• Published 8th Oct 2015
  • 8,452 Views, 32 Comments

Luna's treats. - MrAquino

A Hungry Princess Luna enters a new world and finds some delicious treats: 6 Human teenagers in costume at Halloween night.

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Luna's Treats

It was another Nightmare Night for Princess Luna; each year, she'd scare the little foals & ponies at local cities & towns. Luna enjoyed her time scaring the ponies; their screams gave her a rush of adrenaline that just wanted to make her scare more unsuspecting ponies, especially whenever there's a stallion or colt who says they're not afraid of anything. While it's fun, the hardest part for her is when it got really late and the ponies had to go to sleep, especially when there was school the following morning. Luna, however, decided to try something different this nightmare night, and promised to make it up next Nightmare Night. She stood in front of the magical mirror, unsure if it'll work or not, but she used her horn and casted a spell on it. A portal appeared in the mirror and Luna smiled to herself. She took her first step, but stopped as she heard a creek.

"Luna?" Celestia's voice asked. Luna turned and, entering the room, was Princess Celestia, her elderly sister & overall ruler of Equestria. "Sister? What are you doing with the magical mirror." Luna stared right back, but cleared her throat.

"Celestia," Luna answered "we know that there are other worlds, and for this year, I would like to see what the human's do for Nightmare Night."

"You're curious on what humans do at this day?"

"Precisely, sister." Celestia sighed to herself

"Do you know if this will work? For all we know, you could be captured, enslaved, or killed when you enter their universe."

"I appreciate your concern, sister, but you know me more than a damsel in distress. I will go ahead and look around for a bit, and when I've seen enough, I will head back to Equestria."

"And what'll happens if the portal closes? Twilight went in there and all of her magic was gone" Luna stared for a moment, then tapped her right forehoof on her chin. She then gasped and casted a spell around herself.

"There! I've casted a shield spell around me, so I'll still have my magic, but I'll be able to blend in with the residents. If the portal closes, then I can rapidly move the moon until the portal reopens again. Plus, I will not get hurt, along with the residents How does that sound, sister?" Celestia sighed to herself

"Alright, I guess that will do. And do you want anything before going?"

"I will be fine, sister. If I need something to eat, there should be plenty of candy."

"That's...very unhealthy, sister. But if you're sure, this is just for one night, okay? Come back as soon as possible."

"I will! Thank you and have a happy Nightmare Night."

"Same as to you, Luna." She smiled. Luna took a deep breath and walked into the portal, not stopping as her curiosity got the best of her.

11 o'clock, P.M. Earth:

Six humans, three teenage men and three teenage women, walked together. Their names were Jack, dressed as a piece of candy, Samantha, as a teacher, Carlos, a superhero, Jessica, an actor, Billy, a king, and Emily, dressed up as Princess Luna. All of them were heading toward's Emily's home, who's parents were away for the week, and all came from a party held by a popular classmate. Emily held a plastic pumpkin filled with a lot of candy bars. They were walking through a neighborhood that has yet to be constructed, with the only thing surrounding them were some lit streetlights, some houses under construction, and the hooting of owls in some trees & the screeches of bats.

"Man," Carlos spoke "that party was awesome! I can't believe you won, Emily!" Emily blushed a bit.

"Oh, it was nothing." She replied

"Nothing!?" Samantha replied "You were spot on as how you could turn a pony into a human."

"Not to mention," Jessica added "you put a lot of work into that costume for the past month."

"Yeah," Jack added, though his voice was muffled under the tin foil covered & painted over carboard box "unlike me; I worked on this for the past few days."

"At least you made yours." Billy remarked "I just bought mine at a store."

"With my money you borrowed." Carlos replied with a chuckle.

"But you look very fitting for a king." Emily spoke to Billy "A very cute king, might I add." She kissed Billy's right cheek, making him blush.

"Emily," he whined "not in front of everyone else."

"Oh please, it's not like something's going to land in front of us." A giant, blue swirling portal opened a few meters from them, followed by something coming out of it.

"You shouldn't have said that!" Samantha yelled.

Luna exited the portal, but felt her body change all over. It wasn't painful, but it was a weird feeling all over her body. The humans watched as Luna exited out of the portal; she had the body, the hands, and the feet of a human, as well as a black t-shirt with a crescent moon below her breast area, and matching shorts that stopped at her knees, also with a crescent moon on both hips. Though human looking, six things told them that she wasn't human; Her head was equine looking, she has a horn sticking out of said head, wings flared out of her back, she had a mane & tail that looked as if it had the night sky & flowed on it's own, her head & body was covered in midnight blue fur, and, the thing that really helped made these things stuck out, was the fact that she was gargantuan!

Is this the human world? Luna thought to herself Everything seems so empty and... small. Luna examined her new body, first looking at her hands. "Wha-What are these!?" She wiggled her fingers around. "This is... interesting." She looked down, seeing her body. "And what's this on me!? And what is it covering?" She looked down, seeing her new feet, and wiggled her new toes. "This is incredible! What about my face?" Luna used her new hands and began to touch her face, pleasantly surprised at both the fact her hand were much more sensitive than her old hooves and that her face didn't change. "Alright, same muzzle... mane... horn... wings and tail?" She turned around, seeing her wings and tail. "Huh... not going to complain, but excellent! Now what do humans do on Nightmare Night?" She took a step but tripped and fell. "WHOAH!!!"

