• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 681 Views, 15 Comments

Vinyl Scratch, Mentoring is AWESOME! - SciWriter

A series of short stories about Vinyl Scratch gaining a young filly apprentice, whom by the way is the adoptive child of a dragon.

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When I went to tell Lightning the good news- well really bazaar news from my perspective- that I was going to be her part time care taker, some odd things happened.

First, when she met my surprise guests for the occasion, Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack, Lightning Strike proceeded to tell us all a story. The story itself was actually pretty good, especially for a kid, but something went wrong. Lightning somehow scared herself with the story and I had a lingering feeling that making her brother the villain who gets smashed at the end wasn’t the only thing her young mind had a problem with. In my own mind I started going out on a limb and suspect the story was actually an unintentional allegory for something. Course for the life of me I couldn’t tell what.

What worried me more, was what happened after the story however- or rather what happened before that I wasn’t around for.

After Lightning Strike’s story and my revelation, I left my new charge in pretty high spirits. Her brother, whom I suppose by consequence was also to become my charge, stayed with her as myself and the two element bearers walked out of Lightning Strike’s hospital room.

A nurse who had been in the room when I told Lightning my news, waved for me to come talk to her while the other mares left. She gave me a clipboard with a series of notes scrawled on it. “So I take it you’re her care taker as it were?” I shrugged and nodded, looking at the notes. “Then you should probably be the first to know why she was put under such heavy sedation while you were gone.”

I put the clip board on a nearby table and levitated out my own pen and pad. ‘I thought that just seemed normal for such a big operation.'

“You don’t normally need to be sedated to have a broken shoulder set and wrapped. Local anesthesia and a MILD sedative should have been enough.” I raised an eyebrow. I was supposed to know things like this… how? “I’ll just get to the point. While you and the colt, Dusk, were gone, Lightning Strike had a panic attack. She was hyperventilating and moving so fast she was making her injury worse. Normally we need permission to give powerful drugs to a minor, but something had to be done to protect her from herself.”

None of this was processing well. ‘Panic attack?’ I wrote. I remembered when I first met the filly. Lightning had the ability to control electricity for Luna sake, sure there were ponies out there who would laugh at that, but it was a respectable power in its own right. What did she have to be afraid of?

“She kept yelling for her brother “Where’s Dusk, where’s Dusk?”” over and over. “Eventually turning her cries into a pitiable “why would he leave me?” repeated as well. She started crying and struggling and just throwing a fit like she thought her brother had abandoned her for good.”

‘I think I may have noticed a fear of rejection from her but nothing like that.’ I noted.

The nurse nodded. “We took the liberty of signing her up for a consultation with an in house therapist. Foal psychologist Killy Filly.”

I had to think for a minute. ‘Do you not have a… “Happy Filly” on staff or something?’

“Sued for malpractice.”

‘I might have known.’

She smiled. “His name makes a lot of ponies nervous, but I assure you he is one of the best in his business with a very calming demeanor. Also, an added benefit, given Lightning’s unique physiology, he’s a doctor who believes very little in drug based solutions.”

‘Unique phyzi-fizi… screw it-biology?’

“High iron and bazaar micro electro magical constructs can be found throughout her blood stream. We’re not sure what they do, but they did neutralize one of our sedatives entirely… by the way, we will be keeping her for observation for a few days regarding the two sedatives we had to give her… we just want to make sure we didn’t do anything bad there.”

‘Um… that doesn’t sound very… well…’

“Like we know what we’re doing? She shocked one of the doctors with that electricity she throws around when she gets upset and like I said, neutralized a sedative entirely. We understand the basics of her biology to be the same as any pony, but there are differences. By the way Dr. White is alright. The shock was mild.”

‘She did say she was in a lab experiment…'

“You should seek out the notes from that experiment.” I nodded. “Now, just to make sure she is at ease with all this, would you mind escorting the filly to her therapy appointment tomorrow? Oh and make sure to assure her that her brother will be waiting outside the door.” She nodded, looked ready to turn, but then turned back to me. “Um… considering we don’t want her to start shocking everypony again, we can provide him with an extra bed, can Dusk stay here for a few nights?”

‘I’ll see if Spike can send a letter to their father.'

“You have access to Spike as a message service?”

