• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 11,054 Views, 394 Comments

So, we're like...goddesses or something? - CrossRedstone

After the events surrounding the Friendship Games, Sunset and Twilight discover that they have full control of the sun and moon of the EG-verse. SPOILER WARNING (anthro because of transformation here and there)

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Chapter 5

Discord was nowhere to be found. Sunset didn't know whether to be concerned about this or relieved. The God of Chaos said, he needed to "settle down" in his second home and had disappeared with his entire luggage. In any event, it didn't matter right now. What did matter was that Sunset found Twilight. The girls had missed the entire first and second period, so now it was lunch time.

The thing was, Twilight was nowhere to be found. This wouldn't be such a bad thing, if the fate of this world wouldn't rest on her shoulders. The fact itself was mind blowing enough and the fiery haired girl herself had problems keeping herself together. The only thing that prevented herself from a panic attack was the fact that her newest friend desperately needed someone to talk to, before she would ultimately panic.

Having ran out of options, the famous and at the same time infamous girl walked into the library. At this time of day barely a student was present, unless tests were coming. Sunset was lucky this time. She found Twilight at a hidden corner of the spacious library, hugging her dog Spike. Said dog looked up to Sunset, when he noticed her standing next to Twilight.

The Equestrian placed herself next to the new student and wrapped an arm around her. "Wanna talk about it?"

Twilight fiercely shook her head, accidentally hitting Spike with her bound up hair.

Suppressing a giggle, Sunset nodded. "Alright, take your time. Do you want to be alone?"

Again Twilight shook her head. She even leaned closer into the hug.

Readjusting herself, the yellow skinned girl made it herself as comfortable as possible on the ground and just waited. She could feel Twilight's tense body slowly relaxing. The purple girl scratched Spike behind the ears subconsciously, while staring at the book case in front of her.

"I'm scared, Sunset." Twilight eventually broke the silence.

"I know Twi. I am too."

"Then how are you so calm?"

The girls faced each other. "Because I know my friends are with me." Sunset gave her friend a reassuring smile, which Twilight returned meekly. Spike decided it was a great opportunity to lick Twilight's face, causing both girls to laugh.

"Spike!" Twilight complained, trying to push her dog down. Sunset actually stopped Twilight from defending herself, by holding both of her arms.

"Aaah! Let go, Sunset Shimmer!"

"Now's your chance, Spike!"

Spike fully assaulted his mistress with his dog slobber and tongue. Twilight had no chance against the combined efforts of pony girl and dog. Eventually Sunset let go of her friend and the glasses wearing girl secured Spike with her arms.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah, but this stuff is really icky. Can you watch over Spike, while I go to the restrooms?"

"Sure thing."

As soon as Twilight was out of sight, Sunset and Spike high fived.

Twilight rubbed her face dry with one of the paper towels. She gazed upon her reflection in the mirror, thinking. Her new clothes were based on the clothes her counterpart had worn during their first meeting. She still wore glasses, but considered taking them off completely. Truth to be told, she had changed glasses shortly after the friendship games. Ever since Sunset had..."cured" her for the lack of better term, one side effect had been that Twilight's eyesight had been restored.

Since there was no way she could logically explain this to her parents, she simply order a new pair of lenses. Though she had to admit, she looked way better completely without the glasses and with her hair loose. Still it would feel like she copied her counterpart, if she simply changed her hairstyle that way.

~May I suggest to ask the peasant Rarity? She seems to know a lot about the fashion and styling~

"AHH!" Twilight jumped, frantically looking around for the voice that appeared out of nowhere. "Who's there?!"

~Stay calm, my lady. It is me, your moon, speaking to you.~

"The...moon?" Twilight whispered, recalling what Princess Celestia had told them earlier this day. The girl had to support herself on the sink, in order to not collapse to the ground. She did it once, when she got an A-. Worst day of her life. And it hurt.

~I know you're confused and scared, my lady, but I can assure you I only have the best of wishes for you.~

"Y-yeah, sure. Except every time you talk I feel like I have lost it." Twilight replied, facing the mirror again.

~My apologies, my lady. I simply thought I should seize the opportunity and talk to you, since you're alone. You don't need to speak aloud if you wish to talk to me. You simply need to think "loud" and I will hear you.~

"Think loud?"

You mean, like this?

~Yes, excellent.~

This would be really amazing, if it wouldn't be so disturbing at the same time.

~It may sound harsh, but you have to get used to it.~

So...uh...you're the moon. Er...nice to meet you, I guess.

~The pleasure is all mine, my lady. Forgive me, for listening in on your thoughts, but I do belief the peasant Rarity will be of great help in your predicament.~

Why are you calling her a peasant? Rarity is my friend. I know, we're just friends for a few days, but still. Why peasant?

~You are above them, my lady. You have been blessed with the power of the night and dreams. However, if it is your wish, I shall refrain from calling your friend peasant in the future.~

Thank you. Wait a minute! Blessed?! Do you actually know what happened to me and Sunset and the entire solar system for that matter?!

