> Wielder of the Orb: Of Magic and Ponies > by TheMajorTechie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: A new visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sammy, Zoey, Caleb, and Brodie were trapped. That was pretty much the whole story. Trapped. In a web. Surrounded by zombies. In a foreign universe. Trapped. Sammy was using all that he had to fend off the ugly creatures, but with the massive onslaught, he couldn't hold them back for much longer. So he did the one thing he had in the back of his mind as a last resort: He jumped realities. Hello, my name is Sammy Gearings, and I come from a different universe, from a planet called Earth. That was the first thing he said after he woke up in a hospital bed, slightly surprised to find Nurse Redheart staring at him. After checking out his new body for a while, he knew that the reality jump was successful; they survived. Uh, do you know where my friends are? Nurse Redheart looked back over to Sammy, who was now fully awake. Who? Sammy continued speaking. My friends. Didn't somebody find us like, I don't know, unconscious, somewhere? Redheart pointed a hoof to the side, where Sammy's three friends (and partners) were all laying unconscious in hospital beds. You were the first to wake up. Are you hungry? Sammy waved away the food tray, though with his new pony senses, the salad smelled better than ever. No, but once my friends are awake, I want you to bring us to the highest level of authority you can reach -- wait, where is it? The nurse now had a very confused face as she watched the strange tan stallion panicking in his bed, rattling the nearby IV stand. Where is it? WHERE IS IT?! CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! Another nurse suddenly turned around and injected a sedation syringe. A few hours later, Sammy woke up again, this time to find his friends completely awake, and even out of bed. He was able to calm down after he noticed the dim glow coming out of a nearby saddlebag that was hanging next to his bed. Nurse Redheart noticed Sammy glancing over at the bag. You look like that bag is pretty important to you. When we were called out after some hikers found you unconscious in the Everfree Forest, we also noticed that you had that saddlebag on you, so we brought it along. Sammy felt a stroke of relief wash over him. Good. So, were you able to reach contact with higher authority yet, nurse uh... Nurse Redheart. ...yeah, so, Nurse Redheart, were you able to reach any higher authority? I have some really serious business to talk to them about. By the way, I prefer a strong authority, like a governor or a president or something, but I'm fine with a police officer if you can't reach any of them. We reached contact with Princess Twilight, and she will be meeting you shortly. I made sure to tell her that it was urgent business. I could tell just from the tone of your voice earlier that that whatever you need to talk to her about is pretty important. Good. > Chapter 2: The meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that day, Sammy received a letter from Princess Twilight Sparkle, who he decided was most likely the local ruler, considering the title "princess" and all. He rounded up his friends, who were still trying to get used to their new bodies, and asked for directions to a good meeting site. Nurse Redheart was cleaning up the mattresses when Sammy and his friends ran back into the room. Nurse Redheart! Do you uh... know where we should go to meet the princess? Nurse Redheart looked up from making the bedsheets. Well, Twilight usually does her business from her castle, and it's pretty big, so you shouldn't miss it. The group went back outside, and began wandering around, asking for directions from various ponies until they finally arrived at Twilight's castle. Zoey gazed up at the enormous building. Woah. Sammy hurried his friends in, following after them. Right as they stepped inside, a lavender alicorn teleported in front of them. Sammy jumped back in surprise. Gah! Who are you... uh... what are you? Zoey peeked out from behind Sammy. She looks like a unicorn-pegasus crossbreed. Oh! A pegacorn! Caleb and Brodie both stared at Zoey, while Twilight began explaining the different types of ponies in Equestria. You see, I was originally just a unicorn like you and Zoey are right now. But after I reached a certain level, the two reigning princesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, (but mainly Celestia) pretty much... well, they pretty much just turned me into an "alicorn" just because I finished a very old spell. Anyways, you wanted to talk to me about something? Sammy nodded, and fell flat on his face. Sorry, I'm not used to being on all fours. Where I come from, we're all human. Twilight looked down at Sammy, who got back up. Wait, you say that you're human where you come from? I use this portal that I have in my castle that leads