> Phoenix Burning Bright in the Gensokyo Sky > by GLaD for you > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An unexpected adventure, and expected exposition. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer, was completely exhausted. It was an evening after class, another long day of her penance to fix the school. She wasn't the only person out there of course. Other students volunteered to move rubble and help get the bricks back in place. There were a few kindly carpenters and masons who also had a hand in the restoration. She did often stay the latest and this was one of those nights. Even through her hard work, the only friends she made were AppleJack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. After the long work day, Sunset used her towel to wipe the sweat on her forehead. Finishing off her water bottle and then resting by the horse statue in front of Canterlot High. It was almost time to go home and take a shower and get ready for the next day. Pushing against the statue in order to get back on her feet Sunset felt the texture of the statue and the cement underneath her disappeared in a foggy haze. How could cement turn into air? It was nowhere near time for the portal to activate for it's passage to Equestria. WHY AM I FALLING? Sunset hoped this was some sort of odd dream. Fade to black.... Sunset had passed out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part of my diary will be about a mysterious place where people and things often go when they are lost. I will record the events that happened here, even if it's so far fetched that no one would ever believe it. - From the Diary of Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer woke up with the sun shining down upon her face. She blocked the light with her hooves and took a look around the room. It was a small single use room with a plain tatami style floor, a sliding door was the single exit. "Wait.... Hooves?" Sunset had hooves, she looked at her hooves and barrel in shock and she was indeed a pony again. She checked her magic out by levitating the blanket off of her. She stood up and the sound of her hooves made a slight crunching sound as she walked around her room. She noticed her backpack-turned-saddlebag by the table and levitated it onto her her back. Opening the door she stepped out into a long hallway with various doors along the passageway. A short human female dressed in an outfit she couldn't describe quickly came up to her and started chatting very quickly. "Oh you up dearie, welcome to out village, stay as long as you want. Your room is on us." The human female was quickly walking away. "Sorry got lots to do, have fun" A slightly confused Sunset continued down the hall and found the exit. Looking around the village, Sunset was greeted with new sensations. Outside where it was brighter she was remembered the outfit was a kimono of some sort. The people in the village waved as she passed and apparently a unicorn was nothing new to this village. She was a bit confused. Did she somehow appear somewhere in Eastern Asia? Walking to the side of the dirt pathway, she figured she'd check her saddlebag. She was shocked earlier and events seemed to be more calm than before. A school nearby was letting out, and a person in a blue dress with a box-like hat was approaching. Her silver hair had some blue in it. "Ah good afternoon. My name is Keine, and I'm the local school teacher. I'm sure this is a very weird experience so am going to answer any questions or concerns you may have." Sunset asked where she was, and how she arrived here. "Ah you're in the human village, possibly the only human village in Gensokyo." Keine noticing Sunset's confused look decided to elaborate further. "It a secton of land that is similiar to fuedal Japan. As humans skill in technology grew, they stopped being scared of ghosts and monsters. Instead of reaching out to these people, these youkai decided to make a paradise of the time and place similiar to where they lived." "For your second question, Mokou found you near the bamboo forest of the lost. She's a bit of a hermit and she noticed you didnt seem to dangerous. She brought you to the human village since we know unicorns arent a type of yokai that prey on humans. I myself am a were-hakutaku and do not prey upon humans as well." "Would you be willing to tell me more about yourself?" Sunset Shimmer responded that she wasnt a Yokai. She was from two places. A school for humans called Canterlot High and the second place being the land of Equestria. She asked if there was a way to return to either of her homes. Finally she asked what in this world was a were-hakutaku. "Hmm you may not be a yokai, but in time you may change to a humanoid form. I can take you to Mokou. I do know my way around that part of the forest. Perhaps we can think of a solution together. A hakataku is yokai that is good with history. The were part is describing a lunar transformation." Sunset thought it over and agreed. So they made their way to the bamboo forest of the lost. > A Were-Hakataku and a Unicorn walk into a bamboo forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After traveling for some time in the bamboo forest Keine and Sunset found Mokou. She was a female with silver hair, with red pants with seals located in various random places along the pants. She was casually standing with her hands in her pockets. Some of these talismans were in her hair making an fashionable bow. Keine explained to Sunset that Mokou was a bit of a firestarter. The seals were so her clothes don't accidentily catch on fire. "Keine, stop worrying the unicorn. I can control it. Well unless that princess is around." Mokou glared in another