• Published 7th Aug 2015
  • 439 Views, 2 Comments

With the Pink Hatchling - Ponyess

I had found myself in a strange place, as the stranger among what seems to be Ponies, but with the strangest of characteristics. They speak to me, and demands things out of me. How I got here, beats me.

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Female Episode: 1

Author's Note:

Female's POV

A Pony had led me into a small room, looking more like a cell. At least she did look like a Pony to me, even if she had a few strange characteristics. Firstly, she is a glistering black. On the other hand, she has wings; while the wing, tail and body all have these strange, curious little holes scattered all over. Then I also noticed a horn in her forehead. Aside from the holes, the strange thing about her wings, they look more like the wings of an insect, like Fly than the once of a Bird, or Bat.

She spoke fairly kindly to me, even if I guess she was a bit on the insistent end of it.

I had noticed that all the others gave her a special place in the dark halls. Why, and who she is, I have no idea as of yet. Considering the fact that she left me in this room, I hope she is something like a Quarter Master, rather than a Jailer. I would hate for this to be some kind of a jail. I have heard of them, and seen images on the movies from time to time. I never liked what I heard, or the movies where the images usually came from. Something about the atmosphere of the entire setting, I guess.

Once she had left me in this barren, Spartan room, I found myself alone in what looks like a cell. If it is a prison, or a monastery, but what’s the difference to me. I still find myself stuck. Although I guess I still do have a bed.

Since I had nothing better to do, I spent the time, moping on the bed. A room cut out of solid rock, with nothing else did not exactly leave me with all that many options, after all. Now did it?

I hear the door open, but doesn’t really dignify the noise with any reaction. Once the door closed, I scramble, getting to my feet and stood before what was entering the room.

What I see is a new Changeling, a Hatchling. Only she is not the black I had seen before. She is clearly different, Pink. Why?

My thoughts stumbled, and with them, so did I. Then I found myself on all fours, just like her, the pink Changeling. She moved up to me, sniffed me, examined me. Once she finished, she placed her muzzle on my neck and bit me. Strangely enough, it did not really hurt and she drew no blood. Why would she? I thought of her as a Pony. A strange Pony, yet a Pony nonetheless.

Now, this is when it did get really strange and funny. Just like the Unicorn of the Myths and Fables, so does the Changelings; this Changeling does wield Magic. Should I have been all that surprised, of Shocked? I guess not. Besides, this was the ideal time to do what she ended up doing.

Looking down I see my hands glow for the briefest of instants. Once the glow passed, my hands are no longer hands. At least; that is what I could see. If I had had a mirror, I would have seen a Pony, not so dissimilar to her. I am still the same light pinkish skin tone as I had been before, but my mane is the same as hers. Just no holes in it.

As much of a shock as it had been; once it had sunk in, I guess I got used to standing on all fours in the style of the Pony I now resemble, for all intents and purposes. It isn’t as if I had had a say, and now I have no way of turning back to what I had been. Yet, unbeknownst to me, this would merely last as long as a Changeling could regularly maintain her form. I am to carry this form for the following three days, unless she had a change of heart and changed her mind; in which case I may become my old Human self.

What I had failed to notice, is the saddle she had placed on my back. I guess it isn’t all that heavy. Maybe it is too much a part of me for me to notice. Unless it is in how it materialised in the change. Or, is it actually a part of who I am, who I will be for now.

What I had not yet realised, is that she had made me into an Equestrian Pony as opposed to the regular Horses from where I came from.

If the difference had any relevance, or if my failure to notice and thus realise it made any difference to me; or at all? who is to say? I guess I do no longer care.

On the other hoof; she knew of it, just as it does a world of difference to her. She as a Changeling is feeding on Ponies, but apparently not on Earthern Horses. Exactly what she was feeding on, I had no idea, she never did tell me. At least, not yet. I did not feel any difference, there is no difference I could notice. If it is in ignorance, or if it could not be recognised by the likes of me. Did the fact that I had never been born as a Pony make any difference?

Maybe there had never been anyone for me, none that is special to me right now. Was this the difference to me? She never told me. As it turned out, I soon did develop an affection for her. If she had pushed me in the direction, or if there was something within me, who is to say? Maybe it is in how I had had none before, thus striving towards finding just that? Although she did look nice and acted warmly towards me, at least in my point of view. Who is to deny me this opinion? There is but her in the room.

Naturally, the other Changelings would do nothing to change this. I just had no idea. On the other hoof, they stood to gain nothing from separating the two of us.
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