• Published 1st Jun 2012
  • 672 Views, 2 Comments

The Last Parasite Returns - mmonsoon326

Scootaloo must rescue Rainbow Dash after a mysterious pony captures her in the Everfree Forest

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Where’s Rainbow?

Scootaloo sped through Ponyville on her scooter, magenta mane flowing in the cool, late spring wind. She was eager to meet up with her friend and idol, Rainbow Dash, to help her find her cutie mark, a symbol that appears on everypony’s flanks when they discover that super special talent that makes them unique. The orange filly had anticipated this day for weeks, a day to spend entirely with the most awesome pony ever! The two pegasi had agreed to meet early at 10 o’clock in the morning at the town library, which also happened to be the house of Twilight Sparkle. Scootaloo was running slightly late, something that Rainbow rarely did. Shortly after knocking on the door a purple unicorn answered.

“Rainbow! I was wondering when you’d get here,” said the unicorn. “Wait, Scootaloo? Where’s Rainbow?” She seemed puzzled.

“Wait, Twilight, you mean she’s not here yet?” Scootaloo was dumbfounded. “And I thought I was late!” There had to be some good reason for Rainbow to be late.

“Well, come on in Scootaloo. I can’t leave you out on the doorstep. We can wait a little longer for Rainbow Dash. Whatever she’s doing, it’s probably important.” So they waited for the cyan pegasus to arrive. Five minutes passed, then ten, twenty minutes. After half an hour had gone by the two ponies grew increasingly worried for their friend.

“That’s it! We’ve waited far too long!” Scootaloo uttered, her patience at an all-time minimum. “Something had to have happened to her; we have to find her!”

“I agree, this is far too unlike her to be this late,” Twilight said, “I fear for her safety. I’ll signal the others to come here, so we can start looking for her.” Just as the words left her lips her horn began to glow, the sign of a unicorn using magic.

Scootaloo didn’t know what to think. One of her best friends didn’t show up for an appointment that had been planned far in advance. The only possibilities that she could think of were that either Rainbow Dash was sick and in bed, or... being held captive by something. Scootaloo didn’t want to think of the latter.

Within five minutes the other four of Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s best friends, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, arrived at the library.

“Whatever is the matter, Twilight dear?” asked Rarity, a white unicorn with a curly purple mane. “I had to pause working on my suit for Fancy Pants and I came right over once I got your message.”

“Oh my goodness! I was thinking the same thing! Are you a psychic Rarity? Because that would be so cool! I’ve always wanted my fortune to be told, can you tell it for me? Huh, huh, huh?” That was Pinkie Pie, a pink Earth Pony, who somehow broke the laws of physics and had an extremely vivid imagination. She also was very hard to shut up.

“Pinkie, y’all know Rarity ain't a psychic, ‘sides, that’s not what we’re all here for, is it?” Applejack directed the question to Twilight.

“Umm, excuse me, but, where’s Rainbow?” Fluttershy, a yellow pegasus, timidly asked.

“That’s what I called you all here for, we don’t know where she is. She was supposed to meet with Scootaloo earlier this morning, but even after thirty minutes, she never showed up.” Twilight’s words brought a communal look of shock and worry to everypony’s faces.

“She’s late? I hope she isn’t late for our appointment next week, she’s supposed to help me make some of my special cupcakes!” Pinkie was clearly worried.

“Now I want you all to start searching Ponyville for signs of where she might be or has recently been. Fluttershy, I want you to go and check her house and ask around in Cloudsdale. Pinkie and Applejack, you two go see what you can find in and around the Everfree Forest, and be sure to see if Zecora knows anything. Rarity, you and Scootaloo go ask in town.”

“Wait, what about you, Twilight?” inquired Scootaloo. “What are you going to do?”

“I have a mysterious hunch as to what might have happened to her, though I can’t know for certain until after I’ve done a little research and have heard back from you.” So the five of them left the library and set out to find clues as to where their loyal friend could be.