As Luna examined her new body, the humans below just watched and stared.

"Tell me I'm not the only one seeing this." Jessica spoke, shaking her head.

"I see it too." Carlos replied

"Is that really Princess Luna?" Billy asked

"How can that happen!?" Samantha asked "She's from a cartoon show!"

"I don't care how it's possible," Jack said "what I want to know is why is she not a horse?"

"Alicorn." Emily corrected, but squeed. "Oh my god! Luna's here!!! She's actually here!!! This is the best Halloween ever!!! We gotta talk to her!!!"

"And how are we going to do that!?" Samantha asked

"WHOAH!!!" Princess Luna's booming voice yelled as she fell. They froze and Luna's face just landed a few feet away from them, blowing a really strong wind that knocked Jack to the floor & literally blew him a few feet away, landing him unconscious, though everyone else stood their ground with Carlos' cape flowing and both Emily & Billy holding onto their crowns, though Emily still held onto the bowl she won. Surprisingly, despite Luna being a giant & falling hard, the floor didn't shake and cause an earthquake from the impact, nor were any of the houses or cars blown away. Luna grunted to herself, both of her hands going back to her and readjusted herself, halfway getting up. As she readjusted herself, the group noticed that her index fingers were both about as long as any of them standing. "Ugh, thank goodness for that shield spell." Luna looked down and noticed the group of humans standing together. "...Huh?"

"Princess Luna!" Emily yelled, running to Luna, hopping up & down in excitement while holding onto her bucket of candy. Luna stared blankly, but readjusted herself to sit with her legs crossed. She then placed her left hand on the floor, palm up, allowing Emily to climb. Emily happily climbed onto Luna's palm, hyperventilating excitedly. Luna lifted her hand and brought the small human to her face.

"Who are you?" Emily's heart skipped a beat and she felt like like fainting.

"Oh man, Princess Luna, I am your BIGGEST FAN!!! Please, let me introduce myself; my name's Emily, and down there are my friends Jack, Samantha, Carlos, Jessica, and, my boyfriend, Billy." Luna looked down at her, but smiled. She carefully used her right index finger and touched Emily's head, feeling the small human. Emily giggled, feeling small & inferior, but protected and praised at the same time.

"I am quite flattered, Emily. You really are adorable."

"Thank you, princess!" Luna looked at the others, but frowned.

"Where's the fifth? There's only four of you, where's the fifth?" Emily looked down, seeing only four of her friends standing together.

"Where's Jack, guys?" They looked around.

"He was here a minute ago!" Jessica replied.

"Look for him! We can't embarrass ourselves in front of Princess Luna herself!"

"Do not worry, Emily, if he ran scared, I too would've done the same if I encountered a giant." Emily let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh... alright. I hope he didn't run from you, though; Jack's always been calm, even when we all were freaking out."

"Hm, he sounds like a great friend. Emily, tell me, how do you know me despite us not meeting each other?"

"Oh! That!? Well, you see-"

*~Growl!~* Everyone froze and looked at Luna. Luna had a noticeable blush on her cheeks, followed by a nervous chuckle.

"Excuse me, I must be a lot more hungrier than I thought. Do any of you have something for me to eat?" The group stood and rubbed the back of their head, not sure what to do with the hungry, giant princess human-Alicorn. Emily showed her prize.

"Here you go, this might help." Luna looked down the plastic pumpkin and took a good whiff of it. Were Luna to sniff harder, then Emily may have been sucked into Luna's nostril. Luna then licked her lips and levitated Emily's prize right out of her hand. She watched as Luna tossed the entire prize, not just the candy, into her maw and chew it like it was nothing. Luna swallowed the prize whole and let out a sigh of relief. *~Growl!~* Luna grunted to herself.

"Thank you for that, but I fear it's not enough." She looked up, but stopped as she saw a huge piece of candy, about slightly bigger than Emily herself. "But perhaps that will." Luna's horn glowed again and she levitated the big piece of 'candy' to her. Unbeknownst to Luna, she was actually carrying an unconscious Jack, who had tucked his legs inside his costume as some sort of bed. Emily gasped

"Princess Luna! Wait! Don't eat that! That's-"

"Giving me the small candy but keeping the big one for yourself?" Luna chuckled as she placed Emily back onto the floor "You're lucky that I don't eat you as punishment."

"LUNA!!! Listen!!! That's-"

"~AHH!~" Jack regained his consciousnesses. His vision was a bit blurry at first, but it soon got better. He looked through his costume's eyes, seeing he was turning around in the air. Curiously, he turned around, only to see Luna's open mouth, dripping with saliva from the roof to the bottom, perfectly white teeth, a pink tongue sticking out like a red rug, and warm air being blown out from the back of a deep, pitch black throat with a saliva covered uvula dangling over it.

"...WHAT THE-!?" He managed to say.

"NOM!!!" Luna began to taste the awful flavor of cardboard, almost making her spit the costume & Jack out, but froze & shivered, followed by a moan of pleasure. Everyone stood in complete shock and horror, remaining silent as Luna was tasting Jack.

