• Published 18th Oct 2015
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Doctor Whooves: Companionship in Time and Space - The Fallout Pony

He's the Doctor, the knight of time and space; a paragon of greatness. He's saved countless worlds & universes so many times. And most of his life, he's been alone. But, will his friends of this universe, and his old one, be able to help him?

  • ...

Pilot: The Beginning

Location: inside the TARDIS. Time: unknown

It was a peaceful day in the universe. To the average human, it would be perfect to hang out with friends and have fun. But with someone like the Doctor, while he appreciated the peace as well, it was an extremely boring day with no adventure to be found.

The Doctor was a time lord from the planet Gallifray. He was the only Time Lord that was interested in humans, mostly due to their kindness. When he had the chance, he took his TARDIS and ran away from home, making him a renegade. It was just in time to because later on the planet would be destroyed in the Great Time War, making him the last time lord.

The TARDIS, time and relative dimension in space, was a time machine/space ship that was disguised as a police public call box. However, even though it functioned, the poor girl was broken and was still under repairs. With it though, he traveled to other worlds, had many adventures, defeated dangerous foes, and eventually made new friends.

In his travels, he, along with his granddaughter Susan Foreman, would come to the planet Earth. It was there that he learned to warm up more to people, thanks to his first human companions, who also happened to be Susan's high school teachers: Ian Chesterton & Barbra Wright. However, as time went on, his companions, old and new, would leave him (either by choice or death). This would cause him to always be mostly alone, and it also didn't help the fact that he has the power to regenerate.

Regeneration is a time lord ability that causes the Doctor to come back to life whenever he dies. But he comes back in a different body and with a new personality. So far, the Doctor has undergone nine regeneration's and has become the tenth incarnation of the Doctor, making him at least a thousand years old. In this incarnation, he now had brown spiky hair, wore a suit underneath a trench coat, and had a pair of sneakers.

Due to his boredom, he decided to go to the library and read a book at his own pace (Time Lords also have the ability to read at incredible speeds). He was not alone however, across from him was his current companion drinking coffee: Rose Tyler.

Back when the Doctor was the ninth incarnation, he met the blond girl, now having her hair dyed crimson red and pink, working in a clothing store, and saved her from the Autons, which were aliens made of plastic. But when he was captured by there leader, who he was trying to negotiate with, Rose saved him by swinging from a chain and knocking them down, and helped the Doctor deal the final blow to the aliens. Ever since then, she was invited as his companion and has gone with him on his adventures.

When the Doctor had finished reading the book, he put it down on the table and sighed. He the looked up at Rose, who looked back at him in response. Wondering what to do to make sure his companion wasn't bored, He asked,"Rose, is there anywhere you would like to go? Do you want to go to a new world, or maybe somewhere in the past?"

Rose looked at him with a look of bemusement, she didn't exactly have anyplace she would like to go except maybe home. While looking at him, she noticed the loneliness in his eyes and felt bad for him. She wished she knew more about his past, like what were his old companions like before he had met her? But then, the more she thought about his loneliness, an idea popped in her head.

"Well Doctor, how about we have a party, have some normal fun for a change." she said to him.

The Doctor looked at her with surprise and curiosity, wondering why she wanted to have a party. He was starting to be skeptical at first until he thought she was talking about famous parties. The Doctor smiled at his companion and said,"That sounds like a fantastic idea Rose, maybe an adventure could await there as well. We could go to a mardi gra if you want, or maybe you want to go to a ball, or-"

He was interrupted by his companion's sudden outburst of laughter. "What, what's so funny?" he huffed confusedly.

After she had calmed down, she explained to him what she meant,"No Doctor, what I meant to say is that we should have a party here, in the TARDIS."

The Doctor was once again bewildered, not quite understanding why of all places would she want a party here? It's not that it wasn't possible, in fact the TARDIS had a few rooms perfect for the set up: a ballroom, a pool, a karaoke bar. It was the fact that it was just the two of them and, no offense to the TARDIS, it didn't seem the party would be much fun here. He decided to question Rose on what she said,"But why Rose, what could be so important about throwing the party here?"

Still smiling, Rose said to him,"This party is for you Doctor, it's a reunion with some of your old companions."

The Doctor was taken aback from here response. She wanted him to bring some of his trusted friends he's known over the years, and she said she was doing this for him. The Doctor had no idea how to respond to that; on one hand he was touched that she was thinking about him, and the fact he hadn't seen some of his friends in such a long time made him actually think about her request. But on the other hand, he was hesitant to see some of them again; he had no idea where Romana was and he didn't know how his granddaughter Susan was doing ever since he left her with the resistance leader David Campbell.

He broke his train of thought and looked back at Rose, who now seemed concerned on what the Doctor was feeling. Now understanding her reason, he gave her a sad smile and said,"Rose, I'm glad to have met a companion like you. I truly appreciate the fact you're trying to cheer me up, but..." The Doctor stopped mid-sentence.

