• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 459 Views, 9 Comments

The New Elements - The Daughter of the Moon

Set one-billion years in the future, the children of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight rule the new generation of Equestria.

  • ...

A Trip Down Memory Lane - Blue Embers

"Hey, sis, let's watch your cutie mark story next!" Sky prodded her sister.

Hesitantly, Blue Embers slowly walked up to her picture with her cutie mark, a burning blue fire, above it. After watching it for a while, she let a single tear slip down her cheek.


Silently, everypony gathered around Blue Ember's picture as more tears fell down her cheek.

"Ugh… Maybe I should go back to the orphanage…" Blue Embers moaned as she clutched her stomach, laying on the concrete ground of Canterlot.

Blue Embers' parents died when she was five years old. She eventually found her way to the orphanage, but in the three years that she had been there, nopony wanted to adopt her. Blue Embers gave up hope and ran away, hoping to fend for herself, but things didn't go as she planned. She scavenged for food scraps in the back alleys of Canterlot, but rarely found anything edible.

"B-but I have to f-find food…" Blue Embers stuttered as she forced herself to stand up and keep looking.

Hooves trembling, she slowly walked deeper into one of the alleys, until she saw a dumpster, seeming to have been there for weeks.

"Maybe I can find something good." Blue Embers said hopefully as she hopped in to the dumpster. "I haven't had anything to eat in weeks…"

Rummaging through the garbage, all she saw were rotten old clothes covered in moth holes and some moldy bread.

"Ewww… Moly bread…" Blue Embers said, disgusted. "Maybe I can find something better to eat."

Looking deeper in dumpster, she still only saw old clothes and more moldy bread, until…

"A GLASS GOBLET!" Blue Embers exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "Maybe I can sell this for some bits to buy food!"

Ignoring her hunger, the young filly quickly climbed out of the dumpster, holding her treasure. Blue Embers ran as fast as she could through the alley, eager to find a pawn shop before it closed for the night. She was almost at the end of the alley, but before she could reach Canterlots' wide, open road, she tripped on a cardboard box and dropped the glass goblet, shattering it with a loud CRACK!

Flinching, Blue Embers stood up and looked at the shattered goblet, crestfallen.

"Th-that was my only chance of finding food…" Blue Embers said weakly, devastated.

Suddenly, in the dim light of the alley, Blue Embers saw a shadow slowly approach her. She turned around to see a large pony in a dark cloak, slowly walking closer and closer to her. Terrified, Blue Embers slowly backed away from the cloaked pony. She was about to escape the figure approaching her until she tripped on the cardboard box again and fell on her rump. Wincing, she looked at the dark pony who was extending its hoof towards her. Blue Embers closed her eyes shut, preparing to feel pain, but she felt no pain at all. Instead the cloaked pony just stood in front of her, hoof extended toward her. Hesitantly, Blue Embers reached her hoof out and grabbed the strangers' hoof. The pony pulled on Blue Embers' hoof, helping her stand up.

"Th-thanks…" Blue Embers stuttered, hooves shaking.

The pony nodded, then pulled back its hood revealing its face.

"P-PRINCESS CELESTIA?!?!"" Blue Embers yelled, mouth agape. "B-BUT HOW?! W-WHY?! H-HO-"

Princess Celestia put her hoof against Blue Embers' mouth, silencing her.

"My apologies, young filly, but nopony must know that I am here." The princess whispered as she removed her hoof from Blue Embers' mouth.

Blue Embers still shocked by the presence of royalty, Princess Celestia continued talking.

"I am sorry for startling you; I did not mean to harm you. I was walking down the road when I heard a loud noise, and I came to investigate." The princess whispered.

"B-b-but…" Blue Embers muttered, at a loss of words.

Princess Celestia put her hoof on the fillys' shoulder.

"It's okay. You can calm down now." The princess said soothingly.

Blue Embers calmed down a bit, breathing more slowly. She smiled at the princess, for nopony had talked to her in months.

"By the way, what's a young filly like yourself doing on the streets of Canterlot at this hour?" Princess Celestia questioned.

