• Published 13th Aug 2015
  • 2,423 Views, 20 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Born Into Darkness - tom117z

The Doctor had been in Equestria for a year and in that time he has seen wonders, but what happens when something, or someone changes Equestria's history and only the Doctor is aware?

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5 - Assassination

"Tell me Doctor, did you really think your presence here would be without consequence? Where you go chaos always follows," taunted The Trickster.

"I know, but I am here, and I'm going to stop you!"

"Stop me? You seem confident Doctor."

"You failed at Sarah Jane's wedding, you failed when faced with Donna Noble, and you will fail again!"

"Ah, Sarah Jane Smith and Donna Noble, both former companions of yours if I recall, but the thing is Doctor, where are your Companions now? Derpy is off who knows where, the Element Bearers barely know you and Twilight Sparkle..." The Trickster gave a sinister chuckle. "She is most important to me, the chaos she is about to unleash will feed me for a long time..."

"Look, just tell me one thing, how?" asked The Doctor

"I arrived in this universe about a thousand years ago, and while there I discovered Sombra, imprisoned. We made a deal, I would release him and bring back the Crystal Empire in return for him doing as I say when I say it."

"And he agreed?"

"I showed him there are... consequences for disappointing me. After I got Sombra I discovered poor Princess Luna, she was so alone and on the verge of such darkness, I simply sped up that darkness and helped forge an alliance between her and Sombra. More recently I discovered Twilight Sparkle, I know how much of a threat the Element of Magic would be to my cause, so I turned her into an asset instead."

"She may have had a different upbringing, but under all that dark magic the Twilight I know still exists, and I won't let you manipulate her further!"

"Are you so sure, Doctor?"

A violent explosion sounded throughout the castle coming from the throne room.

"Celestia dies this day Doctor, and the fall of Equestria shall begin," stated The Trickster, fading away moments later.

"Twilight..." muttered The Doctor before bolting off in the direction of the throne room.

Twilight sat in her room going through the weeks events in her mind, her thoughts specifically going to The Doctors words. "I know you desire friendship, and friendship just may come from the most unexpected place if you would just give it a chance."

Those five mares had offered their friendship, tried everything to make her comfortable in her stay at the castle, and it had been working until she kicked them out.

'Was I too brash, should I have given them a chance?' Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts. The week was coming to an end and it was now or never, this day would be the last for Princess Celestia.

Twilight sighed, she wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do anymore, but she had a duty to her empire, and she was determined to see it through.

Twilight got up off her bed and walked out into the hallway, by this time Celestia should be muzzle deep in paperwork, a perfect time for a surprise attack. Twilight walked through the castle halls, concentrating on all the dark thoughts she could to build up the dark magical energy within her. Twilight soon came to the throne room and using the shadows to mask her presence quietly slipped in, Celestia sat on her throne sifting through piles of reports and forms, her concentration completely focused on them.

Twilight used her magic to cast some enchantments around the room, specifically a powerful magical field that would prevent anypony from entering, or leaving.

Still sticking to the shadows the dark alicorn crept up to where she had the clearest shot of Celestia and then called on all her gathered strength charging up an attack of dark energy, she stood there for a few seconds letting the reality of what she was about to do sweep over her.

And then she fired.

A magnificent explosion rocketed throughout the throne room as Celestia was launched violently from her throne straight into the wall, if it wasn't for Twilight's enchantment she probably would have gone right through it too.

A heavily bruised Celestia slowly looked up as she recovered from her daze, she saw that her throne and the paperwork she had spent the past three hours preparing was naught but ash. As the smoke cleared she saw a figure emerge from the haze, it was Twilight, her dark magic infused eyes glowing brighter than ever as a sadistic, evil look fell upon her face. Her horn glowed brightly as she unleashed another attack, this time Celestia managed to cast a shield around herself to block it, barely.

"Why, Twilight? All we have done since you arrived was offer our friendship!" proclaimed a saddened Celestia.

"Friendship? Overrated. Besides, I have a duty and I will fulfill it!"

"And to think they all believed in you," stated Celestia calmly as she got to her hooves, not hiding the disappointment in her voice.

That made Twilight hesitate momentarily, an opportunity Celestia didn't waste.

Celestia gave a flap of her wings and took to the air, lighting up her horn and using her magic to cast a devastating beam of golden magic towards the dark alicorn.

Twilight snapped out of her hesitation and narrowly avoided the blast, only getting slightly grazed by it.

The two alicorns began to fight, both blasting away at each other neither holding back, kicking and biting when they got the opportunity. Pillars crumpled when they got hit and priceless tapestries hundreds of years old were annihilated in fell swoops. Normally Celestia would be able to overpower Twilight fairly easily albeit after some effort, however Twilight's initial attack that caught Celestia off guard had done what it was intended to do and had physically crippled the alicorn for the remainder of the fight, they were now fighting on equal levels and the outcome was anypony's guess. All the while the Trickster looked on, confident his victory over the Doctor was nearly complete.