to the human world! Sammy stared, slack-jawed, at Twilight, until Twilight suddenly snapped out of her blabbering about the "Human World" that she often travels to. Wait, what was I saying? Pinkie Pie suddenly burst through a wall of solid crystal, answering Twilight's question. You were just barely talking about how you have a crush on the Flash Sentry from the Human World you've been talking about. Speaking of which, our world's Flash Sentry is standing right over there guarding the door, and he just heard ALL OF WHAT YOU JUST SAID. Twilight shut her mouth, shoved Pinkie back into the wall, and led Sammy and his friends into the meeting room, where she could have some more privacy. Aaaaaannnnnnnnyyyyyyyyywwwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyssssssssssss... So, you said that you had something to talk to me about related to magic? Sammy nodded, and took out the orb from his saddlebag with his hooves. Twilight watched for a few minutes as he fumbled to keep his grip on the slick translucent orb. You know Sammy, you can just use your horn to levitate that orb thingy of yours up... Sammy looked at Twilight. How? Don't forget, I was originally a human. After a few minutes of simple levitation training, they got back to business. Sammy was the first to talk after they all sat down. So Princess -- Twilight. You can just call me Twilight. I'm not used to being called a princess yet. Ok, so Twilight, we came here to inform you that due to unforeseen consequences, we have uh... accidentally put your dimension in great danger... Twilight sat motionless. Sammy continued speaking. So, when I first found this orb in our own reality, I didn't really think much more of it than just a toy that allowed me to do anything I wanted within reason. But then, after a bunch of crazy stuff began happening, I took my friends with me and jumped into a different universe, where most things were practically the exact opposite of how they were where I came from. After we befriended the local rulers there, this guy named Anicetus was able to track us down from our own universe somehow, and began tearing apart the universe that we had escaped into. Currently, that universe has become merged with it's apparent counterpart "zombie dimension", where we became trapped in this HUGE crowd of undead. Since we only recently teleported there, we ended up burning up the orb's power from doing a random teleport to a different universe to the point where right now, it's completely powerless. It can't even charge itself up. On the bright side, if "Anicetus" ever gets his dirty hands on that thing, he wouldn't be able to do much with it, even if he does manage to corrupt it with his so-called "dark magic" that he draws from the dark counterpart to this orb. All I really want to know is that since you seem to know magic pretty well, I want you to try to shelter us for now while we find a way to charge the orb back up and escape before Anicetus gets here and tears apart your universe. That guy packs a serious punch, you know. But the bright side is that since his dark orb is a nearly 1:1 counterpart to this one, when he did that search spell or whatever he did to find us, combined that with his direct teleport, he also ended up burning out his orb, too. Twilight's face was frozen in fear. Wow, uh, I didn't know that it was even possible to do that. It took several years of effort just to create the mirror portal in the other room that I use, but to be jumping across multiple universes just like that... ugh, my head hurts now. Can you just leave for now and let me try to make sense of what you just said? You can stay here in one of the guest rooms for now, if you want. > Chapter 2.5: Sammy's diary entry 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After settling down in the guest room of Twilight's castle, Sammy pulled out his diary from his saddlebag, and began writing. 10-9-16 I was able to escape the destroyed dimension. After Anicetus merged it with it's zombified counterpart, I made a last-ditch effort to escape. Luckily, thought I was ready to attack anything that threatens us, we managed to instead land in a place that the locals call "Equestria", a land apparently ruled by pastel-colored ponies with at least the same level of intelligence as we humans. Not only that, but they also have magic. Considering the fact that I have rarely used the orb to do anything other than destroy stuff to escape, I think I'll take advantage of this. One of the four rulers, (princesses, apparently.) Twilight Sparkle, has taken me in, and we have agreed on me taking daily "magic lessons" from her. But I guess that besides that, not much else has happened... yet. But anyways, I'm just glad that I can relax again for the first time in about maybe... two months? Yeah, that's right. I'm finally getting the chance to lay down in a bed, feeling safe for at least a moment, not having to