• Published 1st Oct 2015
  • 6,014 Views, 82 Comments

My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Back To School

Spitfire drove up to Canterlot high in the family minivan, in the back are her two daughters as well as the newest member of the family. Both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo took time to get use to Sunset being around in the house. Sunset is still in a depression and her daughters have been trying to help her out of it. She had both of her daughters listen on in when Sunset was in therapy about her abandonment issues. And afterwards Spitfire ask them if they ever felt she wasn't spending enough time with them. They told her to her relief that they never felt that way about her.

"Girls be safe," Spitfire said as she looks at the school. The horse statue is gone as no one wanted to test out if putting in a new one would act as the old one did, acting as a portal to their world.

"We will," Scootaloo said as she hops out of the car.

"Come on Sunset," Rainbow Dash said as she grabs her hand and pulls her out of the car.

"Right behind you," Sunset said in a soft voice. Her personality has completely changed from the queen bee of the school, to a shadow of her former self. She now had to be lead and told what to do as she just had no drive to do anything anymore.

"Hi Spitfire," Luna said walking up to the car.

"Hi Luna," Spitfire said as the vice principal walk over to the driver side.

"How is Sunset today?" Luna ask.

She and her sister have visited Sunset after they learn that she's going back to school. And what they found shock them. Sunset wasn't the same girl they knew before the attack on the school. Also it now seems the Sunset doesn't want to be around Celestia as she reminds her of the Celestia of her world who didn't want her to be her daughter. After the visit and they return home, they talk realizing why Sunset was always so eager to please Celestia. Because she look like the one from her world. And now all she sees, is the woman who refused to be her mother.

"Still the same. Also there will be people watching the school and Sunset. Remember she can use magic now and the last thing we need is for a emotional unstable teenager to start lashing out. Rainbow and Scootaloo have gain her trust over the summer, so they can keep her clam," Spitfire said.

"We had a meeting about that," Luna said.

"Just keep an eye on her," Spitfire said as she drove off heading for the base.

"Looks like others are already on the job," Luna said as she looks over to a van part on the street. She already knows that Sunset is being watched as she is the only magic user of this world. Making her way too important to lose.


In the school -

Sunset kept her eyes on her feet as walks behind Rainbow Dash, who is leading her to their class. Both she and Rainbow have all the same classes so that Rainbow can keep an eye on her. The other students watched as they pass by, all staring at the magical girl from another world.

"Hi Sunset," Fluttershy said as she and the rest of her friends walk up to them. Sunset had revealed to Dash that she's the one who broke them up when they were younger. And they all made up during the summer.

"Hi guys," Sunset said as she forces herself to look up to Dash's friends. She did notice there's a new girl, who is wearing glasses with purple hair.

"Hi, I'm Twilight," the new girl greeted. "I have so many questions to ask."

"Hold it there," Applejack said as she yanks Twilight away from Sunset. They had met over the summer, as Twilight learning that magic is real wanted to learn everything she can about it. She visited the from the city during the last part of the school year and met her and the others. She wanted to learn all she can about magic and Sunset's world. So she started by asking the students about her and met the gang who had became friends again. She transferred to Canterlot so she'll be able to learn all about magic.

"Twilight not now," Dash said as her mom told her to keep the other students from bothering Sunset.

"It's ok," Sunset said as she walks in front of Dash. "Ask away."

"Can you turn us into magical girls like you?" Pinkie Pie shouted out popping up between Twilight and Sunset.

"No," Sunset growled. "And, I have enough of that kind of talk. So many fans of animes all asking me questions and wanting me to dress like one of those anime girls in the revealing outfits. Just because, I have magic and a smart bird from a magical world. Doesn't mean, I'm going to act like those dumb anime magical girls or wear those outfits."

"You don't like anime magical girls do you," Rarity said.

"Of course not. No real magic user would ever be like any of that. And now, I have crazy fans from all over asking me dumb questions and asking for pictures," Sunset mutters.

"Really?" Applejack ask.

"She's living with me, I should know," Rainbow Dash said.

"You do not want to know what kind of letters, I have been getting," Sunset said. (1)

"Trust me you don't want to know," Rainbow Dash said.

"What about your animal companion?" Pinkie Pie ask.

"No Philomena doesn't talk or give out wise advice," Sunset said before thinking of something else. "Also he doesn't grant any magic to others."

"Scootaloo tried already. We found her having made an alter serving Philomena food to grant her magic," Rainbow Dash said.

"Like that would ever work," Sunset said.

"It doesn't?" Rarity ask.

"Forget magic base on anything around here. It doesn't work," Sunset said.

"How does it work?" Fluttershy ask.

"Takes too long to explain," Sunset said.

"Sunset!" Snips and Snails shouted as they greeted her.

"Hi you two," Sunset said greeting the only two friends she has in the school before everything that happen after the Changlings came.

"It's good to see you again," Snaps said.

"We found this for you," Snails said as he hands her a shard from the element of Laughter.

"You two found this?" Sunset said as she takes the shard from them. The shard is small barely bigger then a grain of rice. (2)

"Is that a piece of those elements you destroyed to close the portal?" Dash ask.

"It is," Sunset said as she looks it over. "But the magic in it is not active. It's there but it needs something to activate it."

Everyone looks at her.

"What?" Sunset ask.

"Can't you zap it with your magic?" Pinkie Pie said with stars in her eyes as pictures of her being a magical girl pops into her head.

"It doesn't work that way," Sunset said as she stares at the shard. "I can't just charge it like a battery. Besides none of you want to be a magical girl."

"Why not it's cool! You get to beat those changlings," Rainbow Dash said.

"And, I'm seeing a therapist to deal with PTSD remember," Sunset snaps at Rainbow Dash.

