• Published 28th Aug 2015
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The Legend of the Light Kingdom - Rakoon1

The story about how the Light Kingdom was creating and how it fell under a stone sleep, as well the reasons that led to it.

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The Lord of Chaos' Most Loyal Servant's Birth

The relationship between Aurora and Sombra, despite having been hidden by those who already knew about its existence, including the involved ones, soon started to be noticed, especially by Generals of Order. In fact, this has become the main topic of conversation among them.

"So, have you noticed how our princess is always with our guest?" Melody asked to her brothers and sisters while they were all in the Great Hall.

That question made everypony look at her, except Golden Paladin, who had his eyes fixed on the book he was reading.

"Who hasn't noticed?" Purple Smoke asked. "It's almost like they're glued together."

"Despite not liking to talk about others on their back, I have to admit that you are right" Leaf Mane said.

"I'm sure the two lovebirds are always out there strolling around the garden, well together..." Purple Smoke said in his scoffing tone.

That made Heartbeat and Mirror Coat look to Golden Paladin, trying to see how he was reacting to the fact of listening what Purple Smoke was saying. However, the General of Peace remained indifferent, reading his book.

Melody, not liking what Purple Smoke was saying, hit him on the head, what made him exclaim, taking the hooves to where she hit him:

"AU! Hey, why did you do that?"

"Because you are talking nonsenses, as usual" Melody said. "How can you say that about our princess? It's disgusting."

"But it's the truth" Purple Smoke said. "You'll not tell me that those two are taking strolls because both think the gardens are beautiful, will you?"

"But you could moderate the tone and be careful with the words you say" Leaf Mane said.

"I think strolling around the gardens it's very romantic" Melody said. "I wish I had a stallion who was as romantic and gentlecolt like Sobra. You know what, they make a great couple."

It was then that Golden Paladin, tired of hearing about Aurora and Sombra, closed the book with strength, something that made all turn to him, and then got up and headed to the exit, saying:

"I'm going to my room."

And he left.

"But what’s up with him?" Purple Smoke asked.

"I don't know, but he seemed pretty upset" Melody said.

"No wonder" Heartbeat said. "Talking about these things in front of him."

Mirror Coat looked to her youngest sister. If he knew her well, if she kept with this, she would eventually reveal Golden’s secret.

"Hey, we were just stating an undeniable fact" Purple Smoke said.

"And expressing an opinion" Melody added.

"Well, you should be more careful with what you say and who's listening" Heartbeat said.

"Heartbeat, enough" Mirror Coat said, before Heartbeat could say more than she should. "This is not a subject to start a discussion between us."

Heartbeat seemed to have heard Mirror Coat, but Leaf Mane, who had a great capacity of observation, said:

"You two are hiding something, aren't you?"

"What?" Mirror Coat asked.

"And there's something to do with the relationship between Princess Aurora and Sombra, isn't it?" Leaf Mane asked.

Heartbeat and Mirror Coat stayed quiet, but their silence was confirming.

"You really know something" Melody said.

"Tell us what it is" Purple Smoke said.

The two General stayed quiet. Knowing those three, they wouldn't leave them alone until they told them what they knew.

Golden left the room, bringing his book levitating. When he started heading to his room, he encountered, to his misfortune, Aurora and Sombra.

"Hello, Golden" Aurora greeted.

"Hello, princess" Golden said, making a bow to Aurora and then addressing to Sombra, trying to use the most cordial tone he could. "Hello, Sombra."

"Hello, Golden" Sombra greeted, who noticed the distant tone that the General had used to greet him. "Is everything all right?"

"Of course" Golden said. "But, if you don't mind, I have things to do."

And, having said that, Golden pulled away.

"Golden seemed strange" Sombra observed.

"Maybe he’s just tired" Aurora said. "You know, he works a lot. Keeping this kingdom safe from the followers of the Lord of chaos is no easy task. Well, I have to go too. I have to go take care of some business."

And, having said that, Aurora shared a kiss with Sombra and said:

"Goodbye, my love."

