• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 459 Views, 9 Comments

The New Elements - The Daughter of the Moon

Set one-billion years in the future, the children of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight rule the new generation of Equestria.

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Princess Blue Embers, Princess Tranquil Skies, and Princess Lunares were waiting in the throne room for their cousins, Crystal Shield, Heart Wing, and Precious Jewel, called the Crystal Guardians, to arrive. Night Wing, Lunares' personal bodyguard, was standing in the shadows, closely watching Lunares as she looked down at her hooves. Princess Blue Embers and Princess Tranquil Skies, or the Celestial Sisters, decided to form new elements, since the descendants of the Mane Six had disappeared, and Equestria had lost one of its main sources of protection. However, they needed the approval of all the princesses of Equestria in order to form new elements to be the new guardians of Equestria.

"When are our cousins coming? Tranquil Skies asked her older sister. "We've been waiting for a while now."

"Be patient, Sky." Blue Embers replied. "They should be here soon."

The Royal Fanfare of the Crystal Empire played as a guard announced, "Princess Crystal Shield, Princess Heart Wing, and Princess Precious Jewel have arrived!"

Two guards opened the doors to let the Princesses of the Crystal Empire into the room. But before the three entered the room, Crystal Shield scolded the announcer, "It's General Crystal Shield, not princess."

Precious Jewel whispered to him, "J-just Precious Jewel is f-fine…"

Heart Wing gleefully shouted, "Just call us the Crystal Guardians next time!"

"My apologies, Crystal Guardians." The announcer bowed.

"Girls!" Sky said as she ran to greet them.

"Sky!" Heart Wing said as she hugged Sky.

"Greetings, Tranquil Skies." Crystal Shield said as she took off her helmet.

"Why are you always so serious, Crystal?" Heart teased.

Blue Embers stood up and went to greet them, but Lunares remained on her throne. Blue Embers went on her knees so she could speak eye to eye with Precious Jewel. Embers asked her, "How's my favorite Crystal Pony doing?"

"I'm d-doing fine…" Jewel replied, blushing.

"Well, I guess we're a bit early!" Heart said. "Glowing Starlight isn't even here yet! And she's the most punctual pony I've ever met!"

Sky froze. "Oh no. Did we forget to send Star a letter?!" She panicked.

"No, you didn't!" A voice said from behind them. The princesses turned around to see Glowing Starlight at the door.

"Star!" Sky said with relief as she hugged Star. "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Sky over here thought she forgot to send you a letter." Heart commented.

Starlight giggled.

"Keeping your armor as shiny as always, I see." Star said to Crystal, smirking.

Crystal sighed. "Can we just get down to business?" She grumbled.

"Of course." Blue Embers replied. She summoned up four thrones for her cousins and a table in the middle of them.

As everypony sat down, Precious Jewel went up to Lunares and cuddled with her. Lunares smiled a bit and hugged her.

"Ahem. Now, as everypony knows, my sister and I have called you here to discuss the new elements and their bearers that will be acting as the new guardians of Equestria. For you all know, the Guardians of Equestria have vanished, and every search party sent has come back empty-hooved..." Embers started sadly. "Anyway, does anypony have any objections to forming new elements?"

The room was silent.

"Okay, good! We have no objections." Sky said happily. "So, should the element bearers be normal ponies or ponies of importance?"

"I think the element bearers should be normal ponies because if they were important ponies, then whenever they went off to defend Equestria, they would have to leave their position." Crystal stated. "I couldn't be a princess and a general because whenever I had to train new recruits or go off to fight, I would leave the Crystal Empire in anarchy. But I also think that when the ponies are chosen to be the element bearers, they should go through special training."

"Now, we need to chose what elements the bearers will be representing." Embers continued.

"Not to mention how we're gonna make them and how we're gonna choose the bearers to represent the elements!" Sky added.

"I know! Once we make the elements, we could throw a big party with everypony in Equestria there! Then we could see who the elements react to!" Heart suggested.

"Everypony in Equestria?!" Star panicked. "Do you know how much planning that gathering would take?!"

"If we all worked together, it think we could do it…" Jewel volunteered as Lunares braided her hair.

