• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 11,518 Views, 431 Comments

Bound by Scales - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Scalebound Crossover] Normally, dragons are fierce predators. But for one guy, ending up in Equestria causes a powerful dragon to become his greatest Ally

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PreviousChapters Next
18- Visitors

Author's Note:

Next chapter starring Jason Hughes and his family from Shagohad12's The Equestrian Edda. Coming soon, we're going to get right into some of the thicker elements of the plot next chapter. Including some more elements to Scalebound.

Ken's inventory:
-Combat Sword x2
-Recurve bow and Quiver
-Combat spear

Token Collection

-Zinnia's Curved Band
-Onyx Dragon Scale
-Homeworld Tri-Force
-Crystalline Stars
-Gray's Necklace
-Asphyxious' Emerald of souls
-Gregar's Navi Mark
-Insignia of the Captain (Edward Kenway)
-Wings of the Adept (Lance Walker)
-Golden Monkey coin (Sun Wukong)
-Rune Slayer's mark (Nicko)
-Dragon Soul (Deathwing)
-Connor's Cat's eye (Connor and Scratch)
-Itazura's Prison Bottle
-Derpy's Muffin
-Crystal's Scarf
-Jason's Cylinder

Until then, enjoy!

Bound by Scales- Visitors

Point of View: Ken

It had been only a few hours since Crystal had left and now, I was beginning to worry. A few days after our children were born, they apparently disappeared. Did someone take them by chance? I might’ve looked okay on the outside, but inside my head I was panicking. How was I suppose to explain this to Applejack when she got back-?

“Hey, Ken. Can I-?” I jumped at the voice, only to turn around and see right behind me. The part that surprised me the most though… Was that Magma and Ruby were hiding right underneath her hat.

“Applejack? I thought you were in the Crystal Empire.” I spoke to her, doing my best to show that I was not panicking or that she startled me out of nowhere. “And where did you find Magma and Ruby? I couldn’t find them after Crystal left a couple of hours ago.”

“Funny ya’ mentioned that…” She smirked, letting the two youngsters go over to me as I got on my knees and let them crawl up my arms to my shoulders. “Turns out, these two snuck into my Saddlebag and crawled into my hat without me realizing it until the train ride up to the empire. They’re a pair of sneaky rascals if you ask me.” Sighing in relief, Applejack then placed her hat back on and looked back at me. “At least they got the chance to meet Flurry Heart. They got along quite well with her.”

“Who’s Flurry Heart?” I asked, confused a little as I looked back at her. All Applejack could do was chuckle as she looked back at me with a smile on her face.

“She’s Shining Armor and Princess Cadence’s Foal. Twilight is now an Aunt.” Well geez, it seems like everyone’s been getting newfound responsibility everywhere we go. It felt like it was only yesterday that I first actually met Applejack. Now she and I have two beautiful kids and are part of a hoard that see’s each other as family… Thinking of that though made me realize something. Besides Zinnia, Umbra when she came over to visit one night after I had Applejack join the hoard and Crystal… we haven’t really met a lot of people that were members or even heads of their own branch in the hoard. I mean, I know that a Displaced can be really busy with a lot of the multiversal problems on their end, but it still makes you wonder what they are like. After all, I was only told a few names and that… is not really a description to go off of when you just hear a name.

“Hey, where did you get that scarf?” Applejack asked. “I know it’s already passed Heart’s Warming, but are you really cold?”

“No, actually this is Crystal’s token.” I clarified for her. “She let me keep one for myself and I thought it felt nice to have on. I can’t be wearing my headphones everyday now, wouldn’t you agree?” All that got from Applejack was a playful chuckle and a kiss on the nose as she looked back at me with a smile on her face.

“Well, it definitely looks good on you. Heck, maybe every once in awhile, I can try it on. Even if Crystal and ah… didn’t see eye to eye on some points, she’s a good friend to have.” The mare told me as I nodded my head. “Though, I am curious as to what that one pony she was mentioning was like… You know, that Freya pony?”

“Well, from the sounds of it, they’re part of a long distance relationship,” I answered her question, noticing Magma trying to mess with the scarf a little. “But at least they’re happy. That’s all that matters right?”

“Ah guess so, Ken.” Applejack replied back, remembering something off of the top of her head. “Oh yeah, ah almost forgot to mention something… Remember that friend of yours? Aaron, ah believe his name was right?” Nodding my head, I looked back at her with a confused look on my face. “Well, let’s just say that Rainbow has been… actually getting along with him quite well.”