"Goodbye" Sombra said.

And Aurora drifted away.

However, in the Great Hall, Melody, Purple Smoke and Leaf Mane continued to wonder what Heartbeat and Mirror Coat were trying to hide.

"Now that you started, you have to finish" Melody said.

"Yeah, let us hear it" Purple Smoke ordered. "What do you know about Golden we don't?"

"I have to admit that I also have curiosity" Leaf Mane said.

Heartbeat and Mirror Coat stayed quiet for a few seconds and she then asked:

"What do we do now?"

"Now you ask?" Mirror Coat asked. "You're the one who got us into this situation."

"Yes, but we can't escape this situation easily" Heartbeat said.

"You're right" Mirror Coat said. "They won't stop until they find out the truth and we cannot risk calling too much attention. Very well, you tell them."

"What?!" Heartbeat asked. "Why me?"

"Because you're better at this stuff than me" Mirror Coat replied.

"Don't wash your hooves to me!" Heartbeat protested.

"Can you stop this and tell us once and for all what you know?" Melody asked.

Heartbeat and Mirror Coat still were arguing about who should tell by looks, but the General of Knowledge seemed to have won, because Heartbeat sighed and said:

"Okay, okay, but you have to promise you won't tell anypony, okay? This is Goldy’s secret and nopony can know."

"We promise" the three Generals said at the same time.

Heartbeat took a few seconds before answering:

"Goldy... is in love... with Princess Aurora."

That revelation left Melody, Purple Smoke and Leaf Mane astounded.

"Wait…" Melody said, trying to recover from what she had just heard. "What?!"

“Golden, our Golden, is in love with the princess?" Purple Smoke asked.

"That explains his behavior since Sombra arrived" Leaf Mane realized.

"That's right" Heartbeat said. "Only me and Mirror Coat were the ones to notice. What siblings we have..."

"I'm still amazed" Melody said. "I never thought that Golden could be in love with Princess Aurora."

"Yes, I didn't even know he could fall in love" Purple Smoke said. "I mean, after Mirror Coat, he is the most serious of us all. No offense, Mirror Coat."

"Don't worry" he said. "I'm proud to be who I am."

"Guys, remember, not a word of what I just told you" Heartbeat said. "Mainly to Princess Aurora and Sombra."

"Don't worry, Heartbeat" Leaf Mane said. "We're not going to tell anypony about this. Right, guys?"

Melody and Purple Smoke waved. Heartbeat was relieved, because she knew that her siblings would do anything to keep that secret.

What they didn't know was that Sombra had heard everything, standing at the entrance of the Great Hall. After finding out that Golden was in love with Aurora, Sombra realized the reason for him to be so cold to him. Despite knowing that Aurora loved him, he couldn't help but be insecure enough with what he'd just heard. And then he walked away.

He moved away from the citadel, going to a remote and quiet place, on the edge of the border. He needed to think about that. Sombra had been caught by surprise with this revelation about the fact that Golden Paladin was in love with the same mare he was. None of this had happened before to him.

That situation also made him insecure, after all he only knew Aurora for quite a short time. Golden Paladin knew her best. And what if Golden made that she left him? Sombra simply didn't know what to do.

The Lord of Chaos observed Sombra from his mirror, sitting on his throne.

"I see" he said. "So it's because of him that Golden Paladin has been so conducive to darkness. Interesting. But what soul so... vulnerable. No doubt that he can be quite useful."

Sombra was still lost in his thoughts and insecurities when a voice said:

"I notice that you look lost."

Sombra raised his head, looking around to see where that voice was coming from.

"Who said that?" he asked.

"Me" the voice said again.

And the Lord of Chaos appeared outside the border. Seeing him, Sombra asked:

"Who are you?"

"Well, I could lie to you and introduce myself as someone I'm not" the Lord of Chaos said. "But I'd like to be your friend, so I'm going to tell you the truth. I am the Lord of Chaos."

Hearing him telling that, Sombra adopted a cautious position.

"The Lord of Chaos?" he repeated.

