• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 294 Views, 0 Comments

Chaos Kids, Harmonic Travels - HedgehogofRed1999

I guess this is more of a complementary short side story to my original story Sonic Dimensional Chaos, detailing Sonic's Clones and the Elements of Harmony's stay in Mobius to get the Chaos Emeralds

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Learning about Chaos

(No POV)

As the group headed into Station Square they caught a glimpse of Amy in the crowd alongside Cream, Rouge and Blaze. "They're over there" Crimson said pointing to the girls over to the left, seeing them immediately Tails ushered everyone to follow him.

"I can't believe that Tails, how could he not be done with his invention to find my Sonic?" Amy asked, as she and the girls sat down together.

"Why do you feel like Sonic should be all yours?" Blaze questioned, already aware of the young girls intentions and what she wanted to say to justify Sonic belonging to her.

"You don't love him, you love Silver, Rouge loves Shadow and you Cream, well I don't really know, and since no-one is in love with my Sonic, I declare that he is my dream guy and will be with me" Amy replied.

"Yes true, whilst that may be, why do you think Sonic runs away from you? Why do you think he never returns your love to you? Why do you think he never takes you out on any dates?" Blaze asked, knowing that Sonic didn't see Amy in the same way Amy saw him.

"It's because he doesn't know how to show his feelings and he's shy around me! I know it, in any case why are you asking? Have you been talking with Knuckles?" Amy asked, her left eyebrow rising in suspicion.

"No, I've not really talked to Knuckles as of late, he seemed content with just secluding himself on his island". Blaze answered.

"Well whatever it doesn't seem like Tails is really all that worried about Sonic's safety, hmm some friend" Amy scoffed.

"Are you sure Amy?" Rouge asked.

"Yes I'm certain that Tails is a terrible friend, why?" Amy questioned, attitude in her voice.
"Because I spy, with my beautiful eyes something beginning with H" Rouge replied, mockingly.

"H? Sonic doesn't begin with H, you idiot" Amy laughed at the bat's supposedly stupidity.

"No not Sonic, hedgehogs, 4 of them" Rouge replied. Amy turned her head to see that Rouge was not lying walking down the sidewalk alongside a silhouette of a familiar fox and several silhouettes of mystery creatures.

"Huh? Who are they?" Amy sceptically asked, not convinced that these hedgehogs were her Sonic. When the figures were able to be seen Amy couldn't believe her eyes first at the multi-coloured ponies that were part of this group, but also at the look at the hedgehog's, they all slightly resembled Sonic, like they were brothers, or his sons, she hoped that it was the first idea since she believed Sonic only had eyes for her.

"Hey, guys" One of the hedgehogs spoke, confusing Amy since she couldn't ever remember these hedgehogs.

"What's up? You seem to not remember us, my name's Jade by the way" He said, as he walked up the girls.

"Hello ladies, my name is Lightning it is a pleasure to meet you, truly" Lightning said, kissing the girls' hands making them all blush a storm except Amy, who slapped him away, in disgust.

"Don't even try it buddy" Amy warned, anger evident in her voice.

"My name is Tang it's really great to see you all again, especially you Amy" Tang said, his eyes fluttering and he wolf whistled, in such a way that Amy was ready to smack him on his head with his Piko-Piko Hammer.

"My name's Crimson, unlike my brothers, I'm just here for one reason not here to get sidetracked by love or courtesy" Crimson said, to which Amy smiled seeing as this hedgehog had learned his place.

"Hey gals, and Amy" Tails said, drolly on his last sentence. "Hey Tails!" The girls replied.

"Tails what's the meaning of this? Why are all these fake hedgehogs here" Amy said, again not thinking about the hedgehogs feelings.

"You really don't remember us!" The clones said, faking their feelings being hurt. "We saved you from Eggy, remember?" They asked, the girls at once knew who these hedgehogs were, but Amy was still trying to recall, and then she remember the hedgehogs who saved her.

"Oh I remember, you were the hedgehogs we saw when Sonic revealed his name to us, it was Maurice right?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, but in another dimension he's known as Maurice Strum" Crimson confirmed.

"Anyway we need the Chaos Emeralds to allow Sonic to fight this guy called Tirek, who drained him of his chaos energy" Jade said,
quickly to change the subject matter to the main reason they came there to begin with.

"So this Tirek now has Chaos powers?" Blaze asked.

"Yeah and we need to know from you Tails, are the Chaos emeralds still here?" Tang asked.

"Why would they be anywhere else?" Tails asked, very confused by the question that was posed to him.

"Sonic is a living Chaos Magnet and the emeralds usually follow him anywhere he goes so we just need to make sure they haven't gone to Sonic, or Twilight's World" Crimson replied.

"Oh ok I'll search for the energy signals now" Tails said pulling out his Chaos radar and immediately it start to fry.

"What, no, argh!" Tails said, as his radar blew up.

"Woah, why did it do that?" Crimson, Tang and Jade asked, Lightning just put his hand to his head, showing that he was annoyed, by the clones' transparency.

"The radar is supposed to scan for Chaos energy, we are made of the stuff, literally, physically and metaphysically we are chaos, the radar can't take that sudden shot up of Chaos being near it" Lightning explained, wondering how they could've made such a fatal blunder, he then decided to speak.

