• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 185 Views, 0 Comments

Scorched Earth, Frozen Skies - Hyper Mind

A black unicorn who harnesses the power of steam and fire. Strange ponies with magical frost woven into their being. An insane stallion seeking forbidden knowledge. A stallion seeking to bring peace. And Equestria caught in the middle.

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Chapter 1: By Steaming Iron

It was a peaceful day in Ponyville. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. The streets were clean. It made Twilight Sparkle so certain that everything was certainly fine that she felt like bursting into song herself.
But just like last time that happened, everything was about to go downhill.
The sound started quiet. A creaking of oiled wheels. Then it got louder and the clanking of metal joined it. Soon, everypony in Ponyville looked on in shock and fear as a black tank rolled into the town square. A black unicorn stood atop it, and then proceeded to use what could only be the Royal Canterlot Voice.
"Now hold it right there!" A voice shouted from amongst the onlookers. Rarity took a step forward. "What exactly makes you think you can just waltz into town on your over glorified train car and declare yourself our God and master?"
"Yeah!" Called out another voice. Pinkie Pie glared at him. "I mean, Discord kinda did the same thing, but at least eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain! Do you come with chocolate rain?"
"...Well no, but-"
"See!? No chocolate rain!" She said, as though the rule of a tyrant being unaccompanied by some sort of confectionary precipitation was outrageous. Kho-Dei just looked confused. These ponies were supposed to be cowering in fear, not asking for chocolate rain!
"Enough!" He shouted, his reinforcements arriving at that moment, more tanks accompanied by ponies in blackened armor with spears that crackled with electricity. The ensuing battle was short and chaotic. Still, the townsponies put up a fight the likes of which the Elements of Harmony had never thought them capable of. But if one thought about it, it made sense; one couldn't rightly expect these mere civilians to challenge the godlike powers of Discord or Nightmare Moon, but a military takeover? That was mortal. That they could challenge. That was a battle they could win!
The key word there being "could", because they did not. However, their courageous, valiant, and, at times, viciously brutal, resistance would go down in history. Showing remarkable initiative for their age, the Cutie Mark Crusaders gathered up as many foals as they could and fled to Sweet Apple Acres. Time Turner ran around tampering with the massive war machines with incredible speed, while his faithful companion Ditzy Doo defended him. Octavia wielded her cello bow like a sword, to surprising effect. Berry Punch handed out bottles to anyone who didn't fancy fighting with their bare hooves. And, perhaps most memorably, Vinyl Scratch broke out the Bass Cannon. They say that if you look in the Everfree Forest, you can find the remains of a tank that was blasted there by the power of wubs.
Of course, that's not to say the Elements stood idly by. Quite the contrary. A lifetime of applebucking resulted in anypony who came too close to Applejack receiving a hoof to the face and a trip a good ten paces back. Pinkie Pie popped balloons next to the ear of anypony she could sneak up behind. Twilight did the obvious thing and simply blasted mana at any enemy that crossed her path. Rainbow Dash naturally entered fisticuffs(hooficuffs? Hoofticuffs?) with the opposition. Rarity and Fluttershy, both possessing neither exceptional skill in combat nor any desire to enter said combat, helped with the evacuation.
It was an impressive and inspiring sight. But there were too many, and they couldn't be held off forever. It didn't take long for Kho-Dei to gain the upper hand by holding the bakery hostage.
That's correct. They didn't hold the bakers hostage. They aimed a cannon at Sugarcube Corner and threatened to blast it to smithereens. Of course the Cakes were still inside, so that was likely a much more compelling reason. The residents surrendered.
Kho-Dei now ruled Ponyville.

Author's Note:

First story, so it's probably not that good. Not sure how this is gonna play out. This is gonna be fun to write.