• Published 27th May 2012
  • 715 Views, 9 Comments

The Equestrian War - ponyhailey

WARNING: FIRST STORY Equestria has fallen into the hoove's of Nightmare Moon

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Chapter Four

“All right, everypony should go home and gather supplies, we might be gone for a while.”

The six ponies marched out of the library, each off to their own home to prepare for the journey. Compass Point marched off to the solider camp stationed outside of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash hung out outside the library. She traveled light and couldn’t think anything she might need that she couldn’t get on the way. Twilight stayed behind (the library was her home) and climbed the stair up to her room. Spike followed. Twilight bent over and felt around under her bed until she found her saddlebag. She pulled it out and set it on her bed.

“Spike,” Twilight asked, “Could you please find me five more copies of the map like the one downstairs?”

“I’m on it.“

Twilight sifted among the books shelf, occasionally pulling out a book or two and placing them into her saddlebag. When she was content with what she had, she strapped it on, and returned back downstairs. Spike had found five map and was proceeding to copy down where the elements were located.

“I can’t wait to go searching,” Spike said excitedly.

“Oh Spike, I not sure if you should go .”

“What?! But I’m your number one assistant!” Spike protested.

“I’m sorry, but this mission might be dangerous.”

“Everypony else gets to have fun.” Spike grumbled.

“But if you come, who will protect the library from book thieves?” Twilight added playfully.

Spike blushed and gave a defeated sigh. He would stay.


Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acers, Applejack was fighting off a persistent little sister.

“I’m sorry Apple Bloom, but who’s gonna’ take care take care of the farm if you and I are gone?” Applejack asked, “Apples, check.”

“Big Mac and Granny Smith will.“ Apple Bloom replied.

“Heh, I don’t know if Big Mac can man the farm all by himself-”

“Eeyup‘,” Big Macintosh agreeded.

“- and Granny Smith can’t apple buck worth a darn. No offence Granny Smith.”

“None taken dear.” said Granny Smith.

“Lets see, now where‘s that rope?“

“Please,” Apple Bloom begged, “What if my cutie mark is finding lost things?”

“Some how I doubt that.“ Applejack said, ‘Rope, check, apple juice, check.”


“Alright I’m all ready. Good bye Apple Bloom, yall take care now ya hear.” Applejack called back as she galloped toward the library leaving a disappointed Apple Bloom. behind.


At Sugar Cube Corners, Pinkie Pie filled her saddlebag with only the necessities.

“Hum, What am I missing?” Pinkie Pie pondered, “Lets see, I have cupcakes, cookies, candy, a quart of milk, party hats, and balloons. I know! Streamers!”

She raced over to her dresser and pulled open a drawer. Streamers and confetti exploded in her face.

“Found some.” she said.

Pinkie Pie grabbed a bunch, shoved them in to her bag, slung the bag across her back, and dashed off to the library.


Rarity hefted her saddlebag onto a table. She sorted through the bag’s contents.

“Scarf, check, hat, check, sewing kit check. Good I’m all set to go.”

“Go where?”

“Ahh!” Rarity screamed, “Oh, it’s you Sweetie Bell. You really shouldn’t sneak up on ponies like that.”

“Go where” Sweetie Bell repeated.

“That’s none of your business.” Rarity replied.

To herself, she muttered, “I’d better ask Spike to take care of her while I’m gone.” as she left the house.


At Fluttershy’s cottage, Fluttershy was leaving out many bowls of food and water.

“All right now little ones, don’t gobble this food all at once or you might not have anything to eat.”

She set out one last bowl of food. But as it touched the ground, angle scampered over and gorged the food furiously.

“No stop, Angle bunny,” Fluttershy protested softly, “You can’t eat it just yet.’

Angle stared at her. And returned to eating.

“No.“ murmered Fluttershy, as she gently picked up the bowl, holding it out of the bunny’s reach. Angle lunged for it. Fluttershy evaded him, ducking and dodging his attacks.

“Now Angle, you stop that.” she scolded.

He peayd her no heed.

“Please,” she begged.

The bunny still leaped wildly. Fluttershy, a little fed up with Angle’s rebellion, used her last resort, the Stare. Angle stopped in his tracks.

“Now do you promise to not to eat the food?”

Angle sighed defeated, and nodded.

“And will you keep the other animals from eating the food except during their usual feeding time?”

Angle nodded.


Fluttershy said good bye to all her animals, promising to come back soon, left the her cottage and into the night.


All the ponies assembled outside of the library.

“Okay everypony, here are your maps.” Twilight said as she hoofed (handed) everypony a rolled up map.

“Map? Please, I can’t possibly get lost.” Rainbow Dash declined as she threw the map behind her. Nopony noticed when a small orange muzzle reached through the bushes and snacted the map with it’s mouth.

“Everypony know where to go?” Twilight asked.

“Yep.” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Indeed I do.” Rarity replied.

“Yes sirree.“ Pinkie Pie responded eagerly.

“Ready. ” Applejack said.

“I guess.” Fluttershy whispered.

“All right then, I’ll see you later.” Twilight said.

And with that the six raced of into the darkness of the night, not knowing the challenges they would face.

End of Chapter Four

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