"But what?" Rose asked with curiosity, trying to start it up again.

The Doctor continued,"Some of my companions have gone missing, or have died because of me, and I haven't heard from them since. The truth is, I'm scared to think of what might have happened to them; how they still think of me."

Rose couldn't believe it, the Doctor, the Time Lord who had fought the likes of the Daleks, the man who had saved her from certain doom, was afraid of seeing some old friends. While she understood she may have brought up painful memories of his friends who had died, he could still be there for those who are alive.

Deciding she had heard enough, she then said to him,"Doctor, these are your friends you're talking about. The people who stood by you, the people who helped you through thick and thin, no matter the danger. You can't just abandon them."

The Doctor was shocked by what she had said, he would never abandon his friends, at least not without a good reason, like when Adam Mitchell tried to use information from the future for his own personal gain. He truly did care for his friends deeply. Realizing what she had just said, Rose put her hands over mouth. A few seconds passed before Rose sighed and said "I'm sorry" to the Doctor.

She was just about to leave when all of a sudden, the Doctor grabbed her by the shoulder. Looking back, she could see a confident smile on his face."No Rose, I'm the one who's sorry." He said to her, "What I meant to say was that I'm nervous, I really do want to see them. But the question is will they remember me; will they even forgive me?"

Rose smiled at him and responded,"Doctor, I've been with you for a while now. I know the kind of person you are; a loyal, kindhearted man who is willing to do anything to help his friends, I'm sure that with time, they'll forgive you." The Doctor smiled even more at her belief, he now felt he could have the courage to see them again.

"But Doctor," Rose said, interrupting his thoughts,"If you still feel a little unsure about seeing your old companion's, then why don't we first start off with Captain Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith."

The Doctor nodded in agreement, thinking that might be the best choice to start out with for now until he decided who else he would bring. With their decisions made, they left the library and went to the console room.

Before they could go however, something "magical" had caught their attention. they were starting to put down the coordinates when they noticed a glowing yellow flash of light from inside the TARDIS. Not knowing what it was, the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver, prepared to face the possible danger. Both him and Rose saw the light growing bigger and bigger until it was starting to take form. Inside the light was what appeared to be a bipedal figure, from its shapes and curves it was most likely female.

When the glow was dying down, the Doctor's eyes widened with disbelief. Rose looked at his expression, confused on why he was acting like this, she was soon about to find out why. She looked back at the feminine figure in front of them and noticed that it had blonde hair. It also appeared to be wearing a sky blue dress and white shoes. The girl looked up at them and noticed her blue eyes.

Rose turned back to the Doctor to ask him who she was, but noticed tears streaming down his face. She was surprised to see the Doctor crying. She was wondering if these two were acquainted with each other. If they were, then the question was how?

She then saw the Doctor drop his sonic screwdriver as he was slowly walking toward the female in front of them. The girl was looking at the Doctor, first with confusion, but then with a smile and tears of her own. When he had reached her, he knelt down to her eye level to look directly at her. Rose seemed to notice him staggering, trying to say something to her. When he finally he had enough strength, he uttered only one word,"Romana?"

The girl smiled even more, and then she responded to the Time Lord,"Hello Doctor."

Rose was flabbergasted, she was right, they did know each other, and she could now tell that, from the looks of it, they were close friends. They both gave each other a hug, tears of joy running down their faces. "I can't believe it's really you. After you left me in E-Space I thought that I'd never see you again. But how did you even get here?" the Doctor said to the mysterious girl he called Romana.

Romana dried off her tears and said to him,"I'm not quite sure myself Doctor. When I was there, I discovered a strange energy that caught my interest. When I got near it, I seemed to absorb it. In return, it gave me a dynamic jolt of power, and it transported me here. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm Time Lord like you Doctor, I would've died."

Rose's eyes widened when she heard what Romana had said and gasped,"This girl is a Time Lord like you Doctor?"

Both Romana and the Doctor let go from the embrace and looked back at Rose, almost forgetting that she was here. The Doctor cleared his throat, trying to somewhat get the awkward situation out of his mind, and stood back up, helping Romana in the process. He brought Romana over to Rose to get them acquainted."Romana, this here is Rose, she's my new companion. Rose, this here is one of my oldest companions, Romanadvoratrelunder. I met her during my fourth incarnation when I was finding the key of time."

Romana looked at Rose with interest, and then she started to smile. She stuck her hand to Rose and said, "Greetings Rose, it's a pleasure to meet the Doctor's new companion. You can just call me Romana, it's easier to say." Rose was amazed that not only had she had not only met one of the Doctor's old companions, but she was already starting to become friendly with he. But she knew if the Doctor trusted Romana then she could to.

Rose then said,"It's nice to meet you as well." as she moved her hand to Romana's and shook it.

With the introductions out of the way, and the Doctor feeling chipper again, he went to the control panel to set the coordinates of were Jack and Sarah were. "Okay Rose, it looks like we can cross one companion off the guest list, now lets find a few more for the party."

