• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 1,865 Views, 30 Comments

Letters R through D - tailsopony

A short and dark story told through letters.

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Comments ( 22 )


Damn. XD

lol. The only comment is just a "damn" and the vote is split smoothly 50/50 at 7 likes and 7 dislikes. I don't think my grammar is bad enough to warrant all the dislikes, so I must have been impactful enough. If you disliked it for a reason other that it impacted you and you didn't like that, could you let me know? I'd appreciate it. While this was a child of insomnia, its got some fun tricks up its sleeve and I was curious how they rolled. I can definitely use a few of these later in something more developed.

6520018 I actually didn't dislike it. I liked it XD

Epistolary dark rapefics, my favorite kind of dark rapefics!

Interesting. I can see where all that is coming from. For me, my mind is always working in terrible things. Whatever fandom or activities I might surround myself with always takes a turn for brutal rape/murder/suicide stories. My D&D characters are a real hoot. And I like to use story characters because (for me) that is the appeal of a show that I like. In this case, I have no attachment to ponies in general, but I do have an attachment to Twilight Sparkle. So I'm going to write a story about Twilight and not some generic pony. The only time I do otherwise is when I get attached to a character for some reason.

I wrote my silly "Dirty Whore" story because I saw a picture on 4chan and wanted to write a dirty story about the character in it. That character didn't exist beyond the picture, so I built a backstory. In the first installment, I only hinted at her backstory, but in the second, I went full out as an exposition because people asked for it. The same is true in this story. But for Twilight, it's redundant for me to do that. Any reader here already knows about her and doesn't need any exposition. If I did give her some, it would be boring to read. Any advice on this besides don't write grimdark rape stories? I'll give anything a try once...

As the letters go on, the mysterious character reveals a little more about why he hates Celestia and why he can do some things he does. But I don't want to give him an exposition, like in the clean corners story I was writing. (Same theme as all my stories unfortunately, I have a one track mind...) That was boring and people didn't like it. I lost most of my readers right away. Instead he slips in little stories and bits of hate as he goes.

So yeah. I don't disagree with your assessment per-say, but the reasons I write what I write really aren't that simple. Even this minimalist style was used to experiment with a few things. The Twilight in the first letter is what I would consider the Twilight in the show to sound like. The Twilight in the other letters is operating under rules and restrictions that aren't explicit. Even her goals aren't explicit. In my mind, Twilight is one who would really truly understand the value and impact of a letter. On the opposite side, RD doesn't even understand what she is doing. Celestia is aware, but perhaps doesn't utilize letters appropriately, the knowledge buried under eons of data. The mystery character is attempting things with his letters, but the nature of his success isn't apparent. In my mind this isn't something he's practiced at, but it's something he's trying to improve on. His bizarre life experience leads to a different (and unfortunate for Twilight) set of skills. I really do appreciate your insight on the matter!

As far as the ring thing, it's pretty much a thing in fan-fiction that I've accepted. Given the character, assuming he could decide the time and place of their meeting, he has the tools and capacity to deal with anybody. The problem he has with Celestia is the same problem she has with him. They can't "See" each other, or their immediate actions/affects. As long as he is physically close to Twilight, Celestia can't "See" her as well. So Celestia (and potentially anyone with the "Sight" [pinkie?]) is immune to his unique skill-set. I thought I had him hinting/saying that. And unfortunately, if he can't predict where and when she'll be, he's afraid she'll nuke him or worse. Due to the unique nature of some of his visions, he's a bit... fearful of her. Anyways, I'm going off topic now. The thought that started this was about two very efficient seers who can't see each other. Then my black mind took it to rape, just like it always does...

Cool! Thanks! Still 11/11 though. lol

I actually didn't know that word well enough, so I looked it up. At first I thought it was too specific and not creative enough. But after some research I will take it as acceptable. Thanks! My vocabulary has expanded with the proper use of a unique word.


Trigger warning: all of them.

Inst upvote

Thanks! It's actually very simple code, and she even tells you how to decode it. It's the kind of thing you could come up with on the spot if somebody was watching you write, and they might not catch it. The reader might not notice right away, but if they had to read the letter over and over (like Celestia certainly did) it might suddenly make sense. I kind of want to re-write a few of her sentences so they give more clues to decoding it, but I figure her slight sloppiness (which I would also consider a clue!) could be attributed to the stress she's under.

