Radiance Rising

by nihilis3

First published

As ancient mystical monsters and power awaken. A newcomer to Ponyvill may be the answer.

Long slumbering magic has awoken and it threatens to drag Equestria into the darkness. Celestia is plagued by an old memory, a memory that changes everything.

Monsters born from old magic awaken. And only the newest resident in Ponyvill can hope to stop them.

Radiant's Quest Begins

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Celestia walked the cold abandoned halls of her castle. The only illumination was her sister's moon pouring in from the large windows that dotted the hallways. This night the moon shone bright yet cold. Celestia shuddered it was unnaturally cold. The light seemed to lengthen the shadows of the hall. The quartz and marble was barely visible under the inky blackness. Something felt familiar as she traveled along the hall. 'Its odd that my halls are so empty.' She mused yet the word empty felt powerful.

"Sister why doth thou dream so." Luna said appearing in the dream. Celestia looked at her sister measuring her. Luna was smaller than her and had the night sky as her mane and tail it flowed as though on an absent breeze, much like Celestia's own dull rainbow mane and tail. "sister?" Luna asked concerned. Celestia didn't answer her sister. She was too distracted the dream causing her to break out in a cold sweat.she was standing before a plain door its only marking a sun relief, just like Celestia's cutiemark.

"I can't do this." Celestia nearly screamed in fear and frustration. She also woke up only to find Luna staring at her in shock. "I'm sorry Luna." She was on the edge of tears. "I'll be fine... I think." Celestia was barely able to keep back her tears, she bit her lip trying to keep it from quivering. Luna's expression changed to pity. She didn't know what was bothering Celestia but was she couldn't stand it. Luna trotted up to Celestia and embraced her in a hug draping her wings like a blanket.


Two hooded figures walked the dark lonely path in the Everfree forest. The moon shone bright as they walked side by side. The tallest was definitely no normal pony. His eyes shone green and snakelike his front legs ended in clawed hands. his body was covered in scales and fur that were black as midnight. His cloak showed his feline features. He was longer than most ponies and had spinal blades running from where his dull rainbow mane ended. His tail was long and prehensile with the same dull rainbow effect of his mane ending in a blade. His Back legs ended in hooves like a normal pony and his head was crowned with a long horn. his companion was a simple earth pony. Her coat was a silver and her mane and tail were a pale white.

"So brother do you think you'll be using this opportunity to learn to fly." The mare asked her companion. She was happy to be out travelling with her brother. They were travelling from their small village in the Everfree where for generations they had been hidden from the prying eyes of the Equestrian monarchs.

"No, don't forget why we're here, Dusk Blade." The Stallion said with a sigh.

"Oh, come on you have those big beautiful wings and that horn why don't you even desire to learn to use them." Dusk lamented, She wished her brother would show some interest in developing his natural abilities.

"Because dear sister if I did I wouldn't be allowed to return remember earth ponies only." He said nonchalantly he had grown up with under the same rules. He had always been an outcast in the small earth pony village where they had grown up.

"Radiant we probably won't be allowed back anyways. No pony was very keen on having us ask the princesses for help." She said coldly She never did like how the other ponies treated her brother. "Well no matter as our parents are dead anyways we really have no reason to go back." She stated calmly.

"I guess..." Radiant stopped in his tracks a low growl alerting him to danger. Radiant looked around his slitted eyes pierced the darkness around him. All living creatures showed up in thermal to his eyes within sixty feet. He saw large creatures moving through the under brush. "Horsefeathers, Sis we got company!" He called out rearing up on his hind legs. With a flick of his wrist he extended his talons out and took up a fighting pose. Dusk fell into a fighting stance as well.

Two manticores leapt from the underbrush. The snarling lion bodied monsters began to circle the two ponies. They flared their wings and raised their scorpion like tails. They continued to circle their prey. Radiant watched as the larger of the two edged closer. Before he could move against the monster Dusk darted out forming a blade of psionic energy. She dodged the giant paw that tore down towards her. The manticor brought it's other paw to bear, Dusk jumped the the attack. Radiant saw the look of triumph on the manticor's face. Before he could call out the manticore darted out its tail impaling her right under her Glowing crystal cutiemark. Radiant felt white hot anger build in him. Dusk could already feel the poison take affect making it so she couldn't move the affected leg. Without hesitation Radiant sprung forward towards the manticore. roaring the manticore brought its paw down to try and maul him. Without flinching Radiant caught the paw and slammed his clawed hand into the exposed flesh. This time the creature roared in pain. But Radiant wasn't done with it. With a savage fury he pulled the manticor closer letting his fury flow through his lungs. His rainbow hair became vibrant and glowed as his plasma breath erupted from his mouth reducing the the monster to cinders.