"LET ME OUT!!! LET ME OUT!!!" Jack was tossed around inside Luna's mouth, the sound of various squishes & loud clanging of her teeth mashing together as Luna tossed him around & tried to chew him. His costume was durable during the party, but the cardboard began to weaken, and he felt himself landing onto one of Luna's back molars. He got out of his costume and landed back onto Luna's tongue, watching as his costume was chewed up into bits, but felt the place shaking with the sound of Luna's moan coming from the back of her throat. Luna began to open & shut her mouth, tossing Jack again, forcing him to grab onto her tongue and hold on for dear life, watching Luna's mouth open & close multiple times, sucking in cool wind multiple times and taunting him of his escape. Luna then opened her mouth wide, her tongue extending out, but curved upward to keep Jack from falling out. Jack felt the cool wind across his body and looked around, seeing his friends standing & shaking with fear. "...Help." He managed to whimper. Luna's tongue went back in and she tilted her head back. Jack felt the place tilt, and though the place was dark, he looked behind him and saw Luna's throat opening up, ready to accept him. He felt himself begin to slide down, making him scream while trying to grab onto something to prevent where he was heading. The tongue was just too slippery for him to hold on, the tip of the tongue & her teeth were too far away, and uvula dripped with saliva, leaving no chance to hang on for life without slipping. He screamed as soon as the throat caught his feet.

"~Gulp!~" The group of humans gasped and watched as Jack was a moving lump in Luna's throat & slowly heading to her stomach. Luna placed her right index finger & middle finger on the bulge of Jack and helped him go down much faster into her stomach, stopping as her hands reached her breasts. She felt Jack land in her stomach and giggled, feeling Jack running around & banging on her stomach wall. "Oh my... he was delicious!" She looked at the humans, who slowly took some steps back. Her tongue stuck out and she began to smack her lips "I'm still hungry, though. Perhaps all of you can help?"

"RUN!!!" Jessica yelled. The whole group ran away from Luna, all screaming for their lives.

I gotta capture them all! Luna thought to herself If there are more Humans... wait... that'd be good! Or... maybe not. I can't afford a wide-spread panic; they'll use all of their might against me, and Twilight never told me what they were capable of. She pondered for a second, then got an idea! She concentrated her magic and placed a "group only" talk spell, something she and Celestia loved to do when they wanted to chat with each other and not have their parents interrupt them. She also casted invisible barriers around each house, something that'll both deafen the screams of these humans and knock them back if they tried to enter a house. There, now no else will come & help them... and perhaps not become another treat. *~Growl!~* Her stomach growled again. Luna looked down and patted her belly. "Don't worry, small one." She spoke in a motherly voice "You won't be alone for long; your friends will join you soon enough."

The group ran together and noticed a blue aura surrounding their heads before disappearing.

"What was that!?" Carlos asked

"I don't care!" Billy yelled "Just run!!!"

"How can she do that!?" Emily yelled "She just ate Jack! She swallowed him whole!!! I thought she was a friend!"

"Well your 'friend' is hunting us down now!" Jessica quipped.

"I didn't know this would happen! I thought she was going to take us to Equestria or something!"

"Look, let's just head to your house and hide until she's gone." Billy spoke as the leader. He stopped and looked around. "Where's Samantha?"

Samantha was far behind, struggling to catch her breath.

"I... should... have... took... those... classes." She breathed out. She looked up, seeing her friends running back to her. "Don't worry! ... Just... let me catch my... breath!"

"Look out behind you!!!" Carlos yelled. Samantha turned around and froze as she saw herself looking up to the giant Human-Alicorn. The human took a few steps back, but tripped and fell on her back. Luna chuckled to herself, lifting her right foot and slowly descended it onto Samantha. Samantha backed away as fast as she could, but felt herself trapped in between Luna's big toe and the rest of her feet. She struggled to get out, but Luna's foot had pinned her down, not crushing her luckily. She watched as her friends ran from the sight, leaving her alone with the hungry princess.

"Gotcha!" Luna teased. She curled her toes and carefully picked up Samantha with it. Luna balanced on her left leg as she turned her right leg to face her, then carefully, using her left thumb & index finger, took Samantha from her momentary prison by holding her legs. Samantha dangled upside down, her fake glasses falling off, and feeling herself rise while still being held. She began to hyperventilate, wanting to scream for help, but knew no one was around to help. "Don't be scared, little one. You and your friends will be together again." Samantha looked down, seeing Luna had tilted her head up and opened her mouth wide, webs of saliva connecting between the roof of the mouth to the long tongue sticking out. She felt herself going in the warm, humid maw, but not being dropped in. She entered Luna's maw, followed by the lips closing, though her fingers never released, allowing some light to enter. Luna's tongue began to slobber Samantha's face & chest, examining her taste & covering her in spit. The sight of the tongue slobbering her face, the dark abyss that was Luna's throat, and the shaking with noise of Luna's muffled giggle, was enough for Samantha to be in so much shock, she became unconscious. Luna took the human from her mouth, seeing she was fast asleep. "Such a shame, your friend's movements were quite ticklish." She tossed Samantha into her mouth, sucked on her like a hard candy, and with one quick movement, Luna tilted her head & swallowed Samantha whole. "~Gulp!~". Unlike Jack, Samantha didn't struggle at all and went down fast without Luna having to push her down. She felt Samantha land in her stomach, though she didn't move at all. Luna rubbed her belly again as she walked to find the others. "Mmm... I probably should've started with her; she came down like a glass of warm milk."