Romana looked back at Rose with confusion, which she responded with, "I'll explain it to you later." The TARDIS was starting up and was now moving to its destination.

Before they left however, the Doctor quoted his famous catchphrase,"Allons-y."


A few minutes later, Jack Harkness and Sarah Jane Smith were picked up by the Doctor. Before he could though, he made sure they weren't to busy with anything. Once he knew they were free, he brought them on board to meet an old friend. Since Romana had never met them, and they with her, the Doctor explained to her who they were.

Jack Harkness was a time agent and con man from the 51st century. He had brown hair and usually wore a 1940 military costume with brown leather shoes. He first met the Doctor when he was in World War 2 as his ninth incarnation. Jack would travel with him on his adventures from then on out until that faithful day. After he was killed by a Dalek, Rose managed to revive him with the time vortex powers, but when she did it caused him to become immortal. Now an agent of Torchwood, an organization made to fight off aliens, he goes on his own adventures, but he still does go on adventures with the Doctor.

Sarah Jane Smith was a female journalist with brunette hair, trying to learn what caused the strange occurrences. She met the first five incarnations of the Doctor, making her one of his closest companions. After spending time with him, she started to have her own adventures after a heartwarming reunion together. Together with K-9, the Doctor's robotic dog companion, she would make sure to defend Earth from any alien threat.

Jack, out of curiosity, asked the Doctor why they were brought along board. Both him and Sarah assumed it was a confrontation with a dangerous alien or something more important.

The Doctor responded with a smile and said, "To reward you my friends, for helping the universe defend for itself and being by my side as companions, we're throwing a reunion party, here in the TARDIS, with some of my dearest friends; which includes you."

Jack and Sarah were going through a phase of emotions at that moment. Surprise that the Doctor was throwing a party. Relief that it wasn't anything dangerous, but then the phases were separate. Sarah became somewhat infuriated at the Doctor for worrying them like that, while Jack on the other hand seemed to be humored by the Doctor's antic, thinking that this was a joke.

Then they remembered what he said, he was throwing a party for them as a thank you for being by his side. Now feeling a little guilty for not quite understanding what he said. They apologized to him, but were relieved when he didn't seem upset, he expected those kinds of reactions to happen.

Sarah was happy that the Doctor was doing this because it showed how much he truly cared for them. She then said to him, "Doctor, Thank you so much for being thoughtful. But you don't have to do this, were already friends."

The Doctor looked back at her with a reassuring smile and responded, "I know, but it wasn't really my idea, you can thank Rose for that."

Sarah turned around to look back at Rose. She was surprised that it her that had the idea for a doctor to have a reunion. She went over to the latter and said, "Thank you Rose, it means so much for letting the Doctor know that he still has people who care about him."

Rose responded, "Of course, after all the things he's been through, he'll need us more then ever before."

Jack on the other hand, while he was also sympathetic for the Doctor, was relieved that he could take a break from his work and felt that he could really use it.

"Thanks Doctor, after all of the work I do in Torchwood, making sure the Earth is safe from outside threats, I think I need this. I just hope you have some good wine lying around to get this party going." Jack

Sarah and the girls stared at Jack with a disapproving expression, with Sarah being the only one who growled in annoyance, while the Doctor simply laughed at it like it was some sort of joke.

As the Doctor's companions were talking with one another, he was thinking of who else he could bring aboard. Some of the companions he thought of was Micky Smith, Rose's old boyfriend who was skilled in computer-hacking and became an alien hunter. Martha Jones, a medical student who would later marry Micky and become an alien hunter like him. There was also Jamie Mccrimmon, an 18th century Scottish man who met his second incarnation, and was always loyal to the Time Lord. Finally there was Donna Noble, a hot tempered red head who was about to get married until she was absorbed by the TARDIS. With so many companions, it was hard to choose.

However, as soon as he was about to decide who he would choose next, he along with his current companions felt the TARDIS rumble. Romana, wondering what just happened, looked back at him and asked, "Doctor, what's going on, why is the TARDIS shaking?"

Unfortunately, the Doctor hadn't the foggiest idea himself. He activated and looked at the monitor with Romana at his side. Rose, Jack, and Sarah ran up to them so they could find out what was happening. When the screen activated, they saw the cause of the problem: a black hole. The TARDIS was being pulled into it, and it couldn't seem to escape.

"Doctor, why the hell did a black hole appear out of nowhere? We haven't even traveled through time and space yet." Jack asked

The Doctor and Romana both thought for a few seconds to come up with a clear-cut answer. Just then, they came up with a startling realization. Romana looked at the Doctor, then at the three companions: Rose, Jack, and Sarah. Tears started to well up as she said to them, "I am so sorry everyone, it's all my fault."

