• Published 28th Sep 2015
  • 11,054 Views, 394 Comments

So, we're like...goddesses or something? - CrossRedstone

After the events surrounding the Friendship Games, Sunset and Twilight discover that they have full control of the sun and moon of the EG-verse. SPOILER WARNING (anthro because of transformation here and there)

  • ...

Normal is officially extinct

Author's Note:

Yes, yes, I'm late with my promise. Sue me -.-

Eventually, the party had to end and when it did, almost everyone was exhausted. Celestia and Luna were sitting in the older sister's office, trying to digest of what happened just recently. The two were still wearing the gowns Discord specifically made for them.

"Luna, do you remember when things used to be normal?"

"Normal, sis?" the darker woman drawled. "I don't know what that word means anymore."

"Let's remain at least partially serious."

"Serious? After seeing a flying pig race, dancing silverware, disco in space and the cake golem?!"

"Come now Luna. The cake golem was nothing less than a truly an achievement in the art of sculpting."

"Right. And you achieved nothing less than to devour at least half of it in less than thirty minutes."


Before the sisterly squabble was stopped by the sudden sound of an explosion echoing through the halls of Canterlot High. The sisters gave each other a look before they ran out of the room into the general direction of the explosion. They didn't have to go far.

One of the classroom doors was opened in the upper hallways. The room itself was darkened by black smoke coming out of it. Before Luna or Celestia could do as much as gasp in surprise, Discord came walking out of the room, wearing a bio-hazard suit. The Lord of Chaos slowly closed the creaking door, before snapping his fingers, perfectly getting rid of the suit.

"Phew, now that's what I call a close call." the lord of chaos chuckled, but stopped, when he found the principal and vice-principal standing right in front of him. "Why hello you two. Came for some leftover cake? If not, I still have cupcakes in the fridge."

Before Celestia got too distracted, Luna stepped between Discord and her sister in order to prevent another cake golem incident.

"What exactly happened here?!"

"Oh, you know, Twilight had a mental breakdown and almost destroyed the known universe. It happens every other week in Equestria."

It took a couple of seconds for the message to settle in.

"Twilight had a mental breakdown?" Celestia asked, aghast.

"Mhm." Discord nodded. "Her friends are with her now, so no worries."

"No worries?!" Luna exclaimed. "You just talk about one of our students being in emotional disarray, like you're describing yesterday's weather."

"Because quite frankly Lulu, there's not much we can do." Discord started floating in mid-air, making it appear like he was lying in a hammock. "Twilight has a big responsibility now and given that she has almost the same personality as the Twilight I know, I say it's a miracle the earth is still in one piece."

"What do you mean by that?" Celestia asked.

"Mmm, that will take a little while to explain, so listen closely my dears. You see, there are two ways of using magic. Letting it flow unchained, like I love to do." To demonstrate what he meant, he snapped his fingers. In a flash of magic, Celestia and Luna found themselves sitting on a rock, surrounded by ocean water. Most of their clothing was gone, except for their bras. Luckily or unluckily (depending on how you see things) instead of legs, the two now sprouted fish legs.

The two woman did a pretty good job mimicking fish too, by opening and closing their mouths, too stunned to scream or make any kind of noise for that matter. That is until a shark came out of the water and ate the two mermaids, before diving back into the water.

The Lord of Chaos smiled wickedly, snapping his fingers and returning the women and the hall to normal. Said women were holding each other in their arms and were shaking like leaves. Once they realized that they weren't in the shark's stomach anymore, they directly glared at Discord. Though they didn't stop shaking.

"Strange" Discord stroked his little beard "I was actually thinking about Beauty and the Beast."

"What in Tartarus was that?!" Both sisters exclaimed at the same time.

"A demonstration" Discord replied cooly "of what happens when someone with a vast amount of magic like yours truly." He gestured at himself. "Absolutely anything can happen. Even a master at the art of magic, such as myself can sometimes not fully predict what the results will be. The other way of how to use magic is to simply control it, which is pretty much self-explanatory, so let's skip that and finally get to the good part. What actually happened to Twilight?" he clapped his claw and paw together and bore now a sleek grin.

The principal and vice-principal fumed on the inside. The weird creature ignored their obvious distress and just kept blabbering on and on about magic this and magic that, completely ignoring the fact that they were still soaked.

"And what did happen?" Celestia asked through gritted teeth, though she now tried to suppress her rage. Her students came first after all.

"Nothing too special, actually. I just made a joke about how Twilight would probably raise the moon in tandem, then she thought about what it would do to the tides of this planet, then she began writing sciencey stuff down on the blackboard, one thing lead to another and then she began tearing the universe apart. Luckily I managed to calm her down with her friends...after taking some drastic measurements. Oh boy, I wouldn't go in there if I were you." He pointed with his thumb towards the door.

"And pray tell what exactly have you done?" Luna asked, trying not to think that she was soaked with shark stomach acid.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" Discord shook his arms. "I'm not even going to talk about what I had to do!" He shivered. "GAH! Now you have me thinking about it! I need a drink!" And he disappeared, leaving only a few sparkles of magic behind.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other for a long time, before simultaneously sighing. "When we get home, I'll start writing on my campaign speech."

"Yeah, right. I think I'll start a Mafia to fund your campaign."

"And pull the strings from behind?"

The only answer Celestia got was a sly smile from her sister. Without further ado, the two opened the door and stepped into the classroom. After only two steps inside, they stopped.

The classroom was an utter mess. Desks and chairs were thrown to the sides, posters made by students were either burned or torn to shreds, the blackboard had been dropped to the ground, the projector and tv were destroyed, there were holes in the walls, exposing pipes and electrical cables, yet somehow the windows were still intact. None of this, however, caused the two sisters to be stunned once again on that day. What got them stumped was what was in the middle of the classroom.

There, on her knees sat Midnight Sparkle, along with six candy colored ponies snuggling her. One was being held in both her arms. It was yellow with wings and a horn and had red, yellow mane. This one had also it's mane being stroked by Midnight. The pony seemingly enjoyed the treatment, if it's half lidded eyes meant anything.

Then there was the orange pony with the stetson. It was leaning against Midnight's side and rubbed it's head against her, though she didn't look all too happy about this. Then there was the marshmallow white unicorn, with the purple, curly mane and tail. It was positioned on the opposite side to the orange pony, though it was more occupied admiring said mane and tail.

Meanwhile, there was a completely pink pony lying on the ground in front of Midnight, receiving belly rubs from an absent-minded yellow pony.

Finally, there were two ponies that looked like the pegasus from Greek mythology. One was cyan blue, with rainbow colored mane and tail and currently squirming in the bone crushing hug of the other pegasus. It had butter colored fur, with pink mane and tail and snuggled its face against the cheek of the cyan-colored pony.

On top of all that hung a banner, saying: "Snuggle therapy. Careful! Addiction warning!"

But of course, Luna and Celestia had already joined.