyville performed by the Dark Mystics separate sub division; the Dark Ponies. Many of them know about those biological weapons and how Guildenstern made them along with the twist nature of the Wild Beasts that were seen. But from the performance of Zebura and his Element of Sound, all that was proven useless, the guy KO’d Zaragira and Gur to be disintegrated into nothingness and not even the Nitoro that it take another Demon General to take down, were best’d by Zebura himself.

“So…the rumor of Zebura being release from Grimdark is not a mislead info to catch us off guard.” Wilco spoke off in having seen this, the new threat is out there now.

“Nah, Ah think dat’s another guy pretending’ ta be Zebura.” Liarjack waved off in stating this fact as an obvious lie.

“Oh man, and we were just getting to thinking we have this in the bag!” Starven Fran moans off to say in seeing how much things have gotten difficult.

“Well have to say, for a hero, he’s very much effective in his work.” Suffocator Jill smiled off to say from seeing the work Zebura can do, it’s very destructive.

“He is a threat, be him hero or not, that kinda power he wields is dangerous.” Deadly Rager protest to say that Zebura has a means that could finish them off with almost ease.

“I’ll say, he makes me as the pony of war look like nothing if he could kill off an entire armada.” Warring Malice shrug off to say in having seen how Zebura’s power took out such overwhelming odds, it’s crazy.

“Oh well, it’s not really our lost anyhow.” Crarity remotely spoke with a dry attitude that this wasn’t their fault or mess to handle.

“Yeah, the only ones that got beat were those Dark Mystics.” Rainbow Chaos nods off to say that the ones that blew it was the others of the Three Lords.

“Heheh, just watching those expressions those two sillies made when Zebura instantly wiped them out of existence to extinction was to die for. For them that is.” Psycho Pie giggled from recalling how Zaragira and Gur showed when Zebura totally finished them off, it was to die for…literally in their cases.

“I find his methods most enjoyable of killing whoever gets in the way.” Fluttercruel smiled off cruelly in having liked how the Sound Barbarian performed.

“As much as I can see you all find him interesting, he is still a loose cannon that could come after us!” Trix protest to remind the others that Zebura could come after them as wanted criminals or villains, especially if they are cocky.

“As much as I hate to admit, Trix is right. Zebura will be a problem if we let our guards down.” Twilight Moon slowly responded to agree with Trix on that important issue. “He could even expose Shadow Dragon from his undercover mission.” She knows that Zebura could tell if someone lies by their heart and blood pressure pulses, no magic could deceive that, and Shadow Dragon can’t risk that.

“Right, sure…like that wasn’t a given.” Rainbow Chaos rolled her eyes in thinking that was a subject they knew was predictable to happen if left unchecked.

“It would seem we have slightly underestimated our enemies a bit.” The Superior held his chin in pondering how the heroes would resort to recruit Zebura to help them in their battle, none of them could say they saw this coming. “To think to counter much of our advance progress, Celestia would resort to this, I must say…it has impressed me.” He spoke in having a shown respect in Celestia’s part in how to stop their rising evil for the time being.

“Impressed you, father?” Trix repeated those words in almost being shocked to hear that.

“Woah! Who are you and what did you do with our leader?” Warring Malice made a little joke in seeing that their leader complimenting the heroes is a rare thing to see.

“Think we can turn him to our side?” Psycho Pie asked off if they can get Zebura on their side.

“Maybe if we got rid of being cocky, he like us.” Lirajack lied off in how they can do things to get Zebura to trust them.

“Right, when pigs fly. And just cause I do Chaos Magic, don’t think I’ll do it.” Rainbow Chaos rolled her eyes in stating that’s an unlikely thing that may never happen.

“If he refuses, then he loses.” Fluttercruel spoke off in a cruel way that if Zebura won’t join them, they’ll have to get rid of him.

“Yes, as long as it’s not a costly one, but then again….having him as a member would drive our founding through the roof.” Crarity spoke to say that if Zebura was working for them, he be hard to control and the damages done would leave them broke; she wouldn’t handle that.