Radiant in his rage forgot to track the other manticore. It was brought back to his attention when he felt a sharp pain followed by warm liquid flowing down his side. Radiant brought his claw around letting the razor sharp claws shear off the scorpion tail. Turning to the creature He snarled letting his overlarge incisors and razor sharp claws shine in the moon light. His form showed bright against the night sky. The manticor reared back letting out a howl of pain and anger, its tail bathing the area around it in its own purple red blood. Radiant used his powerful back legs to spring forward closing the the gap between himself and the beast. It brought one of its paws down trying to skewer him with its own claws. Radiant dodged around it and lashed out. He was rewarded with another howl of pain as his claws kissed bone. Using his momentum and the creatures arm as a center point he brought one of his back legs around in a round house kick to the beasts chest sending it crashing back towards the underbrush. Radiant landed and dropped a piece of the monster's muscle he was still holding onto. He shook the blood and gore from his claws as the wounded creature stood once more and ran. He could hear it whimpering as it crashed through the underbrush.

"Horseapples." Radiant cursed dropping back to all fours as he approached his sister again. She was barely conscious the poison having worked faster than anticipated. He brought his hand over to his own wound. Already he could feel the poison in his own system beginning to work, zapping his strength. He only had a few minutes left before he wouldn't be able to move. Summoning what strength he could Radiant lifted Dusk onto his back, using his cloak to secure her there. "Hang in there sis." Radiant whispered as he crouched low like a runner. He moved his shoulders like a cat ready to pounce, arched his back and tore off at top speed. He felt a wall of air break around him as he started leaving behind a neon rainbow. He sped through the forest at breakneck speeds, time was of the essence as the manticore's poison continued to do its nefarious work. Radiant's cutiemarked flanks burned with fatigue. he jumped over a fallen tree and heard his sister whimper as he impacted the ground. "Wheres the end of this accursed forest." he lamented as he continued to rocket through the Everfree. With a feeling of dread building Radiant looked around finding the forest dark and imposing as ever. Then like a breath of fresh air he burst out of the oppressive Everfree. As he did he felt the last of his strength fail. 'Ponyfeathers!' He mentally screamed as the lights of the town before him faded from his view as his mind went dark.


Twilight stared up at the night sky, she was up early so she could see the sunrise and study some nocturnal creatures. She always loved finding new things to study. The lavender Alicorn was mindlessly taking notes on insect formations next to the Everfree forest. The forest formed the town of Ponyvill's southern most and eastern borders. She was humming happily and jotting down her amusing find that the bugs changed formation based on her humming. A sudden loud noise pulled her from her research and sent her air born on her large feathery wings. She levitated her note pad and quill using her magic that emanated from her horn that protruded from the center of her skull. It parted her deep purple mane in the exact same part as her light purple and pink streak. She watched warily waiting for what ever made the sound. To her surprise what tore out of the underbrush was no manticor or timber wolf it was what looked like a pony. The new black coated pony collapsed where it landed. Twilight dropped back down and trotted over expecting the Stallion to at least be conscious. 'Is that blood!' Her mind registered the pooling red fluid in alarm.

"Hey can you hear me?" twilight tried to rouse the stallion's attention. A whimper from his back brought her attention to the grey mare strapped to his back. She saw more blood and a gaping wound. "Oh no you guys really need help." She gathered her magic into her horn and quickly teleported them from the field they were in. Moments later she heard a squeak of surprise as she appeared in Ponyvill General Hospital. The stallion and his mare friend were laying at her feet. "Quickly they need medical attention!" Twilight called out in panic." Wit out hesitation two earth ponies and a unicorn hurried over to help. First they removed the grey mare from the Black unicorns back. A sudden gasp rose from every one including Twilight. She stared down at an alicorn that had draconic features. "That's certainly unique." she thought aloud looking over the stallion. As she examined him she noted that he had a manticore stinger lodged in his side but what really struck her was his cutiemark of a dragons wing attached to a glowing blade. The unicorn doctor with red mane and tail and a red heart cutiemark, looked over her new patients.

"Manticore poisoning and severe blood loss, shouldn't be a problem." Dr. Bleeding Heart said to herself as she levitated Radiant and Dusk to several gurneys. "Don't worry Princess they'll be right as rain by the time I'm done with them." she assured the worried Alicorn.

"Thank you can you notify me when they can receive visitors. I have some questions for them particularly the alicorn." Twilight said smiling. She was truly interested as she had to meet a male alicorn, and that was beside the fact that he appeared to be half dragon.

"Of coarse princess." Bleeding Heart said with a Large gleaming smile. "After all no princess should be with out her prince." She laughed as Twilight teleported out.

The Awakening

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Celestia was dreaming the same dream she had the night before. Yet again she found herself before the door. 'No, why why must I relive this.' She lamented silently. She turned from the door to find it moving with her to keep eyes upon itself. 'Ponyfeathers, why can't I just forget this day!' She mentally screamed at the moon in her dream. 'I can't open this door, I must not open this door.' She thought as her mind began to conjure the memory of the last time she had opened it.

"Sister!" Luna's voice ripped Celestia from her nightmare and back to reality. Celestia's lavender eyes shot open. She felt the tears trying to break her defenses. It took all her will to keep them at bay. What she couldn't hide was her fear. "Sister it does us ill to see thee in this state. Canst we render aid with thy nightmare?" Luna's concern was evident in the look she gave Celestia with her teal eyes.