"Romana, what do you mean, how is this your fault?" Sarah asked

"I think I know, you created the black hole when you escaped from E-Space with the power you absorbed, didn't you?" The Doctor asked

Romana nodded to his answer. "I also believe that when you were escaping, your Time Lord powers intertwined with that energy, causing you to create a sort of big bang and tear a hole in the fabric of space and time, right?" he continued his answer.

Romana then tightly hugged the Doctor, catching him off guard, with tears running down her face. "Doctor, please forgive me for what I've done. I should have known that what I was tampering with dangerous. I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry."

She kept on saying how sorry she was to everyone until the Doctor snapped her out of it by giving his own hug. He reassured her by saying, "it's not your fault Romana, even if you could have controlled the power, the residue would have likely done the same thing. Besides, as you said, the energy was unknown to you so there was no telling what was to come of it. But I promise you, everything will be fine."

"Thank you Doctor." Was all Romana could say to him.

"Doctor, look, something is going on with the control panel." Rose shouted to him.

Just as the Doctor and Romana both turned back to the console, it had short circuit. The wormhole was so strong that the TARDIS didn't have enough to get away. Seeing this, the Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and used it to try and repair the controls. Unfortunately, every time he did, it would just break down again.

While he kept at it, Romana took a quick glance at the coordinates and database. The TARDIS was going through the records of the Doctor's companions and were he meet them in time. Before she could tell the Doctor this or guess why the TARDIS was doing this, the Doctor shouted, "Everyone, hold on!"

The black hole had absorbed the TARDIS, sending to a strange new world or universe. The Doctor had no idea where this would lead him and his companion's, but he would make sure they would be unharmed.

"DOCTOR!" Rose shouted frantically in horror.

The Doctor looked away from the console to look at Rose, only to have his eyes widen and mouth open in shock. Rose was being cover in a yellow residue, signifying regeneration. But it was impossible, only Time Lords had that ability; she was a human. When he looked around, he saw Rose wasn't the only one undergoing this phase: Jack, Sarah and Romana, though her's was less surprising because she's a Time Lord, were having it happen to them as well.

"Why is this happening, we can't regenerate. Only Time Lords have this ability, and we're humans." Sarah stated. She looked up at the Doctor to get an answer, only to gasp at seeing that it was happening to him as well. Tears were beginning to come down her cheeks as she was saying "Doctor, oh no, not you to."

"I'm sorry Jack, Romana, Sarah, Rose, I've failed you." He said to them. His companions were saddened when they saw tears streaming down his face. He continued, "I'm supposed to save the universe and keep those who are close to me safe; I've defended you all from Cyber-men, Daleks, and Sontarans, yet all it took was a single black hole to make me lose you all, I'm sorry."

Rose was heartbroken seeing the Doctor like that, grief-stricken that he couldn't save them. Before she or anyone else could say something, Jack started to disappear. They were horrified of what was accruing right before their very eyes, thinking that it was going to happen to them next, and they couldn't do anything about it. Jack managed to use the last of his breath to let out a scream, letting the others know how horrified he was, before being fully engulfed by the light and vanishing from the TARDIS.

"JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" Rose screamed as tears ran down her face. The Doctor felt like a bunch of arrows had pierced right through his two hearts, his closest friend had been taken away, just like that. But as he soon found out, his pain wasn't done yet.

The next to go was Sarah Jane Smith. The Doctor's eyes widen with sorrow as another of those close to him were being wiped off the face of the universe. "Sarah." The Doctor called out.

"Doctor." Sarah said back to him, her eyes filled with tears.

Just as what happened to Jack, she to disappeared in a yellow flash of light. Once she was gone, Rose, Romana, and the Doctor stared where their friend was once standing. Not being able to take it anymore, he screamed at the top of his lungs for the friend he had lost, "SAAAAAARRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH."

"NO, why did this have to happen?" Rose said and gasped as she quickly saw that she was almost disappearing as well. Seeing this, The Doctor quickly ran up to her and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"NOOOOO, ROSE, I can't lose you to" The Doctor said, desperately trying to make sure she couldn't leave.

"Doctor, if I don't make it, I just want you to know that i'm so glad that I met you; the adventures we had, the things I've seen. Those were the greatest moments of my life, being by your side. Thank you Doctor, for all you've done for me." Rose said to him with a sad smile, almost seeming to accept her fate.

"Don't talk like that Rose, please. You'll make it through this, I promise. You just can't leave like this, you can't."- as he said that, she had left his arms grasp, vanishing into thin air. Staring at where his friend had left without a trace, his eyes, now filled with both sadness and pain, screamed out to all of those who could hear him, " RRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSEEEEE."

Before he could grovel on the ground, with his heart's filled with nothing but agony, he turned back to see Romana being engulfed like all the others. He ran up to her as fast as his body would let him. When he made it, he grabbed her in the tightest hug he could give her, feeling it was the only thing he could do to keep he from leaving his side."Romana, why is all of this happening? I finally got you back, only to have fate take you and those who are precious to me. No matter what I do, people who get close to me just end up having to leave. I just wish I could save you Romana, I'm so sorry." He said as his and Romana's tears came down hard as rain.