"From what I see, you've heard of me" the Lord of Chaos observed.

"Of course" Sombra answered. "You are the evil brother of the Lord of Order. The master of all villains. But what are you doing here? You shouldn't be in the Light Kingdom."

"The power of the Light Kingdom is always weaker at its borders" the Lord of Chaos said. "Besides, technically, I'm not in the Light Kingdom. Don't worry, while you're on that side of the border, I can't hurt you."

Despite what the Lord of Chaos said, Sombra doesn't let his guard down. He asked:

"What do you want?"

"The question that you should do is what you want” the Lord of Chaos said.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, I can feel that you are in trouble and I want to help you" the Lord of Chaos said.

"Do you really think I believe that? As if the Lord of Chaos would help somepony else but himself."

"Like I said, I want to be your friend. Besides, you're not in a position to refuse help. If my observations are correct, you have a love problem. You're afraid that somepony will steal the mare of your dreams."

Sombra was stunned when he heard that.

"How do you know that?" he asked.

“Because it’s always the same" the Lord of Chaos said. "The only thing that can make a stallion like you lose the head is a mare. And, in most cases, there is always a love triangle. And, with the triangle in which you are inserted, I would also be concerned. After all, competing with the General of Peace by the affection of Princess Aurora is quite complicated."

"How do you know..." Sombra began, remembering who he was talking to. "Never mind. But I don't need your help. I don't have to compete with Golden to win Aurora’s affection. I've already got it."

"Maybe" the Lord of Chaos replied. "But what about in a few years? Don't forget that you, unlike Aurora and the Generals, are mortal. As such, you will grow old and die, while they stay young forever."

Sombra giggled and asked:

"Do you really think you can convince me with that? I know perfectly well that I will die and that Aurora will continue to live. But, for me, her happiness is more important. If, after I die, she wants to be happy with another stallion, even though that stallion is Golden, so I just have to be happy for her."

"A very noble sentiment" the Lord of Chaos said. "But don't forget that before you die, you're going to have to grow old. Probably, Aurora will leave you when your vital force and beauty begin to leave you."

"Aurora would never do that" Sombra said. "She's too good."

And, having said this, he turned his back to the Lord of Chaos and prepared to walk away. However, the master of all evil was not willing to give up and had one last card to use.

"What if I told you that you could become immortal?" he asked.

Hearing that, Sombra stopped. Although his conscience was telling him to not listen, the dark side of his love for Aurora urged him to listen what the Lord of Chaos had to say.

"That's right" the Lord of Chaos said. "I know a way for you to stay immortal. Just think about it, you could be with her forever and ever. Your love would be eternal. Not even Golden Paladin could break it."

The tempting words of the Lord of Chaos were starting to take effect in Sombra, who was being dominated by its desire to stay with Aurora forever.

"You just have to do a little thing" the Lord of Chaos said.

Golden Paladin, unable to stay in his room with nothing to do (once he had finished his book), decided to take a walk through the gardens of the castle. He sat in the shadow of a tree, trying to relax. However, he couldn't. Every time he closed my eyes, I could only imagine Aurora next to Sombra.

"Hello, Golden" a voice said.

Golden opened his eyes and faced Sombra. However, he seemed different. He had a heavy cold look and her features were inexpressive.

"Sombra?" Golden asked, rising up. "What do you want?"

"I discovered that you love Aurora" Sombra said, bluntly.

Golden was shocked when he heard that.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't try to deny it" Sombra said. "I know that from a reliable source. Your brothers and sisters must learn to lower the tone of their voice when they trade secrets."

Golden realized that Heartbeat and Mirror Coat should have told the other Generals about his crush on Aurora and that Sombra had heard everything. However, he managed to maintain a firm stance and asked:

"So? What do you want?"

"I want to know your intentions" Sombra said. "If you want to win her affections, just know that I'll not let that happen."

Golden then aired a smile and said:

"Looks like I'm not the only one to be jealous. But it also appears that, unlike me, you're pretty insecure, even having already won the princess’ love."

