• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,397 Views, 62 Comments

The Villains Bar - Zubric

Discord's nice little hide away for the bad and villainous. Antagonists welcome as well

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Episode 3: Room Mates

Gilda poured herself a glass of her favorite fizzy drink, chugging it down like a pro before letting out a burp that any champion would call gold worthy. A changeling guard perched on a barstool offered her a high hoof at the astounding feet. The griffin returned the gesture before looking around the mostly empty bar.

The idle sound of pool filled the air as Trixie and Chrysalis played. Suffice to say, it was a rather slow night, causing Gilda to be bored out of her mind. She thrived on the randomness that happened on most nights to keep her entertained, and with no such source of distraction she reflected on a few things

After spending a week or two working in the bar, she had noticed a pattern of visitors that were always present no matter what. The visitors in question being both Sombra and Nightmare Moon. Granted, both were supposedly dead in one way or another so that raised even more questions about Discord’s odd powers that he possessed.

Despite not having a kingdom, Sombra insisted on wearing this crown and blood red robe. Nightmare moon was much the same way, sporting her sharp looking hoof shoes and black as night regalia. It was like both were showing off for no reason, not that they had anything to show for it.

For a few brief moments, the only sound to be heard was the soft jazz playing over the speakers. This silence only to be broken by Sombra glancing at Gilda and clearing his throat.

“Another cup of bubbling blood,” he ordered, narrowing his eyes before setting his now empty glass down.

“What is the deal with you and this wine?’ Gilda questioned as she poured the fizzy red wine into the narrow crystal cup.

“Don’t question my tastes, feather brain,” he hissed, narrowing his eyes seeming to be an very sour mood tonight.

“Esh, what’s got you going tonight?” Gilda asked, not affected by the insult as she adjusted her white apron.

Nightmare let out a chuckle smirking. “Oh, he’s just cranky cause my reading aloud of my favorite novel kept him up last night.”

“You did that on purpose!” His eyes flared with emerald fire as he glared daggers at the creature of the night. His snarl showed off his rather sharp teeth.

“Pfft. Of course It had a purpose. It was to get back at you for swapping my shampoo.”

A smirk spread across Gilda’s face and she snickered, finally figuring out the mystery. “I take it you two share the same room upstairs.”

“Yes, unfortunately.” Nightmare hissed. “He talks in his sleep.”

Sombra huffed and pointed his nose up. “Do not.”

Nightmare put her head on her hooves as if sleeping, and in a mocking tone played out a scene. “snore, crystal heart, snore old friend, snore betrayed” she rolled her eyes.

Gilda tilted her head while resting it against her hand on the table. “What is she going on about?”

The dead king glared back at Nightmare and smashed his hoof upon the counter.. “None of your business! My backstory is personal, you know!”

“Aww, does Sombra have a heart.” Nightmare sneered with a mischievous smirk.

Before either of them could start bickering again, a bright flash of light blinded the villains and barkeep as Discord appeared. He took a seat between the two ancient evils, this time adorned with a monocle and red top hat.

“Oh settle down you two, can’t we just be good Frenemies?” He asked, pulling them closer.

“No!” Both of them shouted, shoving themselves away from the ever chaotic draconequus.

Discord merely chuckled and took a glance at Gilda. “So how long have they been bickering for?”

Gilda poured some ice water for herself. “Ugh, they’ve been at it all night.”

He once more pulled the two villains into a bear hug much to their dismay. “How about we change topics then? Like to, oh... how you both arrived here.”

Nightmare groaned. “I’d prefer to get my own room over that.”

“Not happening”

“Ugh fine!”

Sombra rolled his eyes, crossing his hooves. “Not like I got anything better to do.”

Discord smiled deviously, booping Nightmare’s nose. ‘How about Moony goes first?”

“Don’t call me that!”


Nightmare Moon, the spirit formally known as just The Nightmare, was now dead. Her cause of death, a bright beam of rainbow light thanks to the all powerful Elements of Harmony. But how could she be dead if she was still standing on solid ground?

All around her was pure blackness, a void of nothing. No substance, yet her hooves were felt up by something she couldn’t see. After a few moments passed, she began to hear the faint sound of music, a slightly upbeat trumpet followed by an underlining piano. As her eyes glanced about for the source, she could feel her heart beating in her chest and soon spotted the plain wooden exterior door in the distance.

Her hooves made no noise against the featureless surface as she walked towards the door. The music steadily grew louder as the faintest of light leaked out of the bottom of the doorframe. When she was no more than fifteen hoofsteps away, she saw the slimming neon sign that indicated that whatever this place was, it was open. With nowhere else to go, she entered, feeling the warmth the interior brought with it.

As she stared at the bar’s wooden interior, she cleared her throat, standing tall and commanding. “Who ever brought us here, reveal thyselves.” She demanded, slamming her hoof upon the counter once she had approached it. While she was grateful to whatever had saved her life from the elements, she still felt she needed to get back and wreak her vengeance upon Equestria.

Then suddenly from the shadows, Discord himself slithered out smiling. “Welcome Nightmare Moony” he teased, dancing his way over.

