• Published 1st Oct 2015
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My Little Sunset: Magical Girl - madhat886

The changlings have taken over and all hope is long as none is left to stand against them. But in another world there is still one unicorn left. With the help of her old teacher's pet, Sunset must become the hero she always meant to be.

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Chapter 22

Paris, France which many call the city of love, is an ancient city with a long history. But even with it's long history what's happening today has never happen before. A young teenage girl wearing a skin tight red outfit with black dots, and wearing a helmet that leaves only her lower mouth expose, wielding a yo-yo as a weapon. Who fighting against another young woman who is wearing a gray jumpsuit with oversized pink metal gauntlets on her arms and oversized pink iron boots.

The first girl is Ladybug a new magical girl who recently gain her powers, an Earth Pony. Her special superpower, Lucky Charm, creates an object and allows her to identify other key objects that she can use with the created object to handle the problem. She like other magic users decided to use her powers to defend the world from evil.

The other girl is Spring Heels another magical girl who also gain her powers recently, also an Earth Pony. Her special power is being able to turn her entire body into a spring and jump around. That she's using her arms and legs like those spring loaded boxing gloves, trying to hit Ladybug. She had just robbed a jewelry stores in the city, when Ladybug had appeared to stop her and they already gathered a crowd.

Spring Heels spotting incoming cop cars, turn heel to escape. She began jumping away when she slammed into a wall made out of dark tainted glass that appeared in front of her. She quickly found herself surrounded by the dark glass, trapping her inside a box. She looked around only to see Luna one of the older magic users from the US flying above her.

"You're going no where," Luna said.

"What how did you get here?" Spring Heels asked knowing english.

"I got us here," Rover said who's drill allows him to travel to any part of the world but could only take one person with him at a time.

"The France government called for some help so things wouldn't get out of hand. Like what happen in Japan," Luna said.

"So just give up already. You're outnumbered," Ladybug said.

"Fine," Spring Heels said knowing she's outmatched. She seen what kind of power Luna and her sister wield which is something like a Lantern from DC comics.

"Well I hope this shows you all who are watching at home, how easy things can be handled if you simply ask for help. So if there's a magic user causing trouble of some kind just call and ask for help," Luna said to a news crew who is filming her. (1)


In Romania -

Watching the events that's happening in France a young man had stop his training to watch the breaking news story. Crimson Shadow who had been training with his magical weapons in the weapon testing range of an army base, when one of the trainers had turn on the tv in the room. Whenever there's a breaking news segment about magic, training is stop so that they could all see what's happening.

Crimson Shadow is a unicorn magic user who shard is Loyalty. He wears a suit of armor that's modeled after a red motorcycle racer suit, with a unicorn helmet. His weapons are a pair of pistols, one black and one silver. And his power is Blood manipulation allowing him to control or create solid objects from blood, his or blood that he has direct contact with.

After the magic users appeared, like many other countries began searching for element shards and after much searching using a scanner which scanned for the lack of rads. It turns out that the shards give off no rads at all and absorbed background radiation. Which made finding shards easier now that people now know what to look for, in places with the least amount of radiation. And after finding one of the rare shards, it came down to finding who be able to use it. Like many other governments, the Romania government used the military personal to test the shard on. So that the magic user would already be of age and be already train to fight.


Rome -

In the ancient city of Rome, two new magic users stood in the middle of St. Peter's Square of Vatican City. A crowd has gathered to see the two magical protectors of the city with even the pope having come to give them his blessing. The pair are a young man and woman who found themselves becoming magic users, after the cross the woman worn, and the gladuis prop the man had became embedded with a shard each. Both of them have been under going training with the Italian military preparing for another attack from the changelings. All countries are doing their best to have their own magical protectors.

Holly Rose a pegasus magic user whose shard is kindness. She wears blue robes over a white bodysuit, with a breastplate with metal wings on the back. She wields a large halberd that she swings around effortlessly. Her power is Shield. She can either create an energy shield or create a energy bubble around her that can block just about anything.

Gladuis Stamp is an Earth pony magic user whose shard is Honesty. He wears the armor of a Roman Centurion and is armed with a tower shield and a gladuis. His power is Army that he is able to summon roman soldiers who are all orange in color as they're made out of orange light or energy. The number of summons he can command is at 80, with him able to summon more when they're destroyed.

Together they work as a team as their powers worked well with each other. Holly can create a bubble around her and Gladuis that only let things out. Where he can safely summon and command his soldiers in battle, while being protected so he can summon more.


The Middle East -

Under the desert sands the Changeling Breeder has been busy since coming to this world. Thanks to the unrest that has engulfed much of the Middle East, it was a simple matter to take human prisoners to use as food for the hive. And for the people who disappeared, people just blamed the terrorist groups that pledged the lands.

Speaking of which the terrorist groups became very useful in learning about the world they're in. It was simple to replace members of the terrorist cells, even replacing the leaders. They also gotten many weapons and equipments that they learned to use. The human weapons and technology are more advance then anything else in their world. The tv showing moving pictures of news events happening across the world, not to mention shows. And there's the computers which proved to be an even bigger source of information of this world, with even updates on the magic users of this world.

Once the portals open the Queen will be surprise in what her hive has done. Her hive will sow chaos across the Middle East weakening them from their infighting. It be so easy to get these people to fight each other, it was laughable. Replace a leader here and a leader there, making it look like one of them started a fight. The changelings placing the dead body of the leaders they had replaced, making it look like they had killed each other and their people will fight. Giving them a good foothold in the human world, seeing how the American magic users won't be welcome here. Leaving only one magic user in the Middle East to fight.

Author's Note:

1 - After them mess that happen because the Japan government didn't called for help from the US magic users and the resulting damage to the city, has given them a black eye. Which other countries don't want to happen to them.