"No Luna unfortunately my fears are very, very real. My nightmare is actually a memory that I can't face yet." Celestia sighed as her fear and sadness subsided. 'Please don't ask any more than that.' She thought see the curiosity that appeared on Luna's face. Luna however shook it away.

"If thou dost not yet feel ready to divulge thy secrets, that is up to thee." Luna stopped for a moment feeling hurt that she was left out. Then an idea like lightning lit up her face with a smile. "If we might propose an idea." Luna purred then waited for Celestia to give her an inquisitive look. "Why dost we not take a vacation? There be no real work of import and thou needs leave the castle for a time." Luna looked quite pleased with herself as she sat in the middle of Celestia's room.

"Really Luna you think that would be wise who would we leave in charge?" Celestia asked as her mind ran a dozen scenarios where she would be needed.

"We stay in charge yet vacation from the castle. We can use Twilight's castle if she wouldst lend it to us. As such thou wouldst be able to visit thy favorite student." Luna was now grinning widely.

"Sister we can't just... can we... but Twilight would never... you know what, I would like that." Celestia finnally felt her mood lifting. With little restrained joy. 'Twily my student!' She was nearly ready to dance at the prospect.

"Leave the arrangement to us and thou should rest." Luna smiled widely.

"Radiant's emerald eyes opened and he sat up like lightning. Radiant looked around at the wight washed hospital room. A blue curtain was wrapped around his bed. Using his moment of privacy to stretch out letting his large draconic wings spread out. Hearing some hoofs on the white tile floor radiant quickly brought his wings back in. The blue curtain was caught in a white glow and pulled aside. As Dr. Bleedind walked up to him.

"Ah I see you're recovering well. I'm Dr. Bleeding Heart though you can call me Dr. or Heart." The white unicorn said smiling.

"Dr. Heart how's my sister." Radiant asked concern evident on his muzzle.

"She'll be fine the poison hadn't worked very far into her system." Dr. Heart said smiling as she began to check the instruments that dotted the walls around him. "We'll keep her here a few days just to observe. She bled out a lot more than you, can I get your names." She was levitating a clip board and marking things down.

"Oh ah, I'm Radiant and she's Dusk Blade. You said she was suffering from blood loss." He was really concerned with that bit of news.

"We have her stable and her vitals are strong, there's nothing to worry about. Is Blade a family name?" Heart asked writing down every thing.

"Yes we both have the last name Blade." Radiant was getting antsy he didn't like questions. "Is there a lot more questions?" Radiant asked worried that she would ask more about him.

"So how long have you been an alicorn?" Dr. Heart asked nonchalantly.

"Uhm, since birth and don't ask about the scales the answers the same. I really don't know how." Radiant said hoping it was the last couple.

"That's a shame I would love to find out about your being half dragon." Dr. Heart was preoccupied enough that she didn't see the look of shock on Radiant displayed. 'Wait what does she mean half dragon? Both my parents were earth ponies.' His alarmed mind tried to reason. 'Though they did lie about my lineage already.' He was trapped by logic it explained to much. 'How much did they lie to me!' He wanted to scream. "Ok, Mr. Blade your cleared to leave. Haven't seen a healthier stallion, even Big Mac can't beat your vitals." She said with a laugh. As she magically unhooked the hospital equipment from him. "You can leave after seeing your sister. Oh and Twilight, the mare that brought you in, would like to see speak to you. She lives at the big castle over on the other side of town." She looked over to Radiant smiling.

Radiant smiled back trying to not bear his incisors too much. With a light chuckle Dr. Heart let him know his sister's room number and the visiting hours. She then departed humming lightly happy that her patients were well. Radiant made his way through the whitewashed halls. His sister was only a few rooms down from his former one. When he walked in Dusk lifted up her leg in welcome. Her grey coat was paler since she had lost so much blood.

"Hey brother, take it you didn't see the tail either." Dusk laughed a little at her own joke.

"Nah, second one got me while I was distracted. Though we'll be here till you recover." Radiant said patting her on the head lightly.

"You always did worry too much. Now how do we stand as far as completing our objective." She asked trying to get Radiant refocused.

"Well I don't know if we are looking for the right creatures Dr. Heart says I'm part dragon. If that's the case how can I have both an alicorn and dragon parentage if both of our parents were earth ponies?" Radiant said sadly. "At this point we can only try. If I truly am part alicorn the royal sisters should know who I'm related to." He shrugged of his worry. 'We've come too far to give up now.' With little else to brood over he let a smile onto his muzzle. "Anyways how are you feeling?" He asked still worried.

"I'm feeling a lot better just a little weak from blood loss." She smiled at Radiant to reassure him. "I'll be fine after a few days of rest. Though I hear there is a new princess of magic in town. I don't have her name but she might be able to help with the other problem." She slumped down. Somewhat disappointed that she wouldn't be present for some of the mission.

