• Published 12th Oct 2015
  • 11,497 Views, 431 Comments

Bound by Scales - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Scalebound Crossover] Normally, dragons are fierce predators. But for one guy, ending up in Equestria causes a powerful dragon to become his greatest Ally

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15- A different perspective

Author's Note:

Heads up, most of the information talked about when it's Ken's turn on this chapter relates to the next segment in the War of Shadows. Also, prepare for a surprise near the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

Ken's inventory:
-Combat Sword x2
-Recurve bow and Quiver
-Combat spear

Token Collection

-Zinnia's Curved Band
-Onyx Dragon Scale
-Homeworld Tri-Force
-Crystalline Stars
-Gray's Necklace
-Asphyxious' Emerald of souls
-Gregar's Navi Mark
-Insignia of the Captain (Edward Kenway)
-Wings of the Adept (Lance Walker)
-Golden Monkey coin (Sun Wukong)
-Rune Slayer's mark (Nicko)
-Dragon Soul (Deathwing)
-Connor's Cat's eye (Connor and Scratch)
-Itazura's Prison Bottle
-Derpy's Muffin

Bound by Scales- A different perspective

Point of View: Aaron

To be completely honest, I was not quite sure how to make out my present situation. I found my friend, who turns out is now part dragon and is not only the head of a hoard branch, but also has two… marefriends. I think that’s the right term. Anyways, my point is that the last time I saw Ken, he was a lot different from the old friend I remember from back home… in a good way. Hell, I still have a lot to learn about what I’m capable of and I’m not complaining about being gone from my home. I hated being back there because of all the junkies and criminals that made our neighborhood a mess.

It was around the next morning when I got up to find out from Revaan that Ken had to go somewhere because someone needed his help. Which meant that it left me with a very slim choice of options on what I should be able to do next. I could train with Fire and Thunder, though I think they would be too tired to even consider the idea. Maybe explore around the temple and get the lay of the land a bit? Ehh, maybe later. Hopefully, there’s still something good for breakfast that I can find as edible back in the kitchen. Too many possibilities.

That was when a portal opened up and a man wearing a red coat with some kind of steampunk thing on his back. He also had a tail, which personally caused me to raise an eyebrow, and as soon as he saw me he started yelling. “Where Ken!? Is he still here!”

“Uh… He just left… Who are you?” I asked him, a little confused by this morning’s visitor.

“Did he say who he was fighting or where he was going!?” The guy yelled holding me by the shoulder, shaking me.

“N-no man. Get your hands off of me!” I snapped back, forcing him to let go as I slid backwards, adjusting my glasses. “Ken just said that a friend needed his help. He didn’t say who or where… Matter of fact, who the hell are you supposed to be?”

He just pulled at his own hair and yelled. “F***! It Lance all over again! I swear if Ken come back after fighting with time I’m going to punch him in the face!” Whoever this guy was just started to rant off the top of his head as he walked around once he calmed down I think he noticed me.

“Sorry I’ve, had a long week. My name is Asphyxious Hellbringer.” Asphyxious said as he drank from the flask that he had on him.

“Aaron Kalik. But I go by Kilik as a nickname.” I introduced myself, wanting to personally define this guy as Mr. A so that way I don’t have to deal with long ass names.

“Okay, well nice to meet you, Looking after a large family is not easy. More so when the oldest are in there teens now.” Mr. A said as he rubs his face. “I was just done talking to someone about marrying their daughter. Not as easy as you think.”

“Well, you don’t seem to be in a rush for anything now are you?” I asked, pulling up a chair. “If that’s the case, then maybe we can talk for a little bit before you have to go anywhere.”

“Kay sure what do you want to talk about?” Mr. A asked as he put the flask away.

“Well, I had finally met back up with Ken yesterday after being separated for god knows how long and I was trying to get myself adjusted with a few things.” I explained as I recalled everything that Ken told me the other night and then some. Until I realized the moment where I might have messed up the other night.

“Oh my god, you walked in on him and his hoard right?” Mr. A asked as he started to laugh.

I shook my head. “No, not necessarily… It might have involved me not knowing any better calling you a Raditz because I was tired and unaware of what you actually were. So sorry about that.” I apologized, trying my best to not melt under pressure.

