• Published 26th Jul 2015
  • 2,474 Views, 24 Comments

Seven Days - Mister Phoenix

Fluttershy's house is too wreaked after taking care of the Breezies because of a tree falling down crushing her house. There's only one hope. Discord. Meanwhile Spike is helping Applejack get everything ready before a storm hits while her family away

  • ...

Day Three

Sitting in the beautiful garden Fluttershy feed her animal lunch while Discord watched, he flew above her "Hello Fluttershy" he said hugging her from behind

"Hmm" is all she could say in his warm hugged

"Could I ask you a small question?" He asked

"Hmm... Sure Discord"

"How is your family?" Discord question making the timid pegasus break the hug. "I'm sorry you just never talk about them"

"I will tell you the only other pony who knows is Rainbow Dash. But you see my older brother looked after me once our parents died he was to adopt me when he became older. He just became my new father while still being my brother but that all changed..."

"When the fire nation attack" Discord said for her.

"When the fire nation attack" she repeated into she thought on what she just said "Wait what?" She question both her self and the draconequus.

"Never mind continued with your story" he said with a smile


A filly vision of Fluttershy before her cutie mark and the day she meet her friend Rainbow Dash. She was all only no friends to talk to besides her big brother also known as Lucky Dice as brown pegasus stallion with a mane and tail colour being a wild red mix with purple and a cutie mark of a dice and a coin getting rolled and filliped.

In the town Fillydelphia, Fluttershy stayed standing still, quite as the other filly and colts ran passed her kicking balls or playing tag. The young pegasus would just always hide behind her mane when the other children ever asked her to play. Then Fluttershy soon found herself standing in a dark shadow, she turn behind to see her brother Lucky Dice. Fluttershy smiled warmly to the older pegasus. "Shy, remember we're going to grandma and grandpa place soon. But you got to promise me that you'll make some friends while I'm gone I want you to be happy and safe" He said as he wrapped his wing around Fluttershy as she cried into his coat.

"I just don't know if I can Lucky. I can try but I just can't do it!" She said into his coat, he looked around the ponies of the streets looking for something or someone.

"Hey now you are the bravest and strongest filly I know but we really need to get to our grand parents place" Lucky Dice said

"Where are you going anyway?" She questioned

Lucky Dice looked to his little sister once they both got into the hot air balloon. Lucky reached into his saddle bag to take out a small wrapped box "Fluttershy promise me that you'll only open this once I return. So I can see your smiling face"

"Ok I promise"

The two soon got to the city in the sky known as Cloudsdale. Where the home of only pegasi lived being able to walk on clouds. Then the two soon got to the cloud house of their grandparents.

"Lucky Dice, Fluttershy how nice to see you two" the grandmother said with a smile

"Hey Shy can you go to your room for a bit, I just need to talk to our grandparents"

"Ok Lucky be back soon" she said happily as she made her way to her room. Once in here she heard she grandparents and brother talking with unable to get the hole conversation"

"You can't leave her!" The voice of her grand dad said

"I don't have any other chose I have to go make sure Shy stays safe the further she is away from me the better" the voice of Lucky Dice said

"Then go and don't come back into you get your messed cleaned up" the voice of grand father said

"Good bye Lucky I do hope you are able to clean this all up" the voice of her grandmother said

"I hope so too tell Shy I love her" he said as the front door slammed shut.

Flashback Ends....

"And I have never seen him since that day, I still don't know why he left but everyday. I was hoping he would come back and I would run into a hug of his it never happen and then once I got older the more hope I lost into one day I gave up and hated him with him hating me. Leaving me when I need him the most. But I still keep telling myself that he'll return, because of..." Fluttershy said as she was laying down on a long couch as Discord wrote notes well all he did was drawings on the notepad while sitting on a seat wearing fake reading glasses.

"Because of what my dear?" Discord asked

"Because of this" Fluttershy answered showing the draconquus the small wrapped up box "I still keep this thing because it was the last thing he ever gave me and I promise I wouldn't open it into he returns and I seem to always keep my promises."

Applejack sat alone in the lounge looking out the window with pain and sadness in her eyes. Her eyes seemed to be locked as their moved from looking out the window to the photo album lying down on her lap.

Spike just stood still unable to speak to sadden earth pony as it seems he's invisible to her as she kept her pattern as her eyes moved back to looking down a dark dirt road.