That… surprised me. Aaron was not really so social with people he didn’t know, so finding out that Rainbow… the pegasus that tried to slam her hoof into my face and thought of me as a monster when she first met me… was actually getting along with him? That I saw as strange… But hey, Applejack was sort of the same way when I first met her, so who am I to judge?

“Hey Applejack… What’s the likelihood that the temple’s going to get some visitors today?” I asked, just out of curiosity to see what her answer would be like. “I mean, besides the usual visitors from you and your friends?”

“You mean like Displaced?” Applejack asked, causing me to nod my head. “Possible… I don’t think though we should be asking what though…” She paused, looking back at me before looking back at Revaan’s chambers and noticing the dragon step out to join us. “I think we should be asking when these visitors would be coming.”

At the moment she said that, I noticed that Magma happened to be playing around with a strange looking toy that happened to be glowing a little. Only to realize what exactly it was… But by then it was too late as two figures soon hit the pavement. “Magma!!” I said, rushing over to where the little one was and picking him up. “Uhh…. Applejack, I think Magma found a token.”

“Ken… Ah think he did more then just find one.” She replied, pointing a hoof behind me. Looking back, I saw several figures on the floor, three of whom were humanoid.

“And we were doing so well...” One of them, a man muttered, getting to his feet, letting out a long drawn out sigh.

“Are you okay, sir?” I asked the man, hoping my question would catch his attention.

“Yes I am fine person who summoned me like a jackass.” He grunted, helping one of the others to their feet.

“And we were having such a nice family meal...” The distinct voice of Chrysalis spoke as she stood up, flexing her wings. She didn’t look the same at all.

“Actually… It wasn’t me who summoned you.” I clarified, pointing to the dragonling on my shoulder. Who was still holding the cylinder from before.

“Of course...” The man sighed, pinching his nose. He was scurry looking, wearing an old pair of jeans and a hoodie, sporting a beard and Yamcha like hair.

“Sorry for all the trouble,” I apologized, offering my dragon hand for him to shake. “My name’s Ken Ahkrin. It’s nice to meet you mister…”

“Hughes, my name is Jason Hughes.” He wasn’t bothered at all by my arm, having a strange device attached to his own arm. “This is my wife Chrysalis, my daughter Freya, my sister Ib and my sons Hakal and Elusive.” The name Freya and Jason surprised me though. This must’ve been the same people Zinnia and Crystal were talking about before.

“Pleasure to meet all of you,” I replied back out of courtesy as Applejack soon trotted up next to me and Magma decided to join his sister on Applejack’s shoulders.

“Thank you.” Hakal nodded, giving a smile.

“Wait a darn minute…” Applejack interjected. “Ah’m not one for judging others, but why the hay does this fella look like King Sombra?” She followed up her comment by pointing a hoof in Hakal’s direction before looking at me.

“I was him, now I’m not,” Hakal said simply, losing his smile.

“Oh… Mah apologies then.” She replied, apologizing for her previous statement. “Sorry, since I’ve had these two, it’s been a bit hard not to act a little bit… defensive.” I sighed a little, looking back at Jason and the rest of his family before I began to wonder which one was Freya.

“Why do you have Crystal’s scarf?” One of the humanoids spoke up, being a changeling. Unlike Chrysalis, who was green and black, she was blood red and black and stood at an impressive seven feet tall.

“Oh yeah, Crystal actually was here a little while ago before I helped make sure she went back to her world…” After a couple of minutes, I looked back at her again, saying the first thing that came to mind. “You must be Freya…”

“Yes, I am.” She stepped forward, clad in an outfit very similar to her fathers.

“Well, this is quite surprising,” I said. “I’ve heard quite a lot about you and your father actually.”

“Oh?” She asked, crossing her arms, raising her eyebrow.

“Crystal told me about you… And also, if I remember correctly, Zinnia told me about Jason,” I explained, bowing partially. “It’s quite an honor to meet you actually… all of you I mean.”

“Oh it's nothing.” The last quadraped beamed, getting to his hooves. He was a neon green color with deep purple hair, two backwards curving horns growing out of his head.

“Please don’t feed Elusive’s ego...” Chrysalis sighed, facehoofing.