"Well I guess I could talk to said princess but don't you dare expect me to come back and give a magic show." He said sarcastically. An earth pony nurse walked in and asked him to leave so she could check the patient. Radiant complied and left, he had a princess to see.

"Spike! Where's the tome of magic and mystical plant indexes?" The lavender alicorn called out. Spike was a young baby dragon that was like a little brother to her. There was no answer to her inquiry. Twilight stopped and tried to recall where she had last seen her assistant. She managed to recall her friend Rarity had dropped by. The white unicorn had request the purple dragon's help with hunting for gems. Twilight sighed, Spike was always willing to help his crush. Knocking on the front door of her door caught her attention. She trotted out of her new library which was just off her main hall and close to the doors. She grabbed the door handle with her magic and opened the large crystalline door. The door opened up to a beautiful day in Ponyvill, but what had her attention was Radiant who was standing out front on his hind legs, he had stood up to knock. "Oh you're out of the hospital already. I thought that you were hurt a lot more severely." She said smiling and motioning that he should enter.

"Thank you princess I heard you wanted to see me?" He asked as he walked into the crystal castle.

"Yes I have some questions. Firstly what's your name I'm Twilight." She said giddily, something new was always welcomed.

"Oh my name is Radiant Blade and I suppose my sister and I should thank you." Radiant said as he waited for her to close the door.

"Oh, it's nothing you guys needed help so I teleported you guys to where you can get help." She shrugged off the other night as daily business. "So I'm interested in your lineage especially the draconic part." She already had her pad and quill ready.

"Sorry princess my parents where earth ponies, as far as I know that is. However I did learn that my mother wasn't really my mom on her death bed. My father died shortly after I have no links to my lineage which is one of the reasons I'm here." Radiant said backing slowly away from the over eager princess. "I was told since i was born an alicorn, the royal family might know more." He stopped as he noticed Twilights disappointment.

"Oh well then you're in luck Luna and Celestia will be arriving within the next couple of days. We can ask them about that then." Twilight announced happily.

"Oh that is lucky but I also need some information on magical sites and formations. Particularly black stone pyramids." Radiant was led by a confused Twilight into her library.

"Oh a magical mystery, if you want we can research it here." Twilight said motioning to the books around them. "My assistant isn't here though so we might have to do some digging but I'm sure there is a useful tome around here." Twilight looked around at soaring shelves.

"Well it can wait till sis is better." Radiant said feeling intimidated by the many volumes surrounding him. "She s more of a book worm than I." He admitted silently. He did love to read but he couldn't read well. In fact he was only given picture books to read and a few intermediate novels from his sister. "So uhm I guess that's all, see you around." He said turning to head out.

"Wait at least let me know where you'll be staying so I can contact you if I find anything." Twilight said somewhat confused by his reaction.

"Well actually I don't know I haven't found a place." He answered honestly. "Hospital stay notwithstanding, I don't have any gems on me." Radiant shrugged unconcerned, so what if his village didn't give him money.

"Well then why don't you guys stay here in my castle, you can use my library." She was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery before her. Both of the black pyramids and the half dragon alicorn.

Radiant was surprised at the offer, for the village had painted the royals as heartless, even cruel tyrants. Surely these could not be the same ponies that his village hated so much? Perhaps there was a catch to it, however Radiant couldn't see it, or any alternative.

The Door Unopened

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Luna stood in the dreamscape hallway next to her sister. Celestia was having having the nightmare again. Luna stared at her sister who was once again frozen in fear. Luna sighed and ored that Celestia hadn't noticed her yet. 'One more night and we can go see Twilight, hopefully that will help Sister's mood.' She sighed again and prepared to wake Celestia.

"Radiance." Celestia whispered sadly. Luna stopped it was the first time she had heard Celestia speak so softly infront of the door. Luna decided to wait and see. "My Radiance." Celestia continued, her horn lighting up gold. The nob of the door was also encased in the translucent glow. She took a deep breath steadying her nerves. "If only to see you once more my Radiance." She was shaking again. Celestia broke out in cold sweat again and her magic failed. She fell back to her haunches letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Luna shook her head in sadness.

"We see thou hast failed to face thy fears again." Luna said stepping close to her sister.

"Luna you're here again, aren't there others with nightmares tonight?" Celestia asked still staring at the door. She was almost monotone in her response.

"Yes dear sister, though non so urgent as thine." Luna replied sitting flank to flank with Celestia. "Though we find it distressing that thou art referring to a persons we do not know." Luna was unamused with this secret. "We believe thou referred to them as thine Radiance." Luna said to her sister's surprise.

"Do not use his name lightly." Celestia warned turning to Luna angry. "He died nineteen years ago." Celestia sobbed not caring that Luna saw.

"Oh, we dist not mean to pry." Luna said regrettably. "We are concerned thine mind has been troubled deeply."

"Its fine I... I need to talk about it. I'm going for it." Celestia said her horn exploding in her golden magic. The door knob shook violently. "Eeeep!" Celestia dove behind a surprised Luna. "I can't do it, Luna wake me up now please." She squeaked out. Luna shook her head and her magic ended the dream.

