• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 767 Views, 12 Comments

Why am I here? - MythWriter

My name is Catarina Jackal, now Vixen Sight. I used to be a human but now I'm a pony... A KID PONY! I did not ask for this! I'm not even a fan! Why couldn't it be my roommate who is a total brony?! Why am I here?

  • ...

Why Me

>~< Why me? >~<

'This is not happening'

A young filly thought frantically, she was laid in a hospital just staring at the ceiling while mentally trying to process everything

'This cannot be happening...'

The filly had a mane colored dark brown with various strands of orange going all over the place, her coat was colored light golden yellow, she had amythest-like eyes but was lightly dulled, she had yet to get her cutiemark so her flank was blank. She looked down to her hooves and moved them slightly wincing a bit from the sudden jolt of pain.

'... Why am I a PONY?! '

She mentally shouted as she knew if she shouted she would wake up the other patients in the hospital, she wanted to avoid that. She scrunched her nose in thought as she tried to remember what happened

'Let's see... I was... I was walking down back to my... My flat with Jake, then ...' She thought tiredly. '... Damnit, I can't remember...' she cursed silently and felt her eyes drop heavy, her last thought before oblivion is

'Why me..?'


It had been a few weeks since she first woke up in the world her roommate kept gushing about, she was silent towards the doctors and nurses who thought she became mute but wasn't from their diagnoses, they tried coaxing her to speak to them even if she only spoke one word, she would only stare at them blankly with thousands of emotions zooming right through her mind and few actually appearing in her eyes or her face. They told her what happened after she woke up when they were in the room


The doctors were checking on the patients the next day to see if they had gotten better or worse, then they heard a light groan and looked to the filly they had found just a few days ago, she was the one with the most injuries in the room, these ponies only had a fracture or two and some had slight diseases that could easily be cured but she, the filly, had been the one which made them sweat during the process. They had thought she died during the surgery as her heart stopped for several seconds but a miracle happened, the heart beated again but very weak.

One doctor quickly and gently laid the filly down when she tried to sit up "You musn't move yet, your injuries are still fresh so you must rest for a bit more before you may move once again" he had said but the little pony just stared at him with wide eyes before narrowing in a thinking face probably wondering what happened.

"We found you at the brink if death on our entrance, we're very surprised you survived and lived" he continued to speak. "May we know your name little filly?" He asked her

She stayed silent when he spoke but did not reply, she stared blankly at him and tilted her head he thought that indicated that she didn't know, he turned away from her and talked to the others .

She probably suffers from memory loss, probably from the trauma she had experienced" he said to the others, they nodded in reply, their faces grim

Meanwhile for the filly...

~Pov Switch: Catarina~

I blinked once, twice, thrice, huh... Memory loss, that would be a good explanation becuase I can't think of a pony name for me... Convienant isn't? I sighed and looked our the window to see a familiar city.

'Canterlot...' I thought distractedly, well would you look at that? Being forced into watching a show by a fan nutcase of said show had its perks... Apparently...

~Flashback End~

'What to do... What to do....' I wondered idly as I wandered the hospital gardens, looking around the pretty place, there few ponies at the gardens suprisingly, some were old ponies being escorted around by nurses, some were little foals with fractures or some sickness being looked over by some more nurses

I was finally let to walk around and move by myself, it took some convincing to the doctors but they reluctantly let me take a walk alone, I smiled slightly from the animals and flowers, they were nice and pretty, the birds were tweeting and there were some little rabbits playing in a patch of grass nearby. I sat down under an old oak tree that kinda reminded me of the library tree house in Pone.. Ponyville? I shook my head and just sat down listening to the sounds around me, it was very peaceful...


My pony ears twitched at the sound of rustling bushes, my eyes remained closed but I was slightly tense


The sound was coming from the left, I open my left eyes slightly before turning my head and opening both my eyes to see what it is


An orange and slightly black blur jumped out of the bush before stopping to stand in front of me...

Right infront of me was a fox, it was the same size of me but a few inches taller, it's fur was colored orange with some patches of white and black, it looked like any ordinary fox, it stared at me for a while before turning to the bush and barked once


The bush the fox came from subtly rustle as two baby foxes came out 'kits..' I thought in reminder of what they are, the two kits ran towards the older fox as it sat down showing its gender to me as the kits went and fed from it-—her, I mentally corrected myself 'It's female and a mother...' I thought fondly as a smile made its way to my lips as I gazed on the family of foxes 'Female foxes... Aren't they called... Vixen?' My thoughts stopped as a memory hit me like a truck


My eyes opened tiredly as I smiled at the pony holding me, I giggled and said "Papa! You're home!" I yelled as my daddy smiled and hugged me.

"Of course I did, don't tell me you stayed up so late to wait for me? I told you not to do that" he lightly scolded me. "But I didn't want to sleep and I wanted to see you come home" I chirped and snuggled into my daddy's warmth.

He rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair "Your such a stubborn little filly" he snorted as I glared "I'm not little!" I grumbled as he laughed at me "Yes you are" he teased "Am not!" I shot back "Are too~" he replied teasingly

"Am not!

"Are too"

"Am not!"

"Are too"

"Am not! Am not! Am not!"

"Are too, Are too, Are too~ just face it" he said as he nuzzled me.

I pouted "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll grow taller" I perked at this "Yay~!" I cheered, daddy then looked at the clock and his jaw dropped. "It's very late! You need to stop to bed right now" he told me

"But I'm not" I paused to yawn "tired..." "Vixen Sight, you better get to bed right now" he warned

"Or what?" I questioned

"Oooor~... You'll be tickled!!" He cackled evilly, I gasp in horror and immediately ran to my room with him chasing me. As soon as I cross through my door I'm tackled to the floor by daddy and he starts to... Tickle me

"AAAHAHAAAHAHAA!!!! PAAAPAAA~!!! STOOP PLEEAASE~!!" I begged as I squealed and laughed very hard

~Memory End~

I gasp making the foxes jump in suprise and they looked at me 'What the hell was that?!' I thought frantically as I processed what happened, I calmed down after a few minutes of deep breathing 'That... Was that a memory..?'.

I furrowed my brows together as I tried to think clearly 'It wasn't... It isn't my memory, Vixen Sight? Is that this filly's name? Definitely... So, this filly died and I replaced her? How the hell does that work?!' I shook my head and calmed myself down 'Vixen Sight.... A very wierd name... Even by has bro standards'.

I bowed my head dejectedly and sigh 'Why do I have to have wierd names wherever I go?!'

Chapter End

Author's Note:

Myth: So how was it? I'm pretty new at this so please tell meeee.... I don't mind bad things as I can probably use those to improve my work.. Anyway, thanks for reading my first fiction of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

See you all

~Myth the Author of this story and the next