“It was unintentional.” I said, having them follow me for a moment. “Hey Jason, do you remember Zinnia ever mentioning a hoard to you at all?” I was only asking to see if he was aware of it, that way I would be able to tell him about how he and the rest of his family have a section of the temple with their name on it.

“Not that I recall, but it sounds incredibly contrived.” Jason shrugged.

“Very much so,” a tall woman in a red dress commented, who I assumed was Ib, “But do prey tell what is it?”

“A friend of mine named Zinnia a while back mentioned starting a hoard and I told her that the temple you’re in right now can be the home for the Kazoku Family. One of the names she mentioned to me besides Vash was Jason, which I thought was you given that Crystal told me that Zinnia was at the wedding between her and Crystal.” I told them, explaining a bit more about what Zinnia told me originally, hoping that it would clear up any possible confusion. That was when Revaan noticed us and then began to speak up.

“So, we seem to have some more guests… Welcome to our home.” Revaan spoke, catching none of our guests by surprise.

“Oh hey, a dragon. Sup?” Jason asked, gazing over at him.

“The hollow’s ceiling.” Revaan replied.

“It’s a figure of speech, Revaan.” I informed him. “He’s asking how are you.”

“Oh, well in that case, I am doing quite well… I would assume the same for you?” He asked politely, looking at each of Jason’s family for a moment and returning his gaze to Jason.

“Yeah we’re good.” Jason nodded, brushing some hair out of his face.”But this hoard thing sounds it grew out of that herd pact Zinnia, Vash and I agreed on.”

“That’s what Zinnia said. Though she said it as a hoard since it’s the dragon version of a herd,” I sighed a little, looking back at everyone. “Still, it’s nice to meet a fellow member.” At that moment, I turned to Applejack, just as she turned into her dragon form so she could have fun with the kids while we were talking. That, in turn, was bound to attract some attention... but they didn’t bat an eye.

“I didn’t think I’d see a dragon version of aunt AJ...” Elusive blinked, tilting his head.

“She could shift between Earth Pony and Earth Dragon at will… Revaan’s been teaching her to control her newfound abilities while in that form as well.” I said, having my arm glow a little in the process.

“Well, it's certainly different than our Applejack. Less tentacles.” Chrysalis chuckled. Okay, I honestly didn’t even want to ask about why she even mentioned tentacles.

“Speaking of which, I’m a little curious about something.” I asked, returning my gaze to Jason. “What’s the device on your arm? First time I’ve seen anything like it.”

“It’s called an Omnitrix. It allows me to change into any species I scan into it.” He smirked, leaning on a wall.

“Interesting… and just when I thought having my soul bound to Revaan was the tip of the iceberg.” I commented, looking back at Revaan for a brief second. I had a feeling that someone was going to comment on that once I said it.

“So... the plot of Dragonheart?” Freya asked, chuckling to herself.

“Actually, no. I’m a Scalebound,” I told her. “Revaan’s the last Onyx dragon of his kind, so our souls were bound to where I gain some traits and powers from dragons and have him as a companion. We’re trying to find a way for his kind to not become extinct.” With that, I pointed to my arm again. “My arm is a symbol of our bond. Does that help a little?”

“So... exactly the plot of Dragonheart.” Ib nodded. “Good to know.”

I sighed a little, using my arm’s grapple ability to pull AJ’s hat to me as a simple demonstration of what I was capable of before returning it. “Not sure if that was in Dragonheart… or the fact that the reason why behind the Onyx dying out would relate to it either…” Ib just shrugged.

“Why don’t I just take a sample of his DNA and just start cloning them?” Jason asked.

“Because the reason why the Onyx died out was that Nightmare Moon corrupted not just their magic, but who they were as well. If a Dragon’s DNA is tampered with, there is a chance that trying to replicate it will just lead to failure.” Revaan sighed, “Trust me, the doctor in the Obsidian Hollow named Red Cross asked me the same question the day before Luna decided to join the hoard.”

“Then I can just repair the damage. Omnitrix, repair genetic damage of target dragon.” His watch beeped, sending a blast of green energy into Revaan. “There done, clone away.”

“Well… That’s something,” I sighed, looking back at them and coming up with an idea inside my head. “Come on, I’m guessing all of you must be hungry since Magma called on you during your dinner. I can lead you straight to the dining hall and prepare something for you to eat if that’s okay with you?”

