• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 293 Views, 0 Comments

Chaos Kids, Harmonic Travels - HedgehogofRed1999

I guess this is more of a complementary short side story to my original story Sonic Dimensional Chaos, detailing Sonic's Clones and the Elements of Harmony's stay in Mobius to get the Chaos Emeralds

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Learning about Chaos 2

Still in Flashback (No POV)

"Chaos, I need your help" Sonic pleaded.

"What do you need help with, controller?" Chaos replied

"Wait isn't Knuckles the controller?" Sonic questioned

"His race could not control me before, I refuse to refer to him as my controller, he and all his kind, nearly killed all of my race, but not me, I became Chaos and destroyed his kind!" Chaos bellowed.

"I don't control you either!" Sonic yelled.

"Though I would much rather serve a master, pure of heart and not soaked in the blood of his ancestors" Chaos replied.

"And yet you remain in the Master Emerald" Sonic countered.

"I remain inside of the Master Emerald as to prevent my home from joining to the human world" Chaos replied.

"So without you the Master Emerald can't sustain Angel Island in the air?" Sonic asked.

"I am the second power source, behind the 'Prime Master Emerald' "Chaos explained.

"'Prime Master Emerald'?" Sonic asked, perplexed at the name.

"Before I was remade as a God, the Master Emerald was a pure energy source of positive energy and this allowed the Chaos emeralds to be completely based on positive energy, they are still are to a certain degree, but could be imbued with my rage to allow negative energy transformations, but even with my recent reform, which has imbued the Master Emerald with positive energy, the flow of negative energy you have obtained from your accident in that laboratory with your friend will eventually turn you into a worse monster than I was" Chaos elaborated, knowing he had struck a chord.

"So you know about my past?" Sonic questioned, to which Chaos nodded.

"I read your mind the first time we met, I could sense a great sorrow and anger in your heart, I peeked into your memories and found the source of your sorrow." Chaos explained.

"How did I not feel it?" Sonic asked.

"You can't feel the intrusion of your mind by someone who controls chaos energy, or at least knows how to mask his consciousness inside your mind" Chaos replied.

"That's just what I wanted to know, how do I control my chaos powers?" Sonic questioned.

"And you wish for me to teach you because of the debt I owe you?" Chaos countered.

"Not because you owe me, I don't want to learn because of gaining power, for the most part, I want to protect my friends and be able to keep that power under wraps because so far…" Sonic replied, as he looked at his hand and saw dark energy emanating from it, and at that moment his hand shot a dark laser at Chaos, to which the aforementioned being dodged the blast and it dissipated at quickly as it came. "I'm not having the greatest of times with it" Sonic finished.

"Fine I'll teach you, but not here, let's take you to the Chaos Garden!" Chaos said as he wrapped himself into a ball alongside Sonic and they both got teleported to a grassy meadow, Sonic's entrance wasn't so graceful, falling face first, into the flowers.

"Where are we?" Sonic said, raising himself from his fallen position.

"The Chaos Garden! A world completely detached from Mobius and also the source of all Positive Chaos Energy, or what you know as Divine Energy, there is another world very similar to ours which uses Divine Energy, I can tell that energy will be corrupted" Chaos simply explained.

"How are you able to tell the future?" Sonic asked.

"You mean how I am able to predict bad events? Chaos exists in every dimension, some have more of a link to their chaos than others, me, being an embodiment of Chaos can sense evil in different worlds since each world has a negative and positive polarity, I can hone in on the negative polarity in order to see events of evil. Whilst Tikal can predict good events" Chaos corrected.

"Wait Tikal? You mean she's here too?" Sonic asked.

"Yes Sonic, I am here" Tikal replied, out of nowhere and in an instance she appeared in this meadow too.

"Hello Tikal" Chaos said bluntly

"Hello Chaos, could you lighten up a bit? Come on! It's not Knuckles' fault you're stuck here, it's my father, who's dead now so you might as well just leave the past behind" Tikal replied.

"You imprisoned me remember?" Chaos countered.

"If I hadn't you would have unleashed your rage on not only Angel Island but on Mobius too" Tikal retorted.

"Regardless, Sonic is here to learn how to control Chaos energy" Chaos replied.

"For what purpose?" Tikal replied,

"To ensure my world is safe" Sonic replied simply.

"Follow us" Tikal said as she signalled Sonic to follow.

Sonic followed Tikal for a solid 5 minutes before losing all patience, "Ok, where are we going?" Sonic asked.

"We're going to train you in the use of Positive Chaos Energy" Tikal replied.

They kept walking and eventually got to a gate, which had a sign, which read "Garden of the Chaotic". When they went through the gate, Sonic got the biggest surprise of his life, everything was insane, people were walking upside down, black vines were growing, and people started burning their heads off! At first Sonic couldn't help but feel nauseous at the sights he saw and how everything seemed to be broken and not in an established order.