worry about whether or not we'll survive the night. Though I may be currently living in a completely different body, due to the fact that for once I completely burned out the orb, which currently can't regenerate it's magic, I can't have it hold the spell that I've been using to keep us in our original bodies. So, for now, I guess we'll be going around as ponies. Zoey and I are unicorns, Caleb's a pegasus, and Brodie's a normal pony without any visible specialties. "Earth Ponies" as Twilight calls them. Also, I've discovered the fact that after we entered this world and transformed, which was surprisingly painless, we apparently also got some kind of "butt mark". According to what Twilight has told us about the way ponies work, these "cutie marks" that she pointed out represent our special talents, abilities, and hobbies. Sammy set down his diary, with the thought "I think I've written enough for today." He looked over at Zoey, and picked his diary back up again, and wrote on the last line: Also, I think that Zoey's cute even when she's a pony. > Chapter 3: Portals and Destinies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sammy woke up the next day to find Twilight reading his diary, which he swore he padlocked and put back into his saddlebag. GAH! Twilight! Why are you reading my diary?! Twilight looked up from reading page 23 of Sammy's personal diary. Well, it's a book, I'm bored, and I already read all the books in the entire library. Well, are you sure that you should go into other peo-erm, ponies' personal stuff just to get away from boredom? Yes, and personally, I think that your secret crush on Zoey is pretty interesting. Twilight began to speak gibberish as she began to focus more on reading each and every one of Sammy's thoughts ever since he got a diary to record his thoughts about three months ago. Sammy was pleading for her to stop reading, when Zoey woke up. Uh, Sammy, what are you doing? Sammy turned around and pointed behind himself at Twilight. Oh. She's reading your diary, isn't she? Sammy nodded, and began to speak. I woke up this morning to find Twilight sitting on my bed reading my diary, and now she won't stop. Oh, uh... Twilight, can you stop reading Sammy's diary? No. Why? I'm bored, that's why. I already read all the books here, so I'm reading his diary. Sammy began to try to force his diary out of Twilight's grasp. Hey! I was reading! Let go! Sammy refused, and began pulling harder. You know, it IS my diary. You shouldn't be reading other ponies' secrets. Fine, here. I already finished reading it, anyways. Zoey and Sammy both stared at Twilight, watching as she angrily stomped out of the guest room. SPIKE!!! Spike ran to Twilight, clearly out of breath from running down three flights of stairs from the top reading room, where he was organizing books, as usual. What... do-do you want, T...Twilight? *gasp* I want you to create an inventory of all the books in this library. But you told me to do that two weeks ago... Fine. All of the books I haven't read. Twilight, you do know that the next book shipment arrives in an hour. Oh... uh, ok, you're on break for now then. Spike cheered, and ran towards the nearest beanbag chair with a comic book, while Twilight turned around, and headed back towards the guest room. Hey Sammy, didn't you say that you were human until the orb burned out? Yeah... why? And didn't you also complain about not being used to hooves while we were walking here or something? No, but how did you know I was thinking that? Uhh, then I probably was using a mind-reading spell of some sort while we were walking here and I forgot that I even cast it in the first place. WHAT?! Anyways, back to the focus. So were you saying or thinking that it would be nice if you were human again? ...yeah... After waking up Caleb and Brodie, who fell out of his bed when he woke up, the four ponies followed Twilight to a relatively large room. This is the portal room. This mirror here is not only a mirror that shows what you're destined to be, but it can also be used to travel between this dimension and it's counterpart, where ponies are humans, instead. When you come out of the portal, you'll land in front of a high school known as Canterlot High. I can be your guide there, and I'm sure that you'll be able to finish whatever you need to do faster if you're back in your own body. Sammy watched the portal. It was steadily pulsating, drawing energy from a book mounted at the top with a sun symbol that consisted of two swirled colors; red and yellow. He slowly walked towards the mirror, as if in a trance, as the rest watched. He stopped in front of the mirror, and glanced at his reflection. It stood silent, showing his mere reflection at first, but seconds later, his image began warping to show a powerful wizard of time and space. Woah. So that's what I'm destined to be? More or less, you can change it if you want to. I mean, your