"Do we have to throw a party?" Crystal complained. "I hate parities…"

"Oh… Okay then…" Jewel stuttered as she shrunk into her seat.

"I think it's a wonderful idea, Jewel." Embers complemented as she shot Crystal a look of disapproval.

"Okay, the party will be in three days and it will be held in the ballroom." Star said as she summoned up a checklist and quill. "Blue Embers can work on the invitations, Heart Wing can work on the decorations and food, Crystal Shield can work on the security, Tranquil Skies can work on the music, and I will work on making sure nothing goes wrong."

Starlight looked at Lunares and Precious Jewel.

"Umm… I guess Lunares and Precious Jewel can… umm… just hang out?" Starlight suggested unsurely.

Lunares nodded.

"Okay then…" Jewel said quietly.

"Okay everypony, we only have three days, so let's plan this party!"

Everypony cheered.

"They're forgetting what elements they are going to chose and how they will even make them." Lunares thought, but she refrained from saying anything.

"Why don't you say something?" Night Wing telepathically asked Lunares.

"They wouldn't care." Lunares replied.

"But the night of the party could turn into chaos!" A voice said. "All these ponies, putting their work aside, traveling far from home, will be disappointed when they find out they came to Canterlot for nothing."

"Who wouldn't want to stay in the palace for a night?" Lunares backlashed. "Besides, one of my cousins surely will have noticed before the night of the party."

"If you say so…"Night Wing replied, unsure of Lunares' decision.

"And… Done!" Starlight said with satisfaction as she checked off the last box on her checklist. "Everything for the party is ready! Invitations were sent, decorations and food are in place, security is good, and the music is ready! The party will be on time. Now, all there is to do now is to to display the elements."

"What do you mean we don't have the elements?!" Starlight demanded.

"I mean, we forgot to make them!" Sky replied. "Oh well."

"Oh well?! OH WELL?! THE ENITRE KINGDOM OF EQUESTRIA IS STAYING IN THE CASTLE, THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THE PARTY HAS JUST BEEN DESTROYED, AND ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS OH WELL?!" Starlight shouted, infuriated. Her mane turned into a blazing purple fire. Tranquil Skies shielded her eyes from Starlight as Lunares summoned up a pair of sunglasses and put them on.

The throne room door burst open and Blue Embers, Crystal Shield, Heart Wing, and Precious Jewel walked into the room.

"There you three are!" Heart greeted them. "I was wondering where you…"

She trailed off as Star turned around and glared at her.

"Avert your eyes!" Heart shouted as she covered Jewel's eyes.

"What in Equestria is going on?" Embers asked, confused.

"Stand back." Crystal ordered them as summoned up a forcefield around Starlight, only to see Jewel inside the forcefield with Star.

"Jewel! What are you doing?!" Crystal shouted, worried.

"It's okay, sis." Jewel assured her sister. "It's not like Star is going to hurt us."

Jewel summoned up a bucket up water and poured it on Star. She returned back to normal, gasping.

"W-what happened?" Star stuttered.

"When me and my sisters came into the room, you were on fire!" Jewel explained.

Star gasped. "The Elements!"

Crystal lowered the forcefield and ran to hug Jewel. "Don't you EVER do that again! I was so worried…"

Sky teleported in front of Embers. "We forgot to make the elements!"

"Oh dear. I guess we have to send everypony home…" Embers decided.

"No, she doesn't." Lunares thought. "It's my fault that they forgot the elements, so I'm gonna fix it!"

"Yay! You agree with me for once!" A voice said.

Night Wing, who was watching Lunares the whole time, raised an eyebrow.

A bright light glowed from Lunares' horn as she started conjuring up a spell.

"Lunares, what are you doing?!" Sky shouted, covering her eyes.

"Uuu.. ahh…." Lunares said, struggling to keep the spell going.

The bright light flashed all around the room, and everything went white.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! The daughters of the Two Sisters are actually first cousins twice removed to the children of Cadence and Twilight, but instead of writing the obscure relative names, they just refer to each other as cousins. Also, Blue Embers and Lunares are 21, Tranquil Skies is 13, Crystal Shield is 18, Heart Wing and Glowing Starlight are 16, and Precious Jewel is 10 (in regular years, not Alicorn years.)