• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 2,476 Views, 24 Comments

Seven Days - Mister Phoenix

Fluttershy's house is too wreaked after taking care of the Breezies because of a tree falling down crushing her house. There's only one hope. Discord. Meanwhile Spike is helping Applejack get everything ready before a storm hits while her family away

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Day Seven

The sun rose to it place in the sky as the light beamed down on the sleeping pegasus and draconquus as their both open they eyes at the same time as the memories from last night flooded in their minds. Discord and Fluttershy stayed silent as the two didn't even know what to say to each other. Into each of them started talking

"Oh, um. Hi" their both said at the same time

"I sorry but I got to go do a" Discord said thinking on what to say "A thing, that really important"

"Yeah it sounds important I got to feed the animals and stuff" she said

"Yeah have fun feeding the animals" he said as he couldn't look straight at her

"Yeah you have fun doing you're really important thing" she said before she started running down the stairs

Discord sat down on the ground of the roof looking to the rising sun "I hate you Celestia" he said to the sun.

Fluttershy sat in the garden as Angel sat next to her "Discord and I kissed each other and now I just don't know what to think"

Angel open his mouth just to have the shy mare cut him off "I mean what if he's using me so he can over Equestria again" Angel once again opens his mouth "But he been really sweet this week and that kiss was fantastic but." She said as Angel stopped her talking by slapping her "Thanks Angel"

"I got three questions, one do you like being around him?" Fluttershy nodded her head "Two, do you want to see his face every morning and night welcoming you home?" Once again Fluttershy nodded her head "Third, do you love him?" He said saying his finale question

Fluttershy closed her eyes remembering the way Discord held her as their danced and how kind he been to her the hole week and then the kiss that Fluttershy loved the way his lips connect to hers being her closer to each other. Opening her eyes looking at her rabbit "Yes, I love Discord, I love Discord"

Spike didn't move, he couldn't move he stayed up in the room he been staying in as the young dragon feared to leave the room of safety.

He looked seeing the storm has finally began to calm down. Spike signed looking over the apple trees of Sweet Apple Acres. Throughout the week the orange earth pony pared his mind and his dreams.

"Spike you got to choose now and forever Applejack or Rarity" he said to himself closing his eyes to relax more as he couldn't decide.

"Think on what Candace said last time I saw her" he said


Spike sat eating on the gems the ponies of the Crystal Empire gave him as a pink alicorn with a crystal heart as her cutie mark sat in front of him.

"It always nice to see you Spike, but this is kind of a surprise so why did you need to talk to me about?" She question as Spike rubbed his foot on the ground.

Spike looked to the princess and smiled knowing everything would be fine "Candace I was wondering on how do you know your in love?"

"That's a difficult question to answer Spike, because you can never tell when your truly in love but when you are, you will know it"

"But how? I don't understand" Spike said making Candace roll her eyes

"The heart knows, just listen to your heart on love because it's never wrong"

"Thank you Candace"

"No problem Spike"

Flashback Ends...

Spike looked to the wooden floor. Closing his eyes he began thinking about Rarity as his heart keep it normal beat and then thought about Applejack and the kiss the two shared as Spike's heart started beating faster. Opening his eyes and moving them from the ground and then smiling to the knowledge of his true love.

"I love Applejack, now I need to tell her this" Spike said happily "How am I going to do that?" He question himself sitting back down on the bed

Discord sat looking over the forest as his eyes moved with pain and sadness in them "This was one of the dumbest idea I had since that one day" he said looking to the clear sky "Yeah that was weird"

He click his eagle claw as a giant mirror raise from the ground "So what do you think I should do?" He asked his reflection

"Well it can't get any worst so I say throw all plans out the window and just tell her" his reflection replied

"But those three words been used so much, she different I'll want her to believe I truly love her"

"True, true but sometime the best way is the easiest way. No matter how many ways you look at talking to her it will end in those three words even if she different there only different ways on saying the three words" Discord reflection said

The real Discord nodded his head as a little blue song bird flew and saw the tall draconquus talking himself.

"Yeah your right the best way to make this the worst week ever. I got to tell Fluttershy how I truly feel about her, now how I'm going to do that" Discord said as reflection smiled as he and the mirror disappeared.

Applejack just couldn't sit still as her mind keep on remembering the way Spike held her while their dance together, the way her heart speed up by him just looking at her and the last important thing on her mind was that she and Spike kissed each other.

Applejack couldn't even sleep last night as she keep on remembering the way it felt to have Spike's lips on hers. Joining them together but Applejack knows that kiss that kept her up all night long thinking about was accident.

Even so it was accident Applejack couldn't stop thinking about the young dragon hiding up in her little sister room. But no matter how Applejack think about it the one problem stayed in her mind. Spike likes Rarity. Sitting down and covering her eyes with her hat she couldn't bear hurting her friend for her own self full wishes.

Anyway Applejack wasn't even sure anymore if Spike did like her would he stay loyal to her and be honest? These are questions in Applejack mind that she herself didn't have the answers too. Even so there was no point on laying anymore she should just stand up and walk up to Spike and tell him how she feels. But she can't, she just can't.