"I-I-I…" Blue Embers stammered, tears forming in her eyes. She wanted to tell the princess everything, about her parents' death, not being wanted by anypony, running away, fending for herself, but she just couldn't get it out!

"Did you get separated from your family?" Princess Celestia asked, voice filled with pity. "I can help you find them."

The princess held the fillys' hoof, guiding her out of the alleyway. But to her surprise, Blue Embers jerked her hoof away from the princess', eyes filled with angry tears.

"THEY'RE GONE!" Blue Embers screamed, breathing heavily.

Princess Celestia looked at the rage-filled filly in front of her, eyes filling with sympathy.

"Th-they're g-gone…" Blue Embers mumbled weakly before collapsing to the ground, blacking out.

When Blue Embers woke up, she was in a large canopy bed in a large room, filled with expensive looking furniture and decorations.

"W-where am I?" Blue Embers moaned, head hurting. She look out the window beside her to see Canterlot from above, ponies busily walking on the streets, each had somewhere to be.

Princess Celestia walked into the room, a relieved look on her face.

"Thanks goodness you are awake!" The princess said warmly.

"W-where am I, princess?" Blue Embers managed to get out.

"You're in Canterlot Castle." Princess Celestia replied.

"CANTERLOT CASTLE?! I'M IN CANTERLOT CASTLE?! WITH THE PRINCESS?!" Blue Embers wanted to shout, but she was too tired to speak.

Princess Celestia looked closely at Blue Embers and smiled.

"I'll come back later. It seems that you are too tired to speak." The princess said as she turned to leave.

"W-wait… D-don't l-leave m-me…" Blue Embers mumbled before she fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later, Blue Embers woke up. She opened her eyes, and saw Princess Celestia looking at her.

"Gah!" Blue Embers yelled, startled.

"Did I startle you?" Princess Celestia laughed.

"N-no… I just have… um… allergies! Yes, I have… allergies." Blue Embers stammered.

The princess laughed.

"Oh, yes! I never got your name. Would you mind telling me what it is? Princess Celestia asked.

"Blue Embers!" Blue Embers replied. "My name is Blue Embers."

"That's a beautiful name." Princess Celestia complemented.

Blue Embers blushed.

"Are you feeling better?" The princess asked.

"Yes! Much better." Blue Embers replied cheerfully.

"Well then, let's go get you cleaned up! You don't want to be trailing dirt around everywhere you go!"

Blue Embers blushed, embarrassed.

"It's okay! When I was younger, when I came home from playing, I left a big, messy trail of dirt wherever I went!"

"Really?" Blue Embers giggled.

"Mmm-hmm! And then we can have lunch together!" Princess Celestia chirped. "It appears that you haven't had anything to eat in a very long time." Princess Celestia said as she looked at Blue Embers' alarmingly skinny frame.

"M-me!? Eat l-lunch?! W-with the p-princess?!" Blue Embers stuttered.

"Why of course!" Princess Celestia replied.

Blue Embers hopped out of bed and followed Princess Celestia. As they were walking down the halls, Blue Embers marveled at the large rooms and halls, all filled with priceless decorations and furniture. But as they walked farther down the halls, Blue Embers noticed something. Whenever Princess Celestia walked near somepony, they bowed, but they only walked past herself, giving her dirty looks. She heard the maids and butlers whisper mean things about her.

"Dirty street rat."

"She shouldn't even be allowed inside Canterlot, much less in Canterlot Castle! Near the princess!"

"Why would the princess even give that urchin a single thought?"

But Princess Celestia didn't even notice. Hanging her head low, Blue Embers trudged down the halls, Princess Celestia in front of her.

Finally, Blue Embers reached the doors to the Royal Bathing Room.

"Am I even allowed to go in here?" Blue Embers asked nervously.

"Of course!" Princess Celestia replied as she walked in. "You're with me, aren't you?"

Blue Embers hesitantly walked into the room. The moment she saw what was in there, all her disappointment melted away.

"B-b-b…" Blue Embers stammered, at a loss for words.

"Do you like it?" Princess Celestia asked.