‘Sort of. Twilight is letting me use him to communicate with the foal’s father… who is a dragon… so yea, Twilight seems to think it’s important that we keep him informed as to what happens with his kids while they’re here, something about not wanting to play with fire.’ I winked, hoping the nurse would get my joke. Instead her eyes went wide. ‘I’ll just take care of things, trust me.’


The following day, with some concern, I read over Dr. Killy Filly’s notes. Interestingly enough he had a decent narrative to his writing so it wasn’t a technical mess… I’m learning to just roll with all the weird things happening to me. Anyway, so I read:

Greetings care takers of the young Lightning Strike. Here I have made an account of your charge’s words and behavior during her visit with me. These notes are to be considered confidential however you have been given permission to view them by the state and by the foal herself.

When I heard about young Lightning Strike’s outburst, I already had my suspicions as to what her issues might be, but I tried to reserve my judgement for when the filly and I actually met.

Still it may be of use for me to list my first guesses as to her issue. Lightning screaming for her brother marks him in my mind as someone very important to her. Why beyond simple familial bonds, I’m not sure. He is a source of security for her. Perhaps in less familiar environments his presence helps her to feel a sense of normalcy. I doubt there’s anything he does in particular, especially after discovering he’s only six years of age, however she has attached much value to him.

I suspect a strong fear of being abandoned by him, though I can only speculate on why. One key to keeping Lightning able to speak freely during my visit with her, may be to assure her that her brother is simply on the other side of the wall, and not gone. I may even have to let her check a few times. This should not be an issue as even if his guardian has to excuse herself, other nurses can be summoned to watch him. Entertainment can also easily be provided in the form of a few books and toys for him. If he does prove to be her security blanket I must admit that there will be no way around what may end up being a rather unpleasant prescription, as attaching oneself to another pony like this is not acceptable behavior. It could be damaging to both foals and their growth as individuals. I will have to design a program to slowly adjust her to being isolated from him. I seriously doubt she will like that, but it may be necessary.

When walking into my office, Lightning Strike seemed to be an, at least outwardly, happy filly. She smiled and moved quickly to the center of the room, her eyes darting about the room to and fro. I did notice her checking the open door several times, looking to be looking for someone. I got up from my chair and walked over to that door and moved to close it, however I hesitated, seeing some distress in her eyes.

“I want you to feel comfortable here, however I also want this visit to be confidential. Would me shutting this door upset you too much?” her eyes grew wide and she bit her lip. I gamboled that my earlier deductions might have had some basis in truth. “This is about Dusk?” She didn’t respond, simply looking out the door. I looked out in the same direction. Sure enough she was looking at a small colt sitting on the floor reading a children’s book with their current care taker Vinyl Scratch. (I might note that Vinyl herself didn’t seem very interested in this activity, but I will compliment her apparent patients.) “He’ll be just outside this door during this appointment. You can trust me.” I chuckled. “You do let him go to the bathroom on his own of course right?” She nodded. “Well just pretend it’s like that.” I closed the door, watching her expression.

Lightning watched the door for a few seconds with concern. “Trust me, he won’t leave.” The filly appeared to relax and then started looking about the room again. Seeing that my plan was working at least for the moment, I returned to my chair and motioned to the couch next to me.

“That’s a weird looking couch!” the filly enthusiastically commented.

“Yes, I suppose it is. Do you want to have a seat?”

“I guess…”

“If you would be more comfortable standing that’s alright.” Lightning just sat in the middle of the room on her flank. Her eyes were still darting about the room. I also noticed her right hoof was silently tapping. “Do you find it difficult to sit still?”

“Um… do I need to?”

“Not really, I’m just asking. I want you to be comfortable while we talk. I’m noticing that you keep moving. Do you mean to be doing that?” I watched with some hidden amusement as she consciously stopped her tapping foot, and her tail started wagging like a dog’s behind her. “I didn’t say you had to stop. It doesn’t bother me.” Her left hoof started tapping and her tail was still again. I was about to start speaking when she quickly started flying, literally darting around the room. I smiled, but nonetheless felt the need to reign her in a little. “Alright, we’ve established that you like being active, but I am going to need you to settle down.”

“I have so much energy… I can’t stop!” she yelled hovering by my desk to the right.

“It can feel that way I know.”

“But a mad scientist put all kinds of electricity in me, it makes me go fast all the time,” she said hovering in the middle of the room.

