• Published 16th Aug 2013
  • 2,041 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Derpy - DerpyHoovesfan55

Based off My Little Dashie but with Derpy Hooves

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My Little Derpy

My Little Derpy

Based on the fanfics of My Little Twilight by Unleashed Twilight and My Little Dashie by ROBCakeran53

The thing I have always loved watching more then anything else is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It has always made me smile because of it's great songs, lovable and cute characters, humor and references to pop culture. When ever I'm depressed, I turn on my computer and watch the episodes. One of my favorite characters has always been Derpy. When drawing ponies, I draw different ponies but I draw a lot more of Derpy since she is my favorite.

For me, being a 20 year old man who lives on his own with a low paying job doesn't go far especially since I'm single and it's been 2 years since I broke up with my last girlfriend plus, the city where I live is not in very good condition, the buildings are old and crumbling. Ever since I had began to watch MLP, I always dreamed about living in Equestria. But one late afternoon in the fall, while travelling home from work, I noticed a small bundle of grey fur with a yellow mane curled up trying to stay warm on the sidewalk covered by a newspaper. I stopped to notice that it was cold and hungry so I went to the bakery just around the corner and got the first thing that came across my mind : a muffin. After leaving the store and left the muffin there on the ground next to the ball of fluff, I just stood and watched with interest as the tiny little pony started eating the muffin. My heart just exploded. Here was a tiny pony just chewing on the muffin and then it hit me: grey pony. yellow hair? It was a very young filly Derpy Hooves who wasn't more then 3 years old by the looks of it. After finishing the muffin, Derpy looked up at me, her famous wall eyes not yet fully developed. She was shivering badly and I didn't want her to catch a cold so I gently picked her up and put her close to my chest zipping up my warm jacket with enough room for her to breathe and took her to my place to stay warm. Once I got home, I put Derpy down on the floor so she could get used to her surroundings. After exploring the living room, I put her on my couch and she looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. My heart exploded once again from the cuteness. I then went down on one knee and asked how she got here. She just looked at me puzzled because she had never seen me before.

I just smiled and said to her "Well Derpy, I'll take care of you for now."

After I told this to her, I picked her up and she fell asleep in my arms. For the third time that evening, my heart exploded. So I let her sleep in my comfy bed and I went to sleep on my old couch, I wasn't comfortable, but I didn't care. I now had my own little Derpy to take care of. As I slept in the night, I didn't notice that Derpy hopped from my bed and slept on my stomach until morning arrived. When I woke up, I made her breakfast and after breakfast, I took her up to the bathroom to get cleaned as she was covered in dirt from living in the streets. Once I set the temperature and added bubble bath I washed her body and watched her play with the bubbles.

5 years have passed since I found Derpy and brought her into my care. She now has her cutie mark which she got when she splashed around the tub with bubbles all over the place.

One night after I read her a bedtime story and said "Good Night Derpy, I love you", she replied by saying "I love you Daddy" That just made me smile.

"Daddy": her first words to me. I then went downstairs and thought that if I were to ever get a bigger home, it would benefit Derpy's needs especially since she could wreck her room and I wouldn't scold her for doing so. Over the few years that I have had her, I have kept the show a secret from Derpy so she wouldn't find out about where she truly belonged. I then bought a bigger house during the summer so she could have her own little room.

On another note, I have found a new girlfriend. She has yet to meet Derpy because I have been taking her out on dates to the movies.

As soon as my girlfriend arrived at my place so we could go on a date, she entered the living room where Derpy was resting on the couch and when Derpy saw her, my girlfriend said

"Isn't that Derpy Hooves from the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?"

Derpy suddenly looked at me angrily with tears and she flew off into the night while it was raining hard. I told my girlfriend that I didn't want Derpy to know where she came from and then I told her to make her self at home while I went to look for her. I ran out with my jacket and looked all over for her, calling her name and hoping she wasn't severely hurt. Suddenly 20 minutes after she had ran off, in the park, I heard a crying sound coming from the park, I looked and underneath some bushes was Derpy. "Derpy !"

She looked at me, tears still flowing, "How could you do this to me Daddy ?" she screamed. "I thought you loved me !"

"I do love you Derpy, you are very special to me but I had to keep this a secret so you wouldn't get hurt or taken away from me," I replied sniffing.

"So what you are saying is that I'm not your daughter at all?"

"No, you are my daughter and I love you" I said crying. "I want to protect you" Suddenly my girlfriend arrived.

"Derpy...", she said, "Your father loves you, but he also loves me too, I didn't know about him keeping this a secret from you and I'm very sorry"

She then turned to me, "I wish I could make it up to you"

"Derpy, I know how much you mean to me" I said hugging her. Then, Derpy stopped getting angry and broke down crying

"I'm so sorry I got angry at you Daddy !" cried Derpy.