“Don’t worry about it, I may not be as OP as some displaced but I get the job done. Besides where the fun in destroying everything with one finger?” Mr. A asked as he looked around. “Anyway I heard Ken got a hold of something and I wanted to see if I could learn about it.” Before I could respond, I heard several tired yawns as I noticed Fire and Thunder beginning to wake up and trot over to where I was, partially stumbling a little in the process.

“Good morning Fire. Thunder. How did you sleep?” I asked them, to where they both replied with a couple of positive muffles as they looked at me before noticing Mr. A. Upon seeing him though was when they decided to hide behind me, a little intimidated by his appearance I imagine.

“Don’t worry kids I don’t bite.” Mr. A said smiling warmly at them and giving them a small wave. “They siblings or your kids?” He asked looking at me.

“They’re siblings, but not my kids.” I explained. “They’re my weapons. You familiar with Meisters by any chance?”

“Hmmm, Meisters… Oh! From Soul Eater right?” Mr. A asked as he grinned. “Now I understand why they fear me.”

“Either that you are a kishin or something else. Also, you wouldn’t believe it, but Lord Death is the reason how I got here.”

“No way.” Mr. A said smiling at me like someone just told him a new movie was just relisted.

“Yeah, I’m being serious. Lord Death brought me here and also paired me up with Fire and Thunder. And I already took care of one Kishin already up in the Crystal Empire with that Sombra freak.”

“Please tell me there a Liz and Patty that don’t work for Death the kid?” Mr. A asked me with a hopeful look in his eye, oh didn’t notice he had one eye.

“Honestly, I haven’t wandered that far. I’ve only been here for two days. Three if you count today.” I pointed out to him. “I’m still trying to get myself familiar with my new surroundings and what not.”

“I understand, One can still dream I guess, hey want to explore this place? Last time I was here, I had to help kill an undead dragon who turned out to be the big guy’s old mate. Feel kind of sorry for him.” Mr. A said as he got up. I followed him outside, thinking that he was referring to Revaan when he mean the big guy as we continued to walk throughout the temple. Most sections of the temple were either blocked off by warding spells of some sort that Revaan or Ken could remove, part of the town down below with Maple and Mystic, or just hard to reach. So right now, the possibilities of where we could go are right now up in the air.

“I’ll have to have Ken explain how he made those warding Spells.” The half dragon said to himself as he was reading off a note book. “Everything here is very interesting, I may take a class down here one day.”

“I honestly don’t think Ken made those spells.” I replied back. “Last I heard, he doesn’t have any skills related to that.”

“I see, would it hurt the boy to take some notes and learn more about his powers. I hate it when displaced use spells and don’t understand how they work.” Mr. A said but stopped when he looked down one hall.

“Hunh? Is something the matter?” I asked him as I followed him.

“Don’t know, but I smell something.” Mr. A said as he put his notebook away.

“Smelled something? What are you, part animal?” I asked him

“Dragon and Lich.” Asphyxious said smiling at me with a knowing look. “You ever been in a fight before?” Mr. A asked as he pulled out a cutlass.

“Yeah, why?” I asked him. “Wait… are you thinking that we’re going to get into a fight?”

“Like I tell my class, You don’t find trouble, it finds you.” Mr. A said as he walked down the hall. “Besides if we don’t deal with it now it’ll just follow us. Besides monsters love us displaced, always trying to eat us.” Keeping that in mind, I had Fire and Thunder transform into their weapon forms as they wrapped around my hands. Cracking my knuckles, I looked back at Mr. A… God, everytime I say that, I somehow think of Harley Quinn calling the Joker “Mr. J”.

“Say something?” Asphyxious asked as we were walking. I shook my head, cautiously following behind him as I kept my eyes open for any signs of trouble.

“So, did Ken warn you about anything that could still be down here?” Mr. A asked as he looked at some markings on a wall. I told him the exact same thing that he told me. That we shouldn’t have that much of a problem with what was going on because he, Applejack and Revaan had already cleared out a majority of the monsters in here. But the inscriptions on the wall though… that was something else.

“Interesting, I can’t read this just I feel like I should know it.” Mr. A said looking at them more closely. I wanted to usher him to try and display a little more caution, but karma in that instance, beat me to it. Mr. A fell in a hole, or should I say, the floor opened up under him. Swallowing him up as I heard him crash down below.