Dusk was in Twilight's library with her brother. They were looking up the magic constructs. Twilight was discussing book locations with her baby dragon Spike. The baby dragon had purple scales and green spines on his back. His emerald eyes kept flicking from the talking Twilight to Radiant. The poor guy was still unused to idea of living with the half pony. Radiant for his part tried to answer the baby dragon's questions. Dusk felt a little out of place in Ponyvill. She wasn't used to seeing the other types of ponies and didn't know how to talk to them. Twilight stopped chatting with Spike and walked over to Radiant.

"Radiant can ask you a question?" Twilight ask softly. Radiant looked up from his current book, Daring Do and the Vale of Shadows.

"You may but was that not a question?" Radiant retorted chuckling at his own joke.

"Well uhm actually I was wondering if you could help Spike today. He's heading to the market and needs somepony to help carry stuff?" Twilight asked nervously shifting in place she awaited his answer.

"Sure I can help out Spike." Radiant said closing his book. Twilight balked at the fact that he didn't mark his page. Radiant stood and headed out with Spike. Dusk waited till she heard the giant doors shut with a loud clang.

"Ok, why did you send him out?" Dusk ask looking up from a 'Encyclopedia Magica.'

"Well why doesn't Radiant ever fly or use magic?" She asked in frustration. "I mean he doesn't even study magic." Twilight was now pacing.

"He can't use magic and really he wishes he was an earth pony." Dusk sighed as he watched Twilight's jaw drop.

"Why would he feel that way. Most ponies would love to ascend as an alicorn." Twilight said shaking her head in confusion.

"Our village was not very kind to those who were different. I however would like to see Radiant rise to his full potential." Dusk said with a wistful look in her eyes. "He deserved more then what those xenophobic earth ponies gave him." Anger rose in her soul.

Twilight pondered Dusk's words with a sour expression. 'So he was treated as a lower class of pony, it must have been awful.' She looked at the book that he had been reading. 'Was this his first time reading this book.' She thought sadly. She wondered how Celestia would react when she found out how one of their alicorn brethren had been treated. As for Twilight she would remedy the lack of education herself. There was loud knocking on her once more distracting Twilight. 'Who could that be.' She thought walking through the pile of tomes laying on the ground. She made her way out into the large crystal hall that made up her reception area. She grabbed hold of the door with her magic and willed it open.

Celestia was worried about Luna and her dreams. She was beginning to forget herself in them. Luna had insisted on leaving early and hadn't quit probing about a name she never should have heard. 'She doesn't need to know about Radiance he...' Celestia's thoughts were interrupted by Twilight opening her front door.

"Celestia! You're early I thought that you wouldn't be here till tomorrow." Twilight said issuing them inside.

"Sister needed to leave the castle we shall stay for a fortnight." Luna said entering the foyer. Celestia hugged Twilight as she walked in. She was tired lack of sleep showing clearly on her muzzle. "Dost thou have our rooms prepared? Sister needs some rest." Luna whispered to Twilight. 'Oh leave off it Luna I don't want to sleep yet.' She thought yawning.

"Twilight do you have any coffee ready." Celestia said head nodding in her drowsiness. She was getting a headache and it was showing in her mood. Twilight nodded in understanding. Luna shook her head in disappointment. Celestia felt the pain in her skull spike and with a shriek she collapsed.

Everything at the market was normal, in fact if she had to say it was better. The Orange coated farm pony was just setting up her cart full of apples. She wore her blond mane and tail in a ponytail as she worked to remove the cart's strap from her waist just above her tri apple cutiemark. And sitting atop her head was her signature tan sestin hat. After she got her cart set up she slid an apron on tying the strings around her neck and waist. She scanned the crowded market place with her green eyes looking for potential customers.

"Hey Aj how's it going." She heard the recognizable voice of Spike say happily.

"Well howdy there Spike so far s'good, you?" She replied in her country accent. "Ya'all wouldn't be in the market for some apples would ya?" She earnestly inquired hoping to off load a bucket or two.

"Nah but maybe Radiant and Dusk might like some." Spike said looking around. He spotted Radiant hanging out between two stalls trying to be invisible. "Yo Radiant over here." Radiant complied trotting over to the baby dragon's side. Spike chuckled at Applejack's look of surprise.

"Well you're certainly a big'un, need some vittles?" The apple farmer asked indicating her carts. Radiant stared for a moment unsure of what to say.

"No thank you ma'am I don't have any gems with which to buy them with." He said hoping he didn't anger her. Applejack looked him over a bit and noted that he wasn't even carrying saddle bags.

"Well I can tell, you're not from 'round these parts so tell ya what, first one's free." She said smiling broadly. Radiant was taken aback by the sudden gesture of generosity. Applejack looked at his shocked face in concern she had never seen a pony react like that to her offer. "Ya'all don't gotta worry one apple won't break this bank." She said proudly puffing out her chest.