"Doctor, please don't give up. The people of the universe need you, I need you. There's only one person I know who can protect the people from the evils of the universe; one that has always stayed true to himself and risked life and death to save a friend. That someone is you Doctor, the one that I've come to know and love" She said to him, earning a shocked look in the process.

"Romana." The Doctor responded to her with surprise He hadn't really thought about having a romantic relationship with her. They were both Time Lords and some would even say they were meant for each other. It was just that since he was alone most of his life, and the fact that those close to him would be endangered, he would seem to avoid it. Did she love him or just his 4th incarnation. The feelings would be meaningless, as she was being erased from the universe.

Romana looked down at herself, seeing her body fading from existence. She looked back at the Doctor, tears streaming down from her eyes, and said her last words to the Doctor before disappearing in a flash of light,"I don't want to go Doctor, I don't want to go."

The Doctor looked around the TARDIS, turning his head left and right to try and find her. But it was no good, Romana was now gone, like she was never even here. The Doctor's body felt weak; he got down on his hand's and knee's, unable to stand the fact he couldn't do a thing to stop this madness from happening. Now he was alone; all of his companion's were taken away from him.

He thought to himself,'Fate, why must you make me suffer? No matter what I do to help them, you always seem to find a way to take them away from me. What do you want from me, WHAT IS IT? Now what do I do. Jack. Sarah. Rose. Romana. ROMANA.'

As he was about to reach the climax of his regeneration, only one word could be heard throughout the galaxy, "RRROOOMMMAAANNNAAAAAAAA."

The Doctor screamed in agony as he regenerated, both from the sorrow of losing his friends, and the pain from his body changing shape. He wouldn't feel this for long though, as his regeneration was now over. Once the experience had ended, the Doctor tried standing on his two legs, only to fall back down. As he kept trying to regain his balance, he started to realize something. His body no longer felt human, and the feeling in his hands and feet were gone. It was like they were swollen while clenched into a fist. He wouldn't get the chance to know what looked like now though, or figure out why his body was feeling different, as he was starting to black out. However, he was able to get a quick glance at his hand, and in its place, he could have sworn he saw a hoof. Before any questions could arise, he had finally passed out from the exhaustion.


Location: Equestria, Chanterlot. Time: 1 week before NMM's release

Nighttime was looming over Equestria, Princess Celestia, a tall white alicorn with pink, green, and blue rainbow colored mane & tail, with a sun for her cutie mark, had lowered the sun and risen the moon over the skies. Her little ponies were sound asleep, having sweet dreams, and admiring the stars of the night sky. She smiled knowing that her subjects were having a good night. She looked up at the night sky, standing in astonishment for the stars and what lied beyond it. Her gaze quickly turned to the moon, which made her frown.

In the moon was a face, a dark shadowy face of pony which the ponies thought of as "the mare in the moon." Only Celestia knew the truth, that the face of that pony was her alicorn sister: Princess Luna, who she had sealed over a thousand years ago when she tried to bring eternal night. Luna had grown jealous of how Celestia had gotten all the attention from the ponies and how they ignored her gorgeous nights. This led her to becoming Nightmare Moon, the darkness of her consumed sister and bringer of the everlasting night. In order to stop her reign of terror, Celestia used the elements of harmony to seal her sister in the moon for a thousand years. After many years, the ponies finally loved her night, and she wasn't here to enjoy it.

"Oh Luna," Celestia spoke, talking to her sealed sister in the moon as if she was still here,"It's been almost a thousand years since that day, the day you were sent away. Sometimes, I wish that I could have done something different. You're suffering a punishment that should be my own, for ignoring you and pushing you away." Tears started to fall from the Princess of the day."I should have been there to help you, be right by your side to comfort you. Just what could I have done differently, what could have he done differently?" She ended.

Soon after, she heard her chamber door open. Swinging her head around in surprise, she saw who had entered her room, a lavender unicorn with a pink star for her cutie mark and pink stripe going down her dark purple mane, who also happened to be her private student: Twilight Sparkle. Then there was the purple baby dragon, and Twilight's number 1 assistant: Spike. She was done with her studies for the day and was heading for bed to get some rest. Celestia had entered the room to greet her little friends, forgetting to wipe some of the tears from her face. Twilight noticed this, surprised that her teacher was crying, and asked,"Princess, is everything okay?"

Soon realizing why she asked that, Celestia quickly tried to wipe her face with her hoof and replied,"Yes Twilight, everything is fine."

Twilight wasn't buying that one bit, It was rare for somepony like Celestia to show emotion. Over the years, Celestia had trained herself to hide and control her emotions when she ruled Equestria by herself. Seeing her like this was a sight that nopony could believe. Twilight dropped it as she didn't want to risk making the princess feel more bad than she already was.