“You okay?” I asked, trying to see if I could hear a response from him.

“F*** this place with a rusty spoon!”

… Okay, what was he trying to say? You know what, screw it. “Do you need any help down there!?”

“No I’m good, let me think…” There was a long pass before he called back. “Yeah, I’m okay, interesting room though.”

A room? That sounded… new. “Hang on a second man. I’ll be right there.” I told him as I raced back over to where Revaan was so I can get his help. It took a little bit of work to find the dragon, but as soon as I mentioned Asphyxious, Revaan sighed.

“That idiot better not be causing anymore trouble.” He grumbled as we walked back over. Once I got back to the half dragon, I then called out to him.

“Hey Asphy… I can call you that, right?”

“Sure man! Had a little bug problem but it all good now!” He called back.

“Okay, we’ll try to find a way to help you out. I got Revaan with me, can you describe the location where you are at?” I hollered out to him.

“Well it a big room, lot of books, and bugs no wait.” I heard something give out a dying hiss. “Yeah dead bugs. And I feel a lot of magic in here, being careful not to use spells.” Given this, I originally thought that the room was some kind of library or study. But it seemed like Revaan had other ideas.

“Just stay there. I might have an idea of where you are at.” Revaan ushered as I followed him around to the back end of the barracks to one of the passageways that was blocked off by a set of encroaching vines. Heaving a little, Revaan breathed out a plume of red and orange flames as the vines withered away and the door that stood there now rolled off to the side and we soon saw the half dragon standing by himself next to a fire. “Thought so.”

Wait, what?

“Hey guys, lunch is almost ready.” Mr. A called out to us as he was reading a book. Once I reach him, I saw what he was cooking.

“You were originally an exterminator and now you’re cooking bug corpses? doesn’t that just sound messed up?” I asked.

“What? I was hungry besides part dragon remember.” Mr. A said as he cuts off a piece of meat and eats it. “Tests like crab. What some?”

“I just had breakfast, I’ll pass.” I insisted, not wanting to see what dead bug tasted like. All that did was make me think of the bizarre foods some people would go to eat at the state fair. “Anyways, did you possibly figure out where we are?”

“Not really but I think this place maybe a archive of some kind, had to deal with the bugs first.” Mr. A explained as he put the book back where he found it. “What I don’t understand is where this flow of magic is coming from?” Revaan though, just looked around as he took in the sights of everything around him and then muttered a few words to himself.

“Something on your mind big guy?” Mr. A asked walking up to Revaan.

Til Kos Kun.” I heard Revaan say, followed by the lighting of several torches that were on the walls that provided more light to the room.

“Interesting.” Mr. A said as he looked around. “What is this place?”

“This is the place where we used to keep many family secrets and historical references in regards to the Onyx Dragonkin. The library up above us is for more of the equestrian references, while down here is different.”

“I understand, I bet Twilight would have the time of her life trying to copy all this down.” Mr. A said with a smile on his face. I chuckled a bit as well as I looked around a little, only to realize something different… with what the dragon had said previously.

“Wait… what do you mean by different?”

“These texts are from the scribes of my kind and tell of my family's history. Therefore, they are more draconic than anything else out there.”

“It be like hearing about a historic place talked about by two different sides. On one they say they drove out an enemy, the other kicked out of the only place they knew as home.” Mr. A explained.

“My kinds history was not exactly like that, but you do bring up a good scenario, Asphyxious.” He told him.

“I’m a teacher now I have to find ways to explain things to my class in a way they can understand.” Asphyxious replied.

“True. But it rare to find these because of the amount of knowledge that is stored within the pages of one of these books,” He explained before placing one back on the shelf. “I will return here later. For right now, we should head back up to the surface. Surely I think Ken might be back after all the time we spent down here looking for secrets.”

“Alright I need to find out if he attacked Time or not. If he did I’m kicking him in the balls. Sorry about that Revaan.” Mr. A apologized to the dragon. By the time that we got back up though, we soon found a few ponies rushing in and out of the hospital in a dire panic and with it, Ken shortly was coughed out of a portal to where he was. Only to have his clothes covered in blood and dirt.