"I'm sorry Applejack, I don't know what might on happen but I be there if you want to talk about it" Spike said making Applejack look straight at him

"Thank you Spike, ah do need to talk 'bout this if ya don' mind?" Applejack question

"Applejack I don't mind at all as long in the end your happy because seeing you smile is a great day in my book" Spike said

Applejack smiled to the young drake "Well it all started when my ma and pa first bought Apple Bloom home"


A small little orange earth pony filly with a blonde mane without her cutie mark standing next to a big red earth pony colt with a big green apple as his cutie mark and a old green earth pony mare with an apple pie as her cutie mark. The little orange filly jumped around the barn home.

"Granny, Granny when are ma and pa going to be home?" The over excited filly asked as she jumped in one place.

"Soon Applejack now try to sit still" said the old green mare

"But Granny ah can' stop into ma and pa come home, Big Mac can' wait ether isn' that right bro?" Applejack question the red colt

"Eeyep" he said with a smile

"Is some little filly bein' trouble again" said a big strong and powerful voice with Applejack turned to the big yellow stallion with a orange mane and tail with an apple tree as his cutie mark wearing a cow boy hat

"Papa" Applejack cried while she ran into her father giving him the biggest hug she could by only hugging his one leg.

"Hello angel miss me" he said as he turned to the old mare "They wasn't to much trouble Granny Smith"

"Nothin' that ah already use to" replies the old mare

"Well we got a little surprise for ya'll" he said as an another earth pony with a red mane and green coat with a water can as her cutie mark smiled holding a basket in her mouth and putting on the ground.

"Meet ya new little sister, Apple Bloom" the mare said showing the family the newest family member.

"Well done Apple Crust, Flowerpot you made this family a little bit more hard to control" Granny Smith said

The earth pony stallion known as Apple Crust smiled "Please Granny Smith this family was almost impossible to control we just made it worst"

The earth pony mare standing next to him known as Flowerpot rolled her eyes at her husband comment "Granny Smith are children are nothing but angels, isn't that right kids?" She asked turning to see Big Mac and Applejack fighting while Apple Bloom is crying.

"Are you sure there angels?" Apple Crust asked with a smile on his face

"Have I ever been wrong before?" Flowerpot return to him

"Well there's always a first time for everything"

"Well you might want to keep waiting" she said as Flowerpot just cough causing Applejack and Big Mac to stop fighting and stand still facing their mother

"How do ya do 'hat?" Apple Crust asked

"I'll never tell" she said as she took Apple Bloom to her new room.

The days past like normal as Applejack went to school while Big Mac and his father Apple Crust worked on the field's having the apples. While Flowerpot with Granny Smith could care of Apple Bloom. But soon the day came Applejack's birthday as the farm house was full with colourful steamers, birthday presents, a big cake coloured orange and green.

"Happy birthday Applejack" her father said to her as Applejack ran up to give him a hug

"Want did you get me?" She asked him as Apple Crust smiled

"I don't know if I should tell you" he said as his daughter giving him the puppy dog eyes "Fine, I give ya just like your mother now close ya eyes" Applejack shut her eyes as she soon felt something touched her head "Ok sugarcube ya can open them"

Applejack open them as they soon got block by the cowboy hat now placed on her head "But daddy this is your hat ah can' take this away from ya"

"Yes it was my hat and I think it suits you more now then it would ever suit me in the future" Apple Crust said making the filly smile.

The next day the darken clouds were up in the sky as Apple Crust and Flowerpot stood by the door "Alright ya'll we going to be away for a week at most so no need to worry 'bout anythin' now behave for Granny Smith now, we're have to go" Apple Crust said

"Yes remember we love you" Flowerpot said as the two earth ponies walked out the door.

Flashback ends...

"Every day of the week ah waited and waited by 'hat door waiting for them to open it as a give both my ma and pa a hug but it never happen the only thin' ah have left for them are memories, photos, and mah hat" Applejack said

"I kinda of know how you feel since I was hatch by Twilight I never knew my real dragon family I don't even know if they care sure Twilight is a great sister and everything but still would have like to seen my real family at least once" Spike said

"Well it looks like we got more in common then ah thought we would thanks for listening to me Spike" Applejack said before she kiss his cheek as the earth pony walked to her room as Spike felt frozen in place by one little action as his heart started to beat faster then Rainbow Dash could fly as he formed a smile on his face.

"Hey Discord because I told you about mine family can you tell me about yours? That if you don't mind"

"Of couse not. Backstory time" Discord said as wavy lines over took the screen as the couch Fluttershy lay on disappeared making her fall a few hooves steps.

Flashback.... With Discord's over voice

In a strange hospital bed lay another draconquus with a baby version of Discord. "You see Fluttershy I was a normal baby for about 30 seconds into ninjas from space being space ninjas. Anyway their took my mother and then I was able to use my chaos power almost right after" Discord voice said as a yellow coated pegasus with a long pink mane and tail stood by the hospital bed.

