• Published 30th May 2012
  • 1,620 Views, 34 Comments

Xiaomane Showdown - DreamWings

A new dragon warrior joins the temple for to be the new element.

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A New Shen Gong Wu?

Chapter 4- A New Shen Gong Wu?

The monks weren't happy. Twilight had told them all about her past experience with Nightmare Moon and they were not looking forward to having to face her themselves. They had already fought many other powerful villains, but at least most of them had been human (well, in some form or other). Fighting a ghost-like pony did not sound like fun.

They had also noticed in their last encounter with the villains, that the Jack-bots had become considerably more powerful then before. Twilight had seen Trixie when she had been hovering above them. She knew that Trixie must have been using magic to make the metal battalion even stronger. But what did Trixie have to gain from working with an idiot like Jack? From what the monks had said, Jack Spicer wasn't exactly the most powerful monkey on this planet, and definitely not the brightest; so why had Trixie chosen him to help? Twilight didn't want to be there when the answer was revealed.

"Heads up kids." Dojo shuffled into the room, closely followed by Spike. "New Shen Gong Wu has just been revealed."

The monks looked at each other. A new Shen Gong Wu? This would be the first mission they would have gone on ever since Nightmare Moon was released, and even that was a couple of weeks ago now. Dojo pulled out a large scroll and opened it; a large picture shone in the centre.

"Hey, look. It's not just one it's two" Kimiko stated as a series of two images flashed up on the small rectangular screen. One of the animations showed an image of a man using a box to make a hole in a wall so that he could walk straight through it to the opposite side. On the other picture the man turned a small tree into a human and they ran off screen together.

"How did that small monkey get in there?" Spike picked up the now closed scroll to try and figure out the answer to his question. Twilight shook her head, smiling at her friends innocence.

"What were those Shen Gong Wu, Dojo?" Raimundo asked the small dragon.

"Hmm...as far as I remember. The small box is 'Panku's remote'; it has the ability to make the impossible possible. And the other is 'The Soul of Sereba'. It's like the 'Heart of Jong' but it actually gives the object you've given life to, memories; like the object has always been living. Well in it's own mind it has always lived anyway."

While the monks were thinking Dojo stretched out and grew until he was large enough for all of the monks to fit onto his back. They were given no more chance to have their say; Dojo wanted to get these Shen Gong Wu as fast as possible. They must have been powerful if he was in such a rush. Twilight quickly clambered onboard, barely holding on in time, before the large green reptile flew off the ground at a rapid speed. She waved to Spike down on the ground, trying to say goodbye to her friend. He did not notice however, because he had got himself rather tangled up in the infinitely long scroll that he had been reading. Twilight giggled, she was glad that Spike had come with her to the temple. At least she had one of her friends with her there.


It seemed to the young warriors that it was taking a long time to get to these new Shen Gong Wu. They had already been flying for at least a few hours and they had grown bored. At one point they were sure that Dojo had no idea where he was actually flying to but he assured them he knew; he was following the magic. Twilight sighed. Her and her old friends used to do that all of the time, go on adventures with magic involved. The temple was fine, but magic was a rare sight there. The only magic they really had was their elements paired with the Shen Gong Wu. The rest of the World was magic free, and in Twilight's eyes, the creatures who lived there were quite naive to the thought of using magic to look after the Earth. Unlike in Equestria were it was magic that controlled most of the kingdom. She wasn't sure if she liked the lack of magic in her new world.

"Okay we're here."

Everyone looked over the side of Dojo to where 'there' was. What they saw startled them. This land was very bright, very colourful and very lively. You could never imagine something bad happening there with the gaity of the surroundings. Omi smiled and pointed at this, that and the other; whilst the rest of the human monks just stared in utter confusion at the moving bright blobs that seemed to be walking around. Even Twilight seemed suprised at where they where. She couldn't imagine that the Shen Gong Wu could be here.

"Where is this wonderous place?" Omi gestured to the village that they had now landed in.

"Ponyville" Twilight's eyes sparked as she looked around "I don't believe it, we're in Ponyville."