"You'd be also insecure if the situation were reversed" Sombra answered.

"You can think whatever you want, but you don't have to be afraid of me" Golden said, approaching. "I know my place. Don't worry, my relationship with Princess Aurora is based in respect and friendship. Regardless of any feelings I may have for her, it will not pass from that."

And he passed for Sombra and began walking away. Feeling anger boiling inside of him, Sombra turned to Golden and started to load magic on his horn. However, instead of his normal magical aura, his horn was surrounded by a black aura engulfed by a vivid violet mist with light brilliant green edges. Then, he fired a powerful magic beam against Golden.

He, feeling an attack approaching, turned quickly and created a shield that protected him from the attack, although it was difficult to defend it. Upon seeing the attack, Golden Paladin managed to understand its nature.

"But this is..." Golden started, not wanting to believe. “But this dark magic. Where did you get it?!"

"It doesn’t matter where" Sombra said, carrying his horn again with dark magic. "What you need to know is that I'm going to beat you with it."

And, having said this, he launched a magic beam even stronger than the previous one. Golden created a shield to protect himself, but the very nature of dark magic made it start feeding his own magic, which eventually begin to create cracks in his defense until it managed to break it and then hit him.

Feeling the beam hitting him, Golden felt an immense pain, as he felt the flower of his star seed appearing and opening, revealing the seed with yellow light that it held. With the exposure of the yellow star seed, the defense that surrounded the Light Kingdom began to flicker, getting immensely weak, something that left the light ponies quite nervous, asking what would be happening.

"No…" he said. "My star seed…"

Seeing the star seed, a manic smile appeared in Sombra’s face, as he remembered the words of the Lord of Chaos:

So you can achieve immortality and, at the same time, get rid of Golden Paladin by stealing the light of his star seed. By doing this, you will become the new General of Peace and Princess Aurora will be yours for the rest of eternity. I will give you the spell you need, but you will have to use all your anger to activate it.

Sombra was a step to finally get what he wanted: stay with Aurora forever. He just had to get the Golden’s star seed’s light and he could obtain immortality. He started approaching with his horn creating sparks, due to his increasing excitement. Then, suddenly, a voice exclaimed:


A pulse of light magic hit Sombra and pushed him a few meters behind, forcing him to protect his face with the front hooves. When he managed to look, he found Aurora, along with the other Generals.

"Aurora..." Sombra said.

"What are you doing?" Aurora asked, not wanting to believe in what the stallion she loved was about to do. "You were trying to steal Golden’s light?"

"I was just trying to save our love" Sombra said. "Don't you understand? With Golden’s light, I can get rid of the restraints of mortality and stay with you forever."

"But steal Golden’s light would be like kill him" Aurora said. "Without it, he would become at lifeless black stone statue."

"So?" Sombra asked, shocking Aurora. "He was on the way."

"Sombra..." Aurora began, still not wanting to believe that she was talking to her loved one. "But what happened to you?"

"I feel a negative energy immensely strong in him" Heartbeat said. "I can't even believe. Until a few moments ago I couldn't feel anything. It came out of nowhere."

What happened to him?' Aurora asked to herself.

She turned and saw Mirror Coat making Golden Paladin’s star seed going back to the inside of him, but the process left the General of Peace greatly exhausted, also because of the impact that Sombra’s attack had done. She then headed to Sombra:

"Sombra, despite the love that exists between us, that doesn't give you the right to hurt my friends or hurt anypony."

"You don't understand" Sombra said. "I'm doing this for us. I'm doing this so we can stay together!"

"If so we can stay together is required the sacrifice of my friends, so I prefer that doesn’t happen!" Aurora exclaimed.

Those words were as stab wounds to Sombra. He never thought he had to hear Aurora saying that.

"What did you just say?"

"What you heard" Aurora said. “Sombra, I love you, but I don't want us to be together if it is necessary to commit a crime against the laws of Order."

Sombra contorted his face furiously.

"This is all because of him, isn't it?" Sombra asked, pointing to Golden. "You like him, don't you?!"