“I will accept that that is true, but I’ll ask you to what degree? After all, you were able to sit for a while just a few seconds ago. Did something change?”

Over by my bookcase on the left side of the room she looked to be thinking. “I don’t think so.”

“Then I want you to try something. Come sit in the middle of the room again.” She did so. “Now let your mind wander a little, even as you still listen to me. Imagine yourself flying, but don’t actually do it.” Lightning’s foot was still tapping, but she seemed to be thinking. “Are you still listening to me?” She nodded. “What’s two plus two?”


“Good. Why don’t you keep doing that.”

“Won’t I get distracted?”

“The mind can occupy itself with more than one task at a time. Some ponies actually find it easier to have more than one thing going at a time. For instance, did you know most writers love to listen to music while they create?” Her eyebrows lit up at this revelation. “See? Your need to be constantly in motion, at least in your mind, is not that unusual. In fact fidgeting, like what you’re doing with your foot, is normal long into adulthood for many of us. I have many friends who do it, you’ll just eventually learn to make it less obvious.” Lightning smiled at this. I’m not sure, but I have some inclination that she felt better having me tell her that she wasn’t as unusual as she might have thought.

“I’m thinking about more than just flying.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“DJing! I’m thinking about scratching records, listening to the crowd and making up dances from a booth. Did you know I’ve never actually seen a DJ really dance, just tell others what to do? My brother can dance, maybe he can help me be a dancing DJ!”

“So I take it you want to be a DJ some day?” Lightning nodded vigorously. I looked at her flank, which was blank. I had to think for a moment on that. Lightning clearly knew what she wanted to be, she was fantasizing about it and was even attaching herself to Vinyl Scratch from what I had been told. So why was she still markless? Of course this was not something she herself would know the answer to no doubt, so I didn’t ask. “Something I’m curious about. Your brother, he seems to be very close to you. Do you think about him often?” She nodded again. “You seem afraid when you suspect he might not be around. Do you feel like this when he’s just in another room?”

“Sometimes… not always.”

“When you’re separate at home, do you feel the same fears as when you’re out and about?” She shook her head. “Do you think you might know why not?”

“Because we’re home!” she proclaimed. “I know he’s safe there. Besides the cave mouth overlooks a cliff, he can’t simply walk out.”

“So I take it you have two fears regarding him. You’re afraid of him being hurt, do you often find yourself afraid of that?” Lightning’s foot stopped tapped and her eyes starting looking at the carpet. She nodded slowly. “And you’re afraid of him leaving you. You’re afraid of this often?” Again she nodded. “Has he ever threatened to intentionally leave you for good?” Lightning looked up, but instead of the fear I believed my suggestion might elicit, she shook her head with confidence. “He’s the only pony who hasn’t- or just ran away- well Vinyl hasn’t.”

“Aren’t you exaggerating there?”

“Well, my parents left me and because of this,” Lightning struck the ground with her right hoof and a bolt of lightning blasted out from it, ripping through the ceiling of my room. I quickly hit an outgoing button on my in office phone and informed a nurse that nothing was wrong. “You’re not running away. Why not?”

“I’m a pegasus myself. Every pegasus I know can use some electricity, nowhere near that much that easily, but why should I be afraid? You can do something I think looks unique, but you have yet to threaten me.”

“I wish most ponies looked at it that way.” I made a mental note that she may need a magic discipline teacher. I’ve actually met a number of young unicorns that have difficulty with their powers. They rarely hurt others, but often their powers seem to have a mind of their own and even cause others to be afraid of them, causing them to feel isolated much like Lightning Strike.

However, I’m afraid a feeling of isolation and Dusk being some salvation isn’t enough to explain Lightning’s connection to him.

“Do you know why you’re afraid of him being hurt?”

The filly closed her eyes and nodded.

“Can you tell me?”

“I… he… I told you about the scientist who made me like this?” I nodded.

“You mentioned it.”

