• Published 10th Oct 2015
  • 681 Views, 22 Comments

Ultimate Selfishness - Arcanum -Phantasy

though it is the strongest stone of all, a diamond can be as brittle as glass.........

  • ...



Early morning rays slipped through the thin lace curtains, rousing Diamond out of what was probably the best sleep she had in days.

Not now sun, she thought with a groan as she tried to hide her face beneath her pillow. As she did, she took notice of the added weight laying next to her. Grogginess slowing her mind, Diamond raised her head to investigate the intruder. Laying curled up beside her was Applebloom, a light snore showing that she was still asleep. In the past, the mere thought of sharing anything with the yellow farm filly would've disgusted her, but now, Diamond felt an unbelievable warmth as she stared at her bedmate.

I still can't believe she would do all this for somepony like me, she thought, curling up against her. After everything I did to her, I'm surprised she didn't try to help me kill myself.

Deciding to deviate away from the path her thoughts were starting to drift to, Diamond Tiara closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment, secretly wishing for it to never end. Unfortunately, that was a wish that couldn't be granted.

"Applebloom," Applejack said, letting herself in the room. "C'mon sugar cube, time ta' get up."

With a groan, Applebloom's eyes fluttered open, giving her sister an irritated glare.

"Now don't be given' me none o' that," Applejack said firmly. "Ya got school ta get to."

With a sigh, Applebloom rolled out of bed and stretched, letting out a few pops as her joints loosened up.

"Ah know, ah know," she yawned as she walked to towards her dresser.

Though a little disappointed that her friend had to go, Diamond couldn't help but snicker a little to herself as she listened to the little back-and-forth between one of her saviors and Applejack. Applebloom noticed, but didn't say anything as she pulled a fresh mane ribbon out of her dresser. Glad that her former tormentor was feeling better, Applebloom stepped out of the room.

"How's she doin'?" Applejack whispered after she closed the door. "Sounded like somepony was murderin' that poor thing last night."

"Ah'm not sure," Applebloom responded, frowning.

With a shiver, Applebloom told her big sister about Diamond Tiara's dream.

"Ah was able to calm her down, but ah don't really know what ta do fer her."

Applejack smiled down at her sister.

"Ah think what 'cha doing is just fine."

Applebloom blushed.

"Ah-Ah guess," she said, scratching the back of her head.

Applejack chuckled a little.

She still couldn't believe yesterday really happened. It was late in the afternoon when Applebloom came home with a rather hollow-looking Diamond Tiara not too far behind. While Granny Smith tried to get some food into Diamond, Applebloom told her about what happened. Applejack was floored! Sure, she knew about the accident and what happened to Filthy Rich, but she had no idea that Diamond was in such a dark place. As far as she knew, she was probably taken in by some relatives or something to that effect or at least had somepony to help her get through this hard time. A minute after Applebloom finished talking, Applejack dashed into the kitchen and caught Diamond in a near bone-crushing hug that would've made Pinkie Pie wince. After Big Mac managed to pry her off of her, Applejack told Diamond that she was going to be living at Sweet Apple Acres. Everypony expected the defiant filly to make a fuss, but she instead just nodded and went back to eating her small pile of apple fritters. In some ways, Diamond's lack of resistance was even more disturbing to her than the knowledge of what the filly had attempted earlier that day. When it was time to turn in for the night, it was Applebloom who gave up her bed to Diamond for the night in exchange for one of the somewhat plain looking guest rooms. Considering the circumstances, none of the Apples argued. Although, she did almost have a heart-attack when Diamond screamed last night.

"No point 'n being modest sugar cube," Applejack smirked. "I saw what 'cha did last night. Ya did more for that filly than you know."

Applebloom nodded, but she wasn't completely sure. A small part of her felt she could do more. But what?

Ah'll talk to Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell. See if they've got any ideas.

With that, she polished off her breakfast and hurried off to school.


After Applebloom left for breakfast, Diamond Tiara laid on her back staring blankly at the faded pink ceiling.

What do I do know?

She wasn't particularly hungry and the Apples probably didn't think it was a good idea for her to go to school for a little while. Chances were, Applebloom had a note on her explaining the situation to Mrs. Cheerily. With a groan, she sat up and looked around. In the past, she would've taken advantage of an arrangement like this to snoop around Applebloom's room in order to find something to blackmail her with. But now, all motivation to do anything aside from breathing was gone. Even in such a bright and warm environment, she felt like she was sitting in a dark, black, void.

With a sigh, she rose to her hooves and hopped off of the bed.

Maybe a walk will help me think strait.

When she opened the door an elderly light-green mare appeared on the other side.

Diamond let out a loud yelp as she jumped back.

Granny Smith let out a light chuckle.

"Well, good ta' see yer up," she smiled.

As soon as her heart stopped trying to burst out of her chest, Diamond gave the ancient mare a nervous nod.

Granny cackled.

"Think'n o' get'n a little fresh air?"

Diamond raised a brow.

How did she know?

"Y-Yeah," she said, barely above a whisper.

"Mind if I join ya?"

Diamond was about t object, but decided against it. While Applebloom had managed to stabilize her, that didn't change the fact that she was still in a pretty fragile state. The fact that Diamond had no idea what she was going to do if she was alone for too long terrified her. Besides, it might help her work though this if she had somepony to talk to.



All of the clouds from the previous day were gone, letting Celestia's sun shine in all its glory across the Apple Family's namesake orchards. The smell of the red and green fruit surrounding Granny Smith and Diamond Tiara made the filly smile. It also reminded her that she hadn't had breakfast yet. Diamond blushed as her stomach let out a low growl. Granny Smith just chuckled a little.

"With a belly like that, yer gonna gobble up the whole farm," Granny Smith smiled.

"N-No I'm not," Diamond whined, looking away to hide her burning face. "I just missed breakfast is all."

Granny Smith nodded.

"Ah, figured ya'd do that," she said, smile fading. "Loss has a way o' makin' food taste like ash."

Diamond nodded.

"Lucky fer you, Ah've been around long enough ta' know how to treat that."

"Oh yeah?" Diamond asked skeptically. "And what's that?"

Granny Smith smiled warmly and as if on cue, the two of them walked into an open clearing. Set up in the middle was a wooden table with a massive picnic basket sitting on top.

"The first step hon, is good food and good company."