“That sounds delightful!” Elusive grinned, nodding his head eagerly.

That got me to smile a little as I lead them to the dining hall and made sure to get themselves situated. The size of the mess hall itself was a lot like the one inside Hogwarts from Harry Potter. Just trimmed to be a bit more… draconic if you would say so. There were bowls of fruit and drinks at the tables in the middle of the room and a giant kitchen in the back that allowed someponies to help with cooking. Hell, even I used the kitchen to help make myself a meal every once in awhile. “Was there anything specific you would like to have?”

“Meat.” Jason said simply, dropping into a chair.

“I’ll take a few hay burgers,” Hakal spoke up. Those two requests I could easily work with. Especially since Spike taught me a bit of cooking Hayburgers last time he was here visiting Revaan and I. Now my gaze was turned to Chrysalis, Ib and Freya to see if there was anything specific they wanted to eat. Even if I still needed to see if Jason had a preference to what kind of meat he was wanting.

“Meat and Hayburgers,” I wrote down on a small notebook. “Anything for you, ladies?”

“Meat.” They both shrugged.

“Okay, any preferences with the meat or are you fine with anything?” I asked them, just to clarify so I wouldn’t screw up accidently.

“Eh, surprise us.” Well, now that just made me nervous. Surprises were one thing that I never did well with, but I didn’t let that try to affect me though as I walked to the kitchen to get started. But thinking everything over, I honestly had no clue where to begin with this… I knew that Hakal wanted hay burgers and those were easy, but the rest of the group, even though it seemed simple in theory, was stressing himself a bit. There were some choices of meat he had that Revaan had helped him cook before… However, he wasn’t quite sure if Jason or his family would want to be eating Komodo this evening.

“Whats taking so long!?” Freya shouted into the kitchen. That caused me to tense up a little. God, now hearing them made me think they sounded like giants. Using the oven that was there, I placed the Komodo ribs and multiple other pieces of meat on the fire to let them seer while I was making the hayburgers. Yet, this was not exactly what one would say as a one man job. But… as an old saying from earth went in my family… help can come in the most unexpected of forms.

“Are you doing alright?” Elusive asked, peeking into the kitchen.

“Y-yeah… Just got a lot of things going at once,” I said, trying to keep myself together. “Got the hayburgers here and the meat searing over the fire. A lot for a one man job.” Catching my breath as I prepared to flip the hayburgers. “Everything okay over there? Sorry if I’m making you wait… I’ll have it out as soon as I can.” I used my powers to manifest a pair of blades to help flip the burgers and also to get the buns off of the hot grill.

“You seem tense.” He trotted over, standing as high as my stomach.

“I’m just… nervous a little. I’m never good with surprising people. Most of the time I had been helping people before I was Displaced, I had to ask them for specific details on how I was to do something. Rarity is like that when making clothes when it comes to different colors of fabric. So… this is sort of the first time anyone asked me to surprise them. I just don’t want to disappoint Jason. That’s all.” Telling Elusive that really had me feel like I didn’t have to hold anything in, but I was concerned that would distract me from what I was doing.

“Yes, mother can be rather obessive with details.” Elusive chuckled.

“Wait… Rarity is your mother in your world?” I asked. “For a moment, I thought… wait…” That was when I realized it. Just like myself with Applejack, Luna, and Pinkis, Jason had his Rarity and Chrysalis. “Well, that I did not expect… How much does your father eat normally?”

“More than whatever it is you think he eats.”

“So… he has as big of an appetite as Revaan?” I asked, nudging my head in his direction as he ate the head off of a Apple Tree. “Makes sense… Come to think of it, that just reminds me of an old series of stories back home based on Norse Mythology and with Jotun… Yeah, I really need to stop reading so much. Fantasy novels distract me.”

“Considering at my father is a jotun, those might come in handy.”

“Wait, wha-?” Okay, THAT was a definite curveball!

“You live in a multiverse. Infinite possibilities.” Elusive laughed. “I myself am one third changeling, one third jotun and one third unicorn.”

“Well, that is surprising… honestly, I did not expect to hear that.” I said as I got the hayburgers off the grill and onto two trays and prepared to churn the meat and add a small dash of seasoning. “Hope Hakal is hungry. The burgers are ready and I believe the Komodo ribs are done. The meat is a rare delicacy, so I hope your father enjoys it.”