"I-it's n-nice…" Blue Embers managed to get out, but instantly regretted saying it. 'Nice' was definitely an understatement.

The room was made entirely of crystal, with crystal showers, crystal bathtubs, crystal sinks, crystal hot tubs filled with what looked like crystal liquid, and much more!

"My niece just imported all of the furniture from the Crystal Empire." The princess explained.

"Oh, well that explains all the crystal!" Blue Embers laughed.

"Well then, let's get you cleaned up!"

Blue Embers went into one of the bath tubs after it had been filled up. She sighed, feeling her body relax.

"Ahhh… This is so nice…" Blue Embers sighed.

Princess Celestia grabbed some soap and a loofa. She put rubbed the soap on the loofa and then started to rub it on Blue Embers' back.

"Ah!" Blue Embers shouted, taken aback. She turned her head behind her. "W-what are you doing?"

"I'm cleaning you!" The princess replied. "Just relax, Blue Embers."

"Okay." Blue Embers said as she slid back into the tub and closed her eyes.

"bers… embers… blue embers…"

Blue Embers groaned.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!"

Blue Embers opened her eyes. She was on a couch, her mane wrapped up in a towel, the princess sitting next to her.

"Oh no… Did I fall asleep again?" Blue Embers moaned.

"It's okay. You were only asleep for a few minutes." Princess Celestia assured Blue Embers as she removed the towel from her head.

Blue Embers gasped.

"My hair! It's…"



"These towels are enchanted." The princess explained. "When you take them off, you don't need to brush your mane because they magically style your mane perfectly!"

"That's so cool!" Blue Embers exclaimed.

"C'mon! Let's go to the dining hall!" Princess Celestia insisted.

Blue Embers trotted excitedly after the princess. This had turned out to be the best day ever! She was taken in by the princess, was currently staying in the castle, and was about to eat with her! But all the excitement didn't last long, as soon as Blue Embers exited the Bathing Room, the servants started giving her dirty looks again. Blue Embers sulked behind Princess Celestia.

After what had felt like forever, Blue Embers reached the dining hall entrance. The two guards at the doors let the princess in, but they blocked Blue Embers from entering.

"Wait! Princess Celestia!" Blue Embers called out.

Princess Celestia looked back at Blue Embers on the other side of the doors. She commanded the guards to let her in. Reluctantly, they moved out of the way to let Blue Embers pass, but they shot her mean looks.

Princess Celestia sat in a chair at the head of the table, resembling the royal throne, only smaller. It was white as snow with a beautiful sun emblazoned on it. There were two other chairs near the table. The first on, which was to the right of Princess Celestia, was royal blue, with a moon surrounded by black splotches emblazoned on it. The other chair, which was to the right of Princess Celestia, was a deep shade of purple, with a moon surrounded by splotches also on it, except half of the splotches were black, while the other half were purple.

"Where should I sit?" Blue Embers asked, observing that none of the chairs matched her coat or mane color.

Princess Celestia used her magic to make a small, orange throne with a burning blue fire emblazoned on it appear at the end of the table.

"You can sit there, so we can be across from each other!" Princess Celestia insisted.

Blue Embers sat in the orange chair, marveling at how big it was compared to herself.

"Wow, this is so comfortable!" Blue Embers exclaimed gleefully.

"I'm glad you like it" Princess Celestia replied.

Suddenly, trumpets sounded as waiters and waitresses walked through the door, each carrying multiple plates of food. They set all of the food down on Princess Celestia's side of the table, but none on Blue Embers' side. Princess Celestia looked at Blue Embers, who had a disappointed look on her face. Princess Celestia winked at Blue Embers. She smirked as the waiters and waitresses left the room. Smiling, she lifted all of the food to the middle of the table, so both her and Blue Embers could reach it. Blue Embers' eyes lit up.

"Eat as much as you like!" Princess Celestia said as she took a bite out of some apple pie.

"Really?!" Blue Embers exclaimed, drooling.

"Of course!" The princess replied, mouth stuffed with apple pie.