~Sadly, I do not. How should I put this? I simply know through instinct that you are the one to guide me, just as Lady Sunset Shimmer has been chosen to guide my sister through the endless void.~

"Chosen." But by whom? Or what?

~We do not know and perhaps we should focus on other things first. Like the humans who have already realized your status as a goddess.~

"G-GODDESS?!" Twilight exclaimed. I'm not a goddess or anything like that! I don't even belief in gods or the supernatural. Wait, scratch the last part.

~It may be a lot to take in, but the power you're wielding says so. You have become an essential part of human life, life on Earth in general. With a metaphorical simple snap of your fingers, you could abandon this entire planet and lead me to a new one.~


~Forgive me, my lady. That was insensitive of me. Perhaps we should not talk any longer, until it is time for you to guide me through the void. I am sorry for all the distress I caused you.~

It's alright. I...yeah. I need some more time to think about this. And maybe talk to my friends.

~I shall leave you to your thoughts then, my lady. Have a pleasant day.~

In the meantime, in a basement, in the middle of the town, a woman sat at her computer, watching and rewatching the spectacle she had recorded today. Like most other people, she had been fascinated and a little frightened at the phenomenon of the sun not getting up, as if the earth had stopped rotating. In itself it would mean that the magnet field of the earth disappeared, thus meaning the sun would burn them to a crisp with the solar waves.

Fun fact, so far everything indicated that this just happened, minus the loss of the magnetic field. And then it happened.

The woman had been standing near Canterlot High school, coming from her night job, when all of the sudden one of the girls on the other side of the street started glowing. Acting more on instinct than any rational thought, she had grabbed into her pocket and started recording the entire spectacle.

The girl literally transformed into an angel in front of everyone present. Next she raised her arm and the sun was seemingly following it!

The woman herself knew how insane that sounded. She thought about posting this to the internet, but knew it would be just called a hoax or fake. That didn't mean she completely disregarded the idea, she simply hesitated.

This girl was obviously an angel, no a goddess! Yet she was a goddess who had not made herself known to humans. Why? The woman didn't know and that bothered her. She wanted to serve the goddess to the best of her efforts, but just starting a new religion and coming up with random interpretations from a wonder she had witnessed (and recorded!) would be mostly shrugged off as just another sect.

No she would need to talk to her goddess, as terrifying as the experience probably would be. She would offer herself to spread the word, do anything she says and win her trust through this, in order to not look like the woman simply wanted to stand in a good light or have great amounts of power.

No, she wasn't like that. Starlight Glimmer was a completely selfless human.

Luna turned off the news video on her PC and sighed. Why on earth was this happening? Covering up a raging she-demon who destroyed the front gate? Gas leak.

Covering up three fish girls, enslaving almost the entire school, who then were blasted by a giant, winged unicorn? Special effects/video editing.

Blowing up the statue, magical portals destroying a bit of the school ground? Accidents while cleaning up the field.

Having the two girls in your school, who could kill the entirety of humanity if they felt like it? Luna wanted to jump through the portal and run very far away. Perhaps they needed a principal somewhere in Ponyland? It wasn't a job people normally did after all.

"I want to go home." she whined and got up, walking towards the window. Looking outside, she could see a few students enjoying the lunch they brought with them or simply talk with each other. Well, not really "simply talk with each other". They were more huddled together, no doubt talking about the happenings today. Some of them were even looking at their smart phones, probably too watching either the life news or some youtube videos.

A sudden sound emitting from her computer, got her attention. She got an e-mail from drocsid.soahc@fluttercord.eq. Raising an eyebrow, she scanned the e-mail for any viruses, but the result came up negative. Still apprehensive, she opened the mail.

Hey Lulu,

I must say the Internet has to be the greatest achievement in human history. I mean look at this place! It's almost exactly what I did to Equestria 1000 years ago, minus the porn. Seriously, that gets old really fast. I mean what's the point in watching those things? Eh, whatever. The rest is still great.

Anyways, since princess Celly-Sun-Butt gave me the opportunity to watch pure chaos going all out, I thought I might as well be a little nice to you :raritywink: :scootangel: :raritywink:. Maybe Celly will let me stay here even longer then :moustache:? Urrgh, thinking too logical. Where was I? Oh yeah, help.

So, I set up a little e-mail account for myself, if I'm not available, you can just send me a quick message at the address you see.

I hope you don't mind that I have taken residence in one of the broom closets in your school. Yes there is enough space. Chaos magic. I ain't have to explain shit to you! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I'll be a little busy for a few more hours. I hope you and your sister come to the housewarming party Pinkie Pie wants to throw me.It will be a blast.

Hope to see you soon, moon cheeks!


P.S.: Celly hides her cake in a safe, in the school kitchen. It acts as a refrigerator as well. The code is 89356207 :trollestia:

Author's Note:

I couldn't resist putting Starlight into the story. Hell originally it was supposed to be Velvet, then Chrysalis and now it's Starlight.

Discord will make more of an appearance next chapter. More interaction between Sun, Moon, Twilight and Sunset will be there as well.