• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 1,206 Views, 17 Comments

The Rain, the Poison, and the Job - HapHazred

Not all crimes have a simple motivation, and not all culprits know what it was. And sometimes they just need to monologue about it for a while.

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The Job

Days like these, it makes sense it's raining. You don't get stripped of your job and your life on a pleasant, sunny afternoon, after all. No, it's always the storms, the wind, and the lightning that make up the chorus of disgrace.

She looks at me with eyes filled with venom... and not the kind you drink after hours. No, this is the venom that kills. She didn't expect this from me. She's one of a kind, but bless her, she isn't that smart. She doesn't get the lesson. The other one, the white one... She's more like me, I guess. She has a mind like the yarn she sews with: tangled and twisted.

Not nearly as twisted as mine. I've had years to become as toxic as I am. Decades to lose what little dignity I had when I started the Job, when I took to the skies and didn't look back.

It's days like these, with rain and thunder making a racket outside, that you wonder what kind of pony you are. And I don't really know myself any more. If you asked Spitfire, she'd tell you I'm a traitorous villain, a mockery of all that's respectable about her kind. If you asked her, she'd tell you I'm little more than a disappointment that tried to kick her dream in the teeth. You can tell by the way she can't look me in the eye. I'm not what she wanted from a hero, from a Wonderbolt.

Nopony would say I was ever uncaring, or that I was always absent from the lives of those I loved. Nopony would say I'm the villain I was, and that's what gets me each and every time. They don't know just how broken a pony I really am, and how much I wasted.

It's the Job. It's the Job she doesn't get that I can't bring myself to be honest about. If I tell her what a viper's den it is... or maybe was... It won't change anything. I know her type. She'll either struggle on regardless or think I'm patronizing her. And maybe, just maybe, she'll know me for what I really am. And I can't face that, not like this.

A disappointment. Not a disappointing hero... but a disappointment nonetheless.

Her sky blue coat really is something special. Sometimes I think it's all I have left of her. All I have in common.

She doesn't know what kind of a Job she's getting into. She doesn't know how it'll eat away at your life and become all that's important to your eyes. The fame, the wealth... It's like a disease. A drug. Her eyes are filled with venom, but also naivety. She can't see what she's losing. What I lost, and didn't even realize.

Maybe we have more in common than the colour of our coats. Maybe it's our lives that we have in common.

I'm a disappointment to her. I can tell. But I'm not the disappointment I want to be. The only pony I've really disappointed is myself. I'm disappointed all she recognized me as was some bigshot flyer from years ago, not the pony who gave her her first Wonderbolts doll. By the Sun above, where have I been all these years? How can you have messed up so bad you don't even get recognized for what you are? That's what ticks me off.

But I failed her in more ways than one. I couldn't even keep her from the Job. That's what I wanted, right? For her to give this cancer of money and glory up for something more wholesome? More fulfilling, away from the rain, and the poison. Even if she did hate me, hate the Job?

Or maybe I really am the villain they see in me. I can't tell any more. And... doesn't that make me even worse? Is this all just some elaborate justification to explain what I'm doing, what I am? Maybe I did want my name to remain intact. Maybe I am as spiteful as they think I am. If that's true, then I'm a real head-case, cause I can't tell. I just can't tell.

I could be the villain. You never can tell, until it's too late. And when that moment comes... Well, you've just got to keep on dancing. Dance forever, and try to enjoy the masquerade. Tango with the good, and the bad.

And who knows? Maybe the kids, the captain and the young colt, were right. Maybe they do stick together these days. I'm old. I'm tired.

I think I've had enough thinking for one day. I shut my brain down for the last time, make myself numb. Their faces are all bitter towards me, but even though she's still heading towards a life I know she'll regret, she's smiling. I take what pleasure I can from that. I might as well: it's all I have left. It's more than I deserve.

I say my lines. I act all angry and disgruntled, like I wasn't expecting this. It's what I would have done if I was the villain. I guess it's what I am, now. My lines feel real to me. I've been playing the part for a long, long time.

She isn't even looking at me any more. She's doing some dance, up near the ceiling. She's already forgotten me. I doubt we'll even meet again. I'm just another villain she's met, and stored away in the back of her head like a bad dream.

Her sky blue coat reminds me of home. Maybe I should go back there. Say hi to my brother. Tell him he has an exceptional kid.

That'd be nice. I'm tired of the rain. Of the poison all around me.

Of the Job.

See you, kid. It was fun being your villain for today. I just wish I didn't lose, although I'm not sure why. Questions for another day.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure why I felt the need to write this, but I really liked the whole noir motif throughout the latest episode, and Dash and Wind Rider's coats kept on striking me as being ridiculously similar. This is all headcanon, of course, but I wanted to write a monologue, and Wind Rider was my perfect candidate.

This was kind of written rather quickly. Feel free to comment, and I hoped you enjoyed this teeny tiny story.

Have a good one!

Comments ( 17 )

Good, but all those thoughts inside WR is just a little bit... Too bizarre and over-exaggerated, I still would add it to my favorites though.

Wind riders eyes were also yellow. In the episode where it showed rainbows sopposable father, his eyes were yellow too.

Hmmm... Villain monologues are always interesting things. Very noir, which was nice. I thought the uncle relationship thing didn't really explain why he tried to frame her. If he was honestly expecting RD and Co. to beat him, then why not just hand her his pin and be done with it? He doesn't need to frame her for a crime to make her happy. That said, this is a really nice piece of writing. Probably less of a story and more character development, but still really got into the feel of the episode. Kudos! :moustache:

6441802 Yeah it's always nice to develop and flesh out the characters we don't see more. Would you consider doing a similar monologue for lighting dust?

6441918 Unprompted, I probably wouldn't do a straight-up monologue, just because I like things to be happening while revealing character also. It'd be more of a Frankenstein of monologue and action. If you're asking me seriously to write something similar to this for Lightning Dust, send me a PM detailing that.

6441939 Oh sorry! I was meaning to ask the author if he had any plans to 'flesh out' other villains. I wasn't directly asking you to write out the story. But thanks for offering!

6441959 Ha! Ok, cool. Perhaps replying to both the people you are talking to would remove confusion, but then again, I have a history of misunderstanding people.

6441969 That's fine. I'm the one who is sorry.

His reasoning is idiotic. Sure, blame fame and fortune on becoming a sleaze. A common excuse. Which is exactly why he got his "comeuppance".

:pinkiegasp: Whoa. That's a really cool idea. Headcanon seriously considered. Not sure if I'll use it or not, but it's still a fascinating premise, and a good way to add depth to a rather shallow antagonist.

I like this, but I feel like it would have benefited from more detail. I'd love to know what it was that made him regret the life he's lived and why he'd burn his own reputation in an effort to "save" Dash from the same fate.

Still like the Noir feel to it, not unlike the episode itself.

Personally, I thought it was excellent. The noir style, the monologue, the characterisation as he tries to make hollow justifications to himself, it's all fantastic, and exactly what I was hoping for from the description.

This is a very introspective look in the mind of Wind Rider. Nicely done!

It's like hearing from a radio, and the atmosphere is really on point!

11647842 Cheers, glad you enjoyed it! Bit of a surprise to see folks return to this one to be frank!

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