Drooling, Blue Embers put some apple pie, marble cake, blueberry muffins, cupcakes, and brownies on her plate. Princess Celestia looked at Blue Embers' plate, and then her own. She shrugged. Her plate had twice as many sweets than Blue Embers' plate!

"Do wowals eaw wiwe is ery ay?" Blue Embers asked, mouth too full with food to speak properly.

"Eh cah ewertawd oo!" Princess Celestia muffled, mouth also filled with food.

For the next hour, Princess Celestia and Blue Embers stuffed their mouths with as much food as they could. Princess Celestia had no guards inside the dining hall because they would certainly disapprove the way her and Blue Embers were eating. Only after an hour of nonstop eating were Princess Celestia and Blue Embers' stomachs' full.

"That was the best meal I've ever had in my entire life!" Blue Embers said as she burped.

"I'm glad you liked it!" Princess Celestia said as she burped as well.

Blue Embers and Princess Celestia burst into laughter.

"So, there's something I want to talk to you about." Princess Celestia giggled.

"What is it?" Blue Embers asked, struggling to suppress her laughter.

Princess Celestia took a deep breath. She looked into Blue Embers' eyes.

"Where are your parents?"

Blue Embers stomach sank.

"M-my p-parents?" Blue Embers stuttered nervously.

"Yes." The princess replied. "When I asked you back in the alley, you unfortunately blacked out. You said they were gone."

Blue Embers looked down.

"Th-they died when I was five…" Blue Embers replied, still looking down.

Princess Celestia stood up and walked towards Blue Embers.

"I found my way to the Canterlot Orphanage, but nopony wanted me. Then I ran away." Blue Embers sniffled.

"Oh… I'm sorry."

The princess hugged Blue Embers, who was startled at first, but then hugged her back. They shared a silent moment, tears streaming down both of their faces.

Blue Embers remembered the times she shared with her parents. Her father reading bedtime stories, her mom and dad tucking her in at night, going to the store with her mother, playing in the yard with her father. Every moment Blue Embers had with her parents was replayed in her mind. Blue Embers cracked a tiny smile, thanking the universe for very second she spent with her parents.

After their moment was over, Princess Celestia looked at Blue Embers and smiled.

"Well then, would you like to be adopted?"

Blue Embers eyes widened, her heart racing.

"B-by w-who?" Blue Embers struggled to get out.

Princess Celestia giggled. She put her hoof around Blue Embers' shoulder.

"By me!"

Blue Embers heart nearly stopped.

"WHAT?!?! THE PRINCESS OF EQUESTRIA IS GOING TO ADOPT ME?!?!" Blue Embers yelled before she fainted.

"My, that filly tends to faint very often! I should try not to surprise her so much…" Princess Celestia thought to herself before teleporting Blue Embers to the bed in her new room.

After Blue Embers woke up, Princess Celestia held a coronation for her new daughter and invited all the royals of Equestria. Blue Embers had the chance to meet her auntie Luna and her daughter, Lunares (who was very cheerful at the time), her auntie Cadence, uncle Shining, auntie Twilight, uncle Flash, and all her other relatives! Then Blue Embers was fitted for her new royal attire. Blue Embers got to decorate her new room and was given a tour of the castle! On top of everything, Princess Celestia threw another party for her! It was the best week of her life! However, the celebrations wouldn't last long…

Two years later, Princess Luna went with the night guard to help Shining and Cadence fight an army of shadow ponies in the Crystal Mountians, insisting that her sister had ought to spend time with her daughter, especially celebrating the day she adopted Blue Embers. Celestia agreed, and Luna went to battle by herself.

Princess Celestia threw a party for Blue Embers, recounting all the times they laughed, cried, and had cake together. Princess Celestia invited all her friends, including Twilight and Flash, while Blue Embers invited all her friends from her school, Celestias' School for Gifted Unicorns. Everypony was having a great time! Unknown to Princess Celestia, Blue Embers had made a gift for her! She was going to give it to her mother at midnight. When the clock struck twelve, Blue Embers went up to her room to get it.

"Now, where is it?" Blue Embers thought as she rummaged around her room for the gift. "Oh, right! I remember where it is!"

