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Chapter 3: Equestrian Foals

Living off of kidnapping children and snorting milk product with a fancy airship to boot, a fortune many are willing to sign up when they are low on cash and decency. That is, if they had any saved up left. Considering the fact of them nearly choked their hostage to death, I might be either hitting the hornet nest or a buffoon face here. Nonetheless, nothing but to sink deeper and make a break for it while I can still make fun of them.

"Miss...do you know what is going to happen?" Asks Flurry the big blue pegasi that could match Twilight Sparkle in term of color, also the restless type of the group. Although, she took the bombshell quite well while the rest curled up in disgust when I told them about the little friend's accident. Never knew ponies mature that fast.

"Those guys are heavy sleepers so no need to hurry right now." I try to reassure her. "Call me Hawk. First thing we're gonna do is getting to know each others. You're Flurry, right?"

"Uh-huh." She nods somewhat hesitantly, maybe she doesn't have the same idea as I do and just want to fly her way out of here. Guess I'll have to smooth thing later.

"Right. And you three, care to share your names?"

"...My name-"

"One at a time. How about you start first?" I say, gesturing to the one sitting at the left of the row.

"I'm...Loft Weekend, my friends usually call me Lofty." Light green mane and grey coat, got big blue eyes just like Flurry and Lode.

"I'm Flurry Winter!" Okay.

"My name is Lode, Lode Runner." Diamond Dog will love this little guy, got a thick white fur to roll in the mud...Who is he reminding me of? If my memory serves, there is one pink pony on Youtube kind of look like him.

"I...I am Storm Buns." Pegasus, dressed just like me in the winter. Yellow coat and dark cap, except that I don't wear red contact lense. Quiet and shy, doesn't strike me as the one to tackle the boy but what do I know, Fluttershy could give a bear a run for its money if she wanted to.

Loft Weeken, Flurry Winter, Lode Runner and Storm Buns. Wonder what these foals got in store for me.

3 girls, all flying ponies and 1 unicorn foal, got brought into this flight in a middle of nowhere because of cotton snack. Poor kids never got a chance to escape as they were knocked out-cold almost instantly. Good thing the drug effect didn't last long, I suppose fixing the blood circulation snap them out of their systems.

...Hold on.

Now that I think about it, I've heard about this garbage before. It's on the result of the blood examination, Dead Ether and Dead Fentanyl, the only two synthetic substances that could get Biologic's research team in action if I retrieved an active sample of them growing naturally in Big Moose, common uses in producing sleep-indulged chemical and strictly man-made.

If my hunch is right, we got hit by the same crap my brothers suffered first handed. And when they got transported back to Earth, somehow it killed the effect and left my brothers deactivated cells waiting to be rejected.

Luna will have a lot to answer for this.

Onto the track with the damn broad herself, isn't she supposed to be watching the night to ensure that no harm comes to her ponies? Why would she, or rather, any pegasus out there ignore this giant kidnappers airship passing by?...Either this is legal on the surface or there is something shady going on between them. That, or maybe it's just too damn cold out there to throw their spears. This pony hideout Equestria is becoming as stinky as I am by the second.

"Ms Hawk?"

"Huh?" I turn to the voice to see Flurry looking at me...Oh no, how long has I been in my trance again?

"Are you...mad at us?"

"Mad...? No. Why do you think I am?"

"I'm sorry but you look like you're going to lose your temper, miss." She growls when she sees the clueless look I give, folding her front hooves like she was accusing me of something. "And I really don't like how you just pretend not to see me or my friends. Don't scare us like that! Lofty and Storm are freaking out!!"

"...Sorry, my mind was elsewhere." I can only take the itch onto my head, my fault entirely. I have to share my thoughts with them, not keeping inside like my usual self. "Didn't mean to space out, honest. I just couldn't take my mind off sometimes."

"Hmph!!" She squinches her cheeks up and let out an irritated flurry at my excuse before turning away, just like a gal who had had enough with her dumb boyfriend.
Way to go, Hawk. There is no better time to show this little lady my manly side than right now.

"I'm sorry about before. I let my head get the better of me, trying to figure out an easy way out for all that I forgot about you. Trust me, can never be rude when I finally got to see you girls after squirming out of that hole. But I admit that I was giving you four a hard time. So, feel free to clout me in the head if you feel like it."

"..." Her eyes don't look as menacing as before, sound like the sweetness in this girly voice somewhat has worked its charm. "What are you thinking about, Ms Hawk?"

"Right. Earlier you mentioned that you all got a place on this trip cuz a fight broke down between you just for some cotton candies, right Flurry?"

"Yeah. Me with Lofty and Storm were chasing over Lode and the bouquet then all of the sudden we woke up here."

"Did you eat any of that?"

"Eh? Why do you want to know about it, miss?"

"I just need to be sure."

"Hmph! Only Lode got a bite!" Poor little guy, those girls never give him a break do they? I gotta try that cloud candy sometimes after this. "He made the candies flying all over the place and just laughed at me and Lofty!"

"No I didn't!! That part fell off when Storm hit me, right?"

