• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 777 Views, 7 Comments

The Legend of the Light Kingdom - Rakoon1

The story about how the Light Kingdom was creating and how it fell under a stone sleep, as well the reasons that led to it.

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Revelations in the Dream

The group of nomad unicorns stopped to camp when night fell. They set up their tents and began to prepare their meal. Aurora was in her tent to rest from the great day of walking, while delighting herself with her meal.

"Well, it was an intense day" she said. "My hooves hurt from all the walking. A good rest is very welcome."

It was then that sopony entered in her tent. It was one of her direct subordinates, Thunder Spark.

"I'm so sorry, Lady Aurora" he said.

"What's going on, Thunder Spark?" Aurora asked.

"It's our food reserve, mi lady. It’s near of the critical level."

Aurora sighed. She suspected it was something like that. Since those snows began, it became even more difficult for her people to find food. Even the earth ponies refused to sell their food to Pegasi and unicorns. Since then, they were limited to wander, hoping to find a fertile land and some food to take. Despite sometimes having the luck of find plenty of food, the snow caught them. So they began heading south in search of a place to settle down. But even a large supply of food must come to an end.

"I was afraid this might happen" Aurora answered. "But we have no choice but to continue to go south."

"Do you think we can find some place that is not subject to all these snow and ice?" Thunder Spark asked.

"Somewhere, all this snow must stop" Aurora replied. "We just have to find that same place."

But seeing the uncertainty air of Thunder Spark, Aurora approached him and said, putting her hoof on his shoulder:

"Have faith. I'm sure that we will find the perfect place and save our people from starving."

Those words made Thunder Spark smile and then he made a slight bow to Aurora and left the tent.

Aurora was lying on her bed and was thinking in her own words. The truth was that she had begun to doubt what she had just said. She was afraid they wouldn't find the land she said to exist before their food supply came to an end. However, she could not allow her people to grasp her discouragement. She couldn't show the weak part.

Not realizing, Aurora started to close her eyes and fall asleep. It was then that she found herself in a place full of light. It was a relaxing place where she couldn't distinguish neither the ground nor the sky.

"But where am I?" she asked, looking around. "What is this place? Am I dreaming?"

"Yes and no" a voice replied.

A bright light appeared and when it disappeared, the Lord of Order appeared.

"Who are you?" Aurora asked.

"I'm the one who created everything you can see" the Lord of Order replied. "I’m the source of all that is bright and good. You can call me the Lord of Order... or your master."

"Master?" Aurora repeated, still atonic with what she was presenting.

"Yes, I’m your master because you prefer to be good than bad" the Lord of Order said.

But seeing that Aurora was still somewhat speechless, the Lord of Order said:

"I know you're probably thinking you're having a crazy dream, but I assure you that this dream is very real."

It was then that Aurora seemed to come back to normal and said:

"I'm sorry, but it's a bit hard to believe that I'm talking to a deity."

"I understand that" the Lord of Order said. "But dreams are the only way I have to communicate with the beings of this world. At least, since he began to dominate it."

"He?" Aurora repeated. "Who is he?"

"My brother, the one who brings destruction and darkness" the Lord of Order answered. "He is the source of all evil. For you, his name is Lord of Chaos."

Hearing what the Lord of Order was saying, Aurora realized:

"Wait, so he's the one who's causing all that snow and ice?"

"Not directly, but he is responsible for that" the Lord of Order answered. "I created this world quite meticulous in order to be full of order and peace without compromising the balance between my creation and my brother’s destruction. But he came to this world and began doing what he knows best: destroy. For this, he manipulated ponies and turned them against each other. The peace between the three kinds of ponies was damaged and they began to fight among themselves. I managed to end this war, but the mistrust remained and that made the Windigos to act."

"Windigos?" Aurora repeated. "You're talking about the evil spirits which feed on fighting and hatred, bringing ice and cold? Wait, but that means that all this is happening because..."

"Yes, it's all because of the hatred between the three kinds of ponies" the Lord of Order completed. "With the growing hatred, my power and influence decreased, while my brother’s grew stronger."

"And what can I do to overcome this situation?" Aurora asked.

"Nothing" the Lord of Order replied. "Unfortunately, my brother now has too much power in this world for me or anyone to do anything. Only when ponies learn to forget their differences and create bonds of friendship with each other is that things can change for the better."

"So, if the reason for you visiting my dreams is not to reverse the situation, so why did you come?" Aurora asked.

"Well, I have been watching you, Aurora, you and your people" the Lord of Order replied. "I could see the great kindness and generosity that exist in you. It would be a shame to see it disappear in the coldness of my brother’s evil. So, I plan to save them and keep my current influence in this world."

"Does it means that... you are going to help us?" Aurora asked.

The Lord of Order beckoned. Aurora smiled of happiness. He felt so luckily by know that the torment of her people would end.

"Now listen me very carefully, Aurora" the Lord of Order said. "I'm just going to say this once."

Aurora beckoned and paid attention to his words. The Lord of Order began to say:

"If you travel further South, without fear of what you might find, trusting and not doubting, you will find the most fertile land in this world, a land protected from my brother’s touch. But be careful, because in order to enter in this paradise, the heart of the one who lead his or her people have to be worthy. This means that you have to put away my brother’s darkness."

"Don't worry, I won't give in to darkness" Aurora assured.

"Don't get too confident" the Lord of Order advised. "My brother always finds a way to get what he wants. But I have faith in you. I know that you will be able to withstand and protect your people. Good luck."

And there was an burst of light and Aurora awakened from your sleep to gasp. For a moment, she thought that al that was just a dream, but something told her that what had just happened was very real.

So she made a decision: she would continue to lead her people to the same place the Lord of Order had talked about.