The four humans ran and hid under the park's playground gym. They caught their breaths and watched in silence as Luna walked by them, still not sure how her steps aren't causing earthquakes. Emily rolled herself into a circle, noticeably whimpering to herself

"This is crazy!" Jessica yelled "We've got to get outta here before one of us is next!"

"Quiet!" Billy yelled "Do you want to get caught and eaten yourself!?"

"No! Ugh, this is beyond the worst Halloween ever!!! And this is your fault, Emily!"

"I didn't know this would happen!!!" Emily yelled back "And if Jack hadn't been a piece of candy, then we'd be fine!"

"Or she would've seen us as a snack herself! You brought this upon us!"

"Oh! Sure! I brought a giant Alicorn to our world just to eat us all! How smart of me!"

"~Hello!~" Luna's voice broke through the sky "Where are you four? Your friends are getting lonely in here and wish for you to come in." They froze and remained as still as possible. Emily's whimpering continued, but not as loud. "Oh, fine. I guess some of these other humans will do. These nice, innocent, sleeping humans in their homes will do." Curiously, they crawled to see Luna standing over a two story house, looking through it's top window.

"She's bluffing." Carlos spoke. As he said that, Luna leaned down and tapped at the window

"She can't be!" Emily added. Luna stepped to the side as a light was turned on inside, and a small girl, roughly ten years old, opened the window.

"Oh no!" Billy added. Luna licked her lips again, gently leaning on the house and ready to snag the ten year old girl. Carlos ran out of their hiding spot!

"Carlos!" Jessica yelled

"Get out of here!!!" He yelled "Run!!!" Luna stopped and pulled her hand back, seeing Carlos run near her area. The three ran the other way.

"Let's head to Emily's house!" Billy suggested.

"Screw you guys!" Jessica snapped "She can enjoy you two! I'm heading home!" She ran away from the two and headed another way. The girl rubbed her eyes & shut her windows, turning off the lights and going back to sleep. Luna stepped back into the opening, stopping Carlos in his tracks.

"You want me!?" Carlos taunted "Come and get it!" He began to run the other way. Luna smiled.

"With pleasure." Luna purred. She began her chase with Carlos, walking after him without the need to run. Carlos ran as fast as he could. Unbeknownst to him, as he ran across a corner, he kocked over & fell onto Jessica, who also just turned the corner, though not as fast.

"Carlos!?" She asked

"Run!!!" Carlos replied, rolling himself off and sprinting. Luna turned around the corner and found the two. Jessica quickly got up and ran for her life, catching up to Carlos.

"You idiot! Now we're gonna die!!!"

"Just keep running! We can head to-" A large flash of light came in front of them, and they were both blinded monetarily, falling to the floor. Their vision came back, and Luna stood right in front of them! Before they could react, Luna reached down and grabbed them both; Carlos in her left hand and Jessica in her right. Both struggled to be free with their arms pinned to their side as Luna had both in a fist.

"Oh my," Luna commented, looking at Carlos "you really are a hero, aren't you? I'm quite impressed, actually. Very noble indeed." She turned to Jessica "And you, running away from your friends so quickly? Such a shame." ~Growl!~ "Oh yes, almost forgot; your friends are waiting for you inside and which one of you will fill me up first?" Jessica struggled and successfully got her right arm out

"Eat him!" Jessica pleaded, pointing at Carlos "Please, don't eat me! I have a lot to live for!"

"So do I!" Carlos yelled back "You snapped at Emily for something she didn't do!"

"She might have without us noticing, Carlos! And have you singed up with any university at all because you were the smartest of all your peers? I think not, and so far, I believe that it's my right to-"

"Ugh!" Luna groaned. She tossed Jessica into her mouth and began to toss her around. Jessica felt Luna's mouth tossing her around. She stood on the tongue, trying her best to balance, and made her way to Luna's front teeth. Luna felt Jessica move, so she stopped and made her tongue find Jessica. Jessica watched as the tongue snaked her way around across the maw, and cringed when it touched her stomach and slowly went up to the left side of her face. Luna murred at the flavor and continued to lick Jessica. The human turned around and banged on Luna's teeth, though cringed at Luna's tongue licking her back.

"Ech! Wait!... I didn't get to finish!... Let me go! I-I know where the others are going! If you eat me, then they'll... escape!" Luna's ears perked as she heard Jessica's pleas from outside, stopping herself from licking her and placed Carlos into her cleavage. She opened her mouth and pulled Jessica out with her right hand's fingers. Jessica felt the cool wind hitting her and Luna's fingers grasping her, but was disgusted at all of the saliva on her.

"Care to explain?" Luna asked.

"I-I know where Emily and Billy are heading! They're going to Emily's house to hide from you, believing you would go away in the morning!"

"And why didn't you join them?"

"Because she's a traitor!" Carlos yelled.

"Shut up!" Jessica yelled back "I figured Emily may have brought you here by... something, and I wanted to stay in my house until you were gone." Luna stared at her, then chuckled.

