• Published 26th May 2012
  • 1,288 Views, 6 Comments

A Lesson in Magic - OkieDokieLokie

Cheerilee teaches her students about the magic that all Ponies have.

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Applejack returned from the orchard, pulling a wagonload of apples. She was ready to haul them to the market, when she saw her little sister, Apple Bloom, sitting by the barn, her hooves pressed together and her face twisted. “What in tarnation are you doin’?”
“Ah’m tryin’ ta do magic. We learned in school that all Ponies have the same amount of magic, but Unicorn magic is concentrated and Earth Pony magic is spread out. Ah thought if Ah put mah hooves together and concentrated, Ah could do magic like a Unicorn.” Apple Bloom’s attention returned to the hoof-sized rock she was trying to levitate.
“Ya silly filly,” Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle at her sister’s enthusiasm, “not that kinda concentrate. She meant that Unicorns have their magic crammed into those little horns, and us Earth Ponies got it spread out in our big ol’ hooves.” Apple Bloom looked disappointed. “Now doncha go makin’ that face. Earth Ponies like us can do magic without even tryin’.”
“Really?” Apple Bloom looked excited, then confused, “How?”
“It’s simple, really. Earth Pony magic is connected to every livin’ thing. Whenever an Earth Pony walks on the ground, her magic goes into the soil. Then the plants that grow in the soil get bigger and stronger. That’s why Earth Ponies make such great farmers. And there’s more. Me and Big Macintosh are so strong, we should be causin’ some serious harm to the trees when we’re Applebuckin’. But we don’t even scratch the bark, cause of our magic protectin’ the trees.”
“Cool.” Apple Bloom responded. Then a thought occurred to her. “But what about Earth Ponies who ain’t farmers?”
“They have different ways of usin’ their magic.” Applejack thought up a few examples. “Take a look Pinkie Pie. Her magic connects her to other Ponies. That’s how she can knows how to make anypony happy. And the Cakes are connected to the ingredients in their cookin’, that’s why their sweets taste so good. Cheerilee’s magic connects her to youngun’s, that’s why she’s such a good teacher. And there are others who are connected to critters and stones and metals and all sorts of things. Do ya understand Earth Pony magic now?”
“You’re the best, Applejack.”