“Let us not worry over such things.” The Superior spoke to calm his members over the issue. “Zebura is indeed a threat, but as long as we keep a distance and keep our location secret from him, he’ll never find us.” He spoke to reassure those here that they are safe and that the threat that is Zebura can’t reach them.

“Well that’s dandy, so long as he’s far from us, we’re far enough to be away from him.” Suffocator Jill responded off in smiling at how that makes everything seem.

“I be happier if I knew he wasn’t around or could strike!” Starven Fran spoke in feeling still some uneasiness.

“That doesn’t matter, what does matter is our future plans to prepare.” Deadly Rager stated about what they should be focusing towards.

“Then the meeting is settled, you may all go and return to your stations.” The Superior instructed this to those here in what they should do now.

“Alright, if you say so. Come on Trix, better let Boris know how things went down.” Warring Malice shrug off to say while saying she and Trix should inform Boris & the Brotherhood of what’s happening.

“Um, yes…of course.” Trix slowly responded to the thought; Boris and her other friends will need to know about this.

“And I will have other matters to attend to.” Twilight Moon stated in what she’ll need to do next here; matters that are of her own accord to handle.

“Qrusvhm-Wrusssspvhmm…” Soon everyone but the Superior took a Corridor Of Darkness and vanished from sight. “Frusvhmm…” Then another portal appeared near the Superior, and from it’s window came…Dark Curse of the Dark Mystics.

“It would seem your attack has backfired, has it not?” The Superior spoke in making conversation here.

“True, we’ve lost the battle, but not the war.” Dark Curse stated off in how one can view the situation.

“Now things will be interesting, as now they know about your other project; the Dark Ponies.” The Superior spoke off in concerning over how things may soon begin that the heroes know about the Dark Mystics other source of fighting. “You had Guildenstern create that bio-army, but even those that were more advance all seem ineffective?” He spoke how even from such material uses, they were proven otherwise….ineffective.

“According to him, they were just under the development stages, they would have been perfect soldiers if not from an unexpected interference. We even lost three Nitoro and they are extremely hard capturing and taming them.” Dark Curse explained with regret over the loss of what they had, but hopefully, Guildenstern will study the data to perfect the next batch.

“Sounds like your problems are as hard to get by as what you lack.” Another voice spoke from out of nowhere at this moment.

“Kurpow-frussvhmmm…” Then suddenly, an inferno portal appeared before the two Lords of Equestria as the next to appear was none other…than the Demon God himself.

“Grimmore.” Dark Curse ushered the name with a hint of upset remorse for the powerful Dark Elf.

“A pleasure to see you, Lord Grimmore. I trust you too have heard the news.” Superior spoke pleasantly to Grimmore to bring up about the subject in question.

“Very much, it would seem Zebura’s addition has made the game a bit more intriguing now.” Grimmore responded in not seeming all that phase over what has transpired. “I do wonder how he’ll fare….when he comes seeking an audience with any of us.” He spoke in feeling interested, how will the powerful Zebura fair against any of them.

“Zebura may have defeated those Dark Ponies, but he won’t be a match against my own forces.” Dark Curse stated the matter that next time, he’ll send his forces, even stronger ones to deal with Zebura.

“Really? Seems like he could…he did defeat those that take the strength of your Demon Generals, did he not?” Grimmore raised an interesting eyebrow in pointing out a fact, that even Dark Curse’s strongest members, may have their hands full against Zebura after he finished off the Nitoro.

This caused Dark Curse to go silent, not only were all of their Wild Beasts & Dark Ponies killed off easily and two near Ultimate Warrior level fighters eliminated from a single attack, even the ferocious Nitoro that are native to the Dark Realm were best’d. This may take some time for him to rethink how to handle the threat that Zebura can impose on the Dark Mystics.

“And what of the Dark Elements, would that not provide us with an advantage?” Superior asked if the elements they created could provide aid.