destiny and all. Sammy glanced once more at the image in the mirror. There was something wrong with the wizard. There was darkness everywhere. Shadows seemed to flow out of his eyes, and there was fire all around him. Twilight, does this seem right? Twilight took a quick look at Sammy's reflected destiny, being careful not to disturb the image. No, this is bad. What the mirror shows is that you're gonna become a very powerful wizard whose corruption could just bring doom to all of Equestria. I recommend that you try everything possible to change that. I know one pony, Sunset Shimmer, who did just that. She once saw herself as a coldhearted Alicorn ruling Equestria, in that very mirror, but now that she's made some friends, she's already changed that image. In fact, what she'd probably see now if she took another look would probably be not even close to what she originally saw. Sammy waved away the reflection, reverting it back to his normal reflection. Good. What do you think could possible make me like that? Well, you did mention that you teleported here to escape who you call Anicetus. Yeah, how does that matter? Does he or she have any psychic powers? Yes, mind control. I've seen him use it to control the local king in the last dimension to command a massive army in search for us. Then that's it. Your destiny as of now is that you're going to be the person or pony of choice for him to possess next. It only makes sense that you're the one that's chosen, because you're the one that has full power over the orb. We're gonna have to try to fight off Anicetus whenever he gets here. For now though, I think we should go on through the portal now. Spike! come over here! What, Twilight? Do you want to come with us, or do you want to stay behind this time? We're going over to the human world again. I'm not really sure, but well... ok, I'll go. But first, let me write a note to Celestia informing her about what we're doing. Ok, then. We'll be waiting on the other side for you! Spike quickly scribbled down a note and sent it to Celestia. Then, he jumped into the portal, following after Twilight and the others. > Chapter 4: Twilight explores McDonald's food > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and the others piled up in front of the portal, catching the eyes of many passing students. Who are those other teens she brought with her this time? I don't know, but it seems like every time Twilight comes through the portal, it's because something really bad has or will happen soon... Yeah, good point. I hope she's just visiting or something. Sammy stood up and brushed himself off, glad to be in his old body again. He turned around and helped up Zoey, while Twilight ran to the two students who were talking nearby. Do you know where Sunset Shimmer or any of my friends are right now? Uh, no. This school is k-12, remember? High schoolers are in class right now. We're in middle school, and we're on our lunch break. Sammy chimed in. Hey! I just barely came out of middle school last year! Sammy! Can you be a little quieter for now? I'm trying to find my friends' counterparts. Suddenly, a hand set down on Twilight's shoulders. She quickly spun around, going face to face with Principal Celestia. I overheard you talking to these middle schoolers about trying to find your friends. Is there something wrong? Also, why did you bring others with you this time? Twilight hesitated for a moment, but began telling the entire story until Brodie's stomach interrupted. I'm hungry, we didn't really eat anything yesterday besides some sandwiches that Spike gave us during the meeting. Sammy pulled out a granola bar from his backpack and tossed it at Brodie. Yeah, I think that we all should go find some food. Twilight, can you ask the Principal for directions to a fast food place or something? I'm pretty sure that US currency isn't accepted here. US? What does that stand for? Oh, right. In my home universe, I live in a country called "The United States of America". Ooooook, then. but I guess I've never told you where you ended up in either. So welcome to Equestria, I guess... Principal Celestia facepalmed at the thought of having to deal with even more issues happening between not only two, but three different dimensions/universes at once. Twilight turned back around from her quick explanation of how politics are in Equestria back to Principal Celestia. So, are there any restaurants nearby or something? Yes, there are. There's a McDonald's around the corner over there. Caleb's eyes widened. There's McDonald's here! Awesome! Principal Celestia stared at Caleb, who was now running towards the street corner she pointed at. Well, I guess you're gonna have to catch him now. The group nodded, and began to run after Caleb. They arrived several minutes after Caleb, considering the fact that he was a highly athletic kid back on Earth. As Twilight followed after Sammy, she gazed around