"Man Twilight, I'm glad that we can get some sleep." Spike said, gaining both her and Celestia's attention. "After all that hard work of bringing you books from the library for you to read, I'm just plain beat."

Celestia giggled at the drake's comment and seemed to nod in agreement. "I can tell how hard you worked Spike, thank you for helping her out." Celestia said to the dragon.

"Uh, no problem princess, just doing my job as her assistant." Spike said bringing his fist to his chest with a prideful look on his face.

Celestia, once again, giggled at the dragon's remark. Twilight rolled her eyes to Spike's response. Twilight smiled looking at him and said,"Okay Spike, you can get some rest now, we're done for the day."

Spike sighed and seemed to relax the tension he was feeling from helping Twilight out and said,"Okay, thank you Twilight, goodnight girls."

"Goodnight." they both said to the drake as he was crawling into bed and dozing off. As soon as he went to sleep, Celestia and Twilight started to get the same idea. They trotted their way toward Celestia's bed, and getting ready for sleep. Celestia had removed her shoes, chest plate, and crown before she got in bed and snuggled with Twilight (no they aren't about to have sex).

Before they could slumber, Celestia asked how Twilight's studies were coming along. "They're coming along great princess. Everyday I seem to learn something new that improves both my magic and my knowledge of the world." Twilight responded to her mentor.

"That's wonderful news my student, I'm so proud of how far you've improved on your magic." Celestia said while smiling. Celestia let out a small yawn before she said to her faithful student,"Well, we better get some sleep, I have to raise the sun tomorrow and help you with more of your teachings." Twilight seemed to smile and nod in agreement with what she said. "Goodnight Twilight."

"Goodnight Princess Celestia." Twilight said to her mentor as she let out a yawn. As Twilight had closed her eyes and drifted off into slumber, Celestia placed one of her wings on her back like a blanket. She finally closed her eyes, ready for whatever tomorrow would have to bring them. But their night was not quite over yet.

A huge explosion was heard outside in the castle walls, waking up both Celestia, Twilight, and even Spike, who was known to sleep through anything. Spike quickly ran up to Celestia and Twilight to make sure they weren't hurt and to find out what that noise was. "Twilight, Celestia, what the heck was that noise?" He asked them frantically with worry.

Twilight answered,"I have no idea Spike, do you know princess?"

Princess Celestia only shook her head in response; she to had no idea on what had just happened. Curiosity getting the better of them, they quickly went over to the balcony to see where the sound came from. Looking around for a while, Spike managed to spot the cause of the of their rude awakening and pointed them to what he found. When Twilight and Celestia looked into the direction Spike was pointing, they gasped at the sight that beheld their eyes. There was a huge crater near the entrance to the castle, like something had crashed into it. Upon closer inspection, they saw what appeared to be some sort of blue box.

While Twilight and Spike were confused and curious as to what it was, Celestia's eyes widened in surprise, as if she had seen a ghost.'Could it be?' Celestia thought to herself. Wanting to find out more to be sure, she opened her wings and said to both Spike and Twilight,"Climb on my back, I'll take us down there to get a closer inspection."

"But Celestia, whatever's down there could be dangerous. Besides shouldn't we tell the guards what happened?" Twilight stated to her teacher.

Celestia gave a serious look to her student and said,"The guards and servants would have heard the noise too. They'll be on their way shortly, but right now we need to inspect this."

Not wanting to argue with her teacher anymore, Twilight and her assistant climbed on her back as she flew down closer to the crater. Once they landed safely on the ground, they went to look at what the object was. The blue box was just as tall as Celestia, it had a star symbol on it that said "St. John Ambulance," and a strange light atop of the box. The most outstanding features of this box was the door that lead into it and the printed words that said "Police Public Call Box."

"Police Public Call Box, what does that even mean?" Spike said in confusion with his arms crossed.

"I'm not quite sure myself spike. I know what police are but judging from what it says, it seems to be able to help ponies contact them. Its technology looks advanced from our own, yet it looks so ancient." Twilight guessed scratching her chin."What do you think Princess?" She got no response."Princess?" The dragon and lavender unicorn turned around to see why she got no response from the alicorn. They were surprised when she saw the look of her mentor; her mouth was open agape and her eyes were filled with shock.

Celestia seemed to be at a loss for words until she said in a low voice,"It is him, he's finally returned. After all these years he's come back."

"Huh?" was the only word Twilight and Spike could say from the shock and confusion they were feeling. How in the world did the Princess know about this strange blue box, and who was "he?"

Just then, the royal guards had arrived before Spike and Twilight could get their questions answered. Coming from behind the guards was a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane & tail and a shield for a cutie mark named shining armor, captain of the royal guards and older brother to Twilight Sparkle. Along with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, a pink alicorn, taller than Twilight but not as tall as her aunt Celestia, with a crystal heart for a cutie mark and a purple, pink and yellow mane & tail. She was also Twilight's old foal sitter. Right now, she and Shining Armor weren't wearing their regal armor's like Celestia, as the sudden shock from the explosion had made her frantically run to see what it was.