"Well, sorry to say, but you're wrong about that. I came here to see what you humans did on Nightmare Night."

"...Nightmare Night?"

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that I need to find them. If you help me find them, then I won't eat you, got it?" Jessica nodded.

"Yes ma'am! Anything for you!"

"If you mislead me from them, then I will personally chew you up into pieces then swallow you, got it?" Jessica sweated but rapidly nodded. Luna smirked and placed Jessica on her muzzle "Good. But I am still hungry, and I think your friend here will be an excellent replacement." Luna pulled Carlos out of her cleavage, both arms onto his side by her fingers, and opened her mouth, showing him the inside of her mouth. "~AHH!~" Carlos watched as he was slowly heading towards the drooling maw of the giant, humanoid Alicorn, ready to swallow him whole. He struggled to free himself, but found it of no use as he felt her warm breath hitting his face & body. Luna closed her lips around Carlos and began to suck on him like a lollipop, only his legs were outside, kicking while she licked his face & body inside her mouth. In a few moments, she slurped Carlos in and lifted him with her tongue, pressing his small frame onto the bony ridges of her upper mouth in between her large, wet tongue. Carlos pushed himself out, though, and made a dash for Luna's teeth, grabbing the top front teeth and began to part her mouth open. Luna had a surprised look as she felt her mouth being parted open by a small human, who let out a victorious laugh.

"Yes!" Carlos cheered "I will not get eaten today!"

"Ha Heh hoo hihhah." Luna spoke as Carlos still held it open, placing her right hand on her hip. Carlos peeked his head out and looked up to Jessica.

"What did she say?" Luna's left index finger began to snake it's way up.

"You may wanna focus." Jessica offered, covering her ears.

"What do you-OOF!!!" Luna's finger pushed Carlos back into her mouth, making him slide to the edge of her throat. She closed her maw, tilted her head back, and swallowed Carlos in a single succession. Carlos struggled in her throat, wedging himself in for a few moments until Luna used her fingers to loosen him & guide him down into her stomach.

"As I said," Luna spoke, rubbing her belly. "I beg to differ." she looked at Jessica. "Now, the others?"

"Yes ma'am!" Jessica replied anxiously, pointing to her right. Luna followed and walked to Emily's directions.

Billy and Emily stood in front of her house, trying to fit the key in correctly in near total darkness.

"I can't see a thing!" Billy yelled

"You think I don't know that!" Emily yelled back, sweating hard "Oh God, All our friends are dead! I think Jessica's right; I summoned Luna and she's going to kill us all! Now she's dead because of me!"

"Emily! Listen to yourself! Do you really believe that you summoned Luna to kill us all!? That is nothing like you! It was an accident, and I'm sure that if Jack weren't a dressed as a piece of Candy, we'd show her around town and have her dine on something good."

"But what's not from saying she'd eat us EVEN if Jack weren't a piece of candy!?"

"I'm certain that no one goes and eats anything around them if they go hungry." He took a deep breath. "Look, you're scared, and so am I, but we have to stick together and wait this out."

"But what about everyone else around here? Won't she eat them?"

"Would the real Luna do that?" Emily went silent and stared. Billy gave her a hug, and she hugged back. "It's okay. Let's head inside and we'll wait this out."

"Inside is right," Luna's voice spoke, causing both to freeze and turn to her. "but not in your house." On Luna's muzzle, Jessica stood.

"There they are!" she pointed "See, like I said! I've fulfilled my end of the bargain, now you fulfill yours! Let me go and I'll pretend this never happened!"

"Jessica!?" Emily yelled

"Y-You lead her here!?" Billy added"

"I wanna live!" Jessica retorted, turning to Luna's eyes "Please! Have them! They're all yours!" Luna tapped her right index finger finger on her chin, thinking to herself.

"...Nay." she replied. Jessica stared with her left eye twitching.

"D-did you say no... or was that a horse pun? I hope that was a horse pun, because I remembered that-AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Luna quickly flicked her muzzle, firing Jessica into the air, and opened her mouth wide. Jessica fell into Luna's open maw and was quickly swallowed, becoming a lump that went down just as fast as she fell. Luna chuckled to herself and rubbed her belly.

"The only thing I promised was that I'd chew you if you didn't lead me to them, and even then, you never had me pinkie promise. For a smart girl, you didn't think about that." She chuckled at her own comment and looked at the couple.

"GET IT OPEN!!!" Billy yelled in fear. "QUICKLY!!!"

"I'M TRYING!!!" Emily yelled back, trying to find the right key for her front door. Luna giggled at the two and began to walk towards them, knowing what's going to happen next. Emily found the key to her house and opened the door. "In the cellar!!!" She ran into her house, only to be thrown right out by an invisible force field.

"What the-!?" Billy kicked in the air, but was retaliated by the force field, blowing him back by a few inches. "You've got to be kidding me!!!" Emily found herself under Luna's shadow and began to crawl back to her house & Billy.

"I'm flattered that you think you can escape," Luna said, crouching and reaching her right hand to the crawling woman "but I don't want to skip another treat nor wish to destroy anyone's house, especially my biggest fan." Luna grabbed Emily by the back of her shirt with her thumb & index finger, and began to lift her into the air.