Blue Embers walked over to the fireplace in her room. She stuck her hoof in the fire and when she brought it out, she was holding a wrapped box.

"I can't wait to give this to mom!" Blue Embers thought excitedly as she skipped back to the ballroom.

However, to her surprise, when Blue Embers went downstairs to the ballroom, everypony was on the floor, seemingly lifeless.

Blue Embers dropped her gift.

"W-what happened?" Blue Embers muttered as she sank to the floor.

Blue Embers' eyes searched for her mother in the sea of motionless bodies, but it was to no avail.

"I'll just have to look harder…" Blue Embers thought to herself as she stood up.

Blue Embers walked through what seemed like a massacre, careful not to step on anypony. She looked for her mother, thinking it would be easy, for she had a much larger body frame than any other pony in the land. Finally, Blue Embers spotted her mother, in the middle of the room.

"Mother!" Blue Embers cried as she raced to her side.

Blue Embers put her hoof on her mothers' arm, but quickly drew it back with a cry, for her body was as hard and cold as ice.

"H-how did this happen?" Blue Embers thought as she warmed up her hoof with a spell.

"HA HA HA HA HA!!!" A voice laughed.

"W-who's there?" Blue Embers called out, trying to be brave.

"Oh, no one…" The voice cooed slyly. "Just somepony… Ask your cousins… They know me…"

"W-what? I don't have any cousins, s-so there!" Blue Embers spat.

"Oh, you will… soon… very, very soon…" The voice sneered.

"J-just show yourself!" Blue Embers yelled.

"HA HA HA HA HA!!!" The voice cackled.

The voice echoed through the room, and then was gone.

"W-what was that about?" Blue Embers mumbled, shocked at what just happened.

Blue Embers looked at her mother.

"What?!" Blue Embers cried. Her mother, who looked like a young mare even though she was millions of years old, looked like a normal pony who was a hundred years old! Her mother was looking even older as more seconds passed by.

"Is she losing her immortality?!" Blue Embers thought. She racked her brain for answers, but she thought of nothing that could explain what was happening.

Now her mother looked like a normal pony who was a hundreds years old!

"S-she's gonna die!" Blue Embers cried. "I need to find help!"

Blue Embers raced out of the ballroom as fast as she could, tears in her eyes. She needed to find a butler, maid, guard, anypony! They needed to save her mother NOW!

She spotted a guard in the hall.

"Sir! Please help me!" Blue Embers begged him. "My mother is gonna die!"

"Yeah right. She's IMMORTAL, you brat!" The guard scolded her.

"Please, she's in trouble!" Blue Embers implored him. "She doesn't haven much time to live! Please, please, if you have ANY heart, PLEASE save her!" Blue Embers cried, tears streaming down her face.

The guard scoffed.

"Move along, YOUR HIGHNESS!" The guard mocked.

Blue Embers looked at him one last time, eyes red and puffy, tears dripping down her face.


The guard walked away, mumbling something to himself.

Blue Embers shut her eyes and ran away from him.

"If he isn't gonna save mother, I'll got help from somepony else! Surely they'll help me!" Blue Embers told herself, but she had doubts if ANYPONY would actually believe her.

Blue Embers asked for help from every pony she saw in the hall, but no one believed her. Defeated, Blue Embers eventually went back into the ballroom, her mother on the verge of death.

"I'm sorry, mother…" Blue Embers sniffed sadly, tears spilling on her mother's face and instantly freezing. "I couldn't save you…"

"But if you're gonna die, I'm gonna die too!" Blue Embers proclaimed. She made a large knife appear, and sliced her left eye.

Blue Embers screamed in agony, her voice echoing through the land. She wanted the pain to stop! She didn't want to live in a world without her mother! She had just gotten a family, and then it had been taken away from her! She didn't want to live anymore! Not without her family! Not without her mother! Blue Embers collapsed to her knees, sobbing, eyes filled with tears and blood.

Suddenly, a thought hit Blue Embers.