"Sorry." Radiant said breaking out of his thoughts and taking an apple that had caught his eye. "I'm just not used to being given free things." He admitted still a little disconcerted by how much he was being accepted.

"So what brings ya to the market anyways?" She asked seeing Radiant resume his nervous crowed scanning.

"Oh Twilight wanted him to meet some of the other ponies in town. I thought we'd hit the market then I'd show him to Rarity, not everyday a pony gets to meet a half dragon alicorn." Spike chuckled as every pony in ear shot looked over in surprise. As he felt the stares of every pony fall upon him, Radiant really began wishing he could fly. Applejack seeing Radiant's muscles tense ready to be attacked stepped in.

"I think Radiant would prefer if you didn't announce his presence to everypony." Applejack said to Spike purposely with better grammar to drive her point home.

"Oh a Right!, Radiant we should head over to Carousel Boutique and see Rarity." Spike said Pointing Radiant away. Radiant thanked Applejack and followed the baby purple dragon walking on three legs since his fourth was holding an apple. 'What a strange pony.' Applejack mused watching them leave. 'Why not just levitate the darn thing?'

Things were wrong, most definitely wrong. Luna had visited Celestia's dreams enough times to know that. Her sister was not present where Luna had infiltrated. Which oddly seemed to be her room in the castle of the royal sisters. Looking around saw the jumbled mess that was the Solar princess's mind. The dark grey stone of their previous home, some spots new, some a ruin blending jaggedly with the pristine marble of their new one. As she walked the contrasting halls she noted memories like ghost floating in the halls each one quietly playing back the events of Celestia' s life. 'Sister is worse then we thought.' She worriedly thought. She tried desperately to find her sister searching from room to room. 'Oh Sister, where art thou!?' Luna mentally screamed. Then she remembered the door, the door that had terrified Celestia for a week. Celestia had acted as though it held the remains of something precious, something that would break her. Celestia could no longer refuse the call of the door, Luna had seen as much last time. Luna turned a corner and froze at the sight before her. Dripping from the roof of the hall was darkness deep and binding. It oozed from the wall like blood from an open wound and it emanated only feelings of sorrow and dread. 'This is far worse than we thought.'

Ponyfeathers 1

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His horn felt funny, Radiant had never liked the darn thing. It got caught in his blankets made him stand out even more and it was too soft to be used in combat. 'Nope, my horn is totally useless.' He thought scratching at the base of his horn. 'What the hay is this?' He seethed as the odd tingling sensation returned. He looked over to Spike who was absent mindly walking beside him. The baby dragon was overly eager to see his crush. Radiant sighed a little and looked to the sky. Which as he now saw was a fiery red with a very angry sun. 'I blame you.' He pointedly thought at his horn. His horn flared again. 'Yeah buck you too.'

Luna walked down the dark oozing hall. She hated these kind of dreams, worse yet her sister was trapped in this one. 'Sister why must thou always be difficult.' Luna thought as her hoof made a squishing sound in the inky blackness that covered the hall. The darkness itself didn't bother her she was princess of the night. Another squish brought a shiver down her spine. Still she walked on trying hard to forget where she was. The corridor took a right turn and slanted downwards. Luna stopped wondering if she was heading the right way. Luna let out a loud squeak as a large dollop of the black ooze that hung from the ceiling fell onto her back. Shuddering as the goop oozed off her side, she decided it was time to turn back. That was when she heard it. 'Is that singing?' She thought as she strained to listen.

"You are my sunshine." Luna heard the soft song wafting up from deeper in the tunnel. The melody was soft and haunting as it drifted in the darkness. 'This will make a grand tale for the young ones next Nightmare Night.' Luna thought trying to keep back her own growing fears. As she continued following the disembodied voice of her sister. "My only sunshine."

The orange and red sun had grown slightly larger as Radiant had watched it. Long tendrils of fire arched across it's surface each one giving off a blast of heat to the planet below. But that did not worry Radiant what worried him was the darkness growing in the center of the angry celestial body. His instincts told that whatever was happening was bad. And his fears were confirmed when the darkness dripped to the ground. Forming a large puddle of the viscous dark fluid. At first nothing happened, then as if on some unknown cue the darkness began to boil and steam.

"What do we do?" Spike asked looking around as ponies all over Ponyvill panicked. Radiant didn't take his eyes off the pool of shadows.

"Spike listen very closely." Radiant said calmly as he dropped into a combat stance. He waited a moment so Spike could give him his undivided attention. "Get you friends and go back to the castle. Twilight needs to know what's going on so she can send the guards." He was still calmly staring at the darkness as he issued the order. 'At least it will give me some time to evaluate what's going on.' Radiant thought watching spike take off. 'Not to mention it takes care of his friends before all Tartarus breaks loose.' He smiled knowing his sister would be proud of him using his head.