"Wait how am I in your back story?" Fluttershy asked

"Don't question it!" Discord said "Anyway I soon got trained by super ancient space ponies who teach me how to use my awesome might of being awesome to defeat my enemies and bring chaos and disharmony to the world.

Flashback ends...

"So that my back story" Discord finished seeing that Fluttershy didn't look pleased "What?" He asked

"The real backstory Discord please I told you mine it only fair if you tell me yours" Fluttershy said

"Fine Fluttershy I'll tell my true backstory. It all started a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away..." Discord said as the wavy lines once again over took the screen.


Thousands of years ago before Celestria and Luna took rule and the three tribes unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies joined together in harmony. The land was at war. War between the Draconquus and the Alicorns as the winged unicorns fought their hardness against the powerful Draconquus as their each had a different animal part on their bodies as the only chosen few draconquus can bend reality to their will with can ether destroy or help the world, only the one of many draconquus can do this breathtaking magic as the rest can lift stuff with their magic and create things that only last a short amount of time.

As a female dranconquus held a baby in her arms as she place the baby into a basket as she closed by the ocean "Please stay safe my son, Discord" she said as she placed the basket in the ocean as she closed her eyes never to open them.

Dragons. Ruled the skies as the most deadly and dangerous mountain in all of Equestria home to the dragons but oddly called Mount Safety.
As a young red and blue dragon found the basket washed on the ground next to the river as an small draconquus climbed out and knocked the young dragon as the two roll down the hill as their stop once their entered the Everfree Forest.

The dragon and the dranconquus stopped as their heard the timber wolves hold as the two started running through the dark forest as the pair of creatures as their quickly crossed the bridge leading to the castle that hides within the Everfree Forest. The pair stopped in front of the gates as their heard the timber wolves cry getting louder and closer to them.

The draconquus raised his eagle claw as the gates to the castle began to shine yellow as he pulled back his shape claw as gates open to his will as both the young dragon and draconquus entered the castle halls.

Two Alicorns sat on the thrones, the one on the left is a tall stallion with a fire like mane as his coat is blue as his cutie mark is five shooting fire balls. As the mare sitting next to him have a ocean blue mane as her coat is yellow as her cutie mark being a picture of the ocean.

A unicorn guard soon walked in with holding the young dragon on his right and the young draconquus on his left. The king's eyes locked onto the guard as he saw the creatures brought to him "A dragon and a Draconquus. Impossible, guard release them at once and then leave us"

The guard drop the trouble makers on the ground as he bowed "Yes, your highness" he said leaving the throne room.

"What are you two creatures doing in my castle?" The king asked as he keep a calm voice

The draconquus was about to speak as he sneezed instead making a cotton candy cloud appear and start raining down chocolate milk. The rulers blinked as their turned to each other "Honey please tell me this draconquus can't bend reality " the queen said

"Fine, Tide Bringer I won't" he said looking away as he starts to whistling a little tune as she just rolled her eyes

"Please, your highness let us stay we got no where else to go" the dragon plead

"I say we should take care of them, it might bring peace between us and the dragons and plus the draconquus can bend realty to make the world better" Tide Bringer said

"But, but we already have a hoofs full with a new foul and our little filly" he said as his horn started to light up making the cotton candy cloud disappear. "There's no way you can talk me into this"

The queen looked at her husband and smiled.

Both the dragon and the draconquus meet a small filly with a pure white coat small wings and a small horn and a colourful mane. Tide Bringer walked up to the filly.

"Celestria darling, this here is Drago" she said pointing the red and blue dragon "This one is named Discord, their your new brothers and apart of this family"

Celestria confused filly face turned into a bright one with a huge smile on her face "Yay more friends to play with" she cheared jumping up and down in place.

As the months went by as the three friend all play together into one fateful day when Celestria and Discord was outside playing with their magic.

"Can you make that tree have blue dots?" Celestria asked the draconquus sitting next to her

"Maybe" Discord answered as he raised his eagle claw and click his finders together creating a chocolate cake appear in front of the alicorn filly as her eyes widen.

"This is even better" Celestria said before she swallowing the cake hole making the young draconquus blink in confusion. Licking her lips "This is the best cake I ever eaten, thanks Discord" Celestria said as she give him a hug.

Discord walked the empty halls messing with the guards as the young draconquus accidentally entered a room with the moon and stars painted on the walls as a small dark blue coated foul started crying.