Point of View: Ken

Okay, just when I thought that I could finally catch a break from whatever the hell I was dragged into involving Time Spinner and with what happened, those were some memories that I rather forget. As I tried to rub off the dusty landing though, I noticed Asphyxious right next to where Aaron and Revaan were before they left in order for me to deal with the lich… great.

“Lucky me!” He yelled before almost kicking me in between the legs, if it weren’t for my arm blocking his leg. “That was for going off half cooked with Lance. Don’t worry I already had a talk with him.”

“Wait wha-?” I barely was able to register what was happening as I was communicating with him. I was freaking tired from the amount of energy I expended and now I was having to put every ounce of what I had left into concentrating with Asphyxious.

“Oh well there go my plan on stopping you. I guess I’ll settle for learning about that reality bubble thingy Lance told me about.” He said after crossing his arms and walking off. “Go get fix up and we’ll talk.” Taking the cue, I headed his words as I went to the bathroom in order to clean up my face and then change into a different pair of clothes. It took me ten to fifteen minutes in order for me to be ready, but once I was all focused, I returned back to see Asphyxious again. And something told me that he was not happy.

“I take it you just heard what Time said on a tape that Lance had right?” He asked calmly looking at me. “You also hurt Revan if I remember right.”

“Revan hurt Pinkis and she is carrying Applejack’s foal.” I told her. “I did what I thought I needed to do to protect her. Thank god that the foal wasn’t hurt.”

“I understand that, She was not in control of herself. But also my daughter is fine.” Asphyxious told me as he drinks some tea. “Time never planned to kill her, just take away her void powers. Time does not have much time left so I’m asking you to leave her be.”

I deeply sighed a little, looking back at him. “I’m sorry Asphy… it’s just… Pinkis and the Elements of Insanity are like family to me. Hell, Pinkis is my second marefriend. Remember how you were protective over your daughter on Christmas Eve?”

Asphyxious smiled at me in understanding. “Sounds like you have the beginning of a good hoard to me Ken. Say, want to see the eggs when they hatch? I think Sonay would like that. And it maybe good for you and AJ. Maybe I’ll bring Ava and Dox along.”

Well, that sounded reasonable. “Sure thing,” I replied, nodding my head a little as I looked back at him. “Again, sorry about my actions before. I still have to control some new abilities I have. Plus, I felt like I needed to help Pinkis the best I could around then.”

“I know, I just wished Time had a better plan then push those he care about away so they don’t see her die.” Asphyxious sighed as well after saying that. “It not easy getting old, I better get home I have a wedding to plan with my hoard mates. Later.” Asphyxious said as a portal opened up and he walked through. Once it closed a small note was left on the floor.

It reads. Remember to teach me how that Reality marble works I want one! All I did was roll my eyes as I looked back at the note. “In your dreams, Asphyxious.” Out of the set of new techniques he had learned, four of them were in the caliber of Unlimited Blade Works. There was Unlimited Blade Works, a reality marble that cuts off any perception of the real world around them. So basically, it’s the literal definition of the phrase I reject your reality and substitute it with my own. Trace I mainly use in close quarters combat, Caladbolg is a last resort bowman skill with a lot of firepower and the final ability is a defensive skill that had many layers to it. Almost like an onion, but without the dreadful effect on the eyes.

That when I noticed more on the note. P.S. I’m dating Lance daughter. Smiley face. Hang on a second, Lance has a daughter? … Seriously, what is his family like?!

Ignoring the stray thought, I went over to Revaan to catch up with him and see if anything new happened while I was away. Because if Asphyxious was doing something with Aaron, then they must’ve done something in order to kill the boredom other than talking or fighting one another. “Hey Revaan, anything interesting happen while I was gone?”

The dragon grinned a little, nodding his head for a brief moment before he began to explain. “Actually yes, Your friend Aaron and Asphyxious uncovered a new section of the temple while you were gone.” Revaan soon began to walk over past the barracks, surprising me a little as I looked back at him, but decided to keep calm and follow him into the newfound section of the temple that had yet to be seen by me until now. What I did find though… was quite breathtaking to say the least. Carvings of Dragons on the walls, written scriptures on bookshelves… almost anything that would remind me to have a “KEEP OUT” sign so Twilight doesn’t barge in here next time she visits.