The bubbling pool erupted with life as. A clawed hand the size of Radiant's body came bursting out crashing to the street with a thunderous crash. Radiant watched as the creature pulled it's claws back a little leaving large gouges in the street. A large head came next. The monstrosity was almost bird like in appearance with a long hooked beak filled with razor sharp teeth. Looking the beast over again he noticed one very prominent feature. 'It has no eyes!?!" He noted in surprise and concern. No eyes meant less exploitable weak spot. The creature dug its claws into the ground and continued to pull itself out of the shadow pool. 'Welp, enough gawking might as well strike first.' Radiant thought readying his plasma breath.

A sigh of relief escaped Luna as she stood before the somewhat plane door. Luna hated to admit it but she was truly confused by Celestia's aversion to the room beyond the door. The door this time was slightly open. Taking a deep breath the midnight blue alicorn pushed the door open. Most of the room was childish, the roof was painted to look like it was midday the walls depicted ponies at play. A large mobile consisting of Luna Celestia and their celestial charges hung above a small crib. Over all it reminded Luna of her and Celestia's old play room from when they were fillies. Celestia was standing in the center of the room she was shaking in barely controlled rage.

"My sun, who stole my sun?" Celestia seethed casting her gaze left to right. "Where is my sun?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Luna scanned the room till she saw a plush yellow ball in a toy box in a corner. 'Sister if thou hast made me do all this for a toy I swear thine banishment will be far worst then ours.' Luna thought angrily levitating the plush sun over to Celestia.

"Here, now let us end this foolishness." Luna said slight tapping Celestia with the plushy. Celestia turned toward Luna she had the look of someone at the edge. Luna felt like she was looking at herself right before she had changed.

"Foolishness!" Celestia raged, "I COULDN'T SAVE HIM. MY RADIANCE IS GONE BECAUSE..." She stopped holding back her tears. "Because I couldn't stop them." Celestia collapsed on the floor venting her grief. Luna looked at her sister in pity. Celestia's eyes shot open here tears dried forgotten as a wicked spell worked its power. "Nightmare Moon what are you doing here?!?" She said in shock and alarm. Luna balked at the sudden out burst. Celestia didn't wait for an answer instead she rushed to the empty crib, as if expecting to find someone. Celestia froze once more and she visibly darkened. "Where is he Nightmare?" She turned toward Luna voice dripping with venom. Luna stared back utterly confused. "Where is my sun?" Celestia asked rage barely controlled. Luna tapped Celestia with the plushy once more hoping it was what she was asking about. "Not going to tell me Nightmare?" Voice dripping with contempt. "Then I will make you SCREAM IT!" Celestia roared as magic and heat rolled of her body. Luna fled the room for fear of injury.

He unleashed the stream of super-heated plasma onto the beasts clawed hand, hoping to halt its progress. Its skin boiled and flaked under the assault but the creature didn't seem to feel more than a slight discomfort. It had now gotten its torso free from the back pool it was creeping from. Radiant shook his head in exasperation. 'Of coarse that wouldn't work.' He thought sarcastically. He looked down at his claws then back to the creature. 'I'd be a be stinging a bear.' He heard a pony scream in fear. 'Oh fine!' He thought darting over to the extended arm.

Not giving it another thought Radiant extended his claws and sank them as deep as he could into the beasts arm. Instead of a roar or even a flinch the creature lifted its arm with Radiant still attached. It raised him close to its razor filled maw and Radiant noted its pungent breath that smelled of decay. It opened its mouth revealing a second one it the back of its throat also filled with razor sharp teeth.

"Ahehe, buzz buzz?" He said almost apologetic. 'Well that didn't work and look at those teeth.' He thought analytically. 'Now what smart guy.' His horn tingled as if in response. "Yeah magic is right up there with flying." He muttered as the creature angled it's beak to snap at him. 'Wait my breath at least injured the outside right?' The idea dawning on him. He charged up his breath again letting the heat fill his lungs. Once again he felt his mane and tail light up as plasma coursed through his throat mixing with his breath with a roar that was more dragon than pony he unleashed burning fury down the monsters throat.

Luna felt the magic flare from Celestia calm. The ebbing heat and magic telling her it was relatively safe to check on her sister. Luna hesitated at the door this time she feared what she would find in the room. Luna leaned against the door and took a deep breath. Steeling herself, she timidly poked her head back through the door.

"Hello Nightmare, are you ready to burn?" The site before Luna scared her. Celestia had changed, any trace of the beloved princess burned away by the transformation she had undergone. The mare before Luna was taller by a foot, with lean muscles rippling under her skin. Her horn was now curved and solid like a blade. Celestia's mane and tail had gone from her normal multihued etherealness. To blazing orange and red, her coat had taken on a slight orange color as well. Celestia's regalia had also changed. Gone where the golden shoes, torque and crown. Instead adorning her head was a red and gold helmet designed to look like a phoenix head. On her chest she wore a breast plate of the same colors shape like the phoenix's body, its wings spread out in front of her shoulders. On her hooves she had four golden claws, each wickedly sharp. To her left floated her lance, solar flare. Her slitted yellow eyes focused on Luna and a razor filled smile crept along her face.