“Perhaps, or perhaps not. Zebura holds an element that holds quite the intriguing works, and….his rage gives him power, so the more he gets angry, the more strength he calls upon.” Grimmore closed his eyes to explain how Zebura is a strange fellow, and that it’s hard to see how he’ll go down when he’ll rise up again. “For now, he’ll be kept busy finding a few criminals to entertain him.” He opened his eyes in stating as long as Zebura is distracted by hunting down other criminals, they can work in peace.

“I see, then we can still proceed with our task.” Superior slowly nods in hearing how that helps set aside their worries.

“Quite.” Grimmore lightly nods his head in agreeing to the term. “While we may have things under control, our adversaries are slowly beginning to grow.” He spoke of this issue that could earn some attention.

“Impossible. They can barely figure out how to perform their Rainbow Forms.” Dark Curse protest in seeing that their enemies can’t be getting stronger, the Mane Six can barely figure out their Rainbow Forms. “As long as they lack that, we will have our chance to take control.” He stated how they still have the advantage of ruling Equestria when the heroes lack much power.

“Hmph. We shall see. Just remember…while they are weak, only the fewest of them can bring forth an intriguing challenge to turn the tables.” Grimmore let off a chuckle in stating this other fact to the manner.

“What do you mean?” The Superior raised a curious interest in what he’s heard now.

“I am seeing something to come, gatherings of many warriors & many elements.” Grimmore slowly spoke in having his ever powerful vision to foresee things from afar or into the future. “I even foresee the day when your warrior, Dark Curse, finally manages to remove that accursed Mystic Shield.” He spoke with some excellent news of what will come in due time.

“Ah, for once, news I can enjoy hearing from you.” Dark Curse smiled in hearing this news; that is good to hear. “Then until then, we shall keep our forces ready and planning for any new stages to perform.” He issued in what they shall handle next in their plot of conquest.

With that, Dark Curse vanished from sight while only Grimmore & the Superior were left to chat.

“How strange, I’ve known you two don’t get along, more or less Dark Curse, but why tell him of the fallen Mystic Shield?” The Superior spoke in being very intrigue over what he saw there.

“Because…once that is over, then Shadow Dragon’s role of pretending to be fellow good hero, Chase, shall cease and return to his roots of evil.” Grimmore spoke of what shall happen, especially involving one character that is one Dark Curse’s side. “Let’s just say, when the event happens…one shall gain and lose something but will return to being as it was.” He spoke this hidden riddle in which points out to something Shadow Dragon, as Chase, gains but will lose, and be as who he was before he even started.

“I trust your judgement, until then Lord Grimmore.” The Superior nods in hearing the words and know that if the Overlord King speaks of them they are words to advised by.

With that, both the Superior and Grimmore vanished from the room by their own exits. Soon the room grows dark as we leave the scene from where Equestria’s powerful villains discussion over Zebura and ruling the land are spoken while new plans are being hatched it seems. What the future will bring, is anyone’s guess.


The scene opens up to where Nyx was hanging out with her friends, the CMC & Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon, along with Spike & Phobos tagging along. It’s been almost three days since Zebura left their little town, and already things were starting to get back to being just a regular everyday life-style. Course after having Zebura be around one’s self, and gone the next, well…it’s like the guy said in prison; Equestria was a boring place without him. And that boredom seems to be happening to those that miss Zebura.

“Boy, it’s been three days and this place ain’t as exciting as before.” Phobos stated in how long it’s been since Zebura left town.

“Guess Zebura really liven the place up when he was around.” Spike stated that without the guy, it’s kinda almost dull here.

“Things sure have quiet down since then. Nyx, tell us, what was he like to hang with?” Scootaloo questioned her pal in something that was on her mind.

“Was he alright even thought he’s a problem child, like mah cousin Tough, but much worse?” Apple Bloom asked in wondering how the two were ‘almost’ alike since they cause problems, with one being bigger than the other.