"I know Derpy, even though Kathy is in my life now, it won't stop me from loving you or spending less time with you"
I replied as I hugged my daughter. "Lets go home" I said as Derpy walked next to Kathy and I. When we got home, Daisy had to stay over night because the storm was getting worse So she went to share my bed with me while Derpy slept in her room. The next day, after Kathy went back home to her apartment, I had a talk with Derpy,

"Once you get to know her better, I'm sure you'll warm up to her." I assured. and I was right, in no time at all (after a year in fact since the incident), Derpy start to love Daisy as much as I did. One night, in fact it was the night of our 2 year anniversary as a couple, I decided that I would propose to Daisy. I told Derpy and she seemed thrilled at the idea. She was about 9 years old now and she was still baking muffins. I then went down to the jewelry store and bought a ring for Kathy then went back home to call her.

"Hello ?" she asked

"Hey Daisy" I replied, "I have a surprise for you, can you meet me at the beach tomorrow to get it ?"

"Of course, love you bye" she replied as she hung up.

"I love you too, bye" I said as I hung up the phone.

When the day arrived for me to propose to Daisy, I told Derpy that I won't be back until later tonight and that her food was on the table in case she got hungry. I then kissed Derpy on the forehead and drove off to the beach with the engagement ring in my jacket pocket. When I got to the beach, I saw Kathy sitting on a bench. I walked over to her smiling.

"Hey honey" said Daisy giving me a kiss on the cheek. "So where is my surprise ?" I then told her that she would have to wait till sunset to get it. The two of us spent some time together walking along the beach. When the sun started to set, I pulled the ring out.

"Daisy, I love you and I want to be yours forever. "Will you marry me ?"

"Oh yes, I will" she said hugging me and then kissing me.

"You do realize now that Derpy is going to be your daughter right ?" I asked her.

"Of Course" replied Kathy.

Soon, Daisy and I went our separate ways. I went back home and told Derpy. She was very excited that she started derping her eyes.

A year after the wedding, the day I feared the most where Derpy would have to go back to Equestria arrived. At the door of our home was the Doctor and Dinky. Both Daisy and I both started crying for we may never see our daughter again. Derpy also started crying as did Dinky for she had thanked the two of us for taking care of her mother for all these years, but then she said calmly,

"If Princess Celestia allows it, then you will be allowed to live in Equestria."

Daisy and I stopped crying and said good bye to the human world as Dinky teleported all of us to Equestria. I held Daisy's hand the entire trip. Once we arrived in Equestria, We boarded the train for Canterlot and met with Princess Celestia right away.

"So you see Princess Celestia," I found Derpy seven human years ago and have cared for her and loved her as my own daughter ".

"Yes" replied Daisy, "My husband has taken good care of Derpy from her absence here in Equestria".

"I do care for all of my subjects, so I shall grant you permission to live here in Equestria, but as there are hardly any humans here, I shall change you into ponies." Celestia then cast a spell which had her magical aura envelope both me and Daisy. I transformed into a pegasus with a yellow and gray mane and a grey coat and Daisy transformed into an alicorn with a jet black coat and pink and black highlights in her mane.

Derpy then saw me. "Wow Dad, you look great, and mom..." she went on as her eyes went in different directions. "You look absolutely beautiful". Once all of us said thank you to Celestia, we all traveled back to Ponyville by train.

"We have to get a home" I said for we were Equestria's newest residents .

"Agreed honey".

So we bought a house and moved in. And it wasn't long before we met Levi, the adoptive father of Twilight Sparkle and his wife.


Author's Note:

This will be followed up with My Little Derpy: A Father's Love

Comments ( 5 )

i love it a lot great job :pinkiehappy:

I prefer My Little Dashie over this, and that's saying something because I didn't really like that one very much either.

Could have been a bit longer. FiM Flam Filosophy can fit more detail in half the time I took to read this.

But none the less, I'm looking forward to a sequel :pinkiehappy:

Okay, sorry. But this felt a bit rushed. There was nowhere near the emotionally engagement as mld gives. On top of that, daisy kept turning into Kathy or the other way round multiple times.

plus, how would dinky have had the power to teleport between worlds? If they'd arrived in. The doctor's TARDIS, yeah maybe, but dinky doing that seemed way off.

Finally, not only did celestia seem too willing to accept their being in equestria right of the bat, but daisy/Kathy turned into an alicorn while the guy turned into an ordinary Pegasus. She's gonna have to watch her husband, derpy and dinky all grow old and die. Talk about being harsh.

I wanted to enjoy this Fic, I really did, but it just didn't work. Too rushed and not enough time pulling the reader in, and you had the dad get married to someone who also accepted derpy. That went so fast if seemed totally unrealistic, and we're talking about a carton pony being raised in the human world, but the unrealistic part isn't that. How does that happen?

When ever I'm depressed, I turn on my computer and watch the episodes.

Then he's not really depressed. Cartoons don't cure depression, thereapy does

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