“Smells delicious!” He grinned, trotting back out to the table. That was definitely a boost to my confidence. He took his seat, licking his lips. After making final preparations, I placed the plates of hayburgers for Hakal while setting the meat out on the table. Almost the size of their entire table because of what I was cooking. And having Crystal’s scarf on just made me work up a sweat… Guess I could take a moment now to change my clothes and not appear all sweaty now that I was able to put food on the table for them.

While I heard them eat, I took the chance to change into something a little more comfortable as I changed jeans and set Crystal’s Scarf with the rest of my tokens, putting my headphones back on around my neck to go with the black sleeveless shirt that I had in the closet and the other jacket I happened to have nearby on the coat rack. That way I felt comfortable instead of sweating crazy and making myself smell in front of Jason and his family. Only a few of my jackets had both sleeves though as some had only the left sleeve so I can have my arm be visible. Strangely enough, I had been wondering how some of the abilities with my arm actually worked now that I thought about it. If it wasn’t magic, then what was it? Perhaps I’ll just call it Pulse to keep things simple, since my arm sometimes would pulse with energy.

Speaking of abilities… I just thought that I needed to improve with my Scalebound based abilities regarding my arm instead of the powers Coryena have learned from Caex and taught me. Mostly because he said to only use those once I gained more strength. I am getting familiar with them, but I’m expending too much power in the process. I should figure out how to expand upon what I already know before trying something like that so I don’t cause myself to pass out, because all this would do is get somepony hurt if I’m not careful. Somepony like Crystal-.

A couple of knocks on the door caught my attention as I soon turned around to see somepony at the door. Turns out, it was Applejack. “Hey Ken. Jason and his family are almost done with eating.” Already? Man it must be that Jotun like appetite that Jason and them have I guess. Straightening my jacket, I walked on back out to where they were seated to find a row of clean empty plates on the table.

“That was delicious, thank you,” Elusive said, delicately wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“You're welcome… Would that be enough to satisfy all of you?” I asked, trying to inquire if anyone else needed more food or were still hungry. I wanted to make my guests feel comfortable instead of feeling unsatisfied.

“Yeah, we’re good.” Jason nodded, stretching his arms out.

“Well, excellent… Is there anything else you would like to do while you are here?” I then asked them. “If not, I can help send you guys back to your world if you want.”

“What else is there too do?” Freya asked, getting up, giving her wings a buzz. “I mean, I suppose we could go get Apple Crescendo to mess with Applejack.”

I wasn’t sure about what that was, but if it was anything like Apple Cider, then I didn’t think it would be best to have drinks around newborns. Even if she was making sure they were being put into bed right now. “Well, when Crystal was here, I had her help me with a few things and she wanted to go to the barracks to see how strong she was.” I said lightly. The mentioning of Crystal though seemed to attract Freya’s attention though. I… was not sure if that was suppose to be a good thing or not.

“And just how strong was she?” Freya asked, crossing her arms, watching me intently.

“Strong enough to catch me by surprise a few times and endure anything that hit her.” The second part of the answer just brought me back to when my Chrysalis blasted her point blank. I was able to heal her yes, but it felt like my responsibility to keep her safe. Somehow though, I think Freya noticed this.

“Good on her.” Freya smiled. “But, I don’t think anything you could throw at us would be all that much.” I sighed a little. That felt too close… Oh god, please don’t tell me I jinxed it.

“If you have something to say, say it, don’t be a bitch,” Freya snapped, glaring at me.

Yep, that happened. “I’m sorry, I was just… concerned with how you would react if I told you…” Come on, think! You can’t just say something like that with her freaking parents standing right there! “While she was helping me yesterday, Crystal got hurt when trying to intimidate my Chrysalis. She’s okay now, but I was worried that you would over-react to hearing that.” Damn, now I think I said TOO much. Now the hard part was not trying to stress out over it.

But the next one to speak was not me… or Freya for that matter. But instead Revaan. “Crystal had a conversation with me the other night after Ken fell asleep… She was telling me about how at times… She feels really lonely because Crystal had not seen you. To her… Being here felt lonely without you… Ms. Freya.”

“Don’t call me miss.” Freya sighed before sitting down. “And here I thought you were actually holding a secret.”

“That… I’m going to leave for you and Crystal to talk over. My apologies for addressing you in that form.” The dragon said, looking back at them for a moment before sitting back down.