“I’m almost wondering how he managed to get us to safety when our homes were attacked.” Sweetie Belle thought up a good question in how they were saved.

“Easy every pony, I’ll answer every question as best as I can.” Nyx held up her hooves to say that she’ll explain all that she can to this group of some that either miss out or had lots more questions, etc.

"Um, Nyx...Zebura wouldn't, you know...come for former bullies that were bad, would he?" Diamond Tiara asked worried, fearing her past of what she did may cause problems if brought up.

"Relax, I'm sure things can work out." Nyx pats Diamond Tiara's shoulder to ease her worries.

“Well, well, well, look who we got here!” A familiar and snooty arrogant voice spoke to which the gang turn to see none other than… “If it isn’t the Clueless Crusader Bunch!” Yep, we see Riff Tannen followed by his associates; Matchstick, Baldy, & Goggles that was with the new arrogantly rich colt bully that replace Diamond Tiara's old position.

“Ugh, what do you want Riff Tannen?” Silver Spoon groans to seeing who they have to deal with as the guy really gets on their nerves.

“I’m just passing throug, when I noticed you all. And something came to me, how it is that every time we all avoid danger coming to this town, yet you seem to almost be around it or one of you being apart of it?” Riff Tannen spoke off in insinuating something in blaming the CMC for what maybe their matter of causing some havoc.

“An wha yer point is?” Apple Bloom asked off in not following that stuff.

“My point is that we almost lost our homes and why…because one black filly of your group brought a criminal to our town and attracted trouble! That's why!” Riff Tannen spoke off in knowing Nyx was there when Zebura was release and now that issue has come here.

“That's right. How else would you explain the sudden large scale invasion we had?” Matchstick spoke off to agree with Riff, Goggles & Baldy nods in agreement.

“Well, guess there was something like that which happened.” Sweetie Belle spoke in feeling that was hard to argue with.

“Hey come on, it’s not Nyx’s fault.” Spike defended Nyx over the issue of this case being her fault.

“Right, those Dark Mystics just like to pick fights…which is…kinda like what Zebura does, but differently!” Phobos also tried to make a standing argument while in truth, making it kinda worse.

“Please, I doubt that by the time the battle against evil is over, that any of you will be living the life as stated by your Cutie Marks.” Riff Tannen waved off in thinking that when the battle against such evil is pass over, the CMC won't even enjoy what their destine life with their cutie marks will be.

“Oh yeah!” Scootaloo spoke off in finding that offensive.

“We got our cutie marks!” Apple Bloom stated off that they got & known their talents from sometime back..

“Right, it just...took us a long time to figure them out.” Sweetie Belle nods while sheepishly saying this; as it did take them a long time to earn their cutie marks.

"Ugh, Riff...why not just leave them alone..." Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes in not seeing why this guy has to mess with her new friends that helped her not be a bully no more.

"Why would I, oh that's right...because it's thanks to them & you...that it took almost 300coins amount to remove the scent of manure off me & the classroom!" Riff Tanne exclaims furiously to the enemies.

"That was your own fault. You were bullying everyone!" Silver Spoon pointed this off in how the fault lies with the colt.

"Ah Silver Spoon, so naive you are, maybe we'll chat better if we're alone. Boys, escort the others out of here!" Riff Tannen rolled his eyes in stating this about the little filly before he gave an order to his boys.

Matchstick, Baldy & Goggles each nod off a response in having heard the order as they prepared to corner the little ones. This wasn’t looking too much for the CMC or Diamond Tiara to know that Riff was wanting them to be out of the way while carrying a grudge. But during the issue, Nyx thought up of something as she played it out.

“You know Riff Tannen, you sound pretty sure about doing this? In fact, it might sound a bit…cocky.” Nyx spoke off in telling the snotty little jerk something; that he’s starting to act cocky.

“Cocky?” Riff Tannen raised an eyebrow in hearing someone call him that.

