• Published 7th Aug 2015
  • 441 Views, 2 Comments

With the Pink Hatchling - Ponyess

I had found myself in a strange place, as the stranger among what seems to be Ponies, but with the strangest of characteristics. They speak to me, and demands things out of me. How I got here, beats me.

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A New Position: 2

As the Pony she had turned me into, the world had suddenly tilted on the side. Most everything I thought I knew is now in question, or wrong.

As an added surprise and bonus, I had apparently been given my very own bed. There had been a table included in the gift, and a chair. Why? Because they felt it would cost them little, compared with the advantage it gave my new owner, the Pink Hatchling.

As unaccustomed as I may be to my new self as a Pony, it isn’t quite as difficult as I should have expected. I guess it doesn’t serve them to be hampered by the learning curve. As it is now, I am fully adjusted to the situation, aside from not being used to the change, the Changeling way.

Trotting is as easy as walking had ever been to me before, just as I can speak as if nothing had happened. I guess it is kind of as having a vacation from one’s own body.

As our customs have it, I am supposed to give you a name. One we can easily pronounce; that is!” she kindly offered.

“Would Chihiro; Chi-hi-ro sound right to you? I inquired.

“Chihiro? That is a very pretty name, as names goes. I am commonly known as Hitomi!” she responded with a widening grin all over her muzzle.

“Then I will call you Hitomi from now on. I feel more welcome, when I know the name of the individual I am with!” I put forth.

“Yes, it certainly is. That is why we initiated to name Ponies like yourself. Now I can easily call out to you!” she responded happily.

“Funny, I can barely remember my Human name. On the other hoof, I guess it wouldn’t matter, for as long as I am here with you!” I expressed.

“Don’t worry, it will come back to you, any time you are in your original, Human form. I guess this would be your Pony name, for when you are with us in our Hive!” she put forth.

“That Human girl is still a part of me, but right now, I can make it without most of my experience from my past life as that Human girl I was born as!” I pondered.

“Nothing of what was truly you, will ever be lost. As a matter of fact, it will be as if no time past, in terms of memory degradation!” she explained.

“This is the most basic of all Changeling magical spells. Just a slight moderation I can perform, being a Pink Changeling. Since I am a Hatchling, my forms are younglings, what ever form I give, or take. You are a filly, for this very reason. I guess this is convenient!” she pointed out as explanation.

“Basic? Changeling magic?” I responded, in a slight confusion.

“Yes, changing our forms is the most basic of all our spells. If you have heard of Unicorns? They use their horns in order to focus and channel magic too. Of course, they have very different spells; their simplest is levitation.

“Wait, wait. Now I do remember the Unicorns. In my Pony form you just gave me, I have a few vague memories of Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth type Ponies. It is the Unicorns who use their magic openly in the most blatant form!” I pondered.

“Using basic magic, by channeling it through the horn is the easiest to perform. At least on a conscious level!” she explained eagerly.

“Now as you mentioned it, isn’t Pegasi flight an act of performing magic too?!” I responded.

“As a matter of fact; yes, it certainly is, the same goes for Changeling flight. You did see my wings, right; Chihiro?” the continued, still smiling.

“It is kind of strange. I can’t do either, so what can I do?” I inquired.

“Earth type Ponies commonly tend the land on their farms. Unfortunately, I don’t know all that much about these things; with my age in mind and all that. Maybe older Changelings know?” she answered.

“I take it, they need me as an Earth type. It isn’t merely because the others would be harder to control with flight or open magic available to them. Fillies are not going to be reliable in performing magic in any event!” I suggested.

“Your abilities will develop with time, and practice will help you to improve!” she concluded.

“Makes sense!” I merely responded, slipping up on the top of my newly installed bed.

I felt the need for a nap, why stubbornly resist? A moment after I had placed my head on the pillow, I closed my eyes and quietly fell asleep.

I open my eyes. I am still in the bed, where I had fallen asleep earlier. Not exactly surprised to find myself in the same Pony form as I had been, when I climbed into bed and fell asleep. Maybe I had been surprised, had I been changed into something else, something different. That certainly would have been a shock worth writing home about. Wouldn’t it?

“Slept well, I hope!” Hitomi inquired, expecting I confirmation.

“Yeah. I sure did sleep well!” I responded.

“Good, you need your sleep as well as any Pony else. Excuse that pun, as amusing as it may feel, depending on your current position. We all do need our sleep!” she pointed out.

“Well, I did know that Ponies did sleep and that they did need it, even before I came here. I guess I expected it to be something universal. At least among higher forms like mammalians, such as us!” I pondered in a more uncertain tone of voice.

“Guess that Does sound reasonable enough!” she responded.

“Thanks. I like to be reasonable!” I pondered quietly.

“Good thing I wasn’t old enough for them to tell me how you were expected to be like. Now I can make up my very own opinion, based on actual experiences. I love talking with you. I hope you enjoy sharing the room with me too!” she expressed.

“For one thing, I certainly don’t enjoy being alone. This far, you have been a good companion!” I pointed out in response.

“The trap of social beings, or a blessing beyond descriptions!” she suggested.

“I felt the same, before I was turned into a Pony, I know as much. Yet, the feeling has not diminished, in the least since I changed either!” I pointed out.

“That is what I had expected. I was the Changeling, hatched for this purpose. They had apparently chosen you, for me!” she then concluded with utter finality.

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