"I can tell your surprised, but don't be, in this place, laws are non-existent, nobody obeys anything, and there is no right or wrong, good or evil in this place, not only are dreams achievable but Chaos and Order don't entirely exist" Tikal explained.

"So how are you going to teach me?" Sonic pondered.

"What you came here to learn" Tikal replied, as she put her hands out in front of her and in an instance blasted a yellow energy blast at a hedge, which was in front of Sonic. This caused a giant explosion to occur, and Sonic was blown off his feet by the impact, still wide-eyed at the sudden display of power by Tikal.

"Woah! I didn't know you had this kind of power inside of you, why didn't you use this against Chaos?" Sonic questioned.

"I didn't want to fight my friend" Tikal said flatly. Sonic could at least relate to where she was coming from, He had never tried to kill or finish 'Eggman' because he believed that Kint was still alive, and Kint was his friend.

"I can understand that, in any case how did you do that?" Sonic asked.

"I am the embodiment of Positive Chaos, do you remember that prayer that Knuckles uses on the Master Emerald?" Tikal replied.

"Of course I used it to call Chaos out" Sonic replied.

"Each line is a philosophical code of conduct about Chaos energy". Tikal explained "Chaos is Power refers to how many different people have different powers relating to Chaos and they are all originally powers Chaos and I perfected across the ages." Tikal replied.

"Like Chaos Spear and Chaos Control?" Sonic suggested.

" Yes, though strictly speaking the Chaos Control is a time manipulation trick more than a space trick" Chaos said, nodding his head. "Giving the user the ability to control either Time or Space, which is why you can teleport with it or stop time", Chaos added.

"Quantum Halt!" Chaos yelled. At that instance everyone stopped around Sonic stopped moving except for himself, Tikal and Chaos.

"What did you do?" Sonic asked.

"It's a higher level of the Chaos Control's time ability, it is fully concentrated on the time aspect of Chaos Control, whilst this takes more energy to use it is more powerful and has a greater radius of effect compared to using Chaos Control's time ability like Shadow used."

Present Time (No POV)

"After they took Sonic to the Garden of the Chaotic he kept training there and did so for an entire year behind your backs. No time had passed between when he came out of the Master Emerald and when he came in, he kept his training when he came out and then before he decided to head out on his own, before your fight with Metal Madness and Metal Overlord, He created us and we have been a recent move of his that he had not used until you all got caught by Eggman" Jade explained.

By now everyone had already been called to the café that Blaze, Amy and Cream went to hear this story, and in that time, they had already brought 3 Chaos Emeralds to them. "Tikal talked about the Prayer I use on the Master Emerald as being a way of telling someone how to harness the energy of the Chaos Emeralds, What were the other parts of that philosophy?" Knuckles asked as he had come to check what Blaze had contacted him about.

"Well there is 'Power Enriched by the Heart, meaning of course that the stronger the users determination and heart the more the Chaos Emeralds will react, 'Unfied under one that is the Controller' means that under one that can control all of the other emeralds and even the Super Emeralds, has perfect unity and absolute power with the emeralds, That leads into 'The Controller is the one who seeks to unify the Chaos' Sonic is someone who never lets the power he is blessed with ever get to his head, except in that scenario with Tirek, he is supposedly worthy when compared to us as we are clones of the original, and whilst Sonic is very brash and arrogant, he always seeks to 'unify the Chaos' in the end" Jade said.

"I guess only MY SONIC can really be the guy destined to be a legend" Amy exaggerated.

"Do you think she'll ever get over Sonic?" Crimson asked Tails.

"Probably not" Tails said, grinning at Crimson's comment.

"I HEARD THAT!" Amy angrily yelled.

"Take it from me, as I am Sonic's original colour, he does not like you like that" Jade said right up to Amy's face, to which she replied by trying to squash Jade with her hammer, as she rose up and slammed her hammer down, only for it to be stopped by Jade's pinkie finger and he held it effortlessly.

"Sorry, squashed hedgehog is not on the menu" He said as he blasted Amy away by generating a powerful wind current.

"In any case, now that we've told you our story, we want to get to know you a little better, since this is our first time getting to truly meet" Lightning said.

"Sure, you can stay at our place for the remainder of your time here" The Sonic Crew said.

"Mr Jade and Miss Fluttershy can stay with me and momma!" Cream offered.

"Applejack and Crimson can stay on Angel Island with me" Knuckles said, It would keep Rouge away from my emerald and it would be nice to meet some like-minded people. Knuckles thought.

"Lightning and Twilight Sparkle can stay with me" Tails said.

"Rarity and Rainbow Dash could stay at mine" Rouge suggested.

"Tang and Pinkie Pie can stay with me" Amy replied.

With that the Sonic Crew alongside the Chaos Kids and the Main Six separated as they discussed.

At Angel Island

"Woah Nelly! When I heard that this place was detached from the earth I thought you were just yanking my chain!" Applejack said.