“Discord! how art thou free of stone prison?” She lit her horn and tried casting magic upon the beast, but alas, it seemed he was immune to anything she could muster up. Discord seemed to mock her silently, standing a mere few feet away.

“Oh you’d like answers wouldn't you? Although, it may not be ones you like to hear.”

“We do not have patience for your games, anwer us!”

He let out a chuckle, his voice bellowing off the walls. “Well if you must know, you were defeated and Princess Luna is restored to what she was. As for you, well I plucked you out of oblivion so I’d have something to talk too.”

Nightmare cursed under her breath. “That blasted unicorn got the elements working again, she will pay!” She spun around and ran for the door. She swung it open only to ram her face right into a brick wall. “What is the meaning of this, send us back! Now!”

“There’s nowhere to go Moony, just get used to it.”

“Don’t call me that!’


Gilda raised an interrupting claw. “Wait, you had this place for that long?”

Discord nodded crossing his arms. “As a matter of fact, yes I have. You try not letting your imagination go wild while trapped in stone. So Moony and I had alot to chat about till I let new members in.”

Nightmare mumbled under her breath, taking a sip of her drink.

Gilda blinked “Wait, if you were stoned, how in the world could you manage to make this place.”

“LIke I said, the power of imagination.” He put his hands above his head forming a rainbow as they part.

“Yuck, how cheesy,” Gilda commented, sticking her tongue out.

“Anyway, how about you, Sombra? Care to share your story.”

“You still have yet to explain why I have to share a room with that witch,” his hoof jutted towards Nightmare Moon.

“Bub bub, all in good time. Care to tell the class your story now,” Discord teased.

Sombra rolled his eyes, amused as he cleared his throat.



Unimaginable pain.

It was all Sombra could think about, besides his utter rage as the wave of crystal heart energy ripped him apart atom by atom. The fractures in his body felt like splinters, digging in deep to the most sensitive of nerve endings. The sensation was utter torture as his vision was flooded with pure white light. The next sensation was similar to fire as his body exploded, warmth overcoming every part of him until there was nothing.

Moments passed as the now dead king felt weightless, in an endless limbo like the last burning ember of flame from a candle. He could feel just the tiniest bit of his magic still remaining, but useless to him in his broken state. In fact, he wasn’t sure how he was even aware of such a thing at this moment. Wasn’t he dead? If this was the afterlife then it sucked big time.

The silence persisted for a while until a slight muffling could be heard. It was hard to make out at first, being distorted so much. He couldn't open his eyes, for he had none at the moment – another puzzling aspect of this sensation he was feeling.

Slowly but surely, he could feel his body regenerating. First came his head, spreading down from his horn like a growing vine. He felt his nose twitch and wiggle but his eye still remained closed as the feeling spread along his cheek and down forming his neck. The process continued in this fashion as more of his body became alive. As everything began to feel stable again, his heart thumped to life once more and he gasped as he let in a breath of air.

His newly formed legs collapsed beneath him, causing him to fall flat on his face upon the cold hardwood floor. He groaned, laying there for several moments as he let his mind catch up. “Ugh, w-what happened?”

His question seemed to be ignored by the creatures near by. “Told you it would work.” Discord said, looking over at Nightmare.

The night princess simple rolled his eyes. “I don’t see why you had to resurrect such a being as him. Even we are scared of the shadows.”

Discord ignored the groan from the weak unicorn on the floor. “Pff, he’s not really a threat anymore. Besides, capes are cool.” He poofing purple cape around his neck, said cape looking a lot like Trixie’s.

Sombra eventually got his his hooves, staring up at the much taller alicorn before him. His eyes stared into the flowing starry mane finding it pretty. Nightmare glanced back at him showing off her fangs to intimate. “Oh nice teeth but i still demand to know what going on.”

“Oh nothing, just me saving your life so I can have a poker buddy.” Discord puts his arm around Sombra. “Care for a drink.”

“What is this poker you speak of? And no, I don’t want any.” he shoved Discord away glaring daggers.

“So I guess you’re a sober Sombra.” Discord joked ‘Welcome to the Villains bar.”


“Really, that’s it?” Gilda snorted. “Lame.”

“What were you expecting? An epic battle between good and evil.” Discord put his arm over Sombra again, the once powerful tyrant in return pushing him away again.

Nightmare huffed. “As much as we love to tell stories, there still is the matter of our room.” she adjusted her mane.

Sombra seemed distracted for a moment while watching Nightmare before looking back at the chaotic king. “Yes, what will it take for us to have separate rooms?”

Discord tapped his chin as the two stared at im with the faintest of hope. Gilda found this whole situation amusing, seeing as she handily spotted the possible crush Sombra had on Nightmare from a mile away. Not that she was one for romance. After a moment, Discord replied with a snicker. “Hmm, nope! Not going to happen.”

“What!” Both villains exclaimed with wide eyes.

“I’ve made my mind up. You too just have to learn to get along. Chaos is more fun that way.”

The two groaned deeply, facehoofing as the music once more played over the radio. Discord smirked as he walked into the back room. “Oh ain’t I a stinker?”

Author's Note:

I'll be honest i'm not sure on future ideas but i'll keep trying.