"BILLY!!!" Emily screamed, her arms and legs flailing. Billy turned to see Luna lifting Emily from the floor and made a mad dash for her, grabbing onto Emily's legs.

"I got you!" He spoke.

"Mm, I suppose you'll meet your friend first." Luna taunted, standing straight up and lifting the couple in the air, opening her drooling mouth wide & ready to receive Billy. "~AHH!~". Emily and Billy gasped as they looked down into Luna's maw, seeing her throat opening wide, ready to accept Billy.

"Don't let go!" Emily yelled "Hold on!"

"I can't!" Billy replied "My hands! They're... getting... sweaty!!!" He dropped but grabbed Emily's shoes.

" Don't look down! Whatever you do, don't look down!" Billy looked down, feeling the warm wind blow onto his body from Luna's throat. His sweaty hands made him slowly drop.

"Emily! There's... something I've always wanted to tell you!"

"Now's not the time! We're going to survive, we're-!"

"~AHH!!!~" Luna blow another blast of warm air, this one more powerful and made Billy quickly lose his grasp.

"I love you." Emily's shoes came off and Billy fell into Luna's open mouth!

"BILLY!!!" Emily yelled. Billy screamed as he fell down. Luna lunged her head forwards and clashed her teeth together as he passed her teeth, followed by her quickly swallowing him. Emily watched in terror as Billy was nothing more than a bulge in Luna's throat and quickly disappeared as soon as he fell into her chest. "B-Billy."

"~Hic!~" Luna hiccuped, causing her to bounce. She quickly blushed and covered her mouth. "Oh, excuse me, that usually happens when I've eaten too fast and almost full." She looked at the shaking human in between her fingers, smiling and licking her lips. "And I believe you can finish filling me up, Emily. How about you and I fine somewhere that's a bit more private?" Before Emily could answer, Luna flapped her wings and flew into the sky, finding herself a sizable cloud, and sat on it with her legs dangling over the edge. The moon's light was on Luna's front, making the humanoid Alicorn look really beautiful, but also frightening to Emily as she knew what Luna was going to do with her. Luna carried Emily to her mouth and opened wide, blowing warm air out from her throat. The moonlight showed Luna's mouth much brighter, with her red colored muscles, her huge, pink tongue, added with very white & clean teeth with webs of saliva that connected connected from the roof to the tongue and almost sparkled like diamonds. Emily froze with fear as her bare feet touched the tip of Luna's tongue. Luna murred to herself and closed her lips, tasting Emily's legs. Though it was ticklish to the touch, making Emily giggle a bit and Luna smiled, it didn't last long as Luna began to slurp Emily into her mouth. Emily's momentary happienes quickly went away, and she looked ahead in fear as the princess of the night slowly but steadily slurped her inside her mouth. Emily placed her hands on Luna's lips, hoping it was enough to keep her outside, but it wasn't to be, as she was slurped in entirely. Luna's teeth began to mash together, though the tongue moved, keeping Emily in the center as she was tossed around. Luna moaned to herself, taking her time with Emily's sweet flavor, moving her and placing her benearth her own tongue.The tongue heavy, but not crushing, and Emily, feeling around, felt Billy's crown as the tongue got off her. She snagged the fake crown as the tongue pushed her back to Luna's front teeth, where it began to taste her face area.

"Billy," Emily whimpered to herself "Jack... Samantha... Carlos... Jessica... I'm sorry." Tears fell out of her eyes as she fell and the tongue kept lapping at her face. Luna enjoyed Emily's taste, but stopped as something was off.

Strange, Luna thought to herself They weren't this salty, and Emily sure wasn't when she landed. She stopped moved Emily to the center of her mouth, stopped, then heard it; Emily was crying. Luna lifted her right hand up & opened her mouth, extending her tongue out and carried Emily out. She looked at Emily, seeing her covered in her own spit, her costume ruined, tears fell down her face as she was rolled into a ball and she held onto the fake crown Billy wore. "Emily?" Luna asked, sounding very concerned.

"...Why?" Emily asked with a sniffle "Why did you do it?"

"Emily, I have no idea what you're-"

"YOU ATE MY FRIENDS!!! YOU HUNTED US DOWN AND KILLED US!!! WHY'D YOU STOP AT ME!?!?!? END IT!!! I DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!!" Luna's head reeled back as her ears fell to the side. She had taken this too far, even if the first was an accident.

"Emily, I know this is hard to explain, but your friends are fine."

"No! They're not! I summoned you somehow, you acquired the taste for human flesh, and I have to suffer for this! They're dead; digested by your stomach so you can devour and kill every last man, woman, and child!"

"What!? Emily, you didn't summon me, I came here myself; I was curious on what humans did for Nightmare Night, meet you & your friends, and made a little game out of it."

"...You played on who lives and dies!?"

"No! Look, Jack was an honest mistake; I really did thought he was a piece of candy at my size, and he really did taste good, but I knew he was a living creature and I didn't want to harm him."

"Then... why did you swallow him?"

"I have a shield spell around me, inside and outside. The shield spell is why I am still able to do my magic in your world and, as a safety method, protects me inside from anything I eat, including living creatures. If I swallow anything alive, accident or on purpose, they'll be inside my stomach unharmed as long as the spell is in effect, and, as you heard, it makes me feel full, especially when there's multiple creatures around."