"But we can detect the energy of the chaos if we just focus on it, why you didn't do this before is obvious, it's because you didn't have me as team leader" Lightning bragged.

"Ok professor, fine, but just want to make a quick note, if we made you team leader then that means that we'd be thinking so much about everything and Robotnik would've been taking over the world and we'd probably still be thinking till Christmas" Crimson argued, before putting his hands out, alongside his brothers and started to allow his negative energy to flow through his body, and started to try to scan for positive energy signals, which would be the Chaos emeralds or Shadow.

"Alright, I'm starting to feel some positive signals, and got 'em" Crimson said.

"Hey it was my idea!" Lightning argued, feel angered that his idea would tried to get claimed by someone, who in his opinions was a brainless being when compared to him.

"Ok we have detected them and we can get them in one day, easily" Crimson bragged, Blaze then wanted to ask the question that all of them wanted answered.

"Who are those people behind you?" Blaze questioned, to which they got a very bizarre answer.

"They're our friends, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack" Tang replied, to which the ponies came out from behind him and started to approach the girls.

"Hello my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle" the purple pony greeted, to which, hearing that she was a princess the girls, except Blaze bowed.

"Uh sorry for disrespecting your world and bringing Eggman into it" Amy said, trying to get on this princess' good side as she knew too well, from hanging around Blaze that Princesses usually were very strict as well as temperamental, (Hypocritical much Amy?).

"Please there is no reason for you to bow, I'm not a strict princess, if you're a friend of my friends then you're a friend to me, and since Sonic is my friend that means you are too" Twilight said, though got puzzled by Blaze's almost disregard for formality.

"I know I said, I'm not strict but why didn't you bow?" Twilight asked, to her surprise, the answer still kinda surprised her, on how she and Blaze had similarities.

"I'm a princess too, so I need not bow to other royalty, either here or in my dimension" Twilight was not expecting that, and was not expecting Blaze to act so calm about her royal heritage.

"Wait you're also a princess from another dimension?" Twilight questioned, to which Blaze replied, by nodding. "Woah, our worlds are so similar" Twilight said.

"In any case we can get the emeralds in around half an hour, by just dragging them here" Lightning said.

"What do you mean by dragging them here?" Rouge questioned, still puzzled by the clones' appearance and by the story they had told her.

"Well since we are composed of negative energy we are sort of chaos magnets so we can draw them to our energy signature, but we have to be careful since drawing them in too quick will cause them to react with our chaos energy and most likely create a 20 mile explosion or if we drew all of them at the same pace then it would make an explosion of say the maybe the solar system, sooo yeah needless to say we don't want to risk the entire solar system because we want the job easily" Tang explained.

"Oh ok, wait you said the solar system?!" Blaze replied, being somewhat absent-minded of what they had said.

"Yeah the solar system, you see, Princess Blaze chaos energy is more sporadic and more unstable and as such it is very reactive with other energy on the same spectrum, for example, there is positive chaos energy and then there is negative energy, and those are just completely one sided, alignments of Chaos energy, whilst for these ponies and their 'harmonic energy' it is kinda of like positive chaos energy and has a lot of positive energy with only a small amount of negative energy within it. Whereas Necro energy, which is what most of their bad guys use it is more negative energy but diluted with positive energy if only slightly" Lightning explained.

"In any case why are you here? If you want to get the emeralds, you could easily get them and we wouldn't have to know you're here, not that we don't want to know you it's just…" Blaze began.

"…You just want to know why we don't want to get the emeralds now. Well relatively speaking we're in no rush and besides it seems good to get to know our creator's friends, and get to be friends with you" Jade replied.

"Well I guess we can tell you about us and how we came to be" Tang said, nonchalantly.

Flashback (After Sonic Adventure 2 No POV , At Angel Island)

"Hey Knuckles, it ok if I try something with the master emerald?" Sonic asked his Red headed friend.

"Why? What use would you have for the Master Emerald?" Knuckles asked, puzzled, by Sonic's fascination with the giant emeralds.

"I just… I can't say, can you just trust me? Besides it would take too long to tell you anyway" Sonic said, as to distract Knuckles from asking the same question again.

"I guess it is ok… Ok fine, I understand if you keep secrets from me, you can't be completely honest with everyone I guess" Knuckles said.

"Thanks Knux" Sonic said, putting his thumb up in a brotherly fashion, to which Knuckles, smirked to compliment his brotherly gesture.

In Hidden Place Zone

"Ok, just breathe and focus on bringing him out" Sonic said, quietly and then relaxed his heart rate, before speaking again. "Chaos is Power, Power enriched by the heart, under one who is the controller, the controller seeks to unify the Chaos!"

Sonic yelled, and at once the Master Emerald started to react and a gooey substance seeped out of it, gaining human features, like arms and legs and rising from the ground, Sonic knew this being all too well, a being who was not on good terms with Knuckles due to his ancestor's past with them and nearly destroyed the world, 2 years ago, he knew this watery, humanoid, being by only one name.

"Chaos!" He said, and at that moment, Chaos moved his eyes towards Sonic either signifying one of two things; either he was happy to see Sonic or he was angry and back to his old ways, and Sonic even knowing that his plan could backfire still stood his ground against Chaos.