• Published 25th Jul 2015
  • 459 Views, 3 Comments

Radiance Rising - nihilis3

As ancient mystical monsters and power awaken. A newcomer to Ponyvill may be the answer.

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The Awakening


Celestia was dreaming the same dream she had the night before. Yet again she found herself before the door. 'No, why why must I relive this.' She lamented silently. She turned from the door to find it moving with her to keep eyes upon itself. 'Ponyfeathers, why can't I just forget this day!' She mentally screamed at the moon in her dream. 'I can't open this door, I must not open this door.' She thought as her mind began to conjure the memory of the last time she had opened it.

"Sister!" Luna's voice ripped Celestia from her nightmare and back to reality. Celestia's lavender eyes shot open. She felt the tears trying to break her defenses. It took all her will to keep them at bay. What she couldn't hide was her fear. "Sister it does us ill to see thee in this state. Canst we render aid with thy nightmare?" Luna's concern was evident in the look she gave Celestia with her teal eyes.

"No Luna unfortunately my fears are very, very real. My nightmare is actually a memory that I can't face yet." Celestia sighed as her fear and sadness subsided. 'Please don't ask any more than that.' She thought see the curiosity that appeared on Luna's face. Luna however shook it away.

"If thou dost not yet feel ready to divulge thy secrets, that is up to thee." Luna stopped for a moment feeling hurt that she was left out. Then an idea like lightning lit up her face with a smile. "If we might propose an idea." Luna purred then waited for Celestia to give her an inquisitive look. "Why dost we not take a vacation? There be no real work of import and thou needs leave the castle for a time." Luna looked quite pleased with herself as she sat in the middle of Celestia's room.

"Really Luna you think that would be wise who would we leave in charge?" Celestia asked as her mind ran a dozen scenarios where she would be needed.

"We stay in charge yet vacation from the castle. We can use Twilight's castle if she wouldst lend it to us. As such thou wouldst be able to visit thy favorite student." Luna was now grinning widely.

"Sister we can't just... can we... but Twilight would never... you know what, I would like that." Celestia finnally felt her mood lifting. With little restrained joy. 'Twily my student!' She was nearly ready to dance at the prospect.

"Leave the arrangement to us and thou should rest." Luna smiled widely.

"Radiant's emerald eyes opened and he sat up like lightning. Radiant looked around at the wight washed hospital room. A blue curtain was wrapped around his bed. Using his moment of privacy to stretch out letting his large draconic wings spread out. Hearing some hoofs on the white tile floor radiant quickly brought his wings back in. The blue curtain was caught in a white glow and pulled aside. As Dr. Bleedind walked up to him.

"Ah I see you're recovering well. I'm Dr. Bleeding Heart though you can call me Dr. or Heart." The white unicorn said smiling.

"Dr. Heart how's my sister." Radiant asked concern evident on his muzzle.

"She'll be fine the poison hadn't worked very far into her system." Dr. Heart said smiling as she began to check the instruments that dotted the walls around him. "We'll keep her here a few days just to observe. She bled out a lot more than you, can I get your names." She was levitating a clip board and marking things down.

"Oh ah, I'm Radiant and she's Dusk Blade. You said she was suffering from blood loss." He was really concerned with that bit of news.

"We have her stable and her vitals are strong, there's nothing to worry about. Is Blade a family name?" Heart asked writing down every thing.

"Yes we both have the last name Blade." Radiant was getting antsy he didn't like questions. "Is there a lot more questions?" Radiant asked worried that she would ask more about him.

"So how long have you been an alicorn?" Dr. Heart asked nonchalantly.

"Uhm, since birth and don't ask about the scales the answers the same. I really don't know how." Radiant said hoping it was the last couple.

"That's a shame I would love to find out about your being half dragon." Dr. Heart was preoccupied enough that she didn't see the look of shock on Radiant displayed. 'Wait what does she mean half dragon? Both my parents were earth ponies.' His alarmed mind tried to reason. 'Though they did lie about my lineage already.' He was trapped by logic it explained to much. 'How much did they lie to me!' He wanted to scream. "Ok, Mr. Blade your cleared to leave. Haven't seen a healthier stallion, even Big Mac can't beat your vitals." She said with a laugh. As she magically unhooked the hospital equipment from him. "You can leave after seeing your sister. Oh and Twilight, the mare that brought you in, would like to see speak to you. She lives at the big castle over on the other side of town." She looked over to Radiant smiling.

