• Published 27th May 2012
  • 7,480 Views, 188 Comments

Races - Tom From Myspace

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Ch. 2: Rewarded

You both leave your home. You fly down towards Ponyville. You decide you may as well fess up to missing patrol. It doesn’t bother her like you thought it might. It actually doesn’t bother her at all. Maybe it’s just because you two are friends. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t care if just one stallion is missing his patrol.

You both fly down to the road, and walk the rest of the way into town. On your way, you pass Applejack. She seems, upset.

“Hi AJ.” Rainbow Dash says.

“Howdy.” Applejack replies, sounding a bit angry.

“Something wrong Applejack?” You ask.

“Ah screwed somethin’ up real bad, and now ah gotta find a way to fix it.” She says.

Now you get it, she’s angry with herself. You and Rainbow attempt to offer help, but she gallops off down the road before you can say something. You and Rainbow simply continue on your way. You head towards the café near the center of town.

You choose to sit outside. It is a beautiful day after all. The waiter comes over for your drink order. You both ask for a mug of cider. Nothing out of the ordinary. This was most likely that reward she promised you. She did offer to buy, after all.

As the time passes, you two get into a conversation about the Wonderbolts. You talk about Dash’s aspiration to join, mostly. It’s her dream. You encourage her to follow it whenever she brings it up.

The waiter comes back, and you place your orders. You get back into conversation quickly. This time about nothing specific. It doesn’t take long for the two of you to start giggling like mad. You don’t even remember what’s so funny after a minute.

As you wait for your food, Dash puts up a challenge. Always a bit competitive that Rainbow Dash is. You both have reasonably full mugs left. She issues a chugging challenge. This, you have no trouble winning. It has never been hard for you to beat her in any form of drink related contest. You thank your high school days for that.

There’s a bit of a lapse in conversation after that. You begin to look around. Boredom was getting the best of you. You notice how busy the road is. You can see ponies in a hurry, and some in no rush passing by. You can hear the bartering at the market.

As you just sit and observe, you notice a particularly good looking mare walk by. You begin to stare without hesitation. You watch her pass by. Only a few seconds later, do you feel a bit strange; like somepony is watching you. Glaring at you, even.

You think you see Rainbow Dash shooting you a nasty look out of the corner of your eye, but when you turn to face her she just acts a bit bored. You could have sworn she was just glaring at you. Thankfully, the awkward air is lifted when your food arrives.

“Finally. I’m starving.” Rainbow expresses.

“Me too.” You add.

You both begin eating. You eat in silence. It starts getting awkward again. You begin thinking. You don’t think about anything specific for a little bit. You just think. You find that a bit nice, just thinking. Your mind eventually brings you back to your crush on Rainbow Dash.

If things weren’t awkward enough now, then your sudden hesitation to look at her certainly made them awkward. She notices quickly.

“Something wrong Speedy?” She asks.

“N-no. Nothing’s wrong.” You reply.

She shrugs it off, and finishes eating. You finish, and then the two of you leave. She kept her word, and paid for it. After all, she’s The Element of Loyalty and all that. The two of you decide to bum around Ponyville for a while.


You’re definitely not the best when it comes to timing. You just happen to walk by the school after it had just been let out. Who else just happens to be leaving but Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Or the “Cutie Mark Crusaders”, as they call themselves.

Scootaloo takes one look in your direction, and zips over to you two. She’s practically obsessed with the mare next to you. It’s kind of cute. Rainbow Dash sure doesn’t think so. In fact, she can find Scootaloo a bit annoying at times. Sure, she likes being the object of attention as much as the next pony, but still. It happened just about every single day.

“Hi Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo exclaims.

“Hi kid.” Rainbow replies, in a less than elated tone.

The orange filly begins bombarding your friend with questions. Twenty minutes breeze by without anypony noticing. Eventually, you get Rainbow out of it. You make up an excuse for her, and you both leave.

“Thanks Speedy,” She says.

“I knew I could count on you.”

“Don’t mention it Dash.” You reply.

You give her a little noogie. You notice something when you do it. Her cheeks turn a very faint shade of red. It wasn’t that you’d never seen her blush before, you just didn’t think she’d blush from a friendly act like that you’d done a thousand times. Maybe you just never noticed it before.

You don’t bother to mention it. You instead make a mental note of it. You continue walking around town.


Eventually, night begins to fall. You find your way to a bar, and set up with a couple of drinks. It doesn’t take more than ten seconds (flat) for Rainbow Dash to start a drinking contest. It takes her even less time to know when she’s been beat.

“Silly filly. You know you can’t hold your liquor like I can.” You say in triumph.

“Hey. Iallmos hadjya.” She says, her speech slurred.

You chuckle. Good ol’ Rainbow Dash. She begins to giggle with you. With nothing left to do, and the fact that Rainbow Dash is already hammered, you both decide to leave. You have to guide her as she walks, but that’s the easy part. The hard part, would be getting her home. You’re still coherent enough to fly flawlessly. But Rainbow can hardly walk, let alone fly.

You begin to ponder this predicament. You keep getting distracted by Rainbow Dash, though. You decide to stop, and set down in a field just outside of town. It’s a peaceful night. It was quite a pretty one too. Luna had decided to raise a full moon tonight. The stars are big and bright. The dew had begun to collect on the plants. The light from the night sky shimmered off of them.

You hear Rainbow Dash settle beside you. You look over at her. Some dew from a low hanging branch had come off onto her mane and cyan coat. They now shimmered in the same way as the plants. She’s staring at the moon, much like you had been moments ago. She looks absolutely beautiful. You begin to smile, and face the moon once more.

“Hey Speedy,” She says.

Your ears perk up, and you face her.

“Ihad fun t’day.”She says, her speech still slurred.

“Me too, Dash.” You respond.

You sit and think a bit longer. You still need to get the both of you home. You feel Rainbow rest her head against you. You smile a bit more. She mumbles something you can’t quite make out. Right then, you finally figure out a way to get home.

You load her onto your back, and stretch out your wings. You’d never had to carry anypony from Ponyville to Cloudsdale before, and you don’t want any injury as a result. You take off, and head for your home. It’s closer than her cloud castle, and makes it easier for the both of you. When you finally arrive, you go to set her down from your back. You notice that she’s passed out.

You carry her inside. You find a blanket and a pillow, and set her down on your couch. You toss the blanket over her, and wish her good night before heading off to sleep yourself.