The element bearers sat in Cadance's room speaking with the Princess of Love, specifically discussing what went wrong with them trying to befriend Twilight.

"I don't understand it, the darling was really starting to come out of her shell for a while but then all of a sudden she didn't want anything to do with us anymore," said Rarity with concern in her voice.

"I'm sure she's just having a hard time, she's been raised to believe we are the enemy after all, now we are offering friendship she's going to be a little conflicted," responded Cadance, trying to ease the concerns of the five mares.

"Cadance may be right, she looked really, really sad when she threw us out and in turn that makes me really, really sad and..." Pinkie was suddenly cut of as she started to shake violently before suddenly stopping. "Huh, that one was a doozie."

"Your weird Pinkie sense right?" asked Rainbow.

"Yep, whatever it is its going to be massive!" proclaimed Pinkie.

Before the conversation could continue they all jumped as a loud explosion echoed throughout the whole castle.

Applejack frantically looked around. "What in tarnation!" she shouted.

"I think it came from the throne room!" squeaked a panicked Fluttershy

"You five go check it, I'll round up the guards and clear all servants and civilians from the area!" shouted Cadance pointing a hoof at the door.

"You got it Princess! Said Rainbow Dash putting on her helmet. "Let's go girls!"

With that the five mares ran out of the room and bolted towards the throne room. They passed several Solar Guards trying to clear the corridors of all non-essential personnel and a few others that saluted the five as they passed.

The Doctor was getting closer to the throne room, close enough to hear the battle raging within confirming his worst fears, Princess Twilight was attempting to assassinate Princess Celestia.

"Come on equine legs don't fail me now, Allons-y!" he shouted out loud to himself picking up the pace.

All of a sudden he ran right into the element bearers who were also running towards the throne room.

"Doctor!" shouted Rarity, "Do you have any clue what's going on!".

"Twilight's attacking Celestia!"

"WHAT!" the five shouted in unison, Fluttershy's voice being lost under the other fours'.

"No time to explain in full except that all this, the timeline changing as well as Twilight's current 'nature', it was all the Trickster he's been manipulating things since he arrived in the past!"

"Hold on there sugarcube, who the hay is 'Trickster'?" questioned Applejack.

"No time, we have to stop Twilight before she goes too far, right now she's still redeemable but once she's killed Celestia she will be lost to the darkness forever!" informed the Doctor, who was running off towards the throne room again followed closely by the five bearers.

Arriving at the throne room they could clearly hear the battle within, it did not sound pretty. Applejack got on her fore legs and tried to buck the throne room door open but was instead met with a magical field that deflected her and knocked her onto the hard floor.

"Ah, she's put up a magical field to keep anypony from getting in, and Celestia from getting out..." the Doctor muttered to himself.
Rainbow, having heard his mutter looked at him sternly. "Well then Doc? How do we get in?! We can hardly leave Celestia hanging!"

The Doctor turned and looked Dash straight in the eyes. "One, never ever call me Doc, it's Doctor". He then turned back to the door, picking up the sonic screwdriver as he said, "Two, magical fields work on a similar principal to more scientific forcefields, if I can find the right frequency with the sonic I can disperse it, it's easy really!"

The Doctor extended the sonic and a bright green glowed from the tip as a soft buzz sound was emitted from the device, the Doctor slowly moved the sonic around the door getting a clear scan of the field that surrounded it.

"May take a minute though!"

Applejack sighed, walked up to the door and shouted in. "Hold on Princess, we'll be in there in but a sec and y'all be right as rain ya hear me!"

Celestia destroyed a piece of broken pillar that Twilight had thrown towards the princess, pieces of stone dust rained down on her as she turned to face the dark princess of the crystal empire. Both mares were battered and exhausted, the fight was coming close to a close. Both sat hovering in place staring at each other, Celestia just above the debris that was once her throne and Twilight at the other end just in front of the door.

"You put up a good fight Celestia, but it won't matter! I will complete the task set for me!"

Both alicorns moved a little closer to each other.

"Listen to yourself! I know that underneath all that dark magic lies a good mare, a mare in need of our help, all you need to do is let us!" Celestia pleaded in vain.

"You waste your last breaths princess," sneered Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle! I know Captain Shining Armor's little sister is still in there somewhere, please just listen to me!"

"Shining Armor, who the hay is Shining Armor?" asked a confused Twilight.

"I assume you are aware of where you came form, how you were stolen, taken from a loving family seeing you for the first time!"

"I... Sh... SHUT UP!" projected Twilight, who picked up another piece of debris in a purple aura and launched it towards the Princess of the Sun.