Radiant smiled back trying to not bear his incisors too much. With a light chuckle Dr. Heart let him know his sister's room number and the visiting hours. She then departed humming lightly happy that her patients were well. Radiant made his way through the whitewashed halls. His sister was only a few rooms down from his former one. When he walked in Dusk lifted up her leg in welcome. Her grey coat was paler since she had lost so much blood.

"Hey brother, take it you didn't see the tail either." Dusk laughed a little at her own joke.

"Nah, second one got me while I was distracted. Though we'll be here till you recover." Radiant said patting her on the head lightly.

"You always did worry too much. Now how do we stand as far as completing our objective." She asked trying to get Radiant refocused.

"Well I don't know if we are looking for the right creatures Dr. Heart says I'm part dragon. If that's the case how can I have both an alicorn and dragon parentage if both of our parents were earth ponies?" Radiant said sadly. "At this point we can only try. If I truly am part alicorn the royal sisters should know who I'm related to." He shrugged of his worry. 'We've come too far to give up now.' With little else to brood over he let a smile onto his muzzle. "Anyways how are you feeling?" He asked still worried.

"I'm feeling a lot better just a little weak from blood loss." She smiled at Radiant to reassure him. "I'll be fine after a few days of rest. Though I hear there is a new princess of magic in town. I don't have her name but she might be able to help with the other problem." She slumped down. Somewhat disappointed that she wouldn't be present for some of the mission.

"Well I guess I could talk to said princess but don't you dare expect me to come back and give a magic show." He said sarcastically. An earth pony nurse walked in and asked him to leave so she could check the patient. Radiant complied and left, he had a princess to see.

"Spike! Where's the tome of magic and mystical plant indexes?" The lavender alicorn called out. Spike was a young baby dragon that was like a little brother to her. There was no answer to her inquiry. Twilight stopped and tried to recall where she had last seen her assistant. She managed to recall her friend Rarity had dropped by. The white unicorn had request the purple dragon's help with hunting for gems. Twilight sighed, Spike was always willing to help his crush. Knocking on the front door of her door caught her attention. She trotted out of her new library which was just off her main hall and close to the doors. She grabbed the door handle with her magic and opened the large crystalline door. The door opened up to a beautiful day in Ponyvill, but what had her attention was Radiant who was standing out front on his hind legs, he had stood up to knock. "Oh you're out of the hospital already. I thought that you were hurt a lot more severely." She said smiling and motioning that he should enter.

"Thank you princess I heard you wanted to see me?" He asked as he walked into the crystal castle.

"Yes I have some questions. Firstly what's your name I'm Twilight." She said giddily, something new was always welcomed.

"Oh my name is Radiant Blade and I suppose my sister and I should thank you." Radiant said as he waited for her to close the door.

"Oh, it's nothing you guys needed help so I teleported you guys to where you can get help." She shrugged off the other night as daily business. "So I'm interested in your lineage especially the draconic part." She already had her pad and quill ready.

"Sorry princess my parents where earth ponies, as far as I know that is. However I did learn that my mother wasn't really my mom on her death bed. My father died shortly after I have no links to my lineage which is one of the reasons I'm here." Radiant said backing slowly away from the over eager princess. "I was told since i was born an alicorn, the royal family might know more." He stopped as he noticed Twilights disappointment.

"Oh well then you're in luck Luna and Celestia will be arriving within the next couple of days. We can ask them about that then." Twilight announced happily.

"Oh that is lucky but I also need some information on magical sites and formations. Particularly black stone pyramids." Radiant was led by a confused Twilight into her library.

"Oh a magical mystery, if you want we can research it here." Twilight said motioning to the books around them. "My assistant isn't here though so we might have to do some digging but I'm sure there is a useful tome around here." Twilight looked around at soaring shelves.

"Well it can wait till sis is better." Radiant said feeling intimidated by the many volumes surrounding him. "She s more of a book worm than I." He admitted silently. He did love to read but he couldn't read well. In fact he was only given picture books to read and a few intermediate novels from his sister. "So uhm I guess that's all, see you around." He said turning to head out.

"Wait at least let me know where you'll be staying so I can contact you if I find anything." Twilight said somewhat confused by his reaction.

"Well actually I don't know I haven't found a place." He answered honestly. "Hospital stay notwithstanding, I don't have any gems on me." Radiant shrugged unconcerned, so what if his village didn't give him money.

"Well then why don't you guys stay here in my castle, you can use my library." She was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery before her. Both of the black pyramids and the half dragon alicorn.

Radiant was surprised at the offer, for the village had painted the royals as heartless, even cruel tyrants. Surely these could not be the same ponies that his village hated so much? Perhaps there was a catch to it, however Radiant couldn't see it, or any alternative.