• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,402 Views, 62 Comments

The Villains Bar - Zubric

Discord's nice little hide away for the bad and villainous. Antagonists welcome as well

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Guys Night

It was an ordinary and unremarkable night at the bar as the large group of ponies and other species gathered around the central poker table. The smooth grey surface was cluttered with the assortment of poker chips, cards and an nemours variety of snack foods. A single lamp hung above casting a bright contrast upon each of the villains face. Tirek’s chains clacked together as he shuffled the deck unable to take his eyes off the two empty seats that still waited for their patrons to arrive. He stared over at the draconequus bartender raising an eyebrow. “Are we expecting somepony new?”

Discord adjusted the purple and white suit he was wearing before nodding. “Oh indeed, we are. Two new male villains in fact. I”m sure they will liven up our abode. They aren’t no antagonists either, they are the real McCoys.”

Film smirked sipping his apple cider. “Well it’s about time we got some more male villainy.”

“I agree, Flim,” Flam commented, taking a quick look around the table at the other patrons already thinking of ways to outsmart them. “I mean the mares outnumber us three to one, not very good odds.”
“I am not be sharing my room with any more ponies,” Sombra hissed. “Nightmare is hard enough to deal with.”

“Oh really? I heard you two were getting along just fine,” Tirek teased, while making sure each of them had their cards including the two still unoccupied chairs.

The dark unicorn hissed once more, crossing his hooves in denial. “Why must you guys always bring up my...crush.”

“If there was any more crushing, you’d be under a rock,” Discord laughed. “Now who’s ready to meet some new frei…” he paused looking at all the glares directed at him about said word as if it was some forbidden word that could bring about the end of the world. He just rolled his eyes and continued. “Partners in crime.” With a cough, he pulled a microphone down from nowhere and spoke into it his voice amplified over non existent speakers. “Our first guest comes from a conquered faraway land, enslaved Equetira for a single week, and got broken into a dozen pieces. The one, the goatly, Storm King!”

A spotlight appeared above the first empty chair followed by a puff of smoke engulfing it. As it cleared, a tall and gray slender ape-like figure eyed the other figures around him. He stroked his white beard raising an eyebrow once the whole situation sank in. “You know,” he started, taking time to look at all the various ponies. “I could have sworn iwas dead a moment ago.”

Discord moved to the other side of the table, now in full view of the self entitled king. “Oh you were Storm, but death never stopped anypony. Just ask current company.” He let out a chuckle as he pointed to Sombra. Said unicorn hissed back at them.

The Storm king ears perked up as he watched the glowing eye liner. “Wow, how do you do that eye thing?” He made flowing gestures near his eyes.

“Dark magic.” The king was quick to reply, taking a sip from his cup before licking his fangs.

“Alright, that’s cool. Anyone want to tell me how i got here?” He let out a chuckle. ‘Cause the last thing i remember, I was having my own magic tossed back at me before i could encase some meddling ponies. I mean, who knew that the pony I betrayed would immediately backstab me, who could have see that coming.” The cloven hooved king blinked as the group look at him a few raising their eyebrows with bewilderment.. “What? Is there something stuck in my teeth?” He smacked his lips while feeling around with his one finger.

Discord muzzle narrowed grabbing the chair with ah firm grasp before turning it around like a swivel. His eyes glowed a deep red as he locked eye contact with the storm king. The chill that could be felt was like the windigo’s own soul baring down its entire essence upon the newcomer. “Before you ge get any ideas, let me make one thing perfectly crystal clear. Do not betray me...you will regret it.” His claw pressed against the grey chest never breaking his gaze as the other stallions watched the intimating sight.

“Uh y-yeah no problem boss.” Just by the way he was twitching, Discord could tell he was trying not to shake in fright. He preferred respect of course, but weaning in new comers was the fun part.

