• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 623 Views, 7 Comments

Phoenix Burning Bright in the Gensokyo Sky - GLaD for you

A FiM/Touhou adventure story starring Sunset Shimmer. Takes place in a Alternate Universe between Equestria Girls 1 and Equestria Girls 2. This is a adventure story that will answer why Sunset Shimmer gained phoenix wings and a tail.

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A Were-Hakataku and a Unicorn walk into a bamboo forest

After traveling for some time in the bamboo forest Keine and Sunset found Mokou. She was a female with silver hair, with red pants with seals located in various random places along the pants. She was casually standing with her hands in her pockets. Some of these talismans were in her hair making an fashionable bow. Keine explained to Sunset that Mokou was a bit of a firestarter. The seals were so her clothes don't accidentily catch on fire.

"Keine, stop worrying the unicorn. I can control it. Well unless that princess is around." Mokou glared in another direction for a bit before looking back to the pair. "Well, come in and make yourselves at home." The trio entered a bamboo building that blended in with the forest all around them. Mokou continued after all three sat down and made themselves comfortable.

"Don't have to many coming through the Hakurei barrier lately. Was collecting bamboo for my craft and noticed you laying down talking in your sleep. Took you to the human village, figured Keine would be better company while you recovered. Mokou squat down near a stone furnace and lit the stove with fire. Fire that apparently appeared from her skin."

Sunset asked about the fire, as Mokou was not a unicorn.

"Long story, one that I'm not willing to tell tonight. It's getting late and Keine is going back to the village. You can stay here if you want or go back with Keine." Sunset thought about it, she liked mystery and adventure. She choose to stay the night.

Author's Note: