• Published 27th May 2012
  • 7,486 Views, 188 Comments

Races - Tom From Myspace

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Ch. 3: Receiving

You wake up, ice cold. You realize that your blanket is no longer over you, but over the other half of your bed. You look over, and see a multicolored tail sticking out from under the blanket. You remember leaving Rainbow Dash on the couch, though. She must have gotten cold during the night, and crawled into bed with you. Odd, considering she could have just asked you for another blanket. It’s never too big a deal to get something.

You note how she’s still sound asleep. You figure it’d be rude to wake her, even if you’re confused as heck. She had gotten pretty smashed the night before. The longer she has before the hangover, the better.

You go around your home, and close the windows you left open. The best you can figure, a freak weather pattern moved through during the night. A note in your mail slot confirms this. You hear a groan coming from your room. She’s up now, most likely with a terrible headache.

She walks in, head down. Her face is sporting a grimace from what you can tell. Your hunch was right. You retrieve a bottle of aspirin, and give it to her.

“Thanks Speedy. My head’s pounding.” She says, wincing.

“Don’t mention it. You probably had a little too much fun last night.” You say with a chuckle.

“Ha ha. Very funny.” She says, sounding annoyed.

After taking some aspirin and laying back down for a bit, she leaves. Your day is normal.

You finish your weather patrol and head home. You can’t shake a nagging feeling. Like you’ve forgotten something. You just don’t know what. Was it a date? Yeah, some important date was coming up. But what is it? It’s times like this you thank yourself for marking your calendar.

Oh, that’s right! Rainbow’s birthday is coming up. Maybe that’s why she’s been acting so different. She probably wants you to get her something really cool.

Luckily, you have just the right friend. You prepare yourself, and fly off towards Canterlot. Sure, it takes less time than the train. That doesn’t make it any less of a haul. But it’ll be worth it to be able give her such a hard to obtain gift.


It’s the middle of the night when you finally get to Canterlot. But, you spent the past six hours flying. You’re going to get what you came for. You navigate the streets, and find your way to your friend’s home. There’s still light coming through the windows. Good, at least she’s still awake.

You knock on the door. There is no answer right away. You try again. This time, she answers. She looks agitated. It is almost midnight after all. She lets you in regardless.

“What are you doing here at this hour kid?” She asks.

“Nice to see you too.” You reply.

She offers you a seat. You begin to catch her up on what’s been happening with your family. A regular conversation picks up not long after. You almost forget the real reason that you’re here.

“Listen. I have a huge favor to ask.” You tell her.

“Well, let’s hear it.” She says.

“Do you have any copies of your latest book?” You ask.

“The new Daring Do? Sure. Why do you ask?” She replies.

Yes, that’s correct. She’s the author of the wildly famous Daring Do series. She’s just an old family friend who became famous when she wrote down stories her father told her as a filly.

“One of my friends. Her birthday’s coming up. She’s a huge fan. You think I could-” You can’t finish your sentence.

“Get her a signed copy?” She says.

“You read my mind.” You reply.

“Maybe. First, tell me about her.” She says.

You give her a confused look. The conversation changed focus rather quickly. You oblige her request, though. You tell her everything you can about Rainbow Dash. You tell her about your friendship, her dreams of joining the Wonderbolts, how she’s the only one able to perform a Sonic Rainboom; Everything aside from your secret feelings for her.

“She sounds wonderful kid.” The mare across from you says with a smile.

“So, you can get me a signed copy?” You prod.

“Oh sure. I just need to dig one out, and sign it.” She replies.

She gets up, and trots out of the room without hesitation. After a few minutes, she comes back in with a copy of the newest book titled “Daring Do and the Quest for the Friendship Stones*”. She puts it down, and picks up a quill.

“Anything specific?” She manages to say with the writing utensil in her mouth.

“Something unique.” Is all you tell her.

She begins to scribble something on the inside of the front cover. She stops, and looks back up at you.

“Where’d you say she lives again?” She asks through the quill.

“Ponyville.” You tell her.

She scribbles down the name of the town, and then signs her name. She puts down the quill, closes the book, and pushes it to you. You pick it up, and put it into your saddlebag.

“Thanks. A ton.” You say, repeatedly.

“Don’t mention it kid.” She replies.

“You want to stay the night? It is pretty late for you to head back to Cloudsdale.” She offers.

You respectfully decline. You thank her for probably the millionth time, and leave. You take off, and glide back towards Ponyville. Being situated on a mountain made a return trip from Canterlot much easier than the trip there.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much wind to help you glide. You think now that you should have taken up your friend on her offer. It’s too late to turn back, and you’re exhausted. You land in a field, and bed down there.


You’re awoken by a kick in the ribs. Not a hard one, just enough to get you moving again. You stand up, and see a royal guard in front of you. You look a bit closer. Standing in front of you is the Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor.

“Hey. I know you.” He says.

“You’re one of Twilight’s friends. What’re you doing so far out here?” He asks.

“Personal business. What about you?” You retort.

“That’s classified.” He responds.

With nothing left to say, you leave. You head back towards your home. As Ponyville comes into sight, you slow down a bit. It’s not much further now. As you fly closer to the town, you become aware of the presence of a second Pegasus. You look over, expecting to see Rainbow Dash. But, it’s just Cloud Chaser.

As you get closer to Cloudsdale, you hear something in the distance. Not next to or below you. From above you.

“Look out below!” You hear Rainbow Dash call.

Before you can react, she slams into you. You both hit the ground, hard. It’s nothing too serious. A few cuts and bruises never stopped you before. At least you didn’t break a wing. You’re pinned under Rainbow Dash, who is holding her head. She shakes off her dizziness, and hops back into the air.

“Oops. Sorry Speedy.” She says, laughing nervously.

“Nah, nah. It’s okay Dash.” You say as you stand up.

“Hey, where were you earlier? I was hoping you could help me out with this new trick.” She says.

“In Canterlot.” You reply.

“What were you doing there?” She asks.

Quick! Think up an excuse.

“Uh, I was, uh, doing something for Twilight! Yeah, she, uh, needed me to bring something to Cadence and Shining Armor.” You answer, giving a bad poker face.

She buys it. That’s all you needed her to do. You get ready to head back home.

“Hey Speedy!” Rainbow calls.

Your ears perk, and you look at her.

“Race ya back to your place?” She challenges.

“You’re on!”


* If you understand this reference, then you win a bacon cookie.