• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th

Storm butt

I am an aspiring writer, romance enthusiast, and a horrible over emotional mess. If you're here I hope you like homosexual stallions. If you enjoy my work and want to support me I have a Ko-Fi!

Comments ( 22 )

Well done, though this should probably have an AU tag... And a dark tag, to be honest.

A loud gasp broke the silence inside the main bedroom of the Crystal Empire, as Shining Armor nearly jumped out of the covers in a sudden panic-induced jolt. Panting deeply, the Prince could feel his heart thundering in his chest like an out-of-control locomotive while he was shrouded in the darkness of his room. As he looked around frantically, his eyes not getting used to the darkness, Shining could feel how badly his fur was matted in cold, clammy sweat.

"Sh... Shining?"

A faint pink glow illuminated the room for a brief moment before the lamp on the nightstand was turned on, making the unicorn wince and cover his eyes. "Gah!"

"Oh... sorry..." Cadance groggily pulled herself up from her end of the bed, and used her magic to cover the lamp in a light pink shade to lower the intensity of the light. Still breathing heavily, Shining felt his heart begin to settle when he finally put his hoof down from his face.

"Shining?" asked Cadance worriedly as she saw how badly he looked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Even though he tried to answer as quickly as possible to indicate his honesty, it was clear from how whispered his tone was that Cadance wasn't going to buy it.

"Shining, did..." The Princess bit her lip for a second in nervousness, hoping that it wasn't the case. "Did you have another nightmare?"

Despite not wanting to confirm her worries, especially after having this happen for the forth night in a row, Shining couldn't help hanging his head timidly and making a very faint nod. "Y... yeah..."

"Oh, honey..." Cadance didn't hesitate to bend in to give her husband a much-needed hug for support. Even though Shining hasn't been able to tell his wife the details of whatever it was he was dreaming about, Cadence could tell that it was affecting him badly enough not not think of letting him go. "It's okay, Shining... I'm right here, and I'm sure it's nothing to worry about..."

While he didn't dare want to admit it, Shining almost wanted to pull away from Cadance's hug for a moment. Not because of anything about her, but purely because he didn't want her to notice his still-throbbing problem between his legs. Another side-affect of the "nightmares" that he's been having about... about that...

The Princess of Love gently nuzzled her husband lovingly, hopeful to get him settled down enough to go back to sleep before the morning came. "Nnnnn... I love you, Shining..."

Closing his eyes, Shining Armor barely hesitated to nuzzle his wife back, sighing with a smile as he replied. "I love you too, M-- ... Mi Amore..."

6426854 Thanks! I honestly wasn't sure what to tag it as.

I love story where Shining Armors' mind is broken. All does, I would have wish this story to be longer, if at least stretch-out for days.

6428726 I would have probably done that if I was halfway decent at jumping through scenes. I struggle a lot to do anything but focus one one moment, but I know other writers who in the span of a single chapter can jump around an entire town seamlessly.

6428755 Yeah, I understand. But it was still a great story hope to see more of you on this:pinkiehappy:

as long as it isn't as dark as it's good to be the king i'll maybe give this one a go ;_; .....

6442260 I haven't read that but from what I skimmed probably not. Mostly just a lot of pet play.

6444708 ok thanks phew ;__; , the cover images makes it look so scary.....

i will follow you forever!!!

ah you were right , the darkness level in this was hardly anything like that other fic , though the pet play seemed kind of lack luster in this too , more like it was slave training than pet play.....

There needs to be a sequel to this!

Oh gosh... I freaking love this more than you can imagine! I would love to see how Mac was hypnotized,

I've always been tempted to write a sequel or second chapter to this story, but I've never really had the motivation for whatever reason when I try.

7264232 I'm actually working on a story with a similar premise, it's based around my only story out now but is intended to be a stand out due to the content, in it Shining Armor is the one hypnotized into being someoony's pet and Mac is forced into being Shining's 'owner' against his will before Mac himself becomes a pet as well, it relies a lot more on pet play and comedy.

6444708 wait, what story are you talking about?

Before I read it, what is the Dark for ?

Is it because of

Contains: Hypnosis, Mild Bondage, Pet Play, and various sprinkles of other BDSM related fetishes.

7811159 Yep, just the warnings.

Always more room for additional King Sombra :P

That mentioning of 2 dildo's at once made me think he was trying to entice a sense of jealousy in Shining. After all Shining is a very proud stallion and so instead of slowly breaking down that pride why not take advantage of it? Make him feel a rivalry with big mac.

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