"You're seeing a therapist?" Fluttershy ask.

"I killed five living beings that day. For you people they aren't humans so it's okay to kill them. But, I'm from a world where there is more then one sentient race. So unlike you, I'm more... aware that just because a being isn't like me. The being isn't just a mindless animal," Sunset said stunning the students around her who are listening in. (3)

"But if Dash didn't place the crown on you when she did. You would have died," Rarity said.

"I know that and had the help, I needed to deal with it," Sunset said.

"I heard that taking a life is the hardest thing you can do," Applejack said softly as she realized why Sunset is acting that way. As if animals could talk... she wouldn't be able to bring herself to kill the chickens her family raise.

"That's a lie," Sunset said. "Taking a life is easy. It's just way too easy."

"Settle down Sunset," Dash said putting her hand on her shoulder to calm her. She's been living with Sunset long enough to know how her mood can turn on a dime.

"Right," Sunset said taking a deep breath. "So, I'm going to hold onto this shard till someone comes to bag it. Besides in this world magic maybe cool for you humans but that's it. Magic doesn't matter in this world."

"Bag it?" Applejack ask.

"You really think, there aren't people keeping an eye on me?" Sunset said as she walk off to class pulling Dash along with her.

"People are watching her?" Fluttershy ask as she looks around.

"The school does have cameras now," Rarity said pointing to the new security cameras hanging on the ceilings.

"Wait they weren't here before?" Twilight ask.

"Nope," Applejack said.

"The school was closed down for 2 weeks till it was allowed to be reopen," Pinkie Pie said.

"There was one heck of a circus around the school," Rarity said.

"Boys where did you two find that shard?" Twilight ask Snips and Snails.

"We found it after the big fight," Snails said.

"It was struck under my shoe," Snips said.

"That would mean there be more shards around here then," Twilight said eyes brightening as she would be able to study a real magical item if she can find more of those shards.

"Cool it be like that anime, Inuyasha," Pinkie Pie said.

"But Pinkie it's been months since the portal was destroyed. Those shards can be anywhere and they're so small," Applejack said fingered her hat.

The same hat she wore when those changlings attack the school and when Sunset destroyed the portal. Embedded in her hat is an orange shard. Which many of the students have likewise with items of clothing or objects they had with them that day. Three students who joined the school for the new year also had listened on in. And news of shards of the element laying around for anyone to find them isn't something that they don't want in on.


Equestria -

Chrysalis walk into the chamber of the castle that now housed the new portal, on a walkway that overlooked the room. The portal is far from ready and would take much time and resources to finish. She's having the unicorns under heavy guard work around the clock in making it, having combed over all of the books and scrolls kept in the castle and across Equestria. She even had the abandon castle strip down to find any information. It's something to do as she made plans for expanding her new empire. The other countries around Equestria are all on guard against her people. There is also that blue unicorn who is leading what's left of the free ponies in a rebel group. She wouldn't be a problem but for her having a powerful magical item that made her powerful.

As of now after securing all of the boarders of Equestria she is allowing traders from other countries to travel through her land. She can wait till her changling army numbers are large enough to attack the other countries. Besides she is already having enough trouble keeping what she has taken, not to mention keeping everything running. Her changlings are now running everything in Equestria, all the important ones anyways. The ponies are now serve nothing more then food and living batteries for her people. And are all kept in underground chambers only being taken out when they are needed. Like the force labor she's has the ponies doing around her empire.

The main reason why she's reopening the portal is to be able to secure more resources for her empire. That world is ripe for the pickings and the surviving scout new form showed much promise. In fact she has all of her changlings take on those new forms as she enjoys being able to use hands now. And it allow them to use tools that only those with hands like the minotaurs, griffons and other races who have hands could use with any real skill. She feels much more powerful then she was when she was in her pony like form, true her true form is stronger but she now has more movement now. And her Changlings are now much better fighters as the few boarder fights taught the other races. They now able to fight against the minotaurs and griffons on an even level, both of which have the strongest arm forces.

"My queen the portal is almost complete. Within a month the portal will be ready to be open," a changling said who's in charge of the building of the portal.

"Good," Chrysalis said as she looks down on the ponies working below.

"My queen is it wise to reopen the portal?" the changling ask.

"The other races have decided to leave Equestria to it's fate. And won't attack as long as we don't invade their lands. So while we build up our numbers to conquer them, why not attack that other world. Besides, I remember hearing an ancient tale in the ancient days when the first of the ponies lived in the valley that we now call home," Chrysalis said.

"You mean the warrior who came from another world?" the changling ask having heard that tale as well.

"Yes and if that world is where the warrior Megan came from. That would mean the rainbow of light will be found there. And once that power is in my hands there be nothing that can stand in my way of taking over this world and that other world. Enough power to feed all of us," Chrysalis said.


Author's Note:

1 - There be alot of sick letters for any real magical girl, mainly from the anime crowd. Come on anyone who goes to an anime convention knows some people who are way too into it.

2 - Each of the Elements broke into hundreds of small pieces. They reverted to their original forms of orbs when they were broken. And are now like the jewel from Inuyasha granting power to those who find them have a strong tie to their element.

3 - Unlike in other magical girl fictions the magical girls are just young emotional teens who are suddenly face with fight for your life or die. And killing changlings won't be just something that people can just act as if it doesn't matter. Sunset has mental scars because she grew up in a world where there are different races living side by side. So unlike the human magical girls in other fictions she won't react like she just killed a monster, she will react as one would if they suddenly killed another living breathing being. She needs to talk to a doctor to deal with the after effects, as modern soldiers can talk with doctors to deal with PTSD. And even if they don't kill, the effects of battles does take a toll as well on the mental state of those who seen battle as it does in real life.