• Published 13th Aug 2015
  • 2,424 Views, 20 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Born Into Darkness - tom117z

The Doctor had been in Equestria for a year and in that time he has seen wonders, but what happens when something, or someone changes Equestria's history and only the Doctor is aware?

  • ...

4 - Making Friends

The Doctor walked into the console room of the TARDIS the gears in his head back at work. He knew the TARDIS scanners had to have picked up the unique temporal signature of whatever damaged the timeline in such a big way, the hard part however would be trying to isolate that signature among everything else.

The Doctor brought round the consoles monitor and began to sift through all the data the time machine collected when being struck by the anomaly, but there was a slight problem.

"Data corrupted?" the Doctor stared at the screen in disbelief, "Oh come on old girl you're better than this!"

The TARDIS gave out a low hum in protest.

"Well yes I know that you took a bit of a beating but this is important!"

A beeping noise came from the console

"Oh fine then, no need for that sass!"

The Doctor sighed, it would take days to make the data into something usable, this was going to be a tedious week.

The following morning the five element bearers sat in the royal dining room waiting for Twilight to come down for breakfast.

"So what's the plan guys?" asked Rainbow Dash

"No plan, we just act like ourselves and show her a little kindness!" said Fluttershy in a rare bout of confidence.

"Maybe we can throw her that party I wanted!" shouted Pinkie Pie

"Pinkie, maybe we should save that until we know she isn't going to turn us into ash," deadpanned Rainbow

"Honestly I agree with Rainbow darling, Fluttershy's idea should work but a party might just overwhelm somepony of her... volatile nature..." Rarity nodded agreeingly to Rainbow.

"Hold on y'all here she comes," whispered Applejack

A moment later the dining room doors opened with a push from a purple magical aura. Sure enough in walked Princess Twilight Sparkle, her evil green eyes seemed to glow brighter in the morning sun complemented by the fact she showed absolutely no emotion on her face. The five bearers watched as Twilight sat at the other end of the table and examined the food placed out on the table.

Applejack could of sworn that Twilight's eyes lit up for a moment as she laid eyes on the pancakes piled on the table before they returned to their emotionless black expression.

"Like ya pancakes, sugarcube?" asked Applejack in a friendly manner as Twilight picked up several blueberry pancakes and put them on her plate.

"I beg your pardon?" she responded coldly

"I saw your eyes glint for a moment when you saw those there pancakes, I'm sure the chef's would be delighted you enjoy them so!" an unfazed Applejack responded to the dark alicorn.

"I have no idea what your talking about," she lied

Applejack chuckled. "No point lying ta me bout such a simple thing sugarcube, as the Element of Honesty I can pick up such lies a mile away," she proclaimed proudly.

Twilight sighed. "Good for you" she deadpanned. "If you must know, my mother used to make blueberry pancakes for me when I was younger, and still does on occasion. As such they have become my favourite breakfast to have in the morning."

The Element Bearers all made a mental note of this as they moved over to join Twilight at her end of the table, much to her annoyance.

"My names Applejack, and them there are Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity."

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she examined the five smiling ponies.

"You're the Element Bearers, Celestia's 'elite' guard. What's your story anyways?" asked a genuinely curious Twilight.

Rarity was the one to answer this time. "Well you see darling I used to own a boutique in Ponyville, but when it came to light I was the Element of Generosity I joined this merry band without a second thought! Oh and if you ever need a dress fixing up for whatever occasion I can make you one on the house!"

Now it was Pinkie's turn, and much to Twilights surprise she almost seemed to teleport from her seat and appeared face-to-face with the alicorn.

"HiImPinkieAndIAmASuperDuperPartyPonyIAmAlsoTheElementOfLaughterWhichIsAwesomeBecauseILoveToMakePoniesLaughAndILoveMeetingNewPoniesBecauseIAlwaysMakeThemMyFriendsSoWouldYouLikeToBeMyFriendTwilightOfCourseYouWouldYAY!" Pinkie inhaled deeply and then exhaled before giving Twilight a squee.

Twilight just stared at the pink pony a few seconds before asking. "Is she always like this?"

"Yup!" Pinkie shouted before hopping back to her seat.

"OK... and you?" Twilight asked Applejack as she took a bite of her pancakes.

"Me? Well I ain't much to talk about sugarcube. Worked on my family farm, Sweet Apple Acres, before coming here. My big brother, Big Macintosh, is currently running the farm in my stead; the only downside to being a bearer is that I only tend to see my family at the reunions, but I have a duty and by Celestia ah intend to do it!"

"Uh huh, and her?" Twilight pointed at the Fluttershy, who's confidence seemed to dissolve as Twilight directly confronted her.

"I... uh... I'm Flutteshy..."

"Yes I know your name, what's your history?"

"Well I... er... well..." Fluttershy gulped. "I'm the Element of Kindness because I like looking after animals..."

"You like animals, that's it?"

Fluttershy nodded, obviously wanting to move on from the conversation.

Twilight sighed in annoyance. "And what about you Rainbow Dash, you have a confident look to you, what's your story?"

Dash huffed at the dark alicorn. "Yeah wouldn't you like to know, 'Princess'."

Applejack facehoofed. "Oh for the love of... Rainbow here was pointed to joinin' the Wonderbolts, but when it was revealed she was the Element of Loyalty she gave up on her dream and joined us instead. She's also slow to trust as you may of seen." Applejack glared at Rainbow who just shrugged.