"I...I'm sorry."

"Alright, all that aside. You remember something hitting your head or smelling something funny before that?"

"Umm..." She scrubs through her mane to reach her head, trying to recall and to feel if there is any bump left ontop but to no avail. "No, not a thing. My head pounded like crazy when I woke up but...now it's okay, I don't feel anything anymore."

"Then anyone?" I ask the rest to receive the same movement and the same answers. Maybe knowing something beforehand gives me an idea of what it is, not everyday anyone will have a dose of anesthetic after all. "That's strange...If you were playing tag with each others and didn't eat any of it, how come none of you has any idea about the sleeping spray?"

"Sleeping spray?"

"Just like me gulping a whole barrel of cider or something hard hit my head." They start to draw near me as I try to give a clear take on the matter. "I got wasted, passed out and didn't know what'd happened. Sleeping spray takes less than a second to work so the after effect is blurry. That explains the empty space in your heads, you never know what hit you and neither do I."

...And I think I just answer my own question.

"Lode." His ears perks up at my tone. "I need you to be total honest with me, alright? Did you eat any of that stuff?"

"No!!!" Raising his voice, he shudders his head. "I was just playing with them..."

"Too busy looking at the girls to actually get a bite, eh?" My attempt to lighten somebody's mood isn't always successful so might as well try it on them, adding my personal touch with a creepy smiling face.

"What?! No!!...I'm not." Big word my friend, we've been there at one time. I hope you won't mind me blabbering. Time to clear everything up and give those guys some...friendship.

"Anyway, Loft and Flurry caught up with Lode and the snack thanks to Storm. That's when everything went black, is that right?"

"Yes." Both Loft and Flurry comes to my understanding.

"Know what? I think you all decided to share and did eat some of it before hitting the hay. It's-"

"What are you-"

"Now! Before you said I was too quick on pointing that out, let me explain first okay?" I raise my voice before they could begin. My ears should thank me, there is no point to stop them from hounding my bubbles altogether unless they know when to shut up while a person is talking. "People...Ponies usually don't remember a fragment of their previous moments right away after waking up from getting the daylight knocked out of them. Just not too long ago, you were all still drawing blank but it's coming back to you, isn't it? And where did that stuff come from? I'll put my money on the cotton candies."


"The part when you said you hadn't eaten any of it, I feel pretty privileged to assume that it has gone along the ride to oblivion. Sleep-indulged meds are bad for you cuz they pull stunt like that sometimes. I'm speaking from personal exprience here."

"Y-you mean.." Asks Loft. "You used to eat it too?"

"No, I was sleepy." Personal experience I said. "Took me a whole morning to tear up the house just to find where I put my cash the day before once. See? It happens in daily lives too so could you girls drop this act and forgive Lode already? He sounds sincere enough and I don't think he will never do it again. Friends forgive each others and I'm sure you made up in the end."

"I-I remember!!" Flurry is going to give the rest a good heart attack if she does this ever again. "The bits...it's not enough!"

"Flurry, don't shout!" Loft doesn't do any better herself. "And what're you talking about?"

"Do you remember it too, Lofty? That salepony, we only had enough bits on our hooves to buy 3 sets but he said that we could take more for free if we got Lode and Storm over to his stand. Then Lode came over and took mine."


"I'm sorry Lode, I really am..." Saying, Flurry pulls him into her hooves and her wings. "I was thinking if you really had taken off for real, he wouldn't let us have it."

"Uhh..." Loft doesn't look so good right now, in fact, she is bothered by something and it's eating her bad. And being lofty, she sure lives up to her name by joining the hug. "Can-you, can you forgive me and Flurry, Lode? We did a lot of stupid things to you, I'm sorry."

"I...I!" Storm beats her to it though, she doesn't waste any time. "I'm really sorry!"

During a long walk back from school, 4 little ponies ran into a good empty spot and decided to play catch with a carton of chocolate milk. When the 2 of them were exhausted and were taking a break, the 2 remains heard the call from a friendly sweet vendor.

Despite the discount and them not having enough money to buy for their friends, the vendor agreed to let them have a freebie under the condition of him getting to see the others.

When they came, Lode took off with Flurry's snack as a joke and so began the chase which was forced to end pretty quickly thanks to Storm. Then they decided to go altogether to the stand and the rest was unfortunately gone down the black hole of their mind. The cause of the sedative could either be coming from the cotton candies or the sleeping spreay itself but none of that matter anymore.

Well, looks like I flunked my detective wannabe test, it doesn't take them long to let me in on what really had happened. The girls did forgive Lode and they all boarded this flying aircrap because of that. It has been buried deep by that incident until I mentioned love and tolerance, the word of magic to them...Yep, I'm inside that damn cartoon alright.

At least now with all that misunderstanding out of the way, everyone is happy and in the mood for carefree chatting once again. Which is good, I have wasted enough time with this already. Time to be a total ass and remind them where they are. I still have many questions needed to be answered about this airship and its kidnapping bussiness and with them living in Equestria, they're bound to know one thing or two.