"Applejack, I'd recommend stretching your suspension as far as possible with our world, to about here" Crimson replied, pulling his hands out in a crucifix motion, to show how much she had to be open minded.

"Make yourselves at home, this may not be so great, especially compared to what you have to deal with, but it's a home at least" Knuckles said, as Crimson and Applejack spied 3 hammocks in the trees.

"That is where you'll sleep" Knuckles said noting their interest.

"I aian't got no problem sleeping there, it gives me a better view of the beautiful city" Applejack replied as she started to get ready to hit the hay as the stars had come out and the lights of Station Square shone brightly.

" It's ok, I don't mind where I sleep" Crimson replied, scaling the tree and lying in the bed and putting his hands behind his head and gazing at the stars and quickly nodding off to sleep.

At Cream's house

"Thank you for doing this for us Cream, we really appreciated it" Both Jade and Fluttershy said, to which they immediately blushed at each other, for being in sync.

"No problem, Fluttershy can sleep in my room and Jade you can sleep in our spare room" Cream said, as her mother passed her by.

"You two must be exhausted from all that time you spent fighting Eggman, and being whisked into another dimension was it? You should rest." Vanilla suggested.

"Yeah that's *yawn* what I was thinking" Fluttershy said as she drooped to the floor only to land in Jade's arms, and for him to lay her in bed without saying a word, seriously he tucked her in and everything.

"You care deeply about her don't you?" Vanilla asked.

"I do, but I don't want to get attached, cause then it'll be worse when I have to leave her, since this whole problem will end with us either being sucked back into Sonic or he allows to be living breathing beings but never to go to any other dimension" Jade replied.

"Why would he do that?" Vanilla asked.

"I know he would do that because I'm his original fur colour and being the colour of peace allows me to know that for this to end peacefully we are going to either erased or kept to be used only in emergencies" Jade replied

"Hm, you never know with Sonic he can surprise you in many ways" Vanilla replied.

"Hm right" Jade scoffed before heading to bed.

At Amy's House

"Tang can you tell me truthfully, does Sonic love me?" Amy asked.

"He loves you like a sister, he doesn't like the constant attention, and he just wants a girl who can keep up with him and also allow him to be free, you don't offer that freedom with threats and tying him down with deadlines, for Sonic to still be the Sonic you love, you've got to lose the race for his heart" Tang replied, putting his head down.

Amy had tears apparent on her face and was almost looking in denial at Jade's answer.

"Amy I'm sorry, how about tomorrow we through a party to take your mind off of Sonic" Tang said looking into Amy's eyes, compassion evident.


Suddenly Pinkie Pie, surprisingly winded and with a loss of energy plummeted to the ground in exhaustion. Only to be caught by Tang, who upon catching her turned to Amy and asked where she would sleep, Amy pointed to the left room up from the stairs, to which Tang raced in and came out in a blast, and looked over to Amy. "She's asleep, and I feel as though as I should do the same" Tang said stretching his muscles and heading towards his room. Leaving Amy mesmerized at his speed, she started to envision him as Sonic and being by her side, and never leaving her.

At Rouge's Club

"Welcome to Domicile sweet Domicile!" Rouge announced. Rarity looked at Rouge with a puzzled expression, alongside Rainbow Dash. "That means Home Sweet Home or so I'm told" Rouge explained, to which Rarity nodded.

"In any case where will I sleep? I don't really care where, I just want to know" Rarity asked.

"Same here" Rainbow Dash added.

"There are two guest rooms, beside my room" Rouge states as Rarity and Rainbow nod and decide to head to bed. They walked up the stairs to the guest room and see a single bed each with white pillows, white bedsheets and a white quilt. They removed their shoes and lay on their beds, and in a single moment Rarity falls to sleep, dreaming of Equestria and her sister.

Whilst Rainbow still dreams of being as fast as Sonic.

At Tails' Workshop

"So Tails how old are you?" Twilight asked, curious at his size for someone who created all of the machinery she saw in front of her.

"I'm now 12 years old, I've been brothers with Sonic for 4 years" Tails replied, to which Twilight's jaw dropped.

"Did I forget to mention, suspension of disbelief of around googol light years is needed to accept the crazy facts about our world" Lightning stated.

"Regardless I have two guest rooms, one is Sonic's room whilst the other is just there in case any of our friends decide to stay over" Tails said, nonchalantly changing the subject.

"I actually *yawn* do feel pretty *yawn* tired" Twilight said suddenly falling to the ground, only for Tails to catch her.

"Hm, weird, how she went to sleep so quickly, she was pretty active when we got here right?" Tails asked.

"Yeah, in any case, do you need any help with any of your inventions?" Lightning asked.

"Yeah I'll put Twilight into the other guest room and we can work on some inventions together, at least you'll be better at understanding 'techno-babble' as Sonic calls it better than he does" Tails said as he went upstairs, leaving Lightning alone with Tails' inventions.