Shining Armor was surprised to see his little sister and her assistant in the crater with the princess investigating the blue box. He and Cadence went down to see what she and the princess was doing here.

Twilight soon noticed her brother and foal sitter and, with Spike, ran up to them with a smile. "Cadence, Shiny."

Both them were relieved to see that Twilight and Spike were unharmed and safe. Shining Armor exclaimed with worry,"Twiley, what are you doing out here, you could have been hurt."

"I'm sorry, but Celestia wanted to get a closer look at this blue box and told us to come along." Twilight explained with guilt.

Cadence smiled sympathetically toward Twilight and said,"It's okay Twilight, we're not mad, we were just scared that something bad might have happened to you and Celestia." To show how worried they were, Both her and Shining Armor wrapped Twilight in a warm embrace, just glad that she was fine.

Breaking out of the hug, both Shining and Cadence asked why exactly Celestia was inspecting this box. Twilight shrugged and said,"I don't know much myself, but apparently Celestia had encountered this thing before and acted like someone was in the box."

The two ponies were taken back by what Twilight just told them; Celestia had seen this box before and she never told them about it, although if somepony said they saw a blue box crash into the ground, they might have said you were crazy. Interested, Shining Armor, Cadence, Twilight, and Spike, trotted up to the princess to try and get their question's answered.

Celestia turned around when she heard hoof steps approaching her, and saw her captain of the royal guard niece trotting along side with her student and dragon assistant. "Oh, Shining Armor, Cadence, hello." She said greeting her new arrivals.

"Aunt Celly, Twilight told us that you something about this blue box, is that true?" Cadence asked with a questioning gaze.

Celestia flinched a bit from what her niece had just asked her. It was true, she had seen this box before, way before any of them were born. Deciding she couldn't hold the truth from them any longer, they simply answered,"Yes Cadence, I have."

the group of ponies, plus dragon, were amazed. Just how are Celestia and this blue box related. Now even more curious than ever, Twilight asked her teacher,"How did you see this blue box before?"

Giving a long breath through her nose before donning a sad look on her face, Celestia answered,"Back when I was younger, I had met a Stallion that came out from this box. He saved my life from an evil that even I couldn't defeat."

The group gasped in shock, Spike spoke first,"Wait a minute, there's somepony inside that thing?" He asked while pointing his finger at the object, feeling confused.

"There was a danger that you couldn't defeat?" Cadence asked, still in the state of shock.

"This Stallion had saved your life?" Shining asked, raising a brow just wondering how he saved her.

"Celestia, who is this stallion?" Twilight asked her princess with amazement.

Just before Celestia was about to answer, the door to the blue box had opened. Their focus now on the blue box, with her retorting,"You're about to find out, my little ponies."

The door from the box had fully opened. Inside came stallion with a brown coat, dark brown mane and tail, and an hourglass for a cutie mark. The group looked at him and gasped; he was completely tired and weak, taking quick gasps of breath, and his eyes looked like they were drained of all their glimmer. It was as if he was experiencing the worst night of his life. The guards came up to him and said,"Halt, stay right were you are."

"It's okay, he's a friend, move aside." Celestia ordered her guards.

The guards were surprised by what there highness said and Twilight & the group were just as shocked. They now confirmed and knew that this stallion was the same one she met along time ago. But the group was still confused, he looked to be about the same age as Twilight. How could he have met the princess while looking so young, unless he was immortal? Not wanting to question & disobey their princess' s command, the guards did exactly what she said and stepped aside. Celestia then walked up to the stallion to get a closer look at him. She lowered her head bit to further inspect him. Her magenta eyes looked into the stallion's own green eyes. She frowned and inwardly gasped, seeing her "friend" in this state and thought to herself,'What happened to you?'

The stallion's vision was blurry; he couldn't see clearly in his almost tired state, therefore couldn't tell if they were alien or not. He kept panting with deep breaths until he could finally speak,"Please, do you have some apples, I can't stop thinking about them?

The group of ponies, excluding Celestia, were completely flabbergasted at the stallions request. This stallion had crashed into the castle grounds, woke them up from their slumber, and he was asking them for apples. Unable to contain her frustration, Twilight spoke out to the stallion,"Apples, APPLES, YOU ALMOST CRASH INTO THE CASTLE, RUDELY AWAKE US FROM OUR NAPS, WORRIED US TO DEATH SEEING YOU IN THIS CONDITION, AND YOU THINK THAT WE'RE JUST GOING TO GIVE YOU APPLES?"

Celestia, trying to remain stoic through the whole ordeal, said to her student,"Twilight, while I understand your reason for being upset, you need to calm down. Remember, he didn't hurt anybody or cause damage to the castle."