"What are you talking about?" Aurora asked, don't understanding what Sombra wanted to say.

"Please, it's pretty obvious" Sombra said. "Golden loves you."

Aurora became motionless when she heard that. The other Generals also became like that, because they didn't know how Sombra knew that, as they were unaware that he had heard that from them.

"What?" Aurora asked, looking to Golden who returned the look to her.

"So that's it" Shadow said. "I was not nothing more than a toy in your hooves. A hobby."

"No, Sombra..." Aurora said, turning back to him. "I love you, really..."

"LIES!" Sombra yelled.

And an intense black aura began to involve Sombra. The force that was freed was such that made everypony cover their faces to protect themselves. It was then that a huge laugh was heard and a voice said:

"It seems that everything is going according to the plan."

Aurora and the Generals petrified when they heard that voice. They recognize it anywhere.

"Lord of Chaos" Aurora said.

And he appeared by Sombra’s side, saying then, laughing:


"So, it was you" Aurora said, looking angry to the Lord of Chaos. "You did this to Sombra!"

"Sorry, my dear, but he did that to himself" the Lord of Chaos said. "He's being consumed by jealousy. I must say that, unlike Golden Paladin, he has an inability to dark magic, which made things a lot easier."

“Sombra is a good pony" Aurora said firmly. "A pony capable of love."

"But also capable of hate" the Lord of Chaos refuted. "Love is a powerful tool. There's no doubt about that. But when the object of that love is lost in an abrupt way, love becomes hate that acquires the same force that the same love had. And I can show you that."

He turned to Sombra and told him:

"Sombra, show your true power."

And then the black aura became more intense and Sombra's eyes began to glow red. His star seed was revealed and Aurora and the Generals saw, shocked, as it lost its light and it was filled with darkness, returning then to the inside of Sombra. Fangs appeared, his mane became completly black and Sombra’s horn changed in shape, getting more pointed and curved, and adopted a red color. The crystals of his Cutie Mark also became black and, when the red glow left Sombra’s eyes, their iris became bright scarlet and their pupils became deep scarlet, with the eyes involved with the same aura of his horn. Aurora and the Generals were astonished with such transformation.

"Darkness has reached the Light Kingdom!" the Lord of Chaos exclaimed. "Very well, Sombra, destroy the Light Kingdom."

"As you wish, my master" Sombra said.

"No, Sombra!" Aurora exclaimed.

But he didn't hear her and he carried his horn with magic and turned his body into black smoke so he could fly. When he was above of the citadel, he began to destroy it, which caused the light ponies start running and screaming. The guards, seeing Sombra, tried to attack him, but they were no match for him.

"The kingdom is being attacked" Golden Paladin said, trying to get up. "We have to... stop him."

However, he was too weak and his legs finally give in.

"You're in no shape to fight, Golden" Leaf Mane said.

"Golden" Aurora said. "I got this."

"But princess..." Golden started.

"You're in no shape to fight" Aurora said. "Furthermore, Sombra is my responsibility, so I have to stop him."

Golden wanted to say something, but he stopped because he realized that Aurora was right about him not being able to fight. So he nodded, saying:

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Mirror Coat and Purple Smoke, I need your help" Aurora said.

"You can count on us, princess" Purple Smoke said.

"We will give our best" Mirror Coat said.

"And I want you three to take care of Golden" Aurora said to Heartbeat, Melody and Leaf Mane.

The three waved and then Aurora took flight, Purple Smoke turned into smoke and followed her and Mirror Coat went through one of his portals.

Sombra continued to try to destroy the Light Kingdom, while the light ponies were fleeing in terror.

"Sombra, stop!" Aurora’s voice exclaimed, whit her approaching, flying, and stopping. "This will end now."

"And it'll stop" Sombra said. "When you and your kingdom are no more!"

And, having said that, he began attacking Aurora, who was dodging the attacks, while sometimes she made some counter-attacks. What Sombra did not know was that that was not Aurora, but Purple Smoke using his shapeshifting powers. He was fulfilling the role that Aurora had entrusted him: to distract Sombra so that he does not attack the Light Kingdom and give her time to prepare her attack.

The real Aurora was at that time preparing a spell that the Lord of Order taught her to situations like the one they were facing. As it was a spell that took time to use, she was hiding thanks to the mirror magic of Mirror Coat.

However, Purple Smoke continued to dodge Sombra’s attacks. As he did not have his full powers while he was transformed, the only thing he could do was dodge. However, the tiredness and inexperience in flying meant that he would be hit by Sombra sooner or later. He was hit and the spell Sombra used launched Purple Smoke against one of the great towers of the castle, where he was pinned. Sombra prepared a final attack, but then he saw Purple Smoke be surrounded by purple smoke and coming back to his true form.

"What?!" he asked, not wanting to believe. "But where is Aurora?"

"I'm here, Sombra!" her voice replied.

Sombra turned and saw Aurora, who had prepared the spell and had revealed herself, still in the air. In the tip of his horn, there was an intense light that blinded Sombra partly.

"I'm sorry, Sombra, I love you, but I can't let you destroy my kingdom, my subjects and my friends."

And with her eyes full of tears, Aurora released the spell which resulted in an intense magical beam of light that hit Sombra who hadn’t time to react. The impact was hard and painful and created an explosion that sent Sombra away, beyond the limits of the Light Kingdom. The explosion also strengthened the Light Kingdom, restoring its natural defense against Chaos.

The light ponies, free from danger, began the cheer their princess, who had saved them from great danger. However, Aurora did not feel happy or satisfied at all, because she had just broken her own heart.

After Sombra’s defeat, the reconstruction of the destruction Sombra had caused began, but, with the help of Purple Smoke’s magic, the process was quite fast. However, Golden reposed in the infirmary. At that time, he was reading a book. Then he heard a voice saying:

"Can I?"

Golden looked and saw Aurora.

"Princess" Golden said, rushing to close the book and to straighten his posture. "Of course."

Aurora approached and observed:

"Looks like you're better."

"Yes, I just need a good rest" Golden said.

"I'm glad for hear that" Aurora said.

There was a short awkward silence and then Aurora said:

"Listen, Golden, I wanted to talk to you about... You know, about your feelings for me."

"Princess…" Golden started, trying to find words to say.

However, Aurora said:

"You don't have to say anything, Golden. I understand the feelings that you have for me. I just wanted to know if we can be just friends, that's all."

Golden did not respond immediately, meditating. Despite what he felt about Princess Aurora, Golden Paladin knew he couldn’t force her to love him, if he wanted to follow his heart, especially after what happened with Sombra. But also, for centuries, he has been living with Aurora keeping their friendship and ignoring the affection he had for her. The General then smiled and said:

"Of course, Princess. We will be just friends."

Aurora smiled and then gave a hug to Golden and said:

"Thank you, Golden."

And so, having said that, she moved away, with Golden smiled, satisfied that his relationship with Princess Aurora has returned to normal.

After Aurora’s attack, Sombra was sent to a remote place in Equestria. After getting up, the Lord of Chaos appeared.

"Master" Sombra said, making a bow before the Lord of Chaos. “I apologize for not being able to fulfill your wish."

"It doesn't matter" the Lord of Chaos said. "You can still redeem yourself."

"How?" Sombra asked, rising up.

"Creating an army of dark ponies to invade the Light Kingdom" the Lord of Chaos said. "Now that you shacked their defenses, it's the perfect time to plan an attack."

"Very well" Sombra said. "I will now create an army for you."

"No" the Lord of Chaos said. "We have to be careful. The attack has to be a surprise. For that, we must not draw attention. Create an army subtly. This may take months, but we can also give our enemy an illusion of well-being that will make them lower the guard."

"I understand" Sombra said. "I'm going to start preparing everything."

And, having said that, he disappeared.

"Finally, it has arrived the perfect time to attack the Light Kingdom" the Lord of Chaos said. "And when it goes down, the original star seed will be mine, as well as all this reality."

And he laughed.