“He was trying to make me into a weapon, but he was also experimenting with immort-immo… making ponies live a long time. I was used to him tying me up all the time during experiments. I didn’t like it, but one time… I was scared by more than just not being able to move. Ever since the scientist pony adopted me, he adopted Dusk, telling me he would hurt Dusk if I didn’t cooperate and sometimes when I fought him… he did. However this one time, I was tied down and… and… so was Dusk. He said he was going to sacrifice Dusk to make me immor…immor… immortal. I was scared, Dusk was screaming, I don’t know what the scientist pony did to him, but it hurt him. He was hurting him so much… He said he was gonna kill him. He was going to kill Dusk… MY DUSK!” I did my best to shown concern, but keep from looking afraid. Her story was scaring me though. “Dusk stopped screaming… seconds passed… minutes maybe. I started screaming for Dusk to talk, to see him, I wanted to move… I couldn’t move!” Lightning started to fly again, but I decided not to mention it. Of course I started to rethink my calmness when a blue haze started to surround the fill and sparks began to manifest in the air all around her. The blue mist was growing thicker and thicker

“But you both survived. You’re both here, together, yes?”

The mist started to fade. “Luna saved us. She had talked to me in my nightmares. She found us. I don’t know what she did to the scientist… but it didn’t sound like he was happy with it. She wasn’t happy with him. She broke the straps holding me down. I asked if it was okay if I called her momma Luna and she said, “We do not care how you refer to us, you are not our-“ what was that word… “progeny, but if this gives you comfort, than for the moment, we will accept the title. Again, just so you understand, we are not thine mother. Nor do we accept the responsibility.” She made me feel better. She took me to Dusk. He was just sleeping. He had a lot of injuries, but he was just sleeping. He was breathing… he looked really hurt. Luna looked… upset. She didn’t like looking at that. She carried us both to a hospital and then left us… I kinda wish she stuck around. She looked upset when she left.”

‘Oh dear’, I thought to myself. Seeking an audience with the princess of the night herself to understand more fully what happened that night would be difficult for any pony, let alone a lowly child therapist. For the time being, I contented myself to believe there was nothing significant about Luna’s appearance. She was only upset at seeing children hurt. That would upset any reasonable pony. “So you’re afraid of him being hurt, because someone really did hurt him?” Lightning nodded. “I see.” I had to think for a minute. So, trauma? This is always a difficult subject.

My time was running out for the visit, so I started trying to figure out how to let her leave without letting her just dwell on a terrifying memory. Such would probably make her dread coming to see me. “Why aren’t you afraid at home?”

“My daddy is a dragon now. He adopted us. No one wants to fight a dragon, I know Dusk is safe with him!” I nodded.

I started reaching in my mind for something that would match that in normal life. What would make her feel he was safe? “You are aware of the bearers of the elements of harmony?” She nodded. “They live here, you know right?” Again she nodded. “Well, you’re aware they protect the foals of Ponyville right?”

“All of them?” I knew I was creating little more than an illusion for her for the moment, but I nodded.

“Discord has joined them too. There’s probably very few places safer for him than Ponyville. He’s just as safe here as with you father you see?” She nodded and smiled.

I’m under no illusion that I solved her problems right then and there, however I let her go after leaving her on this thought. For now I would recommend follow up visits as well as working with a magic discipline teacher to help her control not only her unusual ability, but her constant desire for motion. This too may be a problem rooted in her traumatic experiences but we should give her a chance to overcome it separately, just in case it is unrelated.

For her anxiety, I’m not entirely sure what to do. I strongly recommend against removing her from her brother without her knowing. This carries the chance of making her even more afraid in the future, even making her afraid of anyone she see’s as isolating her from him. There is the hanging carrot approach, telling her she can do something she likes if she’s away from him. Whatever we do, for the moment I would recommend making sure she knows he is safe. I wouldn’t seek to hide the fact from her actively, but I also wouldn’t look to remind her that she may be bothering him by staying too close, this will probably have the effect of making her feel trapped, wanting to give him space so he isn’t driven away, but afraid to because he might be in danger.

For now, I would like Vinyl scratch to indulge me in a small experiment. I want her to give Lightning a little bit of schooling in being a DJ. If at all possible without driving her to anxiety, have Dusk do something in a different room or just outside, so she knows where he is, but is functioning without him. I want to start putting on the path to pursing her own interests separate from Dusk.


Well… I guess I just got my first real assignment as a mentor. Lightning would be released from the hospital eventually… good, because I have no idea had no idea how to give a class and I’m pretty sure Lightning knew very little about how to DJ. We would be equally lost… yay… help!