Twilight, trying to calm down like her mentor said, but still agitated, responded,"I know princess, but he made us worried sick. Look at him, he can barely stand on his four legs. And speaking of which," she faced the stallion with a stern glare,"we should be the ones asking you questions." She summarized while pointing her hoof at him.

Trying to keep his focus, the brown pony slowed down his breathing, and tried to answer her question. "You're right, I'm so sorry for any trouble I caused, forgive my rudeness."

Twilight wasn't expecting that the strange pony would actually apologized to them. Sighing and now speaking in a more calm voice with her brows still furrowed, she said to the stallion,"Okay, now can you please tell us your name."

"Well... to answer your question... I'm the... Doctor." He managed say before he collapsed on the ground.

"This pony needs help, get him to the medical wing, now." Celestia ordered her guards with a serious voice.

The guards did what they were asked; they picked up the stallion and carried him inside the castle to the medical wing. Once he was out of sight, only Celestia, Twilight, Cadence, Shining Armor, and Spike remained. "That was weird, what kind of stallion calls himself 'the Doctor.'" Spike asked raising an eyebrow.

"Him, apparently." Shining Armor said, responding to Spike's rhetorical question.

Twilight and Cadence rolled their eyes and internally faced hooved themselves for Shining's remark. Not wanting them to stay out any longer than they already did, Celestia ended their talk with saying,"In any case, we better go back to bed. We all have busy schedules for the day ahead of us, and it looks like we'll have to question our friend until tomorrow."

The three ponies and dragon nodded in agreement with Celestia's decision. They all went their separate ways to their rooms for shut eye. Before Celestia fell asleep though, she thought to herself with a sad smile, pretending she was talking to the stallion from the box,'Welcome to Equestria, Doctor. "

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long beginning. I set it up as an exposition to explain to readers who might not know that much about Doctor Who or the classic series. It explained some of the Doctor's origins and, of course, how he got into Equestria for the plot. Anyway, If you feel like I should change anything in this story or chapter, like how Rose made the Doctor throw a party, let me know. Also, let me know if I got the characters down, even though some might have had little dialogue. I hope you continue to read this and enjoy the story :raritywink:.

P.S. The video was made by DarthJedi2005 and the theme was composed by Ron Grainer and arranged by Murray Gold, credit goes to them.

Comments ( 19 )

There is a lot of Exposition, yes, but ultimately a good story! Well written, and though I've never watched an episode with Romana in it, I like the way you portrayed the pairing. I can ship this!:pinkiehappy:
The writing was kind of stiff, but you did well for your first story! I look forward to more!

Edit: Personally, if you want inspiration for how to write large chunks of exposition well, look to Lemony Snicket, though that style of writing probably won't go well with a Doctor Who story.

I liked it. You did a good introduction. Sad that Donna isn't included, she's one of my favorite companion along with Rory Williams.
Definitely weating for more.

6542667 Actually, remember when Romana saw the TARDIS seemingly go through the data of the Doctor's previous adventures and companions, there's a reason for that. I won't try to say what it means, but let's just say the Doctor will be quite surprised on what, or who, he finds. :trollestia: :raritywink:

As a Doctor Who fan I'm liking how this is going so far.

Good going in the back story. Hope you continue the story love to hear where you go with it

6545186 Oh I will, in fact, I'm working on the next chapter right now. It might take a while, but I promise it will come. :raritywink:

6542483 Fun Fact: Tom Baker and the actress who played Romana II got engaged, ergo explaining the feelings they had for each other in the show.

I don't want to go

N...not that line... :raritycry: :raritydespair: :applecry: :fluttercry: :pinkiesad2: NOT THAT LINE!!!!

6583745 Finally, someone caught the reference I made there. There's a reason why I had her say that line, but you'll have to read later chapters to see why.

6583842 Well I only caught it due to my super love (in a fan way) of David Tennant that I caught it. Plus it was one of the most heart breaking moments for me. Also can't wait for more of this story.

It should be "h ttp://www.youtube.com" not "h ttps://m.youtube.com"

Sooo..... The short description said "Knight of time and space."

Is this... Perhaps... A reference to Homestuck?

7052332 reference to Doctor Whooves and Assistant.

7054983 well, yeah, I kinda get that, I was just saying...

"Knight of Time" is a Homestuck thing. Dave Strider to be specific. Knight of Space is another potential GodTier within the comic, so...

Y'know what, nevermind...

7054995 no, go on, I'm interested.


See this page. Look for my comment, specifically at the links provided therein.

Interesting. Overall.
I admit, I'm not great with crossovers. They tend to really confuse me.
I've got Doctor Whooves and several characters based on the Doctor Who franchise in my fics but I've got them as the 'Equestrian-Equivalent' of Doctor Who and nothing to do with his humanoid-reality.
But I like how you've portrayed them overall.
It's a bit fast-moving for everyone to show up then disappear but I suppose it sets the scene.
Overall, as I said, interesting and I look forward to finding out how this happened and why.

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