"So... we'll just be in there, unharmed?"


"Well... what about the other things you said? Were you really going to eat that child and chew Jessica if she didn't lead you to us?"

"Oh heavens no! The child was just a bluff I did to bring one of you out; I'd never do anything harmful to something so young, sweet, and innocent! If none of you came out, she would've just shrugged and gone to bed; the spell I casted was to make us invisible & deaf to the public. As for your other friend, Jessica, I only said that to have her cooperate, since I had no idea where you two were at. If she had lead me somewhere else, I was going to swallow her, not chew her; blood just tastes nasty and I don't want to kill anyone. Besides, my invisible force fields would've told me where you were at."

"So that's why I couldn't get into my house." Luna nodded and Emily stared at her again, rubbing the back of her head. "Uh... Luna?"


"I'm not calling you a liar, but... if what you said is true... can you prove it?" Luna stared at Emily blankly

"What do you mean?"

"Can you bring one of my friends out, Jack really, and show that they're not digested." Luna tapped her chin with her left hand.

"I... don't suppose you have soda that I can drink that?" Emily shook her head. "Oh... and my teleportation spell really isn't that great... here, this should help." Luna lowered her hand with Emily on it and stopped at her chest area, looking at the moon on her shirt, just right below her breasts. "It's going to be muffled, but listen carefully." Emily stared for a minute, the blushed.

"Uh... Luna, is it alright if you lift your shirt?"

"My shirt?"

"What you're wearing right now." Luna stared blankly.

"...So that's what I'm wearing?" Using her free hand, Luna lifted her shirt, showing her belly & belly button. Emily walked to Luna's belly, seeing that, like her head & arms, was covered by blue fur, and touched it, hearing Luna let out a giggle that caused the place to shake a bit. While the fur was noticeable, it felt felt like that of a cat and the skin itself was actually really soft, but firm, almost like a pillow that never lost it's shape at all. Emily placed her right ear on Luna's belly, hearing the stomach let out a gurgle that almost sounded like a 'hello!', almost as if the organ noticed her and was being welcoming.

"Hello? Guys? Are you in there?" Some gurgling was heard, but followed by some splashing inside that made Luna giggle.

"Emily!?" Billy's muffled voice asked. Emily gasped and reeled her head back, but placed it back on Luna's belly.

"Billy!? Is that you!? Are you alright!?"

"Emily! Oh man, it's so good to hear you! Look, I don't have much time, but you need to-"

"Is everyone else in there!?"

"Yes, but look, I don't know how much time we have left, but you need to-"

"Calm down, Bill," Jack's voice spoke "I've been here all night and nothing bad has happened."

"Jack!" Emily exclaimed "Oh, it's so good to hear your voice! What happened!?"

"Well, you saw how I was swallowed whole already, but when you all ran, Luna and I, we just talked to each other."

"You... talked?"

"I was freaking out, but Luna helped me calm down and reassure everyone that, as soon as they landed in here, nothing bad is going to happen, right guys!?"

"Yeah!" Carlos agreed inside "You've got to try this out, Emily! Her stomach is almost like a hot tub!"

"Yeah," Samantha added with a nervous chuckle "it's... something. I feel like I'm in danger, yet, at the same time, I feel safe."

"Just be glad I was here to help you out." Jack replied. "Otherwise, you might've drowned in her stomach acids."

"GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!" Jessica yelled, banging on the stomach walls and having Luna's belly skin bulge out with each hit "This feels so disgusting and weird and... how are we even alive!?!?!?"

"Oh Jessica," Emily replied "I was worried about you for a minute there... up until you lead Luna to us, that is."

"I was tricked! Used out of fear! I didn't want to die!"

"And I forgive you for that. Being inside seems like a fitting punishment for ratting us out." Jessica growled and stormed away.

"So are you joining us or what?" Jack asked "We would like to see the champion of both the costume contest AND this game of cat and mouse!" Luna's hand rose with Emily, stopping as the two looked into each other's eyes.

"Would you like to be with your friends, now?" Luna asked with a smile "I'm nearly full and they'd like to see their winner." Emily blushed at Luna's words, still feeling a bit scared, but a lot more calm now, hearing her friends were alive and regained her favorite princess again.

"In a moment," Emily replied "but, I need to do something first."

"Oh? And what is that?"

"Open your mouth wide, okay?"


"Just trust me, this'll be quick." Luna blinked, but went with it. She opened her mouth wide, and brought Emily close to it. Emily felt Luna's breath hitting her, delivering warmth with the hint of candy in her breath. Leaning down, Emily took a deep breath, and walked into Luna's mouth. Luna's pupils widened, followed by them shrinking as she let out a moan of pleasure, but had to keep her mouth wide open for Emily inside. Emily walked on Luna's tongue, hearing her feet squish with each step & Luna's moan coming from the very back of her throat. She soon had to crawl to the very back, seeing Luna's throat move in & out as she breathed. She took out Billy's crown and held it over the entrance to Luna's throat. "Say 'ahh'!"