Luna was dumbfounded, never before had she seen Celestia like this. Celestia began to calmly make her way across the room. With each step the daymare left inch long grooves in the stone work of the floor. 'Didst she just impersonate our transformation into the Nightmare?' Luna thought watching the other mare approach. Celestia stopped only a few feet away from where Luna stood.

"I am high inquisitor Solara, and you have one chance." Solara said coldly. Luna shuddered Celestia was most certainly copying her now.

"Chance for what dearest sister?" Luna tried her best puppy dog look. Solara laughed dryly.

"To tell me where my sun is before I extract--" Solara raises one of her clawed hooves. "the information, painfully." Solara brought her hoof down leaving a long deep gash in the stone floor as a promise of real pain to follow. Luna swallowed a lump that had formed in her throat and really started wishing she had taken the blue pill.

Air rushed past Radiant as he not so gracefully arched through the air. The monster which still had smoke radiating out of it's mouth, had flailed in pain. Which is how Radiant found himself in such a predicament. 'Ok, now I wish I could fly.' He thought looking back at the ground speeding towards him. His horn tingled again. 'You shut up, how would magic help at a time like this?' He thought at his horn. Looking back again he noted that he was headed for a small cafe where ponies still sat and ate. 'I hope no pony ordered kabobs.' He winced remembering pain.

The grey earthpony mare was sitting down to one of her favorite meals, a tossed ceaser with red wine reduction and a large helping of baked ziti. Since she was in public she periodically made sure her black mane and tail were still presentable. She checked herself over again. 'Treble cleft cutiemark, check and pink as ever, no sauce on my coat check. Lets see mane still styled and glossy.' Her purplish pink eyes drifted over to her little sister Vinyl Scratch. The white unicorn mare sat across from her eating a hayburger and fries. Nopony had figured out that they were sisters primarily because Vinyl was mute. They had their former village to blame for that her family had been run out of town and left to the mercies of the Everfree Forest. Shortly after Vinyl got sick and lost her voice, she did however get her cutiemark. Two eighth notes connected at their flags. Vinyl eyed her back from behind large thick sunglasses. 'Vinyl how I wish you'd let me fix that mess you call a mane.' She thought looking at the wild blue mane before her. She was about to say something about it when she noticed Vinyl's confused face. 'Ooh priceless, where's my camera this needs to be a Hearts Warming Eve card.' She thought with a grin. 'Wait why is Vinyl confused?' As if in answer to her unspoken question a rainbow blur impacted several tables away. 'Why in all of Equestria does Rainbow Dash always end up crashing?' She thought as dust settled around her. 'Wait, was that Rainbow I didn't see her cyan blue in that crash.' Both Vinyl and Octavia left their table to check on the crash victim.

"Ow, I really need to rethink my plan of attack." The voice made Octavia halt in her tracks. Vinyl did the same but pulled down her sunglasses. 'It can't be him.' Again as if fate was toying with her Radiant stood up from inside the table ringed crater. Radiant stood and shook his head. "Oh its on now!" Radiant roared standing up. Octavia watched as he took up a runners stance, then took off like a shot from a gun. As he took off a gust of wind rustled her hair. 'That was Radiant, what's he doing here? He wouldn't have been allowed to leave.' Octavia thought looking over to Vinyl. Vinyl looked stunned she hadn't expected to him again either.

"That Radiant always to busy fighting or engaging in other such barbaric acts." Octavia said gauging Vinyl's reaction. Vinyl looked over at her sister with a curiosity. "Why don't we go see what the rash-stallion is up too."

The monster waited and listened for the annoyance that plagued its current existence. Soon his hoof beats came like a chilling staccato. Each time a hoof or claw hit the paved road it gave the creature a detailed picture of sound. It listened as its attacker got closer, the little demon of pain moving almost as fast as he was making it. 'Why couldn't master give this form eyes?' It lamented as a new set of fresh claw marks on its flank. 'Bucking pain demon!' It roared getting a image off its attacker, who was most certainly the same alicorn from before. 'Why?!? Why does it have fire breath?' It winced still feeling the inferno in its gut. The creature swiped at its attacker who deftly jumped its arm twisted mid air and lashed out with it's claws. 'Ow Celestia damn it... wait is this Celestia?' The creature pondered unsure of which of the four it new about, it was fighting. 'If you want me to capture some one give me eyes.' It thought angrily. 'Wait, where's the demon?' It listened till the sound of claw and hoof gave away Radiant's position. 'Ah there you are little demon!' It beamed with glee. 'Wait why are you...' It's thought was interrupted as Radiant who had taken up a position under it went into a handstand. Three shock waves blossomed from the creature as Radiant delivered three kicks to the creature's groin. Radiant then pushed off from the ground using his clawed hands spinning delivered a devastating round house kick to the same location.

Discord was home in his chaotic dimension. Blissfully unaware of the monster plaguing Ponyville. Currently he was placing dirt back on his carpet with a vacuum. Suddenly he stopped and clutched his groin grimacing.

"Ouch." He said feeling sympathetic for what ever poor sod took the actual hit.