Twilight looked between the five ponies, but couldn't help but notice something missing. "Hey, where is the Element of Magic?"

Applejack shook her head. "Sadly, we haven't truly found him or her yet," she said half truthfully while not making eye contact with the dark alicorn who, thanks to the Doctor, they now knew WAS the future bearer Element of Magic. In another life at the very least.

Rainbow dash became visibly annoyed. "Yeah just tell the enemy all our disadvantages why don't you!" Rainbow pointed a hoof accusingly at Applejack.

"Simmer down there sally! How do we expect to befriend her if we lie to her?" argued Applejack staring down Rainbow Dash

Twilight almost spit out her bite of pancake. "Wait! Befriend?"

Pinkie Pie was the one to respond. "Well yeah silly, otherwise I couldn't throw you an awesome party!"

Twilight pushed her plate away and began to leave the room. "Sorry but I don't have time for 'friends', now if you will excuse me..."

The Element Bearers looked between each other as Twilight left the room, but quickly got up to follow her.

Twilight sat in her room continuing to read her book from where she left off the previous day. All of a sudden a knock sounded from the door and Twilight reluctantly put her book down on the bed and got up to answer it.

When she opened the door she was met with the five element bearers looking at her rather sheepishly.

"What do you want? I'm trying to read!" Twilight asked rolling her eyes.

Applejack spoke up for the group. "Listen Twilight, ah know you're not in the business of making friends but..."

Before Applejack could finish a rainbow streak rushed past into the room, Rainbow Dash just hovered above the bed staring in awe at the book that lay on it

"Is that a signed edition of Daring Do and The Castle of Doom!?" she asked, trying not to fangirl.

Twilight walked up to the multi-coloured pony, perplexed by her reaction. "Why yes, it was a gift for my tenth birthday, two months before it even came out to the public..."

Rainbow let out a delighted squee. "Oh my gosh you are so lucky! Ever since Cadance introduced me to the series I've been trying so hard to get every signed edition possible, this is one of the only two I'm missing!"

"Wait!" Twilight shouted. "You've got signed edition of all but two Daring Do books?"

"Yep!" proclaimed a very proud Rainbow Dash.

Twilight gasped. "You have got to show me your collection!"

Soon enough the two mares got into a conversation about the book series they both seemed to love so much, the other four mares just stood there not understanding a single word they were saying.

"This may be easier than we thought," observed a rather amused Applejack.

After four days it was done! The Doctor had finally decompiled the data into something usable and was now looking through it to find out who Sombra's mysterious benefactor was.

"Nope, nope, nope... Ah ha!" shouted The Doctor triumphantly as a unique signature appeared on the screen before him.

"I've got you now, I'll just focus in, clear up the scan and..." the Doctor's smile faded as the unique temporal signature was displayed in full on the monitor, he had seen this signature before.

"That's not possible..."

Over the last four days Twilight had been spending a lot of time with the element bearers who had noticed Twilight had been coming more and more out of her shell as time went along.

Twilight remembered that party Pinkie had thrown on the second day, she had baked the most amazing blueberry muffins Twilight had ever
tasted and Twilight had genuinely enjoyed herself. Celestia herself had even briefly attended during which time she and Twilight got talking about the politics of their respective countries and how tiresome it was.

Now on the fourth day she sat in her room talking with her apparent 'friends', but calling them that still didn't seem right, what if this was all a trick? What if them befriending her was all a ruse to get her to reveal her empires secrets?

"You know that's that case," said a voice in her head

Twilight looked around. "Huh? Who's there?"

"What was that darling?" asked Rarity

"What? Oh, nothing..."

"They are using you Twilight, you have a duty, kill Celestia!" the voice commanded

"They wouldn't use me for their own benefit... would they?" she whispered to herself

"Of course they would, as your father's benefactor it's my job to know these things..."

Twilights eyes widened. "You? Then... what should I do?"

"Kick them out, make them leave you alone and while they are getting over their probable confusion you strike Celestia down! Do your parents proud..."

Anger overtook Twilight, those mares had used her, she no longer wanted anything to do with them.

"Out," Twilight muttered angrily

The five mares stopped talking and all looked round at Twilight

"Pardon Twi?" Applejack said surprised at Twilight's sudden change in attitude

"I... said... GET OUT!" Screamed Twilight in a violent manner, terrifying the five unsuspecting mares.

What the five didn't notice as they scurried out the room was a single tear fall down the lavender mares cheek as she watched them leave.

The Doctor walked out of the TARDIS quietly, a dark shadow formed behind him and an old enemy emerged from it.

"It was you... you caused this... you're Sombra's benefactor!"

The Doctor looked at the figure, he was a cloaked bi-pedal being, the only part of his body that was visible in his dark as night cloak was his grotesque face, on which sat only a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. His skin was wrinkled and cracked and where his eyes should be only sat empty sockets covered with yet more cracked and wrinkled skin.

The figure addressed The Doctor, "Your explosive departure from our own universe provided me with an opportunity Doctor, one I could not ignore."

The Doctor looked upon the figure in disgust, the chaos bringer, a being who changed the timeline to a more horrific state and then fed off the chaos that followed, a creature the Doctor had fought several times in the past but an old companion of his had fought more.


Author's Note:

Rather calm subdued chapter this time, the calm before storm!

Next time things are going down to china town!
(Remind me never to say that again)