It does makes me want to write a series of two characters passive aggressively sending letters to each other, each one sounding happy and nice but being insulting in more and more complex codes. It could be fun.

Also, you may be the first person to notice. So you get a prize. PM me if you want me to write something short for you, but no promises on quality! Pretty much any content is fine though.

lol, thanks.

Maybe not the best way to approach things, but I'm not going to complain. Thanks!

Hot damn! So much stuff! Thanks! Let me break this down so I can approach it better. You wrote 5 paragraphs, so I'm gonna summarize each paragraph to help me digest.
1. It's the writers job to explain the situation to the reader, and I'm fucking it up.
2. exposition - three basic forms to approach it from. Use them.
3. Backstory, even known characters have some. Use it, make more, everything is AU so roll with it.
4. Character perspective is hot damn important.
5. (summary) Backstory, narration, exposition, perspective all work together to make stories different and engaging.

And now to talk about them, if I'm getting them correctly.
1. Yes. I agree wholeheartedly. I thought I put enough hints in as you go, with him even explicitly talking about his sight and the limitations about Celestia. What I did not go into is how he's using it exactly, partly because this is sort of from Celestia's perspective, and he'd never tell her the details. While there is no way to fix this in the current version, it's something I really need to be aware of in future writings. I do it often unfortunately. Damn!

2. I've never heard it broken down like that, so it's nice to see it. I've thought about this, but never coherently and defined like you have it presented. I will be more careful to utilize it where I can!

3. I blew the pooch on this one. I absolutely could have had a couple of chapters of small letters back and forth between Celestia, Twilight, and friends... Damnit. It would have even been fun to write. Explaining the camping trip, RD's reason for attempting to prank Celestia, the delay in post delivery, all sorts of delicious opportunity wasted. But... this is a great learning experience.

4. I think I did okay on this one. Admittedly, it's something I've been actively experimenting with. Trying to write things from different perspectives and telling the same story with different characters to see how it feels. Again, you have it a little more precisely defined than I had it before, so that's helpful.

5. Good example, and sounds interesting enough for me to check it out when it's done.

Thanks for the awesome comment! Stuff like this is why I post stories here...

Actually did make a minor change to Twilight's first letter in captivity. It makes a huge difference and is only like 5 words in one spot. But you still got it on hard mode, without any comments or nuthin. Good job.

Oh, I love your new work. At last something truly refreshing in comparison to endless romantic or dully rape in other's stories. Thank you kindly.

The prose of somebody who doesn't understand the purpose of a letter, let alone the meaning of the words comprised in letters and of letters.
Thanks! Are you the Tirael that does those awesome squirrel animations?
Thanks, I think... I'll see if I feel like writing more letters.

Nope, I'm not him, sorry.

I missed your writing! Amazing as always. I wasn't sure how the correspondence format would work to tell such a story, but holy hell you have done so impeccably! I eagerly await more of your stories.

I just love how this story is always so close to a neutral vote. It's my most hated story! Yay!

6521457 Nice avatar.

What the hell is the point?

The mystery character has some form of motivation, but he feels more like a bitchy teenager than anything. There's so many gaps in narrative that could have been used to explain the rest of the damn world and back story, yet you said you never will, so that's moot. There isn't much response from Celestia, so it's not even clear what her reaction is, or whether his plan is "working" or not.

This story just feels like an excuse to torture a character just because you can, wrapped up in a weak attempt at motivation, and topped with the absolute minimum of back story to add a level of edge and mystique that ultimately serves no purpose.

So again, what is the point? Because honestly it reads like masturbation in literary form.

I've read your work. I feel like you can do better.

Did you lose interest?
Would like you to update/complete please.

I accidentally stumbled upon this fic. That was interesting. And very hot.
I hope you write more fics one day.

wtf just the title is weird

Literally everything about this is weird. It was an experiment. It failed, and I'm not working on it anymore. Most of my things have a chance of being updated, but this one is unlikely as I don't even like seeing it in my queue.

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