“Oh sweet Yggdrasil he’s worse than the ponies,” Chrysalis muttered, rolling her eyes.

“I just treat others properly. One of a few things when it comes to dragons is that there is a Code of Honor that all dragons must follow.” Revaan said.

“Oh here we go.”

“To keep it simple, we treat other species fairly and with respect and do not attack unprovoked.” The dragon replied, putting an emphasis on the second part. “That will be all for now though. I rather not bore you on the subject.” Looking at me though, he then sighed. “All that does is just make me think of an old friend I knew from my past.”

I looked back at him, confused. “Who’s that?”

“It was a dragon I knew named Torch. Ancestors know where he might be right now though.” He sighed, looking back at Jason and the others. “Enough about that though. I rather not have your guests be bored just from me talking.” With that, he went to his chambers and had the door slam shut behind him. Causing Applejack to trot up next to me.

“Well… what do you suggest we do now?”

“Show you your alternate universe child?” Freya offered, too which her parents rolled their eyes.

Applejack just stared at me, eyes widened. “Okay, that just sounds weirder than how my sister got her cutie mark.” I sighed a little at that and looked back at Freya.

“So other than the fact that Jason is a Jotun that can transform… and everything else Elusive said earlier, what’s your world like?” I asked, trying to make simple conversation.

“Equestria is a heptarchy, ruled by Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Twilight, Gilda, Spike and myself,” Jason spoke up. “For eighteen years ponies and changelings have lived in perfect harmony, while we’ve been slowly assimilating the griffons.”

The last part made me a little confused. “Assimilating?”

“Have you been to griffonstone?” Chrysalis asked. “You can’t even ask a griffon a question without them demanding bits.”

“I’ve only been in Equestria the past couple of months. Flying outside of it and going around the world is on my bucket list.” I told them, “Thanks for the heads up though.”

“I don’t get out much anymore.” Jason shrugged. “Too busy dealing with Earth to have any free time.” That… caught my attention real quickly. I have been away from my world for god knows how long… I know that everything seems better here… But I still can’t stop thinking about if my parents back home actually miss me or not. Then again, his earth is one of nine realms, so it may not exactly be my earth.

“Maybe AJ and I will find a place outside of Equestria once we can actually have some time to ourselves. Lately, it’s been either she’s needed with the elements or I’m needed somewhere else. I just want the chance to spend some quality time with her if you know what I mean.” I sighed. “Then there’s the youngsters.”

“Aunt AJ totally got it on with a siren.” Freya grinned.

“Really Freya?” Elusive frowned. “Must you be so vulgar?”

“I dunno, why you gotta be a wuss?” she shot back, still smirking.

Applejack just sighed, looking back at them. I just facepalmed myself as I looked back at the two of them. “I believe he was trying his best to be… Discreet?” The Earth Pony said. “Besides, you still got to take into account that your friend Aaron is with Dashie right about now Ken.” Oh right… Almost forgot about that. Well, for the most part, he would be alright if they didn’t cause any trouble.

“So... no reaction that you had a kid with a siren?”Chrysalis asked raising her eyebrow.

“I’ve seen stranger things… And have been part of stranger things too.” She added on as I looked back at-. Wait a second, did she just wink at Chrysalis? “Trust me on that one… Applebloom told me that Big Mac tried spending some time with her by dressing up as a mare so they could take part in the Sisterhooves Social.”

TMI, Applejack… TMI.

“I remember that.” Jason chuckled. “Fun times.”

Okay, now that I purged THAT from my mind, I can finally look back at them with a straight face. Then Applejack spoke up. “Heh… Don’t even get me started with Pinkis. She’s quite… interesting if ah do say so myself. Both her and her friends.”

“Considering that I’m a member of the “family” family and the Apples are related to the Pies, I already know all about it.” Jason nodded.

Well, that was one thing that Applejack forgot to tell me. Looks like Magma and Ruby have Pinkie Pie as an aunt now… AJ herself sighed, telling me that sometime later, she was going to have to make sure she took me to the rock farm to introduce the other half of the family. Right now though, I think on that note, I should make sure Jason and his family go back to their world safely.

“Well, since we have nothing else to do, I think maybe it’s a good time to make sure you get back home,” I said, holding the cylinder that was Jason’s token as I looked back at him. “See you guys around sometime?”