direction for a bit before looking back to the pair. "Well, come in and make yourselves at home." The trio entered a bamboo building that blended in with the forest all around them. Mokou continued after all three sat down and made themselves comfortable. "Don't have to many coming through the Hakurei barrier lately. Was collecting bamboo for my craft and noticed you laying down talking in your sleep. Took you to the human village, figured Keine would be better company while you recovered. Mokou squat down near a stone furnace and lit the stove with fire. Fire that apparently appeared from her skin." Sunset asked about the fire, as Mokou was not a unicorn. "Long story, one that I'm not willing to tell tonight. It's getting late and Keine is going back to the village. You can stay here if you want or go back with Keine." Sunset thought about it, she liked mystery and adventure. She choose to stay the night. > This is mine, not yours. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset woke up feeling hungry. The smells of a unfamiliar cuisine, lightly fill the bamboo shack. She spots a plate with several dumplings covered in bamboo leaves. Also a grinning Mokou peers at her, with her back against the shack wall and her hands in the pockets of her pants. "Finally up." Mokou states. "I'm have work to do. Some of the dumplings are vegetarian and some are chicken. (In case you figure out how to change into a humanoid form was implied.) Mokou heads outside and Sunset follows to see Mokou pulling a cart of sorts. It's like a small shop that sells chicken and other cuisine. After Mokou departs, Sunset goes near the table and levitates several dumplings to try the new food. It's an acquired taste, she avoids the ones that smell of chicken since she was still in unicorn form. She looks around and wonders what to do today. A young girl is eating some of the leftover dumplings. Small white bunny ears , black hair, and a pink dress. "Mmm, those were pretty good. Wanna go see more of the woods? You'll get to see Eientei, and make new friends." The rabbit yokai, spoke. Sunset was reminded of the pawn shop owned by Flim and Flam. She wondered if there was going to be some horrible catch. The rabbit yokai examined Sunsets expression. "It'll be fine, Mokou knows who I am and she'll be fine with it. My name is Tei(Tewi) btw." Sunset followed Tei out into the bamboo forest, her hooves going a little faster than a normal trot. She did get a good scenic view and eventually the pair arrived at a Manor. She assumed it was Eientei. Tei opened the sliding door and went inside, with Sunset following. The manor was much larger on the inside, compared to the outside. There were a few rabbit yokai cleaning the floors with brooms that matched their size. After traveling for a short while they reached a door with a sign on the nearby wall. Eirin's Clinic was written on it. Tewi pointerd to the door and Sunset cautiously went inside. Inside was a mixture of a doctor's office and a laboratory. There was a desk, with a nurse in blue and red outfit. She was reading one of many medical books from a shelf. There was also a table with some beakers and other glass fixtures that seemed to be a chemical extracter of some sort. (It was really Sciency!) Sunset's hooves made a few clopping noises against the wooden floor. The nurse turned around and grinned widely at Sunset. "Oh, a cephalousvirialun (scientific name) in the flesh, absolutely fascinating. Hello little unicorn, come in and make yourself comfortable in my clinic." Sunset trotted closer and sat down. Eirin came closer and sat next to her. She then leaned in close and took a few locks of Sunset's hair and then placed it in a beaker. "Hey!" Sunset exclaimed at the nurse. "What gives?" Eirin had a hacksaw in her hand. "Is it true that a unicorn horn can cure any disease as well as being used in potent aphrodisiacs?" Sunset started to panic and stood up and started walking away. "It's a part of me, you cant have it." She galloped out the door with a bewildered Eirin watched. Eirin quickly followed in pursuit. Sunset tried a few of the doors, many of them leading back into the hallway. Sunset thought to herself, "Pinkie would enjoy this I'm sure. It's almost like a 70's cartoon chase scene" Eventually Sunset found herself at another unique door and quickly went inside. There was a table with a blanket that appeared to be stiched around the sides of a table. Sunset dived underneath it and tried to be silent, since it seemed to be a good hiding place. She heard Eirin speak from the door. "Mistress, are you under there again? If you see the unicorn, tell her I going back to the clinic. It was a fun, but I have work to do." Eirin said as she walked away. Sunset sighed in relief and started to leave the kotasu. However a arm around her barrel held her in close. "Reisen are you trying to avoid Eirin again? You know it's best to just do her punishment game." a sleepy voice from behind her said. The person behind her started to fall asleep again and started snoring. Suddenly the door opened and a voice shakely said "Princess, "that dummy" is on it's way here. Code Blue, repeat Code Blue." "KAGUYA!!! Come out and let's settle this" shouted a voice that sounded like Mokou's however it was coming above Eientei. Kaguya walked out of the kotatsu and had rabbit handmaidens help her get ready. One of the handmaidens spoke, "You under the kotatsu, come on and join us outside. You can come watch." After a short evacuation, Sunset noticed Keine and quickly galloped to her. Shaking a bit from the traumatic events, Sunset relaxed next to Keine. "Ah you're in luck. You get to see a danmaku battle, this is how disputes are settled."