the insides of the restaurant of the golden arches. She took a deep breath, taking in the new smells, familiar, yet so new. There was something... different about this place. It seemed a lot like the Hayburger back at Equestria, but it still seemed so different. Sammy was already at the counter, ordering four McDoubles. He insisted that they accept the paper money that he placed on the counter. Unfortunately, the middle-aged man operating the cash register refused to accept it every time. I'm sorry, kid. We only accept bits here. These don't look like any sort of currency I've ever seen before around here. You're going to have to find a bank or something to exchange those bills. Sammy looked back at Twilight, who was still standing in the center of the line, sniffing the air. Twilight, did you bring any bits with you? Twilight nodded and took out a small bag of bits from her backpack. Thanks, Twilight. Sammy emptied out the bag, and counted out what he guessed should be enough to pay for the food, plus tax, of course. Here you go sir. The man gawked at the solid gold bits on the counter. He was previously used to the usual coinage and paper currency, but he had never seen anything like this before. Uh, where did you get this? Twilight responded to his question. I got these coins from running my library back at home, obviously. Do you think that I would steal that? At first I thought so. Do you have any proof of your earnings, though? Yeah. here's a receipt from one of the poni- er, humans... Sammy tapped Twilight on the shoulder and whispered "people" into her ear. uh... PEOPLE, that payed a late fee. They payed nearly the same amount as what I just payed you. Oh. So, over where you're from, gold is pretty common, eh? Yeah, so are gems. Real gems are often used in fashion where I live. Sammy grunts at the same time as poking Twilight on the back. Oh yeah, and I feel a bit hungry too. I guess I'll have one more of those "McDoubles". The cashier nodded as he took another handfull of bits from Twilight. Sure thing, miss. After a few minutes of waiting, they finally received their food, and sat down at a table. Twilight watched as the four other teens happily munched on the food that she just bought. She looked back down at the burger that she ordered for herself. Uh, guys, I'm just wondering, what are the patties in these "hamburgers" made from? Sammy looked up from the now empty wrapper. Oh that? It's just beef. Are you a vegetarian or something? Yeah, but I have another question, what's beef? Caleb practically spit his root beer all over Twilight. You don't know what BEEF is? No, what is it? Duh, it's cow meat. You seriously didn't know that? It's like the best thing EVER. It's good in barbecue sauce, ketchup, honey... Brodie shot a glare at Caleb, who looked up from his rambling to find Twilight's face, frozen in fear. Y-you mean, that I'm eating Bovines? Isn't that like, illegal or something? Zoey looked at Twilight. What do you mean? There's cattle farms everywhere. I don't understand where you got that idea from. Well, back in Equestria, cows are intelligent, just like you and me. It would kind of be extremist to go as far as killing and eating them. It's kind of like cannibalism in a way, considering their genetic relation to ponies in Equestria. Sammy began speaking. Well, don't worry. It's perfectly legal here, just don't think about it or anything if you don't want to. Twilight nodded, closed her eyes, and took a bite. GROSS! THIS TASTES LIKE CARDBOARD. Zoey shrugged. Well, that's kinda typical of McDonald's food. You either love it or hate it. Either way, you can just have a salad or something instead, you know. Sammy leaned over and whispered to Twilight. Just don't forget that the amount of calories and sugar in their salad is nearly the same as how much is in Caleb's root beer. Twilight stood up and led the four out of McDonald's. I don't think I like this place. Besides, I've already eaten a bit before we left. What do you want to do now? Sammy stopped in front of the portal. Hey Twilight, do you think it's possible to transfer your magic into an object to be able to use it here? It might not be as powerful as the orb, but it might come in handy. Good point, Sammy. You never can be sure about what to find wherever you go. > Chapter 5: Magic Transfer and the Chaos of Paintball Wars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sammy burst back through the portal, followed by Twilight. Sammy, Wait! What are you doing?? Sammy stopped and turned back towards Twilight. Well, I did mention earlier that I'm going to try and transfer my unicorn magic into something that I can carry with me so that I cou;d use magic anywhere I go even without the orb working... Twilight nodded and then signaled Sammy to a room across the hall. The two ponies slowly wandered over, mainly because Sammy couldn't stop staring straight up at the ceiling. It's so... beautiful... Twilight rolled her eyes. Come on, Sammy. We didn't come here to admire my ceiling. Besides, we're here now. Twilight gently pushed open the door, but somehow still managed to hit Spike in the face. OW! Hey, what did you do that for? Sorry, I didn't mean to nudge the door THAT hard. Well, try to control yourself a little better. What are you doing here in the library, anyways? Obviously I'm here to read comics. Twilight had already tuned out Spike, who was now mindlessly babbling something about Batpony defeating the Joker. She slowly walked along the walls of books, searching until she found the right one. Here it is! Here is what? The book! What book? This book! That book? YES! THAT BOOK! Sammy looked at the cover. Huh, magical energy transfer for idiots. What are we gonna do with that? Obviously. You said you wanted to transfer some of your unicorn magic into an object you can carry with you so you can still use magic on the human side of the portal. Oh yeah. Sorry, I kinda forgot about that after Spike started telling me what was going on in the part he was reading. Spike looked up from his comic. You know, Twilight, you really should read some more comics sometimes. It'll give you more creativity... maybe. Twilight turned back to Sammy. Well, uh... let's go to the experiment room. Sammy and Twilight snuck back out of the library while Spike began commentating on his comics. After a few more minutes of dragging an amazed Sammy behind her in her Telekinetic grasp, Twilight entered the doors of the experiment room. And found Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie having a paintball war. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! YEAH, TAKE THAT, PINKIE! OW! HEY, NOT AT THE FACE! GET AWAY! WAIT, I'M RELOADING! Twilight charged up her horn and froze all of the globs of paint flying through the air to a halt. What are we doing here? Duh, paintball war. My party cannon's reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly useful for shooting PAINT CANNONBALLS AT DASHIE'S FACE! Fluttershy suddenly charged out from under a beanbag seat in the corner of the room. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! She suddenly stopped after noticing almost immediately that Twilight was staring at her. Oh, um... I'm so sorry... Twilight... eep! The yellow mare suddenly burst out the open window, still covered in paint. After watching her fly away, Twilight became the first to break the silence. Um, why were you playing paintball in an EXPERIMENT ROOM?! ... Because we weren't allowed to play it anywhere else? WELL YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY IT HERE EITHER!!! We're sorry. Clean this up now. Sammy, come with me to the second experiment room. Twilight, I don't think you should go in there. I was uh... "improving" my party cannon earlier. Oh, stop it, you. It shouldn't be as bad as this. Twilight stood in front of the doors of the second experiment room. Suddenly, Sammy rushed at her. Twilight! They're playing paintball again! Don't mind them. They'll eventually sto- Sammy opened the doors, letting a massive wall of fire and shrapnel fly straight at them. AAH! Sammy opened his eyes back up, and looked at Twilight, who was staring slack-jawed at him. Th-that's the fastest-acting shield spell I've ever seen! I already calculated that the shrapnel was flying at around 3000 MPH, but you managed to summon up that shield in a matter of NANOSECONDS. Shield spell? Wait, YOU'VE NEVER DONE A SHIELD SPELL BEFORE?! No, but it sounds like it would've been useful earlier on with the zombies that my friends and I were surrounded by... Oh yeah, I remember now, you still don't really have much experience with magic. Yeah, all I've been doing is jumping dimensions and levitating/teleporting things. I only know how to do those because I accidentally did them in a similar way that this just happened. Twilight looked back at the room. All that was left was a now rainbow-colored party cannon with a focusing laser mounted on top, as well as a triple barrel "confetti gun" mounted on each side. Everything else was slag and fire. Well, uh... here, let's just do that transfer here. The book says that draining any amount of your own magic can and usually will be painful, though, so brace yourself. Also, it has an alternate spell that allows a more experienced pony like me to do it on others, so you don't have to worry about learning anything for now. Also, I'm going to quickly put you to sleep for a few minutes so that you don't feel it. *BONG!!!* Sammy woke up on the floor, with Twilight holding the fifth bucket of water she brought, about to dump it all over Sammy. Oh, Sammy, you're awake. Sorry, I wasn't thinking all that much on how to put you to sleep. Next time, I'll use a sleep spell instead of a rubber mallet. WHAT?! Also, there's the thing you wanted me to transfer the magic into. How did you know what I wanted? I never told you. Just a mind-reading spell. You seriously need to get rid of those dirty thoughts about Zoey. Uh... ok? Sammy picked up the staff, which contained a mere quarter of his unicorn magic, and followed Twilight back through the portal. > Chapter 5 1/2: Meanwhile... