• Published 19th Aug 2015
  • 685 Views, 5 Comments

Wielder of the Orb: Of Magic and Ponies - TheMajorTechie

A story of teens, evil beings, ponies, and interdimensional escape.

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Chapter 3: Portals and Destinies

Sammy woke up the next day to find Twilight reading his diary, which he swore he padlocked and put back into his saddlebag.

GAH! Twilight! Why are you reading my diary?!
Twilight looked up from reading page 23 of Sammy's personal diary.

Well, it's a book, I'm bored, and I already read all the books in the entire library.

Well, are you sure that you should go into other peo-erm, ponies' personal stuff just to get away from boredom?

Yes, and personally, I think that your secret crush on Zoey is pretty interesting.
Twilight began to speak gibberish as she began to focus more on reading each and every one of Sammy's thoughts ever since he got a diary to record his thoughts about three months ago. Sammy was pleading for her to stop reading, when Zoey woke up.

Uh, Sammy, what are you doing?
Sammy turned around and pointed behind himself at Twilight.

Oh. She's reading your diary, isn't she?
Sammy nodded, and began to speak.

I woke up this morning to find Twilight sitting on my bed reading my diary, and now she won't stop.

Oh, uh... Twilight, can you stop reading Sammy's diary?



I'm bored, that's why. I already read all the books here, so I'm reading his diary.

Sammy began to try to force his diary out of Twilight's grasp.

Hey! I was reading! Let go!
Sammy refused, and began pulling harder.

You know, it IS my diary. You shouldn't be reading other ponies' secrets.

Fine, here. I already finished reading it, anyways.
Zoey and Sammy both stared at Twilight, watching as she angrily stomped out of the guest room.

Spike ran to Twilight, clearly out of breath from running down three flights of stairs from the top reading room, where he was organizing books, as usual.

What... do-do you want, T...Twilight? *gasp*

I want you to create an inventory of all the books in this library.

But you told me to do that two weeks ago...

Fine. All of the books I haven't read.

Twilight, you do know that the next book shipment arrives in an hour.

Oh... uh, ok, you're on break for now then.

Spike cheered, and ran towards the nearest beanbag chair with a comic book, while Twilight turned around, and headed back towards the guest room.

Hey Sammy, didn't you say that you were human until the orb burned out?

Yeah... why?

And didn't you also complain about not being used to hooves while we were walking here or something?

No, but how did you know I was thinking that?

Uhh, then I probably was using a mind-reading spell of some sort while we were walking here and I forgot that I even cast it in the first place.


Anyways, back to the focus. So were you saying or thinking that it would be nice if you were human again?


After waking up Caleb and Brodie, who fell out of his bed when he woke up, the four ponies followed Twilight to a relatively large room.

This is the portal room. This mirror here is not only a mirror that shows what you're destined to be, but it can also be used to travel between this dimension and it's counterpart, where ponies are humans, instead. When you come out of the portal, you'll land in front of a high school known as Canterlot High. I can be your guide there, and I'm sure that you'll be able to finish whatever you need to do faster if you're back in your own body.
Sammy watched the portal. It was steadily pulsating, drawing energy from a book mounted at the top with a sun symbol that consisted of two swirled colors; red and yellow. He slowly walked towards the mirror, as if in a trance, as the rest watched. He stopped in front of the mirror, and glanced at his reflection. It stood silent, showing his mere reflection at first, but seconds later, his image began warping to show a powerful wizard of time and space.

Woah. So that's what I'm destined to be?

More or less, you can change it if you want to. I mean, your destiny and all.

Sammy glanced once more at the image in the mirror. There was something wrong with the wizard. There was darkness everywhere.
Shadows seemed to flow out of his eyes, and there was fire all around him.

Twilight, does this seem right?

Twilight took a quick look at Sammy's reflected destiny, being careful not to disturb the image.

No, this is bad. What the mirror shows is that you're gonna become a very powerful wizard whose corruption could just bring doom to all of Equestria. I recommend that you try everything possible to change that. I know one pony, Sunset Shimmer, who did just that. She once saw herself as a coldhearted Alicorn ruling Equestria, in that very mirror, but now that she's made some friends, she's already changed that image. In fact, what she'd probably see now if she took another look would probably be not even close to what she originally saw.
Sammy waved away the reflection, reverting it back to his normal reflection.

Good. What do you think could possible make me like that?

Well, you did mention that you teleported here to escape who you call Anicetus.

Yeah, how does that matter?

Does he or she have any psychic powers?

Yes, mind control. I've seen him use it to control the local king in the last dimension to command a massive army in search for us.

Then that's it. Your destiny as of now is that you're going to be the person or pony of choice for him to possess next. It only makes sense that you're the one that's chosen, because you're the one that has full power over the orb. We're gonna have to try to fight off Anicetus whenever he gets here. For now though, I think we should go on through the portal now. Spike! come over here!

What, Twilight?

Do you want to come with us, or do you want to stay behind this time? We're going over to the human world again.

I'm not really sure, but well... ok, I'll go. But first, let me write a note to Celestia informing her about what we're doing.

Ok, then. We'll be waiting on the other side for you!
Spike quickly scribbled down a note and sent it to Celestia. Then, he jumped into the portal, following after Twilight and the others.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. Even though it's pretty short compared to other fanfics, It'll only improve from here. I hope.