• Member Since 17th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 18th, 2016

Nova Union

I have nothing going for me in life except my love of ponies.


“Each Event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event."
When Twilight wakes up on a boat docked at Seyda Neen, she realizes she is trapped in her favorite video game. Despite her intimate knowledge of the game, she finds herself utterly unprepared to rise up to the challenges face-to-face. Now caught up in the machinations of the most hostile, xenophobic province in the Arena, the Princess of Friendship must find a way to escape the game with her morality intact.

I do not own MLP:Fim or TES: Morrowind. They belong to Hasbro and Bethesda Softworks, respectively.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 7 )
Comment posted by iluvdawubz deleted Sep 11th, 2015

Ok, let's have Twi go to Balmora. But not for Caius, for the Mage's guild!

Interesting. Now I want to try and beat the game. I've never made it completely through. I made it to the quest where you get the Bonebiter bow but that's it

A few things:

1. Argponian? GENIUS!!!
2. I agree with Twi about having RD as Cosades. That's weird. Most likely she would be the Grandmaster of the Fighters' Guild. But that's just me.
3. Good job! It was a lot better than I'd hoped for.
4. Maybe Twi will go get the Blade of White Woe from one of the guard towers?

I think Socucius Ergalla sounds a bit like Discord.

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