But the words of Granny Smith keep going though her mind "It better to try and fail, then to try at all" Applejack stood up and walked to the bottom of the staircase as Spike ran into her making the two roll over the ground. As their stopped as Spike is on top of the earth pony as their looked into each other eyes.

"Applejack, I'm so, so sorry" Spike quickly said getting off the fallen mare as Applejack too stood up "I was in rush to talk to you I guess I didn't see you"

"That' fine Spike I needed to talk to you too 'bout last night" she said as Spike smile dropped as he remembered about last night as he almost forgot about it. Almost

"Applejack I got to tell you this. When Twilight and I first came to Ponyville it's true I might have gotten a crush on Rarity when I first saw her. As the months went by, nothing changed into the new year began and here with you for the week has open my eyes. I thought I loved Rarity because she had beauty but as this week went on I fell in love with you, Applejack" Spike said too the earth pony smiling at him "I promise that I'll be as honest and as loyal as I can but I new to being in love so don't hate me"

"Spike why would ah hate ya? You see that after the Timberwolves ah might have gotten a little crush on ya too. Ah thought it will just go way but ah continued seeing how kind, loyal, honest, and generous you are too your friends and family. Ah know ya be loyal and honest to me no matter what and don' worry what ever problems we can solve together" Applejack said making Spike smile a joyful one.

"So Applejack will you do me the honor on being my special somepony?" Spike asked

"Only if ya will be my special some dragon" She answered back as she and Spike leaned closer and closer together as their lips connected as their shared a passionate kiss as Spike wrapped his arms around Applejack's neck as they soon broke the kiss.

"I'm sorry AJ but I should get back home to Twilight before she gets to worried about me"

"That' fine Spike" Applejack said before giving him a quick kiss goodbye as Spike ran home as fast as little legs could carry him.

Spike stopped in front of the Golden Oak Library door as he quietly open it to see Twilight reading a book. He quietly closed the front door as he slowly made his way to the kitchen as he tried to not make a sound. Once there he looked to see the alicorn still reading as he open the fridge and got out a Pepsi can and closed it as he again quietly made his way over too the stairs.

"Hello Spike where do you think you're going?" Twilight asked as her eyes didn't leave the book

"Upstairs" Spike answered to the purple alicorn now turning to face the young drake

Spike got lifted up by her magic as she hugged him tightly making the young dragon unable to breath into she let him go.

"Please Spike you been upstairs all week I haven't seen my little brother and..." Twilight said before falling down on the ground as she began sleeping as Spike rolled his eyes

"I hate it when she fall asleep not near the bed" Spike said

Discord walked down the hallway as to him it seems to never end as his heart beat fast in his chest as his eyes locked to the door to the gardens. Discord stopped before the door as his lion paw began shaking as he couldn't open the door

He looked at his furry arm as it stopped as he been frozen in time. He sighed as Discord could only dream on moving his arm to open the door to meet the mare of his dreams.

Fluttershy just couldn't sit still after she found out that she fell in love with Discord. The lord of chaos as Angel just watched rolling his eyes

"Angel I got to tell him how I feel but how I never thought saying I love you to my special somepony" Fluttershy said as she continued on running into the small rabbit stopped her

"Calm down your acting like Pinkie like this, it doesn't matter how you say it, it only if you mean it you have to truly love him and I seen the way he acts around you he loves you too so the real question you should asked yourself is can you tell him how you feel" he said

"You're right Angel bye I got a draconquus to tell my feelings too" Fluttershy said as flew to the door opening to crush Discord to the wall.

Fluttershy walked out as the door closed as she saw Discord's flatten body float down to the ground and quickly pop up.

"Discord" Fluttershy cried out

"Fluttershy?" Discord question thinking he as gone crazy or dreaming

"I got something to tell you" their both said at the same time making Fluttershy let out a small laugh

"Fluttershy I got to tell you that I want to more then friends with you and I can't promise that I'll be easy to be with but I believe I'm in love with you Fluttershy and I just want to make you happy anyway I can" Discord said looking to Fluttershy smiling face

"Discord I too couldn't believe that I would fall in love in a week but seeing that you showed me kindness, and so many another things, the only way I can be happy is if you will be my special somepony or in your case some draconquus" Fluttershy said as Discord smile grew

"Fluttershy, I love you" he said without breaking eye contact

"I love you too Discord" she said without breaking eye contact as their brought their lips closer and closer together as their lips connected in a long passionate kiss. Each one closing their eyes in joy as time stopped around them as their finally broke apart.

Then an mail stallion comes running though the door wearing a black coat "Are you Fluttershy?" He asked in a dark tone of voice as she just nodded "I got something for you" then he reached into his coat pulling a piece of paper "A letter"

Fluttershy open the letter and began reading.

"Dear Fluttershy

If my calculations are correct, you will receive this letter immediately after you saw the DeLorean struck by lightning. First, let me assure you that I am alive and well. I've been living happily the last nine months in the year 1885. The lightning bolt that hit the DeLorean caused a gigawatt overload, which scrambled the time circuits, activated the Flux Capacitor and sent me back to 1885"

"Wait 1885! The Doc alive he's in the old west but he's alive!" Fluttershy cheered as she hugged Discord.

To Be Continued...In the Epilogue