"~Ahh!~" Emily watched in awe as Luna's throat opened wide, showing the abyss that was her stomach. She released Billy's crown and watched in awe as it fell deep into Luna's throat, disappearing fully, followed by a satisfying 'splash!'. Emily looked up, seeing Luna's uvula in front of her; she reached out and grabbed it, followed by hugging it, not caring if saliva landed on her face & body. Luna couldn't help but smile, feeling Emily hug her from inside. "Hehhy hoo hehah?"

"I am!" Emily scooted back to the entrance, but rested on her back, feet facing Luna's throat. Luna closed her mouth, tilted her head, and swallowed, placing her two fingers below the bulge in her throat, slowing it down before it disappeared into her stomach. The first thing Emily felt was how tight the throat muscles were around her; while it pinned her arms to her side, she could still breath and the throat felt more like a relaxing massage than crushing. She felt Luna place her fingers below her, slowing her descent and allowing her to have more of the relaxing throat massage across her body. She heard the squishing noises around her, followed by the slow, rhythmic beat of Luna's heart on her right side, which calmed her down greatly. Luna's fingers went away, and Emily felt her feet dangle in an open area, followed by her legs, her body, and soon, she free fell and landed in what felt like a really warm pool that reached up to her thighs. Looking around, the stomach was fairly dark, but she could that is was bowl shaped, the walls were slowly moving liquid dripping from the sides, and the esophagus was above her, giving Emily the idea that, if they wanted to escape the way they came in, it was easy as a jump, but a long climb up. All around her, she could hear the stomach gurgle, Luna's booming heartbeat that sounded like a drum in the distance, and Luna herself breathing, albeit, muffled. Emily walked around the stomach, feeling the place shake as Luna giggled to herself, but found it, though a bit stuffy, pretty easy to breathe in, despite the fact that there shouldn't be air.

"Guys?" Emily asked "You here?" A light blinded her momentarily.

"Guys!" Jack's voice was heard "Emily's here!!!"

"Jack!?" The light was revealed to be a flashlight, and shining his face was Jack and the others. Emily ran to them and had them all in a group hug. She teared up as they hugged

"It's so great to see you all!"

"It's great to see you too, Em." Carlos replied "I didn't think you'd get caught"

"I kinda wished so myself, but I don't want to miss you all!" She turned to Samantha, who, despite smiling, held onto herself in fear. "You alright, Samantha?"

"Me?" She replied "...sorta. I feel like I'm in a dangerous place right now, yet, I feel safe in here."

"Me too. But remember, Luna said that we'll be safe inside of her, so there's no reason to panic."

"Yeah... it was just frightening waking up here, you know?"

"Trying going down while awake." Jessica commented, turning around and wiping herself from Luna's stomach acids.

"At least we didn't rat our friends out." Carlos spoke, crossing his arms.

"Look... about what happened-"

"Like I said, I forgive you," Emily replied "though you may want to work on who you're with." She walked to Billy, who had his crown on. "Liked what I snagged you?" Billy looked up at his crown, but smiled

"...Thanks." he replied "I was kinda wondering where it went."

"And I wanna say, about what you did... that was... kinda stupid."

"Yeah, tell me about it!"

"But... it was sweet. And... I actually... love you too."

"...Really?" She leaned in and kissed him on his left cheek. He blushed at the kiss.

"Not the place where I thought we'd kiss for the first time, but it's good enough." The place tilted and everyone inside rolled across the stomach floor. Outside, Luna laid on her back, forming a bed with the clouds around her as she rubbed her belly, feeling really full. When the stomach settled and everyone got up, wiping themselves from Luna's stomach acids, the place shook like an earthquake, followed by a loud gurgle. Luna heard her stomach growl, followed by something going up her throat, making her cheeks perk and-

"~Burp!!!~" Luna let out a really loud burp that shook everyone inside. Luna blushed at the very uncouth thing she did, blushing and covering her mouth with her hands. Inside, everyone laughed at what just happened, causing Luna to laugh as well. "Oh, my, excuse me for that. I really am full. Do not worry, tomorrow night, I will release you all with a more powerful burp and deliver you home."

"How are you going to do that?" Billy asked

"Hm... I think a few of those machine carrying soda will do. Just shake well before entering a bubble. ... Unless you want to go to Equestria with me." Emily gasped.

"Equestria!?" she asked excitedly before jumping up & down, splashing Luna's stomach juices around "Yesyesyesyesyes!!!" Luna's stomach shook and gurgled again.

"~Burp!~" Luna burped again, not as loud luckily. "Oh, please, don't... jump in... there." She let out a long yawn. "I'm feeling rather tired. If it's alright... I'm... going... to sleep." Luna casted a final spell on having clouds block out the light as she laid her head down and began to sleep. Luna's heart slowed down, the stomach gurgled like it was a lullaby, and the liquid around just barely touched their legs. Everyone felt the effects of Luna's sleep, and each drifted into sleep, closing their eyes and laying down on Luna's stomach walls, causing her to giggle a bit. Emily laid on the stomach wall, feeling how really squishy & firm it was, but also how it slowly moved on it's own. She watched as the stomach moved in & out as Luna breathed slowly for a few minutes, right before she fell asleep in Luna's stomach, still excited about going to Equestria the very next night. I wonder if Cadence will enjoy the humans during Hearts and Hooves day? Luna thought to herself.


Author's Note:

I regret nothing!

Ok... kinda. :twilightblush: