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Prologue: "Happy" Birthday Party

The name's Hawk Kevan, originally brought up by my dad, an Australian fisherman until he took up his writer job and made my family a big trip going to New York and since then, he has been making lots of dough by going full time on publishing his short stories and novels.

Roughly 9 years have passed. Sometimes, my old pals still get into contact with me. They said they were going to join the big crew on their water, going on one of those ocean adventure while I get to work on my assignment. That's High School life for everyone.

Saturday, October 3rd

My afternoon list is to finish class, head to town and choose something nice for James and Dan. Tomorrow both of my kid brothers are going to turn 7, twins, same day same hour and twice the hassle to prepare the party. With all that's been on my mind recently, it doesn't take long to end my irratation about the trip my friends got a place on.

Fishing and catching fresh water animals still get my blood going. Old habit never seem to die. I find lakes, wetlands and rivers from time to time around here, on my worn motorbike. Mostly for the feel as well as to take a breather, I'm always happy to get my hands into one of my old treasures.

Granted, if I caught something nice, it'd go straight to my home, be it the menu dish or the tank. Each year, I made sure to bring at least one for my grands, my parents and my little bros. Birthday presents are the most precious when someone works hard for it, don't you think? Doesn't apply to my little James and Dan it seems, that's what has been bugging my mind.

Last year, they sounded less happy than they usually were with my chow and as soon as they were done eating, both legs sprinted out of the table and into their room, back into the giant TV to continue the widescreen DVD special edition marathon gotten from the old man. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic the cartoon show, intended for kids and made quite a large fandom consisted of the good and the bad. Basically a thing for the Internet to make fun of and I can only hope that it doesn't taint their innocence.
I discussed this issue with my parents but...as typical respond from any parents, they just assumed that everything would be okay if they were be careful. How okay? No one knew. And my grands, he and she lost the battle against those little puppies' eyes in a second.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, my mom and my dad are big fans of the show, starting from the CD he bought for my bros. Brony and pegasister, a lifelong couple they are. Everybody in the house watched the pony friendship so of course I gave it a try, just to see how different they were from the overflowing meme and so forth.

I simply can't get into the show, it's not that I didn't enjoy it. If I were to watch this cartoon when I was a kid then maybe I would find a way to become their hardcore fan. For now, not much but I'm planning to. After all, it was an exciting year for my lovely family and I wanted to be a part of it next time. I thought that I just need to get the Australian wildlife out of my system for a while and I might have been onto their set.
For starter, I've asked if any of my friends were bronies and sure there were some, but their advices were a little disappointing.

"Just watch it and you'll love it!!" I didn't and still don't.

"Welcome to the herd, Hawky!" Hated the name and whatever crap they were playing.

Nonetheless, I spent a solid month trying to get to the bottom of the show and still, nothing came. The plot was always so cheesy, so happy and so cute that I couldn't stand it. I even tried to become a brony wannabe to join in their conversion on the forum in hope for some interesting fact that might change my viewpoint...Thinking back, probably the stupidest thing I've ever done in my entire life.
Before long, I found myself slumped by the idea. High School and Fishing Club management got back into my schedule and I kept on throwing the net and the rod. Then their birthday came and hit me hard.

I make a stop to every pony toy merchandise store I find and so far, I'm drawing a blank. I don't know what's nice and what'd outright point me out that I'm a total horse-loving freak, one of the lessons learned from that forum chat. Could either buy one of those foreign-dubbed CD collections like my dad did or maybe like my mom, a coloring book.

...Gotta shake it out of my head. I'd put the money on none of them, they wouldn't like it as much. This is my little brothers' special day and as the oldest sibling, I should do my job properly myself.
I try to focus more on their school, their playmates to make the right choice. What would kid be interested in these day? In an alternative, boys like videogame and sport but nothing of that sort could be found in this genre. Only MLP trading cards option left unlooked, that should do it.
Not in any place to come up with anything better, I throw the money over their counters. Been saving for half a year, I got more than enough. 2 big packs with over 50 cards, cute designs and hot on the market. I pass people, parents and their children happily clutching them like invaluable treasures, their faces brimming with smiles and happiness.

Wish I could be like them.

Sunday, October 4th. 6PM

Mom and grandma' cooking, 2 bowls of eel soups and 5 sets of stuffed eel eggrolls, wrapped up most of my catch. Johning them are steaks, mince meats, hot stew in brown potatoes with cold salad dishes and the last, my dear porgies baked in foil packets.

Kind of disappointing I didn't get anything big this year but oh well, nothing could go through the professionals without looking delicious and irresistible. They finished all the good grubs with a large cake at the center, a nice touch for the part everyone need to focus to. And that includes my relatives and classmates of the main characters. Soft drinks, beers, party poppers and balloons...Might need some music instead of this chattering. Time to blow it up!!!
"Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~"
Altogether by the dinner table, we sing the song people know and love. A long waited moment for the whole house to have something to celebrate. It always does my heart a good feeling to cover for my vocal chord, I certainly am the worst on special occasion like this.

"Happy Birthday James!"

"Happy Birthday Danny!"

Bet that make them feel pretty arkward and embarrassed, speaking from experience. But then again maybe it was just me.

...Why am I getting the sudden feeling of Déjà vu? Did I mess it up again, right on the day they were looking forward to the most?
James and Dan don't look so good, a mixed expression between excitement for the birthday and upset for my present. Did they not like the food or...? No, that can't be it. They both were drooling over the table when we arrived and I'm sure as hell it hasn't came to the unwrapping part yet.

Living under the same roof doesn't mean me and my bros are best buddies but it gotta counts for something, and that is the look in their eyes. I don't read people well but I know when they're trying to hide something from me, something bad, which is not a very common sight for 7 year-olds. The carefree attitude of theirs has been replaced with worry and concern too now that I have noticed.
Since when? They were still looking normal just minutes ago. What do they have to feel so uneasy about, lost a dare to one of their friends maybe? Bearing that thought in mind, I begin to follow each of their conversations.

"Jake and Colin still haven't came home yet?" Dan's talking to every of their friends in particular I'm assuming.. His tone comes out more like he's mumbling to himself. "James...Do you think?"

"..." James turns pale at his brother's question. "What-what's happened to the tree?"

"I don't know."

"Have you talked to Princess Celestia about this?"

"You didn't remember? We couldn't!

What kids talk like this? Who the hell are Jake and Colin? And what's with a tree? This whole thing reeks to the boys and the girls too. They look like kindergarten kids wating to get shot by their evil nurses or something, not what they're supposed to be on a birthday party.

Then all of the sudden silence fills all, as if their lips weren't sealed before. Time to figure out a way to get them talk I guess, I can't stand a party where nobody gives two crap about the kids. Why do I have so many relatives? Me and them rarely see eye-to-eye with each others, chance is that they don't remember me as much as I do. Well, have the beer to blame for that.
Sorry everyone, hate to step on your life stories and all but I really don't care, don't have anything else to do anyway.

"Hey kiddo. On a diet? You're leaving quite a mouthful on your plate." I ask one of the girls. Her name is Jessie I think, I remember her walking home with James one time. "You're Jessie right?"

"Uh...yes." Did I scare her? Should haven't burst my stupid mouth like that. Damn! So that's how it is going to be, I need to befriend them with whatever pony crap in my head. My brothers are bronies, surely they met their standards at schools. I'll try.

"What's the problem?" She stops looking at me when I ask her, her head turns to the side to look for help. "Come on. Everypony should be enjoying the party, especially foals and fillies. Am I right?" Like an idiot, like a total idiot, I am.

"Y-yeah, you're right, mister." Mister, seriously? So when my friends teased me about how old I look, they were actually telling the truth?...I need to fix my hair after this.

"Glad we agree. But your friends don't look much into the part. Mind if I ask why?"

"Ah...that is.." She's looking more and more Fluttershy by the second. Not to be rude, I can't stand that pony, making me feel bad and guilty for no reason.

"Okay, that is what?"


Literally that's all she has to say?
Doesn't look like she's gonna talk, same goes for most of them. Well, James and Dan will have to do later when this finishes. No need to make it obvious that they're not having a good time as I am.

Sunday, October 4th. 10PM

After having finished the cleaning, I throw on my sneaking mode and walk towards their room. Only to be caught by my father. Look my a little talk with my kid brothers is going to be delayed. His face is giving me the impression that he's gonna throw a tantrum soon.

"What're you doing, Hawk?"

"...The same could be said to you, dad."
Giving them a good night kiss is mom's deal and she's catching up on old times with her friends downstair. My old man should be either in his study room or in bed right now, what's he doing in here?

"Oh, James and Danny." He sighes. "Tonight they're open books."
Again with the poetry, Shakeseare. Please be specific for once because I don't have a clue what you're saying, dad.

"What do you mean?"

"They're having a bad day, a really bad day. And when I offered to help, to be the attandee for their distress, they hid it deeper. Can you believe that, son!!?" So he saw it too? That's my pop for you, always keep an eye on the double even with alcohol in his blood.

"You're drunk, dad." I pat his back, being taller than him gives me a good voice here. "Better go down and drink some water cuz now you look just as bad as them."

"Then I shall depart and leave my good sons to you, my great child...Ummm, uhhgggrrr!!! Sorry, never thought beer could get me this bad."

"You?" I crack a smirk. It's always amusing me when he starts talking casually again.

"I can destroy at least a crate, believe it!" Which he did, and I'm surprised he carried all of it in one sitting and still be able to walk, let alone talk to me. Quite an amazing feast tonight, I admit.

After that interesting conversation, I lead him back to the couple's room and silently go back to my mission. Thanks for waking them up for me, dad. Guess they can't shut their eyes anymore.

"Big bro..."

I turn my back to see both James and Dan dressed in pajama, staring at me. Wait...Did they just come out of my room? I never leave my door open.
Well, are they just gonna stand there looking cute or what?

"Big bro." Dan repeats his brother's word as I make my way towards them.

"Not bother with big ape anymore?" Big ape is the name they gave me when they hit 5, due to the beginning letter of my name and my look. To hear they call me big bros after 2 years, that's a lot of time. "What's wrong? Why aren't you two in your room?"


"Come on, we can talk there." I try to mutter my smile as best as I can, reassuring them. "You're looking for me, right?"

The bed is a giant mess, a fight between them? All the presents's not yet been opened, thrown in the corner of the room like wastes. Dad got pretty ticked off I bet, saving the biggest box for them to treat like that. They're really making me angry. I should start taking my load off my shoulders now, time for some bonding.

"What do you want to talk to me about, Dan?" I ask. Or more like, I'm giving them the order to spill the beans.

"This...this is." Is the time a lot slower today? Why am I always getting this sluttering treatment?

"Come on. What's making it so difficult?" Now they're just avoiding my gaze to stare at their laps.

"..." Finally realising that telling me instead of daddy isn't such a good idea, huh? I don't have the patience for this. The more I wait, the better lies they'd make. Kids always pull that out if the parents don't keep them in lines. Not going to get anywhere getting them to spit it themselves. I believe this is my cue to ask them about what I has heard.

"Let me take a wild guess here, kids. You're hiding something, something you and your little friends don't want me or anyone to know about."

"W-what???" James and Dan immediately get back to meet my eyes. Got them to focus at full attention now, let's see if I could make them talk.

"Is that true?"

"I...We would never, we would never hide anything from you!!" Dan screeches, turning over for a second before looking at me again. "I swea-!"

"Then why are you so worked up for nothing?"

"I..." Like being stuck in his throat, James shut up from coming to Dan's aid. Those little brats want me to go for the extreme, don't they?

"Who are Jake and Colin?"


"Heard from your friends. And why aren't they home?"

Startled by my question, they incidentally back away from me. What's making them so scared? It's freaking me out.

"You deaf or what?! Tell me who they are!"

"It, it's all because of the tree!!"

Again with the damned tree, what's so special about that?

"What tree?"

"It's Twilight Library!"


Twilight Library, as in My Little Pony?. It took me a quite to ask them to say it again to me, and it still doesn't make any sense. Yep, seem like this is the part when they start crafting bull.

"Cut your mind off that cartoon garbage." I choose my words carefully, enough to let them know that I'm pissed off. "Start from the beginning! What happened? And don't bother to lie to me."

"I...But we...I'm not lying to you.." Now they're giving me a guilt trip? Come on, give me a break!

"Hey, don't turn on the tap!" I wipe away the tears linning up below their eyelids. "Look! Better let me in on the detail rather than filling it up and feel bad later, alright? I promise I'll listen to the end."

"You...*sob* you do?"

"You promise you won't hurt me?"

Have I ever hit them? Maybe once or twice and I always ended up receiving the bruises from dad later. Man...I'm in for a ride here.

"Depends." Sorry kids, your big brother is not very good at emotional scene like this.

"So, what happened?"

"In Big Moose Lake." Dan gathers up his act and starts to tell me the tale. "There is a hidden underground cave near the northern hill." Big Moose Lake? I'm familiar with that place but a secret passage? Never heard about or saw it myself. "Me and James along with Jessie, Mark and Oliver went under it when we were school camping there. And, we found the Golden Oak tree!"

"As one from the show, decorated and such?"

"Uh-huh." They both nod at my acknowledgement, hoping for some brain cell in my head to die so I can buy it. For now, I'll play their game. I just want to know what happened to those damned kids.

"Why did you go under it? You know mom get worried when you two pull stunt like that, don't you?"

"But what about you?!" James protests my statement. So those tears were belonged to croc then, he recovers quite fast I must say. "You get to go everywhere all the time!"

"Do I look like the kind of guy who fake getting sick to skip school?" I shut him up with his own trick, that prick, probably contracted all the bad stuffs from his friends. "Keep talking, Dan."

"I, we had a dream."


"Yeah, in our dreams. Princess Luna came and told us about a way to become a pony if we keep it a secret from any adult. She point us the way to the lake and the underground cave. And by entering the entrance of the library, we got to be fillies and foals!"

Those squirts are turning me into a real sucker. Are they seriously expecting me to believe that crap? If it was a prank then it didn't leave anything funny in it. A portal that connects our world with the pony's? I'd pay to watch that. Next thing I'm gonna hear is Fluttershy catchphrase from them, I just know it.

"Equestria is...beautiful." James says. "Everypony is so friendly and nice to each others. We got to meet Rainbow Dash!!! Her mane's just like in the show too. You see, I'm a pegasus filly and she's teaching to fly on my own! And not only that, I even got to taste Derpy's muffin!"

"And I'm a white unicorn!" The shamelessness is happening. "Pinkie Pie showed me how to prepare the food in Sugarcube Corner and I could fire a beam out of my horn. You know the milky way, Big Ape? That's my cutiemark! Until today I still don't know what it means but I know it is my destiny to find out."

"You're special alright..." James sighes. "All I got is a bunch of straw, does that mean I'm only good at making burger? At least I got one. Oliver and Jessie are still blank flanks. But they got to play with the CMC!"

Truly every fanfiction coming to life, I'm quite rendered speechless. I-I don't know how to feel about this anymore. Should I be bashful or happy that they got such a large imagination? A while ago they were still stretching strings on my heart and now they think it's a good time for a casual fanboy chat?

"I'm still here you know?" I snap them out of their little fun time. "That's nice and all but what about Jake and Colin?" I am tactful as always, what's been eating them inside now has returned. But I don't feel bad now, they got a lot of nerves to spread that crap. I'm so gonna look forward to the scolding mom got in store.

"They-they. 2 days ago we didn't see them when we returned from the library." Dan gives a fit of sob. "They weren't at home either, Jake's mom said that she was going to call the policemen on this."
Pretty sure she gave the siren's alarm already, no parents would let that crap alone. Oh, these fools...If it was 2 days ago then tomorrow the morning press will fling this around the State.

"Alright, let's get straight to the bottom of this, shall we? No MLP talk this time, I want to hear the truth."

"But that was-" Goddamn it!

"Really?" I shouldn't be losing my temper but they're far too blockheaded to realise about how serious this situation has became. "How stupid do you think I am?! HUH?!!!"

"You promise not to do that! You promise...!"

"Oh!?" I speak in a mocking tone. "Okay mister. Then explain to me this. If you and your friends know that little CJ were inside the magical world, why not come in and ask Pinkie Pie the pony who knows every living being in there? Or, I don't know? Ask Miss Nightmare or Discord or anything??!"

I feel like tearing my heart apart at their faces. I never want this, what's wrong inside their head? Or me for that matter. It's best to just drop this right now before I lose myself and let the whole house know. "I don't know what kind of roleplaying game you all were playing but it gotta stop right now. This is real life, not some fantasy land for you to make up your own world...Understand? I think I've said my piece. You'd better watch your steps from on now."

"But that's the truth!"

"Then answer the question."

"It's all because once we got inside, Princess Luna will make a spell to erase a part of our memories so that we couldn't let other pony know that we're from another world."

"That's the rule!" Dan adds to his partner's speech. "If Discord knew about us, he'd do terrible thing to Ponyville Princess Luna doesn't want any of that to happen. And she gave our memories back when we went out."


I stand up, not bothering to look at them.

"Go to sleep. We'll continue this...tomorrow!"

I slam the door closed, letting out the urge to fly my fist on my head. Driving them and myself to the breaking point, what was I thinking? It's going to a rough night for them.

Sunday, October 4th. 12PM

Lying in my bed, listening to the ticking clock, I feel no comfort from the blanket and the peaceful air. I keep thinking about what has driven them to think and act like that, hundreds of possiblities keep revolving around my mind, refusing to give me a restful night.

I wake up at midnight and turn on the computer when the thought of a medical fungus strike me. I've came across a few types of them during my travel and that got me thinking.

If there is one kind that could cause hallucination upon contact then their story would at least make some sense. They're bronies, hardcore fans of MLP so chances are, when they were walking around the cave, they step on it and caused a chain reaction, thinking that they had turned into ponies. I know of one particular kind that is very effective, so deadly that it could as well be drug, Psychedelic mushroom.

Please don't tell me it is the truth. Please no...

Did those two kids die because of an accident they weren't even aware of? James, Dan...What were you thinking?

No, that couldn't be it! My dad and I made sure to punch the crap into their heads to never make contact with weird fauna and flora should they encounter any and so far, I'm quite positive they're not the morons to listen to anyone else but us. Adding the fact that those mushrooms needs to be eaten to take effect.

So this has to be something that has caught them offguard. But what could it be? Whatever it is, I know that James and Dan is heading straight for the hospital right now! Let's hope mom and dad don't take me along with them.

I throw the door open and run downstairs.

Author's Note:

Yeah, the main character apparently didn't care enough about MLP to know about Equestra Girls.
Thanks for taking a look. If you spot any mistake then feel free to correct me.