"Ponies can give another pony life energy through a spell, bit it takes years to master. The pony casting it will age many years in seconds. But don't worry, you'll never have to use it, because I will always protect you, Blue Embers." Her mother had told her.

Blue Embers stopped crying. She wiped away her tears and covered her left eye with gauze.

"It looks like I'm going to be the one protecting you…" Blue Embers smiled sadly at her mother.

First, Blue Embers had to form a time bubble around her mother and herself. Inside the bubble, Blue Embers would age countless years, but to anypony outside the bubble, no time would pass at all. As Blue Embers became older, the pony she was transferring her life energy to would become younger. She had only practiced the spell for a week, but her mother said it was really good for how short she was working on it.

Blue Embers sighed.

"Let's do this."

Blue Embers closed her eyes.

For hundreds of years, Blue Embers sat by her mother, aging and aging, in hopes of reviving at least a fraction of her mothers' life, just enough so that she could save herself. Blue Embers ate nothing, drank nothing, just sat there for years, all while holding up a spell.

As the sun began the rise (Princess Luna raised it from the Crystal Empire), the ponies in the ballroom began to rise from the floor. They had only been frozen, so the sun shining through the window thawed them. As they warmed their bodies up, they turned their attention to the bubble in the middle of the room. Inside were two ponies, mother and daughter. It looked as if the younger mare was getting older and older as seconds passed by, while the elder mare was getting ever so slightly younger. Alarmed, they called they guards. The guards tried to break the bubble around the two, but it was to no avail. Blue Embers was going to sacrifice everything to save her mother, no matter the cost, no matter what stood in her way, no matter what.

Inside the time bubble, Princess Celestia opened her eyes, feeling warmth surround her body. In front of her was her daughter, but she looked different somehow.

"B-blue Emb-bers?" Princess Celestia called out weakly, barely a whisper.

The thousand year old mare looked at the youthful mare in front of her and smiled.

The time bubble began to dissipate.

"T-thank you m-mother…" Blue Embers rasped, teeth chattering, hooves shaking.

Princess Celestia didn't understand.

"B-blue Ember-rs… w-whats going on-n?" Princess Celesita mumbled.

"I-I'm sorry moth-ther…" Blue Embers wept.

Princess Celestia opened her eyes wide. It was only for a moment, but in front of her was an aged Blue Embers, with gray hair, shaking hooves, a wrinkly coat, and a gash across the left side of her face. She was smiling, tears streaming down her face.


Blue Embers collapsed to the floor as the time bubble fell, leaving mother and daughter before a crowd, shocked at what had happened before their eyes.

Princess Celestia stood up, hoof rubbing her head.

"What happened?"

The ponies before her pointed at Blue Embers, who was laying on the floor behind her.

Princess Celestia gasped, and instantly ran to her daughters' side.

"Blue Embers!"

Princess Celestia looked turned her head to the crowd of ponies behind her.

"What did she do?" Princess Celestia asked, devastated.

A stallion stepped forward.

"We saw Princess Blue Embers make some sort of bubble around herself and you. And then-- "

"A b-bubble?" Princess Celestia blurted, voice quavering.

"Y-yes," The stallion continued. "And it appeared that she was aging--"

Princess Celestia's faced filled with horror.

"No… She couldn't have…" Princess Celestia mumbled.

She looked at her daughters' aged face. Blue Embers was smiling.

"She did that… to save me?"

"Poor Blue Embers…" Princess Celestia mourned as she hugged her daughters' body tightly.

Princess Celestias' horn began to glow brightly. Everypony stepped back from the two princesses. A bubble began to form around Princess Celestia and Blue Embers. Inside the bubble, the crowd could see Blue Embers returning to her original, youthful state, but Princess Celestia didn't look as if she was becoming older. Instead, Princess Celestia looked the same as her present state.

As the bubble began to dissipate, the crowd gasped at the sight of the young princess.

Princess Celestia stook out her hoof and helped Blue Embers stand.

"Reminds me of the first time we met…" Princess Celestia smiled.

Suddenly, Blue Embers' wings stretched out from her body.

"I-I'm a…" Blue Embers stuttered, shocked,

"You're an alicorn now!" Princess Celestia announced.