“Oh yeah! Didn’t you know, Zebura, the guy that wiped out that large army, hates those that are cocky.” Phobos smiled off in catching Nyx’s plan to go along with it.

“Right, he hates those that lie that they ain’t cocky, and if he heard what you said, he might come for you.” Spike nods in knowing this discussion as he explained what Zebura would do if he heard what the snooty filly was saying.

“Ugh, that is the dumbest thing I’ve heard, he’s miles away, he can’t tell if I’m being cocky as I wanna be!” Riff Tannen rolled his eyes in finding that to be nothing but an excuse, Zebura isn’t here, how will he know if he’s cocky.

“So you are being cocky?” The voice that sounded like Zebura spoke while sounding a bit ticked off and mad in what was heard around Riff Tannen's mouth. “Grugrugruvfruvhmm…” Then without warning, what looked like an illusion form of Zebura’s head appeared behind Riff Tannen that literally shook them up.

“Eeeeeh, Z-Z-Zebura!?” Silver Spoon screeched in seeing THE Zebura, and he’s headless, what was this? The filly backs avoid from Riff to be with a scared Diamond Tiara, they hope the guy is only here for Riff & not the duo.

“Kid, do you know what I’ll do to cocky little runts like you? I’ll break and rip you to shreds until there ain’t nothing left of any of you!” Zebura’s head spoke off in giving this little message with a scary face and even a more threatening manner of what he’ll do to such cocky little fillies.

“Aaaahhhh! Matchstick, Goggles, Badly, don't just STAND there! Hurry up & lets get out of here!” Riff Tannen screamed out in terror and ordered his boys to get the heck away from here.

“Ri-right boss!” Matchstick, Goggles, & Baldy yelps a bit fearful in seeing such a scary opponent, especially one that could seriously be more threatful than even these three ever could be.

Soon Riff Tannen & his boys were leaving the scene in running for their lives while Zebura’s illusion head watched them go and left him alone with the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon & baby Dragons.

“Tch, they ain’t worth it!” Zebura’s head demoted off in seeing that such worthless cocky creatures ain’t worth his time and effort. “You all better not be cocky in thinking I’ll pull you out of that mess every time! You got that!” He turn to the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon & baby Dragons in giving them this message that he’ll not save their hide out from little nobody types like Riff Tannen, they ain’t worth it.

“Crystal clear.” Nyx & the baby Dragons responded in hearing that as they’ll be sure to follow it.

"Gulp....yes sir!" Diamond Tiara swallowed hard in nodded in response.

"We won't be cocky, we promise." Silver Spoon stated off that they will never be cocky in such a way.

Then Zebura’s head vanished like a vibrational form of his after head image; that was some power he could do in sending message from afar. Diamond Tiara & Silver almost fainted from exhaustion, so that was Zebura, he's so scary that if they were still bullies, they have to face the guy's wrath...too scary to picture.

“That was SOOOOO amazing! Zebura appeared before us!” Scootaloo spoke off in being excited in what just happened here.

“Zebura really gave Riff Tannen a run fer his money.” Apple Bloom nods in never seenRiff Tannen run away so fast like that.

“I wonder, did he mean what he said that sounded harsh?” Sweetie Belle asked off this puzzling question that was on her mind.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry, Zebura has a different way of expressing his emotions, you just gotta know him well to understand that.” Nyx spoke to assure her friends that once you get to know pass Zebura’s personality and attitude, he can be a great guy.

“And boy, did we ever learn!” Both Spike & Phobos spoke off in a union of that agreement of having learn plenty more about Zebura’s character; something that which ain’t easy.

Soon the group laughs off a bit, even the exhausted Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon learn to let off an innocent laugh at the thought while going back to doing whatever they were doing before. This will not be forgotten as the days to came won’t be boring, for as long as Zebura is out there, well….bad guys and villains who think they are cocky better beware. Cause that’s one pony to be careful in messing with unless one has a death wish sentence. For now, the scene goes dark, thereby bringing this little adventure….to a close.

The End