"Shh, don't cry, don't cry" Discord said as the foul crying grew louder "Hey watch me" the foul blinked in confusion as Discord stretching out his arms.

"I learn from experience that fouls love candy" he clicked his eagle claws as a giant anvil landed on top of him. Discord removed the anvil as he put his lion paw on his head lifting his hole body and flip it into it became an his normal 2D self. Tears began to fill the foul eyes once more.

Discord click his claw once more as then he looked up to see a giant bowling ball what is about to fall on him as he got out a small umbrella hoping it would protect him as it crushed him. Discord stood back up with stars flying around his head looking at the foul still about to cry as the young draconquus started hit his head with his lion paw "Magic, you like magic right?" He said as his right eye started twitching

Spinning around a magician hat and cape appeared on his body. Taking off his hat and reach into it "Look as a pull a rabbit out of my hat" he said as pulled his claw out as he heard a hissing noise "Last time I remember rabbits don't hiss" Discord said as he turned his head to look at his claw seeing a stick of dynamite as his eyes popped out and went back in spinning around his head as the short rope soon ended as Discord closed his eyes waiting. Soon opening them seeing it hasn't blow up let "Huh I guess it not going to..." he said as it exploding as his body has black ash replaced his normal colour fur. The dark blue coat foul stopped crying and then started laughing as Discord got his normal form back "I'm so glad I could make everyone's favorite princess laugh"

As the years pass by both of the princess Luna and Celestria grew to mares ready to take the throne when ready as Drago the now fully grown dragon with his powerful wings as the insides are coloured blue with the outside being red. He walked over to the princess as the ground it self moved when he walked as he bowed in front of them

"Sorry my sisters, but our father said it is time at I make my way over to the Dragon Kingdom to make peace I hope we meet again" he said as both Celestria and Luna bowed back

"We do too brother, please be safe and write to us if you can" Celestria said as Drago made his way back to the ironic named mountain, Mount Safety.

"Speaking about brothers, where's Discord?" Luna question

The fully grown Draconquus walked about the land the ponies here called it Equestria. As he walked about he felt something hit the side of his head seeing a rock thrown at him by the ponies.

Discord heard them calling him a freak, a monster, and other names. The anger inside of Discord burned he is able to bend reality these puny ponies didn't know that he is a god a he wouldn't be bullied by the likes of them

"If you say that I'm a monster, a freak then so be it!" He shouted as clicked his eagle claw.

The world around him turned into compete chaos as the birds started swimming, fish started flying, houses got turned into ginger bread houses, or ice cream, or just grew wings and started flying away with pegasi wings getting turned into paper, as unicorn horns was ether taken away or turned into something unable to work with magic, and finally giving earth ponies jelly legs.

With the weather changing from ether cotton candy clouds raining down chocolate milk or glass and lava and lighting shooting from the ground, as some-days there's a cotton candy tornado with an giant snake, as Wednesdays were quite normal sometime changing randomly as everything on this seem normal into the ground it self started shaking and shaking as something big walking to them.

The ponies look to also see the water vibration. Then it happen a loud roar echo though the town it loud and powerful roar. As a giant foot stomped on the ground next to somepony. As he looked up to see a T-Rex standing out in the open as then another powerful roar happen as another T-Rex stomped it way into the small town.

It seems like days as Discord sat on his throw looking over the world of chaos. His own Chaos Kingdom. As the king and queen flew in front of Discord throne.

"Discord, stop this madness!" The king yelled

"Yes, please return everything back the way it was and help us build a better world son" the queen said

Discord looked at the two alicorn's with anger in his eyes "Sorry but this how the world can live by my rule and I'm sorry to say this but I think you just are going to ruin my perfect Chaos Kingdom. I even wrote a song about my kingdom, you want to hear it?"

"No!" Their both answered as Discord laughed

"Fine with me" Discord said as the two alicorn's glowed yellow as a path of smoke rose from the alicorn and went into Discord. "Sorry but I just took your immorally so I say you have about five minutes before leaving my world forever" Discord said as he continued laughing like a mad genius.

Flashback Ends..

"So that it" He finish telling the yellow cream pegasus

"You. Killed your own mother and father who took you in feed you, gave you a caring family, and then you took control of Equestria with taking away their immorally and so you can be immoral" she said before shaking her head "Never mind that was in the past and your rain over Equestria couldn't have been too bad" Fluttershy finish with a smile

"Do you remember Firefly?" Discord question

"Yeah it got cancelled after one season" she answered "What about it?"

"That was me"

Author's Note:

So...Do you guys want to hear Discord Chaos Kingdom song?