Celestia destroyed this piece also, giving out a sad sigh as Twilight's rage only grew. All exhaustion seemed to disappear from Celestia as her body grew calm and regal once more.

"I'm sorry it came to this, I truly, truly am," said Celestia calmly looking Twilight in the eyes.

Celestia's eyes weren't filled with anger or hate, not even disappointment. Instead they were filled with something else, pity, pity for a mare she had failed to save.

A muffled voice came from outside the throne room door. "Hold on Princess, we'll be in there in but a sec and y'all be right as rain ya hear me!"

"Huh, it appears your allies are here to save the princess, it's time to finish this now then..." snarled an enraged Twilight, who began to charge her horn once more.

"Twilight... they aren't my allies... they're my friends. As they are also yours," Celestia responded still using a calm demeanor, she too beginning to charge her horn.

Both mares charged their horns for a few more seconds, Twilight's aura a purple mixed with the black of dark magic, Celestia's was a bright, hopeful golden.

Once they were both fully charged both hovered there, observing one another for a second longer, neither noticing the throne room doors open.

Then they both fired.

The screwdriver's buzzing continued, the calculation 95% complete.

"Why are they not fighting anymore guys?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"What are they talking about do you think?" asked Rarity.

"Maybe they made up?" suggested a hopeful Fluttershy.

"Yeah, more like a brief pause before it starts again," deadpanned Rainbow Dash.

"Ah' sadly agree with Rainbow..." sighed Applejack.

The muffled conversation of the two alicorns within stopped and all became silent except for the sonic screwdriver.

"Ah! Calculation complete! The fields down lets get in there!" shouted The Doctor in victory.

The five Ponies and the Time Lord pushed on the door and it opened with ease, only for them to be met with a sudden explosion of magical energy as a purple/black beam collided a brilliant golden beam. All six where knocked right out of the throne room again by the shockwave.

Everything went dark

When the Doctor came round he looked up to see five ponies slumped on the floor. Slowly the Doctor got up and went to check on the five friends. To his relief all of them were OK, the explosion had just knocked the wind out of them.

An eerie silence crept over the six as they looked over at the throne room door, the door itself was charred and hanging off its hinges.

The six slowly walked forwards into the room itself, a twisted sight awaited them.

The throne room was in pieces, most of the roof was gone, unveiling the bright blue sky above. The walls were riddled with holes like a changelings hooves and all of the windows, pillars and tapestries were no more. Not even the throne itself survived.

The six pairs of eyes all fell onto the same thing however, in the middle of the room on the burnt remains of the red carpet that had once led to the throne lay two slumped, unmoving figures.

Celestia and Twilight.

From here the Doctor could see both were banged up pretty badly, cuts, bruises and burns all over their bodies. The six stood there for what seemed like hours, just staring at the scene before them. For the element bearers they had never seen destruction of this magnitude before, for the Doctor this was an eerie reminder of times gone past, the Last Great Time War coming to mind.

Celestia slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the days sky, breathing slow deep breaths, slowly she then clambered to her hooves, obviously in pain.

"Princess Celestia!" Exclaimed the Element Bearers, relieved to see the solar diarch on her four legs.

"Twilight?" Celestia asked, her eyes moving from the six figures to the one slumped on the floor.

The Doctor slowly approached the dark alicorn, coming to a stop next to her and bringing his ear down on her chest, listening for a heartbeat.

"Twilight..." whispered Fluttershy, beginning to sob.

"Why'd ya do it sugarcube?" whispered Applejack, slipping off the stetson she wore in place of a helmet and holding it to her chest.

"Doctor? Is... is she dead?" asked Celestia softly, despite everything she still didn't want Twilight to die.

The Doctor lifted up his head, a stern look on his face.

Location: Crystal Empire
Time Frame: 1785th year of Celestia's reign

King Sombra sat on the balcony on the crystal palace, watching sadistically as the crystal ponies below slaved away under the watchful eye of his guard.

A dark, cloaked bi-pedal figure appeared next to him as if from thin air, he looked out on the empire with Sombra.

"Greetings Trickster," said Sombra with no emotion in his voice.

"King Sombra, I am afraid Twilight Sparkle had failed, Celestia yet lives," informed The Trickster

"As I thought she would, Nightmare Moon wasted her time with that pitiful mare."

Trickster turned to look at the unicorn king. "Since the more subtle approach has failed, it's time to turn to a more direct approach instead."

"The army will be ready before the dawn, we march for Canterlot first thing," Sombra said, turning to face The Trickster.

"Good, do not fail me King Sombra, you know what happens to beings who don't keep their end of my deals".

"I understand," Sombra said, fully knowing the consequence of failure.

With that the Trickster disappeared, leaving Sombra to prepare for war.

Author's Note:

Told you things were going down this time around...