“This is where the most ancient of family secrets is kept. Bloodlines of different generations, different kin. Everything all in one place. Of course though, you are the first one besides Aaron and myself in order to step in here.”

“What about Asphyxious?” I asked

“He fell down… let’s say it didn’t go so well for him,” The dragon sighed as we continued looking. However, with Revaan explaining to me more about his kind's history and all the different species and cultures, I became curious about some… other details while he was explaining all of this to me. Specifically with myself. The whole thing with being a Scalebound. Was it just to one specific type of dragon? Or was it something else I did not know about? …… Well, it can’t hurt to ask him right?

“Hey Revaan, can I ask you something?” I started off, taking a minute to form the second half of my statement before speaking again. “With all these different dragons out there… How rare is a Scalebound like myself?” Revaan closed his eyes, sighing deeply as he thought to himself before opening his eyes again.

“Ken, A Scalebound is seen as a myth and a legend in all dragon cultures. My father when I was younger was so stubborn that he dismissed the possibility of one existing… But there’s one thing about myths that always catches you by surprise,” He said to me as he raised a talon to his head. “Myths are just simply truths of stories that we’ve long forgotten.”

That… was a powerful statement. For a moment, I thought he turned into one of those enlightenment philosophers like Voltaire. But then again, it was Revaan. He was a dragon after all and he possibly knew more about it than anyone else here. This is his home after all.

At one point though, we came across a crystalline orb in the room that looked like one of those mythical crystal balls in the old cartoons back home. But as it turned out, this one resonated with energy that my arm could extract. I found that out for myself when I felt it surge around my hands and form a small dragon symbol in my hands. Which caused Revaan to smile a little as he looked at me. He named the small amount of energy Alok kun, which meant Rising Light in draconic and I can say that the name fit well. Now, I think with this, there was only one thing left to do with it and that was to try it outside. Given how destructive some of my other abilities had been, I rather not destroy anything precious in a place like this.

When outside, I channeled the newfound energy through my dragon arm as I shot my arm up, releasing it as it took form into a Dragon like beacon and soared into the night, shining brightly for several minutes like a star in the night sky. I was personally proud of myself for how successful I was and hopefully, it will get someone’s attention.

The newfound light that shined in the sky stretched out across the endless sea to the kingdoms beyond Equestria’s borders. But there was one kingdom specifically that it’s citizens looked at the rising light in the distance in awe over it’s beauty and grace. Unaware of it’s purpose… All except one.

That individual was none other than the Empress of the kingdom of Huoshan. One of over a few kingdoms in the country of Foenum. She knew the purpose that was the light in the sky and knew of it’s signs. What it meant. She knew about the legends of the Scalebound, but never thought that she would ever in her lifetime see the light of the dragon. Now, she called for her most decorated soldier for a very… special mission. And as the captain of the Dawn Guard trotted in, her fire like mane lit the once dim hallway as she kneeled before the Empress.

“You called me, Empress?”

“At ease, Captain,” The Empress insisted. “I have a mission for you that requires you to travel outside of Foenum’s borders. Do you think you are capable of undergoing such a task?”

The captain nodded, “Yes I believe so. What is my mission, your majesty?”

“Well, this one may seem… difficult to explain… Do you see the light in the sky?” She asked the guard, pointing to the light in the sky that twinkled with the stars. “Believe it or not, there is actually a purpose behind it, and it relates to one of the oldest legends in draconic culture as well as our own. The legend of the Scalebound.”

“The Scalebound?” She questioned. “I don’t mean to be so bold your majesty, but isn’t that merely a children's tale?”

“It is not merely a children’s tale. Myths are just simply truths of stories that we’ve long forgotten, captain.” She said, remembering the phrase passed down through the line of ancestors. “The light in the sky is living proof of it. You are to head towards it and find the Scalebound for yourself. I have faith in you, not just because you are the Dawn Guard captain and a key keeper, but because if anyone can do it, I believe you can.” With it, the captain saluted one last time, thanking the empress as she raced down the hall. The empress only had one thing left to say as she watched her leave.

“May the stars watch over you on your journey, Tianhuo.”

End Chapter 15

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