Quick as a flash, Discord’s smile returned and turned the chair back towards the table. “Excellent, with that out of the way, let’s more onto our next new patron shall we?” The group of villainy all nodded their heads watching as the next chair became illuminated by the phantom light. The Storm King looked over as well as Discord spoke into his microphone. “And now, from the far reaches of limbo, comes a being of pure shadow simplely known as The Pony Of Shadows.” His voice echoed as the light surrounding the empty chair began to flicker and rippling like waves on the ocean. Soon a black mist rose up from the floor oozing over hte seat as a body began to take shape. Within seconds, a deep laugher was heard followed by featureless white eyes opening staring at the group while a smile formed on its face.

The Pony of Shadows laughed, spreading out its dark massless wings. “Well, it would appear I have been freed once again.Who was the fool this time?” A deep laugh bellowed from his throat no doubt sending shivers down the spines of those around him, well most anyway.

“Oh I wouldn’t call myself a fool, I prefer trickster most of the time,” Discord said with a sly smile, now standing across the table. He danced a playing card around his talon.

The Pony of Shadows raised an eyebrow at the l bizarre creature before him and the amalgamation of body parts as if the universe itself couldn’t make up its mind when creating it. The chaos of it made the shadow being pause. “I have been imprisoned for aeons. So what mad power of magic created you? I’ve never felt anything so powerful.”

“Oh I do my best...and worst,” Discord smirked. “The name is Discord, Lord of chaos.”

“My, what a pretentious title. But surely any being capable of liberating me from limbo deserves some respect.” The shadow figure eyed the members at the table once more. “What pretell is this meeting I have been summoned too?”

Sombra munched on a potato chip giving a quick glance. “A Guys Night,” he simply said, watching the smoke shift about on its seat.

Shadow raised a non existent eyebrow. “A what?”

The Storm King pulled over one of the drinks from the table and smirked. “You know, hanging out, bonding. Come on, how do you not know?”

Shadow glared. “As i recall, my ex-host didn’t have much of a social life.”

Discord smirked putting his paw on the shadow’s shoulder. “Well that my new friend is about to change.”

“You would be wise to just let me out and spread my darkness over the helpless ponies.”

The lord of chaos threw back his head and laughed. “Oh Nightmare Moon said the same thing when she first came. Needless to say, you are not going anywhere.”

Shadow rose to his hooves flaring his smokey wings and glared back into Discord’s eyes. “We’ll see about that.” Quick as a whip, the beast flew to the front door thrusting it open. He didn’t seem deterred by the vast black nothingness beyond as he rushed out determined.

The smirk on Discord’s muzzle went ear to ear as he watch the picket watch he’d acquired ticking on by. The group wait fo the outcome as the chaotic king tapped his chin. “3..2...1” slam!

A large burst of air blew the door open nearly scattering the cards upon the table as Shadow flew in and gasped eyes wide as dinner plates. “What! That’s impossible! I flew for hours.”

Sombra leaned back in his seat dropping his glass as he burst into laughter. He could tell this newcomer was going to be a blast to get under the skin. Well, if he had skin. “He did warn you.” The ex-king really hoped that Shadow would end up as the new target of Discord’s chaos. instead of him.

Discord gave the shadow being a condescending pat on the back his smirk constant. “Well, it was a good effort. At least you tried”

Shadow’s glare intensified as he pushed away from Discord. “Don’t you dare patronize me!”

“Or what pretell will you do? Hmm? I have all the power here and all you have is to blow around like the hot air you are.”

The Storm King took a sip from his new drink and looked over slouching his arm over the backrest of his seat. “It’s true, empty threats get you nowhere, got to show them you mean business.”

Shadow’s jaw dropped as the air became silent for a moment as he tried to think of a retort. Reluncently, he submitted an took his seat back at the table. “Fine, so how’s does one play this game?”

Discord enjoyed one last laugh before sliding back into his chair. This little spurt of chaos was just the beginning, he could feel it. I wonder how he’ll react to Nightmare Moon.

Author's Note:

Pretty short but wasn't sure what else to do in this segment. iping my next ones will at least reach that 2k mark