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caleb took out his phone an checked the time again. Seriously, what's taking them so long?! It's already been about... half an hour now!! Caleb looked over at Brodie, who was laying on his backpack playing Pokemon on a DS. Yeah, take that, Magicarp! Leech Life to the FACE!!! Wow, I didn't know you were the intense gamer type, you're typically pretty quiet. Well, you never can really find out EVERYTHING about a person, can you? Like what if, we were actually all just part of the imagination of some unseen master force, who decides anything and everything that has, can, and will happen at any moment in time, and can even modify our very destinies at the flick of a hand? Caleb stepped back. Bro, that's deep. Yeah, I know. Suddenly, a rainbow-haired girl raced past Caleb, causing him to fall over. Hey! What did you do that for?! Rainbow Dash stopped running after Pinkie Pie, who recently had three cans of Discord (TM) brand Super-Energy Drinks, and was now literally teleporting everywhere. Sorry, but I'm trying to catch Pinkie Pie there. She's even crazier than usual. Oh. Ok... Suddenly, a bright flash of light shone through the portal, and a very large paintball smacked Caleb in the face. He immediately began shouting into the portal. OW! HEY, WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?! He could barely hear the voice of who he assumed to be Pinkie Pie from the Pony side of the portal. Sorry! I missed that shot! I pinkie-promise that that wasn't on purpose! After heading into the school to wipe his face off in the bathroom, Caleb glanced towards the portal and saw Sammy and Twilight step out. > Chapter The Last: A New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Literally. If you've kept up with the progress, you'd know that this story is officially dead. But after a while, I found the original script that I wrote a while ago, and immediately, I began rewriting things. Due to Tue writer's block that I was in at the time, I decided to assemble a writing team, and turn the story into a collab instead. As such, if you'd like to read the reboot, I'd highly recommend that you click [here], or use this link here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/330125/the-wielder-of-the-orb As for the chapter itself, A New Beginning is literally a new beginning. Not in terms of the ongoing story arcs, but the entire story as a whole. New characters, new places, new ideas. Ever since I began working on the collab, I've been able to finally figure out the specifics behind the orb itself. To help adjust, I will also provide a character conversion here to allow for a smoother adjustment to the new story. Nightshade partially replaces Sammy and Brodie, and is the wielder. Lightning Rod is in a way, a mix of Sammy, Zoey, and Caleb. Anicetus is both a supporting protagonist AND the antagonist through the means of his split personas. And from there, that's pretty much all the main characters. Enjoy the story! Once more, here's a direct link for those who missed it: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/330125/the-wielder-of-the-orb > Chapter 6: We Ain't Done Yet! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dad? That was the first thing he said in over five years. Nurse Redheart looked over to Sammy, who was finally awake again. Oh? Do you know who your parents are? Sammy continued speaking. He looked out the window. Yeah, my dad is Dr. Danial Gearings. He's friends with someone named Dr. Trey O. Russ. Trey is also my friend, but he's more like the weird uncle sometimes. That's an odd name for a pony. You have a rather odd name, too. I'm not a pony. Or at least... I wasn't one before. But, now that I'm awake again, I want you to bring me and my friends to the highest authority of the land. Do you have a leader? Nurse Redheart looked really, really confused by that. Oh wait, wait! Where is it? Sammy grabbed Nurse Redheart. WHERE IS IT? OH CRAP, CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!! One of the other Nurse Redhearts in the room turned around suddenly and injected a sedation syringe into Samy. It took several hours until he woke up again. This time, his friends were awake too. Sammy! Zoey shouted as she hugged Sammy. You're awake! Sammy looked at Nurse Redheart again. Did you contact a higher authority? You mean Princess Twilight? She will be meeting you shortly. I made sure to tell her that it was urgent business, even though it isn't normal protocol. I could tell from how urgent your voice was that the thing you wanted to talk to her about is pretty important. Good.