At the sight of Blue Embers' new wings, the crowd bowed before their princess.

"Y-you don't have to b-bow…" Blue Embers mumbled quietly, blushing.

Blue Embers turned her head behind her. She was an alicorn now!

"Hmm… there's something else…"

Blue Embers turned her head more to see a burning blue fire on her flank.

Blue Embers gasped.

"My cutie mark!" Blue Embers exclaimed.

Princess Celestia looked at Blue Embers' flank.

"You're right!"

"Wait a minute…" Blue Embers paused. "The chair… the fire… how did you know it would be my cutie mark, mother?"

"Oh, I know things…" Princess Celestia smirked.

"That's so cool! I-I-I just… I-I'm just so excited I could just--"

Blue Embers fainted in front of Princess Celestia, wings awkwardly sticking out.

"Darn it! I was doing so well!" Princess Celestia complained.

Blue Embers was on the floor of the Time Plane, crying, while the group embraced her in hug.

"Shhh… It's okay…" Crystal soothed Blue Embers as she wiped her eyes.

"B-but she d-died e-earl-ly b-because I-I g-gave her n-normal l-life en-nergy…" Blue Embers sobbed.

"That's certainly not true!" Lunares scoffed.

"Well then, why don't you tell your cousin it wasn't her fault?" The voice suggested.

"And let her know the truth ?" Lunares scoffed. "No way!"

The voice gasped.

"You'd do that for Blue Embers?"

"I guess…" Lunares mumbled.

"Ah ha! I told you Lunares! You do have some good in you!"

"Shut up."

"Is there anything you want to tell my sister, Lunares?" Tranquil Skies questioned as she eyed her cousin.

"Calm down, Sky." Star said as she put her hoof on Skys' shoulder. "Just leave her alone."

"Fine." Sky sulked.

"Lighten up, Blue Embers!" Heart insisted as she made a box of tissues appear in front of Blue Embers.

Pushing away from the group embrace, Precious Jewel walked down the Time Plane to Tranquil Skies' story, with a sun poking out of a black cloud emblazoned above it.

Alone, Precious Jewel watched Skys' cutie mark story, while the others continued to comfort Blue Embers.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! Now I know you're wondering how Blue Embers, as a regular pony, can age hundreds of years. So here's my theory. Granny Smith was one of the founders of Ponyville (mentioned in Family Appreciation Day), but Twilight said (in Winter Wrap Up) that Ponyville had been around for hundreds of years. So I'm guessing that regular ponies can be up to hundreds of years old. Maybe because they live an a world filled with magic, or maybe because they live near the Royal Sisters.

Also, if you were confused by the whole "transferring life engery" thing and how Blue Embers became an alicorn, I'll explain it.

Blue Embers is a normal pony. Princess Celestia is an immortal pony. Blue Embers can live to be about 1,000 years old, while Princess Celestia can live to be billions of years old. Blue Embers transferred her normal life energy into Princess Celestia, who is an immortal pony, so Blue Embers would have to transfer almost all of her life energy for Princess Celestia to become slightly younger. But when Princess Celestia transferred her life energy to Blue Embers, she looked the same because 1,000 years to her seemed like nothing.

Next, when Princess Celestia transferred her immortal, alicorn life energy to Blue Embers, she became immortal, and an aliform, because she has some immortal life energy within her. However, she will probably live a shorter life than natural alicorns. (Sorry if everything was kind of complicated :facehoof: )

Another thing, sorry for this taking FOREVER. I hurt my hand really bad, so it was really hard to type. Also, I was working on some art for this fimfic (that you can check out on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6iJCqxMO-WlbNLpx6PyIw) Thanks for waiting!

Comments ( 5 )

6406615 Er, it sounds like you're talking to yourself since nobody else but you and I are commenting here on this story. I'd recommend waiting for more comments first, just my two cents on the issue.

6415314 I guess your right. I just commented because there are some people who read the comments, but don't actually comment on the page. :applejackunsure:

6415415 Even so, wait first. It'll pay off in the long run.

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