“I suppose so.” Jason nodded, standing up. Using his token, I made sure to tell him that our contract was complete as all of them soon went back to the world they called their home. Shortly afterwards, I looked back at the Cylinder and set it high up on the shelf. Making sure that it was out of reach so Magma didn’t accidently summon them again.

“Well geez, it seems like the family somehow gets bigger everytime we meet new people.” I said to Applejack, who smiled herself and chuckled. But before she could speak, we heard the sound of hooves in the distance as we turned to see Mystic race into the courtyard.

“Ken, AJ! You need to get to Dr. Cross! Pinkis is awake!!” At that moment, my mind raced into overdrive as both Applejack and I ran towards the infirmary.


In little time at all did we crash through the door, almost knocking it off of it’s hinges as we entered the waiting room and looked for Dr. Cross. Taking it an extra step further, I looked into the hallway in the back and happened to notice him by an open door as Applejack and I hurried over. The stallion turned to face us, just as we were approaching him. “Doc, we heard the news about Pinkis, how is she?”

“Well, she’s awake and stable…” He told us, holding the door to her room open. “You can go ahead and see her.” We walked in to see the earth pony on the bed, lying down a little as she saw us walk in.

“Hey… What’s up?” Pinkis chuckled nervously. Applejack and I looked at one another, before we both went over and hugged her tightly. There were even a few tears coming down AJ’s face when we were doing this as we looked back at her. “What? I’ve been through worse.”

“Sugarcube, you’ve had us worried!” Applejack snapped, looking back at her. “You’ve been in a coma for two weeks and we were worried that something really bad had happened to you!”

“I’m fine though!” Pinkis protested. Only causing me to sigh a little.

“Pinkis, we care about you like family. And given the fact that AJ’s children just hatched a few days ago, we were really concerned about you.” I told her, hugging her a little. “We’ve really missed you Pinkis.”

“They hatched? Who hatched?” Pinkis rubbed her face. “Never mind… What happened?”

I took some time to catch her up to speed. From when she was severly injured in the war of shadows all the way to just now, informing her of our newborn kids and also about some other things too. Leaving out a few of the Displaced I met because I did not want to confuse or bore her in the process. By the time I was done, I held Pinkis close… and then felt something around her tummy. Like a small push or something.

“Uh… I think the baby kicked…” Pinkis said.

I looked back at her, smiling now as I kissed her on the forehead and Applejack rubbed her head against Pinkis’ belly to feel it for herself. “T-that’s great news!” I said, feeling her tummy again before speaking. “I’m glad both you and the child are okay… want us to take you to your room? Dr. Cross says you're free to leave the infirmary.” Maybe some rest in her room would do wonders for her right now.

“Okay…” Pinkis said. “Where am I again?”

“The infirmary at Obsidian Hollow. It’s not far from the temple.” I told her, making sure she was aware of where she was before offering a hand to help her up. “Would you like for me to carry you or do you think you can walk?”

“My leg feels sore. Pwease carry me?” Pinkis gave me the puppy dog eyes. Oh my god, she’s pulling an Ita on me. Nodding my head, I carefully picked her up so I could carry her out of the infirmary and to her room.

“Thanks… Is there anything you wanna do?” Pinkis asked me.

“Well, that depends on you,” I said to her, making sure I did not let her go while I was walking. “But whatever it is, I’ll be here for you.”

“I… Don’t like not doing anything. I wanna spend time with you and AJ.” Pinkis said.

“Well, that could mean many things, Sugarcube,” Applejack then spoke up. “How exactly did you want to spend some time with us?” She asked as we approached the door to Pinkis’ room. Using my dragon hand to prop it open for us.

“I just do. We haven’t done anything together in forever. Ever since AJ got me pregnant.” That was true, I had to admit.

“Well, maybe later, we can introduce you to the kids,” AJ said to her as I laid Pinkis on her bed. “But right now… I think we should do our best to try and comfort you… Sugarcube.”

“Comfort me? What, are you gonna baby me?” Pinkis asked.

“Not quite… More likely spend time with you. Talk a bit… enjoy each others company…” Okay, as I’m hearing Applejack speak, I was getting mixed signals. Please don’t tell me she’s trying to suggest what I think she was intending. “Relax… Sleep together…” And there it is.

“S-sure…” Pinkis said, turning away from us to hide her blush. Something tells me that whatever Applejack had in mind, we were going to be spending a LOT of time with Pinkis tonight.

End Chapter 18

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